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What army was in such a bad shape that you're amazed the soldiers kept on fighting?
Them chink armies were running around with swords, strapping anti tank mines on their bodies and diving under japanese tanks.
Not the worst, but Australians in WW1. Slaughtered and forced to ration ammunition, but they kept petitioning to assault even after British officers finally gave the order to stop.
During WW1 Australians were the best-paid soldiers not just in the British Empire but the entire Entente.
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The WWII Imperial Japanese Fourteenth Area Army operating in the Philippines in 1974. Clothes in tatters, low on ammo, no resupply whatsoever and yet the force diligently fought on.
I have a friend whose ancestors fought in the US Civil War with a volunteer unit from Alabama. One man's entire war diary is still in the family, and I got to read some of it in person. He was an infantry sergeant, and his observations on the lack of consistent supplies and buttfucked logistics at the front in 1864-65 would make you think Grant was fighting starving vatniks in the Pripjet Marshes.
Threadbare clothes, few enlisted men with serviceable footwear, disease all over, not enough docs or meds to make a difference, eating the half-rotten bullshit they gave Rhodesian Selous Scouts in training, for months.
He described for nearly two full pages how picking a crisp, ripe apple from a tree during a pause in their march felt like a religious experience.
I'm not a Civil War buff, so maybe this guy's unit was particularly fucked by the loggies. I am still astounded by the ability of the rebs to keep fighting through such universally bleak and shitty conditions for two more years, facing industrialized odds, motivated only by their absolute hatred of niggers and feds.
Alabamian troops did tend to get fewer supplies than other states, but it was pretty bad all the way around.
The South was pathetically underequipped depending on what state you were in since there was no standardized logistics outside of major equipment.

It was especially bad in late where when what was left of the Southern Industry was crippled from supply losses Union blowing them up and all the men being at the front.
He should've blamed the plantation owners who threw a bitch fit whenever they were asked to supply food to their own fucking army
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Unironically this is better than the Imperial Russian Army during the Crimean War

>army of illiterate conscripts
>used as personal slaves by their commanders
>disease is rampant to the point that out of 450,000 deaths, 375,000 are from disease
>always on the verge of starvation
>constant supply problems
>it's so bad that the invading force has built more railways during the war on Russian soil than the Russians built for their own forces
>medical aid was virtually non existent
>corruption in the army is so rampant that it puts modern Russia to shame
>brutal beatings are common place
>rape is rampant among the men
>after the war you're expected to figure your own way back home with harsh punishments from your owner if you're not back fast enough
>being demobilized means going right back to serfdom
Russia, obr 2024
Lurk for a year before posting.
And learn to read filenames.
Been here longer than you've been alive friendo. It's not amazing, it's stupid.
WWII Japan pretty much. Completely, categorically gored to the point their home defense plan involved bamboo spears. Germany got shreked and collapsed at the end when they could've fought harder. Only one second to Japan was China. shattered state at a certain point but people were still fighting with swords and suicide attacks.
if you're so old, why are you so ignorant?
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unironically Donbas
>I am still astounded by the ability of the rebs to keep fighting through such universally bleak and shitty conditions for two more years, facing industrialized odds, motivated only by their absolute hatred of niggers and feds.

God bless our Southern boys.
Because I'm not amazed by retarded ass japs literally fighting for 3 decades post WW2.

Again, that's straight up stupid, no human should be that dumb.
everyone can tell you're just mad because you made yourself look foolish. stop posting
Okay kiddo, whatever helps you cope with being btfo

I will never stop posting btw, and there is nothing you can do at all ever to stop me, get over it, stop pretending Japanese were impressive in war.
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Dressman is classic.
Iran was pretty comprehensibly fucked and still pulled out a W in the Iraqi Iran war
Why would you brag about being old? That anon never called them impressive either, dumbass. /k/ has been a board 20 years, your way to dumb to have been here that long not that I care
Thought they had them tommycats tho, that helped yeah?

