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>dozens (hundreds according to reuters) of pagers used by hezbollah militants just simultaneously exploded in their faces all across lebanon
what fucking weapon is capable of doing this?
>what fucking weapon is capable of doing this?
The Yellow Press
Twitter screencap threads should be punishable by death
it'd be wild if there was a nation that they continually antagonized that had a history of exploding telecommunications equipment.
Battery forced to overheat somehow (being lithium, will explode) or a supply chain attack with explosives smuggled in set to some secret timer. Israel has done the latter before with cell phones, but that was for a far more targeted assassination mission against one specific guy, with the phone being given to him by a "trusted friend/family member" turned by Mossad. The Israelis made a call to the phone, verified it was the guy on the other end and blew it.

My bet is supply chain attack a few months in advance, Israel caught wind that someone may have figured out there were bombs in the pagers, and they sent out the activation code or whatever via Hezbollah's pager network.

There's a lot of shills here right now and I'm assuming this is some of them, expect 15 slide threads.

Absolutely insane to fall for it twice. Holy fuck. Didn't they do this shit to Iran too a while back with a massive bomb smuggled inside a piece of hardware in one of their nuclear sites?
samsung batteries
Some videos/pics
Oh, it was Hamas, but same thing.

>In October 1995, Kamil Hamad met with Shin Bet operatives, demanding money and Israeli identity cards for himself and his wives. After they threatened to inform on him, he agreed to cooperate. Shin Bet agents gave him a cell phone and told him it was bugged so they could listen in on his conversations.[17] They did not tell him that it also contained 15 grams of RDX explosive.[3] Hamad gave the phone to his nephew Osama, knowing that Ayyash regularly used Osama's phones.[18]

>At 08:00 on 5 January 1996, Ayyash's father called him and Ayyash answered. Overhead, an Israeli plane picked up their conversation and relayed it to an Israeli command post. When it was confirmed that it was Ayyash on the phone, Shin Bet remotely detonated it, killing him instantly.[3] He was in Beit Lahia at the time.[19]
Any sufficiently badly manufactured battery is indistinguishable from a bomb.
Faulty batteries. Shit happens if you don’t maintain the batteries or if the batteries are too old to be used in a safe manner. Lithium is not a joke and Samsung had issues with their phones exploding because of shitty batteries.
Shouldnt they call first?
>now we're outright denying it
They all exploded, randomly, at exactly the same time you fucking morons.
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lebanon health ministry claims massive casualties
aloha snackbar :DDDDD
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many many dead and wounded
If they are made from the same manufacturing line, it will combust at the same time if they are made in the same piss poor quality that they are. Faulty batteries due to poor manufacturing quality is nothing new. If you want another example that isn’t batteries, the Soviets had such poorly made equipment to the point that majority of their equipment/personnel losses were due to poorly made equipment breaking/blowing up on their faces
>actual hezbollah shills
Don't you have a pager to toss out, Abdul?
>If they are made from the same manufacturing line, it will combust at the same time
Most retarded thing I have read on the internet for the last few months. Congrats
What part of my statements screams hezobolla?
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because they bought them at the same time and put them under the same load.
war crime
I don't care if it's mossad fuckery, shitty batteries and coincidence, or the wrath of God this is some funny shit.
The entire post. You're denying it because accepting it means acknowledging that Israel owns your entire supply chain and no electronics can be trusted until a thorough audit is done.
>it will combust at the same time
Nonsense, because the phones aren't all used the same amount. Faulty batteries don't fail due to "time running out", they fail when loaded too much, and that's a function of use, not time.
Uh, lets hope none of them were on a plane at the time
I don't know if this is real confusion or actual bait. It's very easy to turn cellphones and pagers into micro bombs. This requires an elementary level science thing. It's not an industrial thing and I doubt Israelis would pass out bad pagers to make bombs when they could just do z very easy thing that's faster. We did this to Insurgents and aq. Thousands died. It's really simple.
Muslims have no excuse not to know how this happened or to even keep letting it happen. For any Muslim extremist. You cannot have a phone on you during operations or ofc operations. If you do you will eventually be blown up with it. Thousands of AQ for 2 decades.
I'm more shocked they haven't figured out how it's being done.
batteries don't explode like grenades, retards. they'll vent and put out some flames at the worst case, batteries for small devices generally aren't big enough to cause any real harm.
they were obviously rigged, if this is real.
This is why they're making those posts btw. This is clear as day a few grams of high explosive inside the cases of pagers synced to a probably slightly modified piece of firmware set to issue a specific signal on receipt of a specific, proprietary, pager message. If it was a faulty battery you'd be seeing conflagrations, maybe low tier explosions, not people's thighs being taken out and pagers scattering shit across rooms when they blow up. We know what lithium batteries going up look like and this isn't it.
By force of explosion it's definitely small high explosives charge. Batteries don't explode like that
>make antisemitic post
>phone blows up
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Doesn't look like a battery explosion, they were definitely rigged. No wonder Israel knows where hezbollah commanders are at all times if their equipment is compromised to this extent.
Exploding batteries puff up then hiss and spew gasses everywhere for a bit while erupting into flames. Those explosions where far too violent for a battery cookoff that small.
Have you ever seen a phone lithium battery thrown in a microwave. This kind of thing has been going almost 20 years.

They are just this stupid.
Batteries would take some time to heat up. Dudes would have likely noticed their thighs were getting hot and take the bulging devices out.
Yeah, it doesn't seem just normal batteries to me.
>not only hezbollah communication devices are bugged, they are vibed too
>No wonder Israel knows where hezbollah commanders are at all times if their equipment is compromised to this extent.
Yeah. I don't understand the point. Isn't planting listening devices into pagers bring more value? Israel comprised this possibility demonstrating that they planted bugs into pagers, Hezbollah are gonna change their comm devices.
Nuking a battery with microwaves =/= a lithium battery cooking off under stress
Shut up retard, nobody takes you seriously.
They're probably about to invade lebanon.
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>he doesn't know
>change their comm devices
Yes, Moshe from Tel Aviv will be happy to assist you with that.
Batteries don't produce high order detonations
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>he doesn't know
Whatever. Keep using highly energetic chemicals that react to certain EM explosively. and holding them to your body another 20 fucking years.
Just another set of bricks in the carcass wall.
This is another example of shill techniques btw. Instead of acknowledging the obvious, that it's CLEARLY high explosive inside the pagers going off from some sort of signal (we're now getting reports that apparently a message came through just before the pagers exploded), anon here tries to get you to believe that it's some sort of magical wacky Jewish/American/Anglo trick, one that he won't elaborate one or actually explain, but he'll gladly mock you for not somehow knowing it, despite the fact that if it was actually secret he'd be breaching like 6 laws and several contracts for even hinting at it being real.

