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/k/ - Weapons

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talk about fitness and shit related to the military/preparedness world
how many pullups and pushups can you do?

what's your ruck time (expert rifleman course)?

I can do 48 pushups, 16 pullups, 14km/8.7mi in 1h57m with 20kg/45lbs
>pull ups
>push ups
I did the bare minimum for USAF
>ruck time
never rucked befo
Why did you make this thread? Just to tell people what you could do?
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Okay, then fuck off, there's another fitness thread open.
I can do 49 pushups, 17 pullups, and 8.9 miles in 1hr56m with 46 lbs.
no im just asking bc he said he never rucked so I was curious, and im not the guy who said yes btw

dont get mad boi
I lied. I'm not actually OP. If I had to guess thats probably why he did it tho
i made the thread to see other guys fitness level is and compare myself, and also see what others do to train especially rucks
>be me
>work out never, eat nacho fries basically every day
>chubby at 6'0 225lbs
>choke out every in shape mil dude who has ever shown up to open mat night
lol lmao what is even the point of all those push ups and stuff if you can't even fight?
these guys come in from oceanside all the time from the marine corps and navy base and every single time they get worked.
you'd probably be better off asking in /meg/ because people there actually workout.

regular /k/ doesn't exercise and /fit/ will bully you for being zog. Also /fit/ doesn't do cardio because they are fat
Gonna assume this question isn't in bad faith but is instead because you're retarded.

Its because nobody fights in hand to hand combat unless you're a cop. Because the military asks you to carry 90-120 pounds of gear all day over rough terrain for no fucking reason. that's why. Its to maximize endurance and minimize injuries because the shit they force you to do is physically damaging.
Check the catalog next time, moron
bros, take care of your lower back, i didn't and i paid the price.
that's all i wanted to say. take care, peace!
>Its because nobody fights blah blah blah
lol that is a long roundabout way of saying you're in good enough shape to march a really long ways just to get choked and knocked out.
yes that's exactly what I'm saying fatso. Good job
please go ahead and tell us of your last gunfight and how much a difference your combat fitness made.
pure larp fantasy lol.
dude, you're fat
well insulated too.
>tfw more combat effective due to prioritized caloric storage capabilities
cry about it anon.
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>well insulated too.
Please eat healthier anon, we need you funny bastards around more than ever now to make fun of the /pol/ invaders
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I can do a solid 20 full dead hang pullups, pushup for days, infil at JRTC was with a 101lb ruck, the star course was a 69lbs ruck, I've logged ~60 miles on the AT with ~55lb ruck, I do rifle pt, my kit has 15 magazines and 4qts of water
cool shit, what were you carrying in your ruck to get to 101lbs?
and in the AT what got you to 55lbs?
Let me guess
You start sitting
You talk like a guy that's low level as fuck. If you actually have some skill, tapping guys that have never grappled is not something to brag about.
>What I do
1000 push ups a day
2000 sit ups
20 minutes kettlebell swings
shadow box (10:) round house kicks, foot jabs, boxing combos, rear spin kicks
5 minutes lunge attacks
sometimes i dry fire 10 shots
>Lifting shit
>Pull ups push ups
cool stuff, but the only thing that really matters is how far you can walk and for how long. Remember seeing a lot of jacked meatheads twist their ankles within the first hour because they're not used to walking on rough terrain.
I hate long distance running so much
It’s painful and, worse, boring
Yes, I am fat

True tbqh
Treadmill training teaches bad habits, real life isn’t a flat band
let the fat boy have his day. he ain't got as many as the rest of us, after all.
Just tried and 20 pull-ups is my hard max
I can do around 35-40 real push ups, way more by usaf standards (the ones that don't exist)
Lol to rucking but I ran a 9:50 1.5 mi on sunday
only 48 push ups and then 16 pull ups? huh?
you sure youre repping those pull ups out correctly, i would expect someone strong enough to do 16 pull ups to do a lot more push ups
yes I go all the way down and touch my ears with my shoulders, if I'm training it descend slowly, if im testing my max reps I descend faster bc I want to do as many as possible, but in any case I do full range of motion.
I train doing 10 sets of 6reps with 6kg for pullups and 10 sets of 12 with 8kg for pushups
is 16 pullups a good number?
why do you say only 48? btw you're not the first one telling me that i do more pullups than pushups in relative terms, idk
I doubt anyone does this exercise but i got to level 9 of luc leger aka beep test
>I'm fat
>Giving advice about exercise

