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AR in 5.56 vs AK 5.56
AR costs 2700 USD, AK costs 650 USD.
Price of AR morr than 4 times higher, but the group is only 1,5 times better.
Give me a reason, why I should buy an AR.
>Give me a reason, why I should buy an AR.
Enviable opportunity but unfortunately I cannot accept. Good luck with your future endeavors.
I don't know how to approach such a bad faith post.
had you posted the specific configuration, range and group size there could be discussion, but you didn't, likely intentionally.
100 yards, 55gr, AR - 2.2 inches, AK - 2.6 inches.
Okay, it's even 1,2x better with 4x price.
Well, you don’t live in a country where you can own either, but you’re fucking retarded anyways. The issue is that you could make that comparison with just ARs, as many have. The benefits a 2500 ar has over a 500 dollar PSA is rarely accuracy, as you’re talking like slightly sub MOA vs 1.5 MOA even with the right ammo. Compare a 500 dollar AR with a 650 dollar AK and the benefits of the AR platform become obvious.
I actually do own AKs.
The problem is that 500 dollar AR don't exist here. It begins from like 2500 dollars.
You clearly don’t live in the ONLY first world country, the USA. Therefore the only option you should consider is to buy 4 AKs and give 2 away to fellow countrymen
>trump starts talking about AKs
>number of AK threads increases dramatically
>500 dollar AR don't exist here.
damn, what's it like living in a shit-hole?
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Feels good man.
Why do you still live in Russia, retard?
>Feels good man.
is that why you made this seethe thread?
>Last round bolt hold open
>Easier mag release, don't need to change grip
>Reloads are much quicker as a result
>Top rail is more secure, fewer POI shifts
>Longer sight radius
>Lighter (in my experience)
Post a .366 tkm AK or you are gay
I'm genuinely interested in advantages that advocate such a difference in price.
This guy does it right, those sound like good points.
it's better than an AK in every conceivable way. you being poor isn't it's fault.
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Then you can’t compare the two. Imports are always going to be expensive, and the quality isn’t going to increase with that price hike. For us, your 2500 dollar AR is probably 800 tops, in which case it’s absolutely fair to compare it to a low-cost AK. And it WILL be more accurate, I have never seen an AK beat a comparably priced AR in accuracy.
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>scope on a shotgun
Fair point. I wish an AR here would cost at least 1500 USD.
Your face when our retarded lawmakers made 366TKM guns rifles.
AR is better. I will not go further into detail.
Ergonomics, ammunition isn't dogshit from USSR stocks or post sanction tula trash, recoil is less allowing faster target acquisition, lightweight, safety isn't a turd though being a Russian I'll give you the AK safety potentially being an advantage to you.

Basically every reason your guys obsessively acquired 416s before the war kicked off.

If Russia every allows for ownership of nvg the gap gets even bigger. Aks shoot fireballs under nods and beat themselves to shit with suppressors with expensive modifications that out it in a price bracket of the already better AR.

That said there's bfw I'd live in Russia and NOT have a 5.45 AK as my go to. When in Rome.
what if you buy a $500 AR instead of a $2700 AR
The AR is 4x cooler.
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It doesn't exist.
have you tried killing your politicians
how much does a tigr cost in russia
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New one costs around 900 dollars but you can buy a used one for around 400 bucks from some grandpa that only used it for hunting and fired like 100 rounds.
What’s with all the images of scoped shotguns I see in Russia? Is this a hunting thing? Are shotguns easier to acquire than rifles, making slugs/scopes popular?
.410 slugs out of a slug gun (with rifling) isn't a terrible choice for malicious compliance
IF you live in fucking russia buy the AK retard.
this is a retarded shitpost of a thread but if a basic bitch AR was $1000 instead of $400 I'd probably just buy a $650 AK
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Exactly. People focus too much on the rifle itself and don't see the system that runs it. Ammo, magazines, parts, magazine carriers, squad tactics, unit logistics, etc etc
Rambo was a movie, not so much reality. There are very very few successful lone wolves that do more than tertiary damage.
>100 yards, 55gr, AR - 2.2 inches, AK - 2.6 inches.
You can't shoot. Most AR are sub-MOA. I do agree that you should buy whatever is cheaper in your country.
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Yes, the Russian laws are kinda retarded that makes purchase and usage of rifles more cumbersome story than shotguns. As you can see on the diagram less than 16% of all registered civilian guns were rifles.
The main problem is that you cannot buy a rifle as your first gun. There is a trial period of 5 years that you have to wait with a shotgun in your safe (you even can never take it out of the safe) before the state allows you to buy a rifle.
Most people just don't have that much patience, also there are some other regulations that make the life of rifles' owners harder.
>russian citizen
>asking whether he should buy an ar or an ak
surely you can't be serious
>Give me a reason, why I should buy an AR.
99% of AR owners couldn't give you a logical answer as to why they own ARs chambered in 5.56 or any other round, they just do what they see other people doing and do not think for themselves. They couldn't tell you where and how they would use their .223 rifles, but they will be able to repeat all the taglines their favorite ecelebs and brands put out for marketing.

