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What’s the best option to defend yourself in a road rage incident if you live in a no-gunz country?
ram em with the car
Record the whole thing on your smartphone and submit it to police. Make sure to get a clear video of their face and license plate while locked inside your car.
>you are in car
>doors are locked (as you're not retarded)
>no-gunz implies the other guy, likely, doesn't have a gun either
>other guy gets out of car
>you decide to get out of car for some reason instead of just staying inside or driving away
retardation or toxic masculinity is not a positive trait, anon. you can just drive away or choose not to engage, it's not like the guy can do anything beyond smashing your window and prompting you to floor it in 95% of cases.
Like just get in the car
Close the door nigga
you NEED a dashcam, this is nonnegotiable, if you want to defend yourself, a dashcam is required
other than that, a machete or small bat / tire checker are the weapons of choice, a machete will especially stop a fight by just having been looked at & still comes in handy as a legit tool
this holy fuck
>no i'm a MAN I NEED to DEFEND MYSELF because i'm a MAN
no, just lock the fucking doors and if he tries to break your window run him over
what's he gonna do? shoot you with the gun he doesn't have?

in 99% of noguns countries possessing something like a machete or tire iron, especially anywhere near the driver seat, will get you raped about as hard as having a gun would be. just use the car as a weapon and claim you were scared how hard is this ffs
It's difficult to justify using a firearm in self defense if someone is doing road rage against you.

They practically have to be dragging you out of your car.

Just record everything, lock your seat belt and drive away or stay. Most cops argue why didn't you just drive away.

It's better to keep a long knife on you and use it for self defense when they drag you from your car, or use a huge amount of pepper spray.

You slash them when they drag you out of your car, do it when their hands have broken through your car window or spray them everytime they get inside the vehicle.

Just keep a bowie knife on you, cheap on Amazon, sharpen it good.
I'm a motorcyclist, if I needed to defend myself from bike thieves just how dangerous is it to headbut them with my helmet on? Will I get bent over in court?
a machete is a tool, a mere yard implement
if your country is considering a glorified knife such a mortal danger, they're not going to be easy on you for flattening a guy with a 2 ton brick on aluminum & steel
i'd rather stop the confrontation with the glance of a weapon, than end it with one
headbutting a dude probably won't hurt him that bad unless he falls back and slams his head, but realistically if he's physically dragging you off you're bike you're probably fine.

literally no court in a western country that bans guns is going to accept "i was just keeping a machete next to my driver seat to clear brush" as an excuse. also brandishing is a crime. just floor it when they break your window like literally any normal person.
Use poe.com
>literally no court in a western country that bans guns is going to accept "i was just keeping a machete next to my driver seat to clear brush" as an excuse.
never heard of keeping camping supplies in a car?
are you fucking stupid, or have you just never had an encounter with the police or justice system?
i can ask the same of you, you realize?
>resorting to no u posting
yeah, you're underage. good luck when you hack a dude half to death with the machete next to your handbrake and the first thing the judge asks you is "why did you have a machete within arms reach of you while driving around the suburbs".
You get yourself a wiffleball bat. cut a hole in the bottom and slide in a piece of rebar. Fill with concrete. They'll never know.
you are a terminally online cityfaggot who has never held a knife larger than one meant for the kitchen
i'd call you a noguns, but thats a given
there will be a day where you realize you're a fucking loser, but it won't be soon enough
anon, i know that toxic masculinity is a term that's been tainted by retarded feminists using it, but you are actually displaying legit toxic masculinity. calm the fuck down. you win no points by setting yourself up for several years in prison by carrying around a machete like a retard instead of just using your car. you are not impressing anyone.
Most people aren't camping in Borneo
thanks, anon
i needed that, i've finally come to my senses
you know what, >>62521690? i forgive you, it was wrong of me to insult you
i hope you can find it in your heart to look past my transgressions
Don't leave the car.
Don't leave the car.
it's funny because you can do things up to and including using rifles for self defense in noguns countries anyway, you just need to prove that you were forced to do so. i think in australia or germany there was a case where a dude was ambushed in his car while he had a rifle in the back seat (he was driving to or from a gun range or something) and he got off because he was able to prove that he was threatened enough to use lethal force, but also had just enough time to get his gun and load it, and had no other reasonable option than to use the gun.

it's just that it's an extremely high bar to meet in court. doing what that retard is proposing is going to get you hit with a manslaughter or murder charge as you're clearly putting the "camping supplies" within easy reach in order to force a confrontation and kill someone. this isn't a difficult concept and he's probably underage to think it'd even work in court.
>he's probably underage
you seem pretty mad, anon
do you call every person who you don't like underage?
sounds like projection to me, in fact
to be really clear
>have knife in glovebox for utility purposes
>some lunatic runs a red and hits you
>your car is now undrivable
>he jumps out with a baseball bat
>he breaks your driver side window
>he is trying to open the door and kill you
>you grab the knife and stab him
>he gets nicked in an artery and dies in a few seconds
you'll be fine in 99% of countries. you had no actual choice, the knife was there for a reasonable purpose (cutting straps lets say), and you didn't provoke or meaningfully contribute to the fight taking place.

