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The US Navy commissioned Virginia-class submarine USS New Jersey on Saturday, 14 Sept 2024. SSN 796 'Jersey Girl' is the first fast attack submarine designed for a fully integrated male and female crew.

She is the third USN ship named after the state of New Jersey, the most recent being the decorated battleship BB-62 (now a popular museum ship). New Jersey and her crew of 135 operate under Submarine Squadron 8. https://news.usni.org/2024/09/15/video-uss-new-jersey-commissioning-ceremony

In a companion event of the commissioning, the crew of Vatnikiller New Jersey also toured Battleship New Jersey. https://youtu.be/ANywIx0LYRI

Say things about the undersea force of the World's Only Navy.
This is going to end badly.
Gay retards with females on board. Our country really is a clown show. I wonder how long it will take from them to all synchronize their periods in such tight quarters.
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>SSN 796 'Jersey Girl' is the first fast attack submarine designed for a fully integrated male and female crew
burgers why are you like this
>Goth's Mate, Second Class
>the browns are afraid
We need to make Operation Praying Mantis II more humiliating for the Iranians than the original.
>seething meximorph projecting
i like americans but this stupid shit is just ridiculous
unfortunate stopgap until we have replicants
Nah. Only nerds and dweebs of both sexes join the submarine service. They will all autistically spill spaghet from their pockets and avoid eye contact, let alone sex.
God imagine the undersea orgies, imagine being the first child conceived under the sea, imagine the smell
the blood mushrooms...
It's important to have women on ships that won't be in contact for months at a time. The versatility of one female and her three holes allow her to service service multiple sailors at once and many each day. this moral advantage will allow the navy to recruit heterosexual men for a change. Naming the boat after the most horrible state should strike fear into the enemy. We've so many boats, we can even celebrate our dismal failures.
very funny but in reality they completely destroy cohesion since all the guys want to have sex and start backstabbing each other for a crumb of female attention, leading to a shitty environment
>female on ship
>/k/ turns into a pack of indians screaming for bobs and vagene
Neber fails
ya thats going to suck. Not because women cant be submariners. Its not the infantry, but because young men are fucking animals. You are trapped in a tube, they are going to go feral. I know shit got bad when we were in afghanistan with just limited females.
Even worse, imagine when a girl is scorned by Captain Chad in favor of another. She’ll sabotage the caterpillar drive in a way not easily detected.
Once we lose a boat with all hands, as is inevitable in any real war, this issue will self-resolve.
>first fast attack submarine designed for a fully integrated male and female crew.
Holy shit, this thing is going to be a disaster.
>mixed male/female crew
No. Literally any naval vessel but a submarine, let alone a nuclear submarine intended to operate submerged for extended periods of time.
>submarine deploys in January with 135 crew
>submarine returns in September with 140 crew
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Forgot muh image.
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OK but what if it were a fully FEMALE crew, or if that is too retarded then what if it is a MAJORITY FEMALE crew with single digit males
Refer to vault 69 for details
Not really. Women have been on submarines for over a decade with few complications. This is just the first submarine of this type that's been designed from the ground up with male and female latrines and living spaces rather than having to convert some. The rest were built or designed before the ban was lifted. It's a literal nothingburger to make the ship sound more historically significant than it actually is.
Did they seriously use a PlayStation controller?
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They have to sunbath in front of the reactor to get their sailor tans.

yeah why would you want to design a weapon that can be used by 100% of potential soldiers rather than 50% when you can be based and trad ("poor")


>our country

t. john from idaho oblast
I hope they decked it out with a baby delivery room
they should named it orgy.
The nerdiest (and horniest) of the nerds will place top of their class to request orders to the New Jersey to play dock the sub while underway.
I don't actually know, but, there were plenty of horny sorority types on the LPD I was on.
the uss dutch oven amirite
women arent real soldiers you contrarian retard. youre only vomitting out this shit "argument" because in your nigger brain im some turd worlder.
understandable. carry on.
imagine the smell
Every woman I know or know of that joined the navy was sexually assaulted, this isn’t going to go great.

while i kneel to your good understanding of male and female relations (clearly the result of your successful romantic relationships), i offer the following:

- this is the first sub BUILT for multi-gender, not the first to HAVE co-ed crews.

