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HIMAR strike on bikers.
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I love this weapon so much it's unreal
>You can make mistakes, but you can't lie.
Yes, yes, you can. Kek.
It is not even a super weapon and not even the latest. Can you imagine if Russia has somethint similar? They’d kill thousands of Ukrainians and win the war.
I think this is a qoute of new zigger defence minister. Posted ironically.
>Russian State TV: Here we see the after-effects of an Iskander strike on an enemy training grounds. Among the dead are mercenaries from NATO.
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>Can you imagine if Russia has somethint similar?

But it does!

8 W H E E L S
How does this happen? HIMARS are guided by GPS coordinates so those dudes must have stayed grouped together for a good long while
Since it's a training ground, chances are they had new roosters which needed to be pecked anally
It looks like shooting range...
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God grant they remain equally unteachable until they lose!
>mobiks that weren't even trained yet, meaning they were still half-civilian
Quality dedovshchina takes its time. Especially now that there is a shortage of broom handles.
Most of this stuff is the GWoT era, 25y/o surplus that didn't get shot off at some degenerate goat fuckers.
The fact its being used on degenerate snow niggas I think is fulfilling its purpose nicely
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Brooms are too slow.
Oh I know Russia has Rocket Artillery, but it isn't very accurate so it's pretty useless. If Russia wants to hit something accurately behind enemy lines they have to hurl an Iskander at it, but those are exceding rare and cost much more than a HIMARs or ATACM strike. The Russian army is just goofy like that.
And destroyed were 2 zelenskyi yachts containing 40 billion usd and a Boris Johnson
Well it certainly became one
Where is the reset button on a vatnik anyway? Punching them in the head doesn't seem to work
Killing Russians is just mowing the grass for Ukraine. They raise something like 30K new men to replace the 25-28K wounded, dead, or captured. Though recently, we've been getting weeks of over 1000 daily losses, which means it actually goes above 30K per month, which means they actually have a net loss.

It's wild Russia can just sit back and accept such catastrophic losses. Imagine if France, Germany, USA, or whatever, said "okay we're gonna invade western China and just keep grinding up our lossses until we make progress.". There'd be outright rioting at the footage coming out and court martials for all the military commanders. But for Russia it's just monday.
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death and reincarnation. vatnigs for the most part are unteachable up until they croak.
Bike looks undamaged. I think it was ridden in by the people surveying the scene. These were men at a training grounds it looks like, taking their 3 day training before being sent to die.

Also what is the chance of a double strike?
They don't have one. Single use shit doesn't need one, you just throw it into the trash and grab another one.
in the ass
Hi /pol/
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The worst part is the wounded, anon, not the dead. You have to care for these people for the rest of their lives. Even if you're dumping them on the street and hoping they starve to death or die of hypothermia you're still paying to dispose of their bodies and then paying the opportunity cost.
I still refuse to believe this because it's just too stereotypical
I think you missed the part where it has more WHEELS than decadent wectern HIMASS
cremating bodies does not cost much, not to mention mass graves cost even less
Are you retarded, or Russian?
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>cremating bodies does not cost much
this is how they rationalize it dip shit
blyat furnace is of free
The rationalizations of morons do not matter.
When anon is talking about the cost for caring for the wounded that the Russian state has to bear, it does matter what the Russian state does
You do realize the Russian government is just ignoring these very real costs, right?
>wake up
>brew coffee
>watching russians die in novel ways
Nah, but i do enjoy the occasional break from planning and following up on equipment donations
primo reverse troll anon
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But why can't it get some new missiles that go 100 miles?
one himars missile is more expensive than 1000 mobiks
decisive ukrainian tactical loss
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yeah but it's a marketing op for lockheeb so it's basically free
Ass status?
Forgot to add, the tungsten rain missile is the third one from the left.
>Can you imagine if Russia has somethint similar? They’d kill thousands of Ukrainians and win the war.
no, Russia would waste them by firing unaimed mass barrages at city targets.
The SMO really should have finished in a week or two, but Russian really are that incompetent.
I'm looking forward to many more Ukrainian defeats like this :^)
I still don't understand what the point of acting as stupid as possible is supposed to do for you guys
Vatnik crocodile tears.
Within the losses are also well trained and experienced troops. Seasoned soldiers, NCOs, officers and other specialists. Those would then be replaced by much less capable people. So over time the abbility for complex maneuvers becomes less and less.
This seems evil. It eminates an evil aura.
suffering is a virtue in russia and the biggest czars/bosses fight the biggest wars. rossija siliii uraaa t. orc horde of men, women and children
You sound very nooooootral and very concooooooorned. :^)
I come to /k/ after work and periodically check it while playing vidya or watching shit, anons fill my need to see dead ziggers daily.
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Please refer to this handy diagram
Russia raised interest rates again by 1%, merely month after last raise, by the start of 2025 Russia will have 22% interest rates. Is that sustainable, chat?
according to the chief ukroglowie himself, no
is fine, economy is wectern propaganda)))))
It's a game of chicken. They know they will be crushed, but they think that Ukraine will blink first. "Yes, Mr. Putin. Please stop war. We accept your new lands. Have at it."

That's why you keep pressing. 2025 is the point of no return, the breaking point. 12-18 months they reach critical rates of running out of emergency funds and equipment.
Yes. I enjoy watching people who have committed acts of cruelty towards my country and family dying in mass.
I hope they all fucking die. Same with Indians, Malaysians, pakis and benglas.
I don't give a shit anymore about good and evil.
Kill them all. Create an honest world. It's that simple
What's wrong in enjoying deaths of aggressive insects?
>"n-nooo don't gloat over dead vatnigs they're people like you!"
>"haha look at the dead piggy lmao how's kursk offensyv"
I used to check /k/ once a day before bed but I believe the janny gets one slightly before I get one and purge all the war threads.
Now I've gotta do it during lunchbreaks.
>it isn't very accurate so it's pretty useless
not if you want to kill as many civilians as possible
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Hahaha nice.
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See >>62521730

