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So some guy who works the cranes at the Iranian Navy dockyard leaked a video (link above) and some pictures of Irans newest drone carrier
Crazy he's probably gonna be executed for it
We can see the flight deck a lot more clearly
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>Iranian Aircraft carrier leaks
I could've guessed.
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I just don't get this pet project. So it's a floating base for drone strikes, but if it ever goes into open water to try to launch any then it's going to end up a prime target for aircraft and subs.
Iran's other attempts to create helo carriers never really worked.
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>in the middle of the flight deck

1920s Japanese carrier conversions had better design than this
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Old news
This is the video
Unironically the worst carrier design ever hands down
It's basically to give the illusion of a carrier without well
Making one
Rather than make idk anything they made this
Can't pretend to be a global power if you don't have a carrier. Can't be a global power if you don't have a nuclear carrier.
But why? This is useful for their domestic propaganda, but is that really their only plan? Idgi, anyone they want to fight could sink that in a heartbeat.
Kewl. Do you have info about the sauce?
has a twitter filename and some guy's @handle on it, presumalby another reposter like the guy with the vid.
different guy.

If there's a somewhat higher definition source image, it should be possible to tell whether they've reinforced the hull around midship near the waterline. Something looks a bit off to me but it's hard to tell what's a compression artifact and what's a mark on the ship from work they did to it.
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for the last time this is merely a money laundering operation that no one cares about except for clueless westoid armchair generals
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There is no reason for this thing to exist in the first place.
For a small country like Thailand its understandable to have a small carrier since they have a large and wide bay, but Iran's entire coastline is connected to a very narrow sea.
They want to cause problems on a bigger scale. People aren't paying enough attention to them.
try again.
Inb4 that one schizo comes in to claim everyone is mossad agents because they're laughing at iran
You are a dumb fuck.
>least obvious Hasbara shill
Try again next time Moshe
NTA but we should give you a name. Irantard is straightforward enough, but I'm open to suggestions.
Think of it this way. Iran is basically sanctioned to hell and back. The only countries it can get any military equipment from are also sanctioned. So, by hook or by crook, Iran has no choice but to start from literal first principles. Historically, many of the very first aircraft carriers were converted cargo ships. Regardless of politics, for the Iranians to even attempt this is admirable. Compare and contrast to the Chinese who prefers blind plagiarism.
You will address me as Muhammad Khalaldulahabalah XXXVI, perfidous jew bong
I second Irantard.
Who the picture of the ramp not lining up with the angled deck?
Iranigger, Tehranny, or just Hasbara schizo.
not even close. The flight deck is at the very least contiguous and you just have approach at an angle. You don't have to do a side slip around the bridge in order to land or anything, so that design doesn't even make the top 3 worst carriers I know of.
I like the sound of hasbaratard.
Woooow triggered much, kikesraeli? I thought so, kikesraeli. Hey Moshe, why don't you do the world a favor and go neck yourself? Stupid jew bag, weak little VITCH
Oh fuck off are you kidding me
This is easily worst aircraft carrier ever
Nah China cheating created a better product at the very least
And Iran could just make a real helicopter carrier? I mean Russia's building two
Sure it's more resources but fuck a real helicopter carrier could work wonders
If you're able to get some harriers or yak 38s? You're golden
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As you will notice, the superstructure is actually at the rear of the flight deck.

It's a converted cargo ship, if that wasn't already obvious enough.
>It's a converted cargo ship, if that wasn't already obvious enough.
This is a converted ocean liner and still doesn't look completely retarded. There were also converted battleships, battlecruisers, cruisers, oilers, seaplane tenders and cargo ships who managed to look halfway decent when converted.
>There were also converted battleships, battlecruisers, cruisers, oilers, seaplane tenders and cargo ships who managed to look halfway decent when converted.
And paddlewheel steamers. Four of them.
lol, lmao even
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The moment that bitch launches drones at someone who actually can fire back, it's going straight to the bottom.
Sounds adorable, do we have any pictures of them?
They were coal-fire too
That's the USS Wolverine (IX-64) btw. Picrel is it before the conversion.
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Her sistership, USS Sable (IX-81)
And the Sable back when she was the S.S. Greater Buffalo
Can't wait to ROFLMAO when the Israelis pay a Persian RETVRN THE SHAH BVLL to sink this hunk of shit
>useless endless money pit like the ruskie one

I'm glad they built it, it weakens them considerably. They should build 4 more and just completely go bankrupt doing it.
And then in the next war they start because THE ENEMY IS THE ENEMY WAR IS GOOD they can have fun looking at them sink in their harbors, blocking them basically forever.