- co-ed submariners have served on retrofitted subs since 2010, which you didn't know, because there haven't been any major issues (/because you're a retard). there are about 600 female submariners currently.

- submarines are small, which limits the pool to those under 6'. you know who is often less than 6'? women! (also: you)

- ships have been co-ed since the 1970s. a lot of people assumed it wouldn't work because you're stuck in a metal box with a bunch of people you want to fuck or who want to fuck you. (this disregards how much gay stuff went on the navy before then, but whatever). in any event, the us navy got it done.

- female submariners also serve in the UK, france, SK, norway, sweden, etc.

in conclusion, anon, you are not smart enough to realize that the things that make you feel good are not necessarily the things that optimize military function.
Thank you anon. I made a similar post earlier ITT, but all the retards just ignored it. They're too stupid to understand that all it means is that women now have their own bathrooms and living spaces. That's fucking it. I'm in the fucking Army and even I could read between the lines.
bros, imagine a Russian, Muslim or Indian submarine with mixed submarine crews, oh my God.
>you are not smart enough to realize that the things that make you feel good are not necessarily the things that optimize military function
>t. peak dunning kruger

if you're the anon i was replying to, you have managed to approach zigger-level projection

if you're just pointing out that >>62517177 is doing that, disregard
Well, they can say they were raped and not have to name anyone, say the rapist wore and condom and they were drunk, this gives them a PTSD rating of 100% and government fun bucks for life. Who wouldn't be raped?
fpbp, either they are going to be watched like hawks to prevent scandals or they are going to be known as a problem boat
Guys, use the bot trap as a feature, don't fight it like a bug.
The Royal Navy already did this. It's not turned out well. The close quarters of a sub are very different to a ship and literally everybody was fucking, up to and including the captain. It was a fucking mess.
Also, the stench when a sub comes back after a six month patrol and cracks the hatch is astonishing, so I can't imagine what it'd be like with women aboard.
They will lose half their crew to maternity leave in 9 months
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>emale submariners also serve in the UK
See >>62517878
Holy fuck, I looked it up and there's ANOTHER fucking sex scandal on the subs. Another one! IT KEEPS HAPPENING EVERY MONTH OR SO!
The only reason you're not hearing about similar shit on US subs is that it's being covered up more effectively. A submarine with women on it is a fuckboat. No exceptions.
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cant wait to hear some autistic bubblehead's greentext about roasties getting passed around in those cramped quarters
Ah yes, this will work out well. If they don't go insane from the hot rack sex the queef gas will slowly infect every vestibule, every pocket of air, and only madness will remain.
they better enforce STD testing and quarantine 1 month before deployment
5/10, 2/10, 7/10, 6/10, 4/10

+1 modifier for each month at sea
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As a resident of New Jersey having a ship using us for a namesake be full of browns and women is a perfect encapsulation of this shithole of a state. The only thing that would make it more accurate is if it was captained by an Indian with a wop first officer.
Do Boomer gals have to take a pregnancy test before deploying?
Because this nation was literally taken over by communists in the 1930s.
“You from Joyzie? What exit?”
I can't tell if Semen Gomez is pre-op or post-op
Whatever nigger. I'm not a fucking squid
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CLOWN WORLD! I fucking hate this country
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Imagine the hysterical screaming in an emergency when seconds count
>Improving QoL for crew members is a bad thing

It literally has nothing to do with the operational effectiveness of the boat. This is like getting mad that a business installed a ramp outside and larger stalls in the bathroom to accommodate wheelchairs. It literally changes nothing about the fucking menu options, and just makes it easier for handicapped people to be served at the restaurant.

I'm done with this thread. You retards aren't even comprehending what you're posting.
The fuck do you care, you’ll never be a woman anyways faggot
>boohoo please validate me I have to be right I KNOW I’m right!
You must be a hole, the way you’re arguing lmao
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the us military has become complete and total trash
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the handicapped don't belong in the armed forces lol. you're the retarded nigger in this thread
it's a confined metal tube where every cubic foot is earmarked
imagine being an engineer for GD and your boss makes you design systems so that a 70IQ Mexican woman can use it. Must be hell
And? A miserable crew degrades the operational readiness of the vessel just as much as poor armament. You people are acting like they stripped out missiles, torpedos, and electronics to make these adjustments. Fuck, even if they had done stripped out something, I'd guarantee our submarine fleet is still deadlier than our nearest peer adversary.