>not that I care
>posts random schizoshit about it
Way to not care.
>the joke
>your head
keep not caring buddy.
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Army of the First Crusade. Made up entirely of volunteers, led by a dozen different lords vying for control, operating 3,000 miles from home deep in enemy territory. Starving but hyped up on religious ecstasy they see visions of the saints riding alongside them in battle. Repeatedly fight off larger forces. Should have been destroyed several times, take massive casualties from combat, starvation, and disease, but doggedly continue. Manage to storm Jerusalem and set up various principalities that last for the next hundred years or so. Only Crusade that really achieved meaningful goals.
>everyone has their own gun
not bad
all they need to do is scavenge some better clothes and they look like a passable 20th century militia
They pulled out a draw, which is kind of a W in a war Iraq started I suppose
hard to imagine how Iraq was ever going to occupy a country multiple times their size and population, even if it was in turmoil. I guess they thought their initial stock of Soviet tanks would do the heavy lifting, but they'd not even gotten close to Tehran by the time most of those were blown up.
Not an army but the Second Pacific Squadron.
>your officers are retarded dilletantes
>your sailors are constripted central asians who have never seen the sea
so 2024
>Crimean War Russia
And things got worse 50 years later in WW1.
>motivated only by their absolute hatred of niggers and feds.
>People who live around nigs hate them the most
Who knew?
Most Southern armies were just hordes of free Whites with no money being herded around by aristocracy. These people had no other choice but to fight in cases.
>Hate noggers so much you want to keep them and want free Blacks to own them too
The rich really got their propaganda down to justify sending subsistence farmers to die for farm tools.
>>62529950 >34
>>62530031 >69
>Waaaaarrioooooooors coooome out and plaaaaayaaaay Subsaharan edition
Australian stories about ourselves in WWI are a load of shit. We were massive primadonnas. More rations and pay than anyone else, better service conditions, less risky jobs in general. Still nearly had a mutiny.
excellent stuff anon.
my ancestor was in the 14th indiana. my father has the war diaries.
"For love of humanity and liberty..." it begins. Was at the forefront of every major engagement until he gets captured as a POW shortly after the draft riots, then his entire regiment is wiped out iirc at the battle of gainesville. Escapes, leads a slave rebellion in the swamps, gets malaria, gets shuffled around through the underground railroad, and makes his way back to the union in time for peace talks.
Finished up as a sheriff in Little Rock or something, an outspoken critic of post-war policy and so on.
It was a pretty tough fight.
>He described for nearly two full pages how picking a crisp, ripe apple from a tree during a pause in their march felt like a religious experience.
I want to read this.
>keep them but enslaved
>giving them rights and infinite money
A pretty shitty dilemma, but an easy choice nonetheless.
>inb4 muh relocation
Lincoln and his cabinet made it explicitly clear no slaves were to be relocated without explicit consent, and were to be amply compensated if they chose to.
Fatal flaw is they kept breeding them thus ensuring that nothing would change and likely get worse until the South is Haiti.
Third crusade was a fantastic enterprise too; basically single handedly carried by the english under the lionheart after the french and other euros backed out before it even kicked off. Richard regularly faced 20x forces and routed them over and over again, to such an extent that even to this day if a bedouin's camel or horse spooks at a tree or cactus or something, they say, "what, do you think it's king richard?" and women in egypt quiet their babies with, "shhhh, or richard will hear you."
You can't tell me that leaving a mark on your enemy's culture so deep it lasts for a thousand years isn't meaningful.
Defeat of Saladin was sufficiently meaningful to preserve Christendom in the holy land for generations to come (I know saladin only died a couple months after richard left to quell rebellion in england but that's because he was pressed so hard by richard he couldn't roll over and kill all the christians)

one of the few english kings ever worth a damn.
Yeah, the Plantation owners were probably the single biggest focal point of fucking over the entire nation for the rest of its existence.
For me, it’s helmet rpg guy with the vest and briefs ensemble
Iran could've won more than a draw, and sooner: as soon as Saddam realized that his war was fucked in the first few years, he tried to sue for peace. The USSR and I think it is was Saudi Arabia tried also to make Iran accept Iraq peace deal, by providing respectively help concerning their nuclear program and money, plus what would've given Saddam (can't remember if it was just money and/or some clay). But Khomeini, against his advisors counsel, stated that he would only stop the war if Saddam abdicated, which wasn't possible without total victory
Anyone explain why the union took so long, And lost many battles, To such a pathetic force?
At the beginning McClellan was seen as being too cautious despite keeping casualties low. Then you hard retards until Grant.
Kek. Based

