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>double barrel SU16 in.32 acp that takes P90 magazines & has a built in flashlight
can they get even MORE based???
>only double
Why not triple barrel?
Another meme gun range toy without practical application.
Fuck ya
its got 100rds of .32 auto, sounds like a great pdw imho
Big if true
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I genuinely don't know if this is a shitpost or an actual Kel-Tec product
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>check official website
op is a fag
>seething this quickly
this poster is an obese mexican lol
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Double barrel 100 round .32 ACP for $511?! Shut up and take my money
Let’s see if it actually gets released, I’m still waiting on the M43
it would be the best fucking thing ever
complements the p32 perfectly too
>complements the p32 perfectly too
Why did they stop making the P32?
kek'd at your image
>Gun is a very obvious bad photoshop
>Still goes through the effort to make a bad website photoshop to make it look real
Based autist
>.32 acp
if you just lengthened the case to 30 super carry you would have a good idea.
you're thinking of the P3AT
most of what i heard was it just wasn't selling well, and they already had the P32 anyway
Had to check the website myself. Lies, lies, lies but it’s funny that you have to check since this is completely possible for Keltec, you wouldn’t believe it with any other company lol.
>do you work for keltec Op and are gauging our interest before you pitch this idea at the next coke party?
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i have no idea what you're talking about
my dad works at keltec, dude trust me
To give OP and by extension, kel-tec, some credit, I thought it sounded plausible enough until I looked closely at the shoop.
Op is a fag and he can now only redeem himself by making this abomination real. You need to design it and give it to keltec, then we will forgive you
>everything needs le practicool application
Then reduce your collection to an AR, Glock, a Mossberg field/security combo and spare parts for each.
>integrally suppressed sub2k
>it's real
Well fuck I was gonna get the B&T not welrod but in that case
How does 32 function in a p90 magazine?
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best i can do is send them this email
hopefully the address is the right one, it was weirdly difficult to find it
>.32 acp that takes P90 magazines
>The coke train comes to a screeching halt
>The keltec engineers look around in befuddled stupor
>George Kellgren busts out of his office, his face a pale white not seen since late 18th century fashion went out of style
>Cocaine pouring out if every pocket
You will now have keltec reps trying to find out where you buy your coke. Good job.
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They would probably just make it a 5.7x28. .32 is so unpopular that Keltec gave up making handguns chambered in it. 5.7 lends itself more to a carbine, it already has a "P90 style" mag in production, and it isn't even much more expensive than .32.
>practical application
Pick one
>ITT: retards legit thought anything other than 5.7 would work in a P90 mag
This board has a severe noguns infestation.
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5.7 guns that use p90 mags:
>keltec p50

5.7 guns that don't use p90 mags:
>PSA rock
>Ruger 5.7
>sw 5.7
>fn fiveseven
>cmmg dissent 5.7 (pic related)
>cmmg banshee
>Ruger LC carbine
>PSA mp5.7 (coming soon)
to name a few.
I love how the people who most hate 5.7 are the least informed about it. let me guess, you still think it's just a center-fire .22 mag right?
Congratulations on missing the point.
One of the big quirks of 5.7 is a cartridge is that it's not tapered- the diameter is the same from the base to the neck. There's almost no other cartridge in the world that does this, in fact. It's partially why the 50 round P90 mag is able to be perfectly straight and not have feeding problems (the other one being that the brass is often Teflon coated). A long, straight double-stack mag like that would jam on almost any other cartridge.
.32 ACP is semi-rimmed. It cannot, by dint of being a semi-rimmed cartridge, stack up nicely in such a mag. It either needs to be curved or it needs to be a whole lot shorter.
It's fucking impossible to tell now. I don't know if I'm excited or laughing
Does it still require the form or is it like Maxim-9?
OP, I appreciate the effort you've put into this and I hope they release something that looks similar soon.
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it looked off without an ejection port
i think i'm finished with it now, i actually really like how it came out
i'd absolutely would buy this, it looks way better than it should
nah looks way cleaner without, it should just eject from the bottom
so you stack the rounds in alternate directions and add more clockwork to the grabby rotatey bits to compensate
still simpler than a g11, what, are you gonna let the krauts out-cokehead you?
>Fuck ya
we only say that when anons post their guns, hands or time stamps^

youre going to fuck up the report
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heres an extra smooth one
>PDWs have no purpose
I wonder why militaries develop and adopt them
because spending money is fun and the weapons they use don't matter, at all. everyone could be using m16a2s and the face of warfare wouldn't change.
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>he thinks he is good at crack coke posting
i wonder what else he has stored away in the cokevault
stand in front of it then retard
>the diameter is the same from the base to the neck. There's almost no other cartridge in the world that does this,
Except for 45ACP, 40S&W, 357/41/44 Magnum, 38 special, 45 win mag, 10mm Magnum, 45 raptor, 32acp, 401WSL, etc.
you clearly haven't tried putting the ammo in the magazine hard enough
Best thread I’ve seen on this shithole in 10 years
just like how if there were any tanks or jets, everything would be the same?
We need caseless, rocket stabilized flechette rounds at a minimum
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Holy shit George got into the good CIA supply back in the 70s.
Think it still requires a stamp
what's the best kel tec gun
Fuck ya
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theres a lot of cool & innovative shit, but honestly?
it just works, and it works the best out of any other gun in it's league
you want the lightest & smallest gun, in a cartridge bigger than .22lr? your only option is essentially a P32
and other than the KSG, its probably the most reliable gun they sell, hands down
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i am so glad i just checked my email
i didn't expect a reply, but there it is!
if you guys ever see a double barrel p90 from kel-tec, remember where it all started
>no practical application
You shoot home intruders and mexicans with it, retard
Small-calliber PDWs like MP7 and MP9 clones are the current meta and KelTec already makes a firearm chambered in .32 so it kind of makes sense in a weird way. I look forward to it, anon
>anyone actually has or will buy that dead round
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>thank you, and i love you

