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For the older guys in here, is this true?
>aks we’re cheap but unpopular due to being associated with commies, terrorists and other anti-American shit, criminals
>no one was really into tactical stuff outside of crazies, vets a preppers (I guess they’re also crazies)
>being into AR’s, AK’s and tactical gear would have most gun owners seeing your a some crazy freak unless you were a combat vet or something
Actually sounds nice ngl
The price jumped up around '93.
Yeah kind of. AKs weren't unpopular, but they weren't something people really took that seriously. Owning gear was very strange though, like kids might have a milsurp jacket or sleeping bag but any kind of LBE was weird, and the tactical scene as we know it today didn't exist at all. Wasnt really until GWOT took off that you had regular people buying SWAT magazine and mail ordering blackhawk vests.
>aks were cheap but unpopular due to being associated with commies, terrorists and other anti-American shit, criminals
They were cheap because import restrictions were looser and milsurp was yet to dry up. They were (relatively) unpopular because the perception of cheap things has always been that they must necessarily be shit, as were most Mosins and SKSs available at the time.
>no one was really into tactical stuff outside of crazies, vets and preppers (I guess they’re also crazies)
The "tactical" market was way smaller. Optics, lasers, and NV just weren't developed to the level where they are today, and consequently there were just fewer affordable things civilians could buy that offered any real benefits on the range.
>being into AR’s, AK’s and tactical gear would have most gun owners seeing your a some crazy freak unless you were a combat vet or something
The early 2000s were way before social media, so if you were going around flexing your tactical gear at crowded public ranges so much that people recognized you as the local mall ninja, of course you'd seem "out there". Check out any /gq/ thread and compare how many pictures of peoples' gear is taken at home versus at a rifle class or something. It's like 3% of /k/ that consooms that hard actually goes outside with their stuff.
You still get funny looks if you have tacticool gear. I would argue they're even more inflammatory than the guns.
I think it's more people thinking you look silly in your larp kit as opposed to thinking you're actually dangerous. Could also be seen as vain to some people.
I am 40.
>Mosins were $70-100 at big 5 up until 2012ish
>SKS were 300-500, even for east german
>Bought an SGL21 for $789 in 2011
>Cases of x39 or x54r were around $80-120 all day, opening spam cans was fun
Tactical stuff made a slow comeback because the assault weapon ban expired in 2004 and a lot of people were scared it would be renewed or even made worse.
So not many manufacturers or companies started making stuff and people were apprehensive to stock up on things they might have to turn over like magazines.
Wasn't really until about 2007-8ish that people started relaxing and the industry blew up.

