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In the event of a collapse, How should one prepper if one of their loved one is addicted to anti depresants and another needs rare meds like insulin?
>anti depressants
get to work or we all die faggot
uhh skill issue lmao should've put down the fork
1. The big collapse won’t happen. It’ll be a slow, downward spiral.
2. You don’t.
Pray really fucking hard there's not a collapse. Or live in the USA, same difference.
My cousin has agenetic condition.
So would i have to make him stock up on the med and hope society restarts by the time we finish the meds?
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Either that or raid a pharmacy. No doubt that will be everyone else's plan as well though. Anyone dependent on some pharma is pretty much fucked if anything really bad happens.
Insulin will dry up in less than a year. At best you can stockpile, but it will expire. Diabetics will die and those on antidepressants will either adapt to the new way of living (hard lifestyles tend to eliminate suicidal thoughts) or will solve the problem for you. Diabetics are dead weight and the sooner you let us die the longer you will survive. You will not be able to stockpile a forever supply of meds, nor will you be able to produce the medication. That being said the likelihood of such a scenario is very low. Humans quickly establish societies, even in collapse, and diabetic children will probs get first pick of anything. So long as it's not an extinction level event medicine supply chains will be up within in a year

>T. Type 1
i'm in my late 30s and i don't take any pills and i'm wondering if anything is wrong with me because my docs haven't given me anything
As an EMT one of my oldest patients was a 98yo woman who took only vitamin B, nothing else.
>t. concerta enjoyer
Your idea of "normal" seems to be based off the internet more than reality, I'm 42 and most of my friends are in their 40s, less than 1/4 are on anything.
Yeah the issue as type1anon says is that a lot of meds expire fairly fast and require refrigeration and so on. If it's something that can be stocked that might last a good while, but if not then there's nothing much for it.

But any sort of global collapse scenario is such fantasy it's not really worth any planning unless you're a billionaire or something and can afford to piss away 8 figures for the fun of it.
Make peace with the fact that they're not gonna make it. It sucks but it is what it is,
So its get hands on insulin bacteria a long term solution?
Get them off it.
Stock up beforehand, raid a pharmacy, find somewhere they can get more.

Kind've irrelevant because there will not be a general societal collapse unless something actually unforeseeable happes.
>anti depresants

It is called maladaptive daydreaming. You basically use daydreaming like an addict uses heroin, giving yourself a dopamine rush by fantasizing having reached goals or making yourself a hero.

It works to drag you out of a depressive episode but is not good for long-term use
If they're addicted to them, at least. Drugs dont work for me, maybe they work for your cousin or whatever.
real talk: how do you get antibiotics to stock up?

i asked my doctor for some saying i was going to be out in the woods camping for a week and he politely told me to fuck off
Fake a UTI saying you got kidney/bladder pains and hope they don't bother testing or get Fish Mox (Amoxicillin).
That sucks, I told my GP I needed strong pain killers and antibiotics because I was going on a remote dirtbike trip and he helped me out. Probably helps I have been going to him for 20 years including for biking injuries.
>Kind've irrelevant because there will not be a general societal collapse unless something actually unforeseeable happes
Im not talkin about nukes flying,
More like the riots that happened in Cali, forest fires, earthquakes.
That kinda shi
If you feel ok theres no need. Im in the same boat. And looking at those who do, its an avalanche effect. Because even the most mild supplements as a minimum put extra load on your gastrointestinal tract leading to pills regulating that etc...
You're neurotypical, which hints how actually being on meds isn't typical. Except for americans, as they throw meds at every problem they see, probably because that's what unchecked free market (billionaires) leads to.
You can get any prescription except painkillers and psych meds online. Go on a telemedicine website and tell the jeet you've got the clap.
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>steps on only pair of glasses day 0
I wish some people would realize that because of genetics the only thing keeping them alive is modern science.
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invest in a 50 cent nerd strap nigger
The one that makes me laugh is
>$5k on rifle
>$3k on body armor
>$0 on securing water
>$0 on securing food
These people don't seem to research what is actually the leading cause of death when supply chains break down, it isn't bullets.
>$0 on securing water

The amount of people that don't have any fucking water filtartion and collection is insane. People don't really consider dystenary. Drinking bad water is an easy trip to the D-Zone and you'll need to replace all the fluids you shit out, but since you drank unfiltered water all you have is more unfiltered water to drink so you are beyond fucked. Even if you have clean water, you are at the mercy of those around you until you get better.

You might live near a pond/lake/stream/river but you'll still need to clean that shit. Even rainwater needs to be cleaned.

