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THREAD THEME: https://youtu.be/OOdqHzRA1Tw?feature=shared

Thread topic: Why is the scar better than every other rifle and why is the bren 3 still not a good buy?

Second thread topic: Fuck you
Larue mount
"Passage" turns 47 this month, you did give it a listen, right?
Old: >>62513305

fuck you
Wish me luck while I rifle through every storage bin in my closet looking for the stupid fucking QD mount that came with my G45.

>$200 for a replacement from Eokek
"Passage" shows up a shitty movie ost but for some reason I added "carpenters" to it and found a song im sure you meant.

no idea what that is
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The best mount for a T2 is an elcan
the best mount for the t2 is the new spuhr mount but i don't have one so its the larue
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Yeah. I forgot the picture because I am retard
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>my t2 mount has a little back up iron sight so it’s the best
Mine has a 1x,4x, BDC, and red dot bright illumination
hmmm I wonder why you need a 1x dot when you have a 1x on your illuminated scope?
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It's ok.
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Spend your money on mags, ammo and kit. Get nasty with the mk18. Save for NODs. Fuck those shitty AR prices.
I probably have an entire AR in my parts bins but damned if I'm gonna dig through. Good luck, anon.
Thanks DMT, very cool
yeah i do know i had the elcan with a t2 on it. Didn't work for me. The elcan is fucking nice though.
vortex can give you one for free :)
Happy for you. Initial thoughts/impressions?
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Because I like it
The Vortex QD mount is compatible and it even retains zero better than the eotech one. It's a good stop gap (for me) until scalar releases their fuggin one.
Is larue the last decent AR manufacturer?
Can you take a pic of how much that rifle weighs as pictured here
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>KACchads continue to take down would-be assassins

We just cant stop winning.
>That front pic rail
Oh God he also puts a bipod on there.
Intrigued by his lam/light config
But they didn't take out the first one?
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11.9lbs empty mag, QD so thermal comes off ez

it's cool, just got here minutes ago so I've been going thru the manual. I wish there was a youtube video instead. fsp doesn't show up thankfully but I still need to fuck with focus and diopter

