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A priest blessing a pile of purity seals. Ziggers are approaching critical level of larp
>have a khornate temple in the capital
>now doing a purity seal larp
Fucking Tzeench is behind this, I'm sure of it.
Secondaries about to be meatcubed
Russian church has always been a form of grift on the poor and stupid.
It's been seperated from Christianity for decades and used as a tool to manipulate useful idiots.
There's a reason it (Russian variant) got banned in Ukraine.
Codex Astartes does support this action.
>pile of random purity seal bits as a replacement for actually planning a build
they're just like me...
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why do ziggers have soviet flags on their helmets? I thought they were based and trad christian soldiers
Do you ever just stick them on random things?

OP's pic has made me realize I can probably scrounge some from Etsy or make them for fun and I'll instantly have a grimdark toilet
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Time to drag out the extra spicy ATACMS on these imperial guard faggots, fucking worshippers of the manlet emperor will know no rest, no peace
>Seated upon his porcelain throne the emperor surveys all he rules with super soft 2-ply by his side
Here we have the Big Tent Liberalism parties, there they had Big Tent Authoritarianism parties
The puccian orthodox church is more or less just a branch of the government, like a religious ministry. A lot of the clergy was killed off during Soviet times, the clergy of today bends the knee not to God but to the Tsar. It is incredibly corrupt.
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>just like my vidya!1!
I don't think they care about its implications any further than "Russia stronk".
this anon is 100% correct
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People underestimate of backwards and superstitious puccians are. For example there is a tradition of burning all your receipts annually as they believe the money will be recouped. The stuff they do makes a lot more sense when you unironically start thinking of them as pale Africans.
Is there a set bonus if you equip one of each?
thats insanely heretical. Its like christians putting roman emperors who fed them to lions on beautiful mosaics.
It's heretical but give the CoE two minutes and they'd have those all over the churches of England.
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you'd love this
>This was literally a joke in WoW in 2006
Yeah it doesn't mean they're commies. You gotta remember, the USSR collapsing is a national tragedy in Russia because they lost all the countries they could exploit
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and of course
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This anon gets it. For vatniks that flag doesn't necessarily represent a political ideology or system of governance, for them it's just a symbol of a time when puccia was perceived as powerful and intimidating. Life for the average person never really changed much regardless of who was in power, they'll happily fly the Soviet flag side to side with the Imperial one.
Who are the crossed out people kek
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They're already using Imperial Guard tactics so might aswell
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I won't lie this is kind of cool
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Psalm 91 apparently

normal rational behavior.
Waiting for them to start praying to the Omnissiah and performing the rites to awaken the machine spirit of a T35 to send it to the front.
How do you think those T-54s still work?
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What people?
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Yes; you will die 25% faster.
This is Macedonian history-tier.
>they are now wearing African voodoo magical charms
How long until they start sacrificing children and start fighting naked?
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they also bless dead communists, probably because Russia is an agent of Satan.
Daily reminder that Russia's political orientation is best described as "schizoid". Yes, this is real. Those ain't larpers.
Hmm, here comes another with pictures of trannies on his drive.
Are you simply a fag, or something major blew up today?
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Going to ignore all the rape in the Russian army and the absolutely disgusting orgies the oligarchs have with underage hookers in the Maldves?
At least we don't deny about our debauchery Ivan.
The jews lied to you, the god you worship doesn't exist.