in WW2 as well
got a VIP ticket out of Tobruk and Crete
refused to do combined arms because muh infantry doctrine until sufficiently raped by Rommel and Monty cajoled us to do it
bitch and moan endlessly about Malaya
only bothered to fight the Japs in New Guinea, dragged our feet everywhere else
The Confederates were melting church bells to make pistol frames, it was quite amazing how resourceful they were.
is this the retard who thought the war was still going on and shot a bunch of civilians?
it astounds me that somehow a bunch of underfed, out numbered, underequipped, poor cousin fuckers managed to fuck the US military for four years. Kind of explains why America can't win a war.
The American Military today is predominantly southern.
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I have to respect the Red Bear Infantry. How he got to sub-saharan Africa in the 21-st century is beyond comprehension though.
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The fanatically loyal soldier who faithfully fulfilled his duty no matter how long it took and what the circumstances were, you mean. That's the kind of guy you want on your team in a war, Anon.
CTRL+F Paraguay
>get modern army
>get notions
>attack all three larger neighbours as a landlocked small country
>90% male population wiped out
Props to him for remaking his uniform instead of just stealing clothing.
Probably the best answer itt
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can we really blame russians for such a fucked up history of enslaving themselves?
>What army was in such a bad shape that you're amazed the soldiers kept on fighting?
Russia in 24 in Ukraine. The Irish and Anzacs at Gallipoli, the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and later the Poles in the Warsaw uprising.
>be a bunch of miners
>war breaks out, use whatever you can find
>get called Somali because of your poor equipment
>still win several battles
Kind of kino ngl
You lack credibility because you have never heard of Japanese holdouts, Not the first time they have been discussed here in the last decade.
they were used as cannon fodder and exterminated by Russia. Nothing kino either, just unequipped, untrained artillery sponges.
All this goes to show is that soldiers are low IQ sheep that are fodder for rich people. If you serve in the army you're a pussy who deserves to die. Imagine bragging and being impressed by a retard who lived off bugs for 20+ years.
It's funny because you're describing the Territorial Defense Forces.
>which war?
fucking all of them
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All zigger victories are fake even if they're phyrric and only really exist in propaganda, there's simply no way the bad corrupt russian speaking shithole could ever win a single battle against the good corrupt russian speaking shithole.
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Are you okay, anon?

Can't think of another case where a country had to formally legalize polygamy specifically because the entire male population was annihilated. 70% of the entire population was killed in six years.
Best Guay during the triple alliance war
Were talking about a war where units took massive losses without enemy contact just by fucking marching through
If we're gonna come halfway across the planet to fight somebody else's war, you're fucking right we'd have to be properly paid to do it.
>it's at the ooow poooooor russia boo hoo stage
The whole story of Donbas from 2014 on is just the most Russian thing ever
>Rise up for "freedom"
>Get a bunch of land and fight the AFU to a stalemate
>Your leaders immediately get window'd and replaced with puppets of Machiavellian glowies
>Get genocided in a war that's supposed to save you from being genocided
If this counts, how about that one guy in Africa who was a foreign soldier for the Italian army in WWII, and when an Italian UN contingent showed up for a peacekeeping operation in the 2010s, he reported for duty at their base and saluted with a "viva il duce"?
Good luck talking to the cashier anon!
even his officers are amused by his autism. its an interesting story but also sad.
South had the superior generals in the beginning and was primarily fighting a defensive war,

In the long term you won't win fighting defensively. North eventually got competent generals in charge and with the superior industry and a greater population stomped them out.
Confederate army post Vicksburg. It was surviving purely off the hatred of yankees and niggers by that point but still managed to last two years.
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Scirè represent!
kek source?
>is this the retard who thought the war was still going on and shot a bunch of civilians?
Yes, he and his buddies killed a good amount of innocent farmers which people like to sweep under the rug. He wasn't just chilling in the jungle, he was going out and ambushing innocent civilians, later excused with the utterly retarded claim that he thought the farmers were guerrillas.