Literally no one said ITT has articulated why having a gender-neutral sub is bad because most haven't even grasped that women have been on subs for years.
just give the crew molly while underway
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>has articulated why
>women have been on subs for years.
women. how many billions were spent to engineer a ship to accommodate the inferior on a fucking vessel meant for war?
I will be a contrarian's contrarian and say the co-ed stuff is not as big a deal here as it is for infantry units. Yea, they're gonna bang each other, there's gonna be pregnancies, rape accusations, scandals that come after the Navy tries its best to hide them to as not to impede progress.

BUT, at least women can do most nuke stuff and do not typically need to be able to drag their buddy behind a wall under fire.

Curious if they did any standards jiujitsu, or if these are just the most autistic women in the Navy
>how many billions were spent to engineer a ship to accommodate the inferior on a fucking vessel meant for war?

Probably not much because all you need to do is replace urinals with toilets, put more dividers in the berthing spaces, and put the shelf spaces in easier to reach places.
There are vanishingly few women with an interest in doing nuke stuff and women will not be as capable of executing any kind of damage control.
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That's all well and good, but it doesn't matter because women are already submarines and have been for years. Now they just won't have to wait in line as long to pee.
Only turboautists want to be nukes. Altho I am curious what exactly the make up of the crew is.

If selection is good they can pick out women that are decent in emergencies. Physically yes they will be worse at damage control on avg.

If we assume the USN earnestly studies this stuff and is not totally rotten, then we can conclude they found it's nbd and is a net benefit that prob helps with numbers. If we assume the USN is completely rotten, where they would fake study and p-hack coed situations for a press release, then trade lethality/capability for that press release, yeah it's bad.

A handful warm pockets on a boat could be a morale booster akin to old army trains. Altho prostitutes prob produce less drama. Full coed I don't rly understand unless there's enough female interest to shore up numbers, but not enough to fill boats on their own. Which was status quo. Or, there are enough, but all-female crews are known to be worse.

I just don't see how we can jive 20 years of "rape rape rape" scandals outta the military and they integrate further and further.
U guys really don't understand what u take away. That bathroom coulda been the Chief's VR goon cave lounge
Friend was on a boomer for six years (they have longer contracts because they know they're not going to get you for another round) before saying never again.
He said after a deployment he realized all his crew mates started to stink the same so they didn't notice how bad they smelled, but family and friends who would pick them up would literally grimace and break hugs quick because they all stank.
Humans ain't meant to be stuck in the tube for three months straight breathing each other's filtered farts.
God that'd be like the movie "event horizon" in real life. Just grotesque.
Sure, but instead of modifying submarines to accommodate women, we could just not put women on submarines.
If space is limited wouldn't you want women and Mexicans since they are smaller and take up less space?
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It might reduce rape in Russian crews
>the SSN pregnant out of wedlock
a woman is just a less capable manlet that's not gay to fuck
ideally you want 5'3 Asian nerds
why would you need sex segregation? you're either taking a shit or taking a shower. why be bashful? tue shower curtain is to keep the water from splashing into the hallway.
we already have a bunch of all-male nuclear-powered fast-attack cruise missile subs and thought we'd try something different this time.
Lol, no don't be ridiculous.

It's an xbox controller
ok but its an election year and the ukraine war is still going so everyone is in maximum overFUD mode
>we already have a bunch of all-male nuclear-powered fast-attack cruise missile subs and thought we'd try something different this time.

