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nature edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>62512534
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Needs more edge ware.
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Is edge wear in?
Is an edc x9 3.25 worth the buy?
Working on it, already had some on the peaks just 2-3 weeks of owning it.

Think I finally fixed the optic plate situation so I’ll carry it again. The optic plate screws were actually metric, M4-0.7 screws will thread into a 8-32 hole but not vise versa, I threaded the ones I had into a 8-32 hole and thought my AMERICAN gun had AMERICAN screws. I’m done with Wilson Combat, Nighthawk is now my personality.
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Ahh sweet nature
The one anon I ever saw who had one said it was the worse gun he ever owned and it or he couldn’t group with it at 10 yards. He replaced with it a Glock 43x(?).
I don't know and I don't care. Texas anon has a Sentinel with lots of edge wear and I think it looks awesome.
Damn, Oregon looks so nice. I wish I lived there and I wish it still had normal gun rights.
I have agree. The PNW looks beautiful. The best view of nature I've had is the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background of long drives.
They seem good though limited on capacity.

It's really not that good bro, it's full of faggots, queers and gays in that order. On top of that like you've alluded to they all vote against the constitution.
What are the double stack double feed mags for?
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I honestly don't really care about your fragile heterosexuality. Plus nobody asked.
I meant the 15 rd version

where is this burt and please dont tell me its the NRA only range
If you’re looking to buy any Wilson combat, do it through Modern Warrior’s gunbroker. They have a 20% off coupon for all Wilson combats.
I'm not talking about me. They have several downsides to being amassed in your state.

Sadly it is.
Homosex comes up sooooooo much more in this thread than in my other threads. It is legitimately suspicious.
Actually never mind. I don’t see it anymore. I got 770 dollars off my gun that way, it was bonkers you could get 1000 dollars off a 5000 dollar gun.
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Someone say edgeware?
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oh damn that looks nice
>have so many handguns I want to own
>Can't decide on my next one
How do you decide, lads?
Buy a glock
Nothing makes me sadder than both TCGC and DRRC being NRA only. Fuck those fudds. I’ve heard they only check at initiation if your membership is valid and that you can let it lapse, but I still don’t want a full year of junk mail going to my porch from those turbo faggots
Buy ammo and practice b4 u get kilt in de streetz niggaaaaaaaaaaa
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It's like California in that way. A lovely place to live, if it weren't for the people ruining it. Doesn't even matter that 99.7% of the landmass is sane, it's the 0.3% have the majority numbers to trod on everyone else

The 9mm AR

Douglas Ridge Rifle Club and it is :| Or at least, if you refuse to prove NRA membership they will charge you the full yearly price of an NRA membership and mail it to the NRA to spite you.
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Forgot this
roll for it

>>62374822 -> >>62494092
I'm surprised Rock Island hasn't made a competitor to this
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they did

this short stack of a gun. Based on the Para Ordnance Warthog/P3.10.
oh it's called the BBR 3.10

in .45 or 9mm, both have 10 round capacities
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A Canadian friend almost talked me into going to Canada years ago.
I’m glad I didn’t since if I had I’d now be PPlessanon.