The Russian cries out as he strikes at you.
>cremating bodies does not cost much
dumb hohol provides thermite for free
So did the kursk cauldron happened or not. Last time I heard of it, uki were advancing in a new direction.
They're pushing up from the bottom of the couldrooon to try to fix dudes that slipped through the right side of the river quay.
>It's wild Russia can just sit back and accept such catastrophic losses
It really is. The fucking Soviet Union didn’t accept a fraction of these losses in Afghanistan.
>Punching them in the head doesn't seem to work
Have you tried hard enough?
butthurt vatnik tries not to be a lolcow for 1 thread (impossible)
People really are taking this schizos obvious grandiose delusions for fact. If you aren't just shit posting feel free to show the thousands of Afganis he recruited for Taiwan
What's with sudden shill spam? Did something blew up in russia or are they trying to distract people from their war crime (same shit happened when ziggers released video of head on spike)? because i can;t belive they would start spamming to cover up some himarsed mobiks.
It's at the same time every day, just /pol/ being fucking niggers as usual
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Its funny that this is the only example they have of such classics as this dude and dennis
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>diagnosis: incredible butthurt
ah so this is why vatniks are spamming their shitty thread lel
And theyve got vatnigger jannies allowing them to spam the catalog.
Chill with the racism buddy, okay?
Maybe posting more interacial gay porn will make you feel better Vanya
So this is why the shills are furiously spamming the board?
A bunch of vatniggers got tungsten ventilation.
>Kill them all
Based moderate gentleman
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>Yes, yes. We know, schizo. Ukraine is winning, sure.
incredible projection, Igor.
Does Ukraine exist? If so, it's winning because pussian ultimate war goal is for Ukraine to stop existing. As long as it can't accomplish that, Ukraine is winning.
So how many dead ziggers here?
Initial reports suggested over 50 dead ziggers, most likely more
nah I just open /k/ and see gay porn and other russian shill threads and know some mobniks got cubed
not enough
Himars surgically removed the civilian halves from zigger halves
>still spamming that one schizo's pics like it's going out of style
this level of obsession over one retard isn't normal, Igor.
Why do you vatniks always go about who's winning but always refuse to provide a definition for the term? I've asked you lot multiple times but nobody seems to be able or willing to explain it to me.

At first I thought it was very simple, you were just looking at the map, but then the 2022 retreat in Kharkiv happened, but Russia was still winning. Then there was a slow attritional grind for some irrelevant land and destroyed villages, and Russia was clearly winning because they were making progress. But then Kursk happened and Russia lost more ground than they occupied in a year. And, apparently, Russia is still winning.

What the fuck does winning mean? PLEASE explain.
Seriously though, what caused a zhillcon today?
No, I only jerk off two-three times a day
it means eyebrown is still rising and eggs are about to be measured
far as I know only this news came out, other than butthurt ziggers posting that POW execution pic
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'bout half a /k/ubes worth
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What blew up in Moscow today?
Prisoner execution by sword got posted.
At this point you'd think they'd just confiscate every zig trooper's phone or something because every time they do shit like this they fucking post it on unsecure, open channels.
They never really cared about their meat, there must be something else that prompted the spam.
you can just stop attacking ukraine, this will solve the problem.
Russians having an archive of these photos means they are the ones who sent this guy in the first place. Everything about him sounds like an fsb psyop. Crazy, grifter, flips out the second someone calls him out, makes ridiculous promises like having tens of thousands of Afghani mercs available.
DeSantis interfering in the investigation guarantees that it was all a fake they’re trying to cover up now
Eh. Anything under 500 doesn’t even twitch my penis anymore
Whyd you greentext your own post?
>le downbass chillrens
Zister, you know if ukies did any warcrimes in Kursk it would be international news, right?
For Putin winning is surviving another day without a bayonet enema
>>just stop bro, let us rape and murder civilians in Kursk like we've done in Donetsk for decades
>muh 6 gorillion donbabwean chillun
I don't think so, zegroid
>le poor donbabwe children getting le bombed for last 30 years
didn't happen but they deserved it
As far as I know they're acting relatively civil in Kursk, so either they're actually behaving themselves or they're really, REALLY good at hiding their warcrimes, absurdly more so than Russia, who just keeps posting their dirty deeds like a twitter addicted teenager
Which either way isn't a good look for Russia who can't seem to advance five feet without committing some horrific act of petty violence like they're the Golden Horde.
Bomber airfield in Engels
>le poor donetskebwe and kursebwe chilren
ukrainians are there because russia wont fuck off from ukraine.
just.... fuck off from ukraine, and there is a chance hohols with fuck off from kurskebwe.

its like germans crying in 1944 to stop killing muh poor germaninios.
shouldve have fucked around, and now they are finding out.
Maybe if zegroids didn't want dumbabwe to be bombed they shouldn't have fired artillery from residential areas.
May we see them, zister?
where does the gay tf2 spam fall on this list?
and for anon's next joke, he's going to direct us to intel slava z for news the wect is trying to hide
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outside point of view here, from Poland.
we are dealing with these russian/ukrainian animals for over a thousand years now, sadism and brutality is the only thing these animals recognise, i will gladly pay for this war to continue outside of my borders as long as i can, these degenerate monkeys are famous for spilling their animal wars outside of their mordor borders.
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>>why doesn't the western media report Ukrainian war crimes?
>Yeah I wonder
>search it on twitter
>it's true
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I suppose nobody is celebrating in Poland either, right zister?
Ukies mostly behave themselfs because they are held to absurdly high standards by the west. Remember, war is going for almost 2 years and they only warcrimes ziggers can bring is from 2022. Meanwhile ziggers are caught committing war crimes every few weeks
Wrong "Poland" shill image, anon. Post the one that has your quote, please
>please care about wołyn i beg you
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What is that, the third of fourth time it's been hit now? I'd be pissed off too if I were unfortunate enough to have been born a vatnik.
>where does the gay tf2 spam fall on this list?
That's just a normal part of Russian culture, please understand.
Today is anniversary of russian invasion of poland in 1939 so you choose a bad day to spit bullshit like this lmao
Ohhhh, so that's what's going on.
But wait, ziggers told me that HIMARS was useless now! They claim to have thoroughly jammed the GPS guidance.
>It's wild Russia can just sit back and accept such catastrophic losses.
Yeah, German has a good deal more than half the population of Russia, but a single day with just 10% of those losses in Afghanistan would have meant the end of the mission.
>Today is anniversary of russian invasion of poland in 1939 so you choose a bad day to spit bullshit like this lmao
Anniversary of the time Russia buddied up with the Nazis to split a sovereign nation in two like a pastry, execution of a Ukie prisoner of war with a goddamn sword, training yard getting Iron Rain'd on, and Engels air force base getting zapped, again.
Not a good few days for Ivan.
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>you choose a bad day to spit bullshit like this lmao
oh no, what is puccia going to do, show this on TV again?
kys e-celeb nigger

