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It's purpose is simple:

1: Be the defacto flagship of the Korean People's Navy.
2: Maybe some mildly useful ASW capacity?
3: Be able to stare down an entire US Carrier Battle Group (Crew morale issue really) in peace time, basically propaganda win if the US fleet leaves and there is no war
4: If hostilities happen, it needs to surive for the ten minutes it takes it to launch it's missiles
5: Every second it survives after it launches it's missiles is a massive victory

I know it can't possibly avoid being utterly obliterated the instant hostilities started, it is going to get blown to bits and if it actually launches it's missiles it's nuclear war time.

However, could it actually launch it's eight nukes at a US Carrier Battle Group before it becomes the first warship in human history to sink in the Mariana Trench via orbital re-entry?
>ruined port
>bone white, new shinny gunboat
They ain't norktards for nothing. I'm pretty sure that the true leader of NK are brainworms controlling the government to make sure that basic things like safe food, sewage and potable tap water aren't built.
I'm retarded, what's actually wrong with the port? Is it because of the cracks?
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>could it actually launch it's eight nukes
It's a troll who thinks everything has to involve Russia/Ukraine, ignore it. It might noit even bew a real person just a slide bot.
He didn't say anything Ukraine or Russia, what are you talking about retard?

NK ports are in the 1950s, probably built by the soviets after the Korean War and they can't even maintain the dock for their propaganda shot...
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Of course, here is it launching a missile. Since the 1990s the DPRK has been the only nation to test a atomic weapon not once but seven times. May i see your nationssuccessfulnuclear tests in the last three decades in the intrest of full disclosure?

This thread doesn't involve Ukraine or Russia so whatever side you think you are helping you aren't, please fuck off.
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You have a mental illness...
You are retarded regarding the whole dockyard thing. Dockyards arent going to look new, they are by the fucking ocean, being beat by wind and waves. Not to mention that all the cracks are simply on the surface and look superficial, as in they dont even look as bad as the cracks in my streets sidewalk.
You can see what cranes are they using for their main ports, 1950s at best...
Being so close to China, selling them a lot of ore and not developing something as basic as their ports tells how completely inverted their priorities are...
They're fucking stupid in a bad way.
The port does not look that bad from that photo. Cracks aren't great for image but they look surface only so it's whatever.
pretty good chance of launching more than one missile if first strike, will at the bottom otherwise. Missiles take time to prepare. Need to start the internal batteries and electronics, program in the targets, latest GPS almanac, etc. The entire process can take a minute or two on a good day.
The same can be said to fucking india but the west are still more than happy to sell them weapons
Everything in NK is frozen in the 1950s, even the infrastructure, the whole place is surreal.
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There is no money. It took them years to build ONE of these ships, and it looks like a roided up frigate. They also have to convert their ancient submarines to new types instead of simply building a brand new sub. They are broke, but they still spend proportionally more money than basically any country on their military. This is all for meager gains because they simply dont have the capacity to build a brand spanking new harbor. For the navy they have, it works fine. As to the condition of it there isn't enough money or even resources to improve their dockyards. They have different priorities (no, not just lining their own pockets).
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>Of course, here is it launching a missile.

> NK ports are in the 1950s, probably built by the soviets after the Korean War and they can't even maintain the dock for their propaganda shot...
So obviously Norks don't have any port infrastructure. IRL: The entrance to Nampo image related

Stop with the shilling, this thread isn't about Ukraine or Russia moron. You are hurting yourself, please stop.

The way i see it the purpose of the ship is to add another level of complexity to taking them out; another level of potential pain. They know that they can't defeat anyone who might fight them (90% of the planet) but they will make damn sure that they will leave a scar on the humanspecies that your civilization will remember till your dying day before they go down. Imagine a North Sentinel Islandwith atomic weapons. The logical thing to do is ignore them and leave them alone.

This thread isn't about you please go away.
you're trying way too hard, tard
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>op claims to be tired of ukraine/russia threads
>ends up being the first one to bring them up in the first place
You people are the real retards of this board. Remember that.
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You are the worst shills ever, you do know that 99.9% of Nork fans are anti Russian right?
You do know that you're supposed to take your meds, right?
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>this thread isn't about Ukraine or Russia
Correct, and you were the retard to randomly bring up ukraine and russia for literally no reason at all you blabbering retard.
Why don't you answer OP's question intead of shillling?

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