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Whatever happened to the based shitskin Sahel Alliance that was supposed to team up with BRICS and kick globohomo out of West Africa? Burkina Faso is like 50% Jihadiland by now.
Do these dictators sincerely believe all the shit theyre saying about colonization and the west and acting like Sankara? They're looting and selling off chunks of the country to wagner.
I think the main difference was that when Western forces were supporting them they would at least frown when these countries acted authoritarian or shooting up rivals. Russia outright does not care as long as they get their cut, which for the ambitious type who wants to purge rivals is a better short term deal. Unfortunately in the longterm these purges/massacres weaken the government and strengthen rebel groups, particularly AQ/ISIS/etc
>Team up with BRICS
Pretty sure every BRICS member is actively trying to fuck over each other in a sneaky way. They are not allies in any way.
What? How could an unofficial coalition of some of the sleaziest, ass backwards, turd world nations on earth possibly draw you to that conclusion?
Granted neither of them have made any moves (except China maybe). But that probably because each of their countries is always on the brink of collapse.
because russian COIN doctrine is to simply terrorize the local population more than the terrorists do.
>kick globohomo out of West Africa
>Burkina Faso is like 50% Jihadiland by now
>Sahel Alliance
>West Africa

uhh magabros why is that based russian wearing a face diaper?
Shit smells bad when you're surrounded by niggers.
It's completely collapsing and Burkina Faso has been forcing civilians to dig trenches.
The insurgency has already spread into the Ivory Coast and Togo.
Imagine being Togo or any of the surrounding states and knowing you're next, but inviting western forces will get you called a western cocksucker and couped lol
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Shitskin alliance is just for trading, call it a shitskin G7/G20. If any of them get in to a war they won't help, like russia did in 2020.
The west, specifically the USA hasn't really been present in Africa for the past decade and a bit.
"Kicking globohomo out" is just standard African propaganda used to scare the locals and garner support from liberals.
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The Ivory Coast can just call the French again, they did that in the 2000s.
No refunds. Honhonhon.
Niger thought they could do that also and they got retarded dictator #3 instead
They’re saying that because you faggots indulge them. Stop treating niggers like people and they’ll behave.
Also they're simply too far away from one another to really compete for regional confluence, except for India/China/Russia, but those are separated by natural borders.
Reminds me of Germany who complained about WW1 reparations, even tough they were capable of paying them and had sabotaged their own economy blaming it on the French in order to obtain better terms, while at the same time breaking the terms of the armistice treaty because the French didn't dare to enforce them.

Welp, meant "influence"
>This quote is utterly false and is an outrageously inaccurate picture of Dr. Schweitzer’s view of Africans. Dr. Schweitzer never said or wrote anything remotely like this. It does NOT appear in the book African Notebook.
>First misattributed in the neo-nazi publication The Liberty Bell, Vol. 6, (1978) published by George P. Dietz

It seems Nazis can't help themselves.
Except maybe for the 1000 guys who operated from Niamey and Agadez until not that long ago?

Ivory Coast's Gbagbo thought France would genocide his enemies for free, instead France established a DMZ between the north and the south so Gbagbo chimped out hard, ousted the white civilians from Ivory Coast through civilian unrest including assaults and rapes. Then the French started supporting his opponent and that's how Alassane Ouattara came into power.
This was in 2004.

Based truth teller.
Those complaining about Versailles always forget the French fully paid the outrageous sum of money Germans asked from France after 1871, and that Versailles was suspended in 1932 a year before Hitler came into power.
Turkey joining will be the cherry on top
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>cope belt
Its a very small difference, but a big one:
>West - we get minerals BUT ALSO you have to like the things we like and do the things we do.
>Russia - we get the minerals, we literally do not give a fuck about what happens in your country.

The Africans perceive the Russian deal to be the better one.
kek'd audibly
Huh? The Russians absolutely try and manage the countries just as much as the West. Notice they only support autocrats.
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two coops?!

LOL BRICS is hot garbage. Brasil is literally on fire, Russia can't take over a former state, India can't even do toilets for half their population, China's economy is imploding due to a housing and financial crisis that dwarfs 2008 and Sudafrica can't even keep the lights on, they have permanent rolling black-outs.

They are all a fucking joke that got fat out of the Western world order that allowed them to enjoy western factories that moved to get cheap labor with western technology manned by western-trained professionals to sell in western markets. We were too nice to this assholes trying to avoid WW3 and they got arrogant and disrespectful. Time to put them back in their place.