Honestly it was not a better time. Certain things like surplus were better, sure, but overall there were way less options available and the gun culture/community was almost exclusively made up of hunters or hardcore prepper/turner diary types.
people all bought AKs and other comblock imports either as novelties or because they were poor and the guns were cheap. nobody refused to buy them because they were commie guns. ARs were unpopular because they were very expensive and people didnt feel a need for large magazines because whites were ~80% of the population instead of ~50%. After the AWB people all wanted to buy ARs before they got banned for good which was another big part of the impetus behind ARs taking over the market.
Honestly I feel myself becoming a neo-fudd and disliking most new accessories and heavily disliking modern "influencers". I'd gladly trade most of it for cheap slavshit, but I would miss modern scopes. That is if the picture you paint is accurate anyways.
t. zoomer
>ARs were unpopular because they were very expensive
This cant be downplayed. Colt ARs were like 7-800 bucks in the 90s, and the preban stuff with uncucked features were easily over 2k; and that was back when most dual income households were making 50 grand a year. That was how brands like bushmaster could exist, as Colt have always been scalping faggots
>I'd gladly trade most of it for cheap slavshit, but I would miss modern scopes.
The Slavic stuff was really just the last of the milsurp nobody wanted before, if I'm being honest.
Mosins especially, as much as /k/ hates to hear it.
/k/ has an obsession with it because it's all most of the younger guys know, but before it was basically just the cheaper and less desirable milsurp stuff. Most people passed the slav stuff over for ~60 years in favor of the mausers, garands, 1903s, enfields, carcanos, FNs, etc. before their stocks finally dried up.
Makarovs were an exception, there used to be a big community of people into trading makarov pistols with complete holsters and lanyards and stuff.
you know what, fair enough
Despite fucked up ammo prices. I suppose the bottom end of the market is about as good as it ever has been, at least for new production. Maybe it's just me wishing my Chinese SKS ($300 in 2019) was in slightly better condition bought for a little less money. I do enjoy shooting it a lot, despite my only slightly more expensive PSA AR being an overall much better gun. It's kinda messed up how despite there being hundreds of millions of cold war guns out there right now milsurp is fading away.
Even having it lying around as in collecting is sus. Speaking of collecting, it's still not enough even if it's actually an antique from WW2 or whatever war the average retard on the street isn't able to tell when it happened.
yeah i remember back in the early 90s when most people associated any m16 or AK style rifle as being part of the militia movement. it wasnt like you were a pariah or anything if you showed up to the range but fudds and boomers definitely were way more suspicious and derogatory towards you. the vast majority of americans were still empathetic and not desensitized to violene since kike media was rather tame back then and little kids werent watching beheading videos on the internet like they do today. so anything overly "war-like" was seen as somewhat weird.
>Wasn't really until about 2007-8ish that people started relaxing and the industry blew up.
agree with most of your post except the above. people were not relaxing they were stockpiling and buying like crazy because they saw the marxists take power after the illegal kenyan coup
It's somewhat true. Gun culture pre 2002 was about niche shooting shit mostly.. Long range stuff in particular, hyper accuracy shooting sports. Prairie dog hunting with super fast, super high twist barrels throwing cast bullets. I remember occasionally a bullet would fail and turn into a puff of dark powder shortly after leaving the barrel. You did a fouling shot to get lead in the barrel to get to a consistent performance. But cleaned it after like 4 shots. Long range guys still used really long bull barrels. We knew about harmonics, but we just didn't want to lose velocity. The great war on terror changed everything in the gun community. Laid to rest many misconceptions and Fudd lore. Tactical training started making sense. The fumbling was mostly over. Ended a lot of the charm and crazy but fun ideas. Many things just became rote. All of the AR's look the same mostly because what works, works and looks about the same. AK's still carry some of that old charm still. Yeah, boomers hates AK's because "muh commies". But many Vietnam vets liked them. Hell, armor wasn't standard issue even in the early 90's for the Army. Just your BDU's and an LBE. No IFAK either. No ACOG on ye olde M16A2.. No weapon light, no NVG's. Just a 90° green flashlight with a red lens insert. Most Army guys weren't into tacticool, those who were were shunned.
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that pic is wrong about a lot of things.

also gen y was *the* forced meds "that boy aint right" gen what the fuck is that stupid retard talking about?

I'm in my 30's. Zoomers aint really that much more or less fucked up than us. I work with one. He's just like I was at that age. Fucking myopic bitter nerds lacking self awareness

I got into this community through COD and Zombie survivalism shit in 06
>2007-8ish that people started relaxing and the industry blew up.
Obama caused a lot of panic buying. Plus, with his war on imported firearms, the prices went up. He is directly responsible for SKS, AK, 5.45x39mm, and 7.62x39mm drying up in the US. I remember that SKS were less than $200 in Canada, but us US people had to pay $300-400+ for them.
>more people thinking you look silly in your larp kit as opposed to thinking you're actually dangerous.
lmao those days have come to a decisive close, expect many random huwhites getting St. Floyded in the immediate future for wearing green, brown or suspiciously baggy clothing
>Obama caused a lot of panic buying. Plus, with his war on imported firearms
restrictions and prices started jumping while GEORGE HW BOOSH was president, long before Obummer, dirtbrain
B. Rock HUSSEIN Obamalam was the most 2a president we'd had in decades, you are absolutely stupid.
>because the perception of cheap things has always been that they must necessarily be shit
Why are amerigoys like this? You could slap a 1000$ price tag on some rocks and they'd buy it in droves
As a MTGfag that pic gave me a lul, fuck blue players
Osama ruined m81 jackets
You are gay.
Gonna add to my late night post.
>On September 13, 1994, Title XI of the
Federal Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act of 1994—known as the
Crime Control Act of 1994—took effect.
We had gotten a lot of cheap, dirt cheap, SKS and AKs were still really low. Then the talk about the ban came about and everyone started buying them all up so the price rose steeply.
You could get a Chinese SKS for under $75 in '92.
AKs were always a lot more than SKS, something like 5x.
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>the things that make /k/ cry, part 1/8
>for inflation: $1 in 2003 is worth $1.71 today
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I think these red ones are from later times though, the stuff is already more expensive..
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...so here's some really cheap stuff.
>in the early 200s
The Crisis of the Third Century really drove the prices up.
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/k/ used to meme about and obsess over Mosin rifles back in the day - and when you look at the pricing, it makes sense why people said it's worth getting.
I just barely missed the golden age of milsurp. My Mosin was $120 when I bought it and spam cans were $89.99.