What are places with dense forests and aggressive animals thinking by declawing their citizens? Having experienced guns I could never give them up now since it would be declawing me.
Idk what happened to Canada but as an Oregonian I blame 99% of my problems on California
What a faggot.
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Lobbyists from Bongola passed a handgun ban. It’s probably only a matter of time before more autocratic bong policies spread there.
Damn. I really fucking hate having to drive to north wolf creek.
>BBR 3.10
Platypus that takes g26 mags and uses this hammerwork when
No, you are the one who is literally projecting. You don’t know who I was referring to with 100% certainty. No one cares about your sexuality, retard. Anons hate ppanon for reasons other than his sexual orientation. He’s an annoying retard with a running fantasy that he will defend hisself a clapped out gun one handed and that it’ll make the news because how unusual it is. He’s going to get an innocent person killed because he’s a narcissistic faggot. No one cares if you suck dick, he’s hated for many other reasons.
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This. I dislike PPanon but my favorite poster is the gay furry
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> He’s an annoying retard with a running fantasy that he will defend hisself a clapped out gun one handed and that it’ll make the news because how unusual it is.
You’re projecting.
Even if I ignored moral reasons I still wouldn’t want to shoot someone since that means they’ll impound whatever prized carry gun I have and I only carry stuff I like.
Sneed projecting faggot.
Yiff in hell
Literally 98% of this thread is fucking retards. The literal gays are unironically the least problematic by number of posts.
He really is an incredibly insufferable faggot.
It's OK, man.
>Yiff in hell
You can’t even figure out why.
The other anon said it’s because I’m eager to shoot people with antique guns but I really don’t want to do that and half your reasons to hate are fake and gay
I’ve said I want to carry stuff I like and also need it to be viable. I was really happy after trying the PPK since it’s drop safe, handles nice, runs advanced ammo and the screw bullets are unnaturally accurate which makes it viable. End of story.
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And yet you return to suffer.
because you're "better" now does not mean people can't hate you for your previous behavior.
Saw a PT 945 in a store the other day for like $450, was tempted to nab it.
Which gay furry?
Table for three is a good comic btw
It's called "personal growth. " You take critical feedback and adjust your behavior. It's actually a normal and healthy thing to do. You should try it.
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I posted his picture, that's his gun, that was early in the build and he finished it with velvet grips, gold compensator, gold mag extension, special cerakote camo, and an optic cut.

No. People are not obligated to not hate you for what you've done or how you've acted in the past.
That's not a great price, but it's always nice to walk out with you gun sane day.
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I never was eager to shoot people since not only do I have moral reasons (the dream where I shot an intruder that turned into my cat) but also they’d seize my colt or PPK and let it rust to death. Also I don’t want to risk getting thrown in the same jail cell as the gang banger i just shot.
Is there a source BTW
>literally the most basic vanilla furry smut
must be weird getting aroused by boring things
The guy you responded to wasn’t me. You’re suffering from derangement syndrome.
Yiff in hell
You're not obligated to stay here and seethe about a lil twink, yet here we are. I genuinely love how mad some of you get. It is hilarious.
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>gay ass “personality” posters
post guns
the worst general on the board.
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…What counts as non-vanilla?
Furfags and cartoon gooners vs a twink.
It's time to just start reporting the twink and his shitposting defender, while ignoring their posts otherwise. Eventually the thread will return to the way it was.
Gay yiff general
>the dream where I shot an intruder that turned into my cat
I want a gun that turns people into cats.
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It turned into my cat with holes in his body and head taking his last breaths. I started sobbing and screaming in the dream and woke up sobbing telling him I was sorry while my cat was just confused
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Man, I have never seen a thread so easily derailed.
Lawful Evil anon getting bant for calling out the mods for being jeets means there is nobody to rage against the jeets
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first time on the 'chan?
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im going to make the thread better by posting my glock upgrades
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found his gun

this is an upgraded glock. once you replace every part it finally is "glock perfection"
Do you prefer shooting this or the P99?
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nice gat
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Unironically, the PPQ has the best ergonomics for my hands of any gun I've ever held. I wanted to do that with a PDP slide until I saw how wide they were in the front. I wish they just widened the back of the PPQ slide for the optic mount and had direct mount options while I'm making wishes.
Also WTF happened in here?
Bro PLEASE don't post this stuff here, as a favor to me? I know you didn't start it but I'd still rather not see it and it makes people mad.
my glock was made in austria yours was made in a dirty toilet
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That. The P99's grip texture is inferior and while the single action break is very much superior, it breaks way back at the frame and I prefer the PPQ's more forward break point as I do not have F-Series length fingers

