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Lockheed not to be outdone by Dahir Insaat gambits from cruise missile small fries. Missile announced for the start of AHA 2024 today. https://lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/jassm/agm-158-xr-cruise-missile.html
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wow it looks like a normal 158 glad we got the flashy presentation
>158A regular
>158B for improvements and more range
>158C LRASSM for ships
So the XR's like a D?
Now to watch a wave of chinks and butthurt sandniggers seethe at what they can never have.
I hope they make a cheap one for killing Russians (they have no air defence and thus need no special features)
they do have too much AD and EW remaining desu
sullivanesque cuckery is the primary problem thougb, not weapons systems
So it's just a JASSM ER but even bigger?
Its longer
XR means extreme range in normal navy parlance. MR is medium range. ER is extended range.
So what are these for? Sinking the fujian and its CSG?
AshMs are good at mission killing ships but not good at sinking them outright because they don't make many holes below the water line. The assumption is they would start with a mass missile strike to disable the fleet and then mop it up with quicksink and/or mk48 torpedos.
Do we know if it's supposed to be a LRASM upgrade or a JASSM upgrade?
it's more like Deez nuts.
What name would they give to an even longer range version?
>Now to watch a wave of chinks and butthurt sandniggers seethe at what they can never have.
they all have hypersonics..
why would they want this technologically inferior burgerwaffe?
We'll know by the end of the day, but first the thread has to survive that long.
Shame how threads remotely serious about any new American weapons system gets ignored for braindead b8.
Base has a range of 230miles
ER has a range of 575miles+
A quick check gives me a 1800km range for the D (XR) version or about 1100 miles.
Even longer range would probably require enough changes to necessitate a new designation. The XR is somewhere around 4x the range of the baseline model and they stretched the body to fit the required fuel.
>Base 230mi
>ER +575mi
>XR 1100mi
Are they trying to strap them to B52s? The F35 and B21 can probably get by with the Base variant alone
>One of the tradeoffs of the longer, heavier XR is that an F-16 will not be able to carry the weapon. However, Lockheed calculated that is more than offset by the benefits of the extended range, he said.
That's kind of a shame that a F-16 can't deal with the pylon weight of the XRs. On the flipside that means F-15s, F-22s and F-35s still can haul this heavy bastard along with Rapid Dragoning them out of C-130s and C-17s.
Imagine the Boners making fast dashes to lob these, AIM-174s and AIM-260s in the Pacific.
The longer range ones are definitely design for the legacy airframes like the F-15 and F-18 in mind since they don't need to worry about internal carriage requirements.
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Realistically, nobody makes miltech threads anymore. US aviation is being turned upside-down this month, with a flurry of updates over the next two days. But there's no thread because I'm preoccupied (posting to a thread instead of just taking notes slows me down 1000-fold). Lately, if I don't make the thread, 9 times out of 10 there won't be discussion here.

I can make the event thread if you'd like, all the same.
Nah I saw a few but they're super rare like rando stuff about the Ukrainian MRAP or the (supposed) Russian ABM stuff.
>5-20 posts before thread death
those are also me
It would probably be good for our Gov't finances if they passed a law against advertising for military weapons lmao
What even is this? some giant stage all done up for the missile? some count down timer for some big reveal? who is this even for? Who is waiting on the edge of their seats to see just what lockheed is rolling out next?
Best case scenario is they think it's going to convince the US Gov't to buy more missiles than they need. In any scenario, marketing expense is factored into the final price.
shit like this is why everything costs a trillian dollars
>Who is waiting on the edge of their seats to see just what lockheed is rolling out next?
It's me
>shit like this is why everything costs a trillian dollars
look up the advertising expenses of Lockmart before claiming bullshit
meds you need 1000+ miles missiles for deep strikes in China
Y-yeah. It me.
Make a thread please, I'll read it.
random aside from OP (nta). I've spent a good bit of my professional life gaining access to web data that shouldn't be accessible, but I can't recall having seen lockmart's curious method of copy-protecting their teaser video until today.

It's not DRM that requires cracking, they just clearly didn't want people resaving it like >>62515326. There's also a companion JS file which is obfuscated at the name-assigment level. It's not minified or compiled to a binary you can't inspect, just opaque.

The MIC boomers go through a lot of trouble to come up with bespoke make-work like that, in their own way. Though when you're a defense prime, you can just aqui-hire software firms that specialize in ancillary shit you might only use once or twice a year.
Need to get some food in me then I will.
>you can just aqui-hire software firms that specialize in ancillary shit you might only use once or twice a year.
it's just simple economies of scale: big corps have enough work to have that sort of thing done in-house

>they just clearly didn't want people resaving it like >62515326
so... how did anon manage it then?
Keep up the good work making those threads. There's (still) interest in the endless sea of shills. Also hope your drone things go well.
>chinese hypersonics
Based off a Pershing 2 from the 60s
>russian hypersonics
Can't beat a patriot from the 80s
Alright, fug. I'm going. Gotta DRAG my ass over to the posting machine... otherwise this shit will be all week. >>62519930

Thread made >>62520184
Will keep this one missile here
You can still screen record...

Oh, the US has deployed this missile?

> Well, no.

But you're building it?

> Not really.

Have you ordered any?

> Not as such.

Then it's just another example of the hollow PowerPoint and mission statement US military.

> It's a new! LM is making them right now! They are!

"The Pentagon has not committed to buying the new AGM-158 XR, said LM's VP of air weapons and sensors. But LM is putting its own funds toward early development work on the missile."


> Yeah. Mockups, PowerPoints and hookers for Senators.
>manufacturer advertises weapon
>well actually, no
grow up
Hypothetically speaking..... what would happen if you sent a rapid dragon package to space to just sorta wait around in orbit till it was needed.
Did the polish babbler get lost and land in this thread? Who the fuck is dumb and boring enough to try to troll americans about lockheed missiles being vaporware?
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They thought this was important to turn into a gif
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>how can you criticise our war profiteering look at who we hire
explain why weapons companies need to operate at a loss
money changing hands makes me feel bad because i'm a faggot brown communist :(
>Lockheed currently produces both the JASSM and LRASM in Troy, Alabama.
Its almost as if they're just hiring people from around the plant... much like defense manufacturing under a prime contractor can mean a high paying, stable job with better benefits than working for a lot of other places...
mate. go look up the definition of profiteering
Dumb illiterate nigger.
LongJASSM is loooooong.
Then you have to deal with re-entry, at which point you might as well make it into FOBS or something.
a nigger, a jeet, a woman, and a beta basedboy
Only thing missing is a tranny
don't have to
profiteering implies excessive and unfair profits
make that argument, go on
characterise e.g. Lockmart or Raytheon's returns as excessive and unfair, do

go back
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New variant's featureset is not boxed into exclusively JASSM or LRASM branches.



>extended range

>obsolescence upgrade
>new electronic fuze
>new gps receiver
>increased computing capability
>upgraded missile control unit
>enhanced c++ software

>m-code gps capability

>datalink capability
>… to re-target,
>… post-launch,
>… against relocatable targets
>… against higher priority targets


>datalink capability
>iir seeker for ships
>em spectrum analysis

>extended range
>advanced survivability
>enhanced blos datalink
>enhanced c++ software
>land-attack capability !


* out of production
+ in development
! struck
>AGM-158C-3 LRASM-ER +
+ in development
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only a retarded communist or financial illiterate thinks this is excessive.
they're just repeating memes amplified by Soviet disinfo without even pausing to consider a cursory verification, it's fucking sad
More like HYPEsonics.

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