ofc, qd harris. going to get a tripod now
>11.9lbs empty mag
Thats not bad actually
sell me your fucking colt canada mrr and I'll dump the LMT
>fsp doesn't show up thankfully
Fuck yes, I hope you're feeling vindicated. So many haters lmao
Probably nothing
Currently in urgent care. Threw my back out
Looks like MAWL + Scout Light. Very nice but to me it feels weird having that much weight on one side of the gun. It's not even that it looks front-heavy to me, just that I'd want either the light or the laser on the right hand side if the other is gonna be hanging off the left.
Look at the man behind the rifle. When do you think the last time he actually used that mawl was? (Never)
happy 30th bday bro
Pussy. What are they gonna do. Go lay on the floor>>62517814
I’m 37
Give me muscle relaxers, pain medication, a cortisone shot, xray to make sure I’m ok cuz right now I can’t walk or bend. Idk.
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rifle too heavy?
Idk man probably squeezing around the garage trying to install stupid organizer shit for a woman. Ones screw I had to bend my body all the way forward and cram into a tiny space to get it seated. Or idk could have been anything.
Quadrail chuds will never learn.
Start doing yoga and pilates then buy a squat rack in a few months
I hate my manual labor job but it helps me stay in shape and not throw my back out at the age of 30.
Especially helps lifting my 15lb ar15’s picatinny rail.
Manual labor jobs are why my back is fucked at 37. I don’t have a problem doing virtually anything but I’ve had sciatic nerve pain and back problems since I was 24 when a Christmas tree slipped as I was pulling it out of a semi truck.
Hi RaidFP.
>muh back up
If things are that dire then I’m just going to blind fire.
>pharma band aids masking the real problem
Your muscles and nerves are full of degenerative tissue from a life of poor diet. It's not your fault, you were taught wrong. Start eating some raw animal products like eggs Rocky style and steak tartare. Oysters if your wife is around. You need to sweat out toxins with hot baths and rebuild with natural growth hormones found in real food. Good luck, bro.
Using opaque mags is why my back is fucked. Thankfully Magpul created the TMAG. I feel like I'm 15 again.
35 yr old manual labor here, you need to start stretching and this >>62517919
Nothing touched my back pain until I started stretching and doing yoga everyday. My lifts went up too
Yeah well I’m trying. I’m currently a caretaker for my 78 year old mother and she eats terribly. Literally boxed macaroni and cheese, pies, ice cream, frozen dinners, synthetic processed everything all day. I want to eat healthy but I’m kinda stuck eating what she does atm. Anyway they’re giving me muscle relaxers and steroids.
god I love canned tuna
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Your spine will be broken, just like the spine of a Tmag
>tranny mags
My grandpa owned 2 different businesses and always said never buy the first run of any product and wait for about a year if you actually want it but then you wouldn't be able to get clout on the innanet
I mean yeah that’s a good general rule for anything. First gen cars, weapons, magazines, computers, etc. I’m waiting on the rcr until next spring.
It's a double edged sword. If you buy the first product you're getting stuff like that. If you don't buy the first product then there will be no second product to fix the first product.
Lancer espionage kn4r
This. I did manual labor from 15-30. I fucked my back up more sitting in an office with bad posture and unfucked myself stretching 20min every day.
Man behind rifle is left handed, hence his left hand being on the pistol grip
I hate guns now
Doesn't matter if he's wrong handed, he doesn't use it either way.
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i just came to say that i drilled and pinned my barrel and it came out perfect. i am not even going to make fun of the guy with the back injury. i hope that dude gets better quick and everyone has a good day.
Cute car
i think its more just a good mount with a really nice magnifier aux mount.
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wouldn't do any of it without the haters frfr
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Are any ranges in the States renting super safe ARs that you guys have heard of? I'm a leaf but I'm just curious.
Batteries die, electronics fail.
Maybe they should just make a cheap and durable aluminum mag instead of an overpriced proprietary trans mag that breaks.
If seeing how many rounds you had in a mag was that important the government would have contracted it out decades ago
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forever grateful i passed on these.
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full auto rentals are common, no need for super safeties
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>Dequarius Defense QC
Shut up faggot. Statistically it's more likely that some white hillbilly fucked it up.
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>Lower was sent in to DD and the head armoror looked at it
>Said nothing appeared to be wrong and sent lower back

The absolute state of DD.
Why do shills always try to divide and conquer us like this? It's way too obvious.
>Said nothing appeared to be wrong and sent lower back
Why is it always the extremes of companies either immediately fall on the sword in apologies or adamantly deny anything is wrong with their guns.
it just really depends on anon's narrative
Nothing wrong with it.

Why do SOTARfags always mention this? Doesn't galvanic corrosion need electricity present to actually corrode the metals?
Hear me out: if your rifle has time to degrade past the point of usability from fucking galvanic corrosion of all things, you aren't shooting it enough.

Speaking of chambers though: does anyone know if there's any verifiable proof of the whole "Hodge barrels have higher muzzle velocities because of tapered chambers" meme that I'm hearing?
Shut up.
the friction of a bore snake's copper bristles creates an electromagnetic charge in the barrel
>ambi lower
this is what happens when they try to do some special snowflake bullshit

I'm specifically talking about the annodizing on the feed ramps on the upper wearing down or being ground down to match up with the ramps on the barrel extension. In every SOTAR video he mentions the ramps overhanging people in the comments loose their shit when someone mentions sanding them down and wearing off the annodizing.
The feed ramps on the barrel are the things that stick up not on the receiver and that is steel that can be polished with no issues.

You can accidentally wear down the annodizing on the upper though if you don't remove the barrel from the upper.
I enjoy strife and back ‘n’ forth between both sides because I don’t care about either or.
Did Ash have a heart attack?
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no he is on ozempic and will be back to mog us all soon
Finally get to see what all the hype is about for a MBT

He would take ozempic instead of joining a gym
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What's with all these super low round count firearms on tacswap? Do people seriously buy guns, shoot once, and never touch them again? Lmao.
its called T&E
>Do people seriously buy guns, shoot once, and never touch them again
Haha yeah that would be crazy...
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So here's my shitty $0.02:

