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>We're gonna structure our society around Jesus and his love and the structure and wisdom of the church to build our community post WWIII
>RVTVRN of feudalism and free mercenary companies to solve local "problems"
>Establishing tariffs and setting up checkpoints on roads
>Embracing natural selection by being on top and striving for excellence in order to usher in the first American kingdom

Are you /k/unts ready to become knights of the plains?
>Are you /k/unts ready to become knights of the plains?
Get /o/ and /diy/ on board and we might have something brewing
There won't be a collapse.
History says otherwise but perhaps you have some insight as to why "this time is different" isn't just more head in sand hopium? Please share, anon.
If Pax Americana collapses it will be like the British Empire "collapse"

Whatever replaces it will be worse.
nothing ever happens
When was the last time society truly collapsed? The Bronze Age collapse?
>History says otherwise
so please namedrop the collapses you mean.
Just a reminder, before you say rome, well first say which one. The OG, the eastern variation, the first, second and third german version? Civilizations dont fall fast enough for you to dramatically change your life. Unless you are aztec around 1600, then you die, lol lmao even.
Even mad max scenario is kinda far fetched, because for supposed lack of resources, they really liked wasting them. Even after nuke war people wouldnt just say "fuck human rights, fuck democratic struggle, I love jesus now".
Also if natural selection was ever embraced, half of this board would get eaten and OP would be a boytoy.

You'll still have to go to work and pay taxes.


This is an ad for insecure losers and the mentally ill for a training school.
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>When was the last time society truly collapsed?

Somalia in 1991
States collapse =/= societal collapse

The central authority of Somalia collapsed but the underlying society based on clans survived and become even stronger.
It would be great if we didn't have a thread based on the nonsense of Dmitry Orlov.
Of the top of my dome while shittin:
Whatever tf happened to the Cucuteni–Trypillia people in ukeraine, Bronze age collapse, Crisis of the 3rd century (roman) justinian plague times (roman/europe), magyar raids in germany, black death, 30 years war, and all the other shit that happened in more modern times in thirdie worlds
There will be acres of women in cages to harvest their farts and pipe it all to a stinky power plant. They will stand in big puddles of shit and mud and be fed turkey bacon.
Trump openly discusses inflation as a "country buster." Mental health is at an all time low. Wages completely stagnant. Population crisis across western countries. Middle class is nearly extinct. Fundamental differences in government worsening by the day. Political violence on the rise, along with authoritarian controls. Government dependence remains a growing problem. Competence in any field is dropping. Millions of fake or useless jobs. Multiculturalism is an experiment that failed and has no reasonable peaceful solution. We're cooked, bro. Maybe you can insulate yourself but my grandchildren won't have the same life my parents did.
Pick any historical precedent you like to match those conditions.
Have you ever seen anything resembling a "clan" system in the west? It's probably a good thing that such a thing exists as a lowest common denominator for Somalis to organize themselves around, because the next most base thing for people to rally around (in a racially homogenous country) would just be geographic proximity. See gang culture and how even if you're supposedly in the same gang, feuds between blocks/sets happen all the time. Scale that up enough and introduce enough weaponry and boom, you've got warlords claiming chunks of the city/state/country and running "protection" rackets. That is, in essence, how feudalism works.
>warriortard's personal corner in heaven
It just is, okay?
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>Even after nuke war people wouldnt just say "fuck human rights, fuck democratic struggle, I love jesus now".
Maybe not the Jesus part but there's no way you're keeping human rights and democracy after the bombs fall.
Oh great another larp thread
You forgot the part where you still won't have a girlfriend in this fantasy world either, lmao.
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I'm going to become a warlord after the bombs fall. One of my main goals would be to capture Christian men and enslave them by forcing them to wear fursuits. With their only two ways out being an hero or to embrace the uwu.
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Lotta examples going back that involve war, famine, decline of the global population and overall major paradigm shifts. Let's see:
>French Revolution/Napoleon (250 year ago)
>30 Years War (250 years before that, killed like a third of Europe's population)
>The Black Death (another 250 years before that, wiped out half of europe's population)
>Fall of the Frankish Empire (destroyed centralized gov't in western Europe, also coincidentally 250 year interval)
>Bronze Age Collapse
>fall of Rome

But yeah we totally found a way to immunize ourselves from these 250 year cycles because of what, the computer in your pocket? My sweet summer child...you are so dumb you don't even know how dumb you are.

When I chill with my (maybe 2) dear bros who also get it, we actually view this as a reminder to savor each peaceful day we can take hot showers and reach into the fridge for cold drinks. It's how we end every discussion on defensive structures and potential local threats, escape routes, supply & rally points, etc.