Ave Jupiter Optimus Maximus
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>the fucking Russian Empire flag
kek, vid related.
>expensive and unused monument/building surrounded by abject poverty
Mhh... where did I see this before?
The schizo was collecting funds for every current war in the world. You will ignore it.
Fucking hell. Let me guess, the norks built it, they've been doing this shit in Africa for a while.
>Optimus Maximus
I loved that anime.
>US president
Biden had no assassination attempts.
Hilariously, yes.
Yep, knew it. They are doing such projects on the cheap with nork slave labor.
If someone sent me as a slave labourer to Africa I'd just make massive stone dicks everywhere
carve "Dick Johnson Was Here" on each one
>Ziggers are approaching critical level of warp
Fixed for you.
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>If someone sent me as a slave labourer to Africa I'd just make massive stone dicks everywhere
Well, I regret to inform you that the nignogs are one step ahead.
I present to you "A Masturbatory ‘Homage’ to My Family"
>and superstitious puccians are.
Mandatory lucky charm icons in cars.
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>Thousands of people protested against "all the failures of President Wade's regime, the least of which is this horrible statue" on the city's streets beforehand, with riot police deployed to maintain control. Deputy leader of the opposition Ndeye Fatou Toure described the monument as an "economic monster and a financial scandal in the context of the current [economic] crisis".
>The colossal statue has been criticized for its cost at US$ 27 million (£16.6m). The payment was made in kind, with 30 to 40 hectares of land that has variously been reported as sponsored by a Senegalese businessman or state-owned land.
Why are Afrinog leaders like this?
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about that...
New Hotep lore unlocked: Freud was black
In a christian morality the median zigger burns in hell for their sins against man and god.
>U-Ukraine is bad as well!
This reminds me of left-ziggers reposting "wealth inequality" chart to show that US and Ukraine are evil, even though Russia, in that very same chart, is the worst one of all
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Ha, Bulgarian here, we can top this. There is a PC club in Sofia that is fully decorated with icons, to a point where the TV crews went on to interview the owner.
Wouldn't average zigger (retarded peasant watching state-TV) be innocent due to ignorance, so long as they don't actually do anything motivated by propaganda?
Now compare the Ukrainian numbers per region to the amount of russian speakers per region.
For the fun of it, do the same in the Baltics.
Everyone in the Ukraine speaks Russian, it was the national language until 2022
That is some theological question. If you was baptized in the Church of the Satan would go to Hell if you was ignorant about that?
But not everyone speaks Ukrainian.
“””””””Trad”””””” Orthocucks blessing ordinary items into Amulets, committing literal idolatry (Avoda Zara). Just proved the supremacy of the JVDEAN religion
I will anally annihilate you in a few hours (based, trad and not homosexual)
not even remotely related to weapons, who is letting this rubbish slide?
At least by Dantean hell (which is radically cruel and strict even for the rime), that would lead to Purgatory.
Orthodox church has centuries old tradition of wonders making icons.
Let it go, an organic shitposting occurred, and contained itself into a single thread, the wonders of the collective subconscious.
didn't God kill a bunch of people horribly for idolatry?
>4 stam 4 strength leather belt
anyone got that video of a russian priest blessings a statue of stalin?
yeah it's like tf2 before they removed the item set buffs.
that's also why there were a bunch of ziggers that only had shovels, and sentry guns operated by steam decks.
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Haven't got that saved but I have this one of zigger "priests" blessing missiles
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>blessing a monument to the man who wanted your order all dead or in labor camps and your religion exterminated

Is there a higher form of cuckoldry?
>The schizo was collecting funds for every current war in the world. You will ignore it.
The schizo visibly ignored Obama did not support Ukraine very much between 2014 and 2016.
The schizo ignored support to Ukraine started to really grow with Trump from 2017 to 2021 and that Trump was called a nazi for it.
The schizo ignored Biden reduced support to Ukraine in 2021 in the wake of the Burisma scandal.
The schizo ignored Jake Sullivan has been acting against Ukraine by refusing to provide them with the means to fight Russia more efficiently for years.
So the wannabe murderer could very well be a Russian plant for everything we know.
holy shit double-kek
no, not really. that's a mongol specialty.
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>Glowies screeching about christian blessings that can destroy nephilim
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>>Glowies screeching about christian blessings that can destroy nephilim
>He doesn't know the so-called Puccian "orthodox" church is just an FSB front and its so-called "patriarch" is just another glownigger
We all saw the videos of russian soldiers sucking each others dicks and fucking each other in the ass.
Reminder not to get baited by obvious bait from people pretending to be schizos
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Motherfucker, why are you screeching constantly about da joooooz? Can you show us where they did the bad touch on you?
Surely all the hep C and HIV being passed around in the process of their daily activities would please Nurgle, too?
>So the wannabe murderer could very well be a Russian plant for everything we know.
Nah, for once, my bet is on just good old schizo.
Sometimes it's not a conspiracy, sometimes it's a retard. Basically /pol/-tier.
Why would you ask for a picture of his penis?
Chaos United fits just fine.
seems like someone posted it already >>62515616
>Christian blessings

The Moscow patriarchate are heretics subservient to the siloviki state apparatus.
There are few thing more demonic than bestowing a "blessing" in the name of God on the people and tools used to murder and rape your brethren in the name of an ex-KGB wannabe tsar.
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Reminder that ALL soldiers burn in Hell
>Russian church has always been a form of grift on the poor and stupid.