It was HE inside the pagers. We'll see a dud disassembled within a few hours.
I'm not arguing anymore. I got all the sources in the world for twenty years. I don't give a fuck now. I was just trying to give Muslims a heads up.
Go nuts look up cell phone explosions just this year then look up the ied disarmament methods and counter insurgency methods 2005-2008. Peace out
Hacked? Shit nah, the Israelis must've rigged them. They once took out a Palestinian bigshot by planting a bomb in his phone when he sent it in to be fixed. They called him on it, he went "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" and then the fucking glowie on the other end said "Yes, we do". Damn thing blew up half his head.
While not the same thing, there was this famous story in russia back in the 90s during the so-called "criminal revolution" where a gangster was walking with an IED device he had to plant into a competitor's car or something. Well, the detonator was either a pager or a cell phone and it received an unplanned message en route, causing the IED to explode before it ever got to its destination.
Are we sure they didn't detonate the pants around the pagers instead?
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The real question is whether these are compromised beepers that Israel has managed to insert into Lebanon, knowing Hezbollah would use them and with the option to detonate them or regular beepers that can be hack into explosion.
>damn you, spammers!
IIRC that was the guy in France who was involved in the Olympics attack back in the 80s, and they didn't threaten him, they just called him, went "is this Ahmed?", he said yes, bang. The Palestinian that got it was just on the phone to a family member and got got after Israeli SIGINT figured out he was 100% on the phone and detonated the bomb inside.
I'm actually anglos and I pretty much spelled it out. And

I just don't care anymore. Anytime I say something like the Palestinians need to do something, I get attacked and the Palestians dont do it and die. I have no influence over this thing and it's pointless to argue with shills of people who have been getting slaughtered 50 years now by invaders.
What's the point. There is none. They'll just argue and insult demand source after source eating up my free time. I don't care. Let them all die or live I don't care.
>Absolutely insane to fall for it twice.
they really aren't that smart of people.
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Christ I love those jew bastards so much.
Quick, invest in colostomy bags shares.
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seems like they first rang the pagers somehow to get the attention of the person holding it. those cunning jews. keke
Yep, back then spam didn't really exist and an unplanned message was an ultra rare occurrence. I remember I had to signup to receive daily currency exchange rates every morning on my pages back in the 90s kek.
>If they are made from the same manufacturing line, it will combust at the same time
No, they wont.
Lithium doesn't normally explode either, it catches fire and combusts fiercely.
The call might have just been the trigger for the explosion, not some ploy to get maximum facetime
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could be both
Obviously it's compromised beepers.
Better question did Israel precisely inserted compromised beepers into shipping or it was broad shoot and there are gundred or even thousands more bomb beepes in the circulation among random anons.
>Blow eet
I saw a post on twitter saying someone in Damascus (aka Syria) had it happen to them, so no fucking clue.
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kek resistance niggaz are afraid
>somehow to get the attention of the person holding it
You Mosad agent now.
Write this message:
>the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon got hit
top kek
Hezbollah's in Syria, too, so that doesn't really mean anything different.
the jews were inside jet engines and now they are inside pagers as well??
resistance forces in Syria and possibly the entire middle east were targeted
>Allah akbar.

I know, curious as to how the pager network was compromised is all. Surely these things don't run off regular old POCSAG right?
Who tf uses pagers anyway nowadays? Other than generic bad guys
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this gives an idea of effects the blast. holly shit were these packed with RDX?
>We have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty for months now and we're sick of it.
Being so badly compromised that your comms guys are literally handing out bombs (enemy) to your people is probably quite a bad thing. At that point I'd just give up and leave and terror independently or something.
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oh my god I am fucking laffin my butt off over here
RDX seems like the most likely candidate ye
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eg Telephone explosions
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so we're thinking the jews were somehow able to comprimise the supply chain of these devices and modify them. seems plausable.
>acting surprised when honor culture retards do retarded things over and over in the name of their honor culture
Pagers are the least secure thing you could possibly use for comms too, in addition to being conspicuous as fuck nowadays.
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Judging by the way this has exploded through two layers of desk, the explosives in the pagers were clearly shaped charges, designed to blow out the back of the pager and into the body of the person carrying it.
Fucking heavy metal, man.
The one in the picture was resting on a guy's desk. It's owner is the luckiest goatfucker in Lebanon right now lol.
Wtf how is this real???
The logistics of making this happen are huge (have to somehow get thousands of HE bomb into people's personal devices)
The chances of being found out are significant (someone randomly disassembles device)
The effects are not super significant. (Might blind or cause a fatal wound but only if unlucky)
Anyone trying to stay off the grid. Pagers have large lithium batteries. You can charge them alot wirelessly. If you do it too fast, they explode. There's a bunch of ways to do that. You need to do it during the hot part of the days to escalate the thermal runaway. Then you call everyone in the area or page them. The phones targeted will explode using the page or call to be your ignition.
If people are getting calls on other phones at the same time as the explosions that's what happened
some of these injuries are gnarly
For the contents of the message if you're not encrypting them, yes, but it's also a one way protocol.

>cause a fatal wound but only if unlucky
>The chances of being found out are significant
Not when dealing with sandmonkeys. All technology is like magic to them, they wouldn't know if something was out of the ordinary.
Ah that’s clever. Israel can just bomb the hospital now and take out eveyone in one strike. It’s not like they care about warcrimes anyway considering with this pager trick they’ll likely also be accused of targeting civilians
>The logistics of making this happen are huge (have to somehow get thousands of HE bomb into people's personal devices)
1. Figure out supply line how they get pagers.
2. Steal package and replace it with yours.
4 Profit!
Also they use pagers because they have their own network. Israelis used the network to target.
Hezbollah must have swapped from smart phones to pagers to try and outfox Israeli intelligence. To do so they probably needed to source a whole lot of pagers quickly. Pagers are pretty rare these days so the sudden movement of so many units into Lebanon must have been picked up by Israeli intelligence who then zeroed in on the supplier.
They then either got to the local supplier (bribes) or compromised them covertly in a warehouse. That or they were able to cut a deal with the manufacturer to get access to them before shipping, which would probably require the assistance of the government of the manufacturer involved.
When we know who made them, we'll have a better idea. Either way, whoever was the hezbollah guy who supplied them is now in a world of deep shit from his own people, with a lifespan measured until his torturers get bored.
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>Ah that’s clever. Israel can just bomb the hospital now and take out eveyone in one strike. It’s not like they care about warcrimes anyway considering with this pager trick they’ll likely also be accused of targeting civilians
Maybe if they had stuck to their little pathetic sandnigger lives instead of playing at being religious fanatics none of this would be happening, but what do I know
Counterpoint, sand people are very good at improvised explosives
if these webms are real then that is definitely a supply chain attack

overheating and ruptured batteries don't explode like that, they IGNITE

>You can charge them alot wirelessly. If you do it too fast, they explode.
No you can't, what the fuck are you talking about? It was obviously explosives with a simple trigger, stop over-complicating things.
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This time it hit some sandnigs but shit like this sounds straight up evil
Imagine if china pulled off something like this on US troops with plausible deniability, even on a small scale
hope this was a one-time thing and wont become common practice like small drones
I remember this SWTOR mission.
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Jesus Christ, Mossad continues to surprise me.
Anon you can charge phones wirelessly.
Is this actual bait.
You can't unring a bell, and besides, this seems very effective at dealing with dispersed elements of an insurgency.
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Only the Jews are capable of create kino of this caliber in CURRENT YEAR. America is too gay and Russia is too decayed. This is a fact. Were they actually Gods chosen all along after all?
Anon, wireless charging doesn't work like that. Stop pretending to be retarded.
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reports say radios and other electronic devices in hezbollah HQs exploded as well
The US army has sniffer dogs, and explosives detectors that detect the vapors given off by various forms of explosive. You couldn't pull this off against a real army.
This injury doesn't look so bad.
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damn. the jews outdone themselves
They weren't tagged with explosives. Somehow they were "hacked" and caused a battery thermal runaway.
Supply chain security has been a thing for decades.
>moshi moshi
No they weren't. Stop. Cease.
On top of this, surveillance can now pick up for the most part whoever happened to get injured and needed treatment thanks to this op so you know who to round up or finish the job with later, another nail in the coffin for fucking insurgencies, finally.
>or it was broad shoot and there are gundred or even thousands more bomb beepes in the circulation among random anons.
Yeah, If there are more compromised beeper it's mean Israel can distinguish between them and for example only detonate those who are connected to Hezbollah's network
his gut might be fucked
You are one big retard, dude.
yep. see this video for example >>62523735
. facial recognition niggerrs at unit 8200 are going to have a field day with the videos coming out
It's times like this I'm thankful we didn't offshore all our tech production to various hostile nations around the world.
Why are retards denying an obvious supply chain attack?
I don't even know what the fuck you are arguing.
>No you can't, what the fuck are you talking about?
I fucking hate this passive aggressive arguing shit. I literally have no fucking clue what you are actually confused about. You could be confused about the wireless charging, phones exploding and how to do it. So I started with the wireless charging. You can look up phones exploding. And you can look up overcharging phones.