2011 feels like a fucking lifetime ago. I want to go back, even to just that moment.
I'm not a zoomer but I do love mind altering drugs and aks
>Zoomies are all psychotic due to internet radicalization and mind-altering drugs.
Can confirm, post is 100% accurate.
Boomers were a fucking plague and the same fuckers sneering at your SKS are now flipping or buying SKSes because they shot up in value.
no low ballers! it's a classic!
And 10 years ago it was "Why buy that junk its so cheap get yerself a good gun like one of my M1 Carbines I bought for 200 bucks only 950 now no lowballers
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I got into guns around 2006/8ish. Import restrictions existed but were nowhere near as insane as they are now. Kit built AKs, FALs, G3 clones, PCCs were everywhere and dirt cheap. Turkshit wasn't a thing yet. Plates and NODs weren't a thing. Even copsurp Kevlar was expensive to the point of nearly being unobtanium. Nobody really cared. People didn't collect, prep or LARP as much. Milsurp pistols and rifles were just treated like cheap disposable trash. Surplus ammo was so cheap it was almost free because nobody trusted it.

That said, ARs were way more expensive. Good pistols were expensive and usually not as good as modern options. Bolt action rifles that could consistently do 1 MOA out of the box cost thousands. Optics in general were exponentially more expensive and worse than modern options. Semi auto shotguns were incredibly expensive and picky on ammo.

Basically the cool and interesting stuff we all go nuts about now and say it has "SOVL" was unappreciated, available and cheap, but has since then been replaced with way better guns and gear that are cheaper than ever. Gun laws are in flux, but all in all if you just see gun as tools there is better stuff available way cheaper now than it ever was before. Things in general are on the up.
>call up indoor range
Hey can i wear my chest rig
>are you le/mil
>then no
Please be bait
I got around this at boomer ranges with a "bandolier" that was a mag pouch on a paracord string.
Maybe stop being a dumb vatnigger spamming misinfo and you'll stop being banned
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>aks we’re cheap but unpopular due to being associated with commies, terrorists and other anti-American shit, criminals
Aks weren't "cheap", but definitely seen as cheaper. All chinese/slavic eastern bloc items were absurdly cheap, but remember the internet wasn't as big of a thing. knowing the right guy could get you a crate of mosin nagants for $200. My brother bought an SKS for about $250 in 2002 I think. I'm not so sure about pricing for AK type rifles. They were definitely thought of as a lesser gun for criminals.
>no one was really into tactical stuff outside of crazies, vets a preppers (I guess they’re also crazies)
yes. Tactical stuff came as soon as GWOT veterans started getting out.
>being into AR’s, AK’s and tactical gear would have most gun owners seeing your a some crazy freak unless you were a combat vet or something
Being into ARs or AKs, no. Maybe the odd "y do you NEED dat" guy. Being into tactical gear with a full plate carrier/com rig, NVGs, a pistol belt and clothes to match? I'm not gonna lie man, that's still a little weird. Not "touch children" weird, just "damn, that's a hard larp" weird. This isn't some sort of icky gross type feeling, it's just culturally cooler to not take things seriously, but if you do take things seriously then you should do them for a living.
AKs were cheap. I distinctly remember WASR 10/63s being $350 all day in the 2000s. People swore up and down they were complete trash, but those who knew knew. Bulgy parts kit AK-74s were even cheaper and ammo was around $80 for a sealed spam can. All of these had original hammer forged chrome lined barrels and forged bolts/trunnions. Just US made furniture and trigger packs for 922r compliance.