The Russians needs to do more training exercises
Not the first this happens

wrong link, don't worry about that one
Because like 5% of people in poland care about wołyń on a daily basis but everyone remembers about russian invasion. basically everyone hates russia except konfederacja voters and politicians while attitude towards ukrainians are mixed at worst Most of people will say that wołyń thing needs to be resolved sooner or later but won't cry about le muh bad banderites like russian shills
Fucking vatniks is literal zoophilia.
konfederacja does everything Russia would love Poland to do
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Konfederacja politicians themselves lmao
Which is?
Shooting russian POWs in the knees (heard it was fake but my memory is fuzzy) and video and picture of dead POWs from Kherson counteroffensive which in the end it wasn't ukie war crime because it was russian perfidy and ukies had a perfectly good reason to mow them down. But still, ziggers like to remind about it from time to time.
not really.
>the israelis made the pagers of hezbollah explode, simultaneously, all over beirut
prep yourselves boys they're gonna be mad
how cucked do you have to be, to support russia as a pole
what a broken buck
The Soviet Union was retarded, but at least it actually believed in something and was therefore able to be held accountable, however imperfectly, to its beliefs. Russia is hollow from the bottom to the top.
>ukraine also hit a munitions depot near mariupol
nobody here is actually supporting russia, some old boomers have such a seething hate for 1 of the 2 leading political parties here, they like to say "i would rather see the world burn than those motherfuckers from party X be allowed to rule Poland".
>believed in something
kek that's cute
>but at least it actually believed in something
in what, starving to death and carpets on walls to hide the asbestos?
i also have a seething hatred for the leading parties in my country, and i would rather kill myself than see russians occupy my country to "liberate us"
Rushit retards including Medvedev tried to push that the schizo was ordered by SBU to assassinate Trump. And also the schizo fuck was apparently tied to some chinese psyop bullshit as well.
yup, same, but boomers will be boomers, especially on twitter.
The USSR was a real state with actual government and ideology underpinning it. It had a civil society, a media, a Party, etcetera. Yes, it was all shit. I'm not defending the USSR. But people like Gorbachev and Kruschev actually believed in the Soviet project even if they were also self-justifying corrupt tyrants - in fact, it was their belief in the Soviet project that ultimately led to the downfall of the USSR in the first place. Anyway, the point is, the USSR had goals that it was trying to achieve, however poorly, and thus could be held accountable to those goals, however ineffectively.

The Russia that has replaced it is truly a mafia state, and the only goal is holding power to loot more stuff. The USSR couldn't tolerate the casualties in Afghanistan because of a failure of will - it was inconsistent with their ideological project. Meanwhile, Russia can tolerate infinite casualties because nobody who matters cares.

This is a difficult thing to explain, but it's essentially just the cultural difference you experience when you move from working in government to working for private industry.
>ideology underpinning it
Oh no its real
>Pay for childbirth
>Pay for infant care
>Pay to feed and clothe
>Pay for a decade of education minimum
>After eighteen years finally, finally get to the point where little Mishko can begin paying taxes and generating money for the state instead of costing money (assuming no higher education which takes longer)
>Get drafted, armed, fed, trained to whatever standard
>Get tuned into world's most expensive fertilizer
12-18 months from now? From Jan 2025? From December 2025?
>carpets on walls to hide the asbestos?
As a sound/thermal insulation, actually. Or to simply show off expensive decoration(the carpet itself).
As for asbestos - nobody ever gave a fuck, if even known about its harmful effects there.
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>polish spam about poland
Who cares?
But the bike is still standing!! XAXAXA
>believed in something
USSR was like American wrestling, except half as gay and twice as stupid. Todays Russia is twice as gay and ten times as stupid.
there were couple more where foreign volunteers killed pows(or russians trying to surrender) but russians never used those. I feel like they prefer to have all of their propaganda material made by themselves even when they have genuine footage available
do you say this when russians do it though? because there's a zigger on /gif/ posting nothing but gore, why dont you go tell them?
>except half as gay
Reminder that french kissing other men is not gay on the russia.
>Ukraine is winning, sure.
In 5 months russia will enter year 4 of the 2 week SMO.
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Gay rape is also straight in russia.

>> Today the official Communist newspaper, Pravda, offered the first hint as to what Dictator Josef Stalin has up his sleeve. Pravda printed sensational articles charging Poland with mishandling its Ukrainian, White Russian and Jewish minorities. ...
September 14th 1939 from 'murican newspaper. Sadly I have failed to find English translation of the mentioned Pravda newspaper.
I still think this one was bait, he said there is no gay sex but then calls it "fag sex"
If Russia had them they would have managed to lose them all by now.
It's that difference between arguing with someone who believes in their position, however vapid and stupid, and arguing with a troll who just believes in arguing. Or a pigeon.

If they don't believe in anything, if every position is assumed for the purpose of shitposting, or wasting your time, and nothing more, you can have the best arguments in the world, mountains of evidence, conclusive proof, and it won't matter. It's not going to impress that pigeon.
Yeah, that one could've been sowed and I would doubt it if it was the only place I've heard about punitive rape in russian society
there's a vid of Russian civs being shelled by Russians online now. They die and also their dog dies it's sad.
>The USSR was a real state with actual government and ideology underpinning it.
Anon, it was an occupational government, it still is, only there's less of it. Ideology was ruthlessly enforced to discourage wrongthink and anyone not playing along were ruthlessly hunted. It is still happening. Russia has not changed. It just became more obvious.
>the USSR had goals that it was trying to achieve
The only goal was to best the US. That was it. Everything in the USSR was done to show off to the US. There were no innovations, scientific progress, trying to better living standards... Almost everything in the USSR was geared towards supporting the state and its rulers. Everything else was left to rot. That actually contributed to everyone giving only the bare minimum of a fuck about anything and that's why everything in the USSR absolutely sucked.
>Russia can tolerate infinite casualties because nobody who matters cares.
They can pretend to tolerate infinite casualties, but sooner or later they will realize that they've fucked themselves over. They're already fucked demographics got turbofucked. They literally are banking on the chinese and other "import substiutions", only this time it is them being substituted by imports.

