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What happened to Russian helicopter forces? During Ukrainian last offensive in Zaporizhia they actually were hitting targets and uploading video. Currently THERE HAS BEEN ZERO VIDEOS OF RUSSIAN HELICOPTER HITTING ANYTHING IN KURSK, ZERO, NADA, NILCH. The only confirmed hit is RUSSIAN SPG they hit in confusion, then they lost Mi-24 and Ka-52, after that nothing in Kursk
They couldn't find any available Combine Harvesters ?
Airspace is closed.
idk man it's not like they have any footage to share anyway since their optics look like my tv in the 90s (i didnt have cable)
AA is too thick for helicopters so you won't be seeing any even near the contact line.
Unnecesary, Nato kursk offensive is already crumbling. Russia is using Orion drones.
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>Unnecesary, Nato kursk offensive is already crumbling. Russia is using Orion drones.
Nice try. Now try again with something new.
The reason why there are so many Ukraine shills is because of people like you, kindly refrain.
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>so many Ukraine shills
Ka-52 is legally extinct
Russia still has roughly 50% of its pre-war stock of Ka-52s, so no, it isn't extinct.
unlike ukrainian ssr, the russian ssr never industrialized
Ukraine population is going to extinct way before Alligators.
Actually industrialisation was rather evenly spread out amongst the SSRs, it wasn't concentrated in Russia despite it being the centre of power.
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>Ukraine population is going to extinct way before Alligators.
Again, people like you are why there are so many Ukraine shills.
>What happened to Russian helicopter forces? During Ukrainian last offensive in Zaporizhia they actually were hitting targets and uploading video. Currently THERE HAS BEEN ZERO VIDEOS OF RUSSIAN HELICOPTER HITTING ANYTHING IN KURSK, ZERO, NADA, NILCH. The only confirmed hit is RUSSIAN SPG they hit in confusion, then they lost Mi-24 and Ka-52, after that nothing in Kursk

dont they need armored targets to shoot?
its not like they strafe trenche with them.
maybe there is no armor anywhere to dispatch the helicopter to?
During the summer counteroffensive the lines were well known. Line of contact in kursk is very vague so they aren't using helis to avoid getting manpadded by some guys they didn't even know where there
due to AAids
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They stopped after every video comes out looking like this.
Helicopters go whoop whoop , terrain terrain.
Russia -> Doc
Ukraine -> Vegeta
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>What happened to Russian helicopter forces?
Perun addressed that in his last video. To sum it up: Attack helicopters, as a concept, are great things to have when you dominate the airspace and can make sure they never get attacked, but they are absolutely terrible and get shot down easily if the enemy is able to muster up any kind of anti-air defense.

Thanks doc
if drones can hit inside russia then they grounded helos because rus cant replace them lol
The cook from the spice commercial.
Bejita’s twin brother
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Slant eyed Xanatos.
Russia did release one video of a claimed Ka-52 attack on a couple of vehicles, but I believe it turned out to be Russian vehicles
Because shockingly enough, Ukraine learned lessons from the counteroffensive and actually brought more AA to counter the helicopters.

Also, Kursk is different from the south with nondefined and rapidly changing lines which make it easier for helicopters to blunder into AA traps.
Pretty reasonable conclusion.
Helicopters are honestly just better for logi/QRF for static positions/mop up.
Having them rip around Kursk while lines jump back and forth with little warning with little intel on where AA is sounds like a recipe for being shot down.
With those optics I can fully understand why they'd have a red on red incident.
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what is this chat?
They can always buy more, cant do the same with Ukrainians
the kursk invasion ruined the board with sperg jannies banning shit randomly
That's how it goes with Choppers, US lost like 5k helicopters during Vietnam.
Considering russian readiness rates, it wouldn't be that big of a grasp to claim that only a handful of those 50% left can even take off.
They wish
Thanks doc.
To answer OP question: Attack Helicopters are loud, vulnerable targets that are rather easy to shoot down with any AA weapon.
Half the Ka-52 fleet is gone, and likely irreplaceable. Half the remainder probably need major maintenance, because 100% readiness rates don't exist.
That leaves 20-30 helos, plus whatever Mi-28's and Mi-24's are left.
It's directv
>What happened to Russian helicopter forces?
Many of them got decimated by ukie drone and missile attacks on air bases
>Russia still has roughly 50% of its pre-war stock of Ka-52s
two is one and one is none, i.e. 50% might be 0% working ones
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>What happened to Russian helicopter forces?
Destroying Nato hardware filled with ukros in Kursk border. Zaporizhia summer offensive dejavu.
is this recent?
Those trees were absolutely devastated. It's so ovyr. Z.
Literally all the gains there by UA were made my mechanized units. It's the EXACT scenario where attack helicopters are useful, sitting outside MANPADS range and stopping mech pushes.
Ka-52s have been badly mauled during the war, they still have them, and operate them but they have become risk adverse. It's tough for Russia to deconflict it's airspace as we've seen with numerous friendly fire incidents, part of the reason why they were successful during zapo is the use of long range ATGMs which put them outside the threat radius of most MANPADs. The combination of maintenance related readiness rates, risk aversion, and any possible issues with procurement of long range ATGMs may all contribute to the perceived decline. It's also possible that they are in use more than it seems, but Russia has restricted disclosure of what platforms are engaging targets to preserve OPSEC. So the standard 180p 50-jumpcut superior and glorious Xa-52 roasts ukronazi piggers with LMUR missile shit posted on telegram might just be Russia roasts ukronazi piggers with no further description. Hard for us to say for sure but the simple fact is losing 50% of anything flying is going to kill mission rates no matter what.
BBC POC CNN is closed due to RAIDS
>aids too I guess
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>Those trees were absolutely devastated
Exactly, lol
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>look, saar, I posted it again
Isn’t that bottom one just an edit?
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Yeah, it was some green tech startup's wacko idea for growing trees. Glavset stuck a color filter over it and added some subtitles, and the retards ate it up.
lmao why are poos like this?
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Yeah, it's an edit and recolor.
it's a new thing to absorb starstreak missiles in warthunder
Why do you lie you Fucking bandit! We got footage of a Ka-52 killing ukrohohol Msta-S artillery within a week of the failed Kursk invasion!
Wait, is this the same autist that was having a meltdown about racism the past few days?
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Why'd the russian ammo depot getting blown up get pruned?
Is the shill mod back at it? We had some relief for a bit.
One shill sounds the same as the next these days, few of them actually stick out like they used to back then
What about the current population of ka52 pilots?
>Isn’t that bottom one just an edit?
it is an official ukraine propaganda.

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