I feel like the other way would be superior, since the PDP has that awesome grip texture that goes all the way up, but the PPQ's slide is narrower
It came from the same Austrian forge as yours.
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>burn the coal
>pay the toll
Thanks. I've been looking into P99s since that Anon mentioned one the other day but I'll keep an eye out for the PPQ too
>Lawful Evil anon getting bant
Wait, what the blue camo FN guy? That sucks. I don't share his affinity for Manga but he was a legitimate hasguns.
No it's the thread police faggot who got shot by his own dad
and then something terrible happened to it between then and when the picture was taken
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it was made FROM a dirty toilet get it right
Can you believe that before him, it was the best?
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They're both awesome! But both have the same abnormally high recoil for caliber so I tend not to shoot any of em much, I'm just a Waltherboo
I haven't shot a PDP but once I held it, I thought it 5 enough to not need the frame swap. I also never once thought, I need more texture, on the PPQ. IDK as you can see, most of my stuff is stock as a clock.
Benbros... it's time to sell your Berettas and get Glock 47s
That shit is so annoying to get off and now I need a sandblaster to fix the finish.
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LTT glocks?
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>James. Pull some fucking strings, I want his Sig deal dead. I want his Glock sponsorship dead. I need a crew to replace his P320 AXG with one of those defective P320 FCUs.
>like his hairline
why is this homo wearing a hat indoors at night?
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What's the LTT of Glocks anyway? Apex trigger?
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fuggedaboutit ernie, my best man is on it
Okay sorry
I won’t do it because it bothers the non shitty posters like you
>abnormally high recoil for caliber
I never noticed that on my PPQ, but I shoot a lot of .40 and the PPS and PPK. My PPK is way worse. That's why I want the PPK in .32 ACP as Walther intended.
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I think so, plus they claim to polish the internals
Guise, I don't have any gay furry porn or Japanese pantyhose magazines, but I like handguns. Am I allowed to post here?
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Probably the LTT Trigger Job Glock, no?
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Yes, now get to posting
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you could buy some or just post your guns
Do it
Green scotch brite in a cross hatch pattern dulls it enough to not jump out that it's been polished, but I still know it's off.
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your optics look a little dirty, friend
i mean thats why i bought the slide and optic. it will take a few weeks to get milled
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I can’t do it. I like big window too much.
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Mentally ill faggotry things. This is why people want you to die. It's like a cry for help, you want people to find you and kill you to give you release from your pathetic existence
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Thanks, bro. I appreciate that.
I took a look at those coins my friend sent me. A lot of them had the windmill of peace on them and one was a MARTA token as well as a bunch of other random coins. I have a bunch of other random coins that ARE the pre Euro currency andcI guess I was thinking about that. Here is a 5 penning piece from 1917.
your SRO cries out for a microfiber rag
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Seems like there's a few Oregonians in here :-) Our gun laws are not fully cucked... yet.
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Do these beretta rail adapters work or are they dogshit?
fml I'm such an embarrassing phone poster
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not from what I heard, it's single point of contact with the frame clamping on the trigger guard. side to side it's braced on the front of the dustcover but other than that under recoil and the weight of a X300 or similar light will make it fail. You're free to try, they're not that expensive. The Surefire MR11 adapter is very similar and those were supposedly rock solid but they attached differently to the trigger guard.

maybe add some good double sided tape to the bottom of the dust cover so the trigger guard clamp isn't under so much stress
/hg/ is literally the Oregon General.
Utah here
Funny that WA makes most threads and most posts.
Oregon is full of homos, furries and nip cartoon
The whole west coast actually.
I used to live in WA and missed my chance to shoot .22s and eat hamburgers with Burt
Yeah, that checks out, actually.
You really missed out, he's a lad.
enough lad for several
Cool, thanks. I won't bother with it then. I wanted to mount an x400 to my brigadier. Guess I'll end up buying an m9a1 just for the frame.
bro straight up Oregon might have the lowest concentration of bad bitches per capita out of any state, but the only reason it beats the Dakotas is because they get whores bussed out to the oil fields and it bumps up the ratio a bit.
im not a fit, beautiful, or respected person irl so its Burt who would be embarrassed
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>Oregon might have the lowest concentration of bad bitches per capita
This is objectively false. Do you think places like Wichita and Omaha have badder bitches? Of course not. Although we do not compare to cities like NYC, LA, and Miami.
Gentlemen, they is bad ass pussy in every town in America, however bad ass pussy is attracted to money, so its basically as simple as looking at a wealth distribution heat map. Just find out where you are above average and there you go. Women aren't that complicated, they're just fucking annoying.
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Don't think they'll be able to see you with Burt taking up so much of the horizon
left-handed california guy here just got a p365 for eventual CCW purposes
i like that it holds 10 rounds and is small and thus comfy
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I love collecting silver coins, both ancient and “modern”(renaissance milled onwards) and I’ve sorted my collection by country and time. I have a section on 20th century authoritarian countries and it’s all silver from the German empire and its successors, Japan and the USSR.
Somehow there are silver coins dating weirmar’s hyperinflation era in 1919. They’re basically straight copies of imperial coins.
Silver coins aren’t very expensive.
This is totally a sane and heterosexual post
>Bully general
Just because Burt is good humored about doesn't mean it isn't unpleasant for him.
Just saying.
>This is totally a sane and heterosexual post
His cross hair is firmly on your bussy, lol
nice glock but that streamlight is mad gay