You should have at least one high end water filters like Guardian with filter replacements even if you have cleansing tablets and gas/wood/solar to run a fire to boil water.
Also a lot of people who do understand the importance of water don't understand the difference between bacteria and viruses, and think a Sawyer mini will get them through a disaster situation.
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>Take impure water
>Convince the elderly couple its clean water
>Get their guns
>Take back water
the only thing you might be able to do and you cant do it yourself. Is to get someone to give you some inert harmless medication and tell you it's the real deal. Hoping that the placebo effect kicks in and it helps a bit.
How's this guy have seven kids if he's never interactedwith another human being
Sneaks into womens' restrooms at night and jerks off on the toilet seats
Listen Chief a lot of people are going to get filtered and to be honest it's high time too, the cycle of natural selection has been disrupted since the start of the Industrial Revolution.
It says he hasn't *spoken* to them, not interacted.
hoard from countries where they are cheap
also you can't get addicted on antidepressants, they don't work that way
The girl cant function without them.
Realistically that’s tough. For the insulin at least you might look into foodstuffs you can stockpile that don’t have as much affect raising blood sugar…. I’m not diabetic and I don’t think you can completely avoid needing insulin by doing this but may as well see if it’s possible to reduce the amount you need..
Also… don’t forget if you need to stockpile insulin then you also need to work out a long term sustainable solution for blood testing to track sugar levels too…. Not sure if test strips expire or if maybe theirs a way to diy something acceptable to use.. I know diabetes used to be called “sugar sickness” because it made your urine smell sweet.. perhaps it’s possible to test that? It’s probably not as accurate as a blood test, but if you can find a sustainable method to test sugar level in urine it might be better than nothing.
The hard truth is you will suffer for their incompetence. Gracefully leaving them to their own ruin sooner rather than at the moment of desperation is the humane course of action.
>anti depressants
Oh you didn't listen to my first point? Prepare to suffer and here's how. They will never recover while on any pharmaceuticals which are almost universally antibiotic. The issue stems from their gut where happiness comes from. They must engage on a journey of revival of their natural gut flora. This means eating raw animal products like raw eggs, dairy, meat while avoiding anything processed or fibrous. Short cuts to gut health that I will explain but you will not do: first is to eat ROTTEN meat. Leave small chunks of beef in a jar for three weeks, occasionally airing it out. Consume one serving for approximately two weeks of anti depressant effects. Another short cut is injecting raw dairy cream directly up their anus into their colon. This directly feeds the nervous system and the gut flora. Told you to listen to my first point.
Body refusing to make its own hormones/enzymes is combatted with slowly lessening the pharmaceuticals and replacing with raw never heated honey. The honey must not have been heated at all ever, truly raw - not grocery store raw. The raw enzymes in honey help digest and balance. More info can be sought for those who care to look but most do not appreciate the truth.
We crawled on our bellies eating carrion and we will once again.
for type 2 diabetes, stock up on berberine (1200mg) and turmeric curcumin (1500mg) along with cinnamon (2000mg). these were ye olde diabetes treatments. they won't be as good as modern insulin, but it will help
person in that image is a woman, they end up on loads of shit it's like a contest of who can be the illest for sympathy lol
Raid the local chemist. If you're smart, you were watching where the guy goes when they gets the insulin. That makes things simpler for a night raid. Otherwise you have to beat it out of the chemist.

Fuck those limp dick pills. Just get ADHD meds instead. They never expire (mine still work after 10 years) and they make you want to GET SHIT DONE.
I don't know how much insulin you or your friend stores normally but for those instances it could very well be enough. Just find out what NDs have a decent chance of happening in your area, figure out if it's something you evacuate for or whatever, and plan from there - do you need to stick in place, and what's the longest you might have to? do you have to leave - where are you going to leave to, and then find out how to get insulin there.
Unopened refrigerated insulin has efficacy for years after its expiration date
If you have an actual problem and you haven't stacked it + a small fridge + a battery and solar/generator provisions for said fridge you deserve what happens next
What's the deal with this "insulin expires" talk going on here? Put it in the freezer.
You can't get addicted per se, but you can still develop a dependency.
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>binge eating AND skin picking
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The dick can't function WITH them. Anti depressants don't work. They just make you feel like you're "under water" and you can't get horny. It sucks. Lifting weights or going for a run feels infinitely better than taking anti depressants.
Barbaque sauce and a whetstone.
For the anti depressants are you talking about ssri or opioids? If ssri they're non addictive. For getting someone off opioids that's a much more pressing concern which should be taken care of now and not waiting for a doomsday scenario.
>what's wrong with me
>I'm not on meds
Wtf kind of brainwashing have you been through? If you're NOT on meds, you're fine.
>pee drinking

Bear Grylls has joined the conversation
>at least one high end water filters
Got me mom to buy Big Berkey. It's a start.
>t. I have 4 5g water bottols and 2 more smaller for portable.
He speekz to womanz before impregnation. Whada cuck!
Try to get them off antidepressants with cognitive behavioral therapy. Meds are supposed to be a stop gap measure not a permanent solution.

Google how to extract it from animal pancreas. Artificial insulin is harvested from genetically engineered bacteria but regular insulin can still be harvested from animal pancreas
>being this stupid
Anon, you are stupid.
>3k$ on body armor
Hesco LL4s were available for 99$ before the pandemic. A quality carrier is less than 500$. This reeks of poverty cope
Food and water is a higher priority than armor though, and a lot of larpers on here don't realize that though, I agree
its laughable if you think the world hasn't collapsed compared to 30 years ago. 30 years ago regular people in the US could afford kids, food, a house and vacations on one median income of 40 hours a week. 30 years ago morals were a thing. 30 years ago shame was a thing.

