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Enlisting into the infantry. I understand the doctrinal differences between the two differences, the career opportunity difference, and true esprit de corps difference, but I’m looking for somebody with first hand experience. Anybody here go form marine infantry to army infantry or vice versa? Which did you prefer? What’s the cultural differences like?
Army 12B, my friend was Marine Infantry before switching to Army. He said that he wished he started out in the Army due to all the opportunities and schools like Airborne and Air Assault that regular Army Infantry can attend. Marines can attend these schools but it's pretty rare.
I’ve always wondered what would be better myself.

Being with more athletic, slightly better conditioned meat heads that have slightly stricter discipline and are more willing to fight, but marines also get deployed in shittier heavier combat zones with less support.

Or being with average individuals who joined the army not because they’re meatheads that want to shoot shit but because it made the most economic sense for them. Obviously specialized army are the exception, rangers, airborne, mountain, ect. Heavier equipment and more support.

I’d rather serve in the army, but if I’m forced to clear a house in a war zone I’d want to be with marines. They’re basically indoctrinated into “muh murreens” and genuinely think they’re better than other infantry and will probably make bolder decisions that might end up saving your life.
>Anybody here go form marine infantry to army infantry or vice versa?

If you go Marine Infantry, you'll just end up in the National Guard Infantry like every other Marine.
So basically Marines have shittier lives but tastier Kool-Aid?
This, NG is the Marine retirement home regardless of MOS.
The Marine Corps is a great institution with shitty opportunities for the individual.
The Army is a mediocre institution with great opportunities for the individual.
If you’re an above average Marine, you’ll get an occasional attaboy.
If you’re an above average Soldier, you’ll get sent to all sorts of neat schools and be rewarded with new opportunities to develop yourself.
Being a Marine made me a better Soldier down the line. But I’m glad I’m not in the Marine Corps anymore.
Hope those shower thoughts help you make your decision.
t. former Marine POG now Army 11B
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Recruit Sanchez,

I hope you like being yelled at by women (both biological and transgennies)
Yea I'm in a maintenance and we have a few marines
T. Guardsmen
I would cum.
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Marines honestly get better gear nowadays for conventional infantry, but army probably has better quality of life. If you wanna do cool infantry shit go to ranger regiment its literally the best infantry unit in the world and you can try out right out of basic or get it in your contract.
Lol I never put it together but we had a ton of old ass marine ncos in my nasty girl arty unit.
A Marine is basically an Army Ranger.
You want battle rifle or you want chonky varmit rifle?
Marine combat vet here. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears as it was for me when my Vietnam vet uncles cussed me out for enlisting but you don’t want to do combat arms MOS unless you’re damn sure that’s what you want to do with your life. You don’t get the same job opportunities both within and without the service that POGs do. The most you get is bragging rights and the incentive to join law enforcement when you EAS. With that being said, if you’re really intent on joining I would say it depends on how motivated you are. As folks have said, Marines don’t really get to do the ‘cool guy’ schools like ranger or airborne but they did have their own ‘cool guy’ units, specifically the Marine Raiders/MARSOC/Force Recon/whatever they’ve changed their name to nowadays. When I left they were chomping at the bit to get new candidates since folks kept leaving for the private sector so you might have a shot there but really work on your mind and body before you make this attempt. Whatever you decide, good luck anon.
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Former Army airborne infantry sergeant here, let me tell you the enlisting meta. First off, don't join the Marines, they might look better in pictures but you'll never deploy or do anything worth a damn. If you are set on enlisting, just do a normal 3 year Option 4 airborne contract, don't fall for the Option 40 meme. Get yourself into an airborne unit (you do NOT want to be leg infantry, at that point just be a marine lmao), eventually youll end up at Bragg, from there get in shape and go to ranger school asap and afterwards go tryout for SF selection, RASP, a scout unit or whatever else you want. If you washout it's no big deal because you only signed up for 3 years instead of 4 or 5 years like Option 40 or 18X people.
Who the fuck cares. Even in civillian jobs, there is chance you will get a woman boss or business owner who will also yell at you. Heck, your mom probably also yells at you or you wouldn't be in a position to consider enlisting. Get over it.
This or an aircraft mech mos and sign up for green platoon
just going to remind everyone that the USA shouldn't have a standing army unless at war, and that the USMC/Navy should take it's place and funding with a drastic overhaul of our armed forces
eat shit reformer
fuck you traitor, it's literally law
i've explain my opinion on this before as a prior EOD marine turned intelligence contractor; the army is larger, better funded, and has a moderate if not significant quality of life than the corps. the corps (more specifically the infantry) is literally a cult.