That's all churches.
I thought those are pictures of American soldiers. Are those stolen uniforms?
>40k drip
Dare I say, based ziggers?
>accuses NATO of opposing Russia because they're Slanesh worshippers.
>posts evidence that Russia are clearly the Slanesh country in the world
Eat shit and die.
what do you think the chances of a second iconoclasm happening when the war turns south for them? Given the increasing Islamic influence in Russia, as well as the tradition of going "x leader was a traitor all along!" i can see it becoming a popular thing for Russians to chimp-out on.
Jesus Christ can save you mr glowie. All you need to do is repent your sins. Let Jesus into your heart. And be baptised in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.
just make sure an eastern Orthodox shaman doesn't do it.
an eastern orthodox priest can do it just fine
>Jesus Christ can save you mr glowie. All you need to do is repent your sins. Let Jesus into your heart. And be baptised in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.
>now he started screeching about glowniggers in his walls
Because they're tinpot dictators and for every tinpot dictator, glorifying his own greatness takes priority over the well-being of his subjects. Gold statues and presidential palaces covered in marble while people starve in the streets
>average BBC poster
I'm sure it worked on stalin, lmao.
no, you'll be sent to hell, where idolators and other agents of Satan belong.
>Mobiks - Nurgle
>Wagner/Mercs - Khorn
>Chechens - Slanesh
>FSB - Tzeetch
Chaos Undivided
The Russians are Orks because they’ll claim they’ve destroyed the entirety of the Ukranian Air Force three times over in the hopes that it magically comes true.
Admittedly not a Christian and my theology is a little rusty, but I think many denominations agree that ignorance is not a sin and that those who've never heard the true gospel will be judged on their merits
Catholic doctrine for example:
>Chaos United

Chaos UNDIVIDED, ok? They nvited me to a powwow once and seemed like decent people.
Making it sound like a soccer club
You dishonor your faith and the Holy name of God by your lack of mercy. If you are truly Christian, remember that Jesus sought you when you were still His enemy. Do not boast that He rescued you, it is only by His mercy that you are saved and not someone else.
>Making it sound like a soccer club
I'm not sure who'd win if you made them fight English hooligans desu.
Most churches recognize the concept of lawful war
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They are fighting against Khrone's forces, among others, so I suppose it's fair.
>Fucking Tzeench is behind this, I'm sure of it.
Don't forget that ziggers and zigger soldaten larp on national level that they are ORKZ from tolkien+warhammer.
I can't be bothered, but there are several wikijudenpedia pages dedicated to documenting it, cause ziggers went as far as creating government approved literature and media messaging DEFENDING Tolkiens orcs as "good and just, same as rassiya".
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>you are given 3500RUB to spend
Which of these relics are you taking to the front with you?

>I put the quotes because I didn't know offhand whom they were outside of the flags placed in post processing, and also was trying to be "neutral" to talk down the retards calling the video fake and doctored.
NTA but that's pretty stupid.
It's just unreasonable to cede ground to retards, you will never appease them.
If you believe these are Ukrainian soldiers that tried to apprehend a perfidy pidor then say so without qualms.
I get your idea of leaving this wiggle room but it will only be exploited anyways.
You are either going to face an actual shill/jeet/nigerian/LLM where your addition of plausible deniability wont matter or actually enable the shilling/lies more than just first order assertions on your part
Or you will be dealing with a borderline braindamaged vatnigger who wont appreciate your argumentative charitability for the sake of argument either and will instead also just lie, misrepresent and asspull
Just state what you believe and vatnigstan will project its firehoseOfFalsehoods, lies, coverup and deflections either way
Yes, and if they read and comprehended the bible themselves like protestants instead of blindly believing whatever their church tells them it says they would recognise it as idolatory.
>most corrupt clowhouses clad in gold allow you to murder fellow human beings

How convenient. Hopefully they'll find fires of Hell similarly convenient.
Pic actually made me lol
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There is a difference between r*ssian coprodoxy church and any other wectern one. In the zigger sect, you are raised to be a slave quite literally.
While the Catholic and Protestant churches call man a creation of God, life is a gift of God or even man is sometimes equal to God, in the zigger cult you are slave and nothing else, you MUST suffer on earth, so you wont suffer after death, you should never oppose your owner.
His title is still President just like Obama and Bush you giant queer.
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The Russian church always makes me lol. For example, you know how the US military can airlift a Burger King trailer anywhere in the world in under 48 hours?
The Russians have something sorta-kinda similar to that...
If refusing to kill is sure to lead to death and suffering of innocents, is killing not just?
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>average Sororitas player
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How do you know?
Former President. Big difference.
what the fuck is going on there?
maybe it's just because I was raised to be a human and not cattle, but that doesn't seem particularly pious.
No, there really isnt captain autism.
Dont you have some hand flapping and screeching to do somewhere else?
statues and monuments mean that your people know just how much you love them and now they'll never rebel. so you can sit in your nice house with nice things and not worry about how you just got fucking lucky and you have no idea how to actually run the country. dictators the world over are like this.
man this statue really was built to only be seen from one angle.
that is an amazing use of a baneblade kit.
I fail to see the issue with that logic
Some kind of exorcism.
>In the zigger sect, you are raised to be a slave quite literally.