Even adjusted for inflation those things were cheaper than the absolute cheapest AKs available today and ammo was almost at .22lr prices. If you were a poorfag and willing to be adventurous you had some great options.
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I started collecting guns in 2010:
>Cheap quality ARs didn’t really exist. People used to say “mind your ABCs” for Armalite, Bushmaster, and Colt being the top three brands.
>no m-lok or keymod so all mall ninjas used quadrails
>AKs were mostly for people who couldn’t afford ARs. For a while the only options were WASRs, Saigas (you had to convert them yourself or pay a gunsmith), Arsenals, or 80’s/90’s prebans from Gunbroker.
>AK aftermarket then was basically at the level the AUG aftermarket is today
>”PCCs” and 9mm ARs weren’t really a thing either since MP5s hadn’t been imported in decades. The only good options you really had were Kel-Tec Sub 2000, Beretta CX4 Storm, and the HK USC
>Glock and S&W made the only decent polymer-framed pistols
Low quality ak's and mosins and sks's were incredibly cheap. Everyone said they were trash.

True but the cool history is whay sold me.

I picked up a ww I m1985 with the imperial eagles intact for $100.

I got a yugo sks for 120. Never fired coated in cosmoline. Russian gun, Russian bullet, NATO grenade launcher attachment.
I'm 32. Started collecting in 2011. Got one solid year of surp shopping before Sandy Hook fucked everything up. Snagged the very last 880 rd crate of 54R my shop had four days later, for their (((great new price))) of $200. Everyone was gigakiked in the immediate frenzy (especially Cheaper Than Dirt). I'll never forget the clerk who rang me up saying "We'll just buy more palettes of this when the panic blows over. Besides, it's not like Eastern Europe is at war." 0_0.
People weren't into AR15s until that ban wore off in 2004 or whatever.
It was more fun. Maybe in part because I was younger, but, the old surplus had character.
I didn't pig out, just a Mosin from the cheapo days. I now wish I had.
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>being into AR’s, AK’s and tactical gear would have most gun owners seeing your a some crazy freak
Who cares. Most people see me as a freak anyway. Just the other day i was at a yard sale looking at a ww2 howitzer shell and i was talking about being in the military and the boomer was asking what i thought about the AR15, and he told me nobody needs one. He also referred to magazines as 'clips', called the AR15 "automatic" and said nobody needs it for hunting. People are going to think your nuts are loose no matter how much loctite you use. Might as well pretend to be insane at that point.
it's still half true now, and it's flipped
now as the old ak owner, i look at new ak owners like the fomo freaks they are
>Could also be seen as vain to some people
there's a large contingent of people in our society who get upset when you place your sunglasses atop your head, they're dying out, but i believe you understand the point
not him, but many gun store owners hang obama's picture up because he was THAT good for business
turns out when start eroding everything that makes a nation sovereign, people seek to defend themselves
Old school Aguila ammo boxes were fucking kino.
>many gun store owners hang obama's picture up
No they don't
Unless it's a novelty target but I think the Secret Service checks up on those
they do
im not going to dox my favorite lgs for you anon
I think this is what he is talking about, which I do remember a lot of shops having pictures and stuff hanging up.
It was kind of a tongue in cheek satire since Obama inspired so much panic buying that it actually increased gun ownership across the board, ironically the exact opposite of what he wanted.
No problem, I'll pick up that SKS and M1 Carbine for $500 total at the estate sale
I feel like this sign wouldn't include Hitler if it was made today
Yeah AKs were cheap as fuck. The expensive AKs were pre-ban Norincos and other stuff that had become rare. I remember WASR 10s for $310 in like 2010 and Saiga sporters as well as Saiga 12s for about $450 I think.
Makarovs were also like $200.
The stickied thread here on /k/ is work mentioning too. The guy is holding an SKS because "grab SKS and go inna woods" was a meme from back in the day when your average 18 y/o poorfag /k/ommando could easily afford an SKS with his McJob money.
>many gun store owners hang obama's picture up because he was THAT good for business
remember the obama ammo sales t-shirts? and dudes at gun shows bulk selling/buying 22LR and yelling 'THANKS OBAMA" ironically/unironically
that White House nigga did more for gun ownership in the US than actual niggas with actual guns
Yeah, there's as they say, a bit more to the story. It came down to the makers of the AK's. In 1990, I forked over $470 per for a pair of Steyr imported Egyptian Maadi's. I think they start around $2500 now.... I sold one during the 2020 Covid panic for way more than $2500. The hilarious part is the schmuck who bought it probably has no idea why some folks would sacrifice a testicle to own one.
>700 rounds for 60 bucks
I was born in ‘03 but when I was first getting into guns ~2019 I was thinking that if I bought a semi auto rifle it would be an SKS. Honestly I’m glad I never got desperate enough to buy one, it’s not worth the prices these days especially with ammo costing as much as .223 which completely defeats the point. The millennials on this site should appreciate their milsurp and stop whining so much.
>Honestly I’m glad I never got desperate enough to buy one, it’s not worth the prices these days especially
Terrible mentality.
Aside from the occasional dip, gun and ammo prices will almost always increase steadily upwards.
People used to skip buying CMP Correct Grades when they were $1400 in the late '00s. Those same rifles go for $3500+ on private sale and auction sites now, $4-5k+ for things like national match rifles.
If you want it, the time to buy is now, it will only be even less obtainable in the future.
Since we're postan old scans and screenshots.
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Not early 2000s but I got a SCAR 16 and 17 for $5000 in a group buy on FN forum in 2010.
Best deal I've gotten.
In Australia, pre the Port Arthur massacre, you could buy a SKK with 2 30 round magazines and 1200 rounds of ammo as part of the deal for $130.
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They really were. I kinda caught the end of the neat box art. Don't get me wrong, I liked the previous Aguila look (they changed again btw) but it's getting flatter and flatter. This is the previous style.

