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Who'll making them? looksneed or oingo boingo?
I'll LMAO if the NGAD turns to be a subsonic fighter.
current rumors says boeing won
>Who'll making them?
>Who'll making
Garaunteed adaptive engines will be cut.
But then what's the point of this versus just investing in more even longer range weapons?
What the fuck.
Contract award has been frozen until the program review is finished, so even if Boeing was picked, it doesn't mean they're getting the contract.
Make it an autonomous hyper stealthy subsonic with giant AIM 174B class missiles recessed in the fuselage. Also, sensors everywhere.
it's so over in 10 years an Amerifats don't even realise it yet
we had huge leaps in tech every decade in the cold war but now we struggle to surpass 20 year old tech
Lmao i blame the new ballistic missile for this. Fuck Sentinel
why not the f-35 itself? this is happening because everyone involved in funding that has buyer's remorse on some level
I'll let you post all the countries officially saying that. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Combat radius. The F-35 doesn't have the legs for the USAF to operate from beyond PLA and Russian (notional) missile range and the F-15EX with drop tanks is too visible on radar for penetration of the enemy radar net.
oh noooo newer things are better and cheaper than old things
oh noooooooooooo
So is this a scale down the final plane's capabilities cutback, we buy less of them cutback or a we buy more and let the economics of scale kick in so we save money cutback?
im talking about all the US officials and defense committees who sign off on funding such programs
you know the same people who are balking at forking over money again, you know the topic of this thread...
Sounds to me like they're canning the idea of an F-22 successor entirely and reallocating their resources to an F-35 successor.
Most aircraft should cost less than the F-35. If your project costs more, than something's gone wrong.
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Defense spending used to be much, much higher than today.
>Boeing's latest major fuckup results in NGAD finally dying.
>Airforce needs a long range deep penetration air dominance option though.
>B-21F appears a year later.
>Enlarge bay carrying AIM-174s in a rotary launcher.
>Improved low probability of intercept data link
>General Atomics Kratos DSS Valkyries fitted with better radar and IRST.
>Chinks laughing in internet turns to rage as their Tawain invasion forces looses all air control assets in the span of 5 minutes as b-21 shit out Standard missiles like 4th of July fireworks.
>F-22 still remains a forever virgin.
Way too expensive...

IMO it'll be a subsonic fighter (all the adaptive cycle engine for supercruiser and super long range was an oxymoron), something closer to the bastard child of the A-12 avenger and the X-32. Similar range to the A-6 Intruder, MTOW and size of a mid to heavy fighter, 20t-25t. The programs is essentially a 6th gen escort rather than a interceptor like the F-22, anything faster than the B-21 would be feature creep and for safety it'll have the Royal Wingman. A weird fighter more appropriate for the navy...
>subsonic fighter
>current yeat
>limited budget
>B-21 escort
>very long range
>decent payload
Yes, subsonic.
Well, yeah, it's peacetime. Operational readiness is expensive, doesn't mean we're spending less on R&D.
it’s fucking nothing
This account is a retarded shill with retarded follower incels upboating anything he writes
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If big airforce isn't doing its super duper fighter, sounds like ww3 isnt on the plate either. SAD.
probably the opposite
you dont put new tech into production when going to war, you expand your current production lines, it makes way more sense to produce more f35 and f22
shoudlnt it be B/F-21
>produce more F-22
X-32 has a chance!
We are though. Stock buybacks should be illegal generally, but definitely for defense contractors. In the few decades since they became legal the firms have stopped doing in house R&D almost completely, relying entirely on DARPA et al and then claiming exclusive production rights on technology and design they didn't even create. I think the next crop of MIC corporations will largely be privately held for related reasons
More top gun movies
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>Royal Wingman
I think it's more that we just don't hear about the R&D they do, Lockmarts new AGM-174D (1100mile range A2A missile) is all inhouse R&D, same with the SR-72
unit cost is getting lower all the time
Yeah but the money is in developing the platform, not producing it in numbers.
Actually it's over in two weeks.
I need a long deep penetration ;3
GDP also grew while defense spending didn't as much.
By simple merit of not needing three (3)! variants of the same airplane with wildly different requirements, and constraints, the development won't have nearly as much development cost/kinks to iron out. This isn't a point of argument, this is a point that comparing it to the F35 only makes you and OP look like a seething third worlder.
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>>F-22 still remains a forever virgin.
At least F-22-kun got the military equivalent to a sad half hearted hand job from a drunk fat girl in her car after her shift at a waffle house. Sure her hands were heavily calloused and there wasn't any lube so she just sort of half heartedly licked her hand, and it was awkward and you couldn't really get hard at first because she wasn't that much of a looker and you were nervous, but in the end you still got to bust a nut. Or at least you thought you were about to, but it turns out that wet spot you felt was just her teaes once she started breaking down and sobbing halfway through things about how horribly wrong her life has gone with her being 47 years old, divorced with no kids, and one of her cats just had to be put down from leukemia, like 8 years ago but it's still a sensitive thing you know? Through it all the whole time she's still trying like a trooper though, but she's tired from her shift and has bad carpal tunnel, so the strokes are getting further and further apart and theres less effort going into each one. it's less of a handjob at this point and more of her just shaking her hand it frustration and despair about how unfair it all is. At this point you've long since accepted that you're not going to cum, but you already gave her the 30 bucks, and you know you're not gonna get it back even if you ask her to stop, so you just have to ride this experience out until it's over.
I want you to write my eulogy.
>Fighter designation on F-117
>only ever used for bombing
>Bomber designation on B-21
>ends up an air dominance missile boat

There’s no saving this timeline
File deleted.
>current rumors says boeing won
Really? Their civilian division is in the fucking gutter right now, their space division just hit a big embarrassing pothole, but I this won't affect their military division, right?
SpaceX comes as a surprise competitor and offers the Starship mil version.
Republicans have to please donors. After ula went to shit and china now has a competitor to Boeing and Airbus on civilian jetliners they are fucking done
So Boeing will have to get the contract or it will die off.