This is a very good thing, bonus since it looks like a pile of turds barely hanging on.
Wouldn't a direct hit like this also sink any American carrier?
Isn't it just to transport the large drones to regional buyers?

People forget carriers are also used just to transport planes, even on the deck
Drones have little to no capacity to withstand close air and their typical munitions are also relatively venurable.

No the real threat to US carrier groups is the new Russian torpedos,
try HMS Furious
File deleted.

Here's what I don't get. How the fuck did the Iranians manage to fuck up something as basic as an aircraft carrier conversion? The first carriers ever were literally just obsolete liners and warships like HMS Argus and the Lexington-class that were stripped down to the hull and rebuilt. It's really quite simple from an engineering perspective, literally just removing the superstructure and installing a single flat deck plus an island as a replacement bridge. It should have been even simpler with the extremely spartan designs of modern cargo ships.
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I still haven't found pictures of the French ships after their conversion - they were originally Channel packets that were apparently pretty roughly decommissioned in 1918 and resold on the civilian market, and there are two modern ships with the same names that irreparably queer search results. The paddle-boat on the right is "Pas-de-Calais", which is one of the ships, just pre-conversion. They were France's fastest carriers, allegedly making in excess of 15 knots even after the conversions
The most annoying part is, the US Naval archives have a sequence of photos of a seaplane with the correct markings to have come from Le Nord, coming in to land in Le Nord's home port.. and they fucking stop right as the plane comes to a halt with a shipboard crane in plain view on the left side of the photo. But not a whit of the ship.
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And an ass shot of Le Nord. Pretty gorgeous little ships.
Bitch, just look at the pic in the post you're replying to, do you seriously think that Iran's converted cargo ship is worse than that fucking Tony Hawk Pro Skater shit? How about picrel, where in order to land, you had to do a side slip and Tokyo Drift your way around the conning tower? There was only one successful landing on this thing before it was heavily refitted because the second attempted landing led to the pilot dying. Iran's carrier looks pretty decent for what they are working with all told.
If I pick up a drone and carry it, does that technically make me a drone carrier?
Because they want to project force (or make the appearance of projecting force) and for that you need a carrier.
Ships look different now-adays and also the Japanese are just better at naval issues then the Iranians.
Unfathomably based. How does the WWII Navy keep doing it?
Theoretically possible, but it's worth remembering that merchant vessels aren't built with AShM hits in mind, and that supercarriers are substantially larger than most other vessels, meaning more time for damage control to limit flooding.

But I don't know of a carrier ever being subjected to a sinkex, so it's possible there is some critical design flaw heretofore undiscovered that results in the catastrophic loss of a Nimitz or two with all hands should we ever go to war.
Meh. Flying off is easy, landing is the difficult part. ;)
Some people don’t recognize the fact that Iran used to (or probably still do) operate sea platforms as bases for operations against Iraq and international shipping. The US navy put an end to all of that in Operation Praying Mantis. In order for Iran to force project into the deep blue sea, it needs a ship that can have the capability to use the regimes various drones as power projections and for other dronely activities. Due to sanctions, brain drain, and general corruption for, Iran’s air force sucks, so no carrier borne jet fighters for the Ayatollah.
Drones on old cargo ships are the best thing a cheap and incompetent nation that needs to project power to its populace and groups like Iraqi PMUs, Houthi’s, and more
And? If they actually start shit how survivable is a random cargo ship versus an oil platform
Cargo ships move, unlike oil platforms and small islands. The converted cargo ship will also probably be accompanied by a number of vessels such as frigates, corvettes, and auxiliary vessels. But keep in mind that Iran is likely doing this for an act more than something that is going to project power in the Gulf. It might not go toe-to-toe with the various naval powers active in the region but it will sure be valid against weaker nations or insurgent groups. Not to mention drones will probably be used mainly for coastal air patrols and security. If this ship’s early careers is a fixed I can see iran expanding into multiple vessels, especially if it has assistance from Russia, North Korea, or China.
Lastly, I failed to mention that Iran technically has two different navies, IRIN, the regular military navy, and the IRGCN, IRGC’s naval branch. Both tend to have different sets of tasks and responsibilities including areas of operations but they do overlap. The IRGCN is on more of the asymmetric and “offensive” side of things while the IRIN is meant for defense of the Iranian nation and territorial waters, much like the land and air counterparts.
The current carrier under construction, as well as two other cargo ships that were previously converted the past few years, are part of the IRGCN and their growing strategy.

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