I'm in the market for a 45 AARP gun, but it needs to have:

>minimum 12 round capacity
>metal frame
>hammer fired dual action

I'm thinking the SAR K2 is the way to go, but I need you shitlords to call me retarded and tell me why killing myself would be a better choice
>hammer fired dual action
Why are you guys obsessed with this meme?
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I'll lay out a bunch of my neat coins tomorrow. I'm not particularly into coin collecting, but you end up with a bunch of shit over a lifetime. Speaking of whick, until then, here is an image of a Mauser branded vernier caliper. If there is more than 1 anon ITT that know how to read them, I'll be quite impressed. If anyone can, it will be one of the reloading guys
>that streamlight is mad gay
Dude, I prefer Surfire myself, but that's a bit of a stretch.
Because we don't like manual safties?
what meme? I like a gun that uses a hammer with dual action because it's nice to have the option of firing single action.

and despite what that other faggot said, I prefer a manual safety on my dual action hammer fired pistols.
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sorry for being a basic bitch
On my rifle, I have a streamlight with an arisaka adapter to run a surefire tailcap. Check-mate atheists.
DD H9 when?
honest to god how do you clean an optics window right?
I use those little disposable alcohol eyeglass wipes.
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When they get liquidated and blown out by CDNN for $600
Hammer stud broke off on my pre-lock model 586. It's a used purchase from GB, so warranty won't cover it.
Anyone know a ballpark figure that Smith and Wesson would charge?
Sir, how dare you insinuate that I, an hk45 tactical owner, am a furry.
Not saying you’re wrong but how dare you.
Whatever one I think about the most
People with hair do this to keep it out of their eyrs
Not that you’d know
>despite what that other faggot said, I prefer a manual safety on my dual action hammer fired pistols.
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I'm looking for some way to attach a brace to my old Glock 17 Gen 5 for some dumb fun but everything I see is some abomination chassis thing that tries to make the thing into some wannabe PDW abortion or will not fit at all (ex. the endo tactical brace, pic related). Are there any options that don't involve a $350 secondhand glock flux brace?
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There’s a brace design on the gatalog
~$20 to build
I don't know anything about 10mm but I'm thinking about getting one for the range so it needs to be nice to shoot and hold what should I be looking at
Glock 40
Your parents would be less ashamed of you if you were gay.
Maybe this?
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>nice to shoot and hold
>Glock 40
I'd have to say the SIG P220 Stainless Elite, but that might be hard to find because it was discontinued and replaced with the P220 Legion 10mm. Both are single action only, and have a nice stainless steel frame to soak up some of that recoil energy. The main difference is mostly esthetic, except some of the Stainless Elite guns came with an adjustable rear sight, but not all of them did. The Glock has it on capacity and carry weight, but you didn't mention those as a priority.
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Another option that I might consider is the EAA/Tanfoglio Witness Hunter in 10mm. It makes up a little ground in capacity and has target a target trigger and sights plus a Ron Jeremy barrel length. It might also be challenging to find but it's probably worth it.
I doubt it. Gays are insufferable, most furries too.
Hey, I just said LESS. Not even how much less.
What's the purpose of the tape?
Depending on the model they might not fit the trigger guard or frame profile, I had to spend an afternoon hand filing mine to fit, but the upside is that it fits very snugly. I have not had a chance to go shooting with it so I'll have to see if it holds up under recoil
It keeps powder fouling off the lens of the tacticool illuminator.
Why not just put a thin film of oil on the lens so it wipes right off?
IDK. I like cleaning guns. It's bonus gun time so I don't even bother with that. Then again, I'm not causing Grinder or jacking it to cartoons of animals or Nip children, so maybe I just have more free time.
We know all too well about that.
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>hg in nature
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I like cleaning too but anymore I just lack the free time and it’s become a hassle. It does feel nice when you’ve got a nice clean lubed gun and the action is nice and smooth
>Then again, I'm not causing Grinder or jacking it to cartoons of animals or Nip children, so maybe I just have more free time.
Uh, ok anon
I am an unpaid glock shill
I will always recommend the glock
Bro you dont have to goon for 8 hours with a dildo in your ass to cum just jerk off
Stop saying that you incompetent troon. There's not even a face. Do you realize how much of a negative space you've turned these threads in to?
He likes attention including negative attention. It would be better if people just ignored him/filtered his posts.
Redpill me on the glock 34. I kinda want it since it's longer than the 17 and not as ridiculous as the 17L
What is going on with that plate bro
Guys, it's my birthday. Going to a gun store/range later. Think I'm going to treat myself to a new handgun.
NTA but I also have a G34 and it's the only Glock I like. If you don't like the Glock grip angle, something about the G34 specifically makes it point a lot more naturally than other Glocks. It may be because it's more forward heavy so you naturally just tilt it down a couple degrees. It's incredibly light for its size and very soft shooting. The extended slide stop it comes with should be standard on all Glocks. The only complaint seems to be that since the slide is long, if you want to go turbo speed you will notice it cycles very slightly slower than something like a G19, and this is noticeable even if you aren't a high level comp shooter (I'm definitely not) but for most people it's not going to matter because it is literally a difference of nanoseconds.
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I already run a steyr L9-a2 which is like glock 17 size, and quite well at that. So I COULD do even better with the slightly longer 34...
I have a Glock 19 and a Glock 34 and I approve of this message.
MTF or ftm?
wtf look at that grip. Are those.. maggots?! Why does Steyr get a pass but you faggots shit on the VP9 daily?
that photo doesn't do it justice. It looks like Sig's grips more than HK's. Seethe maggot gripper.
Honestly I’ve never shot a 34
The grips are too big for my hands on the gen 3/4
My bf seemed to like the one he shot though
At the end of the day it’s a lightweight decently light recoiling polymer frame pistol with the same world renowned reliably and modularity you’ve come to expect from glock
It’s still small enough to carry and should be fairly level with a streamlight tlr-1hl judging by how my tlr-1hl is almost level on my comped 19
I was pretty surprised at how awful the lenses are on the 509T after having used an EPS Carry for a while prior to getting one. Definitely useable, but significantly worse from the edges all the way to the center.
There is nothing wrong with being gay
Have you seen prior /hg/ threads?
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I should probably get a PX4 next
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There actually is a lot. Just the increased rates of STD transmission for starters. Gays are like 2
2.5-5% of the population but like over 78% of all HIV cases. You could argue that those are full blown faggots and not what “normal” homosexuals are, but the stats are what they are.

