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/k/ - Weapons

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I've been into guns for over a decade at this point, but I still fear that I'm not in good enough shape if I were to get into any kind of altercation involving stamina. I suffer from obesity, and I sweat a lot just from going to the range. Use this thread to share fitness tips and exercises/workouts which are /k/ approved.
start with just getting into the habit of exercising. get a recumbent exercise bike and get on it every day. do that for a few months then get a set of free weights.
>I suffer from obesity
Nigga you're saying it like it's a disease. Eat less.
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Nevermind guns for a second, change up your diet and go to the gym. Every part of your life improves when you slim down and beef up. /fit/ has some good people, but get a gym membership and find a trainer to help you get started. Get one of those apps that tracks your intake and be honest with yourself.

I love going innawoods with my SKS, but if I was a noodle armed fatass I could neither hike innawoods or handle the SKS.

For me, diet sorts itself out so long as I'm exercising. It doesn't need to be complicated, you're an animal, move around like one. If your job is sedentary get a standing desk and a walking pad. Do a set squats and pushups just short of failure every morning and night. You don't need to be completely optimal or perfect, just move.
"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
>t. hospital zombie
Losing weight is easier than "fitness" and are not the same thing.

Losing weight is 60% nutrition and 40% exercise (cardio, low intensity, ~40 min daily). You dont really have to change up your diet either, just run at a calorific deficit and you'll shed weight. Altering your diet is what you do to make the weightless sustainable.

Fitness is an extremely broad term and is a whole other universe depending on what you're trying to do. Baseline is run and do bodyweights and you'll be fitter than like 80% of the population.
>Fat people taking responsibility for their own body mass

Try intermittent fasting. I don't know if it has all the mumbo jumbo effects it claims to has but it does limit the time you have to stuff you face.
Exercise is part of the answer, but take it easy when you start exercising. Your joints aren't used to activity, so when you consider advice for cardio, start with WALKING. And then consider alternating between running for 1 min / walking for 2 mins once your joints don't complain about walking at a brisk pace for 20 mins. The biggest killer of exercise routines is stopping because something hurts, consistency is key.
Look into what people were doing in the so-called bronze era of bodybuilding, before steroids were invented. Check out Eugen Sandow's light dumbbell system and the books that George Hackenschmidt and Arthur Saxon wrote.
Mfw fatfag here, loving all the links. Was fit af as a Teen and hated fatties, don’t know how I let it happen. Need to find some other tards to go hiking with desu
Stop eating as much, you can't outside bad eating habits.
I go for a walk each day, fair distance. Honestly I hate it, like being trapped inside my own head sometimes.

Could have a better workout routine, but with my issues find it hard to care. This is at least enough to keep active and not put on weight.
how many pullups and pushups can you do?

what's your ruck time (expert rifleman course)?

I can do 48 pushups, 16 pullups, 14km/8.7mi in 1h57m with 20kg/45lbs
C25k and Hundred Pushups together, then Tactical Barbell and Fighter Pullup programs together once you complete that.




Don't eat like an american and thats half the battle right there. I saved so much money once I just started meal prepping chicken and veggies instead of picking up fast food after I left work at 2am
Being in shape kicks ass. Highly recommended.
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>I go for a walk each day, fair distance. Honestly I hate it, like being trapped inside my own head sometimes.
word to the wise; that's the best part. if you're avoiding confrontations with yourself you're going to set yourself up to get bossed around by your subconscious, and that's some womanly behavior. Stand that shit down, be a man.
Baki is made by a homosexual jap forever butthurt they lost ww2.
You're not a gay nip are you.
No. I got asthma out of nowhere in my early 20s and drinking replaced running.
I've put on a bunch of weight from lifting but I need to get out and hike, counteract all the cigarettes I smoke
>eat less
it's about modifying the diet, but it's all mootspeak unless i know what OP or anyone is doing or wants to do
what's she from?
>Losing weight
What weight? Water weight? Bodyfat? Muscle mass? "Weight" includes all of the above, and I'm tired of seeing frauds like you throw out "lose weight" as if it has any relevance to fitness. Typical mcbrain, you're on the right page, but you're oh so far away.

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