what did you expect nukes or some shit? lmao not with a bang, but with a whimper. pay your taxes la'fundhha's kid's need new jordans.
This demoralizing post has convinced me that Russia is not pathetic and is in fact very strong
>Boomer wont receive social security therefor the west has fallen
you can harvest insulin from pigs you know
bacon too, they truly are a waddling miracle
It takes more than two tons of pig parts to extract just eight ounces of purified insulin
If they're on benzos they will literally die or anhero. Where you'll just shit your pants on opioids, or need to drink a bit of baby booze to get off of alcohol, the withdrawal from benzos is so violent they have to place people in comas.
Defectives will die by the millions, but everyone dies.
I used to take a pill for my depression/anxiety each morning, stopped and have just managed it to a greater or less extent myself.
Was on a very low dosage and honestly the biggest effect it had on my was semi-impotence so don't miss it.
Yeah those aren't something to fuck with. I was dealing with really bad anxiety this year and i was prescribed alprazolam. Never ended up taking them and am very thankful for that. Considering what they can do to people im not sure why anyone would prescribed them.
The amount of people who get prescriptions of drugs that dangerous that they don't really need is genuinely terrifying.
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>buff: depressed
>health condition: antidepressant withdrawal (severe)
>mental state: catatonic breakdown
Well look at that, some fine meat is back on the menu
I believe it
prowl some anarchist medicinal fourms, you'll find people mixing up all sorts of pharmaceuticals. used a couple insulin recipies from there to keep my ma going during some real hard times.
There was some video I remember seeing years back titled something like "prepers are going to die" or something like that. The basic premise of the video boiled down to that point. Anyone that needs the supply chain only possible when the world isn't in an EOTWAWKI scenario for stuff like life sustaining medicine is fucked if the issue is a long term one. Diabetics, people on heart medicine and blood thinners, hell even all the neurotic fuckers running around on a laundry list of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, anti-seizure medications for epileptic patients, even pain killers depending on just how addicted a person has become, all of them are going to be in a world of shit once the local pharmacy gets knocked over and there isn't anyone to magically restock it. The ass pain that video produced was pretty amusing.
became a preper after a midlife crisis when his wife divorced him.
frankly i could see ADHD people self medicating with caffeine because lets be frank, there will always be coffee, maybe much more expensive but the people WANT coffee
Insulin can be made in the home with a yeast bio-reactor for cheap. The problem is that the yeast are a bio-engineered strain and so you need to start before “THE COLLAPSE”.
Antidepressants, just follow regular drug addiction rehab protocols and hope they weren’t one of the few who honestly needed it instead of someone who had anxiety because of 4-600mg of caffeine as their normal morning routine.

Btw, Sugar and Caffeine are the fixes people will kill you for.
Feds changed the laws so you can't get fish drugs without a prescription, there was some online place to get antibiotics without much hassle but I forgot the name.
Insulin isn't that rare, it is artificially scarce because big pharma has cornered the US government into restricting it to the point where they have an effective cartel and can change whatever they want. Most other places in the world it is readily available and inexpensive. It does have to be synthesized and refrigerated, so if the situation is a complete brundlefuck then you're screwed, but if society is at least partially functional it will be obtainable but probably very expensive.

Genuinely rare medications for rare conditions are going to pretty much disappear. If you need them you are fucked. If there is a common medication that can at least get the job done you'll have to switch to that. Common medications like insulin, aspirin, etc. will still be around because there will be a demand for it, but availability will be mixed depending on how bad the situation really is. Not every SHTF situation is the same. I bet the cost and availability of insulin is different in war torn parts of Ukraine vs. Venezuela vs. Syria.

Supply and demand work against you but they also can work in your favor. If you are one of millions of people who need something there will be an imperative to provide it.
Monitor their diet in the lead up so their meat is good still a few months into SHTF.
>anti depresants
Hire a hooker
extracted from pigs so pig farm
Why bother with a hooker when you've got a pig farm?
Everyone has a use in society. Sadly, some of those uses are organ banks.
I would like to clearly state I am advocating for testing urine using some kind of chemical or electronic means and not by tasting it…. Figure in a shtf scenario you’ve got enough stuff trying to poke holes in you without having to add more for testing….
yeah Im sure the retards here jacking off to the end times are smart enough to nurture bacterial cultures and produce home made insulin
in history, sugar concentration in urine was measured by boiling off the urine and then caramelizing the sugar.
This. Theirs a lot of basic skills that would be invaluable in a Shtf scenario that are worth learning that don’t involve firearms.. canning for example…. I got into it so I could pressure can soup for lunch when I batch cook. 1 pint jar fills a normal thermos and doesn’t take up fridge space.. also you don’t come off as some kind of crazy prepper nut.. but the upside to learning to can is keeping a supply of jars around along with a couple of propane tanks for my turkey fryer burner and now if my freezer takes a shit I’ll be able to just can the half cow of beef in there instead of buying ice or losing it.. and if shit does ever hit the fan I have a way to actually store food that ties in with our gardening.. the real big one for me to plan for without looking insane was water… I live in northern Arizona.. if we lost water we’d be in a lot of trouble… luckily my kids love to swim… so for now we have an above ground pool that holds 5000 gallons.. I might have to treat it to drink it but it’s a good buffer without looking crazy… in a few years I plan on splurging on a big in ground pool, saving the above ground pool in the back of the shed after cleaning it, and adding a rainwater catch system with a couple hundred gallons of capacity…. None of which looks overtly like prepping, and I hope I never have to use in a shtf scenario, but if worst comes to worst would give me a fighting chance at the time to work out how to adapt.. we also got solar panels for the house and I got into reloading…. Medically speaking we are well positioned because my wife is a nurse practitioner…. But seriously guys if you want to really do prepper planning stuff take up gardening and maybe try to learn some good life skills…
>Insulin can be made in the home with a yeast bio-reactor for cheap.
Lol, no. Read and learn. Primary insulin harvest is done in bacterial facilities at scale. It is neither cheap nor easy. The reason that there is a global insulin shortage is due to how costly the manufacturing process is. That is why Cali making their own generic insulin is one of the greatest plays they have ever done. The most promising insulin independence is bioengineered cows which produce a crystallized form in milk. The yields from these cows have been shocking. That being said good luck getting one, the paper on them just came out this year. That of course does not solve the problem of large scale glucose measuring, and you still need delivery systems, and of course the innumerable after effects of diabetes that require more. It's clear from reading this thread that many people here legitimately put zero study into their own health or even what insulin is
>T. Type 1
Congrats you have now theorized 1950s level blood glucose measurement and it was shitty then and would be shitty now. Measuring piss is 3 hour (usually) gap in actual blood glucose vs output. It is also markedly harder to get any type of info from
>It's clear from reading this thread that many people here legitimately put zero study into their own health or even what insulin is
no shit, most of these retards just want to shoot people and use this as an excuse to fantasize about it with a layer of "legitimacy"
Yeah that's why I said get them off of them. Didn't put any qualifiers on.
I threw in my two cents up here >>62516483
If your life depends on insulin and you think SHTF is gonna happen then stack a chest freezer full of insulin and a way to keep it powered