>nothing will be better than Okay Industries mags so let's not even compare
>They do feel more "flimsy" than a standard Pmag but less flimsy than a Lancer. You can flex the sides of a lancer fairly easily, but not so much with the Tmag.
>form factor is basically an Emag but with the raised spines on the Pmag, so if you like the Emag form factor but don't want to get fucked with hypebeast prices of what Emags are going for, these are for you.
>I don't see these being as durable as a PMAG just because the polymer can't be as strong, but at the same time I don't see them being delicate either. I'd have to see more claims like in anon's photo of them actually being dropped in real time and cracking before I'm willing to believe it's not just some dude curbstomping one until it gives to "show all the trendy faggots their mag isn't cool".
>It's really not worth $25, but I forsee them being like $18 all day long soon enough, which is more reasonable.

Not a pmag replacement per-se, but an alternative to a Lancer mag or something else if you want a different set of mags to distinguish test ammo/300 blackout/defense ammo etc from your other loadouts. That's basically what I do with my Emags anyway, they're all loaded with MK318 MOD1 or M855A1.
You believed that?
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I'm about to mog you guys. I'm getting jacked atm.
I gained 15 pounds so far.
k twink
10 packs of brownells mags are the way
you should have gotten 1 ss triggers instead of two lajews
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I'm sure the Brownells mags are fine, but as far as GI mags go nothing will touch Okay Industries, so as far as I'm concerned I'm stocked enough on them that I don't care to buy anymore GI mags at this point unless somehow I find a great deal on some good condition surplus ones or something. So for new mags that I get here and there on sale/just to be a patron of local shop I'll just buy G3 pmags and Tmags.
Take estrogen and become my gf.
lol poorfags
Yeah same but if you ever need more the brownells mags are pretty close. scar mags are also very good.
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got my flux raider back from flux and I'm never letting it go again. usps almost scared me to death when they delayed delivery by like 5 days
Is there a single redditor that isn't terminally retarded?
sorry did I just arrive on a different planet why are we so worried about magazines? Pmags work? Steel GI mags work... Lancers are good.. what the fuck makes "Okay Industries" mags any better?
still smarter than the average /arg/uing retard
lancers are not good and pmags don't work in scars and are fucking gay. Okay just make functional good magazines that didn't fail thats what made them better you nufag retard
oh ok then go back there you nigger
calm down nigger
Well good news is: I found it. Bad news is: the set screws in my old Wilcox riser broke off and now they're fucking stuck. Ugh.
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I have just been saying that for a bit now and it's funny
DMT more like TRT
No one likes you
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How do I filter on mobile?
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I don't know who he is, but if he likes mgs he's alright in my book
Guys, I'm kinda worried I'm losing my hair. Should I just get an LMT now?
You should probably go to pfg not arg
no you should get a panasonic arc6
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Nah, do you own a gun?
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stick to posting it
>panasonic arc6
I'm not ready for that yet
Fuck off
does your gun to another school? He asked you to post it.
What the fuck are you even asking, you ESL brownoid?
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Have you played any of them? It's unironically my first time through. It's been stupendous
Super safeties are a gay gimmick.
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If you use dump pouches on your kit you should probably just kys now.
>Super safeties are a gay gimmick
How so?
Rapid fire and full auto in all its forms are great
Allegedly at finnish brutality you were required to use one?
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Makes no difference
oh wow the zogbot that got to throw away his magazines while shooting 90 iq brown people said he didn't use them! Well then I guess thats that
>probably just kys now
I've got 7.5 years until that
I mean the difference is they feel nicer but yeah the lajew is pretty ok
>Listen to fags that lost a war
Yeah, nah, I'm good.
Post your rifle with the geissele trigger in it anon. When did you get to compare the two, and how does the geissele "feel nicer" to the effect that it's worth 200 dollars more?
throwing it in the trash bin right next to my vfg and wml
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is there a way to keep an acog ARD on straight? Tired of it being angled up or down
15lbs on top of your 150 is not impressive.
>worth 200 dollars more?