TL;DR - Russia is a play-pretend country. Always was and still is, no matter the iteration.
That post itself might be bait, but the core of it, that "it isn't done for fun, it's about
hierarchy" and "active 'partner' isn't considered gay" aligns with "official" narrative regarding such practices.
>Always was
I was gonna ask if that also applies to when they were just taking part in regular European wars, then I remembered that the czars actually tried to make Russia pretend to be European
I am getting fucking tired of you moderates! Take a stronger position at least once in your life!
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Well, Russia certainly isn't.
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>Do you ghouls just sit on telegram all day, waiting for grisley images and video of dead russians?
>meaning they were still half-civilian
Technically it's only half a warcrime.
>There were no innovations, scientific progress, trying to better living standards... Almost everything in the USSR was geared towards supporting the state and its rulers. Everything else was left to rot. That actually contributed to everyone giving only the bare minimum of a fuck about anything and that's why everything in the USSR absolutely sucked.
Read up on computers in the USSR as a good example, here is even a video. My father worked in their version of the IT industry, so this is first hand, in the case of my family.
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- There's a NATO one over there!
- No, it's not! That's ours in the "moss". What are you talking about?!
- Yea, it's really “moss”.
>Ideology was ruthlessly enforced to discourage wrongthink and anyone not playing along were ruthlessly hunted. It is still happening. Russia has not changed. It just became more obvious.
The difference is, ussr had coherent ideology. Yeah, hollow, dumb, enforced and play pretend, but there was certain set of ideas, slogans and government directives, which clearly stated "this - good. that - bad", repeat them and you'll be fine(in years after stalin).
Now modern russian "ideology" in comparison is a minfuck patchwork.
You do know this still won't be enough to stop Trump from supporting Ukraine, right?
You do realize Obama was the one not supporting Ukraine, right?
You do understand it was Trump who started to fund equip and train Ukrainians and was called a nazi for this, right?
The real schizophrenia is believing things at face value these days.
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Russia is neither european nor asian. It's only significant culture comes from prisons. Everything else is stolen and tacked on.
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Because they have no ideology. The closest thing to ideology is "whatever Putin says - goes". They are empty. They have no true culture or understanding of their own history. Whatever they profess to believe and follow now is basically gray playdoh made out of ignorance and bullshit. To quote a poet: "Today's russian ideology is made out of shit and death."
>unsecure, open channels.
Serious question: Do they even have secure channels? I haven't seen a single radio in any of their wrecks and they were whining about coordinating on Telegram when the CEO went to France.
Shillcon 1 is total shill silence as something either incredibly important to the SMO or directly responsible for the shilling process blew up and shills can't get new scripts and orders.
Pokaż onuce.
>im a konfederacja voter
Thank you for the disclaimer, now I know I can ignore everything you post after that.
I've been saying that calling pisoids subhuman is insulting to literal dysgenic mutants and "toxic waste" is the best they deserve, but adding more toxic garbage is not the solution. Better load them into another plane and let them visit Russia unannounced since that worked so well last time.
That's a great read
>im a konfederacja voter
Why do you diddle kids?
Well duh, russians are not a nation or ethnicity either, they are a population ruled by masters, most often foreign ones.
>Can you imagine if Russia has somethint similar?
That would require turdies to have human levels of intellect, so no, I can't.
This seems surprisingly accurate even now.
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>Russia can tolerate infinite casualties because nobody who matters cares
Not caring about a sucking chest wound won't kill you any less.
The real schizophrenia is that his base is perfectly comfortable with completely making up whatever policy they think he should do and assuming he'll do exactly that. For every one of you, there are two who assume he'll wipe our hands clean of it with no consequences and leave it entirely to the Europeans to handle. All he has said is that he will end the war. All we have is a ceasefire framework proposed by former administration members.
No, but I can't deny the pleasure of watching them when they come up? Problem?
olga of kyiv moment
coomander send 200 UAV operators and other drone technicians to die as infantry because they learned that he peddled drugs, it's stereotypical because it's what constantly happens in Russian army
>konfederacja voter
I miss him so much anons. The thunder run on Moscow was like nothing we've ever seen before
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>It's wild Russia can just sit back and accept such catastrophic losses.

It has been said as a joke but they are not people that care if others die or are injured horribly as long as it is not them or there Immediate family. If there uncle or cousin dies they shrug.
The Obey Putin and do not think for themselves. russians that could do that have all fled or were killed off over the last 100+ years.
It did GMLRS-ER is supplementing GMLRS, and PrSM is replacing ATACMS. It's also getting a HIMARS battle buddy that will accompany it everywhere.

The GMLRS-ER is rooted in the TC-GMLRS
It has 8 (EIGHT) wheels though unlike gay tranny himars.
we were robbed of kino GLA trench assaults
To be fair they would also need to unfuck their killchain.
Which honest to god doesn't sound that hard, but outside of the freak Iskander that actually hit a military target they've been completely incapable.
Considering how readily they sell their own family out, it would need to be their own lover or kid that dies.

What year is that article?
Put some more linebreaks between the two lines you wrote and maybe we'll answer, newfag
top lel, commies are absolute scum to try and use that as a casus belli after they starved and deported 10% of Ukraine's entire population trying to achieve true communism.
>muh hoaxodomor
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Weird how all your former associates keep wanting you to fuck off and how they can each list endless numbers of unique issues of their own
>Remember, war is going for almost 2 years
You're bad at math
Its only a warcrime if its a war; this would be half a special military operation crime
>It's wild Russia can just sit back and accept such catastrophic losses. Imagine if France, Germany, USA, or whatever, said "okay we're gonna invade western China and just keep grinding up our lossses until we make progress.". There'd be outright rioting at the footage coming out and court martials for all the military commanders. But for Russia it's just monday
I've been saying this since the beginning. Especially back when it first started before it all got mundane and Russia was making huge new fuckups and getting pasted left and right. A single fuckup on the scale of what the Russians do on a regular basis would be national headlines, political careers would be ended, the military chain of command would be completely replaced, and we'd be seeing each soldiers info and their families responses on the news for a long time
Meanwhile for Russia it's just Tuesday
20+ years wasted doesn't seem as bad in comparison. Eventually once this war finally does end the effects on Russia will be felt for generations; I don't care how ignorant the people at home are you can't just decimate a generation of men and bring the rest of them that you sent to die back home and pretend like it never happened
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to give you an idea commanders got sacked over things like a single nuclear warhead being put on a B-52, flown across the country, and sitting on a flight line for a few hours because the paperwork wasn't done correctly and the nuke wasn't guarded while sitting on the flight line. shit like the pontooning should have resulted in brigade commanders minimum being executed.
socioeconomic reasons
People said the same thing about 2024, I am pretty sure Russia will send far more people to their deaths.
a warcrime is a warcrime. you can't say it's only a half.
That was class 4, but he worked for Priggy, so he vanished after the joyride.
Do ziggers not realize that they share the same beliefs with leftist troons about the Holodomor?
>why do ziggers blindly defend the USSR which tankies also do
it is a mystery
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I know that Russia bought Multicam uniforms from Alibaba because it's cheap, but they literally can take any video with cubed mobiks, compress in 125p, and claim it's liquidated Polish mercenaries from destroyed HATO HQ
>compress in 125p
They just don't have the technology anymore
>Russia had several training sites within the reach of GMLRS in the past two years
>Again and again they were struck complete with Ukrainian drone footage of the mobniks being splashed by GMLRS-AW
>Russia again decides to train mobniks in the reach of GMLRS
Yeah Shillcon 1 or even a hypothetical 0 needs to be changed for "brief silence until the storm." Last few times that happened (like Prigozhin's aborted trip to Moscow) the shills just go silent for a while.
Moskva, Priggo and Kursk are the big 3 for that pattern.
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I also masturbate.
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>cubed mobiks, compress in 125p, and claim it's liquidated Polish mercenaries
I immediately thought of pic related used as a clown car slash meatwagon.
And where in the Shillcon scale is the FSB janny during the first few weeks on /k/?
He’s not wrong. The USSR was actually able to make some scientific advances on its own, and built up good instituitional knowledge of metallurgy and complex fabrication.
They industrialized the Russian empire at breakneck speed, survived the largest invasion in human history, and managed to compete for world hegemon for a half century. Look at Russia now. Can’t even design or mass produce modern airframes or tanks anymore.
Everything that matters in Russia today, from infrastructure to the backbone of their MIC is increasingly ageing Soviet shit that isn’t being systimatically replaced because the regime of Putin and the oligarches does not concern itself with any infrastructure projects in Russia that aren’t prestige projects like the Crimea bridge or a Potemkin village like the new apartments in Mariupol.
"What wounded?" If you don't evacuate the wounded, then they don't cost you anything, and if you don't recover their bodies, then they're MIA and their families aren't owed anything.