Except they're not all-male.
wonderful dub-dubs
alright anon, how many blue and gold crews have female crew members? What is the actual numbers? You claim that subs already have co-ed, and I do not believe you if the anecdotal evidence I heard from cross-raters I met are to be believed.
>t. dd214 sailor
I have a nuke friend who just ETS'd this year, and his LPO was a female on a sub. Don't what kind. I'm also in the Army, so I don't get why you'd complain so much having women when you're locked in a metal tube for 3 months, but then I remember that sailors are all homos.
>yeah my buddy is a nuke
yeah, I have one too, however he's still in training
>having women when you're locked in a metal tube for 3 months
so you're willing to exchange combat effectiveness for some mediocre sex? Forget about sex at that point, that's just selfish
>nooooooooo you can't do submarine work around women!
Either brown or retarded.
We could run a SLBM sub with 8 year olds. And we'd still win.

This has convinced me that the USN is inferior and pathetic instead of strong.
>so you're willing to exchange combat effectiveness for some mediocre sex?

You could also just not have sex with them. And if you do have sex with them don't be weird about it. People fuck in army units all the time and we don't decry it as the end of the military. Just don't fuck anyone more than two ranks up or two ranks down and you should be alright.
>we could underperform and succeed anyway, therefore it's fine if we underperform
Also consider that this underperformance comes with much higher costs. That you are paying for.
Women are citizens. They vote. It's time they earned it like the rest of us. It's part of franchise.
They should have to sign up for the draft.
And pass the same standards as men for the same MOS.

yeah I'm sure we'll be completely unable to fulfill mission objectives with female cooks, sonar techs, and reactor meter-readers.
Don't be such a child.
>They should have to sign up for the draft.
>And pass the same standards as men for the same MOS.
forgot to add: they don't, but it's a start and I'm willing to wait for incremental change.
Does that mean we should?
>This has convinced me that the USN is inferior and pathetic instead of strong.
He responded, in a non-vatnik thread, >judiciously.

>We could run a SLBM sub with 8 year olds
The designation for such a sub is SSBN. Anon will note that "SSN" and "SSBN" are not, in fact, the same set of letters. Anon might then observe the title of the thread. Anon is further advised to cease posting and delete everything from the past hour.

Half the function of militaries is to serve as job programs for lower beings. They will even hire you.

Famously, yeah. Anon is likely fakecel if he's so rusty that he mixes them up.
I'm sure the women can do the 90% of the MOS's that aren't too hard or consist of pressing a sequence of buttons when ordered to. It's a sub, not a fucking commando platoon.
Again, if they have the rights they should also have the responsibilities. This is a small but significant step in that direction.
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Oh my God I'm so fucking sorry, I must have just guessed "submarine launched ballistic missile" sub sounded close enough. If only I'd just consulted the OP, or a book, or anything else before submitting my post, then I wouldn't have gotten an acronym wrong, but it's too late now, I've really fucked up, screwed the pooch, shit the bed, spilled my spaghetti, embarrassed myself, pulled a derpdy, made a hash of it, blew it, fumbled, thrown a wrench in it, stepped in it, knackered it, shot myself in the foot, really barked up the wrong tree, gone tits up, bungled it, dropped the ball, got egg on my face, et cetera so on and so forth. And no I'm not British but I read British literature, oh Lord if only I could go back in time 10 minutes and STOP MYSELF from using the WRONG ACRONYM.

But I can't. What's done is done.
I've got to live with this.
For the rest of my life.

It's rough man :(
This reverse psychology isn't going to get anyone to think women in the military, especially combat units, is actually a good idea.
Again (and you seem to be avoiding anything resembling a rebuttal) most jobs on a submarine can be done by women.
>women can't type
>women can't listen to sonar
>women can't fix electronics from the early 90s
>women can't read gauges on the reactor
>women can't cook?!
It's not that big a deal.
>You could also just not have sex with them
The whole command is going to do that? Unit combat effectiveness is tied to not one individual, but the whole. The introduction of women, who by that argument, are an instigating factor that can reduce that effectiveness.
>It's not that big a deal.
The mere introduction of females is enough. You're argument hinges on men and women not being horny, which we know is not going to happen with both in the presence of eachother
jesus christ you people are the same as the fucking leftists. you gotta blow your load over everything and force your fixations into every goddamn conversation like some fucking chris-chan retard. dont you have any self awareness? we get no one likes the russians, they're fucking pricks most of the time and shockingly retarded the rest of the time. but you just roll in it like like you're getting paid for it. its like a fat girl sobbing over a boy band.
there would have to be more ships bastards than that. navy women are the nastiest whores in the universe. this bitch I went to school with joined up, and got more people infected with STDs at norfolk than anyone else in navy history. anne mctaggert. she has kids like an assembly line and all of them are retarded as shit.
>optimize military function
wait, is that pic of the crew? i thought they didn't allow females aboard subs
Mate only about 20-25% of the navy is women.
uhhh? anon wtf? you reverse-wire brained retard...
it's Americans who are concerned with the state of meximutts who are wholly incompetent placeholders in uniform, not the other way around