Fuck you. You wasted my time
Do you have any idea how terrifying the Israeli intelligence services are? It's easier to pretend that it was unavoidable than to actually fully comprehend what they're fucking with.
You only need mossed agent to sell it to the guy who sell it to Hezbollah, it's in the supply chain

>have to somehow get thousands of HE bomb
no bombs, just overheat the battery
I actually fully agree. Just think it’s ironic how jews always cry about human rights in the west but don’t actually care when doing it themselves. I approve of it, but people should still point it out when jews do it to diminish their claims of right violations by whites in the west. Both flavours of sand”people” deserve to be distrusted, deported to and isolated in their desert
That's def not lithium fire. Seems the IDF compromised their pager supply chain (unsurprising there's probably like 2 makers left on the planet). This is why the US takes supply chain seriously
kino operation
It's fucking /pol/yps, they're probably saw it on one of their infographics, they're unfathomably stupid people.
operation kino
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he'll walk it off
Dumb. You can seal explosives good enough dog wouldn't sniff it.
X-ray is the only right way.
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>anon's first supply-chain attack
lurk moar newfags
>hezturds screaming in pain across Lebanon
>turdies BTFO and seething about it
you love to see it
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WITNESSED, Shitskins on (completely random and unavoidable) suicide watch
Didn't Israel kill all their commanders? Hezbollah probably thought they had a chance thanks to their reservists, now everyone important enough to keep a pager is dead or wounded.
Probabbly got Project Eldest Son'd by Mossad.
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/pol/ is having a complete meltdown
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>those digits
Hezisters, our response?
Yeah, when people say that the Ukrainians are about 1 second from going full Wrath of God on Russians, they aren't joking and they aren't boasting.
>Israeli intelligence can intercept, tamper with, and later detonate hundreds of devices used by their enemies
>they're also incapable of noticing their enemies preparing a massive attack against civilian targets right on their border
Only one of these statements can be true. (Hint: It's the first one)
No more than they deserve.
You love to see it.
When aren't they?
guts and the hip bone, there are massive blood vessels there that the explosive propelled plastic bits could easily tear open
A little tear in a couple of arteries and you're gonna turn pale real quick
Dumbest thing I've heard today
The coping and seething has begun. It seems like Shin Bet and Mossad got a BIG bump in finding after 7th october.
I wonder how much the Russian fags who assisted Hamas are worrying right now?
you're retarded
>t. electrical engineer
looks like the controlled op hezbolloids are losing their usefulness to their jewish masters
NTA, but you have no idea how wireless charging actually works. An inductor powerful enough to produce these effects in so many devices across such a wide area would literally cook people.

Also lithium batteries don't detonate.
The US manufactured booby trapped bullets during the Vietnam War and spread it to the North
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I look forward to the decades-long revenge campaign by Budanov and his minions as they hunt down vatniks and their supporters. It's gonna' be so satisfying.
if your enemy has direct physical access to your communications equipment they can do a lot worse than blow the face off a dozen guys.

Why do you think Israel is able to pinpoint strike Hamas leadership like...well every fucking day?
>everyone who gets hurt is a terrorist.
r*ssia tier
Not a surprise, considering they are run by the same tribe.
Oh Allah
Fucking idiots in this thread that claim it was a hack: Lithium batteries don't explode, they combust. There is no combustion in any of the videos coming out, they are all instant explosions with no after-combustion.
>>everyone who gets hurt is a terrorist.
no one has claimed this
I'm not, have you actually read about the shit Israel did back in the 70s through the 90s? Their tolerance for collateral damage was weighted by political factors. That sentence alone should scare you.
Wow you're brown and stupid.
October 7 wasn't an intelligence failure, it was a command failure. It's like how the French ignored their own recon reports saying that the Germans were coming through the Ardennes. Sometimes you just get absolute retards calling the shots.
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you these retards understand the difference. but anyways i would point them to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOWcTV2nEkU
Israel is singlehandedly preventing the west from falling into doom cringe territory. Even the haters can't deny their basedness
are you that dumb? do i seriously have to explain to you that civilians were around some hezbollah fighters when the explosions happened. jesus christ man
No, no they can both be true. They just went from completely incapable to world-beating in under a year. It must have somehow all just came together.
>minmax secret squirrel shit against Hezbollah
>get caught pants down when Hamas kicks in the door and starts blasting
Competency in one area does not mean a lack of complacency in another.
good points, i hope they are true and our soldiers dont have to be paranoid about their fucking toaster blowing off their face in the future
>remote detonate 50 muzzie bombers
this is so fucking funny, I bet the Israelis are having a good laugh today.
Exactly. Detonating thousands of bombs to kill few terrrorists is r*ssia tier.
I support Israel just because they do crazy shit like this. Most /k/ nation on the planet
>remote detonate 50 muzzie bombers
that's not what happened.
>Hamas has better opsec then Hezbollah

I'd invite you to actually read for once. Do you not remember the fears around Huawei from years ago?
That's the same for everything isn't it?
I mean they targeted the Terrorists' communication systems. I can't think of any other way to obtain the same result without many more civilian casualties.

Also Bibi's government initially helped Hamas get into power because they were unable to deal with Fatah (they probably felt Hamas leaders were more corrupt and could be bought off). It was convenient for them because they could then focus on the West Bank which is what they really want.

This focus probably gave them an amount of willful ignorance when reports came in.
And as we can see they weren't harmed. Pretty based.
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These were devastating
Can a lithium battery produce this much damage or were they rigged with something more serious?
They say up to 1500 pagers detonated.!!!
>the Terrorists' communication systems
From what has been posted, I see that they targeted random pagers that literally anyone could use. Probably even sold on market.
Or do we believe that based kikes only detonated specified verified™ devices?
>seems like they first rang the pagers somehow to get the attention of the person holding it.

>Beep beep! New msg!
>msg: the Jews send their regards
no, that was no battery flare out but pagers rigged with high explosives.
is the new cope that they targeted random pagers? is that why 95%+ of the casualties are fighting aged males?
This pager attack is the epitome of modern warfare and precision targeting
they were probabbly rigged with rdx
Shills are really trying to convince everyone that mossad detonated every electronic device in Lebanon now, holy fuck. Literal fucking troglodytes.
obama brained
Lmao, who the fuck uses pagers in an age of smart phones?
Drug dealers, doctors and terrorists trying to evade surveillance, that's who.
And I don't see any injured doctors.
Absolutely nothing like a battery cooking off
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>you know what's great Abdullah?, it's just you, me, and this brick wall you built between us
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More and more inured comming in, latest news is Israel rigged a batch of 1500 pagers that came with a recent shipment and detonated them all at once.
Well they had to put a bomb in them first, so it seems safe to assume it was at least somewhat targeted, unless we start getting reports of high explosives being found in every pager from whatever brand they were using.
Hats off. What a great display of force. I bet those goatfuckers are throwing every electronic device out of the window lmao
Media saying this has caused literally thousands of casualties. What I'm wondering is if Isreal is using this as prep for an operation on a a very large scale into Lebanon, or if it's a one off trolling thing. It would seem like a big waste to not immediately--
>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said his goals for the war in Gaza have expanded to include enabling Israelis who have fled areas near the Lebanese border to return to their homes--Al Jazeera