If insulin still doesn't exist a decade after that then here's your plan B
I think it's more reasonable than hunting down fucking genetically engineered cows or building your own algae plant or whatever
Is it harder than finding test strips a year or so after society breaks down?
Depends. Test strips used to be very common but can still be found in pharmacies. Still tho you gave the same problem as insulin, it is not cheap nor easy to manufacture.
its more us insulting your dumb ass for jacking off to the end when most of you retards would be some of the first ones dead due to completely lack of foresight
No retard don't freeze insulin that destroys it. Insulin does not work after a few years. All the retards saying it totally does have never actually used expired insulin. I have, the behavior goes out the window and you will end up killing yourself.
>anti depressants
Get off that shit. Gradually lower the dose.
Stock up
>my docs haven't given me anything
You're fine. Eat well and exorcise. Docs will usually try to push meds, I saw one for the first time in 8 years and he ordered blood tests as usual. My cholesterol came back a little high and he immediately said he was putting me on meds, I told him no, little prick didn't even take a moment to talk to me. Also wanted to put me on 800mg of calcium but that's more expected due to regional issues, still, fuck that.
I love the simplifications of these descriptions. Any anons that take meds or look after people that do would do well to brush up on how these meds work. Like metoprolol, classifying it as "heart" is straight forward but glosses over the depth. Metoprolol is used to lower blood pressure, prevent chest pains and heart attack and to protect against congestive heart failure, it accomplishes this by slowing the heart rate and preventing the heart from beating with a lot of force. It is a beta adrenergic receptor blocker meaning it stops adrenaline from effecting the heart as much. It is dangerous to stop these meds cold turkey.
I had a 104yoF that also took vit B. Her kids had more problems.
>uhh skill issue lmao should've put down the fork
Insulin is usually type 1, obesity is the type 2.
Farm supply shops, same shit.
Human docs don't like giving out anti-biotics because their patients are retarded and don't know how anti-biotics work.
>Stock up
you cant fucking stock up on insulin you fucking retard
yeah because retards like you go to farm supply shops and buy animal grade antibiotics and kill yourselves or catch anti-biotic resistant strains
>How's this guy have seven kids if he's never interactedwith another human being
It says "hasn't spoken to other humans in years".
Obviously the ex-wife and the seven kids do not stay in touch.
And what, pray tell, is the difference between human and animal grade anti-biotics?
quality and dosage anon, quality and dosage, or are you going to tell me you know what dose of ampicillin you need for pancreatitis
>but the people WANT coffee
Takes a plantation though.
I've never heard of hipster barristas growing and harvesting their own beans in hydroponic setups.
The level of government oversight. If your antibiotic kills a couple cows it’s expensive… if it kills a few people then someone’s going to jail…
>boiling off the urine and then caramelizing the sugar
Maybe you could utilize the byproducts of this process for ammonia production as well.
That’s because it’s the best, and the less well known something is in hipster circles the better it is… which is why you’ll never get to hear about the local microplantation scene…
>which is why you’ll never get to hear about the local microplantation scene…
I assume you're shitposting but it's actually a thing.

by the way for the retards here, DONT use ampicillin for pancreatitis
>if it kills a few people then someone’s going to jail…
Aw, you're cute. No, it's the same compound, does the same thing. Stop buying into pharma bullshit.
based actual retard
Treatment depends on what caused the pancreatitis. Not usually anti-biotics anyway.
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That's like saying canned dog food is like spam, it's meat and it fills you up...
Dosing is different (see the horse ivermectin 4 years ago), bioavailability might be different (I'm not a vet, but just look at cows with their multitude of stomachs vs our human one), purity might be different (some antibiotic cross-resistances are thought to be caused by cross-contamination during production in the past, nowadays this doesn't happen, but do you think the Indian chemical plant cares for that in animal drugs?), plus the whole antibiotic stewardship/resistances/less is better approach we take nowadays
Ill rather be on meds than being 30yo begging for le based (you)s on 4channel. extremely pathetic
>what is metronidazole
>That's like saying canned dog food is like spam, it's meat and it fills you up...
It's also required to be fit for human consumption.
No shit dosing is different but math isn't hard and information is plentiful. purity isn't much of an issue as previously noted this is TEOTWAWKI or dipshit fucking around in the woods.