We should go back to sending black hawks to mow down problematic warlords in Africa. It's good training and makes for great movies.
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>le brics
Posts about BRICS as it was an military alliance are an IQ litmus test.
The closest thing to an Russian equivalent of NATO is the CSTO which is a complete fucking joke.
They do believe it and they also DO steal the country as well. Most of them are from the same circles as the former USSR associates and allies from these exact same regions from the Cold War.

It's not inconsistent, none of these people believe in anything except robbing and stealing, their problem with the "fascist imperialist colonialists" is that in their view they don't involve them and their friends in the looting and stealing hence the West is racist, fascist, oppressive ect
The Islam belt... wherever it goes it must coup and seethe
1000 dudes in Africa ain't shit.
Can you blame the gringos though? The fucking CCP commies and their quasi-Commie friends in Russia can't stop making bullshit propaganda for both the West and the third world about BRICS for the last 10 years. The fact that in practice the whole thing was always a propaganda concept to attract investment to semi-socialist shitholes run by mobsters helps quite a lot.
coup and seethe
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The funniest thing about BRICS is they were created by Jim O'Neill, chairman of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., an American multinational investment bank and financial services company. Yes, you read it correct, in this case schizos were right, BRICS are a meme created by DA JOOS to get gibs from rich western white people which got out of control back during the End of History when everyone believed you just had to invest in shitholes to get richer and make them suddenly civilized and not subhumans, they aren't even a military alliance like shills and contrarians want to make everyone believe, go check the clash borders between the chinks and poojeets uploaded in Youtube (even funnier when you notice the poojets larpings as westerners in the comments and the chinks also larping as westerners replying to their shills).
BRICS is peak retardation and what happens when you take some random geopolitical elements and pretend they are a coherent whole just because they share in their inherent shortcomings, it's even funnier when you notice these nations themselves started to believe this shit and delude themselves about being something other than (failed) cheap western economy providers with delusions of grandeur.
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Hey, they can always dream, go check the map who want to join, talking about zero sum games.
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you fucker I was drinking
Russia has destabilized the region and that's all that matters. Jihadi takeover was the plan all along.
>Do these dictators sincerely believe all the shit theyre saying about colonization and the west and acting like Sankara?
No. They're just look for foreign support so they can take over. You better believe that the day after the most recent dictator wins the conflict, one of his underlings is gonna go beg for a handout at the nearest glowie.
Yes but one of them won't shoot a whole village full of civilians for your convenience.
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Fuck its been a while lmao
if brazil left and palestine joined, the mighty union called "PRICS" would be formed
yeah but while the criteria for joining such a club are obviously low, you DO have to be an actual nation. I think.
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>even funnier when you notice the poojets larpings as westerners in the comments and the chinks also larping as westerners replying to their shills
Afghans who don't like the Taliban will create fake Jackson Hinkle profiles as a means to generate opposition to the Taliban. He's popular with thirdie Twitter but it makes you wonder why a white American grifter is so popular out there.
If Mexico joins they can be McRIBs.
If they believed in an ideology that didn't need lies to sustain itself they wouldn't be nazis
Many believe in anti-colonialism because they want foreigners to stop dictating policy to them
Obviously this is unrealistic, especially because they also keep asking foreigners for loans
To those who say ‘they don’t believe in anything’ that’s not really true, they want to enrich themselves but also tend to have a sort of prideful nationalism (often tribal/ethnic, not nationalism connected to the state) and a disdain for ‘LGBT stuff’

Source: I voted for gay marriage in the US and also worked with 3rd world government officials abroad for a few years, the focus on the promotion of universal protections for various gender/sexuality/religious groups abroad has created many needless enemies to the US abroad and I don’t think it’s actually in US interests to spend so much political capital on social activist goals abroad