>reman 50 BMG
So you like to gamble...

>with scope
>PSL scope, literally the same price as a POS Baska, maybe half a Leupold with inflation
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Compare to even flatter in style
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Compare to the old stuff. Also checked.
Kinda like how nuGuila looks like vidya ammo pickups
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Really does. I love their older boxes though.
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Some of it really has that PS2 ammo pickup look. Hell those stripes look like they'd fit right in on some PS2 game's main menu with DNB or House music playing in the background. Personally I'm feeling some MX Vs ATV Unleashed and JetX2O main menu aesthetics. Maybe I'm thinking about it too hard though lol.
Yeah this one definitely hurts the most.
wish i could go back and just stockpile more. i thought those prices were normal and would last forever
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firstly they arent making anymore so prices will always slowly go up assuming demand stays the same. secondly, you arent taking into account inflation which shows how young and inexperienced you are with life in general. $500 for a chinese SKS today is easy and you can find them for the $400 range fairly often. a $450 SKS today is basically a $300 SKS in 2008 dollars. anyway they are still a good deal thats the bottom line. the ammo sourcing is probably more uncertain right now but supposedly PSA is going to be making cheap steel case AK ammo soon so now might be a good time to grab an SKS before prices go up on them again when ammo is more available. i remmeber lots of rifles from the early 2000s that were dirt cheap because the ammo was expensive and hard to find. as soon as PPU started cranking out cheap 7.7 jap or 7.5 swiss or whatever all those rifles shot up in value like crazy. nobody wanted them when ammo was $2/rd but all of a sudden when cheap ammo hit the market everyone wanted to add them to their collections.

did you buy an AR15 already? start with that obviously. if you get extra money to have fun side pieces then grab an SKS or AK. wahtever im just biased because i like their aesthetics and feel. they have soul which black plastic guns are missing in my opinion
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posting old world wood and steel guns
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Here's mine :)
I literally live 10 minutes away from this store its just off the highway.
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thats sexy. is that a vz58? i dont recognize the buttstock or fal style carry handle but it looks like a vz58. maybe its one of those finnish AK variants?

SKS is in my top five favorite rifle designs
>nobody refused to buy them because they were commie guns
Untrue a whole generation associated anything made by communists with low quality and mostly they were not wrong
It only dropped because of the 91 collapse and the sale of Belarussian, Russian and Ukrainian weapon inventory, as well as south eastern European nations.
The USSR made a lot of shit that got flooded at the same time.
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based and goodtastepilled
Yes I have been at the range in full kit met 3 new people and no one even mentioned it. Millennial and down are cool with armor etc older generations are more confused by it.
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Yes. When I got into guns around 2009 even during Obama, Saigas were $300 and the cheapest Bushmaster basic bitch AR was $700. The prices flip flopped for a while, now a Saiga is unattainable.