I have ducks and built a pond for them in their enclosure, complete with a pump that cycles the water through a natural bog filter, but the house isn't in the most ideal spot. Great neighborhood actually, and I know all the neighbors on my block, but it's still, at best, a suburban setting.

So here's a threadly question(s):
If you had to bug out with your girlfriend and dog in a small-medium size vehicle, what would you prioritize bringing? To keep it /k/, how much ammo would you bring (and which guns), and what would your ratio of pistol:rifle ammo be?

>obviously fuck bugging out - house is well stocked with water (80 gallons clean drinking water alone + rain barrels), food (couples cases of MREs and freeze dried meat specifically + shit in the pantry and fridge). Not to mention the ducks which lay eggs daily and all manner of other supplies and stockpiles (at least half a down sets of front and back IIIA soft armor w/ carriers
How viable is dirt bike infantry? In theory it sounds cool but if I need 3 people motorized I'd rather go with a side by side than 3 bikes.
Dirt bike or motorcycle infantry in a direct combat sense would be to rapidly move from ABF position to ABF position either pursuing a fleeing enemy or in a mobile defense back to your main defensive line. You "could" use motorcycles in a sort of modern day cavalry charge in the sense that you could rapidly flank a suppressed enemy but that would be more of a niche. Other than that, just being in restrictive terrain and having vehicles that are small and easy to hide that can still move far distances is nice for a sort of hit and run raiding force.

You also look cool, so there's that.
>French revolution
>black death
>fall of the frankish empire
>fall of rome
None of these involved society literally collapsing, though? Hell shit didn't really change for a lot of romans after the fall of rome, they just had a barbarian at the tippy top of the pyramid now. they even kept the senate around.
Cavalry can fight while mounted, bikers really can't. Mobility is a fair point but they're loud so you can't really be stealthy unless you're trying to flank in pitched battle. I feel like an ebike can do everything you'd want a dirt bike to do but quieter and can technically self refuel but slowly.
The cool factor is real though. I wonder if you can scare off enemies by lining up a dozen bikes the same way cavalry charges could break lines just by showing up.
>be innacity
>blockade ahead
>convoy drone has already mapped a side route for riders to take and set up shot on the blockade from flank
how do you proceed commander?
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First thought is how loud these are - really does not seems conducive. Not an e-bike nerd but that alone seems like a major advantage. Sound and smell signatures are very risky to produce because they can be traced without need for visual...you're just aggressively broadcasting your loot drop status, and even if you're the main character in this movie, you will take casualties before even arriving at engagements. IDK how many bros you have warming the bench with their own dirtbikes, but the shit doesn't seem particularly sustainable.
Bikes are okay for transit but you DO NOT WANT TO PUT THEM WHERE THEY CAN GET ATTACKED. They will just die.
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>30-50% of everybody you know dies
>nbd bro
spoiler alert, you're in that 30-50%
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Im voting for kamala. Reproductive rights are human rights and we will be strong and joyful
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>black death
>restructuring pissant upward mobilty in many yurop places
>ignoring all my other examples
Faggot dude society breakimg down doesnt mean not paying taxes. Lick my scythian nuts
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Its cool ill just take yours.
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Gay. Im becoming a waterlord after i return to my stan. Picrel are my 4 bull descendants from a few years ago when they won the fair there. Deriere. Ngl a lotta ukie women were deported to tgis stan
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>acting smug
At least you have ducks. Duck eggs are tasty. You have hatched eggs from em right?
Pic rel is one days shitty harvest, i am tired of veggies and must hunt meat
This is mountain country, boah.
I think most people see collapse as change in governance as opposed to something downright apocalyptic like what happened with the Bronze Age Collapse. The fall of Rome was rough but society and civilization still ultimately kept on chugging on right after into feudalism, the French kingdom into the republics, etc. Very few times in history within the last few hundred years minimum has there been a genuine civilizational fall as what happened during the Bronze Age, the Aztecs, etc.
>also shit is far more interconnected now than ever before in all of human history, meaning there is far more emphasis and drive to keep shit afloat even if its barebones, people keep imagining mad max when the much more realistic future is brazil
idk my plan is nomadmaxxing
gypsies were onto something
>supply chains collapse
>millions starve
>society falls to chaos
In my hometown we had a serious storm that knocked out all transport in and out, all power, water and seweage, and caused fires that destroyed most of the fuel while local government was away. Literally the first day we established a new town council with distance voting, divided up resources to keep fresh water, food, shelter and medical access available, formed a volunteer work detail to dig latrines and bring potable water to collection stations, had normal classes for kids and turned an office into a hospital. It only lasted about 3 weeks, but all it involved was cooking outside, washing from containers and walking/riding/biking/driving a few e-vehicles that existed at the time, while fuel was given to producers and emergency services on voucher. If we'd been able to access neighbouring communities, even just one of them, we probably would've laid new water pipes in a few days and created power-points by combining the few generators and solar pannels we had. If that happened now, aside from having to give up power-hungry devices, I honestly don't think it would change life much. If hundreds of towns like that are able to share resources, then any centralised state worthy of calling itself as such could fall back and regroup to organise disaster relief from even the worst disaster cities can cause.
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>the size
>the shape
>the uniformity
>the healthy skin
I'm jelly. My root vegetables are always flawless, but anything on the vine is fucked.
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>tired of veggies
The kind of neighbor I'd love to trade with; eggs ain't meat but it's good protein at least. I don't know about smug bro, just trying to make the best of my shitty situation.
>no fresh running water source
>own very little actual land
>even if it's classified as a 'small town,' I still live way too close to a population center
I 100% embrace the superiority of bugging in, but the friend group plans to relocate to much better real estate (almost an hour drive for me). Would take a lot to uproot myself and leave my meager stockpiles behind, so that's the uncomfortable possibility I've been focused on solving.