i agree with the other anon, you have 3 hispanic surnames don't you?
The Virginia class is specialized for cruise missiles, you tedious fucking imbecile. That is the point. I am rubbing your nose in the shit you took because you are self-importantly responding to baiting morons with smug copypasta while not knowing up from down or planning to contribute any value whatsoever either to this thread or the board at large.

I strongly urge you to stop posting for at least a year. You will no longer feel the womanish impulse to send smarmy as-per-my-last-email template replies to 75iq mongoloids. But more importantly, you will not be in the way.
>jesus christ you people are the same as the fucking leftists
Blatant jingoism and macroaggression help this board to get it up for topics that require a bit of reading at or above junior high level. Nothing in the OP text was unconsidered. The thread has served its functions of bookmarking something I find neat and giving me an excuse to learn something that had been on my todo list about a subtitling tool. It also sequestered many of our reply-happy untermenschen for the day.

Taking umbrage at a one-word throwaway shorthand for disambiguating battleship vs. submarine is on you. Develop some self-control.
Ban lifted in 2010. Moid-Actual in 2011.
fuck that. im not going to "develop self control" when its an unending constant barrage of it.
>just take another day of it and theyll get bored
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Ok, change nothing and do no self-reflection and cry in the corner then I suppose. Or just learn how to use filters, if the tourists bother you that much. Or migrate to an alt/k/ - definitely no monomaniacally offtopic loons on altchans. Or, get this, post! things! of! quality!

...but you like the 3 minutes of hate, don't you?
>that cortisol spike
>that top note
>that CREAM
It would still be better to have an all male crew. Submariners also have side duties such as maintenance and damage control that women would be substantially worse at
Mutts are literally begging for their subs to spectactuarly implode.
K leave then
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Women are probably just as competent as men are at 95%+ of submarine tasks, but the reason why I, and I think other Anons too, don't think this is a good idea is because of the effect on morale and camaraderie.
I was just finishing up Boy Scouts when they integrated girls. In just that first summer, everything completely changed. Way more fights between boys, boys suddenly getting in trouble all the time for stuff that had been okay before, and girls constantly causing drama. Not to even mention the sex stuff.
Now, the Boy Scouts and a USN submarine are in no ways comparable, but I think the dynamic is similar, in terms of sexual integration. It's just a fact that an all-male submarine will always more effective than an integrated submarine, all else being equal.
You were gonna see it either way: >>62520859
By 2100 we will be colonizing space, like it or not the ships will be crewed by both females and males, probably plenty of female captains as well. Fighting this trend is pointless.
imagine being the only white chick on board.
she's going to come back with ptsd and racism
oh shit XD
imagine how jealous the slavettes get when Ivan keeps bumming pidor instead of her cause it's punishment and totally not gay!
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iiiiiidk anon, tough call without ultra-upscaled 44k and the proper physiognomy tools.

The first ones were basically screened to have as many advantages as possible. Seems to have worked for the very first officers, at any rate. These two had kids and they're out now.

>Lt. j.g. Luke Leveque, assigned to the Gold crew of the ballistic missile submarine USS Maryland (SSBN 738) pins the submarine officer warfare device on his wife, Lt. j.g. Marquette Leveque. Leveque is one of three Sailors to become the first female unrestricted line officers to qualify in submarines.


Violently well-adjusted midwestern bastards...
never happened in the history of east slavs
The navy has solved the birthrate problem!
This is Jean Chrétien wearing the blue helmet backwards tier.
>Que voulez-vous?! Shu's pas formé pour ça sti!

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