And if they somehow *do* get to an aid station, well, just round them up and send them back to the front on crutches so that you don't have to deal with caring for them for years on end.
The head of the Air Force's nuclear forces was sacked because they loaded live nuclear cruise missiles rather than conventional onto the plane, and then didn't have special forces guarding it overnight when they figured it out the next morning.
Proofs? Where are the proofs, Ivan?
While I was sitting drinking a coffee feeling bored and hating life some dudes got blown up. Puts things into perspective.
To the war footage?
>What the fuck does winning mean?
for the russians winning has no definition, it's more of a vibe. it went fom "Kiev in 2 days" to "retake Kursk by 1.10.2024", some even claim that running into the Prokrovsk honeypot is winning
Lower than 1 or at least after 1 happened. Usually the damage control and activating assets happens for when they expect things (usual shilling narratives need a boost/exploitation of events outside of Russia) or after shit goes down and they get a narrative plan. When shit unfolds organically in a way they don't expect we usually see that period of silence where there's a massive decrease in even the current messaging short of the most generic spam ("ZOG banderite nazi oinkers" and etc).
Kill yourself
Jebana targowica
The USSR was hosed up for real, and a lot of people who really believed in revolutionary socialism probably got killed off by Stalin, but even under Brezhnev there were people who believed in the Marxist idea of progress and that socialism was the wave of the future and they wanted to promote it. A certain philosophy. There were also more people in other countries who were willing to sign up to be foot soldiers for the communist future. But the ideology also constrained them in some ways. No Soviet government attempted to recruit rich people, or attempted to work through the banking system because that would've simply been anti-Marxist, or had the opportunity to make use of social media (because it didn't exist).

Putin and the generation of secret policemen who have taken over Russia have no commitment to those ideas. It's more like an extremist Ayn Rand-selfish capitalism unconstrained by any morality other than power, and that is very different from the Soviet leadership.

The Soviet Union also had real allies. Not all of them willingly. But Russia right now has no allies, really. It's fundamentally weaker in all the ways you can measure those things. The population is much smaller. It's economically less important. The USSR for all its problems actually produced things. Turkey is within spitting distance of having as large an army as Russia.
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this you?
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Not ALL day.
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Okay Vlad.
Tungsten rain
Some stay dry but ziggers feel the pain
Tungsten rain
A vatnik caught outside a trench is brained
For Russians the defintion is whether the government has concluded the definition should be.
If the Russian army runs with its tail between its legs while declaring victory, who are they to say otherwise? If on monday the government declares it has won, they celebrate a monumental victory. If the next day on tuesday they change their mind, they join along with them. And on wednesday when they change their mind a second time, the Russian will deny ever having had any other opinion than the new one currently being held.

Not just believers in revolutionary socialism but also union members that unironically thought the USSR would follow its own laws and regulations. The whole thing about "true believers of the ideology" being shafted wasn't limited to just some bookworm who memorised the entirety of Das Kapital, it also extended to regular people trying to do things through unions and the proper channels that were newly codified into the law in the way that they were seemingly expected to.
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What happened to the donbass commies? They all flocked there and most don’t seem to be military so are they still alive? I remember BLM solidarity posts. Did they go home? Move inside Russia? I know that idiot “Tex” hing around until he was raped to death.
How could Ukrainians do this anons? Maybe those pedos and schizos were right about them.
The Ukrainian's name? Boris Johnson.
Na, not enough time unfortunately.
That’s a joke but already reports of two cute little Russian girls who turned up dead after Russian forces move in. They are god damn animals even to their own people.
Went home I think. Ones that stayed are probably dead. They dont get much coverage so who really knows (someone does).
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>Uohh I-I'm goooona UUOO I'm MOOOOOOBILIZING My Conscripts to gather in this field to bait HIMARS for to distracting of pontoon ops!

It's actually a brilliant plan by POCCNR to ensure they have to pay as little money to widows as possible. Whenever they decide to do a big push, they just reveal a large concentration of pre-dedovschina'd mobiks milling about and wait for the double tap, that way they know that missile battery is now scooting to their next firing position.
Shoigu should definitely hire me :^)
>There'd be outright rioting at the footage coming out and court martials for all the military commanders.
Westerners riot over shit that doesn't even affect them with flimsy evidence over in Gaza or Iraq because they know they will not be punished in any meaningful way
Their governments fundamentally keep the kiddy gloves on at all times when dealing with their own populations, partially because organisations like the army, police, and media are not just tools of the current government to order around however they want, and partially because the leaders sincerely do not want to be uncivilised or tyrannical if they can help it
Russians do not riot because they know they will be more or less alone, and they know they will be de-personed for doing so. There are no civil rights, for anyone. The law is just a cudgel for the state to brandish as it pleases. Hypothetically, if the whole of Moscow rose up against Putin at once, they would win and depose him, but no movement can grow larger than a few dozen guys before it is somehow exposed and wiped out.
It's not a unique facet of the Russian mindset to put up with this now. It might be partially a cultural thing that they allowed it to get like this again even after living through Soviet times, but it's mainly not that, separation of powers and decentralisation of power were never properly implemented in the first place.
Once this is done, I will celebrate every misery visited upon the russian people for the rest of my life
Frankly I've already started
If they hadn't acted like comical evil caricatures with their
>mmm roasted piggies
shit then I might have had some sympathy for the average russian, but they have spurned any sympathy I could have had for them time and time again
To the last fucking vatnigger, to the last fucking miserable fucking excuse for a human that the russian """people""" can claim to be, 140 million GLMRS warheads is feasible if we band together
I will celebrate their abject misery and death at every turn, the world will not know peace until they are all dead, perhaps they have already done too much to ever allow the world to actually know real peace, even if they were wiped off the face of the earth in cleansing nuclear fire tomorrow, I fear
Fuck them
Fuck every last one of them
>Russians do not riot because they know they will be more or less alone, and they know they will be de-personed for doing so.
Traditionally people didn't go out into the streets in Russia unless they were ready and willing to shed blood. It's a different political culture than the U.S. where people will go out to protest lockdowns and then nurses go out to protest the protesters and everyone is trying to influence the situation. There have been plenty of protests in Russia over the past 20-30 years that didn't result in beatdowns, but plenty did especially Limonov's nazbols. Look at the end of this demonstration in 2004:
Correction... the video of the crowd charge / cop beatdown might have been from '93 and it's mixed in with footage of demonstrations commemorating it.
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Ukranian propaganda
>holy shit, high explosives to nasty things to the human body
>holy shit, it's been three years and they still don't have their shit together
>holy shit, another suicide? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Russian propaganda
>XAXAXAXA look what mighty POCCNR did to this prisoner, RUSSIA STRONK! I can't wait to do this to every pigger out there! Fuck you Poland, you're next!
>WTF why are they still shooting back?
>must be fucking HATO
Because Russia tricks South Asians, Central Asians, West Asians, East Asians and Africans (on top of others from elsewhere) to come fight for them. This is why killing Russian soldiers does not actually improve Ukraine's situation. It is, as you said, mowing the grass at best. The only way this can be ended is if you destroy the money making facilities in Russia, the vehicles that Russia uses to trick their puppets into thinking they're supplied and by making sure the war is brought 'home' to Russia. Ukraine is trying, but it isn't enough. This is why they need to be 'allowed' to fire long range shit into Russia. I thought the UK had agreed to this but I swear I read the US stepped in again and told them to not allow it. I know last year there was apparently an argument between UK and USA with the UK stating the West should be doing more to help Ukraine and USA kept going 'no we can't because anger Putin' and it caused friction.