Gonna be real I haven't hatched eggs from these ducks, but I grew up on a farm with chickens (goats and horses too, know how to ride thanks to my parents). I don't even pretend to be the duck man - couple across the street has way more than I do.

very curious, was this in the US, and what size population was the town? What surprised you most about people's behavior and supply shortages? Pretty fascinating to have gone through that. Longest we went was two weeks without power from a winter storm (came back a little bit sooner in town). Fortunately we had a well we could pump water from, a wood stove and our oven/cooktop ran off natural gas. Still got cold as fuck though I'm grateful for the experience now...
Rural Australia with about 600 people at the time. Honestly, nothing really surprised me. There were a few people who grumbled about having to share, but then they'd end up needing something and a neighbour would share with them unquestioningly, which would set them right. I was only a kid, so my problems were limited to a change in diet and not getting to rent a movie on Saturdays, but my parents just muddled through without much of an issue. Farmers who were already running generators from huge deisel supplies didn't even notice and probably only visited town once or twice during that time; they were just happy with the rain the storm brought. As an adult, having read a lot of disaster fiction and non-fiction accounts, I'm surprised looking back that no one went religious or authoritarian. We're not a particularly religious people by nature, but the small chapel in town just became a storage shed and the few dedicated believers just embraced tradition and had prayer meetings at home on Sunday. Literally no one tried to subvert or direct the new council, as everyone naturally voted for the most competent and good-natured people to run disaster relief. The one guy who owned multiple businesses, but didn't run them, tried to bully people into giving him a seat, but because the vote cards were delivered by teenagers on bike and there weren't any phones, he could only talk to a few dozen people before the votes were counted.
dude you are so frickin' cool I want to join you and your buddies for your fantasy shtf "sessions" (don't worry I'll bring the lube)
Your particular brand of consoomerism doens't make you any more prepared for a societal collapse, it just makes you a pretentious faggot
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Coffee grounds for nitrogen and egg shells for calcium. I cant grow potatos here to save my life despite having had a decent harvest in sandy soil florida last year
Blow it out your ass faget
I mispoke, you seem cool anon.
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>Master Brapper runs Gas Town!
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nice bump

no worries bro, just here hoping to share experiences and drop tidbits like you did with the gardening advice
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Brainstorming what to prioritize when bugging out/packing the truck (2 people and a dog)
>Right off the bat would have to leave several guns behind, probably only bring 1-2 ARs, EDC G19 and a backup G19
>gear bag with chest rig/placard/PC (always loaded), range bag with ammo and some spare parts/tools
>food (MREs and freeze dried), water (hopefully at least a couple cases (15g each)
>camping supplies and rucksacks because we'll end up walking it eventually
>First aid supplies, batteries, and some basic tools
>**baby wipes**
>more water wherever it will fit
There's probably a lot missing and I could go deeper on all of these. Just a reminder I hate bugging out, but I've gotta consider all plans...

>everyone naturally voted for the most competent and good-natured people to run disaster relief
can only hope it goes this well, and that whatever individuals are granted responsibility for our respective regions are chosen based on merit. I think my area is too big to have a centralized, cohesive direction; people don't have faith in the government here anyways (on literally any level, myself included). We have some pretty large and well endowed companies that have trauma-bonded their employees and that's what I'm most worried about.
>inb4 negan
legitimate concern
The collapse OP is trying to reference is one that is extremely unlikely to happen if the US even does collapse. This is some weird Mad Max shit that's relying on things to get so bad that the average individual is basically forced to self-govern.