They're not $200 more. If you get one on sale it's maybe $40 more
They told us a third of your body weight is what a warrior could carry when I was in the corps...
No just take finasteride.
Bonus side effect is you don’t care about sex anymore
NTA the SSA isn't $200 more but the SS trigger is and that's what he should have got anyway. I got an SSA blem for $120 last blemsgiving and it absolutely has a crisper break than the MBT. Definately not work the $100 or whatever for regular price but for $20 more than the MBT its pretty good. It has way longer travel than the MBT, but the SSA is also a milspec 3 position trigger.
>Bonus side effect is you don’t care about sex anymore
I already don't. Perfect
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I own both and he's right, the SSA-E feels faster and lighter. I just like saying the MBT2S is good too and cheaper and theoretically higher quality metal. I shoot submoa with it and prefer the G$ on my sbr for rapid follow-ups and controlled pairs. Different POUs. Don't cope about price.
Has the higher quality metal aspect ever mattered?
I've seen pictures of broken ones but I doubt it's very common
Sounds like the SSA-E would be great on my mk18 and the mbt will do just fine for my mk12 and 16" upper. Thanks anons
For over a week I’ve been having a fit every time someone says the word investigate or investigation. It’s not even a real word. Did the timeline shift? Was there another word we used to call it? Wtf
but he doesn't make an auto trigger?
Not your personal blog and take your fucking meds.
Surg isn’t a trigger, genius
Not for you he doesn't
You, bitch.
Also no
That galvanic corrosion is caused by using a boresnake. It creates a lapping compound inside the barrel and then erodes the star chamber on the way out. I’m a gunsmith I should know
Both are good. If you already have one of either I wouldn’t be in a rush to replace it but definitely try them both out of you get a chance and see what you think.
I like the SSAE better after trying one but already have an mbt2 installed and don’t care enough to change it
The same fags that started the ultra minimalist raid 3 mag micro chest rig plate carrier bullshit, hmmm who woulda thunk it
And that is why Mark can go to hell.
This is the way, unless you want to go fast on the mk18 then get the gman triggers worth getting like the ex or the sd3
I miss the engineer poser from hgg
He doesn't sell to ban state police departments if that helps any
I keep getting YouTube ads for TAPS rigs. The meta is shifting from range goon 3 mags and a dangler to 8 mags on your chest with water and other sustainment because we don’t have helicopters bringing resupplies if we ever need to use this shit
>if we ever need to use this shit
You won't.
A little bit but not much.
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I'm just getting started. My goal is 185 with 8 inch ass cheeks for carrying heavy loads.
Yeah I've played them all. 3 and 5 are the best ones. Mgs3 remake is next month, it's going to be great.
>range goon 3 mags
This was never the meta.
I didn't ask
Aren't you like 6 foot? Go for 200+ and I hope you're adding fat as well as muscle. You will find you easily put on water weight.
I still can't decide if I should get the Tikka T3 or not
If I were you I'd bulk hard on a high protein diet and not even worry about it. Like anon said, shoot for 200+ if you're 6' or taller. Hopefully you're at least doing calisthenics if not already lifting
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Nice. I 100% MGSV then went back and did MG 1&2, now I'm doing MGS methodically before I finally hit Mgs2 and 3. Hopefully the second master collection comes out before I have to borrow my brother's PS3 to play MGS4.
God damn I'm so sick of bearded tatted ifuckinlovecoffee brovet faggotry. At this point I'd rather be marketed to be actual out-and-proud gays, at least they're being honest. AR15
Quit smoking, I'm already at the one month mark. Super easy.
Thanks anons. The mk18 I'd like to get my controlled pairs super flush, I don't have a timer so idk what my splits are. With my 14.5" controlled pairs seem way smooth and more intuitive but it is a longer/heavier upper so duh.
>Mgs3 remake is next month, it's going to be great.
Recasting Snake as a 400 lb black woman but keeping the rest of the game mechanics the exact same would be phenomenal.
They redid the story. It's about SIGINT making it out of the hoods of DC
Airsoft is more fun than shooting real guns.
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as a 18 year old airsofter with no guns, i agree.
I'm calling you all the larpers for using the mil larp nonsense that IS the AR

you're all so high on stonertrash you don't even see how cucked you are, the other anon is still trying to pretend ARs are "best" or something, who knows with you poor dumb losers
you all buy ARs because you're too dumb to comprehend ballistic charts, and too poor to test all the guns you want, hence you settle for basic bitch ARs in 5.56 and think you've got all your bases covered

