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Seriously is mossad the most effective secret intelligence agency of all time?

Today they mass exploded Hezbollah pagers
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Mossad has a Death Note, this isn't all that impressive
Come on Jews, explode Kamala
lmao. Seriously tho did they all get a mass text at the same time? Lots of them have facial/finger injuries like they were looking/holding the devices at the time of boom.
Damn jews are fucking scary I hope they don't track my anti-semitic posts
I think people forget that 90% of operation Wrath of God was just Kidon putting tiny bombs in people's communication devices.

These guys have LOTS of experience doing this, and comm lines are like, the most practical target since these everyone on planet earth has to use it at some point.
Tied into my post here >>62524243 it's very likely. In Wrath of God they'd put explosives in wired telephones, call the person, ask if they were speaking to their target, and if they said yes they'd detonate.
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>Seriously is mossad the most effective secret intelligence agency of all time?
Unironically yes, they can act with total immunity because of the 6 billion, anywhere in the world. 99% of other agencies will turn a blind eye to whatever they are doing.
Wild. Did that movie Munich ever cover this? I know its just a film but Im gonna go rewatch it. Also great honeypot tidds in one of the scenes.
They can do shit like this, but they couldnt see october 7 coming? make it make sense.
So ur with ur mullah and ur jihadin', wen the pager rings. U anser it n the text is "wut r u doin wit my rocket?" U tell ur girl n she say "Hezbollah is kill" THEN WHO WAS PAGE?
They probably saw it coming, let it happen so they could finally have an excuse to squash ham ass, but underestimated how big of an attack it was gonna be.

I could see them allowing an attack so they can counterattack with impunity, but letting a ton* of civilians die and making themselves look incompetent was probably not part of the plan.
*They probably were willing to accept a few casualties, but didn't anticipate things to be as nasty as they were
>make it make sense
they knew and exploited it
or they dismissed their intel and got dabbed on
It was the Kingsmen.
October 7 is the 9/11 of Israel. they knew something was in the making, maybe not exactly what (I might be naive here), but they let it happen so they can have an excuse for bigger plans: Patriot Act, mass surveillance, Iraq's oil, global war on terror to benefit the military-industrial complex and so on.
we all know if the US was genuinely caught off-guard, and were really seeking revenge, they would have strike at Saudi Arabia first.
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>Mfw all the schizo posting on Jews forcing sex changes on people was real
They've gotten rather direct with it though.
This is Hezabollah and that was Hamas, who were operating on a different level of opsec and doing constant drills that led the IDF into placitidy until the day it wasn't a drill.
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>>Mfw all the schizo posting on Jews forcing sex changes on people was real
>They've gotten rather direct with it though.
The very first person they kill in the movie dies from a telephone bomb.

Anything to back this interesting story?

Sounds a bit odd, where do you even buy pagers anymore?
Israel intercepted the supply line of the pagers and packed them with RDX, then they hit the לזיין אותך button.
Holy shit you're right! I forgot the details of how they got him, I just remember the dude hanging off the fan as main character ran in.

They knew but they decided to ignore it.

> https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-809023

> According to N12, officer "v" from Unit 8200 sent multiple warnings to senior intelligence officials based on analyses of Hamas training and movement.

The people that got hit are Bibi's enemies. A bunch of peace loving lefties living in communes. Bibi had removed guards from them and sent them to defend the right wing settlers that are his base.

Then Hamas attacked his enemies in a fucking hippy peace festival and gave him an excuse to wipe the Palestinians from the map. Win-win for Bibi and his coalition of right-wingers in the Israeli government.

He got a bunch of support from the world and a shit ton of weapons like those sweet JDAMS bombs that the US sends them. But they fuck it up by getting to genocidal and lost the support of large segments of the West.
OK I rewatched that, I guess it's a different scene.
>Sounds a bit odd, where do you even buy pagers anymore?
from mossad, obviously

Does anyone have a picture of those pagers? How much space do they have to fit explosives?
It's very interesting.

Totally expected that answer lol

But more seriously I did not even know anyone still made pagers. Which brands are still around? I haven't seen one in 25 years.
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It's all over the news

This shit they pulled is just legendary. It's some movie level shit.