Sounds like all christianity
Original sin.
Soldiers don't care about innocent, they murder for oil, profit, territory and always on orders from fat, immoral, greasy pieces of shit.
>no rebuttal
>all christianity
>Original sin.
I'm not even a religionologist and I know this line of reasoning is flawed.
I'll take the belt because I bet the uniform doesn't come with one and it's a cool belt
When soldiers are defending their own country from an invasion, who are they looting, what territories are they conquering, what people are they subjugating?
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Even Chatgpt can see the clear difference. In coprodoxy you are literal slave and called a slave by popes, in wectern churches you are "servant" and more so it only related to an actual church workers, not everyone.

Servant generally implies a role with defined boundaries and rights, even if it involves service or labor.
Slave implies a complete lack of autonomy and personal rights, often associated with historical systems of exploitation and dehumanization.
In religious usage, both terms can convey a profound sense of devotion, but "servant" usually suggests a voluntary and respectful role, while "slave" in a theological context can emphasize total submission and dedication.
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What about them?
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I lost count of the amount of times I've seen this play out exactly like when libs bring up the map of violent crime being the highest in the bible belt like it's some big gotcha and someone overlays the black population map over it lmao.
He voted for Trump in 2016. Stop looking for reasons why schizos do shit. They're schizos. It's mental illness. Real, actual mental illness not tumblrina blue hair mental illness. The dude has the 155 proof no shit, real deal, swivel eyed crazy. 200 years ago he'd have raised an army off money he scammed from opium merchants and invaded part of china. Sadly we live in lame and gay times, so he never got the chance to realize his full potential.
Level 18
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Those same HIV numbers? Plummeting after 2014, especially in those same Russian-speaking region.

Ukraine spends the same amount of effort into making sure their druggies, homos, and unfortunates do not pass on the bug as we do on breast cancer. They're serious about HIV treatment over there - the disease is one of the boogiemen of their society. Everyone was made to fear it via cautionary tales and horror stories. When war broke out one of the biggest fears was OMG THE TREATMENTS MUST NOT STOP. Obviously it was secondary to "we must survive as a nation" and "kill katsap" but it was still pretty high up there.
Not trusting the government except when their biased police reports agree with your worldview sounds a bit intellectually dishonest.
Yeah, there is an entire fanfic where Gandalf is a Western chauvinist and Sauron literally did nothing wrong.
stick to your strip mall churches, evangelical
So we ignoring those two Ukrainian parts with HIV?
The mindset of a typical Slav is ‘everything is pointless and stupid and the government and church are scamming us… but there’s a 10% chance it’s real… I know it’s bullshit… but maybe….’
And the sorrowful soul clings onto that speck of hope, that they themselves denounce as naive, because you’ve gotta believe in something - or else you’ll get hooked on vodka/opiates

It’s just not possible for a human psyche to live on cynicism alone
That’s because nobody treats him like the president, his role now is just to campaign for Kamala
It’s a little crazy how after the debate people just stopped treating him as the leader
>It’s just not possible for a human psyche to live on cynicism alone
Objection: Putin exists.
>mobile oppression tower
I wonder what the Khorne group thinks of this.
>Fucking Tzeench is behind this, I'm sure of it.
More like Nurgle. Russia is fundamentally unchanging in its misery and despair, plus this war's already seen mobik hygiene levels breaching the bottom and diving into deep drilling territory.
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>Be regular boy
>Fight in Waaagh called by da big boss
>Other boss just beat the shit out of you and robbed you
>Roam around in bombed out wasteland, lootin' and lookin' for a fight
>Suddenly a Khronate warband appears
>Get torn into bloody shreds by humies
>Bloodthirsty entities watch you die in agony while laughing from beyond the veil

>tfw this isnt warhammer 40k
>tfw this is real life as a russian in the 21st century
>It’s a little crazy how after the debate people just stopped treating him as the leader
Thatalways happens with an outgoing president who's not seeking re-election. There's even a term for it that's been around at least as long as I've been alive