I'm poking and prodding you retards into getting your lazy minds into action, but most of you are utterly hopeless brainlets who get confused and attack the post lol causing me to point out your retardation, and you STILL wont understand
you fuckers don't even know that the people who do arms procurement for the military and socom don't like 5.56, that they constantly try to move to different rounds, even 7.62x39 in some cases, but try getting a bunch of appointed dumb fucks(who think just like the other arfags( to go with that...
not reading
Get the fuck out of here
my GBB AR15 is worth more than your real one faggot.
The RCR is fine now
these ads are getting fucking old. this is the same prose and writing style of the karen carpenter faggot so i guess you should kys if you’re reading this
So are you guys enjoying your last year of owning rifles before they're banned after the election
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If they pay me, I'll give them up without asking questions. Fucking hate maintaining these fucking things.
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To the anons that recommended space marine 2, thank you. This game is awesome. I love that there's no fags or black lesbians in it.
Now what's the best intro to Warhammer?
Play it for more than just 5 hours. It's worse than the first game. Don't even get me started on pvp or co-op. Fucking travesty.
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>I love that there's no fags
bruh if chaos eldar aren't killing things they are fucking them
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Black arc will be releasing a batch of nas3 80.5gr ammo. Couldn't make use of it myself but anons with SPRs could probably make use of .441 G1 BC and 2840 fps from a 18" barrel
checked but what's the ES nigger
>be me
>larping with scar 17
>too much cash is weighing my cargo shorts down

I can't decide if for "longer range capability, while keeping some semblance of mobility" means I should build an ar308, or just lean further away and build a bolt gun since if I needed semi auto I already have the scar

since it's only 308 and I don't have the time to hand load, plus the furthest I ever really larp out to is 700ish yards max (but more like <400) it also seems like a bolt gun wouldn't be a significant accuracy improvement unless I chambered it in a meme round which I don't want to do right now
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Looking to get an ID on this rail. It has no markings at all on it and i assume is just a cheapo junker.