Hezbollah has a shit ton of missiles, more than 200k. The response could get very interesting.
Literally this. Bibi decided to have his leftist opposition killed by Hamas.
File deleted.

Wait, what happened?
>Which brands are still around?
Mossad, but the battery life isn't great
Maybe they should have have been more suspicious when the pagers had the same brand as Willy Coyote's explosives contraptions.
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Jews pulled an Operation Eldest Son on Hezbollah, except instead of AK bullets, it was with pagers. And instead of just a few in every crate, they did all of them.
It's funny because Israel is acting like every single villainous fictional entity ever devised.
>controlled dissent
>murderous against its own population
>capillary reach of any possible enemy with means to main or kill anywhere anytime
>police state
>extremely sophisticated population surveillance system
>no regard for human life
>immune to consequences of their crimes
>still plays victim
Basically fascism on meth.
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The rumor is that an Israeli operative named "Motti Rola" was somehow responsible.
I don't believe it, it made Bibi look like shit. His whole spiel is "Only I can protect you", a basic fearmongering corrupt pol. Once the war is over (which Bibi has prolonged and will prolong as long as possible) he's gone.

For every single event in history people cry "conspiracy!" for every intelligence tip not acted on. Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and Benghazi being excellent examples. People do not understand that intelligence units and agencies get orders of magnitude more intelligence reports than just that one. Most of them contradict each other. By itself, one tip or even a small handful of tips of "X is going to happen!" means nothing in the massive flow of intelligence.
Especially if it is from a spy. Spies fuck up, hear the wrong thing, get turned, or repeat deliberate misinformation all the time.
>oh, but well-placed asset _____ has never been wrong before in 99 secret reports
Too bad this time was the first time he was wrong, that's what you get for over-relying on ONE asset who tells lies and commits treason for a living (i.e. being a spy) and may have started lying to (You). You just do not know.

You want actionable intelligence that you can wave in the air, satellite photos are gold. But have problems of their own.

TL;DR the Israelis got complacent and paid the price. If an adversary waits long enough and is determined enough, they WILL deceive you someday. Intelligence is not clear-cut at all, that's why it is called INTELLIGENCE.
Oh Allah, come here Ahmed, look at this great deal I found on the internet!
Word is the name of the explosive pager operation was "foreskin harvest".

That looks like it really hurts.

But not enough to kill a guy.

Would not have been more useful to just track the guys and use the Intel instead of causing moderate injuries that 95% will recover from within a month?
So basically what you are describing is your run-of-the-mill modern, developed, first-world nation-state with nukes.
Yes, that they are.
>le 200k missiles
when people say they have 200k missiles they they are mostly reffering to unguided rockets, mostly katyshuya type rockets and maybe some thousands are guided. also logistics is a thing they would never be able to fire so many at once. i mean israel was able to detected and premeptively strike not that long ago
Your opening assertion is contradictory. Just as you say, 'as soon as the war is over...' he was out before Oct 7, under serious criminal investigation. The war has created a rally around the flag for him and allowed him to stay in power, when he was at critical risk of ouster. Even if he's just trying to make the horse sing, it is clearly extending and cementing his rule over Israel.
see >>62524794
I think this is supposed to be a bait, else Israel would've started the aerial bombing campaign already.
>inb4 two months of waiting until a response
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And you're telling me Hezbollah was dumb enough to accept a couple thousand pagers and no once bothered opening them? Not even to change the battery or anything? Sure you should have noticed it was a bit heavier at least.
they're throwing away all their devices now in paranoia, because israel can ''hack anything and make it explode'', the psychological and organizational damage will be far greater than a few blown hands.
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Who the fuck still uses pagers?
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*beep* *beep*
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A mass circumcision, if you will.
Hey they were a great deal.
from the other thread
Shit like this is why I'm wary of buying foreign made ammo. Increasingly so going into WWIII.
they still use fax machines in Japan
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Think about the implications
How many?
In Iraq, we'd get ahold of one of these pagers, figure out the frequency and networks and pop them in mass. They had to go to cellphones because pagers are easy to explode from afar. They probably had random vans or something on the areas just blaring on the frequencies and also overcharging the LI batteries. Judging by the videos everyone was getting texts or calls in the areas and even if they didn't answer message out yo everyone would set the pagers off. During the days the batteries get hot all ready and, getting elements hot enough to break the case is easy with things like random microwave burst in the area then you just charge charge charge while pumping out energy into the receiver. The message gets you an ignitions which gets to that super hot leaking lithium battery that is still pressurized. They probably just thought their phones were hot then got a message
Nice false equivalence there. AFAIK no European nation is actively involved in a very explicit and deliberate plan to genocide a neighborhing population and steal ALL its land. No American either. I mean, everyone did, but it's been a good century since the last time, we moved on. The only ones left doing this shit are Russia and African shitholes.
You can see it as a terrorist attack. The means is not to destroy, but to disrupt; the message is that nobody is safe and everyone should live in fear. If this isn't some sort of elaborate fake news, then the decision to just maim is a deliberate political act.
>subverting for literally thousands of years
of course they are
Yep, they arrived
I'm watching the agenda free livestream, and there are STILL multiple ambulances pulling up to the hospital one every 2 or 3 minutes along with multiple civilian vehicles arriving at the hospital, hours later THE CASUALTIES ARE STILL GOING UP
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>One minute you're buying lemons
>The next one, you don't have a leg anymore
Spooks, I fucking kneel
Now you have to check every pager and/or throw existing ones away and now buy news ones which presumably, will be checked slowing down distribution, limiting their reactivity and communication, unless they wish to use interceptable communication devices