As a personal aside I wish we actually had less is better but american docs still hand the stuff out like candy because they don't have the balls/humility to tell people no and explain why. Oh but thank God, that ear infection will clean up a whole day sooner. Heaven forbid they don't and the patient comes back.
>No shit dosing is different but math isn't hard and information is plentiful
yeah this shit is why doctors can never trust patients with medication
yeah who fuckin needs a medical license, we should just be able to treat ourselves!
Cool, hows that going to help a bile duct obstruction? Or any other of the more likely causes of pancreatitis?
Not at all. I'm insulting the preppers dip shit.
You can't trust doctors with medications. All they do is throw pills at the problem and pretend all is well, who cares about the liver, who cares about how much is actually getting metabolized? Toxicity? Fuck it! There's pills for that too! Were you at the hospital recently? Oh, all they had was x instead of y and now z isn't working properly and now you have a problem? Uwupsy.
ah actually just a moron, understood, carry on
I love how unironically stupid this place is.
>Fuck those limp dick pills
>Just get ADHD meds instead
that shit gives you limpdick too though
anon he's talking about raiding INSULIN as if its something you can store for long periods, do oyu really think he knows what these medications do?
Uhuh, come back when you're 70 and your liver and kidneys are fucked from choking down a dozen pills.
lmao don't you have some ivermectin to be guzzling for covid?
The same ivermectin that the WHO recognizes as an essential medication in treating parasites such as yourself?
Being this stupid should be illegal lmao
don't fucking tell me you actually took that shit for covid holy fucking shit
No, you retard, why would I take a parasitic relief for a glorified cold?
Ah so just stupid then ok
Get new material. You bore me.
Stop being a loser.
Randy looking ZESTY
Any diet changes that could help if said relative didnt have acces to the med for some time?
Try to inject tranquilizer for an a human than for a horse and tell us
nah you'll just keep responding, (you) whore
Anon he thinks Doctors prescribing medication in itself is bad and thinks doctors need to be omniscient to be qualified, hes just here to be retarded for our amusement
>Unused insulin should be stored in a refrigerator (4°C-8°C). After first usage, an insulin vial should be discarded after 3 months if kept at 2°C to 8°C or 4 weeks if kept at room temperature
honestly lasts longer than I remember.
Yes im sure your diabetic ass will now be king of the shit pile
Whats a shit pile?
Hello, welcome to earth mr. alien, how's your visit so far?
Ketamine is a personal favorite of mine. 250mg and another 100mcg of fentanyl for fun.
Caffeine does fuck all for ADD or ADHD.
Stimdick is the correct term for amps. But unlike with antidepressant limp dickedness, you only get stimdick with a high dose of stimulants (hence why caffeine doesn't impede erections). It's a rather gentle bell curve, too. When you're coming off the meds there's a point where you still have the horniess but the stimdick is gone, so you can really fuck hard. Anti-depressants shut you down forever, by comparison. Both your libido and dick.

>Insulin expires!
So does gasoline, apparently, but I fill the tank on my moped once every 8 months and it still works.
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Funny enough, my endo and I talked about this during my last appointment about 4 months ago. I have about 6 months' worth of stockpiled Lantus for years of not using the entire box before my refills were due. According to the doc, Lantus/Basaglar will be the most critical to survival because they can prevent diabetic ketoacidosis. With a proper diet, Novolog/Humalog will not be as critical.

The best chance at "long-term" survival for a T1D during a societal collapse is to have a stockpile of Lantus, kept cool, and dosed conservatively while maintaining a mostly plant/meat based (low carb) keto diet. The Lantus can easily be kept cool by placing it in a plastic zip-lock and keeping it in a shady area of a cool stream. Then hope and pray that more meds can be found while a new normal is established. In the event no insulin is available, you're just kind of fucked as a T1D.
>So does gasoline, apparently
Fuck off, gasoline has been known to go bad, it turns into turpentine.
>Novolog/Humalog will not be as critical
Well guess what most people get. Interesting.
No, it simply doesn't. This whole "gas goes bad" thing" is a meme. I don't fill my car for 6 months at a time. It still works. Get fucked.
Can you explain what will happen to a T1D if they don't get insulin?

when you run high, your kidneys get fucked, you drink gallons of water but the thirst never subsides, you piss 12 times a day, you constantly feel like you cant keep food down and want to throw up.
That's because you're using it and gasoline needs to sit numbnuts.
Your blood sugar will rapidly spike causing dehydration, cotton mouth and lethargy. Your body will attempt to access energy and begin eating itself, specifically starting with fat. You will piss out keytones and very quickly enter into a coma. You'd have about a day max. Headaches, vision blurring, and vomiting will precurse this.
More thoroughly, your body needs nutrients and oxygen to function, lots of nutrients get converted to sugar for energy and your body needs insulin to break down those sugars. Without insulin you have two problems, first your body still needs energy so it breaks down fat, this produces ketones which can throw off the balance of the body and cause your organs (including the brain) not to function properly, further if this process goes on too long the body will become too acidotic and start to fail. The second is the buildup of blood sugar which will mess with the body through the power of osmosis ie. the sugar will draw water out of other cells causing immense damage. Ever wonder why diabetics lose limbs? That's because of the damage to the capillary vessels preventing healing and leading to infections with no hope for recovery.
Diabetes is a huge issue, don't get it.
No. Insulin is a crucial hormone that allows your body to process glucose. It is essential for survival and without it you will die (typically in a day). You can use smaller doses to limp along but then you deal with the complications of having literal crystals shredding your smallest capillaries
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the one thing that really scares me about prepping are fucking contacts.

I have three years stockpiled, but what if my perscription gets worse? I'm well and truly fucked beyond repair
Dipshit, diabetics typically receive a long acting and short acting to keep sugar even and to simulate the natural functions your pancreas does.
Buy a shovel
They'll die. In a cataclysm, most people won't die from the initial event. Disease and starvation will be 90% of the deaths in the following years. Only the strong will survive.
Don't bother explaining this shit to them, they don't care about the distinction.
Being able to shoot people I don’t like is a good thing actually and everyone should want that to happen
I'm not neurotypical but I stopped taking any prescriptions meds that my doctor and parents forced me on the moment I could legally take control of my own medical decisions.
I went from having random autistic rages to being more or less normal. Turns out the brain candy caused more problems than they solved and most of my school age life could have been easier if I wasn't forced onto medications that fucked with my brain chemistry. I was also recreationally put on concerta then adderall even though I have never been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, I was only ever diagnosed with aspergers.
At this point most people don't know I have aspergers until I tell them.
My personal favorites were depacote which made me manic and I was forced to take it for over 2 years, and both prozac and abilify which I was forced to take for most of my childhood, made me violently sick and would still cause random manic episodes.
Name an SSRI I was probably forced to take it despite never being diagnosed with depression or any personality disorder.
Later in my teens I took a DBT class, that did more for me than any medication ever did. Being able to make my own decisions and have control of my own life even more so.
I fucking hate doctors most of them are pill pushing scum who take kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies for every pill or vaccine they get you to take.
One time I spoke to a guy who opened the conversation with "I have aspergers". What followed was a really awkward conversation. He kept trying to talk about long division and wouldn't let me shift the conversation to anything else even if it was related to long division. If there was even a 4 second pause in talking, he would default to "So the thing with long division is" and go into different aspects about it.