I always remember WASRs being around $400 and some would opt for those because they didn't want to convert a Saiga. Arsenal AKs were always kike prices, $800-1200 even when Saigas were $300. When first imported, Saigas were $189. SKSs were cheap as well, it was really just availability. Russia and other combloc countries had a shit ton of stock and our money is a lot to them. ARs weren't being produced by many companies. For the longest time it was only Colt, Bushmaster, and 1 or 2 others. More manufacturers getting into the game pushed the supply up, but demand was up for them as well. Now everybody that wants an AR has one, you have to lessen the price to tempt them to start a collection.
Just a type 81. I got the LMG variant, there are a lot more other variants that are popular in canada, not a lot of people bought these because of the long and heavy barrel, heavy buttstock, carry handle, and bipod
>When I got into guns around 2009 even during Obama
By 2009 you could get a PSA AR-15 for less than $400 dollars and Chinese AK like the Norinco and the Type 56 were around $400 to $600. Its kind of dishonest to claim that Bushmaster was one of the few AR manufacturers by 2009; that might've been the case 1994-2004
Stop trying to make Zoomers seem cool.

They're not cool.
Everything after "things are way different now" is stupid bitch bullshit written by a zoomer midwit who thinks he understands, obviously right, but the point is he wasn't there and doesn't know what he doesn't know. Before the boomers we had sesrs catalogs where you could mail order machine guns to your fucking house with even cheaper ammo. Every generation has a shift in what's cheap what's surplus etc. This idiot is just too dar up his dumb ass and never read or listened to anyone worth a fuck. Jerry miculek talks about how he got into shooting and that it was like a kar98 that was cheap and mostly because the bullets were ridiculously cheap as fuck. He probably wanted other shit but that fucking thing is what was plentiful and cheap and now people jack off over them and that's a peak into how things shift things change and every generation has its era of cheap shit. Boomers would never have believed you if you said you could buy a fucking ar15 with assault features for fucking 350 dollars ever. Tldr people are stupid and look back on the past jealously instead of looking at their reality and seeing what they can take advantage of at the moment, those people will always miss out on everything forever and die mad about it
Around 2009, basically the 00-10 era was when I made my first purchases. Sounds like the shartmart of guns had a positive effect on the market.
God damn you old niggers to Hell
Youve fucked everything up for us young niggers.
I could have a Mosin, SKS, P22X, and ammo for all 3, tax + shipping + transfer fees + background check, all for WELL under $1K
We will not forget, nor will we forgive.
Old niggers
>By 2009 you could get a PSA AR-15 for less than $400 dollars
In 2009 your balls hadn't even dropped, and that was still a few years before PSA was building anything.
Sit down and shut up, sonny.
Pic related is an accurate (and now outdated) representation of the brands available during the time period, of which PSA was not one of them.
>By 2009 you could get a PSA AR-15 for less than $400 dollars
No you could fucking not you lying retard
PSA didn't even get into business until 2008 and it wasn't until the post-2016 Trump slump that they were selling sub-$400 ARs. They only sold ammo and magazines for like the first 3 or 4 years they were in business, they weren't manufacturing yet.
>By 2009 you could get a PSA AR-15 for less than $400 dollars
Anon, that's not even remotely true. The cheapest basic-bitch ARs in 2009 were $850, and a quality AR typically started at $950. Compared to AKs, they were a rich man's gun. At least in my area, only war vets & bougie boomers had ARs, and they were either Colt or Armalite. Everyone else had either PTRs or WASRs.
AR prices didn't bottom out in the $500 range until the a few years into the Trump administration, when the threat of an AWB faded into the background and the demand for black guns guttered until the spring of 2020.
man thats super cool im jelly. ive read te chinese AKs are high quality. we cant get them because of federal import bans. so i have an ugly wasr instead. i can tell from your pic that the black finish is high quality and the smoothness of the rivets looks like it had good attention to detail compared to my shitty smashed rivets with sharp as fuck edges everywhere
Thanks. Yeah it's definitely treated me well. I'd love to get a real AK too tho, or a VZ. The aftermarket for it here is compromised of one guy making stuff in his garage, which is based, but he can't meet the demand of the whole country of course.
Went to a gunshow in 08 before I enlisted. I walked out with an Izhevsk AKM and around 750 rounds of wolf for like, $500 bucks. Earlier that year on the day of my 18th, I cashed my paycheck and walked across the street to a sporting goods store and got a 91/30 mosin with all the fixins for $90.

Christ, we had it so good then.
Be born sooner, nigger

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