>They successfully evaded American and Filipino search parties, and attacked villagers whom they believed to be enemy guerrillas, allegedly killing up to 30 civilians on the island during their time in hiding.
>After the war, Filipino media reported interviews with villagers who had lived on Lubang during Onoda's time in hiding and alleged that he and his men had killed up to 30 civilians there. He did not mention these deaths in his autobiography.
>In 1996, Onoda visited the town of Looc on Lubang after his wife Machie arranged a US$10,000 scholarship donation on his behalf to the local school. The town council presented Onoda with a resolution asking him to compensate the families of seven people whom he allegedly killed. About 50 relatives of the alleged victims staged a protest against his visit.
To be fair though the Japs were doing really horrible things to chinks. You would've been strapping tank mines on your body too
Its a movie
>It's stupid
You are a worthless bitch. Someone so fucking dense and devoid of character that even when your errors are written out for you, you curl into a weak and pathetic shell and cast ineffectual insults at those trying to help you become less ignorant because your false pride makes you incapable of bettering yourself.
You are disgusting. Subhuman filth that thinks like children, women or minorities.
Even to kill you would bring shame on me because it would be like hanging a retard.
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Liberians are kino warriors.
this is making me giggle like a retard. imagine becoming physically enraged because someone on the internet doesn't think jap of the jungle was the coolest guy in the world. i know your heartrate increased, your fingers started trembling, and you started sweating in your chair when someone insulted your hero, the buggiest bugman who ever lived. that's so cool and based and definitely very masculine of you, you're certainly not a mentally retarded adult child.
Isn't it now likely he and his comrades killed civilians because the Japanese military just didn't care about killing civilians?
Holy shit my friend, it's not cool though. They legitimately DECIDED to keep fighting for fucking years living off bugs and shit instead of just figuring out what was going on, it's not the same as a unit fighting against a tough, bigger, more dangerous and well equipped unit, it's not like someone fighting tooth and nail eating with limited supplies defending their nation, they just instigated weird small skirmishes and killed random people lol.
New or old pasta?
>more bananas than Monke's wildest dreams
>Onoda turned over his sword, a functioning Arisaka Type 99 rifle, 500 rounds of ammunition and several hand grenades, as well as a dagger his mother had given him in 1944 to kill himself with if captured.
He was better supplied over 28 years on his own, than the average soldier of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the 21st Century.
So you are a nog. Stopped reading there, shitskin. You better hope Trump wins or you are all priority targets.
>Never receive surrender in BFE
I consider it a testament to man's ability to survive.
Yeah. He could have had a regular life, but he is a literal history lesson.
>I consider it a testament to man's ability to survive.
You can literally survive by just walking out and being like so uh...I'm old as fuck now should we just call it?

>but he is a literal history lesson.
In being fucking retarded.
You will never, ever be remembered.
Good, I'm not some freak like you that needs to stream everything I do hoping to god someone notices me.
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>glorifying self-destructive stubbornness and delusional behaviour
he wasted 30 years of his life for no goddamn reason
All the stay behind Japs stole from civvies for years
The current Russian army.
And yet he was happy when he died and will be remembered for centuries.
Whereas you are a sad nobody. And you will die a sad nobody.
Napoleon returning from pussia.
Fuggin kek
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Not an army per se, but the Russian navy historically didn't fair much better.

>at war with Japan, a nation who only rose to international prominence like 30 years ago and literally just built their navy
>dispatch elements of the Baltic fleet to the Far East to reinforce your fleets at Port Arthur and Vladivostok
>mistakenly believe that they are being stalked by Japanese torpedo boats while en route
>in the North Sea
>literally thousands of miles away from Japan
>spy some British fishing boats in the night
>start blasting
>panic grips the fleet as word spreads of the supposed Japanese raid
>start shooting each other in the confusion
>at one point a ship reports that they've been boarded by Japanese marines
>Russian gunnery is so piss-poor that they've barely managed to actually hit anything
>manage to sink a single fishing boat, and kill four people, including one of their own Orthodox priests who was along for the ride
>British government is not pleased by the incredible retardation on display and they very nearly go to war with Russia
>some time later they fucking do it again, attacking a Swedish merchantman and French schooner near Morocco due to mistaken identity
>finally reach Korea like six months later and immediately lose the majority of your fleet to the actual Japanese navy in a single battle

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