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My granpa was buried in Arlington cemetery this past weekend. He was a bombardier in a B-24 Liberator during WW2. He flew 50 missions mostly out of Italy and over Romania and eastern and central Europe. Their targets were mostly oil refineries and ball bearing plants. There were 5 missions where his plane was the only one that made it back. They were escorted by the Tuskegee airmen on some of their missions. One time their bombs wouldn't come loose and he had to kick them out. He has 3 sons and 1 daughter, 12 grand children, and 3 great grand children.
I'm sorry for your loss, anon. Thank you for sharing.
Respect for a bomber who only attacked legitimate strategic targets and not civilians.
Bombing accuracy even in late ww2 was still so bad that the only way to not hit civilians was to bomb targets that were in middle of nowhere. There is big chance his grandpa killed a civilians when he bombed those plants. BTW dresden was legitimate target.
Fifty ops is a hell of a thing to survive, especially with daylight bombing. Those refinery raids were fucking awful.
Berlin should have been nuked and everyone who ever belonged to SS should be hanged.
>They were escorted by the Tuskegee airmen on some of their missions
No wonder so many of the other planes got shot down.
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Whatever you say mutt
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Every fucking time we have a fucking thread about some anon's war veteran grandpa we get one of you faggots coming in acting like he's hot shit for spouting stuff so fucking pathetic that even /pol/ would turn their nose up at it. Oooh, muh wrong side, muh out-of-context Patton quote, so on and so fucking forth, amen.
so there's a high chance he bombed civilian targets over Bulgaria
if that's the case i hope he burns in hell, anon
RIP based grandpa
Bulgaria shouldn't have joined axis if they didn't wanted to be bombed.
But how else were they going to land grab from their neighbors?
did he ever talk about slaying any pasta-ussy?
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Discussions about WW2 bombing often go too far into the extremes: it was totally inaccurate, OR things like the Norden bombsight could land accurate hits.
Important to remember that lead aircraft used the bombsight because doing so gave control of the plane to the bombardier. Other planes in the element kept pattern and dropped when the lead did. Otherwise, you would have tons of planes close to each other flying blind.

Then for things like the oil refinery raids, the bombers were going much lower than over Germany. So lining up on targets wasn't as much a priority so much as "We're over it, now drop and get the fuck out!"
Thank you anons.

Yeah, he flew through flak that looked like a dense cloud of smoke.

I heard from my uncle that he was happy when the nukes were dropped on Japan because he had enough and was ready to go home, and he thought he might get sent to the Pacific to bomb Japan. I don't know if that would have happened, but he thought it might at the time.

He spoke positively about them.

Not to me.
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Some of these are so low that I could imagine the gunners also spraying whatever they could as they flew over.
>hangs tens of thousands of poles conscripted into the SS
>look patrick, we saved poland!
I've seen footage of allied bombers doing it in the Pacific against jap positions on some jungle island. I've also seen german archival footage of a He111 spraying merchant ships with its machineguns, probably earlier in the war before merchant shipping started getting AA guns
gee, when the options on the table is "join us or get fucked" by the allies and "join us and get your ethnic lands back or get fucked" by the axis, it's an easy choice

>le land grab
funny thing is, even today when you cross the border with our neighbors, you still meet bulgarians
i wonder why that's the case
Fuck off and KYS, stormtard. You reaped the whirlwind.
12 grand children but only 3 great grand children.
Please make more, don't allow the legacy of your ancestor to disolve away
If israel did terror bombing in gaza, the modern world would call them out for it
If ukraine did terror boming in russia, the modern world would call them out on it
If the colonial rebels of the mau mau or algeria or mozamgique had intentionally killed british or french or portuguese civilians, they would have been called out on it
What makes WW2 axis civilians so different anon?
4/10 below average but certainly provoking
Bombing accuracy for USAAF in Europe with the Norden was about 32%
With 'Accuracy' being a 500lbs bomb landing within 500 feet of target center.
That is pretty freaking good if you ask me.

I think the "Norden was bad" thing comes from comparison to RAF accuracy average, which was like 40%. But RAF measure of accuracy was completely different. Which was 20% of bombs falling within 1km of the city limits in which the target was located. So orders of magnitude difference and Norden bombing was thousands of percent more accurate than RAF bombing.
RIP, anon's grandpa.
There are a couple more on the way. Grand children are mostly just getting started with families. I don't think I'll have any children, but there will still likely be a lot.
Your grandpa went through hell if he was on the bearing factory missions. Rest well WW2 bomber man.
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Remember George Washington and Andrew Jackson anon.
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Does anyone even use that site anymore?
So you killed a whole lot of women and children who had little to do with the war... but at least mean uncle goering is mad now! All worth it!
>They were escorted by the Tuskegee airmen on some of their missions

And now his granddaughters are escorts
Thank you anons.

A lot of anons keep bringing up terror bombing. My grandpa was not with the 8th bomber command that flew out of Britain and bombed Germany. He was with the 719th bomber squadron of the 449th heavy bombardment group. They weren't active until the middle of the war and they mostly flew out of Italy and hit refineries and bearing plants in the east. I'm sure some civilians were killed, but these weren't the famous "terror" bombings of major cities like Dresden. But he supported the bombing of cities if it would end the war faster and was glad the nukes were dropped because he didn't want to go to the Pacific.
>anon discovers total war is grisly business
shocking isn't it
Sorry to hear that, bud. I lost my grandfather a few years ago. He dodged Soviet pilots while trying to track their subs in Vietnam, and helped recover the dead from the USS Forrestal fire.
The fact that:

>Munitions are many degrees more accurate unless you're an islamist rebel or Russian using literal dogshit
>Ukraine IS blowing up Russian strategic targets and literally nobody but Russians is crying when civilians die in these strikes
>None of these instances are in the context of a global war STARTED by the person being bombed, in which they have bombed everyone else

But please, explain to me how Germany bombing the UK's urban centers was not something that can be done to them in turn.
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Sorry for your loss anon. My grandpa was in a b24 privateer (single tail version) mostly doing ASW during ww2. You should see if your grandpa kept his log book. Looks like this. My grandpa was in charge of maintaining the guns so as I understand it the individual logbook was a general record keeping requirement for each flight member regardless of position. So not just a captain/ pilot thing.
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Neatest part is that it should detail his individual flights and where they were at. I keep meaning to get a map and put pins in it to mark it all out. Wild to think my grandpa went up through Greenland across to Europe, then returned via marakesh, Dakar, across to Brazil and up through San Juan to Jacksonville…. Never realized my grandpa had been to South America before I read it.
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Gramps front row, second to last on the right. He was in his 70’s when I was 7.. really wild to see him looking young and cocky.
Shitface nigger bombing Europeans wow so cool.
Sorry for your loss dude.
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>Shitface nigger bombing Europeans wow so cool.
>none of this is true
underaged poster, if you are craving internet replies for your made up story try /soc/ instead
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My uncle has some letters and things. I’m not sure if he has the log book though. That’s something I can ask about. Thanks for sharing anon.

Thank you anons.
>underaged poster, if you are craving internet replies for your made up story try /soc/ instead
> War criminal doing war crimes, bombing civilians
Not a hero, fuck off
They attacked mostly civilian structures

> Dresden
War crime
Everyone involved should hang. Not in Minecraft
I'm trans btw guys I was nervous about telling you but I think today is the day
We already know that

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