Seriously, not a single person can tell you or I that "I bought a 5.56 AR so I could shoot X at Y range, for Z situation." Not a single one thinks of the case-use, because if they did, and if they really knew guns, they wouldn't touch ARs chambered in 5.56.
you can afford $10k AKs?
You live in Russia so stick with combloc stuff. For non- comblock anons, use whatever is affordable and available.
sure, why would I want one over other 10k stuff, though. my AR is already better than it.
>AK is cheaper than AR

A remington R4 cost around $1100 as per philippines army contract.

Meanwhile Indian army bought ~770k AK-203 at around $800-900 per gun

Sounds like AK is cheaper but India bought close to 20x the rifle amount and they also have set up local production. If India buys the rifle outright and at a roughly similar number I suspect the price would be comparable
AK is lucky to keep the group on a paper plate at 100 yds, AR generally does it at 600 yards if you're competent.
Dumbest midwit take itt
The advantage is that it wasn't made in Russia.
Wait you have to buy a shotgun and never shoot it for 5 years? Surely you're misunderstanding something
Your aim js shit
maybe you want to shoot further than 100 yards ?
that's why you didn't answer his question, right?
Shoot ten groups with each gun using 77smk. (Not the jew garbage imi either)
Then compare average size…..dumbass
Nice bait retard.
I have an AR because it is a terrific (over used term) GP rifle.
>self defense
>enough to kill medium sized game
>ammo relatively cheap
>abundant ammo
>Light weight rifle
>use it to explode praire dogs
>tyrannical government hate that i have one
>hog hunting
>fun to tinker with them
>parts and accessories availability is off the hook
>take pictures of it
Go to classed and train with it
Show to friends and get them to buy one
Own one because it’s your God give right to have on
>Give me a reason, why I should buy an AR.
The aftermarket and STANAG compatibility.
That's literally it. If you just want a .223 blaster that gets the job done, the AK is more than good enough.

Any and all talks about "muh groups" is highly subjective.
You train more with your gun, and you do get better results.

>Compare a 500 dollar AR
He's most likely a Finn or Nordic EU.
Yes, the most barebones AR is ~1250€. That's over 1300 bucks for you Burgers.

For that amount of money, you could get 4 long guns just 5 years ago. AKs were like 300-500€ before Uki boogaloo 2.0.
>Wait you have to buy a shotgun and never shoot it for 5 years?
The "never shoot it for 5 years" is hyperbole but if you need to defend yourself with it, then the cops might keep the gun as evidence.
>Another AR vs AK thread
A true /k/ommando owns both
>AR in 5.56 vs AK 5.56
Get good, those groups could be better
>AR costs 2700 USD, AK costs 650 USD.
I think the seller flipped the prices around by mistake or he hates the AK
>Price of AR morr than 4 times higher, but the group is only 1,5 times better.
Ultimately the AR is also 4 times better in aftermarket parts etc
>Give me a reason, why I should buy an AR
It's the better gun
>AR costs 2700 USD, AK costs 650 USD
Wish I was in '09

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