How is it that despite politics allegedly being the whole reason for their board, the average /pol/tard know nothing, literally nothing about how actual politics works? Like not even the basic bitch level of stuff. I've seen posters there not know what "legislation" means.
Say what you like about /k/, at least most posters here know at least a little bit about weapons.
Holy fuck, I thought I'd see some zigger themed church pictures, but no, those actually are purity seals, complete with fake wax seals and all.
How are said crime reports biased?
Also nice projection, statistics are useful.
You can tell when someone's trying to pull a fast one by examining the methodology.
Like repeatedly sneaking 17-19 y/os into "child death" stats so they can claim firearms are one of the leading causes.
So said. That guy nickname "Surgeon"
was one of the leaders of the bikers movement in the former USSR. That was young hoodlums protest movement against gray and boring Soveit life. And now he sold his soul to KGB.
lol ziggers
Someone motorize the Chaos Dwarf asscannon.
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Is that OCS?
yeah that's life in the russosphere
>Yeah, we might be massive fags that spread disease but look, this country we occupied forever and populated with our people is almost as faggy and disease ridden

pozzia/10 rebuttal
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It's not because you aren't the only underdeveloped country of Europe that you stop being underdeveloped.
In the gory circus of the present day, there are only drones.
>sucking each others dicks and fucking each other in the ass
While at the front
Defending the motherland
Against the Western degeneracy
Never forget : Russia is New Rome, beacon of true christiandom, last bastion of decency.
Also, rape is for discipline, please understand
>christianity is a LARP
Back to plebbit, kid
>Led by a toddler, woman forced to follow whether she wants it or not
What was the artist trying to say with this?

Ukrai's biggest mistake was to believe they could stay friends with Russia while still being treated fairly and becoming economically successful. In many ways they were very similar to Poland which joined NATO and the EU as soon as they could, so you can look at the differences today and understand why the Ukrainians want their freedom.
To various extent. The Russian one is very close to the "fuck you" extreme.
English hooligans are already an in-game faction.
Their corrupt leaders are held up by Europe and Russia
Because tards like you only believe internet images and not stats. Black alone by population can't be solely blamed by all violent crime. Especially when you take into account almost all violent crime is committed by men. Come move to rural Missouri and all you'll see white crime.
At least secondaries can get bitches, unlike you fat, stinky primaries.
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First thing my mind went to.
>st. peter: sorry, you go to hell, there wasn't enough stained glass where you worshipped.
this is your brain on retardium.
More like
>St Peter: Really? You listened to a German?
Dismissing this phenomenon as "schizoid" just shows a lack of understanding of how russians think about themselves.
To you it seems schizoid because you think those people are trying to synergize the ideology, beliefs and culture of 3 completely different authorities regimes.
To russians, they are showing the 3 symbols of power of "Russia".

It makes complete sense, there are no contradictions.
Their ideology, belief and culture is built around the axiom of "Russia is Strong".
All 3 flags represent times when "Russia" was at it's strongest, as far as they are concerned.
Understand that in the russian psyche their most traumatic years weren't in 1910s with the collapse of the Empire, or 1930s with the purges, or even 1940s with WW2.
The most traumatic decade in russian history was in 1990s when they had "democracy".
>Bring up god
>Everyone starts arguing over theology
I think you're all overthinking it, I just don't act like a dick and appreciate the fact he cares, he seems to pull through for me when it matters most.
The funniest thing about this Africa Pride monument was that it was built a state-owned North Korean company.
Allegedly the Africans even complained and tried to get a discount because the statue of the man had facial features which looked too Asian.
>God directly interferes in my favor!
ok heretic
Well yeah, you do stuff for your friends, don't you?
Catholics were right about keeping the physical works part of faith, Im tired of hearing blasphemy over personal gain.
Please don't besmirch the name of schizoids by comparing them to Russians, ok thank you.

Also schizoid≠schizophrenic, which I assume is what you meant but is also inaccurate. The term you are looking for is "fucking retarded"
Not even particularly religious, but i sure hope to see this blasphemy burning to the ground during my lifetime.
ok varg
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I mean, Imperial Japan had similar stuff, but at least soldiers got their amulets and good luck flags/ belts as gifts from their family and friends, or donated from patriotic women associations....
Honestly at this point the Russian military really does just seem like a more cynical version of the IJA
whenever i come across an online christian LARPer, they are almost always guaranteed to call themselves "eastern orthodox"