Well there goes Lebanon. It makes sense for Isreal to just invade and annex everything around them at this point given how incredibly obnoxious and at the same time hilariously impotent all of their enemies are. Like, why wouldn't you just take everything at this point? What the fuck is Iran going to do? All this doom posting in the media about muh Iran and they can't even invade Isreal due to several hostile countries inbetween them.
It's simpler than that. Hamas exists as a wedge in Palestinian politics.
The impact on their communication and paranoia created by this event is probably far greater than the physical damage inflicted.
Still its strange that they didnt wiretap them instead gain a massive advantage for years to come..
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>the affected pagers were from a new shipment that the group received in recent days
Because "Greater Israel" really was a meme invented by Arabs. Imagine taking responsibility for yet more goatfuckers who will immediately invent a new national identity to circumvent the failure of their home government to negotiate for the territory
there is no weapon, muslims just tend to spontaneously do that
Why would you pass up an opportunity to wound or kill 1,500 Hezbollah operatives with minimal collateral damage?
>I'm actually anglos and I pretty much spelled it out.
Weird that you can't correctly spell anglo tho.
Holy fuck
>with jews you lose
Not that i dont want Israel to burn in general, but this is some top-tier spook shit. Well played, god damn
will he be ok?
Not unless they buy the new comms from the same supplier.
They're barely people at all.
>walk into the shop to grab some pagers for me and the boys
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bEZQ00OOxY starts playing
batteries cant explode like this.
Yeah you just need to unhole it
>buy electronics
>don't open them to check for tampering
i'm honestly fascinated these organizations survived this long
Every cellular device is broadcasting its IMEI like a transponder. These are regionally assigned in batches. Israel is well versed in using this to monitor movements. Hamas is always trying to buy phones in israel to use for its operations because if they suddenly show up with a bunch of non israeli phones israel will simply spot the suspicious large scale movement of non israeli phones.
In the past they have taken certain batches of israeli phones and flagged them and sold them to hamas to trick them this way. So its not unthinkable at all that they just got a bunch of pagers and sold them to some known hezbollah tech smuggler

Yeah exactly. I was one of the first people ever to upload to video of a lithium pouch cell exploding to youtube and it looked just like that.
how would they distribute so many pagers to known hezbollah operatives?
they bought the pagers from somewhere (the mossad)
>Like, why wouldn't you just take everything at this point?
Because what you are going to do with the population? Actual genocide is frowned upon these days.
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looks painful
theoretically, if everyone was an enemy combatant, is it still genocide?
That's what you get for phoneposting
Goyssad and Shit Bet knew all along, they just let the ragheads do it so they could oust Bibi out of power.
Well it's not like you can just crack the cells open on the battery to make sure it's actually filled with lithium, since that'd just start a fire. I guess you could weigh the battery to make sure it's not lighter/heavier than it's supposed to be?
It didn't work btw
oct 7 wasn't an intelligence failure. all the signs were there just ignored by incopetent retards
>so they could oust Bibi out of power
This is backwards. Bibi needed conflict to escalate to stay in.
Yes, but also probably not an atrocity.
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>buy pagers
>rig them to explode
>sell to mouth breathers
>trigger and hope it gets some big wig

Anyway, how the fuck is anyone in current year using pagers, what the hell?
haven't posted in years, but just have to break the silence to say that this guy may be the biggest retard I've seen post in so long. Who even thinks like this?

Seriously mate, get off the internet and do something that will improve your logical reasoning.
Allah is clearly on the side of the Jews. I think it's time to accept this and move on.
>Olympics attack back in the 80s
The Munich Massacre was in 1973, anon.
Yeah, I don’t think it was an overheating of the battery.
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Hezbollah announced that they’re switching to pagers a while ago, to evade EW
Motorola has factories in Israel. First they find a Hezbollah guy, then they flip him to find a link iinto Hezbollah's comms, then they buy a bunch of MOtorolas, install extra spicy batteries with 5 grams of HE, put the original label back on, and put the shipment back in the post office to arrive at the comms' guy's brothers' warehouse the day he buys a fresh set of gear for the team.

Then they watch the SIM cards float around and build up a picture of the enemy. Once they've got most of it they trigger everything that looks suspicious.

It's piss easy when you're a glowie agency.
>Anyway, how the fuck is anyone in current year using pagers, what the hell?
basically jews have been dropping their commanders for some time. they decided it's best to avoid smartphones and start using more primitive devices to avoid being hacked. lititle did they known. this article was from more than 2 months ago btw
>They all exploded, randomly, at exactly the same time
That doesn't sound very random, anon.
the israeli military is in the control of the secular leftists (who happen to be also highly nationalistic but hate the religious jews).
This all started when bibi allied himself with the religious jews. the israeli military and many parts of the government are afraid that they are going to try and turn israel into a halachic (jew sharia) state (which they wouldnt for religious reasons but the left is paranoid).

bibis general image and campaigning is always about how he will keep everyone safe from the arabs. They absolutely allowed october 7th to happen to embaras bibi.

So the israeli military is both highly nationalistic and wants to militarily dominate, but has been infected by liberal virtue signaling and so has to play by all the rules better than everyone else. They are in a tough spot. All the western backlash against gaza is actually probably really getting to their higher ups.
>agent inside hezbollah catches wind that leadership is: looking for new low tech communication that can’t be tracked/or is looking to get more pagers in bulk
>he reports this to his mossad handler who remembers that one time they popped a dudes head with a gifted cellphone hiding a bomb
>tech teams says they can do it with pagers but need a few weeks to test and manufacture
>embedded agent tells the hezbollah leadership in lebanon he knows a guy that might be able to get them 160 pagers without a trail
>introduces leadership to a mossad agent posing as electronics guy somewhere in Lebanon
>deal is made, engineering team tests and then cranks out the pagers. Pagers need to be a real brand or at least look like it, and carry tracking and a small shaped charge explosive
>time comes a week later where enough of the pagers have been handed out and are out in public places (i.e. not sitting on someone’s desk)
>call is made to all pagers and they detonate
>hezbollah agent has already been taken out of cover and is long gone
>electronics store they visited to meet the pager guy at is completely empty
>you now trust none of the electronic devices your organization uses and every supplier is interrogated

impressive to me is how dynamic an organization has to be to quickly act on an opportunity like this that probably presented itself over ~1 month, and to pull it off seemingly effectively
At this point all Israel has to do is make sure the utilities remain on and the trash gets picked up and they could win the support of a decent chunk of Lebanon's population.
>pagers are super secure and undetectable guys, mossad will be none the wiser!
>rubs hands maliciously
Thanks anons.
>Beep beep! New msg!
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How did Jews end up being more intelligent than Arabs? They both evolved side by side, literally, no?

Same environment, basically same cultures up until like the 18th/19th century, similar biology.