Good thread.
it's a great application. there is no rational point in sending a 32ACP down a barrel longer than, like, 3 inches.
Keltec is the only gun company this might work with, imagine sending an idea to hk, they probably wouldn’t even answer you and if they did it wouldn’t be same day with a “maybe”.
Nice, good job.
HK would immediately send back an automated reply in generic corpo-speak that has nothing to do with what you sent. With KelTec it feels like someone there was browsing /k/ and just said fuck it I'll give him a reply
More anons should make photoshops of the Keltec roulette results
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A P90 style mag in 1 cm auto would be pretty slick for a carbine. Fuck does this mean you could make a P90 chambered in 10 mm? I know blowback works fine for it because of HiPoint carbine. I don't have enough coke to sketch this out...
>the future is 10mm P90s
now THIS is epic
Putting a hard recoiling cartridge like 10mm in a P90 defeats the whole purpose of why they made a P90.
It's a ded meme round. let it go
get gud scrub
If any company were going to randomly release something in .30 super carry i figured it wouldve been lel-tec, imagine my shock when it was hi-point
And nobody cared
The only time someone cared about hi-point is when they had the public poll to rename their shitty pistol, followed by disappointment it was a gay ass unfunny name
No satan, nobody cared about 30 meme
Hi Point is actually liked to some degree
That too, which is why them releasing anything in it was unexpected
Why not 10 barrels? Why not 50? Sky's the limit.
>tfw no duckfoot rifles for taking out hordes of african doctors and engineers
Not true. Their word filter would pick out the .32 ACP. HK would then send back a response berating you for liking a shit caliber and being poor.
I love Keltec man
>immediate cope
That's what I thought.
Why the fuck don't they just make the CMR in fucking 5.7, and make it compatible with either the Ruger or S&W 5.7 pistol mags?
they got the sub2000 in 5.7 now, and it uses FN mags
>I’m still waiting on the M43
Why must you remind me :c
a compact gun like that is easy to control, recoil does not mean much if you're not a bitch
This is so based it's not even in picrel.
They're actually going to do it aren't they
I would unironically buy this. It's exactly what I'm looking for
>snorts crack
You got a problem with our .32 P-90-style double-barrel PDW, sonny?
i think if they're going to do a double barrel mag fed gun, they'll choose the P50 as the main inspiration
they'll probably make it so that you can put the mags in a clamp if you want, sorta like how they have jungle style clamps, but it'll be in a V shape, with the feeds inward, that way it'd be a "one" mag reload
and the gun would use 2 independent bolts which fire one after the other, or maybe even the option of firing both at once
i just really hope that at the end of the day, the idea is put in their head, something that they'll think about doing in some way, shape, or form
This is the exact kind of stupid gun that Valve would put into Counter-Strike 2.
another bitch post from a bitch
>handgrip stock fused combo
Is this from California?
>Does it still require the form or is it like Maxim-9?
What? Of course it does, Maxim 9 did too. Integral suppressed weapons are still NFA weapons. Only thing integral saves you in a rifle is that you can avoid it being an SBR too, so just one stamp instead of two, since integral counts towards barrel length and OAL. And suppressors don't require any forms for traveling between states, so avoiding SBR status has other minor benefits for some folks.
the SU16 is, its also just a more traditional design, built for hunting
Rolling rolling rolling
High roller
>Flywheel Delayed
imagine the torsion
>retard noguns make up a stupid thing without realizing it wont work
>will retort with "were just having fun maaaan"

also why is it always a PCC in .32acp with you types?
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i always kinda just end up making things too smoothed out, and flywheel guns look like boxes, but i think it ended up alright
do you just hate guns or something?
>do you just hate guns or something?

are you the guy who tries to shill that single-shot 5.7 survival rifle?
no, i don't care for 5.7, personally
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Flim flammed
Alive and well
If anyone loves .32 enough to do some shit like this it'll be George Kellgren who I believe fights everyday with a chain and the sharp remains of broken chairs against his shop foremans in order to keep a line those in production.
>also why is it always a PCC in .32acp with you types?
It just works. See: Škorpion
I don't suppose any has a graphic or something that lists all known (real world) P90-style funs? Might be a handy infographic to /k/ompile. What should go into one if there isn't a decent updated one already?
This is Keltec that we're talking about. If it has that coked up fever dream feel to it they'll definitely consider it.
>Gas assisted blow forward drum fed .22 Hornet pistol
has the Škorpion already been forgotten?
it used to be one of the most known guns
Most of the board hates guns
let's roll
>750 rounds at a cyclic rate of 2500 RPM
That's some EYE Divine Cybermancy shit
Based game reference
>Cycle of Guilt
It ain't full auto.
I remember when it was written about in the "Manual of the Mercenary Soldier". It was described as the ultimate status symbol. It would be so cool if somebody actually modernized it in a way that made sense. (Not Keltec.)
might cost a lot of brozouf
>Fuller auto
>suppressors don't require any forms for traveling between states
O shid fo reals? In that case now I definitely need the integrally suppressed sub-2k

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