The rest of the upper is Colt which makes me feel like it might be an actual rail. The whole upper (including BCG) i got pretty cheap in an estate lot.
Bolt gun larping is pretty fun. The spirit of Carlos Hathcock channels through me.
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I should
This is AI
Spikes, kinda meh same stupid bar barrel nut as the old aero rails
What bullet company and weight is the most accurate in a 1:8 twist rifle that can also fit the standard magazine?
>YouTube ads
Use an ad block you stupid fucking nigger. If everybody used an ad block YouTube would either be forced to stop censoring everything and fucking over its creators or it would just fucking die altogether like it should have a long time ago. You are the problem.
Is that a sig dot?
Guaranteed replies.
Adds electric damage though.
magnetic damage actually
Ads for surplus? I thought they quit making those.
I don't know how magnets work.
this magnetic field is caused by the movement of electric charges described by Ampere's Law. not permanent magnet handwaving
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Fuckin magnets how do they work
modern schools of thought relate atomic level phenomena like electron spins to macroscopic effects like magnetic fields. they fail to explain why cutting a magnet in half does not produce two half magnets
In English, doc.
muh dick
is that viscous?
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no its not Viscous from the hit valve game: Deadlock.
Brainrot if srs
Hilarious if not
What are the most devastating bullets that I can reload?
What are you planning anon?
M193 from a 20in barrel. Alternatively, if you’re shooting something unarmored, some sort of soft-point hunting rounds are nasty shit.
Autistically reloading about 500 rounds of defensive ammunition that I’ll shoot a little of then sit on declaring that I have the best defensive ammo ever then never touching again.
I have an 18” barrel. I’d like specific brands and weights if possible
party van for you bud.
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only a fool would take anything said here as fact
Yeah tell that to the feds when they knock.
hope they dont find my totally stamped sbr and suppressor
I like the gun from Blood Diamond.
Put a zinc anode on there. You'll be fine.
Same I wish I got one when they were still cool.
better: you can have one now and be reddit
More of a moid.org guy myself.
Who the fuck said anything about bendy bill? WE were talking about ss and lajew. I think i have a bendy bill in a closet somewhere in an old ss bag.
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I wonder what bill is going to have for sale this halloween
Dipshit, yeah here's a 100 gift card for your mk18, knights, lmt etc.
Fucking imbecile
I'll take it. Fuck off faggot you don't understand shit.
Not really
Um no actually this was me. Rent free
anyone have experience with this?
Yoo slade shit is so fucking drippy bro go for it
It looks cooler than any other plastic mag I won't deny that.
>curved piece of plastic
uh yeah that'll be $65, probably more than you paid for the actual stock. Don't be antisemitic anon, don't you want to be a 1337 tier 0 operator??
I just want a more comfortable and consistent face contact when using my piggyback dot that doesn't interfere with using the lower mounted main optic
You need to stop and think. Are you going to keep that thing in a pouch and throw it on when you need it?? If it lives on your rifle specifically for your dot now you have fucked up the cheek weld of the main optic? This is why piggyback dots are coping mechanisms. Don't waste your money.
I have a long face and big head overall so I can get a chinweld and it's ok but it's not the most consistent thing in the world when at the range trying to be fast. That riser in particular is set further back so looks like it doesn't interrupt a head forward position for use with the low height main optic which is what made me interested.
I don't see anyone else using them so maybe they're a meme but thought I'd at least ask.
It's $60 for a literal piece of plastic you faggot gunsooomer. Knock yourself out retard don't forget to pick up some Black Rifle Coffee while you're at it
Practice makes perfect. Thing seems pretty gimmicky, dudes have gotten along without for decades.
I had a similar one on a PTR91 that was patterned for those stocks. I had mine specifically because the stock of that rifle wasn't enough for a cheek weld for the optic (no piggy backing). It's been off for a while since I removed the optic from it. Mine interfaced with the natural holes in the PTR's stock. I can't comment on this one in particular. It will probably do its job but don't buy it just for a piggy backed dot.
>68 dollars + tax + shipping + tip for a piece of fucking plastic
What kind of retard would fall for this?
You could probably make your own with a sheet of kydex and a blowdyer.
Gunsoomers are the easiest idiots to take money from. This shit is more expensive than space marine 2 lmao, and they're gonna slap it on a rifle they use like once a year.
take meds, touch grass, cope, seethe, etc, faggot.
Probably the kind of retard who doesn't think $60 is a lot of money and is willing to forego it for an experiment.
Ignore the seething poorfags, this shit is sick. Wish I had known about this, ended up buying one of those dumb stock wraps and jamming pads into it.
That'd be the case if he just went ahead and bought it instead of asking if anyone else experimented with it already
>68 bucks
Thanks suckers
Imagine being too poor to spend 68 dollars on your hobby. Couldn't be me! In fact I'm gonna get one just to piss you poors off. I don't even need it.
Because if the experience has been overwhelmingly negative then I would know not to even bother with it.
Instead it's just been a bunch of poor faggots screeching that something costs $60.
You should get one of those skull lowers too that would really piss me off.
go ahead and buy it, it's only 68 bucks
Imagine being this butthurt over 60 bucks lol.
How many hours working at the Amazon warehouse does it take to make $60?