Well yeah, unless you plan on carrying the HK45C
I really need to look into holster options for the HK45C. Preferably one compatible with the LIGMA I have originally gotten for the Beretta
Yeah, and?
>has 3 bottles of wine
>I should add some dumpster juice to the shelf next
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The only whine I see, is yours
Why not just say
>A light coating of oil makes powder fouling really easy to clean off weapon light lenses?
Is it because you're an insufferable know-it-all fagott?
Haha, look at me asking questions I already know the answer to, too.
I'm not against Glocks or nothing but I prefer a Porsche or Ferrari to an F-150.
All three are expensive money pits
The Glock is more like a Toyota Tacoma or Honda Civic.
Get a Memecatto or Laugo Ayyylien if you want to race
We do not claim pp anon
I hope so. my fanny pack puts a bit of edge wear on my HK
>Report him
For a reaction post?
Man, that lil twin really has broken your brain.
aAso, crying to the jannies?
>I already run a steyr L9-a2
Unless you want to put new shoes and a hat on it, the Glock isn't really going to do anything that's not already doing better for you.
Do you have the OG sights or did you replace them with something more traditional. I really like those guns, but I haven't found room in my gunsooming for one yet. If I did, it would be that one or something with a threaded barrel because silencer on all the pistols even though it sucks.
>A three letter post is ruining the thread more than my relentless schizo posting!!!
OK faggot, kek
Magot grips rule, but not you blind bitch, they are clearly not.
Why is everyone in here retarded?
>There actually is a lot. Just the increased rates of STD transmission for starters. Gays are like 2
>2.5-5% of the population but like over 78% of all HIV cases
>Well versed in gay stays
>Beretta poster
+25 homo suspicion points
Free entry into the back door club, go for it!
My buddy had had good results with the F150 over about 8 years.
>if you want to race
There is a pretty big difference between a race car and a fast street car. It's like a stock Glock vs a Terrible Tactical Glock.
Staccatos are duty guns
meanwhile toyota drivers are on year 18 with no maintenance
How do you like the P30L? Is it that much of a difference over the regular P30? I'm a weirdo who thinks the P30 looks better than the L. Also I've heard the manual safety on the S models is uncomfortable when shooting, do you find that to be the case?
>flux has raider X blems for sale now
sweet, too bad it's out of stock now.
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And Glocks are perfect. I've seen the marketing material. I don't think I'd call a gun that isn't drop safe a duty gun in current year. A doodie gun, maybe, but them shits ain't ready for prime time, partner. Sorry.
I like the L but it's big for a wonder 9 so it lives in a bag. I'm going to buy a K model for carry because while I love the ergos I think the L is a bit too chunky for my wants.