Imagine being an Ukrainian soldier and finding this crap on the battlefield.
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>cream of the sloping apostles
My biggest gripe with the Russian church has to be how influenceable they are to these wannabe-trad retards online. They see stupid shit like this and go "WOWZAS! THIS IS SO FUCKING BASED!" and then they precede to go LARP as Orthodox online, use icons as profile pictures, etc. They're unashamed and proud of it.
I am an American, but I was baptized Ukrainian Catholic. The only time I had anyone be genuinely upset over that and tell me that I am evil is those retards.
This is nearly as dumb as that small Japanese sect that claimed Jesus wasn't crucified but travelled to Japan and spent his remaining days as a garlic farmer there.
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>that logo
Well of course, because the Ukrainian Catholic Church was spawned from the Union of Brest, which came to be so reviled by the ROC not because it bastardized their faith or anything, but because answering to the Pope would have jeopardized the security of their church/state grifting operation.
Your typical Russian zealot is unable to imagine church and state NOT going hand-in-hand. If you told him you were a Roman Catholic they'd just ask you how long you've been waiting for the Vatican to give you your secret marching orders for.
And also far less competent.
The Rome larp has always been weird to me because… Rome was super degenerate itself so what exactly are they fighting for.
It's all part of the race to peak contrarianism. The more brazenly retarded you have to pretend to be, the more you're winning, which is how you end up with guys claiming to be flat-Earth Monarchist Nazbol Russian Orthodox.
funny how they absolutely love this literal Bong propoganda lmao
>Rome was super degenerate itself

Doesn't matter - rome was STRONK and made everyone around it a rooster.
Not because they're communist. That was always something/pol/ pushed. It's because it represents former Russian power that still exist in their minds' eye. They wouldn't know a communist if one sat on them.
>I am an American, but I was baptized Ukrainian Catholic
You're not an American.
What are purity seals in this context?
Always feels nice to find the EXACT use case for a reaction image.
>troll and/or useful retard has no idea what being an american is
Being baptized into any religion has no effect on being an american
Wow I'm pretty sure homeless people only exist in this country
It is weird to you because you are a dumbass midwit huffed up on reddit contrarianism.
...I am though? I am from Philadelphia. A lot of Ukrainian immigrants came here during and after WW2, including my dad's parents.
Are you retarded?
>I thought they were based and trad christian soldiers
What do you mean?
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Don't get me wrong, that's a top-tier kitbash and whoever did that should be proud of their accomplishment. I just feel like you missed a detail here or there.
All true, but also that's what makes it "schizoid". It's not a dismissal, in this rare case when the term is used. It's not a memetic schizophrenia.
>There's a reason it (Russian variant) got banned in Ukraine.

Russia also uses intelligence agents who disguise themselves as priest and work with the churches of other countries to gain access to countries and places.

Then you get incidents like a visiting priest wanting to see the local industrial areas and military camps :D
File deleted.

What is it with non-Protestant sects and cargo cult shit?

>Catholics - "This pile of bones in a gold case are totally the remains of a saint bro"
>Orthodox - literally blessing nuclear missiles
>also Orthodox - use stained glass with literal Communist symbols on your cathedral


Russia is a country so throughly Bolshevized on a cultural as well as racial level that you would need to exterminate the essentially entire population and ban display of all Soviet symbols on pain of death before you could even remotely consider it de-communized.
nigga those are Word Bearers
Well if we're being honest, Orthodox churches are by definition the most trad, because they literally refuse to change anything at all. The great schism occurred pretty much over the change in wording of a single sentence (granted, of non trivial theological importance, but still)
So of course tradlarpers gravitate towards it over anything else
Do you think it would be safe to wear two protective amulets at the same time or would your head pop like a watermelon in between a giant womans thighs?
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>Catholics - "This pile of bones in a gold case are totally the remains of a saint bro"
You're just mad because we're styling on you.
he probably is, yes.
>the 13% doesn't commit 56%
Fucking wat
boy, that sure looks like an idol.
It is some fraternal cold war shit. The Norks actually sent troops to fight in Africa along with Cuba against SA so they have a decent reputation in alot of places there. They get paid for them, there are dozens or even hundreds of monuments like that all over the continent. Since they can't make them themselves the Norks are really their only option to have them made by someone who was at least a 'comrade' and let's face it, they are actually good at it.

It is hilarious that it is the tallest stature on the continent though. Sigh, the Yerrow Mans burden it seems.....
As everyone knows, orthodox buffs can be paired but don't stack.

E.g. the holy water will grant an extra 20% resistance to physical trauma from bullets/shrapnel to your person, and the cross will give you +12% or so durability to your vest, but you couldn't for example try to cheese it and go full tank build by applying the holy water buff to your armor and get +32% resistance. The water's effects will only kick in AFTER someone scores a critical hit and pens you. Also keep in mind that in the latest patch you have to unlock Rabbi lvl IV to purchase the tefillin of fireproofing.
Seeing how they are capable to be both communist, imperialist and fashist at the same time my money would be on chaos undivided.
Death to all abrahamic scum, christians jews and muslims alike

So who's the Warmaster for this Blyat Crusade for the Ukrainian heartlands?
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Nah, they have all taken that sin of being russian into themselves, they just need an opportunity to let it loose.
The only thing stopping them is the boot on their neck, instead of improving their lot they just want to be the one wearing the boot and inflicting it on anyone else.
>Regulators of Adeptus Arbites detain a citizen suspected of heresy and occultism, 5 451 93 M41, colorized
believe it or not but this isn't even a new concept. During their war with Napoleon they declared him as the anti-Christ and their war as a holy "crusade" against him. Does this make any fucking sense within a historical or a religious context? Well no, but it worked great to hype up the average proto-mobik back then.

