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What happens if you were caught dodging conscription during ww1 or ww2.
If you were british.
my brother was shamed but after the war no one gave a fuck. did a short stint but hit prime puss when he got out.
IIRC, the Military Services Act of 1916 specified that men failing to report when conscripted could be punished as deserters with the exception that they could not be put to death.
Depends on what you mean by dodging.
If you simply failed to report, it would be imprisonment.
But you had options to circumvent frontline service.
There was the non-combatant corps, or get a job that was deemed vital to the war effort.
Total exemption from service was reserved to certain religious groups like quakers as far as i'm aware.
This is for WW2.
girls would give you a white flower and wouldn't have sex with you
Last year I become curious why would Tolkien join the ww1, just a sudden thought that such a pacifist like him would certainly stay away from the military. Was it so hard to dodge? But I couldn't find any explicit info on why he did so. A lot of articles on how he joined, and what he did, but zero evidence for why. There was some obscure mention that he had zero income, and officer commission includes some pay. And also mentions about people being ridiculed for draft dodging. Imagine joining the greatest manslaughter because your neighbours would laugh at you.
Tolkien was an ambulance driver, non-combat role.
Can someone explain shellshock to me? How does this occur, why, and is it recoverable?

a unique form of brain injury caused by blasts

last i remember, guy in image is actually smiling because he almost died after being shot at
Some men prefer flowers.
>joining the greatest manslaughter
No, that was Stalin's purges.
You know that sound when you put a sheashell up to your ear? Same thing, some people just go mad.
That guy is having an adrenaline rush from having a bullet graze his head and is feeling euphoric. He’s fine though. “Shell shock” and ptsd are terms for a wide range of mental health issues. Some of it is psychological where people grow used to living in an environment where there is constant high stress and then suddenly returning to a “normal” lifestyle. But it’s been found in recent years that the concussive force of repeated explosions can also cause brain damage that contributes to it. The videos of WW1 and WW2 vets that are extremely fucked up are mostly of guys exposed to massive artillery bombardments. It’s been found that cycling guys to rear areas frequently and withdrawing people who are beginning to show symptoms can prevent ptsd. But there seems to be a critical point beyond which not much can be done about it.
Yeah i have heard that he wasn’t suffering shell shock. Kind of like that tired ww2 US marine that people say has the thousand yard stare when he couldve just been exhausted to hell.
It's a term that refers to a bunch of different afflictions that affected soldiers on the front line, so it really varies.
>White Feather
>it’s been found in recent years that the concussive force of repeated explosions can also cause brain damage
Yeah, the subtle brain damage can build up over time if your brain gets shaken often enough.
There's a reason why retired boxers and NFL players often have all sorts of subtle tics, impulse control issues and memory problems (more than what they had when they started their career) and then go on to develop some sort of degenerative brain disease. If they don't die of drugs first.
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this is also a thing with smallarms too, but its only recently been realized
its one thing to shoot a gun, but its another thing to shoot a gun every day, for extended periods of time, sourrounded by others doing the same, while being dehydrated, physically & mentally exhausted, and cooking in the sun
they've found the same physical & mental effects in people who were never in combat, but had the same regimented lifestyle, i.e., depression, anger, alertness, reduced brainmass, swelling of the brain, and blood flow & activity to certain areas of the brain
imho, i think most cases of ptsd these days is actually caused by firearms at this point
According to contemporary documentation a naughty German man will poke you in the fanny.
Jailed and shot if it was outright desertion.
Depends if you were a conscientious objector or not, if so you might get stretcher bearer service or whatever. Possibly mining/farming work which was unpopular with the qualified workers who were forced to continue it. If you just avoided it or refused even that then once again you're getting imprisoned.
>Total exemption from service was reserved to certain religious groups like quakers as far as i'm aware.
war-critical services were barred from both conscription and volunteering
we are talking jobs like electrician and welder, who were far more important making weapons than dying in a field
So you live?
doing hard labor, being mistreated and will probably die of tuberculosis
so not that far off of the military
Most causes of PTSD are probably safety hazards more than fighting, probably why the Navy has the highest suicide rate.
It's an old school name that lumped many mental issues soldiers ran into under one name. Sometimes it was PTSD. Sometimes it was combat fatigue. Sometimes it was psychosis caused by the unique stressors in the environment and horrific tempo of combat (some artillery bombardments would go on for days straight striking your position in drum-roll fire patterns). Sometimes it was the result of TBIs caused by shell explosions.
How many people converted to quakers during the war?
Fanny is the cunt though
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His regiment, the Lancashire Fusiliers, was generally held in reserve at places like the Somme. But fought directly at other places. Tolkien himself was a signals officer, which I suppose was kind of a non-combat role. But he did spend a rotation on the Somme frontline. Then he got trench fever and the war was over for him. Funnily, he was officially counted as a casualty at Somme. Point is, he wasn't some Desmond Doss equivalent who actively refused to use weapons. Hell, Tolkien's WW1 revolver is still on display in a museum today. Did he kill any germans? Maybe. He did spend five days on the Somme front-line after all. I always wondered if Sam's (Faramir in the movies) thoughts about the dead Haradrim soldier was taken directly from Tolkien's own thoughts during the war.
Are you 100?
Wouldn't surprise me at all if being in a generally shitty condition for weeks made all the little accumulated damage worse.
Some heavier recoilless launchers can also blast the user hard enough to potentially cause lasting damage, even if it's not immediately apparent.
There are letters to his wife about his entourage, family and friends, becoming more and more disgusted that he hadn’t enlisted yet, and he finally couldn’t ignore the commentary towards his reputation anymore.
It is hard for us today to grasp how united Britons once were. A few posters asking, "what did you do in the war, father?" Kitchener’s portrait staring into your soul saying your country needs you, a quote from Nelson, and the fear of public shame and dishonour was enough to send 10 million men into machinegun and shellfire across the globe twice over. Draft dodging was near unheard of, and the punishment of being labeled a coward was deemed enough when whole towns and villages volunteered together to fight. How can you hide when every man on your street has enlisted? They didn’t need to hunt anyone down. Communities self-reported every Sunday at church.
>Still here, JRR? I thought you would have been with your friend Lewis down at the depot this past week…..
>ho hum, no volunteer badge, I see….. Are you waiting for an invite?
This is so retarded. Imagine losing the works of Tolkien because of this faggotry.
from what I've heard, Brits killed A LOT of their own men for "cowardice"
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There's an uncropped version where you can see that the guy is in a rear area aid station getting treatment, and it's pretty clear he's giddy because he got a 'million dollar wound'. The sort of thing that's juuuuuuust serious enough to get you a few days or weeks' vacation in a hospital.
A sudden conversion wouldn't have flown with the draft boards back then.
Seriously, the man couldn't write for shit so he buried an almost plot in seven layers of the same flavored bullshit but gave say a mountain it's 4th fucking name. It's tedium not because it's mysterious genius, BECAUSE IT FUCKING SUCKS. It's just like Tool; it all sounds very fancy if you're 12 or stupid.
He manufactured a dollar store fantasy (yes for it's time) by weight of bullshit pedantic history that made a bloated mess, and none of it was original.
Fuck that nigger.
We'll never know how cool all the works of people who actually did die could have been. There could've been even more groundbreaking authors who did catch a bullet.

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