It's so weird.
>telling everyone what you’re gonna do to not get hacked
How retarded can one be?
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now Hezbollah has 1000s of valid amputated trans women to take care of
Both are highly inbred semites but most modern Jews have a good deal of European admixture. Turns out even a drop of white blood makes you king among the browns.
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>Hezbollah getting dismantled before Israel even goes in
>Iranian chimp out intercepted at like a 99% rate
Hamas = meme. Hez = meme. Who isn't a meme in the middle east at this point? Somehow posting the same Israeli soldier peeing his pants isn't translating into military victories for the "axis of resistance".
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>3 dead
>more than one thousand people wounded
this is fucking insane
it's not lithium, are you retarded? never seen a lithium explosion?
>not only hezbollah communication devices are bugged, they are vibed too
That Vibe was checked.
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Who sent the boom message?
They must be having a party at Mossad HQ. I've seen some shit, but this is legendary motherfucker move or the ages.
It's a few of HE, enough to blow holes or fingers like common powder fireworks. Lithium batteries heat up and catch on fire, they don't explode.
>8 dead and 2800 injured
wew lad
Great success. Gotta hand it to Israel, they are competent. Much to admire.
IMO the IDF is second only to the US military in limiting itself and its actions based on the LOAC and other rules of war. The ironic thing is they, and the US military, are the two most scrutinized and maligned groups because Western media are so biased and awful.
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Who do you think?
Plot twist: every perconacl comm device on teh planet is rigged and they can detonate your phone any time they want.
This is one of the most gangster things I've ever seen. insane
Since when are they using these pagers? Imagine the long-term operation to make some shit like that, it's fucking impressive. How could the same country get fucked so hard the 7th October? I'm starting to believe it was all a conspiracy bros...
Next up is exploding messenger pigeons.
Look at this the other way - when operations this retarded work for you on a regular basis, you become complacent, arrogant even
Anyone who thinks they "hacked" the pagers to "make the batteries" explode is a literal retard who should immediately throw himself out a window.

ze Jews™ managed to get an entry point in the Hamas acquisitions eco-system and started injecting spiked pagers/phones.
I am anglo saxon John Smith from Sussex Muhafazah.
generations of extreem paranoia over not following some nuanced rule
yes batteries have been known to explode with enough force to rip flesh
>Israel can distinguish between them and for example only detonate those who are connected to Hezbollah's network
glowniggers, I kneel
of course, but it makes it easy to ignore their posts if they think that’s a battery flaming oit
>How could the same country get fucked so hard the 7th October?
maybe politics shit like>>62524247
but i believe it was a honest mistake. they're so good which made them careless which lead to mistake
It's like those US SOF guys in Mali back in 2017 or whatever. Rolling around in slightly armored technicals shooting 5.56 at whatever pops up and always winning works until the exact second it doesn't.
I wonder if these muslims witness stuff like this and go "huh, maybe god isn't on our side"
>seems like they first rang the pagers somehow to get the attention of the person holding it
They were hundreds of them, so some of them could have just been receiving pages at that moment by coincidence.
Retard. You can see it was a shape charge explosive. Take your hacking theory and shove it up your dumb cunt, redditor.
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Lmao, /pol/troons are REALLY mad about this.
israel doesn't have to distinguish shit retards. the actual distribution is done by hezbollah themselves. they probabbly have a unit that hand these out
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reports are that most if not all range shortly before an explosion
>did Israel precisely inserted compromised beepers into shipping
I would assume that Hezbollah obtains all their pagers through some trusted source, that the Israelis must have compromised or infiltrated.
Probably somebody's cousins shop in downtown Beirut, or some single import company bought them all off AliExpress.
Either way, it was a single point of failure that could be infiltrated or compromised.
>I was just trying to give Muslims a heads up.
Why though?
now this is a cyber attack
muslims are actually religious which is about the only thing i can think of that is to their merit.
They will interpret this as god pointing out flaws in their actions to help them do better next time.
Most Diaspora Jews descend from high-iq merchants, also jewish culture prioritize marriages with most wealthy or intelligent men (rabbis).
They shoulda treated the insides of the casing with just a little bit of neurotoxin to turn these shrapnel injuries into deaths. Maybe they already did such a thing and we'll find out in the next few days as the injured start dropping dead?
>Were they actually Gods chosen all along after all?
No, that's still America.
The Jews just get the spotlight because, as you say, they're locked in a holding pattern of being gay pussies, but only for the time being.
When America stops being gay, the Jews will get to play second fiddle on the utterly spooky spook-tier shit to the Burgers (and Bongs) just like old times.
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a vehicle carrying hezbollah members also exploded in a tunnel in syria
>pointing out flaws in their actions to help them do better next time
how could they do that when they refuse to admit that their supply chain is compromised and instead blame hack and batteries?
I'd settle for dipping the poster's fingers into a vat of bullet ants, makes for a nice tempban you can't bypass and is more memorable than a regular one.
and what about several layers of a desk?
nasrallh himself publicly told evryone to get rid of their cellphones because "they'll kill you". the irony
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fuck me, we really are on the correct side
i was being ironic
>Lillehammer 2.0

unfortunately, even a righteous cause like TZD is likely to have some collateral damage.
>thousands wounded
>multiple children killed
>iranian ambassador injured
chances of this starting a real war? none of this rocket barrage bullcrap.
I probably should have been more clear. I didn't mean to imply it was a lithium fire, but that the rdx or whatever else was used was hidden in the battery pack, and that it would be near impossible to check for that non-destructively.
>The logistics of making this happen are huge
Not really, they have to make several hundred miniature shaped charges and integrate them into lithium batteries. That's a bit of work but Israel has the tech and Industry to do that.
Getting it into the devices is pretty easy, they just need a few hours alone with Hezbollah's shipping crate full of pagers. Or they could take the time with brand new pagers at their leisure and just swap the crates completely.

>The chances of being found out are significant
Nobody's going to disassemble a lithium battery, not twice anyway. It probably even looks about the same on an x-ray.

>The effects are not super significant.
You badly wound, maim and possibly removed from service, hundreds of your enemy so it's clearly significant, they were probably also saving it for a suitable moment where decimating Hezbollah Reserves would be of value.
It might be that we're about to see some Israeli operation that exploits this moment, or it could have been forced into early activation by some other circumstance.
it's never wrong to side with the West and their allies.
Hezbollah doesn't ahve anybody left in condition to fight.
>It might be that we're about to see some Israeli operation that exploits this moment, or it could have been forced into early activation by some other circumstance.
This is what I thought. This is a precursor operation.
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>Halfway home and my pager's still blowin' up


I always side with civilisation over barbarism. European Ukraine over Mongol Russia, Zionist Israel over Sharia Palestine, and Rhodesia over the Zimbozombos
You're retarded.
you were being sarcastic, and that's a dangerous game in a thread with retards like:
You say that until you're out with your new wife and young child when a car bomb goes off. Don't fret though, a dude who was in a Russian SAM unit 15 years ago was on the bench next to you, so it's OK.
>his days of phoneposting
>gone, like an index finger in the wind
hezbollah hasn't even had time to process the whacking of shukr. i don't think starting a war will be a good idea after today
> multiple bearded children who happened to own a communication device distributed by Hezbollah to its personnel
nah, pager might be inside and not sitting ontop. Inside hold is bigger but that might come from the thick wood getting pushed down into the thin shelf. no shaped charge at all
they have like 100k troops
>oh you hate Israel?
>*explodes your pager*
How are they so powerful?
such is their entire history. god will keep trying
jewish kabbalistic magic
>No you can't, what the fuck are you talking about?
You're arguing with some /x/ schizo lapping as a Knower.
They should follow up by bombing the hospital
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We're so lucky to have him.

