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>US sold off all the M4A2 HVSS to canadians for 1000 dollars each, about 12,000 dollars today
>sold off as fast as possible, due to a desire to keep only M4A3s around and to remove excess stock ASAP
>today, M4A2s are one of the most widespread sherman variants due to the canadians keeping them around for ages before replacing them
any other freak events that caused old weapons to be spared the scrapyard?
my dick in ur moms ass
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>any other freak events that caused old weapons to be spared the scrapyard?
Tons of Grants exist in Australia because they were used as agricultural tractors.
>war's over tank, time to tow a plow.
A crapload of STG-44s ended up in Syria of all places, complete with ammunition. They went largely forgotten until someone dug up several containers full of them during the early stages of the civil war and they saw significant use.
that was a fun time.
watching the /k/wehraboos get their pants all pissy about overhyped gnatzi trash getting fucked up
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a lot of WW2 surplus ended up in syria for some reason

they inherited a few panzer IVs from france, and later they got spare parts from the czechs, who even provided soviet-made DSK mounts to place on top of them
they also got a few from spain, who were german allies and had ordered some in 1943 then sold it to syria after the war

one of the panzers ran out of ammo while fighting the isralis, and was abandoned without damage
so the israelis captured a virtually intact panzer IV
>you're a syrian shooting at the israelis with a panzer iv
>in 1967
must have been a wild time. i know it'd be like being a ukrainian shooting at russians with an m1a1 from 1991 in 2024, but holy fuck.
>everyone loves StuGs
>get 30 StuGs in 1943
>get 29 more in 1944
>few losses
>few cannibalized into parts
>decade later wear and tear bad
>Germans pretend their responsibility of warranty repairs is void because they aren't nazis anymore
>buy Norwegian Panzer IIIs for parts

>practical war time strength still includes load of T-26 light tanks
>gotta get something bigger in numbers
>finally get some Comets and Charioteers
>they not selling you 105mm L7
>develop APDS for StuG and towed PaK 40
>not quite enough and abandon idea

>trade milk and cheese for T-55s and MiG-21
>StuG life is over
>become a bunker
>camp helicopter zerking vatnik by airfield
>few others watch the sea or an important road by the border
>someone got shot as training target

>get up
>everyone loves StuGs
Mexico still has fully functional M8 Greyhounds, M2 Halftracks and M3 Stuarts. They are technically still in service but they're only used for parade pieces and for novelty theatrical exercises. What's peak irony is that most of them have been upgraded with Mercedes-Benz or MTU engines. They were still actively used until the early 1990s and have night vision lel.
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Old M3 guarding a bathroom in some random park in Mexico. Seems like they gave it updated digital camo at some point in the last decade or so.
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>any other freak events that caused old weapons to be spared the scrapyard?
dumbass boomers kept talking about this gun every second of their miserable lives
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HMS Warrior was a depot ship and then a refueling pier for more than 50 years before being rebuilt in the 80s.
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>the Israelis are advancing in Sheman tanks
The Alamo was only spared because it served as a warehouse for so long until it was recognized, ironically Texans forgot the Almao
The Hungarians, during the commie era, kept thousands over thousands of pre-WW1 production Austro-Hungarian shovels in warehouses, just covered the metal with some nasty-ass black paint and called it a day
Until earlier this year a german militaria shop sold them for only 19,90 Eurobucks (you can look up what you pay for other WW1 shovels these days). If you removed the black paint with some mineral spirit you got yourself a nearly unused 18XX stamped piece of history.
>They're sold out now
>I got a beautiful one like the left one in pic related but in even nicer condition
Strange the kind of shit that just ends up being sat on in a warehouse for God knows how long. Didn't they find an old weapon store from WWI in Germany after the unification or something similar of the sort?
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Iran's vietnam war era airforce
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I remember when the Swiss Army sold off pic related. These carts can be used as horse carts, manned hand carts, even vehicle trailers. They came in nearly pristine condition, foldable too, with tons of equipment on wooden pallets. They were like ~ 110 Eurobucks a pop. I could bite my fucking ass that I didn't buy one back when militaria shops all over Europe basically gave them away for free.
1945-1967 is 22
1991-2024 is 32
Not to be "tank is fine" guy, but you'd think old armored cars could perform the same armored car roles (recce, liaison, behind-the-lines COIN shit, etc.) as modern examples with only minimal upgrades like the engine, tires, and stuff you can swap out of the turret like the weapon, and opics-
The last T28 prototype which was literally left forgotten in a field for 27 years before it was rediscovered.

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