There was actually a clash between the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Russian glowies since, despite also being a bunch of heretics who love to misinterpret the Bible, were way more keen (probably wouldn't even be successful in their enfevers) on stopping any and all wars, and maybe helping shed some typical Russian Orthodox "habits". (idol-worship, gay assrape, alcoholism,corruption, starting wars and so on). This led to bunch of violent protests against them (like wearing shirts that said "kill a Jehovah's Witness today!" and stuff). Some old lady who was a JV got murdered and the glowies were being very weird about it and didn't even bother trying to find the guy that killed her.

Their reason for hating them so much? Well the state stated the fact that they don't agree with many tenants of Orthodoxy, so they mustn't tolerate them (very tradcath indeed). Now you might ask, but wait, don't they have a sizable Muslim population? Didn't Putin just recently get recorded kissing a Quran? Muslims straight up deny Christ, so why are they tolerated and even embraced? But not the JW? Can't possibly be because they bend the knee to the state and will gladly jump into whatever meatgrinder monke tells them?

Their "Church" has been a corrupt, heretical sect for decades at this point. Putin and the FSB didn't even have to temper with it that much. Ukrohoholfascist banderite bum-touching anglosaxon crests firing HIMARS (literally warcrime) at you? might as well start praying to Saint Stalin and Holy God Emperor Putin.
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It was Prigozhin, until the Road Trip. After that...Gerasimov may or may not be alive, Teplinsky may or may not be alive, the Shoigun got sidelined, I'm not sure who else is there between Monke and the troops who has the charisma, personal leadership, and rank to be a warmaster.
Yeah, I noticed after posting
I had previously seen artwork of AS with those church-tank things (Invasion Cathedrum I believe they call them?), so when I googled "40k church tank" I didn't look too hard
see >>62517723
>I love being Christian.
Anon i'm also a Christian but the shit Russian church pulls seems turbo heretical especially after the church became a tool of the state
Wasn't there something about "you cannot serve two masters"?
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>All nonbelivers will burn in hell.
What an evil belief to hold.
Prighozhin was weak. Who is failbaddon now?
Why are there no new dead ziggers vids? I am getting hungry.
But I still disagree that
>russian political orientation is best described as "schizoid"
There is no sophistication to their political positions besides a brutal understanding of "might makes right" wrapped around their "Strength is in Truth" cope.
Their political belief system is extremely simple, without nuance, once you understand the concept of everything revolving around the perception of "Strength" symbolized by the idea of "Russia".
I get that most russian artists and intellectuals are doomer schizoids, but they are the ones that go against the mainstream of russian belief of "Russia = Strong".
why would it be an idol? are you stupid?
>are you stupid?
are you worshipping a dressed up skeleton in a box?
One of them has an absolute fuckload of gypsies and is the Ukrainian capital of "black magic" Khmelnytsky. The western one. They're the entire statistic of all thongs bad there. They throw graveyard spil on the doorsteps of people, kidnap kids, steal and run drug and all the other shit gypsies do. It's hard to live there if you're actually Ukie and Christian there. Very possible in the regional capital center and better parts or the most distant and old guard tight knit communities. Not so much in all other places. Ukriane is very homogenous with russoids being the biggest minority ofc and the 2nd biggest are gypsies and in that western red region the worst of them hang out.
Not sure about the other one.
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You're all pussies and fedora tippers, this is based. The U.S. Military should have priests bless it's weapons and bomb the hell out of Communist China with them.
>Does this make any fucking sense within a historical or a religious context?
It actually kinda did. Russians also weren't the only ones who called Napoleon "the antichrist". Hell, it was widespread enough for Nietzsche to take some inspiration from it.
Its a literal golden idol, disgusting gaudy display of wealth over human remains
aren't you a gate guard? it's like one step from a rentacop.
>"This pile of bones in a gold case are totally the remains of a saint bro"
Even back in Chaucer's time he was taking the piss out of people selling fakes for profit
Maybe if you only take it at face value and don't consider the obvious symbolism behind adorning a skeleton in gold jewelery, in alignment with a great deal of other Christian art throughout history concerning the inevitability and universality of death:
>any wealth and status you may have is only temporary; you will die and face judgement just like any other
>adorning a skeleton in gold jewelery
yeah, we could have instead been contemplating the actual benefit of feeding poor people instead, but blinged-out corpse jerky is a much better use of tithes.
what a life this guy had
>or even man is sometimes equal to God
none of them say this anon, unless you're talking about some unitarian universalist bullshit, but they're not even really Christians anyways.
Russians literally going full "we wuz kangz" tier and just claiming every important person in history was Russian.
What's next, Jesus Christs real name Gregor Christkov?
Pretty sure you don't need to be a studied christian theologist to know raping infants and torturing prisoners is not a nice thing to do
purity seals would be cooler loot than patches
Go back to /ak/ Springfield Schizo, your weird orthodox larp is just cringe everywhere else
>purity seals
>on a Russian
does it make sure the rest of the world stays pure or something?
what are they gonna do? bless your badge reader?
Says who? You? Why should we listen to you?
Don't listen to me. Listen to yourself. Do you consider an infinite punishment for a finite crime fair?
>just like in my vidya!
Based. Your entire family line must have been here before 1860. Not even that hard to accomplish.
Girkin, if he somehow finds a way out before having a mysterious heart attack.
>future turtle tank
Nah man tzeentch is the US and Israel with borderline unhinged cia/mossad plots and schemes.
cry is free
>purity seal
Do they stamp these onto their buttholes?
that ship sailed a long time ago. for all of them.
Based garloid appreciators.
>Being baptized into any religion has no effect on being an american