If you aren't like this then you don't have aspergers. You're just a little awkward.
There's a non-zero chance you're deficient in something, especially since humans aren't a perfect machine. Geography can affect your body chemistry too. Everyone where I live is usually Vitamin D deficient, just due to a lack of sun, especially in the winter.
But with zero fucking context besides you being in your late 30s, you're probably fine. Unless you have some chronic condition that was caught young, med lists don't start to bloat until you're looking more at retirement age. Because as we get older, some functions do obviously start to get worse, like our blood pressure. But even then, there's tons of elderly who do just fine with very few-to-no meds.
I'm not a doctor, so this isn't medical advice (as if you should be taking it from /k/ anyway), but I wouldn't worry to much. Just schedule an annual exam each year, with bloodwork, and you should be fine.
>because that's what unchecked free market (billionaires) leads to
You're fucking retarded if you think the pharmaceutical industry in America is unchecked. It costs millions of dollars to get drugs to market due to FDA regulations. It can take upwards of billions if you wanna be able to get it approved for children.
In fact, life is going to be a forever "what-if" since there's been countless potentially life-altering drugs that had R&D scrapped because companies have had to cut their losses trying to navigate this shit.
And this is medicine that your stupid-ass third-world country could've benefited from too since you all buy it from our companies anyway.
I worked for the very last private practice in my area. The doctor running that would sometimes prescribe backup doxycycline for patients who did a lot of hunting since deer ticks are a menace where we live. But beyond that, I've never seen a physician prescribe back-up antibiotics, for multiple reasons. Most patients are super retarded and don't even take what they are given as prescribed.
Make sure you all have passports + portable wealth and GTFO to somewhere things are functional. If its that bad of a crisis in your home country, high chance you can get asylum or at least have most people look the other way in a more stable country.
If you can't leave the country, I'd go move to coastal areas that are hotbeds of medical research and manufacturing in advance. That's where any continued production would take place and supplies be more likely to be available than the middle of nowhere. It's not something most preppers like to hear but unless you're trying to avoid nukes specifically you're better off next to some kind of valuable infrastructure and resources that any government would prioritize keeping operational and defended, medical infrastructure is among those.
>Diabetes is a huge issue, don't get it.
I really don't want to open the can of worms that is the current crop of weight-loss medication, because I'm sure plenty of anons will love to meme it to death, but goddamn, I've seen too many patients that are pre-diabetic hoping their A1c's spike just so they can get coverage for these medications. All for vanity. They're literally wishing they're diagnosed with diabetes to lose, like, twenty pounds. It's fucking sad.
I hate that my gf takes addy, Zoloft, trazadone, and Wellbutrin. I wish I could get her to cut down on that shit. I think with exercise and a sleep schedule she wouldn’t need half that shit. I’m worried what it does for her long term health. I know she doesn’t want to be on them but doesn’t take steps to get off of them. She’s supportive, kind, fun to be around and beautiful but the drug cocktail she has become reliant on to function is the single thing that keeps me from wanting to marry her.
stock up on pudding pops and qualuudes
>Everyone where I live is usually Vitamin D deficient, just due to a lack of sun, especially in the winter.
Yup, classic northern disease. I remember the day I learned that HP Lovecraft used the winter sky as inspiration for his work due to the "feeling of being submerged." And subsequently how many places don't have a winter sky like this. Also seasonal depression is a bitch.
Tell me about it, that fucking Ozempic (which was a medication for a different issue as I recall) is the worst. It's the shiny new cheat because heaven forbid people actually apply effort. Kicker is diabetes is associated with alzheimers now too, possibly responsible.
based actual retard not understanding basic chemistry and biology
no that...what the fuck whos this quack telling you these lies?
based sociopath
Damn straight, except I was actually right about everything.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that retard, IM sure if you repeat it enough itll be true
trazadone at least wont really do much
Hahaha that works both ways bro. Except I know I'm right because my car fucking works after 6 months of not filling the tank. SO, really it's just you muttering to yourself in your idle moments.
Honestly Im glad you retards are so proud of your stupidity, its comforting
>only 6 months
you cant be this stupid, you cant be banking everything on this one thing
Well I'm glad my car and dick work. Thanks for your condolence.
>only 6 months
you cant be this fucking stupid
>Noooooo you can't just be right
>You just can't.... THE SCIENCE!
LMAO see >>62530919
I genuinely hope you're put into the position you so desperately jack off to every night, may you live in interesting times.
No hate on preppers because preparedness seems like a good peace of mind but it is a /really/ expensive larp and a huge slippery slope from having some canned food and batteries to having to have a bunker and a militia membership.