The safety is chunky but isn't as big an issue as you might suspect. It's nice and stiff such that it won't flip back and fourth, not that I actually use it.
Glocks would be perfect if they slightly undercut the trigger guard from the factory to relieve Glock knuckle and shipped them with actual metal sights. Not even night sights just the regular Glock sights but in metal so they don't chip off if you drop the gun or get worn off by holsters.
Shut up homo
Well if you are trying to convince me a Yoder is a boring, uninspired bit of engineering, I'm with you, but it isn't exactly a work vehicle outside of Uber and pizza delivery.
Whatever. Drive a Cammery, bang your wife (you don't have one) missionary by appointment and shoot boring guns. I don't care, it's your life.
Just get a Staccato
Does this apply to other places in your life also? Like you do you need a really expensive and shitty dishwasher because it validates you?
I agree, but I still think they need to change to change the trigger bar connector. Ya know, flip he over for a bit of doggy style, kek.
NTA but I have a staccato P and it's just okay. I see a lot of them getting sold on tacswap too lol.
No, only trucks and guns and other manly stuff that I can attach my ego to. Dishwashers exist in the woman's arena.
Just report that faggot. No need to fuel their faggotry. They get off on it. They are really gross people.
Yeah if they just made the 3.5 G34 connector and extended slide stop standard along with the other shit that would be great. Then they'd truly be perfection. I don't think it would be a big ask. If anything cutting the old slide stop and connecter production lines would simplify things a lot and metal sights would not add a lot of cost on their end.
Seriously why not?
Threadly reminder that if you don't CC (conceal carry) a Staccato brand Saltaccato P with a Trijicon SRO and a SureFire X300U-B then you WILL get slaughtered in the streets. Even Joe fucking Rogan and Colin Noir say it's the best handgun ever made and makes you shoot better. Facts. Sorry poors.
No, but I enjoy 2 ply toilet paper and never frozen animal protein.
I actually find it easier to just wash dishes by hand since you pretty much have to before you put them in the dish washer, but then again, maybe I have a Glock level dish washer.
>Midwit and nog say good
Good troll
I absolutely do not understand why they don't offer the 3.5 connector from the factory, especially since the offer(ed) that stupid law enforcement module 85 lb thing.
>Glock level dish washer.
>Modern (last 30 years) women are useless in the kitchen.
I'm using a holosun on mine
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>all the 40sw police pistol surplus chads laugh at me for having a Kurz sized PP in 32 acp in my pants but IDGAF
I only ever replaced the sights on glonks, I found everything else acceptable including the finger grooves. They're okay. I like the VP9 more, though.
y u heff to be med
My fiance goes to college in Wichita and we go shooting every month. She's three hours away, I go see her once a week at least dicking around in her dorm and doing random things
she's totally fucking other men
>Kurz sized PP
You’re so fucking annoying.