It isn't a merit but being Russian Orthodox is an active de-merit.
The purity seal on the butthole keeps the evil inside.
>Purity seals to contain unspeakable evils
A-are they planning to unleash Kunetzov?
Was it this? Goog/DDG didn't find anything useful, and now I'm curious if they actually do have separate artwork.
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>gachasimp and mentally ill
many such cases!
Tell your brown, shit-smearing pajeeta gf to wash her ass, okay?
This has become the new word the primitive invaders from other boards keep using, why is that?
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Khorne is the thinking man's god
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>larps as being pro-burger real american patriot
>centers his entire identity about consooming gachacuck chink shovelspy-ware
it's part of their schizo trad larping
I guess having rent free thoughts 24/7 about murdering someone violently counts as thinking, technically.
What the fuck is the ground
>unironic American oblast posting
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See? You're getting it
I don't play GFL, I just download Springfield pics from the boorus.
go home you latam larper
Not sure, it might've been. I just remembered "lmao church tank"
idk what the post you're replying to was, but heterodox basically means a practice or a belief that is different from what is usually practiced or believed, but not to the extent of being called heretical
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The Emperor Protects!
For only 10 bucks!

Thant's tough, drone protection sounds pretty good, but I'm curious about the cross/vial of holy water combo-they might synergize. Really comes down to is the holy water an item or a potion?
Evangelical "Christianity" and the prosperity gospel is as far from actual Christianity as the Pharisees were.
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Teplinsky is dead dead far as I know
>testosterone booster
Really completes the "based trad masc sigma" image
>pit all your toughest generals and warlords against one another so they compete for success on the front
>they hamstring one another constantly, wind up dead under mysterious circumstances, and just generally fail miserably

You know I'm starting to think that Monke doesn't actually want a warmaster
>Russian Orthodoxy
You are referring to ONE specific jurisdiction and trying to generalize. OCA here; whenever I recieve communion the priest refers to me as "Servant of God." Do not assume the Muscovite mentality upon us all.
>Ziggers are approaching critical level of larp
Old /k/ would've just said that's cool.
rare non /ak/ Springfield Schizo sighting
I'm feeling blessed already
The memes write themselves
They've been the biggest heroin smugglers in Russia for years. Their "bike rallies" are just a cover for bringing inhuman amounts of heroin.
So you ignoring the 8 russian parts with AIDS?
Do they stack? Like if get a bunch of Archangel tokens could I just fire wildly into the air and still hit my target?
I can't tell your bearded old men storm gods apart.
Just a bunch of middleschool doodles lel
There's no way this is real right?
It is. You underestimate how superstitious Russians are, especially the ones from the east.
This is most likely a grift aimed at old women whose sons and grandsons go to war and they want to feel like they did SOMETHING to protect them.
Do the buffs stack? If yes, I'd like 16 copies of the accuracy amulet please. I don't need defensive or evasive boosts if I can snipe everything from 20 km away.

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