Before this there was 2 large civilian jet manufacturers in the world now there are 3.
Holy shit fuck off back to /pol/ already you tiresome fag. Effortposts like this are pretty common here and people appreciate them.
I'm sorry your gay friends in Lebanon got their bollocks blown off and Russia is down approximately *checks notes* ALL the ammunition North Korea sold them, but those are the breaks.
seethe and dialate ziggertranny
Are there any tech demos of loyal wingman systems? Using any simple or light platform that flies like a plane, vs drone swarm?
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>a platform which is supposed to do one thing rather than three things and likely to involve an unmanned component which at lest in some variants would eliminate a quarter of the fucking weight of the aircraft can be made cheaper.
>congress has penny-pinching commitees
Fucking hilarious
It's just a sign that they need a big juicy contract to keep them afloat.
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>Are there any tech demos of loyal wingman systems?
heres one^
currently in service too
this is honestly a good thing. Ridiculously expensive vehicles is not the way forward, especially in a war of attrition. Dog fighting is dead, and if AI is good enough we don't need pilots on board. All we need for air dominance is a turbo stealthy unmanned platform that flies at 80,000 feet and launches telephone poles at incoming fighters
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OK, so this loyal wingman is not just something usaf wants. It's something that it already has and is improving.
no, i would think of it more like the USAF's hypersonic missile

thats what this "loyal wingman" is most like
I remember vaguely hearing about loyal wingman years ago, it would be very strange if they hadn't at least made a proof of concept by now.
So is diversity
wow, that's great! so cheap, yes, please do it for cheap the taxpayer
>big milestone comes
Hey you spent 80% the budget and its 90% time to the deadline hows the cheap fighter coming?
>around 10% done
what? how?
>give us more money, like 10 times the amount and it might be finished in a couple of years.. either that or let the terrorist invade america, yer choice. You literally can't ask anyone else. And if that werent enough everyone here is 10 generation of friends with everyone of your bosesse. So good luck deciding anything else that isnt giving us as much money as we want
every single time. so predictable.
Mark my words, 6th gen will be the last traditional fighter jet before we go fully unmanned.
look closer, that dorito ain't a 180
I thought the project was cancelled.
>we go fully unmanned.
Oh boy. Top Gun 3 will be about 98 year old Tom Cruise (deaged to 65) being the only pilot available after all the unmanned jets were hacked.
>develop system
>refine and make it affordable and thus be able to produce at scale
>this is somehow disastrous in your eyes
lmao even.
you fucking manufacturingcel
I feel like that movie was already made close to 20 years ago.
It's theoretically cheaper to reuse the majority of the weapon transportation system. If we blew up an entire F-22 every time we wanted to shoot down a plane we'd end up at a loss. So you carry cheaper, shorter-range missiles into combat on a reusable platform.

In practice, with US defense procurement gold-plating every large weapon system, I'm not so sure it's cheaper than just spamming missiles. I mean, there isn't even a need for a fighter if you have enough missiles to take out all the ground targets. Ukraine has defeated Russia's navy without having a navy of their own, and has crippled Russia's air force without having an air force of their own, and they don't have $800 billion a year to spend on their military.
We spend a lot on vanity over raw effectiveness.

One year of military spending could buy around 25,000 intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Would a B/F-21 be payload constrained or volume constrained?
Honestly better looking than I remembered, but depressing to think that 20 years wasn't really hyperbole.
F36- Exquisite Eagle
that movie is absolutely flaming hot trash
prime jessica biel tho
>eliminate a quarter of the fucking weight of the aircraft
Why would you do that? Just use the saved weight to add more missiles.
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That was epic
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>20+years later and they STILL dont have the revolver-launcher for f35 internal bays
-in development
-deliveries 2030+

they got everything else PERFECT regarding the navy airmpeople tho
>only a NGAD
>and has crippled Russia's air force without having an air force of their own
What about LE GHOST?
Post the tank one
There'll not be a real 2030 series of crewed fighters, especially if they limit the number to barely 200...
Specially if the engines are really new and completely different from any current commercial turbofan's core, it would be the first truly new design since the late 1980s (core of the F119).
at least we still have FCAS and GCAP
You must of thought that sounded clever
>15% of 'our greatest ally in the middle east' population are Russian speakers straight out of the still Soviet Union
>oh, yeah, building, R&D, coding et. al. these things with them intrinsically guarantees them being backdoored or sold on to 'near peer' adversaries.

F-35 was always handmedown tech to ratchet forward only enough for overmatch without showing their spook hands.
no you fucking retard, it sounds fucking retarded, that's the point
> Boeing
It's over
It's not even the fault of the missile R&D = that all fell within expected cost estimates. The reason Sentinel got so pricey is the USAF forgot you have to actually have to renovate the missile silos too - ironically pouring concrete and buying real estate is a lot more expensive.

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