>have machete within easy reach
>guy brake checks you
>your car is fine, doors are locked
>he jumps out and starts screaming at you (perhaps he's on drugs)
>you are no longer safe to get out of the car or talk to him (in this case the police always want you to call them immediately as you can't share insurance details but also can't leave)
>you pull out a fucking machete, perhaps you even get out of the car
>fight ensues
>the guy gets hurt or killed
you are getting charged. you had multiple chances to deescalate or at least not contribute to a fight starting, you chose to escalate at every turn.

you are underage though. wanting to get into fights to prove your manliness at every opportunity even when it's very clear you might end up in prison for doing it is a childish trait. i really hope you're not over 25 as that'd be embarrassing.
Pepper spray.
>you are underage though. wanting to get into fights to prove your manliness at every opportunity even when it's very clear you might end up in prison for doing it is a childish trait.
you do realize you can't just run someone over like its gta, right?
you're not just gonna get a 1 star alert on your dash, that you just wait 3 minutes to go away
this is real life, now i know you're quite young, and have began driving, but this isn't like your videogames, the cops aren't going to let you go
you're becoming a big boy, anon, you have to start acting like an adult
100% underage. the anger at being called out is hilarious
your projection is even more hilarious

There's a very simple solution to this, register an LLC do some yard work, go camping, offer to switch out friends tires on gokarts or something. How is it that hard to just *do* the things that can be, later, claimed in court?

It's a win-win, OP goes outside AND has plausible deniability.

Plus, yes, it'll hold up in court. If you have camping supplies and the mud in the car to prove you go camping regularly. Or if you have the machete because you enjoy forest retreats. Or if you have a bat, mitten, ball, dirty grass stained pants, because you go playing with the Bros.

Also, OP just don't be a dick. Go about your day. If you're regularly getting into tussles, maybe it's not the other drivers starting it.

Other than that, if you aren't actively being cased, just leave. You only have one life. If you are so pathetically useless that you simply must retaliate to every autistic fuck on the road MAYBE you should illegally carry a weapon and get tossed in the slammer.

Very rarely should you actually encounter a situation where life and death are at play (setting aside near-miss accidents). If you are in such a situation see my points above >>62521829
i don't think that guy is smart enough to understand this, anon.
>I have a self propelled 100kW, 2 ton steel ram
>The other retard gets out of his ram
>pistons go brrr
Yea, maybe you're right
Just drive away
from a third world no gun country perspective, i can say that your only option is to drive away (dash cam can help with evidence too). And i say only option because, regardless of result:
>you carry knives
you would get arrested for carrying weapon in the first place if this story goes to the police
>you hurt him lightly
you can get killed by armed people
>you hurt him badly or kill him in self defense
there is no self-defense law (or it's unfair most of the time), you get arrested or have to pay damage for him
>you try to intimidate with whatever you have that isnt knife or machete
they may not be alone and may kill and mug you since there are many cases of robbing gang pretending to be in road rage situation

Just dont engage in road rage scenarios, they can kill without impunity, sometimes with gang members even
>What’s the best option to defend yourself in a road rage incident if you live in a no-gunz country?
Defensive driving.

Nobody is going to get out of their car unless you're acting like a jackass too.
In the trunk of the car? Sure, go nuts. In a backpack in the back seat? No problem. Easily accessible next to the driver's seat? Not so much. There aren't a lot of camping situations where you're sitting in your car and suddenly have an urgent need to have a machete in your hand in the next ten seconds.
>What’s the best option to defend yourself in a road rage incident if you live in a no-gunz country?
Turning your car 360 degrees and driving away
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I use this.
the car. ram and escape.
>What’s the best option to defend yourself in a road rage incident if you live in a no-gunz country?