get into the gym before giving advice bucko
16 is a pretty good number yeah. but by comparison 48 pushups is not good at all
i would expect someone doing 16 pullups to do about 100 pushups
you should do some more concentrated effort on push ups/doing weight lifting chest exercises
this table gives us the most important thing to do: resting 24 hours between sessions.
it applies to all type of workouts, and this is what will give you the ability to train all your life if you have discipline and are not a meathead spending multiple consecutive days at the gym each week.
I think I'm already doing that by training as indicated above 3 times a week, idk, I'll just keep doing them and I'll get better, il probably up to weight to 10kg bc 8 has gotten too doable
just do more push ups, i dont think you need to mess with weighted push ups.
I've been doing weighted pushups for 1 and a half months now because regular ones had gotten too easy and i had to do too many reps per set to get any muscle fatigue and it was too long
well you can only do 48 so clearly it isnt too easy
you need to just do more push ups to failure
I had a friend who wouldn't listen about rest days and wanted to go to the gym ever day, did my fucking head in
/fit/ tricked me into powerlifting and now I’m clinically obese
‘Go to the gym’ was counter productive

Either he’s not working hard enough or he’s a fool
Strength comes from tolerable resistance + rest/food as fuel to build the body up to surpass that level of resistance
Missing the rest/food step leads to stagnating growth
>catches random people off the street unaware with some beginner tricks
wowwww anon, now try that in dimly lit parking lot where it's just you and one guy with weapons and no rules
hardmode: he ambushes you
keep rolling around on your play mat in your pajamas though!
>/fit/ tricked me into powerlifting
/fit/ just wants to get swole so they can look strong like other gymcels
when it comes to time to perform or do anything physical, gymcels are always at the side of the road/trail heaving and complaining about forgetting their pre-workout or their vagina rollers

i kid, those foam rollers are nice, and so are str exercise, but never take advice from frauds who's goal is to be a bigger fraud
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2 is best
i learned somewhat recently that somatypes aren't just about the body shape, but so much more
i assume it was largely ignored, because most classifications like this where people get "ranked", tend to leave many people feeling inferior, especially in today's "body positive" world
if you aren't a mesomorph, you actually don't belong on /k/, and you have no business even thinking about the word "fight"
not sorry, but it's just objective truth
no homo
>but it's just objective truth
7 is the objective truth.
7 is endo in "lean" mode, doesn't pass, because endos are never in 7 range, not even when they're paid millions for sport
>imagine spending thousands of dollars on protein shakes and gym memberships just to die to my gay boy body with a .22
also have to add that it's not just a body type, it's how you're wired to think, 4-6 are natural predators, everyone else has to catch up to never be as good
and fags wonder why people are disgusted by them
>4-6 are natural predators
There's nothing natural about 4-6, ancient persistent hunters were hungry skelly Africans, they didn't have MRE bars and weight lifting routines.

Liver King gotta calm the fuck down.
u h8 me cause u 8 me
disgusting freak
>There's nothing natural about 4-6
homeboy i was the kid in school who mogged you to mom's basement and back, with all the endos coping that they have 6 packs under their belly fat, and all the girls wondering why all the ectos don't have abs when they're so skinny

you're not coded for it at the genetic level, not even your brain is, stop pretending
You have to be 18 or older to post on 4chan though. Again, nothing is natural about it, I'm glad you admitted by your incoherent post how under your skin I got.
I prefer the term Greco-Roman.
tell that to the doctor diagnosing your monkey pox
>all fags are 100% equivalent to stereotypes
Do you ever go outside?
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>posts fag shit unprompted
>complains about muh fag "stereotypes" when made fun of
holy shit, you really are a retarded faggot
>2 months going to the gym, doing mostly weights and 30 mins cardio
>go from 2 to 2
It's fucking over bros
>train/eat like a retard for 2 months
>nothing happens
You're on 4chan. Everyone is a closeted faggot here. Including (You).
>please ignore me complaining about fag stereotypes like a gay ass libtard
kys shit sniffer, you've humiliated yourself enough
I can't imagine being so much of a fag that you wouldn't want to fuck a sissy.
take your gay images and ramblings to /lgbt/
and save the liberal speak for reddit, thanks
You type like a sissy.
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I train 6 days a week but I alternate pushup pullup day and sprint run day so I get 1 day rest between the trainings, and on the 6th day I ruck

now that the boxing gym has reopened I'm trying to do 2 trainings a day, I go boxing 5 days a week, I'll see if it's sustainable or not
Military fitness is a euphemism for arthritis, lower back injury
>30 mins cardio
>no calisthenics

You aren't gonna be bringing out abs anytime soon, yeah. You either go full calisthenics or at least half-half with weight training if you want a swimmer's body without actually swimming.
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I've read that...
... bathing in deer blood does wonders.

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