you will worship chesty puller, dan daly, and smedley butler and pour out a tallboy at every ball as your sacrifice to the EGA gods. your specific MOS will have its own "saints" (john basilone for gunners, eugene sledge for mortars, hathcock for snipers, etc.), and you will make a pilgrimmage to iwo jima to collect the sacred black sand in a canteen.

this doesnt get factored in to paper comparisons of forces like funding, ORBATs, training schedules, or doctrinal implementations of force, but the marine corps literally has a higher tier of motivation and morale that i havent seen replicated anywhere else outside of some select foreign units. mind you i say all this after getting out of the marine corps and going to do secret squirrel glownigger shit at an international level. the difference is there, and most if not all prior marines know it and feel it to some degree.

its like an RTS game where your units spawn with shitty weapons but maxxed out morale/veterancy. i dont drink the koolaid anymore and i hate the cannibalistic nature of the marine corps bureaucracy and officer corps, but the junior enlisted and the NCOs make the marines what america percieves it as
Not even close
whats the deal with the marine 3x fire team formation?
almost every other country ditched 12-man squads in favor of 2-fireteams in a 9-man squad, but the marines have doggedly kept their triads
I was listening to a SOF podcast with a guest that was former Marine Force Recon and later joined Army SF. He said he wished he joined the Army from the start. The guy did years of hard training and was in a elite unit, but when 9/11 happened and everyone was invading Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a Force Recon Marine guarding supply ships. He believed he was the tip of the spear, but the reality is SOCOM and JSOC are the tip of the spear.
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It was Earl Plumlee. I don't remember what podcast.
It allows Marine squads to take more casualties without becoming combat ineffective. Also a lot of nations just tailor their squad size to how many people they can fit in an IFV or APC.
>Also a lot of nations just tailor their squad size to how many people they can fit in an IFV or APC.
9-man squad was more influenced by the fact that 12 was just too big and hard to control, and when split into 3 elements it needed very experienced NCOs to properly use
the APC passenger limit was influenced by that constraint rather than the other way around
shut the fucking up you dumb nigger faggot piece of shit, no one cares go be a fucking leg you dumb fuck you'll fuckin DOR anyway faggot. Fuck uuuuu bitch suck my dick
Notice how I said "nations" and not the US ARMY specifically because the Bradley and the development of the 9-man squad was a massive clusterfuck of infighting during the 70 and 80's.
>Notice how I said "nations"
germans and soviets both had 9-man squads in WW2
the british had a 10-man squad, but only because they had an extra section leader for the machine guns

they had already settled on 9-men as the standard before APCs, the US just ended up following them
This. 0311’s just don’t have the same opportunities for training and advancement as 11B’s. You can also actually get promoted as an 11B because the Army has more funding and manpower, so they don’t need to make E3’s squad leaders.
Yes, join the Army.

however I have one more thing to sell you. Spend the extra 6 months to a year, whatever it takes to get incredibly physically fit. Mostly endurance and a little strength, be able to run, do pull ups, and not be a fat fuck

if you can get yourself in very very good shape before you sign up, either get an option 40 contract and go straight to RASP or talk to the RASP recruiter in OSUT and then get to ranger regiment. Do you want to be in a line unit sweeping rain, or do you want to be in the best infantry unit on earth?

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