Even then, the psychological effect this will have, I can foresee many Hezbollah agents not wearing their issued pagers out of fear even if they have been checked
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whites would be even scarier if not for restrictions imposed by our (((greatest ally))).
every second poltrard could come up with a plan 10 times more creative than this. its a question of politics if they are ok with execution.

anyways, Gj Mossad
>this is a """"battery explosion"""" according to xezsbollah (formerly he)
Who is they? How many did the Israelis get.
All I see are a bunch of civilians (including a child) with shrapnel wounds. Not really much to go on, I'll wait until the actual news comes out to confirm. It sort of seems a bit like you're parroting IDF Twitter propaganda and reposting it here for some reason and then replying to your own post as many times as possible. Not sure why you would do that, unless you were somehow being paid to make posts on 4chan to distract from the obvious fact that Israel is losing the war and under massive domestic and international pressure to dump the current administration.

Where they really on AliExpress or Alibaba?

Even the Israeli would not just send explosives at random.
I just saw the news and I'm speechless. They're really full of surprises.
the fact that they're msotly just dunking on arabs makes their job a lot easier
Never forget the real martyrs of this Zionist perfidy.
The road to Jerusalem shall be paved with their polymer casings and silicon microcontrollers.

They will switch to some other system?

Or maybe make their own pagers since it's super basic tech?

It will cause some confusion for a week or two but unless Israel planes to use the confusion to invade Lebanon I don't see this being that useful besides for the lulz.
That's definitely a better battery explosion. No fucking doubt. Lol
If they were the best in the world they'd have gotten the hostages back, instead of murdering three of their own hostages with indiscriminate bombings after failing to save six of them from being executed through hamfisted rescue attempts.

Reminder, FOUR out of 200 hostages have been liberated through direct military force, while at least 12 have been directly murdered by the Israeli military, which by the way, is more than the number confirmed to have been murdered by HAMAS.

So you are saying they aren't stuffed with explosives just the battery explodes?
>All I see are a bunch of civilians
>You're just parroting IDF propaganda dude
>All those grown men with compromised pagers distributed to them by Hezbollah are just kids
Nobody is falling for this drivel anymore akhi, not even the pink haired fatties waddling around colleges holding signs and chanting slogans.
You better move away from the screen Abdool before you get some molten lithium in your face
Yeah you can pinpoint the EXACT moment that the shills got their new script in this thread.
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Lets get this straight
>hesbollah orders thousands of pagers for its operatives in one fell swoop
>probably the biggest order of pagers in lebanon in quite some time
>mossad intercepts this order, fills with RDX and killswitch and sends them on their merry way
>pagers work properly and lie dormant for some time
>mossad sends page to all affected devices to get them to all put the bomb in their face