But yeah Russia does this
>Removes VISA/Loosens VISA
>Offers great job offers to foreigners (lie)
>They arrive
>Get job/Don't get job/Get job but isn't paid what promised
>Week or two after they are arrested for 'breaching VISA rules'
>Offered a choice between 4 years in prison or six month military contract
And you know what they pick. On top of
>Sign up for one BILLION rubles and you get to rape all the hohols you want!
>Sign up, you're not gay are you?
>Sign up, their equipment burns so easily!
>Sign up, you're not a pussy are you?
>Sign up, what will your kids think if you don't?
Etc etc. This keeps the meat coming. This never stops. This never ends. This cannot be how Ukraine wins. Russia could kill 300,000, 3,000,000, 30,000,000, 300,000,000 and they would not care as long as the Wikipedia article, in the end, said 'Russian Victory; Treaty of Berlin, Territorial Changes: See'.
>Mumbai is silent
I hate ziggers too buy saying shit like
>the world will not know peace until they are all dead, perhaps they have already done too much to ever allow the world to actually know real peace, even if they were wiped off the face of the earth in cleansing nuclear fire tomorrow, I fear
Fuck them blah blah blah..

The only people that disagree with you are the brownoids, thirdies and slavaboo tankies. HOWEVER, when you make blanket statements, it gives the chinkoids, jeets and slavaboo tankies something to wail over and cry 'Russhophobe! we are of innocent Blyat"
something something Donetsk Children! While I want all invader ziggers and complicit war profiteers in russia crucified publicly lining the roads from Lviv to Warsaw, I don't want EVERY single Russian dead. Kids don't get to pick sides and are usually brainwashed. The solution is to release a nerve agent that kills people only with HIV and the entire russian male population will collapse.
>four dead half trained mobiks
>4 * (1/2) = 2 warcrimes
simple math, but not so for zionist banderite crests
I want to see a Russian get smacked with the Low Cost Reduced Range Practice Rocket..

Like they see him in a tree line and just bonk him with a training round.
>it gives the chinkoids, jeets and slavaboo tankies something to wail over
Fuck 'em, they can get in line.
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Get a load of this bleeding-heart liberal child. When you grow up, you'll moderate your views.
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>all invader ziggers and complicit war profiteers in russia crucified publicly lining the roads from Lviv to Warsaw

checks out
We don't need to kill russian children, the russians will simply send them to the frontlines. TZD is only possible because ziggers are retarded.
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What IS the extremist position in regards to the zigger question?
TZD is too precious to be ended in our generations. We must institute mandatory Zigger breeding programs to feed an eternal blood sport of TZD, livestreamed for all time, that our descendants may witness the same joys as us.
I was actually referencing the thing where russian soldiers captured two middle school russian girls and raped and murdered them when they were pulling out of Kursk.
They were victims one way or the other and that shit blows even though I fully support vaporizing china and russia into sub atomic particles. kids shouldn't have to die because russians are allowed to exist
As alluring as that sounds, there is a danger of some of them escaping out into the wild and polluting the earth once again. I do believe I will stay firmly within the moderate camp.
>What IS the extremist position in regards to the zigger question?

Immediate fully scale nuclear annihilation. Saturation of all air fields and missile sites to prevent retaliation. Send in a military force to fill the void and rebuild the scraps.

This is extreme, and is super risky. There is almost no way to prevent at least one nuclear armed nuclear submarine from getting close enough to fire a revenge shot. You'd have to bank on Russia being so poor their systems don't work (50/50 honestly). India, China, Britain, France, etc would be extremely cautious about the situation where one country just decides to delete another one from existance, even if they were shitty like Russia. It means anyone can do it which makes everyone paranoid about each other and can't trust the USA.

So it's a bad idea. But... it's there.
problem is their culture just produces more russians
Anon, I was under the impression that this is the moderate position.
Generalplan Ost, this time with nukes.
nah even for TZD its extreme as it threatens our alliances, until the retards try to nuke someone else, simply firebombing their land until there's a 1 foot thick sheet of glass will do
In hindsight it's funny that during the war in Afghanistan the news would report some major colossal military logistical fuckup that resulted in 7 soldiers dying and that the commander in charge would be held accountable. Meanwhile in the 3 day special military operation the meat cubes are growing by the day and nobody bats an eye.
Genuinely wondering--I hate ziggers as much as the next guy--but will any of it matter if Russia "wins?" Even if they do nothing but take Pokrovsk at the cost of a million russians, Russians are expendable--Putin doesn't have to care about how many lives he's wasted because he's beholden to no one, and he's still strong enough to keep his state from destabilizing. At this point what would a Russian loss look like?
They can't really sustain their "progress" the way things have been going. Their bottleneck, and Ukraine's, is how much equipment they have on hand. Ukraine has been able to sustain their equipment pool thanks to donations from NATO and has even grown it in some cases according to one of the latest Perun vids. Puccia is already digging into the scraps and has reached the bottom of the Soviet hoard. By the third anniversary of the war (Feb 22 2025) they will be an effectively demechanized army. One year after that, even the scraps will be gone other than new production, what little of it there is, and whatever monke manages to beg from Iran and NK, that is if they still have something to give by then.
There is literally no scenario where Russia comes out better off or stronger than when they went into this venture. Let's say they actually manage to grind the Ukranians down through sheer URAAAAAAAAA spamming, collapse the front, and somehow keep it together after that and do a thunder-run to Kyiv and succeed in toppling the government and hoisting the Russian flag there. And then what? They still lost a gorillion fighting (and thus working) age men, untold amounts of equipment that will be hard to replenish, an utterly fucked economy, and a pariah status where literally no one but the likes of the chinks and norks and other assorted turd-worlders will have anything to do with them. Even in this scenario, Russia as a power would be utterly spent and would become little more than a vassal nation to China, and one could argue it already is. Would such a state be capable of then occupying a country the size of Ukraine and the inevitable insurgency that would come after? I highly doubt it, though no doubt they'd immediately try the usual "Russification" process and all that entails.