The explosion radius is like it was meant to blow up to their faces.
This is the difference between Arabs and everyone else
>Well it's not like you can just crack the cells open on the battery to make sure it's actually filled with lithium, since that'd just start a fire.
Clickbait videos on Youtube have confused people. You can peel apart a lithium battery just fine as long as you don't short it out or get it really hot. It's slimy and smells really weird.
Drones over humans.
>this fucking thread
I haven't laughed this hard since pot metal Anya OP
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Only according to Nasrallah, independent estimates say 20k regulars and 20k reserves. In which case, 5% of Hezbollah might just have been taken out.
since pagers are usually carried in the pocked and we have 3000+ detonations, stastistically Israel just remotely removed hundreds of certified Hezbollah testicles. This is never gonna be not funny.
but it just became a lot harder to coordninate whatever's left
It's unencrypted plaintext communications that anyone can see with basic equipment, the only upside is that it's cheap. You're not going to convince me to buy a pager, mossad.
>figure out how to get all your enemies in one place
If anything it's you that have the reading comprehension of a retard, retard.
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Ball status?
a bunch of unethical testicle exploders
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holy shit Jews don't just kill Muslim in the present, they also kill their future generations
>Prepare in advance a batch of rigged pagers
>Advice Nasrallah via a misled security advisor to ban harmless phones
>The only available alternative is pagers
I think they sent a text first so they'd get fingers, ideally something that'sd make them forward it or reply so the device would stay in their hands longer. Wonder what it said?
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>magine if china pulled off something like this on US troops with plausible deniability
You'd have to be a bit nervous about Chinese made phones or even Western phones with Chinese made batteries, if there was any way that the seller could know they were being bought by military personnel.
Explosives would be bad enough but I'd be more worried about them being tapped or track by picrel.
The gravy has not entered the pants
>walking with your kid
>kids head is waist height
>pager is clipped to waist
I generally don’t believe muslims when they screech MUH CHEELDREN but it’s plausible one or two could’ve got gotten here
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>since pagers are usually carried in the pocked and we have 3000+ detonations, stastistically Israel just remotely removed hundreds of certified Hezbollah testicles. This is never gonna be not funny.
kek, imagine surviving and having to live without ever busting a nut again
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*beep* *beep*
>chances of this starting a real war?
>t. retard
Listen dumb fuck, Iran owns Hamas, AND Hezbollah, AND the Houthis. They train, supply, fund, and order them. They are 100% Iranian catspaws obedient to Iran.

If Hez could do anything, they would have done it on October 7.
Unfortunately for Iran, Hezbollah's position is Lebanon is much more tenuous than Hamas' was. Lebanon is deep, deep shit economically since their entire harbor exploded. Hezbollah stands to lose everything if they instigate another war with Israel (that they will lose). Lebanon is not Palestine, Hezbollah is just one of many parties.
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allahu akbar
This was pretty smart by the IDF.
If the eggs are blown up, they can't be measured, things look grim for hezb.
Some of those pagers blew up in their faces, effectively burning off their eyebrows, so the eyebrows can't be raised now either.
>when you hear this new joke your sides will be gone
>like literally
>it's the bomb!
>Israel is so fucking sneaky and conniving they will literally supply you with thousands of pagers just to explode them all for a meme
This would be called retarded in a fiction book.
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>mfw Israel actually replaced the pants with explosives
>everyone thinks its the pagers
>Mossad's fw
Has anyone else noticed that there is literally zero brownoid shilling right now in this thread? Possibly on the whole board... Was it fuckibg Hezbollah shitting up the board this whole time?
>merely pretending
There is at least on Anon ITT who voted for MTG, aka "Jewish space laser" lady
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>Was it fuckibg Hezbollah shitting up the board this whole time?
always has been https://desuarchive.org/k/thread/62316429/#62324541
That would explain the constant mentions of israel in unrelated threads.
Everytime something unexpected happens they need to take a few hours to update and distrubute their new scripts, shilling stops during this period.
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vidrelated, on the sound version you can hear it ringing, then he fumbles with it, then spicy surprise
Pager don't work in planes, retard
>Hezbollah are gonna change their comm devices.
i know a guy
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I can also see this kind of old school actually clever as a fox shit being pursued because of october 7th. This is more reminescent of when Israeli intelligence were madlads, not just American style technology is everything go and eavesdrop and then drop a gucci-gang missile on them. What's going to make you more paranoid:
>Chance a missile drops on your head at any time - eh inshallah
>Pager is bomb
>Carrier pigeon you trained is now bomb
>GPU for your PC is bomb
>Rounds for your handgun are bomb
>Your shoes are bomb
>Your daughter is bomb
>You are bomb

Reality doesn't have to pretend to be plausible.
I'd assume it's hard to shill without hands.
Shill farms need to wait to receive orders.
I would apply the "no women or children" mantra to Western families, but with Hezbollah the odds of a son of a Hezbollah also joining Hezbollah is just about 100%.
Yes, it's hypocritical.
No, I don't care.
No, I'm not Jewish, just a millennial to who learned everything I needed to about the fundamentalists of that religion on 9/11.
I just don't like them.
They were spamming a few hours ago because of the weeb who executed a POW
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>I'd assume it's hard to shill without hands.
post screencaps
they're probably in full damage-control mode back on /pol/, since people are actually complimenting the Mossad
splinter cell tier operation
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>eggsposting has transcending cultures, languages, and military theaters
holy mother of blyat
Wtf why can't the CIA be as cool as this?
Bros ... do we know if Nasrallah wasn't hit?
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ITT: Shabbos Goys

Still impressive though
>Jews have a good deal of European admixture

Jewish intellectual superiority apply also to the middle east. The smartest traders of the east pre-WWII were Jews from Baghdad for example, Levant Jews too. And studies show that Mizrahi Jews scored over 1SD higher than their Arab Muslims nationals. Jews were known as brainy people way before Europe became a civilized place desu
It’s the damn Mormons and their love of rules
CIA is so good they don’t have to actively do shit like this
Are we about to enter a golden age for imageboards? A second rennaissance? And all it took was maiming 3000 shilling terrorists?
98k now, lmao
That means we must create a continuous wave of happenings so their instructions are never up to date and there's a constant blackout.
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they're malding
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shitposting in the ER waiting room while you wait for your dad to get out of surgery.
I sympathize

but still, you MUST go back to your containment board, my son

Jews gave their smartest scholars free bitches while the Catholics told them they had to be incels if they wanted to study at the church, which was the only way you could actually learn back in the day. We fucked ourselves in the ass iq-wise.
Jews practice artificial selection for intelligence - the maturity ritual is giving a lesson on scripture to a crowd on Sabbath, basically giving a sermon on Sunday church. If your reading comprehension skills are subpar, all the milky girl mommies and their yenta matchmaker girlfriends will write you down as a poor match.
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>recently transitioned hezballess members
Fucking hell
>he doesn't know about the Ashkenazi stolen Aryan genes
also I'd throw in selection pressures induced by centuries of prejudice and pogroms. The ones who lived were clever, resourceful, and good at adapting and making themselves useful to the local leader.

That's just the orthodogs, aka H*redim.
No one likes them
Not even other Jews
I even heard some Israeli flags on /int/ saying they'd join the Second Holocaust if it was only against Heredim. lmao damn son
Why are hezbollards seething over a small cyber attack? Just get a new beeper bro
>I even heard some Israeli flags on /int/ saying they'd join the Second Holocaust if it was only against Heredim. lmao damn son
kek, based kikes
Yep. For something that small TNT and Pentrite to have the oomph. A-9-2 is the obvious option.
And they say cats won't eat shit.
> live on gibs
> see non orthodog jews like the memes claim jews see goyim
> refuse to work, take gibs to feed their literal dozens of brats
> gibs are not enough, send their women to work because "studying the torah as his craft"
> refuse to enlist because "studying the torah as his craft"
> even the delinquents who do not study are socially pressured to not enlist
> infilitrate nice cities, shit them up to cause people to leave, hide behind "muh autoantisemitism", turn the cities orthodox
> now you can't complain about legal pressure from the city to live under jewria law, after all, it's "their" city
> behind closed doors, still do the post-circumcision disinfecting bloodletting with direct mouth to penis contact rather than the modern vacuum cup, spreading HepC to their own children

Yeah, Israel 110 please.
>That's just the orthodogs, aka H*redim.
>No one likes them
I've only encountered them once (coincidentally also the only encounter I've had with "confirmed jews") and that was enough to make me hate them.
Breaking: all future Hezbollah communications devices to be handled by children under 12 and stored in maternity units.
>Wtf why can't the CIA be as cool as this?
Because while spectacular operations that strike a psychological blow are awesome, the pinnacle of intelligence work is either
>simply giving people/groups what they want
>getting your way by taking the fewest, smallest steps
or, if you MUST do something drastic
>don't let them know who did it
or better yet
>let them think one of their own did it

This kind of thing is certainly "badass" but not becoming of the premiere intelligence agency on the planet. Suitable for a small, plucky outnumbered nation like Israel, yes.
Get the Lebanese Christians to take over.
We tried that once already. Despite Christianity, they are already arab brained from centuries of interbreeding with slimes. They couldn't hold their own against the slimes.
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Ninth Crusade to Lebanon, expel Shia to Syria, expel Sunnis to Jordan, establish Christian Theocracy and create an Israel for Arab Christians, call back Christian Lebanese diaspora. Lebanon instantly becomes one of the best places in Middle East.
Let Europe colonize the region again?
Oh I know all about Jewish history (grew up in one of the most Jewish areas of the US outside of New York City, LA, and that one literal ghetto in Pennsylvania (? IIRC). Fascinating history, most of them are normal and educated, don't mind them at all and have some Jewish friends. Hate AIPAC, but so do most left-siding Jews.