But I'm a poorfag rentoid in a commieblock apartment so I guess I'll just die first in any emergency. If anyone wants a free poorfag glock feel free to come retrieve it in the event of my death
The people you see goign full innawoods have laways been mentally ill, no ones ever said having a few gallons of war and MRE's to eat alogn with a thermal blanket and lights or generator are bad. It when you start making bunkers and plannign for the end times that it rolls over into this stupid shit, especially the retards saying you can hoard insulin or shit, if the supply chain is that badly fucked diabetics are going to die, no questions asked
Well the position I jack off to is in the morning and it's with Yulia Nova, but thank you.
May you revel in your ignorance, don't let anyone tell you you're wrong anon.
If anything, I feel blessed to be able to teach my knowledge to others. It's as if this was God's plan for me.
now you're just attention whoring at this point
>get a flu once or twice every winter where I feel like shit for 3 or 4 days but that's that
>haven't taken antibiotics once in my life as an adult
>everyone around me takes antibiotics like candy for every mild fever booboo situation

am I retarded or are they retarded
You can't. Medicine in the US is filled with rent seeking laws that make it very difficult to impossible to procure medicines without a regular trip to a doctor so that they can bill you $150 for signing off on giving you the same medicine you've used for years.

There is a reason US doctors get paid more than twice as much as other developed countries and why private health insurance plans purchased by employees are like 30-50% of average household income in most states. For low wage workers, their family health plan might cost as much as their entire annual wages and payroll tax. And this is with the US government spending more per citizen than most countries already (because we give seniors universal healthcare at vastly inflated rates).
I'm the same. I got pneumonia once a couple years ago and besides that I haven't needed meds for anything since i was like 15
>all my coworkers take ibuprofen/midol/tums constantly and need antibiotics for every cold
If you're bedridden or otherwise completely non functional during those three or four days, I'd say you're being silly to completely eschew antibiotics. But generally I think it's good not to rely on medication for every little thing. If you do need to use them, do so in moderation. That being said, I'm not a doctor, and even if I was you shouldn't take the advice of someone claiming to be a doctor on 4chan at face value.
I firmly believe that whether you take all the drugs you got AND antibiotics, or if you don't take anything at all - you gotta lay in bed for 3 or 4 days to get fully feeling good.

I'm not saying that as an argument to not take any medicine at all, just that antibiotics don't really improve things at all for common cold/flu/whatever
>just that antibiotics don't really improve things at all for common cold/flu/whatever

This is absolutely true, because antibiotics don't work on viruses, only bacterial infections (that said they can sometimes help with bacterial infections that are secondary to viral infections).

Antibiotics can rapidly change the trajectory of recovery for many bacterial infections though. Something like strep throat is a fine example, where symptoms begin to resolve extremely rapidly in most cases. On the extreme end, you have some bacterial infections that are fatal in a significant number of cases which are very unlikely to be fatal if treated with a proper antibiotic treatment.

I mean, consider TB which used to kill people young all the time.

See above. Antibiotics only work on certain sorts of infections. For some they only do so much, for others they are pretty much a miracle medicine, even curing diseases that are otherwise incurable.

It would be retarded if you had something like consumption which is easily totally curable and decided to die instead obviously lol. For random illnesses it probably doesn't make a difference. But for kids, something like pink eye (bacterial sort) or ear infections it absolutely makes sense to use them because they will rapidly cure them in the vast majority of cases whereas untreated they will last longer and moreover develop into serious infections that can lead to long term disability in some rare cases. There is a benefit to the immune system when it comes to exposure to pathogens but there is basically no benefit to letting established infections like that go on.
You're a good son
Of course, wounds are the entirety different issue. All sorts of wounds that might be fairly minor given access to modern medicine might easily become fatal given infection.
Yeah same have a nice set of glasses or two. The problem is glasses suck ass so hard.
drugs that affect your GABA receptors like benzos and alcohol can literally kill you from cold turkey withdrawal. opioids will make you wish you were dead but benzos will actually kill you.
I definitely have aspergers but I learned how to act normal. I still have a tendency to get stuck on a topic like that sometimes if I am really passionate about it but I have to remind myself to let other people change the topic if they want to. It's actually a little frustrating sometimes.
My parents spent a lot of time on it, they had code words for stuff like if I got fixated on something they would say "bump" or "your stuck" as a cue to let me know I should let the topic change.
Bump was to let me know I should slow down, your stuck was to let me know I should drop the topic entirely.
The guy you spoke to was probably never taught social skills in a way he could understand.
When I had been transfered to the US for work in 2007 I went to the doctor for my skin picking problem (kept having atopic dermatitis since coming to the US) and he immediately prescribed me something similar to Naltrexone and 2 other meds for "anxiety" (never asked for it)
I was going to go back to my country in just a few months so I didn't take the medicines and after being back home I went to another doctor who simply told me to clean up my diet and in less than a month both my skin picking problem and atopic dermatitis disappeared. It's scary how quickly american doctor prescribe such heavy meds to people.
Holy shit most of you guys are retarded.

Antidepressants are not the devil. Mental illness is a motherfucker and taking a lil zoloft has helped me a ton. If you're on the wrong one it can fuck you up, but that's why you gotta log how you feel and work with your psychiatrist to get it adjusted.

Hitting the gym and going outside won't fix mental illness. I go to the gym almost daily and spend weeks out innawoods and I was still fucked up before I got on the proper medication.

Now if SHTF and my perscription runs out, I'll just have to wean myself off of whatever I have left. Don't blame or shame yourself or others because their brain chemistry needs help, it's not their/your fault.
we already have studies showing anti-depressants work as well as placebos because chemical imbalance theory is bullshit.
>addicted to anti depresants
Kill them before they turn on you. In fact do it now.
I don't know. That sucks.
The same way Elon Musk is an incel even though he has twelve kids.
That is not the proper takeaway from those studies. If you read them and some more analysis, you'd see that while placebo may be effective for treating mild depression, they are beat out by real drugs for severe depression.