1) Stop and lock your doors, close the windows
2) Take out phone and start recording a video
3) Sloooowly drive away but make sure it's just enough so the rager is able to follow you on foot
4) Keep on recording while he gets angrier by the minute and also further away from his vehicle
5) Don't stop or speed away. Let him walk off all the rage.
6) When he turns around and starts to walk back, drive to the nearest police station and give them a copy of the video.
7) After the case is closed make sure to upload the video for the world's entertainment when they see how that raging moron follows you like a donkey with a carrot infront of his nose.
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>toxic masculinity
holy shit please be bait
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I mean
Tire iron.
>Caring about some road raging fuckface in the first place
>Stopping for some road raging fucktard instead of just taking the next left or turning around before the next traffic light or the road raging fuckface forces you to stop
>Not only stopping but getting out of the car to confront the road raging kiddie diddler instead of just locking yourself and taking clear videos of his actions, face and license plate
>Giving the road raging sodomite what he wants instead of denying him the satisfaction of fighting you, beating up your car, whatever

If you stop because of a road rager you're right into a battle who's the bigger retard of you guys and you got very good chances of winning that duel.
>Don't let road ragers stop your car under no circumstances
>Don't talk to road ragers, don't argue with them, don't even make fun of them no matter how bad they deserve it
>Do get away first chance you got and never get out of your vehicle because he's already outside so you're always in the worse situation of you two.
a gun
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>tire iron
>get you raped about as hard as having a gun would be
And if a road rager follows you then you call the cops immediately. Tell them that some mad ass road raging fucker is following you and you're in fear for your life. Don't forget to take videos to enjoy the moment when the cops fuck him up over and over again.

Seriously, I'm an all self-defense, shoot first, better to be carried by six than being judged by twelve kind of person. But road ragers are the lowest form of scum. They don't even deserve a fucking bullet.
Yeah, sure there might be situations where you cannot get away from such a fucker. But most road raging incidends give you ample space and time to record videos and just drive away before the ragers got any chance to damage your vehicle or, more important, you.
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Steroids + HGH
zipgun/4winds shotgun/FGC9
Many such options.
Don't be a pussy. Learn martal arts, eat more meat, pump up your muscles and put them down like a man.
Box cutter.
Ram with your car.
Machete will 100% get you in a suspended sentence in the very best case, so use a wood splitting axe
a tire iron ought to be kept in the trunk (boot if you're a bong or aussie) having it at hand to fend off an attacker WILL be used as evidence of premeditation
No im sorry anon getting into a fight on the street over getting cut off its cringe
You are in a vehicle that weighs a ton. He is coming at you, all fleshy and chewy.
You don't defend yourself from road rage, you become the road rage. A nice bump will not kill him, but will dissuade him from walking for a while. Problem solved.
>Just get out of your car and kung fu/stab him bro
You ain't got an ounce more brains than the average road rager
How did the court case go for the driver?
Smart people should strive to look crazier and scarier than anything they might encounter.
Roll up the window and drive away.
>t. Actual adult
People forget how little speed and distance you need to fall to cause permanent brain damage or death. Why risk everything over traffic bullshit you'll forget when you get home?
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Honor and such
the very existence of a term such as
>toxic masculinity
and the use of such a term can only be explained by overbearing feminists
Call it what you want, but always be aware of insecure men with a chip on their shoulder.
you can say that about literally anything, "watch out for assholes", such potent & wise words, totally never heard that before
As well as overly critical feminists who think all aggressiveness is the result of gender identity. Are you a failed tranny, effeminate male liberal, Karen, or just dumb?
>3) Sloooowly drive away but make sure it's just enough so the rager is able to follow you on foot
>4) Keep on recording while he gets angrier by the minute and also further away from his vehicle
>5) Don't stop or speed away. Let him walk off all the rage.
Fucking kek
This. You're in a giant metal box that moves under your control. Use it accordingly.
Just stay in the car and drive away if they get violent. Don’t get into fights with violent retards.
I can't think of a better example of toxic masculinity than road rage. The fact you have a problem with those words from anon's post suggests your brain is being rotted by the internet
I really can't imagine leaving my car to fight some stranger in the middle of the road. What is wrong with people?
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Maglite 6D
Now fuck off
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>better example
>of something that could only be correlated by the slim statistical margins, slim enough that most statistics would call it margin of error
I've seen more road rage related incidents involving males who get confrontational on behalf of female drivers who were retardedly aggressive than males being retarded on their own behalf. If you were singling those sorts of cases out and attributing that aspect of
>gender role
to a relationship causing incidents to be attributed to
>toxic masculinity
you MAY have made some sort of logical point. I still would not have agreed with the use of the term because it is nonsensical, but at least it would have had some logic behind it. The fact that you think it applies as any sort of blanket term (at all, but especially in this context) proves that you're a shitrag.
Install one of those super loud air horns meant for locomotives or 18-wheelers in your car to make the other guy fuck off.
>tire iron
How are you supposed to change a flat tire without one?
Run the guy over with your car.
Flee the scene in vehicle if possible.
Use the vehicle as a truck of peace.
Don't flee on foot, however. They may simply run you down.
Unrelated but as an American I always thought road rage was a uniquely American problem.
Not well, he stole that truck from the guy in the vest who tried to stop him from carjacking someone else.
>73 replies and this one isn't the only post
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You guys have got me wondering what percentage of road rage incidents are directed at work vehicles with restrictions on speed or other driving requirements.
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Is this not a weapons board?
OP wants to know about weapons and I'm going to support him.
Get yourself a "tire thumper" and remember, have fun!
Contrary to popular belief, you can use you car (that you're currently sitting in) to leave.
buddy of mine lived in the inner city for a few years. said he kept a hammer under the seat. I thought it was based lol
>I really can't imagine leaving my car to fight some stranger in the middle of the road. What is wrong with people?