Source: the US government paid me to implement some programs in 3rd world countries, the average thirdie does NOT prioritize gay marriage and is actually less likely to support a candidate who supports it.
Also, many governments want certain minority religious groups/ethnicities to fuck off, US positions itself as anti-government when it prevents that. We make many strategic enemies as a result of ‘humanitarian’ policies
Why can't Russia beat isis if it's second biggest army in the world?
Busy fighting the weapons/logistics/intelligence wing of the first biggest army in the world, and also the soldiers of the 20th biggest army
Based. The mere fact that Germany was able to pull out such an army is proof enough the Versailles treaty was not enforced at all. As always, they used it as a propaganda tool to justify their cause, but it certainly was not the root cause that led to WWII.
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at the beginning Macron was lowkey pro-Russia because of strong economic ties and pretty good diplomatic relationships with Russia, until the Moscow backed African coups happened in his old sphere of influence.
Because of this the Frogmaster shifted his stance completely and went all-in supporting Ukraine, even more than BoJo.
Macron doesn't do this for Ukraine to win absolutely, but to keep the war going as long as possible so the Kremlin will be forced to pull back some of its soldiers out of Africa, therefore losing capabilities, influence and credibility. This is the beginning.
>They're looting and selling off chunks of the country to wagner.
The US state department does the same exact thing. Our government does all the same corrupt activities, exploiting other nations, but they just "brand" it differently. ie. "lobbying", it's not bribes anon, it's simply persuading via offshore bank wires into personal accounts so you can "recommend" action be taken on the interested party's agenda. Seriously though, where do you think all these other nations are taking queues from? It's us, it's our corrupt government model that they follow and aspire to be like.
This is why we should concentrate on "way out policies". Let Pasta bash gaes about eating the poopoo all over the place but request that the boss has the goddamn common courtesy to let them flee to the West before actually beating them. The SIFs will cry and moan but most people will find it fair on our side.
>the US does it so us regularly massacring civilians because we don't like their tribe is okay too
The word is ‘cue’ not ‘queue’
You might receive a cue to stand in the queue
>our government does the same thing
Maybe 50 years ago. We're all about soft power now.
At least were able to prevent an jihadist takeover in countries were occupying unlike Russia.
>We're all about soft power now.
only because we lack warm bodies, it's pretty bad
thanks professor
did you wake up from a coma anon? biden hit ctrl-alt-del on afghanistan and pulled the plug, only to leave all the jihadis with billions in taxpayer funded weapons
Why was wagner so much more successful in CAR when compared to the sahel?
looks like the gang unit maps of los angeles lol
>able to prevent an jihadist takeover in countries were OCCUPYING
Did you even read my post retard?
>thanks professor
NTA but whoa, how about some gratitude? That's Anon's advice might help you get promoted, ESL-kun.
The deepest darkest part of the jungle is the ancestral home of russian apes. It was much more of a """brother war""" then the war in Ukraine.
you spend enough time replying to shitheads in this shithole and you start to adopt some quasi-esl pidgin
you wouldn't believe my formal education when it comes to the english language
Most of the rebels in CAR are gorrila tier retards that believe magic charms will make them impervious to bullets, and they are mostly armed with rusty old rifles and an dwindling supply of RPGs from the 70s.
Meanwhile the Jihadists in the sahels are complete fanatics armed with Gaddafi era weapons like ZSUs, ATGMs, and even manpads.
professor! this one needs help, he's angry he can't type "we're"
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Goddamnit, anon. You got me good with that one.
>m-muh spelling erroors...
I won.
>I won.
in your mind little man, i still don't know what country you think we stopped jihadis from taking over

