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Small slav war UAVs are starting to hit 'interceptor' speeds with some regularity. Here in vidrel Wild Hornets tops out at 325kmh -- their current max for an operationally relevant FPV. So how fast is worthwhile? Curious to hear what people think.

Pushing ¼ to ½ Mach is obviously possible with the right smol boys, for instance, but planning to catch even the most languid soviet-archaeotech missile in Russia's inventory is a stretch.

So, what is to be done? Whomst to be intercepted?
holy esl
what kinnda stupid questions are those? ofc its fucking usefull for all the reasons we already saw it being usefull like hitting helicopters and high flying observation drones
ESL thread but stopping the kill chain can be just as good as intercepting the missile itself. Surveillance drones would be more vunerable to this.
>go fast
>miss cause you can't adjust your aim fast enough
lmao stupid hohols
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>what kinnda stupid questions are those?
The kind that invite a discussion of what upper bounds are realistically useful, in terms of the categories of prey to be pursued - after the OCD degenerates who f5 all day are done calling the OP esl, of course.

As opposed to the alternative:
>"hey guise this FPV go FAST!! what think??"
>no shit stupid hohol that's what they are FOR
>ahhh mah TAX DOLLARS
>I could be ODing on fent in INDIANA

>like hitting helicopters
This wild hornets FPV is already reaching top speeds comparable to choppers like the Hind. I'm taking it for granted that utility helicopters and some attack helicopters are probably on the menu for the remainder of the war. But this is likely more of a SHORAD radar tracking problem than a drone design problem (you need your tiny vehicle prepositioned for its brief window of opportunity because you aren't able to sustain top speeds for much longer than 30-60 seconds).

It is a given that a fast drone can intercept a not-fast drone of similar size...

>make yourself UNDERSTOOD to me or you are a thirdie MULATTO!
how about you just read things other than vtuber shipfic and have fun playing with language instead cunt
propellers are limited to 0.8 Mach. that's as fast as you can get before switching to a jet engine.
Once they start using this to regularly intercept mid size and small attack drones that will fully change the meta. Right now the only way to regularly penetrate western AD is using small tactical drones for limited distances, because the time from detection to interception is too slow unless you use missiles like iron dome, which are limited and cost somewhat more than high end fpvs
Do you now what a dive is?
>So how fast is worthwhile?
I think being able to use it as an interceptor and to reach high altitude quickly is a useful thing when it comes to taking down surveillance craft and inbound munitions like lancets. if they miss their first pass they need to be fast enough to re-engage, which takes quite a bit of excess performance. if they get fast enough and can haul a minor payload, you can even use them against shit like shaheeds, which saves a much higher cost and performance interceptor for more serious threats.
For electric drones I think we'll see ~400km/h as the practical limit but jet drones will become high sub-sonic.
thats not especially fast
you can buy the whole build on aliexpress

thats an analog video FPV quad theyre not useful in intercepting anything for one theyre manually piloted, inferior to autonemous missiles.
second unlike traditional rocket missiles these electric missiles are very slow. the whole point of LI ION quads is reusability if you're gonna make an interceptor missile make it a rocket
>theyre not useful in intercepting anything for one theyre manually piloted

that thing was slow as shit and didnt evade
we're going to witness a race for a miniature air to air missile
That slow-as-shit thing that doesn't evade is the best that Russia has for responsive fires and counter-battery that isn't a 3 million $$$ ballistic missile.
Honestly, I like the idea of spamming six packs of them on vehicles as a cheap anti-drone solution. Not anti-FPV drones, but anti-Shaheed/loiter munition. They are small and light enough to bolt onto almost anything with minimal footprint, are even cheaper than their targets, and don't (necessarily) require emissions to either acquire or intercept their targets.
How long until TV control missiles are back in fashion?
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>Pushing ¼ to ½ Mach is obviously possible with the right smol boys
You still have air resistance in a dive. propeller aircraft don't go supersonic in a dive.
>the whole point of LI ION quads is reusability
no, quads are cheap enough to be disposable. reusable is nice, but they're still ammunition to be expended.
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>propeller aircraft don't go supersonic in a dive
Did Warthunder lie to me?
It's not impossible, it's just that vast majority of propellor aircraft will not be aerodynamically optimized to go that fast. There is effectively no reason to optimize a propellor driven aircraft for transonic and supersonic speeds (like by using swept wings) because they are an edge case of any flight envelope. The only time you're going to be sitting in that flight regime in a prop aircraft is in a long dive or maybe after a few minutes of all out max throttle with an incredibly powerful aircraft at high altitude. Why would you design an aircraft for those very niche scenarios when 99% of the time when it's outside of those parameters it will perform significantly worse aerodynamically and also be more dangerous to fly
They absolutely can.
The Anduril Anvil is supposed to have a top speed of 320 kph, which is a bit over Mach 0.25. I haven’t heard of it getting sent to Ukraine, but it is plausible that it may be in use there.
That is not ESL, you are merely a fucking midwit with no grasp of language and probably have not read a book since sophomore English. So almost 2 years ago last.
>140 mph
That ain't shit. Maybe hit a transport/cargo chopper.
LI ION was invented to be rechargeable
if you want single use there's rocket engines
>Whomst to be intercepted?
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Yeah-huh, though. The random hacked-together FPV in the video reaches 0.26.

Designs built from the ground-up as interceptors can do significantly better, because they're closer to hobby rockets than copter-style designs. They are usually a cylndrical fuselage with ducted rotors and/or jet propulsion. Launched either straight up (like a hobby rocket) or from a steeply inclined catapult. Picrel shows the gist of the blueprint I'm thinking of.

This leaves you with limited options for externally mounted payloads because of unstable aerodynamics under asymmetry, but that's not terribly important when your concept of operation is to use it as a kinetic-kill vehicle.

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