Indeed! Let your car be a part of the nonsensical frivolity!
Chase your assailant down the road, honking your horn and flashing your lights, with the wipers on "hi" and the radio blaring Tiny Tim!
Bystanders will think it's merely a youtube prank, til they see the body parts coming off as you run him under the chassis and let the driveline feast on his wretched carcass.
does okay, i guess
Drive well.
You're in a car dude, just drive away. If someone is following you, pull into the nearest large parking lot and start driving slowly around it in circles until the guy calms down and fucks off.
It's always the same dudes who say the same kind of shit, and they live in major cities or have no actual experience with parts of the US where this type of thing is completely normal. If you live outside of a massive shithole city, where people actually work and/or have lives that involve doing outside activities, it is completely normal to see dudes carrying knives/axes/mauls/saws/guns/ammunition and a whole load of other gear in their vehicles. It is extremely commonplace where I'm from at least to see people walking around in camo with hunting gear open-carrying knives and handguns for instance. Just depends on the state. LE is used to this and generally super chill about all of it.
Pretend to start to leave the car but immediately back the car away and speed off to the nearest police station. Under no circumstances should you leave the car unless your car is already wrecked/trapped. In that case, RUN FORREST, RUN!
Turn your washer fluid nozzle 180 degrees and put pepper spray in it
The amount of progressive manchildren like this on /k/ who think their bubble of delusions is reality just staggers me.
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>toxic masculinity
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not participate in it in the first place?
eloquently put
Man. Imagine the damage she could do to muh dick
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As a former PSD trunk monkey, you never stop for anything smaller than you and you don’t stick around when someone attacks you. Drive around, on or over and fuck off.
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BGM-71 TOW missile system mounted to the top of your car. Allows you to easily take out any vehicle, even semis, and at a significant distance.

I drive a Prius in a rural area where everyone makes fun of me, but since I mounted one of these bad boys not one truck has cut me off.

A 20mm autocannon, pic related, is not a bad compromise on a budget.
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Drive a Twingo.
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Upon witnessing its delightful visage the aggressor will be awash with a sense of peace and calm
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His guard down, the Twingo will use this chance to strike
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In a no-guns county there's one weapon that would be especially effective
"Yes, your honor. Clearly my goal was to meet you and get your autograph then win a prison sentence. That's exactly why I had camping equipment. It was all bait for this exact outcome instead of being randomly niggered while I (hadn't unpacked/packed in advance).
I can't find the webm of her shooting at a fleeing vehicle on my phone but one exists.
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You're saying blackface is ok again then?
Road rage is largely an american thing.
For the rare exception:
1) Learn to drive courteously and prudently, and if necessary, defensively.
2) Don't get in fights. Drive away. You don't need to prove your point to some random.
3) Learn to throw a punch.
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Imagine the angry sex
>dont get enraged
>dont provoke people
>if you get raged at, just leave. youre in a car.
Road ragers are genuinely in an altered state of mind. Something about driving just turns people into berserk animals. They are hopped up on so much rage and adrenaline that no normal means of combat outside of traumatic deadly injury will stop them. If you confront them when you could have escaped, and they die, you WILL catch a murder charge.

Do NOT leave your car. Drive away if able, run them down if you must. No human can beat a 1 and a half ton slab of steel and aluminum in a straight fight. You have a much more solid self-defense case if you stay in your car and try to get away.
i wonder if this phenomenon is at all related with the release of the 1999 instant britpop classic 'road rage' by catatonia.
>Road ragers are genuinely in an altered state of mind
i'll say. once you hear the melodious vocals one of britain's greatest artists, cerys matthews, you are truly taken out of this plane of existence. her delightfully welsh accent and delicate trill would have anyone lost to the world around them.
This. This right here, running down a raging retard will do a pretty good job of neutralizing the situation.
People are not going to like you if you keep insulting them

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