Yeah, I'd be pretty pissed too if the side that didn't have to fight or work were the ones electing leaders that make everyone else fight and clamoring for more gibs.
There was an article ~10 years ago about a Jewish great-grandmother with over TWO THOUSAND living descendants in NYC. They seemed decent and educated, just really into having 13 kids each, but I can't imagine having to live with the uneducated, non-working, aggressively belligerent equivalent of that. I really can't, and I have an excellent imagination.
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>I even heard some Israeli flags on /int/ saying they'd join the Second Holocaust if it was only against Heredim
Impressive, but I don't see how this changes the status quo. I doubt Israel can invade South Lebanon
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>Mossad setups a store on Aliexpress with the lowest price for pagers knowing that their fellow Semites cannot miss a good deal
>Sends a few genuine units
>Does the old bait and switch with explosive pagers trick
>It works
how do they keep getting away with it
nah pol is brown like always
Sorry, but it's time to try something radical. To anoint the only group that has never had control of Lebanon, but will lead Lebanon to the first-world, and then to the stars themselves.

I am talking, of course, about the Druze.
>Imagine if china pulled off something like this
They do, and russians as well, the US government just chooses to ignore and hide that.
Hezbollah leadership can no longer trust anyone who was issued a pager but not injured when it exploded.
Whether they just watch them or something more is really up to how much risk they can accept, but the only ones who shouldn't be treated as potential Mossad agents are the ones who legit were supposed to be sleeping.
Kinda means the explosives were timed?
the pager might have just detonated other explosives
>since pot metal Anya OP
>oh well, at least I died in the jihad so I'll get 72 cute gi-NO BALLS
guess im not anti semetic enough to understand the pic
>Iranian chimp out intercepted at like a 99% rate
With all due respect, those interception rates were achieved with the help of everyone around them, otherwise the AA would be overloaded.
>Ukrainians are about 1 second from going full Wrath of God on Russians
And they should, because playing in cucked mode won't have russians wise up. A bloody nose won't change things, a blown off leg (on a country-wide scale) would.
>Hezbollah leadership can no longer trust anyone who was issued a pager but not injured when it exploded.
oh please, what about anyone who didnt have it on them
>Hezbollah are gonna change their comm devices.
oh vey 25% off just for you my blankethead friend
>European Ukraine over Mongol Russia
Sad that most of the west isn't really for it
The israelis did but then the west got pissed after they started doing mass killings targeting the Sunnis, so Israel withdrew. Then Syria invaded and occupied the whole country so their own sunni majority didn't chimp out because the Assads are polytheists
is it really helping when the help only prevents israel from having the necessity to actually eradicate their enemies?
I'm so mad I missed most of this thread, this is probably the funniest attack I have ever seen. Muddies on spontaneous detonation watch
>ACKposting is now real
People shouldn't allow russian ex-military, ex-glowies, ex-propagandists, ex-cops, ex-jailers and other such scum (as well as their relatives) into their countries. Simple as.
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absolutely in awe of these devious merchants,
reference to jews being expelled from 109 countries during history, I don't know how true it is, but it's a popular meme and dogwhistle
they just got complacent, and that complacency has put Israel in a ditch they can't get out of
everything inside is liquefied
Top fucking zozzle
>Israel just remotely removed hundreds of certified Hezbollah testicles
mass transit(ion) system
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Israel has already bred a GMO pigeon meaning the carrier pigeon network is compromised
Israel let it happen so they can commit TPD.
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>fucking pagers
is there really no better way to communiicate without the jews compromising you?
it's actually a think in spanish/mexican culture as well, huevos are both eggs and testicles
Stop putting links in greentext you imbecile.
why didn't you have your pager on you? did somebody warn you not to carry it? why did they warn you? what did you tell them?
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> pagers are such antiquated technology that news sites are putting out special articles to explain what they were to the zoomers in the audience

Loving every laugh
Everyone I know hates Heredis, even my othorodox practicing friend hates them.

Chabbad are the worst, by far. They unironicly believe that Rebi Schneerson is basiclly Jesus and is going to return. They've gotten so far up their imbred rabi's ass that they genuinely have reinvented christianity but without any of the fucking appeal and triple the incest. They act like Jehova witnesss and harass liberal diaspora jews like they're mormons or some shit. That's why those tunnels were made. So they could dig into his tomb because he's clearly trapped in there because he's come back to life. Because of course a random ass Hungarian yokel cult got it right, and go sent his messiah to follow them to New York so they could become welfare queens
The only thing preventing Israel from solving its problems is its fucked up politics. Gaza should've been thrown into the sea like 40+ years ago.
Chabad serve in the idf though
Nah, Gur are worse.
> literal cult behavior
> parents who leave the cult get excommunicated, their children are encouraged to run away, offered board
> "respect you father and mother" amended to be "but the Rebbi M'Gur comes first"
gen alpha gonna need special articles for computers in 10 years
>It's fucking /pol/yps
/x/ and /pol/ have some overlap obviously.

You're new here but I assure you we have homegrown schizos too they come from /x/.

>I generally don’t believe muslims when they screech MUH CHEELDREN but it’s plausible one or two could’ve got gotten here
There's at least one kid in the hospital video.

>And as we can see they weren't harmed
There was a kid, probably sitting on his dad's lap or something. Certainly it's a low number of collateral.>>62524139
>how would they distribute so many pagers to known hezbollah operatives?
Hezbollah does that part themselves.

>that civilians were around some hezbollah fighters when the explosions happened
Sure, a couple were injured.
Many less than even slapchop hellfires though.
youre a dumbass. people take things off themselves and out of their pockets when theyre home
what you're seeing here is advanced warfare
Israel is considering firing their defense minister in the middle of a war. It's more likely they'll destroy themselves first
But Bibi wanted it.
The effects on morale are going to be incredible. No one in Hezbollah is going to trust anything issued by the organization (phones, pagers, radios, laptops) no matter how hard they screen it.
what you're seeing here is retards not checking their equipment

You wouldn't even need to open them just xraying some % of stuff would have caught this. Like an airport setup
Wrong, this only happened because they did NO screening. Israel blew their load with this
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>what fucking weapon is capable of doing this?
Reminder that a hypersonic missile just recently hit central Israel

This entire thing was to save face and bury that story
Two more weeks?
> hypersonic
> hit
Blew up in the air, shards broke some glass on an escalator.