What extension can I use to filter this fucking retard?
>however bad ass pussy is attracted to money,
bears repeating. I heard this one but wasn't ready for it. Gird your loins, if you got money on the horizon.
I hope for your cat's sake you wrote and notarized a will.
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Thoughts? Should I get this handguard for my sp5k? I can slap my LAM on it then. Then again I would need to get a trilug adapter for my suppressor.... hmmmm..... Anyone know if I can use another company's trilug adapter for an obsidian 9?
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It’s a smaller variant of the Polizeipistole
shut up, fool!
>once a week at least dicking around in her dorm
You can't buy handguns until 21. You shouldn't be here.
Just get the Rugged one. You get free shipping on their site if you register your silencer under their Paragon thing too

t. just ordered another piston
There are ways to get handguns legally before 21.
it's out of stock and only available on backorder :\
CZ 97, or if you are flexible on the metal frame thing then HK USP.
I’ve been using 4chan X and filtering every single picture he posts
How do you like it? Thinking about getting one in the case my p365 shits the bed.
Very homosex to focus on another man's hairline desu
I did a short search and it seems to be out of stock everywhere, maybe a backorder with the manufacturer is your only option outside of the secondhand market
ok, you're bald lol
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I'm 29 and she just turned 20
Where'd you guys go for your ten year anniversary?
A glock is like a honda civic
It’s cheap, reliable, has a thriving aftermarket, and will suit 99.5% of people’s needs
There will always be nicer things than the gold standard baseline but the gold standard is the standard for a reason
You can manufacture your own at 18 in most states
Any of you guys ever do cowboy action/wildbunch matches?
Should I grab the used Arex Delta M for $250 or the used Glock 34 MOS with 6 mags for $400 at my LGS?
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Do you think the PPK with screw bullets is viable for USPCA?
Glock 34 mos
t. Interloper
Shut up faggot.
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I do the drills in ben’s books
Pp anon has been a constant bother to this thread people hate him mostly for what he’s done and not his actual faggotry
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The messiah
>he needs a book for dryfire
Really? What's in the book? Mind pitching it to me?
>Now, what's everyone's usual training regimen?
I go to my range every two weeks to shoot, before work. Maybe 100-300 rounds each time. Either shooting my handgun, or my carbine, whichever I feel like when I'm packing my range bag before work.
I haven’t gotten far in this one yet
Just got it over the weekend
This girl is flying out of state to visit me for a couple weeks to a month, she is very poor. What should we do besides the sightseeing, going out to dinner, and maybe a nice holiday/roadtrip out of town? Shooting handguns is not on the cards.
What to continue discussing homosexuality? >>>/lgbt/
Want to continue coping and seething about how the West has McFallen? >>>/pol/

What's a good first book of his?

He posts guns and talks about ammo, holsters, and his training. You seething neckbands do not. All you homo-fixated man lbabies do is seethe about him. Don't like him? Then ignore him. But no, you fling your shit and throw a tantrum every thread. End yourself, please.

Nice, being regular with your training is important.
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Half of it is mostly a hoax made by triggered people.
Someone said I’m always saying my outdated guns are better than yours. I have Never said that.
I’ve said they’re viable for my lifestyle since being lightly armed is all I need when I either do desk jobs or walk around in a rural place.
If you live in some ghetto with nonstop carjackings and gum battles and robbing squads of glock switch armed bandits then get your double stack idk.
this post is the fag with the camo 509 btw
It’s viable for you to join the 41%.
>He posts guns and talks about ammo, holsters, and his training
>You seething neckbands do not.
yes, we do you stupid faggot. Not everyone who dislikes him is a troll.
Back to discord faggot, and take the rest of the insufferable homos with you
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When did /hg/ turn to homosexual general?
A lot of gunowners are closet cases so the presence of an out-and-about homosexual riles them up.
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Practical shooting training is a good one
Also I do in fact post guns and talk about ammo and holsters
You’re defending a guy who sticks a uncle mikes sticky holster in his waistband instead of buying a proper holster and recommends a .32 acp over 9mm
>femboys aren't gay
whew that's a relief.
.t projecting homo with a straight guy fetish looking for male attention just like retard twink anon
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I know what I want and I don't deny it
Proofs? You got trips, but I need more evidence
Is there any reason to dip down to .380s when you already have 9s and up? As much as I like the look of the Bodyguard 2 and there's a cheap on in town, feels like it might be a downgrade. Or does it even fucking matter?
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When you need a really really small gun, personally I can conceal a 9mm or .45 as my “small gun” so I don’t need to go lower but some people don’t have fixations on tiny 1911s so they buy practical things like the bodyguard 2.0
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Why get my lens dirty so I can get it undirty later when I can just cover it with tape? I'm not any of those other anons but they do make some good points. I'd just really not like to fuck around with my shit to make it run good or not get fucked up.
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Nice. Gray guns makes a metal flat trigger for them now.
Having been able to get away with carrying a Glock 21 once or twice, you make a good point
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>pushing down on gun during trigger control at speed
>start heeling it up
>tighten up strong hand pinky and ring finger
>finally get a clean rep at the end of minutes
This grip stuff is tough for me. I feel like I’m squeezing until my hands shake but then at the trigger break I can feel that I’m not putting 100% pressure in with my pinky and ring finger.
Ben’s QRD in his videos are that they cover drills, par times, foundational skills, philosophies. He talks about how his overall advice has changed over the last ten years and whatever the newest book is reflects his current teaching method.
I’ve never read them.
Dry fire once a week, ten to fifteen minutes.
Range trip, 250 rounds once a month.
Definitely on my buy list, after getting better sights
Has anyone used the Trijicon night sights? They look neat.
Femboys have gotten cuter since I dated them.
When you buy it, based on the recent meeting I just had with them.
Board culture. Sorry.
This dude has a hard drive fullbof PP pics.
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I don’t have those specific sights but I have that Trijicon HD line of sights on my one of my PX4 Compacts.

