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What are the chances of the south Korean government are gonna sending conscripts to fight in Taiwan if PRC invades.
Zero. Who will be left to guard the DMZ?

China-Taiwan-USA will be an air and sea war.
Yoon will be shot if that happens. Gooks are cowardly and do not wish to die for (((USA))) and jews.
>reddit screenshot thread
Zilch, Zero, None. South Korea wouldn't be interested in getting involved in a ultimately fruitless conflict for them. Also, the increased hostility in Asia if said invasion were to happen would mean they'd want to keep their own personel and stores close instead of wasting them somewhere else.
>Gooks are cowardly and do not wish to die for (((USA))) and jews.
Clearly you're forgetting about South Korea's role in the Vietnam war. They were heavily involved, and offered important support. However, a war shooting a jungle people to try and possibly prevent the spread of communism and China's influence, is a lot different than a direct war with with China when they're neighbor's main ally is China.
Since China lacks to good sense to just formally recognize and reconcile with Taiwan, I have no doubt any attack will be preceeded by convincing the Norks to go charging over the border to tie up US pacific assets.
If that happens the Korean War will reheat most likely
Legitimately, why would they send conscripts? Like what possible reasoning would there be for them to send conscripts to Taiwan? For what possible reason would Taiwan even request it, much less a country like SK provide it? How retarded are you that you think a tiny, densely populated island's biggest need in a defensive war against a superpower is going to be foreign conscripts? Not aircraft, not PGM's, not manpads, not atgm's, not AA systems, not ships, or artillery, or ammunition, but fucking conscripts. Why is this even a question?
If the US supports ROK involvement 100% ROK will send troops and unlike other asian allies the US will likely ask ROK to send ground combat troops and assets in numbers, air and naval assets are a given

Protip, every asian country considers China as their primary long term adversary in the region, even more than Russia, and no country has a negative opinion polls on China worse than South Korea followed closely by Japan, of all countries in the world, only the US and South Korea have fought two modern full scale wars against China since the mid-1900s
> only the US and South Korea have fought two modern full scale wars against China


The UK and Aussies may send a few thousand troops symbolically, maybe another few thousand NATO troops again symbolically, but no other country will get actively involved any more than providing logistical and non-combat support, every other country in the world will be too chickenshit to actually send shooters just like the last couple times...its going to be 99.9% US and ROK doing the actual fighting, just lol at the notion of any southeast asian, japanese or indian troops getting involved in earnest
If China kicks off shit no one is going to sit around and wait. They have all learned their lesson from when Japan was trying to build a co-prosperity slavesphere.
>convincing the Norks to go charging over the border to tie up US pacific assets
I can certainly see the strategic value of that, but it's a big ask on Best Korea.
I think it's more likely to do some light shelling, maybe a few targeted rocket attacks, probably not much more.
Not just suffer far too much from an actual conflict or even a skirmish. It would have to be a very limited engagement ghat they could entrench and endure the counter strike for.
>The UK and Aussies may send a few thousand troops symbolically
I suspect the Australian Navy and Air Force will be involved as well.

You going to see all sorts of South China Sea Nations contribute as well, not only do they want to make them up on the South China Sea, they'll also want a share of the spoils afterwards too.

>South Korea wouldn't be interested in getting involved
Getting involved is a very risky proposition for South Korea because they're directly exposed to a response from China. I don't think Taiwan actually needs them either.
Fuck that I will immediately draft dodge i refuse to die in a war as a ricecel
t. Truecel gook
Gook conscripts are not allowed to used in foreign conflicts.
It's in our constitution like Russian.
Bepsi. Also 0, they're too busy raping women and kids.
Sk uncovered a 300k members pedo chat not too long ago where they would make ai porn out of women and kids to use for blackmail.
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3.39 MB PNG
Indeed. Some say they are the least reliable allies... in the world.
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>300k school boys up to no good editing pictures in new ways
>whatever will we do with them
I have just the plan
Without outside intervention China versus Taiwan would look like the US versus Cuba

Even if we assume Chinese weapons are a generation or two behind the west, Taiwan is still largely 1980s tech

Taiwanese navy: not a single destroyer unless you count the 4 donated Kidd class destroyers built in the 1970s; 2 upgraded ww2 era subs and 2 1980s subs

Taiwanese air force: 200 1980s/1990s jet fighters, nothing better than f16s

Taiwanese army: 14 M1a2s, 200 M60s, 450 CM11s (M48 equivalents)

Arguably weaker than the Philippines certainly Vietnam
Fpbp. We can move to some other thread everyone.
>Arguably weaker than the Philippines certainly Vietnam
As a flip, I can say you're a retard. Flip army's only strength or asset is experience, which isn't much considering the US has experience too but still lost in Vietnam and Islamistan
>not a single destroyer unless you count the destroyers
who the fuck is even manufacturing pagers these days? Is there a market out there for non terrorist outfits?
Have fun dying on a landing craft 50 miles from Formosa.
Yes. I hear doctors use them.