Cope and seethe, or post aftermath
Nah it's still mostly SEA and India
go back
Ask yourself the same question regarding the Kurds and remember that Israel is hated even more by their neighbors.
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>Reminder that a hypersonic missile just recently hit central Israel
Kinda suprised israel havent stormed across the border yet.
how the fuck
>hypersonic missile
Nothing outs the no-gunz thirdie tourist quite like the way they throw this word around with absolutely zero understanding of why using it as though it's something very new and very unique does.
They're seething
muh iron dome is dead
Hezbollah is like Hamas but x10 stronger, that's x10 more tunnels, rockets, drones, etc. as well as weapons Hamas never even had like cruise missiles, SCUDS, SAMS, tanks from Syria etc. There's also the possibility of the Lebanese communities across the world (including very wealthy and dangerous criminal syndicates) chimping out against Jewish communities.
Funniest op of all time. Jews are kings of comedy confirmed
>99% of people keep their mobile (or pager) in their pants
>Jews just castrated 2800 of hezbollah members
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nobody tell him, it'll be funnier that way
the fuck, thats some james bond type shit holy moly
O Allah! The Jews have blasted my ass!
So no aftermath?
>my favorite warball team just got given the latest of many L's
>time to gloat about something in my head
Just at a guess, I’m gonna say that when that guy finally gets his 72 virgins he’s only gonna be able to look at them.
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>real and heterosexual
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magic is real
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>Israel is considering firing their defense minister in the middle of a war. It's more likely they'll destroy themselves first
so yur with yur goat an then your pager goes off and it goes boom and you turn to ur goat but ur dead now
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It's for you, king
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Two cans and a string between them.
Coin operated phones. No jew would ever come anywhere near one of those!
Cue the string turning out to be detcord.
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>the string turning out to be detcord.
Achievement unlocked: Testi-kill.
Any idea who might be behind this?
This needs to be a wake up call for anything that's assembled in china
Egg status?
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>Everybody pass these around
>According to these instructions written in Hebrew you pull they string and then talk into the metal end
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>Removed. Could not be measured.
retard, do you even realize how costly this "saving face" operation is? you can only do something like this once a decade, and the aftereffects diminish rapidly over time as they replace their men and communication devices. this is the kind of stuff you only use when you want to either start a war or prevent a war.
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Its hard to save face when they don't have one!
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Honestly I'm also thinking shaped charges. The dude in the marketplace fucking folded when it went of, whilst a guy standing right next to him was completely uninjured.
Nobody tell this brownie that more or less every single missile in use today is hypersonic.
That's what you get for still using the C4 standard.
>what fucking weapon is capable of doing this?
You can JDAM everyone using a pager which is like, close enough
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that's because of the small amount of explosives not because of shaped charges
Gonna put an uneducated guess out there; we’re seeing more than a few facial injuries from these rigged pagers. It’s like the target gets a page, looks at his pager, and catches a face full of plastic. What I’m wondering is, were the pagers rigged like mini claymores, or is this some kind of an EFP thing? Does a pager even have enough volume to make a tiny little EFP possible?
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this may not be the best place to ask, but qrd on jewish subclasses like haredis, hasidis etc.?
It boils down to theological differences between various sects that developed independently over hundreds of years in various parts of the diaspora. Haredim are very conservative religiously and socially. Hasids are a sub-group of Haredim.
Thanks anon
jews self-selected into high iq urban professions even in antiquity in west asia. this is probably related to the religious injunction to commit to biblical and talmudic scholarship (which developed in a stronger form post-temple but existed beforehand). basically to not be a loser and also not be impious you had to be able to make a living and also study not-commercially-useful texts in not-commercially-useful languages. this is extremely hard to do as a farmer or laborer. you need highly valued, high-value-added work in order to make enough money while also having enough free time to meet religious obligation. this means urban professionalism. this means that the most religiously committed, and therefore least likely to change religions, were also the high iq professionals. 10 generations down the line the high iq professional is much more likely to have direct jewish descendants than the poor farmer. there was even higher pressure for the same in europe. that had a big impact on genes. but i think it is crucial that culture/religion came first. they were induced into high iq selection by a religious commitment.

the case of the yemenite jews is illustrative. they are almost entirely the descendants of converts (with a small jewish nucleus). and they have a lower iq than ashkenazi jews and probably iberian sephardics. but they have a markedly higher iq than other yemenis and had a reputation in yemen for learning, scholarship, intelligence, and wealth (when they weren't actively being suppressed and stolen from). poor muslim women would beg jews to adopt their children so they would have decent lives. the religious/cultural commitments at work on a population that has very little in common with other jewish populations genetically.
Yeah but a small amount of explosives will not fold you in half whilst leaving someone 30 cm away completely unfaced (other than a fact a bomb just went off), especially when they are placed in a little handbag with plenty of air around them to let the forces disperse.
works off of the cell tower signal so they would have funnily enough, survived.

as I side note from someone who used a pager every day for a decade, let me give you some details that won't be immediately obvious.

pagers almost always use AA batteries for redundancy, battery flat? swap it out in 10 seconds, go on with life.

for these pagers to have worked so effectively the explosive had to be triggered by them pushing the button to silence the alarm/acknowledge the message. and it was an explosive. The battery wouldn't do this.
this is also why so many of these guys had it blow up in their face. they were checking the message from mossad.

it went like this:
pager alarms, ring and vibrate.
Abdul either a)
grabs it from his belt to read the message, his the silence/ open message button (same button)
boom in his face, goodbye eyesight and hand
or Abdul b)
heard alarm. I'm busy right now in public, better just hit the button and go read the message in 5 minutes
boom goes his kidney, bye bye fingers
pagers vibrate and make lots of noise when activated, the trigger was clearly the button to silence them, hence all the mince fingers
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fire fighters, emts, police, sheriff's, nurses, doctors.....
Ok, a couple of dead and some mutilated. Does it mean Israel won? Is Gaza reclaimed? I don't understand what that's supposed to achieve besides rising hostility by a notch.
The 109 or 110 is how many times Jews have been expelled as an official decree. In this case it's how the ultra orthodox (I think Haredi, but they have dizzying numbers of sects) are insufferable in Israel. In the US if you think of the slimiest fucking landlords and the like then they'll be Hasidic yids. In Israel:
>They refused to do military service. The usual clergy caste bullshit of "We're doing our job by praying!" As of June 2024 this has changed because the Israeli Supreme Court decided they have to be conscriptable like everyone else. Haredi didn't want it because it risks taking their kids out of their medieval insular communities and introducing change by osmosis.
>They have shit all for educational skills, just studying the religious texts and that's it.
>They're puritanical shits who try and impose their values on others.

Judaism is a desert cult same as the others, and so it rapidly centrifuges itself into sectarianism. If Palestinians did not exist and Israel was accepted as a neighbor no different than the other Arab states 100% there'd have been an Israeli civil war by now or in the near future.

Not an expert in Jewish religious law but isn't it mandatory for all Jews to be able to read for their bar mitzfa or whatever? So right away you have the insane power boost of a faith that obligates literacy versus Islam not requiring it (but requiring it be in Arabic rather than a local language which makes it harder for people to want to be assed to learn it) and Christianity dissuading it until the Reformation and printing press.

Honestly kinda making me wonder now if one of the major causes of European exceptionalism wasn't the printing press and widening literacy.
>most likely gutted Hezbollahs middle-management
>at the very least took several thousand Hezbollah fighters out of action for the foreseeable future
>Hezbollah operatives and terrorists in general will now be frantically tearing their electronics apart and shitting the bed

And my personal favorite

>all the /pol/-tier schizos are now convinced the glowies can and will hack their phone battery into exploding,

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>What happened today to Hezbollah can be classified as the largest pre-emptive strike in modern history, and can be compared to the strike that Israel has previously directed on Egyptian Airways before the 1967 War. Today, Hezbollah has thousands of injured leaders and elements. If he enters a war today, his wounded will not find a single bed in any Lebanese hospital because hospitals are now full of the injured. Moreover, he lost the most important means of security and military communication. checkmate
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>all the /pol/-tier schizos are now convinced the glowies can and will hack their phone battery into exploding,
based, think they're destroying their phones right now?
Anon, could you make your image even smaller please? I was almost able to read the text on there.

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