The Russians would, of course, still count this as a win because the Wikipedia article says Russia won the war and Russia looks a little bigger on the map, so ROSSIYA STRONK and all that, but the rest of the world would know the truth.

But yeah, an actual Russian loss, where they get utterly spent before achieving their objectives and get pushed out by the Ukies, will be utterly catastrophic to the Russian state and nation as a whole.
The actual win scenario as the original invasion implied would be a complete nightmare for everyone:

>Russia has full control of Ukraine's grain - this supplies a lot of the world and they would have massive leverage in the middle east and South East asia
>Russia has full control over Ukraine's population, so they could draft them into their military for the next war
>Russia has full control over Ukraine's oil, gas, and minerals, and could further blackmail Europe
>Russia would have complete control over the northern part of the black sea coast, not just Crimea
>Russia would control the Zap nuclear power plant, and the entire Ukrainian steel production

The list goes on. Think: what would EU do in 10-20 years to a Russia that took 0 losses absorbing Ukraine, and has all their resources? What if he gobbles up the Baltics next? Would NATO backoff or actually fight? A cocky Russia getting into a direct NATO fight, getting utterly destroyed, would then set the possibility of a nuclear exchange.

Its bonkers that Europe was just going to shrug their shoulders if Russia got away with it and Ukraine didn't put up a fight. Ukraine more or less SAVED Europe and they barely get any credit for it.

Europe has gotten way too complacent. Carving out a huge Eurasian empire in the east of Europe is exactly what Hitler wanted to do, and why letting them do it owuld be suicide for France and Britain.
Germany, UK and france were 100% ready to shrug it off but sudden turn of public opinion forced them to act or a lot of their politicians would be outed as russian shills
Ukraine saving europe is an understatement
A lot of credit for the first two years would probably have to go to Poland, the Baltics and eastern central europe that didn't have much, but they made sure they got it quickly in country and in enough numbers.
The western European response in the first year-18 months should be something of a national shame to these countries
Uh, it has TWICE as many rockets AND it can go almost twice as far on a tank of gas.
Rocket artillery is not as great as HIMARS and the like but it’s still capable against fixed positions along the frontlines and urban areas. Plenty of people have been wounded or killed in this war from BM-21 and BM-30 barrages.
I think the biggest bottleneck, and issue at hand, is demographics. Europe is facing a demographic crisis. Some are faring far worse than others but none are sending tens of thousands of men to their doom in the slug fest that’s going on in Russia/Ukraine. The scars of WWII and other conflicts still cut deep in this region of the world, the scars from this needless war will also cut deep. Although the total amount dead and wounded won’t be as severe as prior wars, the lower fertility and higher emigration rates will have a deep impact in the futures of these countries. Mediterranean nations are practically going extinct at the rates their democracies are declining. Ukraine and Russia aren’t better and the post-war years better see baby booms or else they will suffer even greater than the likes of Spain, Greece, and Italy.
Modern tanks and aircraft are a commodity that worth the lives of many men in Russia. Mothballed western hardware is something that ukraine is severely lacking to stage effective offensives into deeply fortified regions. But even if both sides are fielding lesser capable trucks and tanks, the men that are riding them are the literal lifeblood of these nations.
> >Russia has full control over Ukraine's oil, gas, and minerals, and could further blackmail Europe
Russia has plenty of all of that. What Ukraine has a lot of is arable land. Ukraine punches above its weight with agricultural exports along with its previous black soil. The nations is major exporter of grain to europe as well as developing nations, not to mention all the sunflower oil too. Russia having control over the farms in ukraine would increase its importance as exporere of food and grains, netting more influence in places like africa and the middle east, which are are already heavily dependent on Ukie and Russian foodstuffs. Europe will also face some short term food issues too but nothing comparable to their woods nations that get large percentages of theirs foods exclusively from Ukraine.
yeah, it was the fuckup rather than the act itself that resulted in the disciplinary action.
>Russia has plenty of all of that.

With Ukraine, they would have competition, and one that isn't bent on conquest or run by an authoritarian government. Now all of a sudden, the hungry german economy would have options as to where to get their oil and gas.

And don't under-estimate Oligarch greed and that their system can't expand like a normal economy. they operate like feudal lords. They need to grab resources to expand their empire.
>simple math
You're mistaken, a war crime is uncountable.
Kill one POW, it's a war crime.
Kill two POWs, it's still just a war crime.
>it's funny that during the war in Afghanistan the news would report some major colossal military logistical fuckup that resulted in 7 soldiers dying and that the commander in charge would be held accountable
tbf that was more of a policing operation.
In a peer war, the us could lose 200 guys and there might not be an investigation, more of a battle report. It's about expectations.

If you're against guerillas with every possible advantage, then fucking up needs to be punished. If you're fighting in real war, casualties are expected.

You're leaning a bit toward the librulpinkobleedingheart edge of he moderate scale there.

Are you OKay, anon? Y'all rite? Come back to the fold where it's really comfy moderate.

These are actually helpful answers, thanks anons.
>Russia has plenty of all of that
It's not enough to have enough for themselves, they have to make sure nobody else has enough.

It's like a crack dealer wanting to make sure nobody else operates on that corner.
>Russians do not riot because they know they will be more or less alone, and they know they will be de-personed for doing so
Right now? Sure. Even a few year ago? Nope. You faggots are once again rationalizing and whitewashing russians, so eager to create excuses for them and such. The sad reality is that russians are just scum and in general approve of the shit that's being done by the regime overall, mostly due to the fact of how their viewpoint and culture got formed. For once there's a hierarchy of importance to things. Capturing territory is good and more important than having good life.