Like fuck, even during the Bronze Age collapse, states in the region still existed and had power over people. We're in an era where you'd need some legit species-level extinction event that leaves only a few hundred thousand of us alive. At that point, we're probably all screwed regardless of if you get your playtime being a king of a rotting corpse.

What will probably happen is your country has a nasty political shift, and, if you're unlucky, you get paid a visit by people who will show up with more people if you kill the first couple.
I am going to file my taxes.
>nuclear exchange vaporizes every city with a population above 100,000
>It'll be like the Bronze Age collapse
nigga what?
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Clan works the same as racial politics in the US. It's basically enormous families claiming a common descent and by extension feeling they share common interests and bonds, in the US it's Irish-American while in Kenya it's Kikuyu-Kenyan. It's actually a really weird feature of the US compared to Europe where nations exist and it arose for obvious reasons.

>because the next most base thing for people to rally around (in a racially homogenous country) would just be geographic proximity.

No you're being too reductionist. People hold multiple identities in their heads with often competing allegiances, the obvious one would be trade where say a fisherman looks out for other fishermen and they represent each others interests at the political level but you also have religion, family and just who your pre-existing friends are. At the moment we see an enduring conflict in Sudan between farmers and herders which is THE conflict of history once you sweep aside all the bullshit.
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Germanic-Hellenic Revival Social Order should be established. It would combine Germanic (Anglo-Saxon) Common Law and Iron Age familial structure (read Tacitus) with Classical Hellenic stoicist philosophy and pursuit of excellence.
Buildings will vary due to resources and retraining in construction but I can image round-shaped or 12 sided houses becoming the standard with stripped Classical architecture.
Also, all abled-bodied young men will be civil defense or hoplite and husbands will be able to discipline their wives in exchange the wives will have the right to petition for divorce if the husband is cruel or stupid.
>can technically self refuel but slowly
Solar panels probably aren't durable enough for prolonged combat.
A gas-powered bike doesn't have to be loud, it's just a quite bike isn't as simple or safe to operate in traffic. Dirtbike cavalry with SMGs could be effective, granted they use the terrain to their advantage. The tactics wouldn't be much different from that of horse cavalry before WWI.
>We're gonna structure our society around Jesus and his love and the structure and wisdom of the church
So, clan based feudalism just like you said.
Reminder that /k/ has been a pro global civilizational collapse board since week one, and modernoid faggots don't own guns.

International shipping, the internet, and electric grids world wide would not survive five years of America being 50% white or less.

90% of Africa would die in one year if America couldn't enforce the global Pax Albus.
>Have you ever seen anything resembling a "clan" system in the west?
All of Europe for 90% of human existence and like half of America for 200 years and it was fucking based. Humans are meant to care for a couple hundred people, eat mostly meat, and have vague alliances with the surrounding groups of 300 people.

Jesus asks us not to dwell on end times but on how to be nicer people now OP.
>Reminder that /k/ has been a pro global civilizational collapse board since week one
Wrong, I doubt you have even read the core books on the subject. /k/ has always been into revivalism (I'm not using the word prepping as that is fairly recent). Rapid civilization collapse is almost impossible because of the global distribution of knowledge and technological facilities such as universities, manufacturing facilities etc. Prepping has become a place people rationalize their anxiety disorders around and a metal illness for most though, try drinking less coffee and going for a nice walk daily.
nothing ever happens
Ehehe, no, anon. I'll just cultivate infectious diseases for plants and humans. If the world is going to be shit around me, then none shall prosper. I am the bringer of death.
Feudalism arose due to mounted heavy cavalry dominating giving all power to wealthy warlords and their part-time pals instead of the massive Roman bureaucracy to supply tens of thousands of professional men. Mass-democracy and the resurgence of bureaucracy came with the musket as giant armies of conscripts dominated Europe. The political situation hasn't evolved to deal with assault rifles and drones, unlikely to look like either feudalism or sustain a bureaucracy as AKM are cheap (unlike horse and plate armor) and small scale (unlike massive musket armies). Very chaotic.
This is the worst thermonuclear blackpill out there.

When shitholes like South Africa and Brazil can keep somehow chugging along, that's how you know that there's never going to be any collapse.
Most you'll get is simmering violence from the fringes of society starting to slowly seep into everyday life, that's it.
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Low IQ take. That's just the product of a (largely) homogenous society. Complete opposite here in America scro
Why not both? You don't want to launch a literal crusade against San Francisco and claim its ports in the name of God?

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