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>Drones have made warfare gay and lame
>Ammo and gun prices are fuckstupid high right now
>Every single zoomer is now interested in clapping out overpriced shit with accessories instead of learning shooting fundamentals

Give me ONE reason not to be blackpilled.
Because I love you OP and want you to be happy.
You'll feel better when you get out of your early 20s, get a career, and then your angst will subside.
Unless you stay here that is.
My state passed constitutional carry and part of it allows minors to conceal carry if with a guardian.
If you're still black pilled after that it's an issyou.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
>Verification not required
>Ammo and gun prices are fuckstupid high right now
this just isn't true. gun prices are practically back down to pre COVID times, even considering inflation. ammo still sucks, but that was the end of the peace dividend for us.
>Give me ONE reason not to be blackpilled.
your life is what you make of it.
Are you kidding? The older I get and the more consumed by my career I get, the worse it is. Not OP but this is just fuckin wrong.
drones made warfare cooler than ever
>killed off /k/ino tank duels
Nah, the sea drones are cool though.
The biggest lie anyone ever told me in my entire life was "it gets better"
>/k/ino tank duels
rarely happened. Still do, rarely. Last big one was what, Kursk? Desert Storm was gay and everything you hear about it is boomers blowing smoke up your ass.
>drones have made warfare gay and lame
I don’t disagree, but I also don’t completely agree. It’s fun watching ziggers get chased down by hobby grade toys with RPGs strapped to them.
>ammo and gun prices are fuckstupid high
Ammo has come back down significantly, and guns are about the same if you account for inflation
>Every single zoomer is now interested in clapping out overpriced shit with accessories instead of learning shooting fundamentals
What’re you, a fudd? Nothing about common accessories like red dots or WMLs prevent people from learning fundamentals, and since optics are here to stay, people are better off learning on what they’re going to end up using the most anyways. Bitching about stuff like that just screams fudd, or sour grapes.
I was extremely blackpilled in my mid 20s. I got better. If the state of the world makes your life suck, that’s on you. >>62520447 same for you.
>I was extremely blackpilled in my mid 20s. I got better.
Sounds like your life was complete dogshit and anything you did was an improvement.

Literally your post was "get a lil older and have a job" That's really your criteria for happiness? You must have been fucking useless in your 20s lol.
I'm not sure how you got "get a little older and have a job" out of that, but don't let me stop you from sperging out about it, faggot. I got out of my spiral while I was still in my 20's but go ahead and seethe.
Like I said, if the state of the world makes your life suck, that's on you.
Cheap vintage sporting arms due to lack of interest from the youngsters.
Because that's literally what you said. I'm glad getting a job was enough to make you happy (it won't last) but work alone is not the key to happiness.
Beat up old .22s are still $100

Trump will win and secure rights and world peace, or we will collapse under horrible kamala and we can live the boogaloo

win win

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Tell us what you want then or stop whining about it
you could always commit suicide at your earliest convience if life sucks so hard then
Go ahead and quote anywhere in my post where I said getting a job will make you happy. Cause uh, spoiler, it won't if you hate your job.
I love my job, but I get more actual happiness out of spending time with my wife and my friends, and going shooting or just tinkering with guns.
>Drones have made warfare gay and lame
Yeah, nah. Those thermite-spitting drones look fucking sick.
>Give me ONE reason not to be blackpilled.
all your potential adversaries are fake and gay, and you are... blackpilled? you're obviously not trying to assist them
>You'll feel better when you get out of your early 20s, get a career, and then your angst will subside.
The entire post mental retard man.
Meant for >>62521007
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Maybe life isn't so bad.
I wasn't the anon who posted that, retard-kun. No wonder I had no fucking idea what you were sperging out about. I just said if the state of the world makes your life suck, that's on you. I wasn't the guy saying a career will make your life better.
By definition nothing that is material or finite can spare you from the blackpill, even funs.

Read the Gospels (it doesn't take too long), Learn about the life and teachings of Jesus and figure out if its worth trusting Him over yourself. You won't regret it.
fucking delusional retard
I've never seen this updated with 2023-24

Im in my 30s have a job and still want to kms since im a khv autist with zero confidence. The "it gets better" people are full of shit.
Same boat. I just reaaally stopped giving a shit because it isn't getting better.
My teeth hate me.
Why claw for some ground when they're just gonna take it away from you? That's fucked up, man.
It can get better, but it doesn't mean that it will. At least do or change something so that you don't feel like a passenger in your own life.
shut the fuck up nigger, drones are the best thing to happen to warfare since pretty much ever. no asiatic horde will ever threaten civilization again
I've decided to check out and convalesce, but then people keep asking me to do shit or I get a spurt of energy and want to get some things off my checklist and just do them manually, but it's exhausting.
And yes, I have seen like four doctors for this burnout. I'm glad I don't have kids, they wouldn't deserve this lack of care.
I really dont see what i can do to find the sort of partner im looking for that would accept my autistic ways
Careers? Who the hell has a Career in Current Year?
I’m 21 and haven’t put any accessories on my guns. Tacticool shit is gross. I use an A2 clone for my AR so I don’t really have an urge to put something on it besides a sling
>he doesn’t have a comfy WFH job
who put in the bruen judges faggot?
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Things have never been better anon. I'm picking up one of my dream guns tomorrow and the weather should be sunny after a week of heavy rain, might go straight to the range.
Go outside and have some fun, whatever that means for you. Reminder that blackpill is for retarded faggots and literal blacks.
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The world grows more pro-gun by the day, we are walking into an era where even Europeans are starting to embrace gun ownership, all while the US slowly peels back on older and older tard tier gun laws.
Even the leafs are starting to demand full auto legalization and buying up guns/ammo en mass.
Even Cali is starting to be forced to undo it's ass-backwards regulations on constitutional grounds.
We won, fudds, soccer moms, and commies, lost.
Everything after this is a victory lap.
9mm is cheap, if you consider inflation it might be the lowest its even been.
Is that a younger Otto Skorzeny after a fencing duel?

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