Also wrong thread anon.
Yes and no.
SK is doing everything it can to not get involved in the Taiwan matter because its diplomatic strategy since 1991 is that they become 'relatively' neutral or friendly with other (Soviet) nations to diplomatically isolate NK. They have been trying to contain the North Korean problem to a 1v1 situation ever since. (They can't)
This ambivalence is clear during the conflict in Ukraine where Korea refused to send weapons to Ukraine until Yoon came in. Even Yoon was reluctant to send any weapon until Biden paid him a hefty sum to supply those 155mm shells.
Moreover, they have too much shit invested in China to actually provoke them. Biggest consumer of their electronics and kpop are unfortunately the Chinese.
But complete neutrality is SK's wishful thinking. If China attacks the US first, then SK is forced to participate due to defensive alliance. US could pressure the Koreans into doing something like they did for Ukraine war.
For China, SK has too many American war assets for them to simply ignore.
>Vietnam war
Different time.
You see, the SK parliament unanimously voted to go to the war not only because they wanted that M16 license production (to get their MIC kickstarted), but also because the main narrative was that "The UN helped us fighting the communists, it is time we help the international community back". They had no reason to be friendly with the PRC because it was 1960's, prior to Nixon shock.
Uh, Im pretty sure theyll be too busy dealing with hordes of Norks

Its pretty likely the KPA would invade SK as soon as the chinks try invading the ROC
Anon, they were straight up posting lists of middle school girls talking about stalking and assaulting or blackmailing them for sex, wasn't just ai nudes. They were also sharing videos of the assaults.
The whole country is rotten.
11th post best post followed closely by 12th post

If anything ROK is looking for a cassus belli...
>Without outside intervention China versus Taiwan would look like the US versus Cuba
Every retard who says this fails to understand the sheer logistical challenge of a naval invasion. Land chinks could bomb and blockade the island chinks maybe, but they could not successfully invade against even moderately determined resistance. Every single man you shove onto the beaches needs multiple men behind him for logistics and command, needs fuel/ammo/food and medevac and all of this while you're trying to bring even more men and more materiel in to keep expanding your bridgehead. And then you need to keep those additional forces supplied too and replace losses. And remember it takes weeks-months of easily noticed and prepared for buildup to pull this sort of shit off.

Throw on top of that that China is sub-Russia tier in terms of experience, doctrine, officer independence and just basic bitch military culture and that much like Russia it has a small core of 'modern' forces and a giant glorified police force and an attempt to actually invade Taiwan would be a slaughter that makes the special needs operation look competent. It's genuinely questionable if China could even successfully invade a nation like Vietnam without fucking up and there they have a land border.

A blockade on the other hand would also be countered by at the very least worldwide sanctions from the west + assorted allies even in this magical situation where the US stays out militarily and the PRC's economy would collapse pretty quickly itself.
>What are the chances
medium to low. Chinese invasion of Taiwan won't happen and would be a massacre at sea
None. TSMC was kicking Samsung's ass. A destroyed Taiwan is a win for them.
>The whole country is rotten
I think that's really not true. South Koreans are actually really lovely people on an individual basis. As a tourist I found them way more helpful than I expected, several times people walked me blocks out of their way to show me where I needed to go.

There is shit that's fucked up about that culture, it's all above the individual level though. It's in employment and religion and government.
Friend who kiced there for a few years found it quite the soulless society, it reflects in their works of fantasy that are all about money, bullying and fame.
Yeah I sort of found that too, the people are nice but the culture disturbed me a bit.

I saw all these personal studios for selfies and streaming video and stuff, there's a bunch of wannabe idol related stuff going on that just makes me squirm.
Shut the fuck up retard
Zero. In a war in the Taiwan Strait, they'd mobilize everyone but stay on the defensive in case Best Korea tries something

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