Why are people mad over how others spend their money? The fuck?? It's 60 fucking bucks. If you don't wipe your ass with 60 bucks every morning, you probably can't afford to mess with firearms and probably shouldn't be allowed to.
Jesus, anon. Calm the fuck down. You're in /arg/, if you can't take a little shit from anons over a gimmicky attachment YOU solicited opinions on, maybe this isn't the place for you? I haven't even talked shit, but it's pretty obvious you're not taking it well.
It's not the price that triggers me, it's the price combined with what you're buying. I still think Surefire is a money laundering operation.
I don't give a shit I'm just saying if you want to burn some money then go all out. Get a pinty scope, get two.
Even the poors will be laughing because they can do the same shit with a piece of cardboard and some duct tape, or pieces of plastic stolen off a Walmart shitter paper dispenser
Lol ok poorfag
If the government wants to ban firearms they should just do it to poorfags and be done with it. Only poorfags commit crimes anyway
When it was implemented the NFA tax was the equivalent of about $4800 adjusted for inflation.
Well why don't they adjust it for inflation then?
In 1986 when the Hughes amendment was passed $200 was equivalent to about $575. I guess too many poors were willing to pay the tax then.
AI photo btw.
>3d prints your $68 bullshit for $4
Solvent resistant printables are expensive
then charge $4800 for a tax stamp
Charge $4800 for a 3D printer.
3d printed shit looks and feels cheap. People still charge like $100 sometimes for 3d printed trash sometimes anyway lol.
Wow that's closer than I expected
if they gatekeep firearms from the poors we'd get less whining and complaining. Think about it.
yee dudes need to stretch before/after work
The more faggots that get pushed out of firearms the more functional target stands will be abailable at my range as they won't have been shot to smithereens by knuckle draggers and their turkshit shotguns
Should I get the Tikka T3 or a cheaper gun
my ranges don't even allow shotguns lol
Cf infill can be a bit scratchy but I'm unironically printing something similar
Tikka gud
sounds like a poorfag range you shouldnt own guns either landlet
I'd rather spend the 68 bucks than buy some dogshit 3d printed crap.
Shotguns are for the poors
>he doesn’t know
You’re so retarded it’s unreal lmao
You use the 3d print to make a mold
It's actually cheaper to injection mold a piece that small, so material cost is probably $3
you dont have money and you dont have land
doesn't matter, I don't trust it
The slade cheek riser is 3d printed you sub 65 iq mongoloid.
yeah but it's not 3d printed by some anon in his basement
lol bruh if you spend nearly $70 on a single, non complex piece of plastic you are a huge faggot yuppie who will rightfully be mocked. It's not about spending 1 Space Marine II it's about wasting money like a retard.
>I have never seen a silver pigeon
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>this TERRIFIES the gunsoomer
no one cares about your gayhammer slop
>3d print to make a mold
I never clicked on the website is there more to it than just a plastic taco shell? You could make a mold and use kydex and it shouldn't be that bad. Better than 3d printed at least. All these people making sheths and holsters you would think there would be more competition in the riser game. Hell I might try to make one later today if I don't get too shitfaced.
Maybe if it had a logo so people could tell how much I spent just from looking at it.
70 dollars is ass wiping money
You wouldn't do it and timestamp it and post it to /arg/
Pussy ass broke nigger
please remit $70 to me, anon, at 42 Wallaby Way, NSW, Sydney, Australia so I may wipe my ass
>Just film yourself committing a felony
Nah, it's a figure of speech you absolute retard.
Post shit covered bills.
I've already wasted more than 68 dollars on retarded shit. I have decided that I no longer want to waste money on retarded shit. If that upsets you, go complain to the Pope or someone who gives a damn.
>begging for handouts
pfft... lermao
oh now your $70 is precious? fag
I guess that 70 dollars is in fact not worthless to you :)
giving money to the poors only leads to more begging. Know your place lmao
No I understand completely, you're a broke bitch.
>my ass wiping $70? Yeah it uh goes to another school
your gaslighting doesn't work, poorfag
apparently my place is in your head rent free, you should charge me $70
how come all of your posts start with a lower case and the following sentences start with a capital?
Man these raids are rough
you can't afford that. Lol.
does it bother you? Hope it does
>Yeah, you're poor haha 70 dollars is nothing!
>n-no I won't give it to you, that will just uh uh enable you!
not bothered i can tell which posts are yours even when you arent trolling
your head isn't worth it anyway
>>that will just uh uh enable you!
I'm not the one pretending to have $70 on a Mongolian e-biking forum and coming up short lmao
/arg/ is so fucking stupid.
good for you!
>poorfags seethe uncontrollably when you point out that they are in fact, poor
it is you dont even need a tripcode for me to filter you
>Says the poorfag who is too afraid to let go of 70 dollars
If that's your last 70 dollars to your name just tell us anon. We won't judge you.
Poor != retarded enough to spend $70 on a riser to cope for lack of chin or purchasing the wrong optic mount
Uh, why did you point out how you're identifying him then? You're an idiot.
>replies anyway
I broke you lol.
poorfags need to learn to gaslight better lol. Then again, poorfags never learn
it doesnt matter if he changes he will always stand out
Can you post your rifle anon? I want to see what this "richfag" has for a rifle :)
Then why specifically point out that one pattern? You're clearly on damage control right now. You're retarded!
oh no!!!!
Barnes tsx 70gr
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i do this too. Don't lump me in with him
you cant hide

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