it exists only in your "winner mind" lol
>he's going off script
lmao failure
>also the soldiers of the 20th biggest army
This one really fascinates me, and it's a shame I'm never going to know the true impact of it. If Wagner picks up a reputation for having a crew of glowies chasing them around the world on a personal vendetta to ruin everything they touch, that could be a pretty significant disincentive for hiring them in the first place.
name the countries you were referring to here>>62520005
>At least were able to prevent an jihadist takeover in countries were occupying unlike Russia.
At this point, I want a future where the Tuareg fully controls Mali and Burkina Faso. At least they'll be much better rulers than the shitheads they currently have in charge.
Wish someone would hurry an murder this fag
>they were capable of paying them and had sabotaged their own economy
You mean jews living in Germany
No, retard, Germany happily marched into their own pit of destruction trying to fight the world with next to no allies
He did genuinely say that Africans were our brothers, but little brothers and behind us by hundreds of years.
that's what i thought you dumb bitch, here's your loser award
>biden hit ctrl-alt-del on afghanistan and pulled the plug
Tump is the fucker that invited the Taliban to the table and signed the Doha Accord promising to pull everyone by May dipshit. Shit on Biden for anything else but he literally inherited the problem from Trump who did fuckall in setting up actual plans.
>the French didn't dare to enforce them.
Didn't they try doing that during the occupation of the Ruhr?
Hope your pay gets docked for this blunder
>Tump is the fucker that invited the Taliban to the table
I despise him but Obama didn't have the balls and Biden wouldn't have done it either.
There was no point throwing away more lives and money on a people that couldn't care to save themselves.
>throwing away more lives
anon barely 3k Americans died in 20 years
I expect at least one of them to come back the way of the US, they really hate the french but most of the anti US shit has been like, "we kicked them out so we kind of have to kick you out too"
isn't that like, 80% of the reactions to US intervention?
because the french have no qualms about informing the jihadis on wagner positions if it benefits them.
I mean, it's a win/win, doesn't matter which side dies.
>Arab Spring
>African Autumn
Putting the cart before the horse I feel. Just getting the Africans up to 50s values and liberalism will do the rest.
I don't understand how the hell BRICS got memed into some sort of military alliance in the first place. The only place you ever saw the term was in investment hedge fund contexts, like "buy into this new hedge fund that invests in BRICS" and news stories talking about said hedge funds.
>anon barely 3k Americans died in 20 years
It wasn't worth one.
I tried to be open-minded about it but within 10 minutes of getting there I saw my first ANA solider.
>rifle carried by the barrel over his should like a caveman's club.
>drooling because he was clearly high as shit
>shuffling because he was high
>also shuffling because he boots weren't even tied
>unable to tie his boots because he had no laces in them
This first impression was representative of my encounters with most of the ANA/ANP. This was 10 years in and zero progress.
There is a reason it fell at the speed it takes to slowly drive across it. The kandak's my country trained surrendered 2 days before the taliban even arrived.
>Source: I voted for gay marriage in the US
What you mean at the state level? Because if you were the political player you'd claim, you'd know it was decided in the Supreme Court https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obergefell_v._Hodges. seems like you might be lying there, on this Cambodian Ski Suit Sewing Rice scroll
2 coups 1 belt
I think it's because of the war and grifter accounts on Twitter memeing a new Warsaw Pact. There's one account that gets shared around called BRICS NEWS that I see schizos repost a lot that just makes up outright fake shit every day. BRICS to me is very 2000. Especially like the idea these mid-sized economies like South Africa or Brazil or India etc. were going to break out but then fell out of fashion for awhile after their economies started faltering. Developmentalist brained type malarkey.
The mid step was the idea of "hey, if we're all going to the moon while the West stagnates, maybe we should make our own Euro with blackjack and hookers", and that was the first and last time BRICS ever agreed on anything, but it hasn't stopped them from swearing up and down that it's totally going to happen one of these days.
it was not this way during the cold war. As long as you kept the jackboot on marxists uncle sam was okay with you (for the most part). Its more amusing the post cold war brainwashing in the west about homos being some higher form of snowflakes that need to be cuddled and cherished has gotten so bad its now directly sabotaging common sense policies. Regarding the various state constructs outside north america and europe

yet again america wasted its will to fight for over 20 years in the middle east trying to play democracy with islamic societies. Its ironic studies and understanding of various other cultures has been thrown completely out in western policy making decision in favor of this narcissistic mentality of
>if I like it, everybody likes it!
This is a bit of a meme, pushed by both African nationalists and Western leftists.

If you actually look at the data, France has very little dependency on Africa.
And economists are pretty clear that colonization did cost France much more than it benefited it.

French colonization was a leftist project (initiated by people like Jules Ferry, to civilized the lesser races), and contrary to what leftists and nigs want you to believe, most natural resources that were used to build France came from France (huge coal and iron mine in north east France, although today it's true that they are indeed depleted). As for uranium, much more comes from Canada and Kazakhstan than from Africa.

And if you look at who is actually looting Africa, number one would be Africans themselves, followed by Arabs.
Coup on Nigeria, most populous county in Africa. You think Syria was bad you wait until Russians drop the N bomb.
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Off topic thread, what happened this time?
They "kicked out" France (the French left peacefully) and resorted to cannibalism and radical islam within 2,5 months. No seriously there was fucking cannibalism.
Russia is still Russia
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>wait until Russians drop the N bomb.
There's a reason France is called "Russia of Europe". Same Flag, same Anti-Western policies, same eternally seething at Nigel. If France had the infrastructure to test for HIV, I'm sure they'd be the same as russia too
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>Russia of Europe
western Russia where over 90% of Russians live is in Europe, so that meme you just made up doesn't even make sense
>Same Flag
horizontal and vertical isn't the same, or maybe you should compare it with the Netherlands and Luxembourg maybe? you're out of touch again
>same Anti-Western policies
not anti Western, anti American imperialism maybe, but that's common in the whole Europe anyway, except for the UK obviously. this is often seen as a big contrast to the Franco-German alliance which has strong anti Atlanticism opinions
>same eternally seething at Nigel
more like the Brits are seething at the French and have been for their whole history
>If France had the infrastructure to test for HIV, I'm sure they'd be the same as russia too
imagine thinking France doesn't have better medical infrastructure than Russia lmao. it's even better than Germany and UK by far.

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