I think they’re good. In normal light it’s a big dot front and blacked out rear as the rear tritium is barely a white dot, in night they’re 3 dot sights. You can focus only on the front big dot or use them in 3 dots in day.
>You can't buy handguns until 21
You can make or be gifted a gun if you are under 21.
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Faggots leave

This retard doesn’t know what hashing is
I'm sure you could show up and shoot. IDK much about that stuff, but it's up toothed hosting club, so even if you're not getting scored in the competition, they will probably let you shoot the courses. There is no freaking way they would let you used that holster. I would get an open top leather padde or belt holster.
>I feel like I’m squeezing until my hands shake
Counterproductive. You only need to hold the gun firmly enough that it's not squirming around inside your grip. Most of the gun's stability under recoil should come from your wrists being locked—again, just enough to keep your wrists from flopping around. Going beyond that isn't going to control the gun any better and will tire you out faster.
Vasoline on the lens
Wipe after
Faster and easier than taking the light off to wrap it in masking tape each time your shoot
New thread
Oh, your cat is going to love that pistol. My cat is a big HK fan too.
>Someone said I’m always saying my outdated guns are better than yours. I have Never said that.
Some people are so insanely desperate for validation that they get really hostile if you don't conform to their idea of how things should be to the point where they take a difference of opinions as a personal attack. For some reason this is actually embraced in gun culture.
>I carry a 45 cus they don't make a 46
>If you don't carry a caliber that starts with a 4 you're under armed.
> .40 Short and Weak is for pussies that can't hand Best Millimeter.
All we are discussing is poking small holes in unarmored, medium size mammals with hand guns and there isn't really THAT much difference between calibers, certainly not as much as the firearms industry would have you believe and it has broken the brains of some people that someone could consider .32 ACP as being adequate for self defense.
IDK, but it REALLY trigger some schizos.
It will be so comfy to carry, you won't want to carry your other guns.
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Sorry Burt, left yourself open on that one
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Old solution. RMR plate with 509T adaptor plate. Luckily they make direct 509t mounts for the VP9 now. This is a fairly old photo and that optics still on the VP9
I’ll have to look at that again. I’ve never noticed. I’ll compare mine tonight and see if I can tell a difference.
Get a USP45 and shoot some blisteringly hot .45 Super through it when you’re in the mood for 10mm levels of POWAH. Enjoy relatively inexpensive shooting with .45 ACP ammo the rest of the time.
or just get 40cpr AAC 10mm that clocks over box speed in every single test out there. that's roughly 225PF to your standard .45 ball's ~190PF, a very affordable way to go feel like hot shit at the range
Are there any top-tier manufacturers making an MP5 that comes with that ergonomic lower? All I can ever find are turk ones, HK and Dakota only ever seem to use the shitty basic oblong pistol grip.
Not a bad option… provided you can find anything chambered for 10mm that is remotely as cool or fun as a USP. Sadly, the Bren Ten has never been successfully rebooted. The Tanfoglio CZ clones are neat, but they aren’t quite it.

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