Also of note was that the study only showed the statistics for "an improvement" but there were no metrics for how much of an improvement.

So if you combine those facts, you'll see placebo's being effective, but real antidepressants being more effective.
>Antidepressants are not the devil.
>Hitting the gym and going outside won't fix mental illness.
often false
>I was still fucked up before I got on the proper medication
skill issue
>I'll just have to wean myself off of whatever I have left
I think you should strongly consider castrating yourself you stupid faggot
id tell you to kill yourself but im sure you already will when you 'ween yourself off' your brain candy
do you types completely lack empathy or do you just use this as an opportunity to put yourself above others? you don't fix clinical depression by going for walks and deadlifting. what you experience is REGULAR depression. clinical depression is simply being depressed 24/7 for no reason.
wrong person my bad
depressed and retarded? nice
That's literally how it works you mongoloid, it's how you stop almost any long term medication
Have you shared these concerns with her in a way that is not accusatory but instead unmistakeably shows you care?

>"I'd really like to see you live to see your grandchildren with me."
i didnt think id be sharing this on a weapons board, but here are a couple resources to acquire emergency med supplies.
>not accusatory
>pressures her for kids instead
Anons have you considered that mayhaps the medicine is stopping her from an heroing? Pressuring her about medications isn't going to help
anon the people here might a well be posting on /x/ for the level of sanity they're experiencing
>do you types completely lack empathy
oh irony
I kind of doubt she even exists honestly
Ouch, I have been on similar cocktails for my bipolar, and prior to its proper diagnosis. She is in for a wild ride when trying to stop Zoloft. The brain zaps are debilitating.
Good luck, communicate and support her, she needs to get her shit together eventually. And then the hell that is coming off such meds will begin. I take it you are a burger, so she better get used to not driving while under zoloft withdrawal, unless she is a fan of high impact nonsexual violence in the closest light pole.
Insulin lasts about a month unrefrigerated.
>insulin recipes
my god you people are stupid
>rare meds like insulin?

Start ketosis maxxing immediately and learn to make pemmican,
>ketosis maxxing
anon Ketosis is the bad thing
Death from insulin failure is worse, but the people who want to live will live, and the people who want to follow the rules they've been told to follow will die.

Problems solved all around.
anon, Ketosis will fuck up your organs, its not the state you want to be in, its a disorder from unregulated diabetes
Have you considered that the medication is doing her good? Have fun fucking up her life because you think going for a walk or whatever will fix her chemical imbalance.
remember anon, these threads are essentially only one step removed from an /x/ thread, the people seriously posting in here distrust essentially everything.
>go on /k/, a weapons board
>see someone unironically saying you can thug out having no insulin

What an interesting place
I honestly love how unironically stupid people here can be.
It's more likely that it isn't. No I wont give you proof, statistics, facts, studies, pictures, videos, soundbites, links, or books. You get anecdotes of every single person I've ever met on meds being completely fucked and those who reduced or stopped their dosage got better. I'm sure there are some people who need that shit but they are in the minority and meds are way over prescribed. I will not respond to any (you)'s I get to this post so don't bother.
>No I wont give you proof, statistics, facts, studies, pictures, videos, soundbites, links, or books
so you can be safely ignored, again, essentially one step removed form an /x/ post
>I will not respond to any (you)'s I get to this post so don't bother.
What an intellectual cuck
prevent the collapse
nooooooo everything is awful responsibility is bad I want to kill people!!!!
prep to leave them
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>No I wont give you proof, statistics, facts, studies, pictures, videos, soundbites, links, or books.
that'd never convince the doomsday preppers that want to be local warlords when SHTF

embarrassing retard
the fuck? the more you scroll down the page, the crazier it gets
Yeah, exorcise them lazy bones out of your body.
The power of zyzz compels you!
Any time a doctor starts talking about faith you know you're in for a wild ride. If you can still believe in religion after you have a medical degree, that's some screws loose.

I especially like the pills and prayers she's selling to detox from getting a vaccination.
>Yeah, exorcise them lazy bones out of your body.
>The power of zyzz compels you!
For the right kind of person, I think that could actually work.
>If you can still believe in religion after you have a medical degree, that's some screws loose.
A majority of medicine is faith. Everyone fucks up regularly and anyone that pretends they don't is a liar.
You mean like how you're lying right now?
>Any time a doctor starts talking about faith you know you're in for a wild ride. If you can still believe in religion after you have a medical degree, that's some screws loose.
>I especially like the pills and prayers she's selling to detox from getting a vaccination
The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you. - Werner Heisenberg
>wont happen
I honestly agree. Even the evilest piece of shit billionaires and politicians have a concept of self preservation. However, things will get bad. I’m sure we’ll face in the next decade or so
>more supply chain failures
>natural disasters from shitty eco maintenance
>several health crises from micro plastics and god knows what else
>hackers fucking up our power grid because all interconnected
>gas shortages and extreme prices
>massive unemployment
Any of these events is enough to cripple us for a few months again similar to COVID. So it’s a good idea to maintain an healthy stock of food, supplies, and protection. Living as independent as possible will make it easier while the country gets their shit together.
>but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you
It sure as fuck isn't a God you can pray to though.
not relevant. this is an easy way to stockpile important meds that western doctors gatekeep you from. if you dont like the black lady the other link is a white fella.
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>How should one prepper if one of their loved one is addicted to anti depresants and another needs rare meds like insulin?
So you've seen the U.S. Big Pharma's greatest evil. Since they've privatized insulin and anti-depressant development, you become dependent on them for your necessities.
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>It sure as fuck isn't a God you can pray to though.

Shut up you fucking dork

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