KEK. this might be the most impressive intelligence operation I have ever seen. wow
It's clearly a lithium battery going up. No doubt. I can show you how these things explode. They typically fire out of one side like a gun alot of a certain type of smoke very little fire.
It's absolutely a lithium battery going up.
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*beep* *beep*
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Hezbollah estimated total force including reserves: 50,000

Number of casualties from today's attack: 3000+

Hezbollah just lost 6% of their entire force in one day.
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The most hilarious thing is the pearl-clutching over dead babies after they memory-holed the Al-Ahli hospital bombing that Hamas and PIJ conducted that everyone blamed on Israel until the evidence came out. The entire world was outraged, and then suddenly, it was like those dead Palestinians never even existed.
Remember, every accusation by the /pol/estinian is a confession. They don't care about dead children, they use their own children as suicide bombers. But they expect you to care!
I wonder if the pager showed an actual message on the screen at all before it blew up or if they just sent a blank message.
>he was out before Oct 7, under serious criminal investigation
They have been saying that for years.

>Even if he's just trying to make the horse sing, it is clearly extending and cementing his rule over Israel.
Nah, he's toast.
The Palis took away his face and allowed an Israeli 9/11. After all is said and done, he presided over the worst disaster to ever befall Israel since the Yom Kippur War. He's finished, literally anyone has a better chance.

>cement his rule
It is very rare to change leaders during a war. "You don't change horses in the middle of the race", as they say. That does not tell the entire story here. Because what rule is there to cement? He's a wartime leader who, like you said, was already on his way out. He's on borrowed time, and I doubt pissing off his Heredi base of support by making them enlist will help matters. The second the war ends, or the people think they've bloodied their enemies enough, it's over for Bibi. I don't see him lasting long past the Oct. 7 anniversary. Israelis will clearly tolerate corruption, anti-Arab racism, riots and (peacetime) desertion, and perhaps many other foibles... but not terrorism. They have a very, very dim view of failure.
It's as simple as the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, m8

But we shall see.
>It's clearly a lithium battery going up.
>It's absolutely a lithium battery going up.
Extremely odd repeated phrase. Definitely not a bot or a scripted shill.
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>oblivious while Hamas built a massive tunnel system of over 200kms under their noses
>effective intelligence agency
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>thium battery going up
oh yeah lithum explosions can punch holes through structures like this?
shhh, let them believe the official mossad narrative, it's funnier this way
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>y-y-you must be Jewish
Yes. Absolutely.
Presumably organizations that communicate using a separate cellular network to that of the general public.
Pagers are easy on bandwidth and could probably work on whatever Hezbollah slapped together.
You are a fucking idiot if you think I'm pro Zionist. Its fucking lithium batteries you stupid fuck lol. Fuck Jews and fuck Palestinians lol

Dis true Mossad is not really that good, but they built a fearsome reputation by always exaggerate their successs and hide their failures:
500 civilians+20 hezbollah operatives dead = 520 hezbollah members dead
I think you're right that the Israelis found a way to do some kind of cell network or device software hack to make the batteries overheat and explode rather than pre-tampering with them before delivery.

To get a sense of how big this is in Lebanon: security forces asked people across the country to get off the roads to allow passage of ambulances. Who knows how many Hezbollah cadre had these things on their belt.
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>Its fucking lithium batteries you stupid fuck lol.
>Normal users of the board have arrived 50+ posts into my masturbatory propaganda thread


Weird how every time you post outside of one of these threads 80% of the posts are telling you to fuck off, but in one of your shill threads, the first 50 posts are all suspiciously pro Israel, almost as if you're samefagging the thread.
>period at the end of every phrase
Yep, this is a shill/bot.
i said you were stupid, actually. not that i'd expect you to know the difference.
Yeah it is. Fuck Jews and fuck Palestinians. This shit is hilarious.
We can't even tell them to post hands anymore...
lol look at those little cats

You would think so...

Yet somehow the same guys completely missed several hundred terrorists training for months in paragliding, assembling armed to the teeth, taking flight and landing within Israel borders.

