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Post any kind of opfor uniforms that caught your eye. Here we see the army procuring solid. black ACUs. Presumably from truspec/propper.
Looks way better than the actual uniforms they were using.
I really enjoy how US OPFOR looks like what an actual competent civil war faction would look like. Just stolen/"procured" military gear of the former/current government taken from armories on whatever the fuck.
Here is OD ACU
I heard there are funny uniforms they use for opfor
unironically looks like the Royal Marine Maritime assault uniform
Dude is larping as tactical VC
>no shadow company
every time i see format, all i see is that one guy working "security" at the boston bombing false flag
dude dressed just like a shadow company faggot
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I wished OpFor uniforms were like pic related unironically!
>Black man in blackface
For what purpose?
Face paint doesn't reflect IR as much as your skin does, even if you're black. Helps conceal you under NODS to some degree.
it's not racist if a black guy is doing black face
i mean, can you tell he's black now?
Ir protection.
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Woodland is OPFOR camo now
its the easy way to do it. All normal issued equipment in neutral tones/patterns then just change smock/blouse and pants for opfor. Its also a good way to manage regional camo requirements.
Makes perfect sense, the only time were going to encounter it these days is an adversary like Iran or Syria.
>Woodland is OPFOR camo now
Even though it makes sense, it still feels weird how Woodland used to be the most used camo worn, especially by our enemies, and now Multicam is slowly moving into it's place.
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Is that an AK?
I dig it actually, and woodland is sick aswell. Being OPFOR is so much fun. We usually just grab what we have and get any dissused weapons and gear out of the old stores we want alomg with a load of pyro and just go ratchet. Hopefully we get more widespread use of the simunition stuff soon, but its hard to get here at the moment
my sides kek.
When it comes to opfor stuff, the army used to dye woodland uniforms black. Although nowadays the army can just contract/request certain uniforms to be procured.
Opfor having their own dedicated uniform is a very cool concept desu. Does dress change depending on exercise conditions?
Yea, it depends on what scenario they want to do. During the GWOT, you’d have opfor dressed as hadjis.
Love it. We do something similar. Usually mixing ATCP/Crowd control to start and then over the ex. duration start turning it into paramilitary action, the best is when its against guys still in training, they never see it coming. Nothing beats goading a cocky little recruit into 'killing' an unarmed protestor in football jerseys on their perimiter, and then coming back with 6 guys at 3am with nods, thunderflash and full auto 7.62 to kidnap their stag positions and 'kill' a full squad while their still it the sleeping bags
Im not personally
Woodland is still being worn to some extent
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OPFOR is the most fun I had in the 5 years I was in. Also, DCU flight suit dyed red for style points.


It greatly depends on whats going on. Most of the time we just wore whatever since we were suppose to be emulating an insurgent force.
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We did DCUs dyed blue as well.
Is it only 11b that get sent to opfor?
The Black Pyjamas are undefeated

Not sure how the Army does it, I was in the chairforce. For us you just had to be part of a "combat airman" squadron .
What are those Arsenal AKs chambered in? 5.56mm?
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This was the first field op I did when I hit the fleet
Opfor uniform idea, just get anime uniforms from Roman kurmaz.
Those are some faded tiger stripe. From truspec I assume?
I have no idea me and some other dudes showed up to some building and told us to put that shit on and sent us into the woods
The radio chatter from MW1/2 is kino and I'm tired of pretending it's not. I could listen to the ripped audio files on youtube over and over again.
When I was at JRTC this year they were all wearing tiger stripe.
>the growing desperation in the DC radio chatter as ROEs are loosened
>that flight of two A-10s loaded for CAS that just disappears before they can even begin an attack run
What's that big ass pouch called, dude on right, his left side, under armpit? I could use a large pouch in the style of those M16 mag pouches.
Neat. Were they converted to full auto? The recent (supposed) ex-training/OPFOR used batch of Yugo (?) AKs has me wondering.
Kind of reminds me of my fire marshal steamers I had in the Navy, I still use them for working on my truck.
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If I can remember correctly I shot like 5 rounds in the back of a humvee at an lav and then it jammed and we were “killed “
Crayon eater?
yeah but in the process of joining the army to be a tanker right now
What were you originally in the marines?
Is there a US army unit which look like this irl?
The US contracted WASR to send rifles to iraq for base security use by Jambo lovers.
Maybe this is one of those rifles?
Plenty from KFOR and leftovers from Saddam era.
Outside of opfor stuff, no. You can technically include SOF, but they’d just wear whatever
Closest is police SWAT but your mileage may vary. My local SWAT is still in 2000s Counter Strike world with black pasgts and M4s
Let me rephrase that:
Is it only secfo that gets sent to opfor?
Literally a generals big LARP fantasy world
I was an lav crewman
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There are two types of OPFOR in teh US Army:
-Temporary details/units pulled from local soldiers to act as OPFOR for a particular exercise, either as part of a unit's internal training or as a detail at the base they are stationed at. These can be any kind of soldiers.

-Dedicated full-time OPFOR at a training base (i.e. Polk, Irwin, or Grafenwohr in Germany). These are the guys you see in the pics here with cool "bad guy" uniforms. They are Army units whose full-time job is to play the enemy for guest units many times a year. They are mainly infantry, but can also include Cav, Tankers, arty, aviation, and others (especially at Irwin), and have their own support people.

Notable OPFOR units include the 11th Armored Calvary Regiment "Blackhorse" (Irwin), and 1/509th Parachute Infantry Regiment (Polk). They are actually trained in tactics, use similar formations, use VISMOD vehicles, and even have manuals of how likely bad guys (Soviets, terrorists, etc) are likely to fight.

It is a fun job in the Army, but the locations they work at are some of the worst in the Army, and it gets tiring doing the same field problem every couple of weeks, doing maintenance/resetting, then doing it again.
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The neat part is that those Yugos were factory semi only so they could be sold directly to us without cutting them up first to make parts kits/parts kit builds. And yeah, similarly Cugir sold some semi-auto WASRs to be used by Iraqi Contractors but (unsure how many) were sold as surplus in the US in ~2015. Some even have their property tags yet! Wish I had one.
I have a set from Propper that look exactly like that. Exactly as faded too. 60/40 Poly/Co. They faded really quickly even with a careful washing regimen.
I assume they are the truspec ones that are 100% cotton. I think they fade a lot more easily than polyco.

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