Russia didn't just end up in a post-2022 state from the start, that crap was built out for 20+ years with regular russians being okay with that every step of the way.
They had their media stripped out from non-regime owners and consolidated by the state in early 2000s, they didn't care. Fuck those oligarchs, right?
They had their voting right fucked over in mid 2000s, they didn't care. Why do you even need a "against all" option? By the way, it's for terrorist security.
They had their weak separation of power dismantled year after year, but who cares, right? Putin is saving russia from collapse.
They had more and more repressive "extremism" laws enabled, but who cares? That's like against nazis and terrorist, right?
They engaged in terrorism across the world, from nuclear poisonings to laying explosives, but who cares? If they were killed, then there was something wrong they did, right?
They had their internet censored, but who cares? That's against CP and terrorism, right?
They had a "foreign agent" law passed, but who cares? Hurr-durr murrica has a law like that (no, it doesn't, it's false propaganda point, the name is similar but the actual nature of the law is nowhere near the same), it won't impact regular people, right?
And those are not even all of the important steps of the way. Time after time shit was being done and people were okay with that, because czar monke had support of the people. Because he knew how to sell "we're returning our glory" shit to the russian population, deeply scared by weimar syndrome of russia not being a word super power empire and relegated to be just a normal country and regional power.

Russians were ecstatic during their war with Georgia in 2008, even more so when they annexed Crimea in 2014. Even local russian sociologists and political analysts agree that such an event created the so-called "crimean consensus", i.e. a focal point where the overwhelming majority of russian society threw their hat in with the regime, even if previously they were oppositional, just because capturing a piece of land was viewed so good. Which was also good for czar monke, who stylized himself as a "gatherer (as in "returner") of the russian lands" of sorts. Belarus was partially annex via the "union state" project, Kazakhstan and Armenia were also integrated into russia's bootleg EU copy. But Ukraine was the main trophy and capturing Crimea should've been the first domino to fall before they got the whole of Ukraine. But it was not. Russians were even more ecstatic in 2022 when the invasion happened. You're just shielded from that via a language barrier.
Back in 2011-2012 when czar monke decided to get back into the president's chair personally (instead of the proxy medvedev), some people were against that and there were also protests in moscow. A whole lot of 50-100k people were there. In a city of 12 million (closer to 20 million with agglomeration). Compare that protest figures from Ukraine.

Their regime shat bricks back then, there were neither the laws, nor tools, nor the mechanisms in place to repress those people. HOMO was too small to do anything, sending the army would be out of the question. Rosgrardia didn't exist yet. And due to size of the country busing in rural gopniks from their "rust belt" hired for ten bucks wouldn't be practical, unlike in Ukraine.

But nothing happened. Fake opposition sold out the protestors, Navalny personally basically had people let off steam and not transform the protests into something more. People were ready to go and storm the Kremlin and heads of the protests specifically had them cuck out. And then they went on a holiday. They literally took a vacation from the protests, decapitating the whole movement lol and giving the regime a chance to regroup. And people generally were okay with that, because it's not like this is important or anything lol.
>Even if they do nothing but take Pokrovsk at the cost of a million russians, Russians are expendable
And it's the civilized world's job to help Ukraine to expend those millions of russians.
You forgot the ukie MIC, it's a linchpin for like 50% of the russian MIC, from Mykolaiv ship yards to MotorSich, Uzhmash and everything else.
>Russia has plenty of all of that
One of the big reasons for the russian invasion to to remove a current and possible future competitor.
Ukraine has a shitload of oil, natural gas and other resources. Those weren't really developed because no local tech and money to do so and russian glowie influence to stop foreign companies from doing so. One small exception were oil rigs in the Black Sea, which russia captured during the Crimea annexation btw. Before the 2014-2015 shitfest there were finally moves to get the industry moving with the help of foreigners, but all that flew out the window because of the Donbas war.
Russia couldn't afford the risk of Ukraine starting to pump more oil and/or natural gas, because they could've become a viable supplier to Europe, which is a big issue for the russian fuel monopoly they were trying to built up.
Yeah, a handful of soldiers killed in Mali would make the news for days in France. The difference is stark.
Absolutely horrifying
Another round of Ziggers cheeks getting clapped by BUCs, Big Ukrainian Cocks, using AmeriCyka technology.

>But but... we have S300 and S400 and also soon S500, but somehow, despite Russian technological superiority, they intercept all our missiles and can't intercept any of their missiles for some reason
>This is proof AmeriCyka and Hohols are doing Dark Magic Juju tricks with Satan to win against Glorious Communi-... I mean Christian Motha Russia!
Fascinating insights.
Thank you effort-poster, for quality info and story-telling skills.
What you said is overall correct and quality info, however this part
>Hypothetically, if the whole of Moscow rose up against Putin at once, they would win and depose him, but no movement can grow larger than a few dozen guys before it is somehow exposed and wiped out.
Ignores some realities about the nature of power.
You only mentionned mostly powerless civilians as being able to take up arms against Putin, so your analysis lacks a critical element : Oligarchs.
Putin's status and stability as leader directly depends on the Russian Oligarchy being pleased.
Putin's power is not absolute. He relies on other people, called the "Keys", as in the Keys of/to Power.
Generals, polic chiefs, his finance minister, who control each facet and institution in Russia.

It would be long and hard to explain the "Rules of Rulers" or as I like to call it, the Keys of Power, so I'll let CGP-Grey explain it better :

Sic Semper Tyrannis.
Russia just wanted a blowjob.
Ukraine wanted it messy, with slapping and asphyxiation.
NATO supplied all kind of toys and lube for Ukraine. Made tons of videos by satellites. jerks fiercely.
> w-we are not even in the bed. we are not part of this. no, sir.
when did the cuck culture conquer the West? is there a cure?
I already alluded to what you describe at the end of my post - there is perhaps some cultural tendency towards dictatorship in Russia, even if it is not as if they were presented with a pristine and immaculate democracy in 1991
the 1996 election for example was almost certainly rigged to make Yeltsin win and the communists lose, before everything you describe. To be clear, I don't believe in communism as a viable political platform at all, I am not out here shilling for them or saying Russia would be a great place today if they won, my point is solely that Russia was never a good democracy, so the slide towards dictatorship was semi-automated.
Wait this thread is still up?! This is like ancoent news.
Yeah, an unsupported column of HIMARS out in the open with drunk drivers who sold half of their gas to the locals sounds right
Why are you newniggers trying to bump a thread that's past bump limit?
>I am not out here shilling for them or saying Russia would be a great place today if they won
It would be definitely better: the commies would crash and burn with their guy as president, but wouldn't cause too much issues, because separation of power kinda existed back then, they'd get an even more anti-communist parliament and media and have commies lose in the next election, but that would give a vaccine to society that it's a normal thing when presidents change.
>pigpost about gay sex
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I tried to shit post on there and no matter what I did I just kept getting given new captchas.
>how do you solve the captcha on there
you see what icons are shown to you in the image and click the corresponding buttons from the pallet available to you in any order

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