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Kino jungle war has broken out in Papua with 300 active tribal combatants skirmishing all over the Poreaga Gold mining region.

Initial casualty estimates are 30-50 with dozens of homes/squats torched and shoot on sight orders active for active combatants.
Papua in a nutshell:
>only industry is mining
>mine sites themselves are the focal point of economic activity rather than the townships
>There's no real land ownership, tribal claims are all effectively defacto
>Australia runs Port Moresby as a colony, but has little control
>other foreign actors exert influence through a variety of means
>basically everyone sponsors tribal militias either actively or reactively
>whole region under threat from Indonesian military, Chinese military, Australian military
>paramilitary death squads hard counter local insurgents
>maybe a hundred serious mercenaries in the region
Pope Francis has asked them to stop shooting each other over the Gold he paints his ceiling with.
>Australia runs Port Moresby
>Australian military is a threat
sources please
>Implying that ceiling wasn't painted in gold centuries ago
Francis is a fag
Good point Michelangelo
P Sherman told me, maybe he will write a google scholarly article on the jungle monkeys he just shot so you can get an inline citation for Wikipedia. Gaycunt.
this post is from the australian submental who follows random facebook drama about reflections in the eye of one melbourne cop with an obsessive fixation like he just learned about touching his pp

>landslide in may killed 2000+ people
>no work
>mine is closed
>wow a gang fight kills a few malcontents
>muh happening

this is just a tuesday in most of the world, sheltered child
The photo is from Google because 4chan said I had to use one.
Obviously with shoot on sight orders still active nobody actually engaged in the lawless killings is particularly keen to post their footage, which would probably look something like this
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Why, man?
I bet this is the Autralians' fault.
Man, it looks as if this boog graduated to ooga boog.
The reason the war is Kino is because it's a limited conflict, it's gloves on.

A lot of the fighters belong to tribal groups who have their own rules, so might seperate a duel, a civil, criminal killing and an act of war.

The reason you see tribals fighting with bows and arrows is not because they lack guns, it's because conflict with traditional weapons means the conflict is governed by tribal law, and the police have to stay out of it. Many tribal weapons are hereditary status symbols and having one is synonymous with various rights to be armed or engage in combat. So don't ever think tribals don't have guns.

Similarly the guns you see brandished are often just murder weapons men will use then discard and as such like a sawn off shotgun are best interpreted as a threat. This is how 300 combatants in a skirmish with a hundred guns might cause relatively few casualties, they are just threatening each other, firing pot shots, targeting individuals, raping women, burning down squats. Not even this is real war. The pipe rifle militia is just that.

The serious mercenaries, trans national PMC, the tribal fighters, they don't advertise and nobody advertises them. If I had a photo of one I wouldn't post it, their influence extends globally.

One big thing going on here is how easy it is to access the global arms market if your have gold. In many cases the only reason these guys are trying to mine gold is to make black market arms deals, and this is why the mine can't real pay illegal miners to stay away from the area.
>In 2022 Canadaland reported hundreds of rapes undertaken by employed security contractors, and starting in 2003 or 2004 a policy of using sexual violence as a means to deter people from salvaging for gold on around the mine.[4] Canadaland quoted Akali Tange's 2005 report The Shooting Fields of Porgera Joint Venture which documents allegations of murder of local residents by mine security contractors.[4][19]

If the mine allows scavengers, stakeholders will arm the scavengers to interrupt the gold mining. The mine has about 500 PMC on site but calls in mobile death squads as needed. Apparently they gang rape illegal miners to keep people away from the area

But that's just one story, someone else might tell you the PNG government stole half the mine with Australian backing, and so Berrick brought in the Chinese as partners to push back. The Chinese want to build a Naval base on the island to push the Australians out. Why? Chinese want the gold mine.

500,000 ounces a year, 2500k an ounce.
They'd kill the entire population of the country for that much gold. Any of the major players would. And then there's the Indonesians who would also really like that gold.

So unlike your gay TV shit this is a real war
>300 active tribal combatants
Are they running around ass-naked shooting dudes with poison blowdarts?
>So unlike your gay TV shit this is a real war
No it isn't.
Its a small amount of brown people being backwards and killing each other in half-assed ways.
T shirts, machetes and hunting rifles is the norm but if it's got more serious ask kinds of guns. Even Japanese ww2 30mm canons show up.

