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Why do I keep seeing people say "The F16’s are a game changer for Ukraine"???

Don't they have Fulcrums (barely lesser than F16s) and Flankers (vastly superior to F16s)?

Exactly which Flanker variants do they have?
because you are reading stupid things written by stupid people

the reason you read them is because those people are your peers
You read something that was written by a zigger. Almost nobody with half a functioning brain will tell you an F-16 will change the war fundamentally.
>people still don't realize that this is a bait thread
you'd think the literal first result for "F-16" on google images and the inability to google "Ukrainian Air Force" and read the equipment summary on wikipedia would tip you off
All their soviet planes are old rustbuckets at the end of their life which need to lob shit from afar and are held together with spare parts from ex-Warsaw pact countries that are quickly running out.

Furthermore the only ones hyping up the F-16 is reddit and vatnigs. It will be an improvement but the numbers are too few and they don't recieve the most advanced version of the F-16 (yet).
Why would Ukraine need a game changer? They're winning.
>Flankers (vastly superior to F16s)
Ukraine has functional air defense so Russia can't use those aircraft against them. The reverse is not true.
>Flankers (vastly superior to F16s)
In reddit? yeah
There's a slightly different dynamic actually which shows why Ukraine has been dramatically more succesful and daring with their air force. Both sides have limited air assets. Both sides do not have the capacity to replace their losses. However, Ukraine is fighting a war of national defense against annihilation and genocide, there's no point hoarding their fighters because if they lose, there's no more Ukraine.
However Russia is fighting a war of colonial expansion, just one of many it hopes will restore it to the status of great empire and major power. It absolutely needs to hoard it's air force and airframes because it will 100% need them in the next war it fights.
Which is why it fundamentally makes no sense to hamstring Ukraine from making long range strikes to destroy Russia's air force, since doing so will deter Russia from future aggression.
>Exactly which Flanker variants do they have?
They only have ex-soviet versions, no active radar missiles, radar warning and avionics are completely out of date. Effectively unusable for BVR combat against russia.

There is no evidence that F-16s are in Ukraine.
>flies for one day
>game changer
You will NEVER retake Kursk lol.
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They aren't a game changer but being able to integrate NATO weapons is a nice advantage over slavshit.
>inb4 they fire HARMs from Migs
Yes, they also can't choose targets and just fire them off in the general direction after their SPO goes off.
Alright, what happened this time? Another failed russian counteroffensive in Kursk?
>Kursk is a city in Russia under russian control
Yeah take that hohols! You'll never retake it!
I'm getting tired of posting this: our Malaysian experience with operating our Guccied top of the line Fulcrums and Su-30MKMs vs our bog standard F/A-18Ds (don't ask, our gov is schizo) have shown that Russian planes are mediocre at best and get shot down in close in dogfights by the Hornet 7 out of 10 times. This is the best test of fighter abilities given that the confounding factors of unequal level of pilot training, and muh monkey model are eliminated. In fact, our Fulcrums are now grounded due to the engines having already burnt out (the Hornets are still going) while the Su-30s are only good for wowing airshows and meme cobras. It was telling that when Flip terrorists invaded a town in Lahad Datu, it was the Hornet that was used against them due to its ultra accurate laser guided bombing ability.
Eagles are better than Falcons and Flankers are just below to on par with Eagles that makes them also better than Falcons as well
>They only have ex-soviet versions
27s, 30s or 35s?
t. aviation expert (all of his expertise comes from Ace Combat 5)
How is this possible? The air frame and overall design of the Flanker is objectively immeasurably better than the F18?
>muh monkey model
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>Flankers are just below to on par with Eagles
WTF does pic related mean?
Is the MKM not already the most advanced Flanker in existence?
because what you just said isnt true. Its like if I drew a picture of a plane with lasers gatling guns and mind control missiles. It doesnt mean that picture is reality. A plane isnt a mockup and a spec sheet. Its the quality of the steel in its turbines, and the software in its radar.
The baseline Eagle and the baseline Flanker were objectively near equally god tier. Both the greatest non-Stealth airframe designs to exist in human history without a doubt.

And the Strike Eagle and MKI/MKM upgrades improved them both comparatively. Explain how I am wrong bitch?
F-16 is cheap crap
Most countries are phasing them out in favor of french and chinese jets
do you do this because nobody irl will listen to your autism?
Those are genuinely separate people. I am - >>62522650
And I think the Flankers are massively better but I am not a cunt like >>62522669
Who thinks the F16 is bad, just the weakest current American fighter.
nah, you're both the same in your retardation.
>Don't they have Fulcrums (barely lesser than F16s) and Flankers (vastly superior to F16s)?
I get this is a troll thread and no one said 6 f16s were a game changer, but at least dont lie too transparently, thirdie.
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Where did someone say that 6 planes would be a game changer?

>Fulcrums (barely lesser than F16s) and Flankers (vastly superior to F16s)?

You got any actual facts to back up that retarded turd-worlder statement?
>10 rupees were deposited into your account.
Any dual engine 4th generation Russian fighter should be able to fly circles around that thing
>Why do I keep seeing people say "The F16’s are a game changer for Ukraine"???
F16 have better compatibility with western missiles.
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>Why do I keep seeing people say "The F16’s are a game changer for Ukraine"???
Because they are coping since day one. Literally every weapon send was a "game changer". But Russia still advancing in all the frontline.
>Because they are coping since day one. Literally every weapon send was a "game changer"
And nature of that conflict has changed multiple times.
In real life casus belli are as flexible as your populous. If you can bend them easily then it is easy to pretend you never fought the war you said you fought and are instead fighting something else altogether. It isn't some Paradox video game.
Eagle mogs at BVR
The F-16 is not the game-changer; it is the missiles that it fires. The F-16 is a fast-moving missile truck. With some hard points, you could almost replace it with an airliner.
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>Su-57 out of nowhere
Not in a one-circle
Better radar, comms, range, supply chain for maintenance, and NATO munitions being tailor made for F-16s. So, no more nigger rigging NATO munitions that only have half their functionality.
>Fulcrums (barely lesser than F16s) and Flankers (vastly superior to F16s)
Both of those planes are old shit with barely working radars and weapons
AFU never got newer planes from russia after 1991
Still coping about getting neutered Rafales, Serb?
just retards who don't understand what aircraft can and cannot do
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Vipers are better than Eagles, and that's a hill I will die on.
vipers are compatible with western armaments and systems - jerryrigging has its limits
- also there is very tight supply of soviet airframes in ukie friendly countries
- while there are hundreds f16 that can be sourced...
additionally they will have pilots and ground crews ready when they run out of post soviet stuff
so yea its a big deal - they went from dozen or two possible replacement planes to hundreds
The F-16s would have been more interesting if they had better radars. The MLU's APG-66 won't be able to compete with the MiG 31's Zaslon, and it can't carry missiles like the R-37s. So the Russians can keep their air superiority. It's better than their MiG-29s but not good enough.

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