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Time to shill:
Paper Skies relased new vid, this time a story how Soviets copied B-29 into their own first postwar heavy bomber Tupolev Tu-4.
Its long and full of interesting tidbits about how soviet union aerospace industry functioned.

Also, during the first flyby of the prototypes over Moscow during a parade it turned out that engineers precisely copied the B-29 air conditioning system as well as everything else, but nobody really had any idea how these degenerate capitalist luxuries worked, so when heating system suddenly turned on nobody on board knew how exactly to switch it off , and nobody was eager to start turning of random things or pulling out fuses, and in the end, since missing or delaying stalin's parade was not really an option, the entire crew stripped to the underwear and endured the sauna.

This concludes my shill post.
>Copied capitalist pigdog luxuries like "giving a fuck about the aircrew's craeture comforts"
kek reminds me of the bullet holes copied meme
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>they copied the IFF
it's so retarded I can't believe it
Why do these exact carbon copies occur? I remember a story of the first russian laser guided bomb having the same 'birdie' seeker head which is understandable, but the bomb also had the same GBU designation stencilled on the side.
Following orders to the letter is safe, having ideas on your own isn't. In the USSR people had good reason to prefer safety, especially in the Stalin years.
They're told to copy it, if it's not a copy they get sent to Siberia.
>Stalin says copy it
>Any deviation from his word or not fulfilling his expectations (which he won't disclose to you) means he lets Beria torture you then shoot you after you get gulaged for a decade
If it's shit you have an excuse.
I wonder if the Soviet monkes ever worked out the bugs in the P&W R-4360?
Probably not.
See also: the Chinese carrier building program & Varyag.
I remember reading that no, the copy also overheated like a motherfucker.
Only if they RE the R-4360 of the Korean War reco superfortress.
Apparently the Soviets didn't copy the R4360 but instead used their natively designed Shvetsov ASh-73 (which had its design roots from another American radial engine, the Wright R-1820).
My guess is that the the R4360 was way too complex and/or the Soviets didn't have enough time to reverse engineer it and figured the ASh-73 was "good enough" for the job.
WWII B-29 didn't have R4360s and during the 1950s turboprops were better.
>engineers precisely copied the B-29
Story I got was they were all
>we can do it differently!
>we can do it better!
And at GUNPOINT were told
Correct, they used the Wright R-3350 and not the more advanced and costly to operate/maintain R-4360.
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Nice, i like Soviet bombers a lot.
>a soviet creation
>designed by americans
>copied by the russians
>made by the germans
Checks out.
Setting aside the politics of Stalin Russia, if you're time-constrained a 1:1 copy gets the product out immediately and, at a certain point, if the client absolutely doesn't want any improvement you end up stop caring anyway.
t. Jaded engineer
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not fully understanding the purpose of all systems and how they interact with each other its probably best just to copy everything as it is
It's half true. The higher ups wanted copies instead of local development because they didn't trust local development... because that local development fucked up very often.
There was also absolutely a big element of fear, imagine a few tests fail and you have to report to superiors.

"Sir I copied it exactly, I'll review it and see what went wrong" sure it isn't great and you might still get fucked over but there are plenty of things other than yourself you can easily blame it on.

"Sir I tried to improve it but it seems for some reason it isn't working, I'll look over everything again" you are painting a massive target on your back, even if it did fail due to something outside of your control it's very easy to get the blame
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>Following orders to the letter is safe, having ideas on your own isn't. In the USSR people had good reason to prefer safety, especially in the Stalin years.
And do not forget to put nazi t-shirt (1) black "anti system" t-shirt (1) green homosex long hair wig (1) nazi book (1) nazi symbol on sheet (1) SIMs (3) on the picture for best of effect for everyone will of understanding.
Da comrade?
Don't forget that the book should have dedication signed by "signature illegible"s4n0
Nice, love me some paper skies. Also the Tu-4 is interesting.

Not only was it first true strategic bomber in the Soviet inventory, it also influenced all of their bomber design down the road. The Tu-95 is a direct evolution of the concept.

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