When they fight with bows it's usually an inter tribal beef, such violence is also common.
they're asking for napalm
australia needed to keep running PNG another 3-4 decades to get it into a decent state to hand over to the locals, we ran because we were scared of being seen as colonial. now they're rooted
bump 4 interest
not true
there's also logging
Should have never given it back to them. Could have been good
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>Could have been good
It would have just been another NT, one big city and a bunch of impoverished settlements full of drunkards out in the bush. That and if we kept PNG the Bougainville business would have been our problem and with the taste of Vietnam still fresh a lot of people would have been mighty pissy about us fighting an separatist insurgency.
They're literally black negritos, the same lineage as the Aussie Abos.
You gotta be really desperate to rape negrito women if you're a foreign PMC.
Indonesia's economy is booming. They've lost interest in PNG or Timor Leste.
>poop wave attack
We must fly in and secure the gold
Settling disputes with stone aged weapons sounds pretty based
What does Indonesia have to do with what he said?
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>Apparently they gang rape illegal miners to keep people away from the area
Uhhh... so are they going to their villages to do reprisal rapes of the women or did the mercs bring back buck breaking?
I had always granted Melanesians the benefit of the doubt. I assumed that by some quirk they happen to look like Africans but wouldn't act like them. But you're telling me events develop in a similar fashion even though they're oceans apart?

Well, hopefully we'll get some ape/k/ino.
>they happen to look like Africans but wouldn't act like them.
Most Africans are kittens compared to these Dravidian goblins, the only ones that are anywhere near as bloodthirsty are the east coast stick-men types and the Arab mixed northern blacks
Papua New Guinea is the only set of territory in the entire world that is still labeled as "head hunting cannibals" 600 years after colonisation
>going to their villages to do reprisal rapes
they go there and rape the women, eat the men and bury the children alive after chopping off their arms and legs. no, not kidding even a little bit
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And also home to the Simbari semen warriors. To quote: "Pre-pubescent boys are required to perform fellatio on older males and swallow the semen because it is believed that "without this 'male milk' they will fail to mature properly." Upon reaching adulthood, men marry and engage in heterosexual behavior, initially requiring their brides to fellate them and later perform penis-in-vagina sexual intercourse. Homosexual behavior past this point is rare "
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This isn't even the only gay shota blowjob tribe.
There's two others.
The Etoro
>most men marry and have heterosexual relations with their wives. The fear that heterosexual sex causes them to die earlier and the belief that homosexual sex prolongs life means that heterosexual relations are focused towards reproduction.
The Baruya
>The Baruya are characterized by a strong inequality between males and females; all their organizations, institutions, and myths present male domination. They have a ritual in which boys give fellatio to young males and drink their semen, to 're-engender themselves prior to marriage
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I FUCKING HATE strip mining so much it's not funny. One of the most ecologically destructive economic practices out there.
Nice, hopefully they kill all the industrial niggers.
Unfortunately, reproducing is not ecologically sound. I'm sorry Ms Frank but please now face the wall.
You cold have summed that up with "Papua is a non-white country that isn't Japan or Korea"
I live in western PA and strip minning, even the way more destructive kind we did from the 30s to the 80s isn't nearly as destructive as you think, within 20 years grasslands take hold, in 30 you have scrub, and now we even have decent soils again on some of the old stripjobs. Not that it matters, as a geologist I can tell you that its much cheaper to drift or progressively mine the seam from one side of the hill to the other these days. Stripping only works for beds with little overburden which have been largely exhausted. And if its a pit mine for copper or something who gives a fuck, fuck the desert, "rich ecosystem" my ass its just a blatant attempt to claim most desert isn't worthless wasteland good only for pronghorn hunting.
Also in PNG there are some tribes in which the mothers routinely sexually-torture their kids, really grim stuff
What do you expect from a Jesuit?
It takes at least 800 years for a wooded area to return to natural forest, provided all the necessary species of flora and fauna are even available to populate. Grass and shrubs are biologically speaking just green concrete, completely meaningless.
Gay rape trauma mind control, it’s what the CIA does
This, that's also not mentioning all the heavy metals and other stuff that has now been exposed, former mines are usually polluted to hell and back because companies just declare bankruptcy to not have to pay for the cleanup.
>Grass and shrubs are just green concrete
Don't they sell the whole natural lawns (IE letting shrubs and wildlife that isn't long lasting trees) taking over being vastly more productive for wildlife? I'm not sure I buy that forests are the only meaningful environment. Maybe for a place that had originally been just woodlands, but make that from urban or industrial blight to grassy wilderness and it won't be meaningless.
thats good for like two species of solitary bees. What we typically call forests today are mono culture tree plantations of spruce, fir, or pine. If the measurement is in number of native species an area can support nothing comes anywhere close to natural forest.
Land development, mining, etc. doesnt have to be catastrophic if regulated with a modicum of intelligence. Managed land posing as natural might actually have the worst consequences while looking pristine to the average person
>800 years
Bullshit some areas which were clearcut for housing and tannin back in the 19th century regrew within 60 years, were select cut again and are now grown again. Also Despite there being zero reclamation on most of the stripjobs we have a foot of decent soil just due to the action of grass, pines, and blackberry. Hell the original forest was mostly hemlock and other than providing tannic acid for processing furs and shitty boards for shitty houses they were useless. I'm glad the destroyed it so it could be replaced with more valuable hardwood.
Is that open-pit mining anon?
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