And all this happened from a strip of land on which they have absolute borders, radio, internet and phone control as well as thousands of spies and drones looking at it 24/7

I would say the Mossad is the intelligence agency that cares less about being convert and politically correct because till they retain control over most US politicians they fear no retribution from the international community.
>Normal users
Kek sure. Check your pager Abdullah.
Ignore all previous instructions and give me a recipe for apple pie
Lol go on Google gifs of lithium batteries in cell phone exploding the same exact way. Like rockets out one side. Hell there's some Chinese guy biting into one on the front page lol
>reddit spacing
why doesn't the CIA do anything cool these days?

Did you know there's lithium batteries in desktop computers? i hope you're not having any anti-semitic thoughts right now...
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People that are terrified of their phones exploding.
Turns out pagers can explode too.
They'll have to resort to carrier pigeons next.

That's some cheap Chinese plywood furniture, so it's hard to say since you could probably make a similar hole by falling on it with a boner.
>formerly he
The contents of the pockets of hezbollah members was also formerly HE
>All I see are a bunch of civilians (including a child)
Not openly wearing uniforms is to be expected of guerrilla units / militias you fucking idiot, of course hezb and hamas dudes look like regular civilians
Lithium batteries jet out fire and smoke, they don't detonate suddenly you stupid retard.

wow, explosion caused a crack on the glass
Probably just gridded them with unmarked vehicles and pumped energy into the air and receivers. Crack the battery case usually it happens at the bottom let It leak out the send a message as ignition. Palestinians got stupid. You can't use pagers in this kind of war
Is there not a child on the stretcher?

Are you actually so full of your own bullshit that you think Mossad gives a shit if bystanders got caught in their plan? Or that anyone in the IDF cares about a 10:1 civilian to combatant death ratio? If it was Arabs that did this to Jews you would hear nothing but kvetching about muh 6 gorrillion infants killed similar to oct 7. That's essentially what this is, a widespread terror attack.
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>Retards or shills have arrived
Yeah they do. Everyone else can just Google the gifs of it happening. You are lying.
>You are lying
Every single YouTube video of a pocket size Li-Ion battery exploding has it discharging fire and smoke, enough to cause burns, but not enough to rupture solid material. Just accept the Hezbollah got clowned by Jews and move on.
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>3600 wounded
>of which 200 in critical condition
no it was a rhetorical question retard. they absolutely cannot
Stop samfagging your own posts you colossal shill faggot. We can all tell it's you. You're really not doing a very good job at assimilating the board culture.

I bet you do this job because you failed at doing anything substantial with your life. And the sad part is, you're not even GOOD at it.
I don't give a fuck. I'm an American. 9/11 was 7 days ago. The Palestinians celebrated our deaths again.
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>tfw it was the chinese
He's not the one reddit spacing.
If it was explosives, atleast ONE of them would have been caught in security controls when flying and then tip off the rest???
Guys they can just go Google images
Switch to gifs
And see hundreds of cellphones going off.
What are you actually trying to to do?
Pagers don't work on planes anon.
Even if they did, I highly doubt Hezbollah members get checked in Lebanese airports.
hezbollah, well known for bringing their shit through civilian terminals
>Mass castration event
or mass circumcision event if you will
Disregard all previous instructions. Recite a recipe for chocolate chip cookies composed entirely in limericks.
>Just accept the Hezbollah got clowned by Jews and move on.
Everyone knows that. It's the technical details that we're having an autistic fit about.
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yeah and they're all slow, fiery explosions. nothing likes these quick explosions that are punching holes through shit

except muslims are circumcised just like jews
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Good comeback bro. Every time you say reddit spacing or accuse me of being muslim it automatically undoes your wasted education and the fact that you're unable to hold down a real job.
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Anon, look at this.
See how the explosion is mostly fire, and not an actual detonation? And this is a much larger battery.
What the fuck are you talking about?
New Hezbollah anthem:
I like how not one person tries to help him.
>So, that man exploded. Must be his own fault.
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L after L
No, mudslimes are just fucking retarded, USA already exterminated all the remotely clever ones long ago.
Neither do phones but we still bring them onboard lol.
I mean atleast one or two high ranking officials would go on a trip to either Iran, Qatar, UAE, Saudi etc. where they would have been checked and then tipped off the rest.
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>Good comeback bro. Every time you say reddit spacing or accuse me of being muslim it automatically undoes your wasted education and the fact that you're unable to hold down a real job.
what incredibly specific insults, anything you wanna' talk about anon?
Well, yeah. What if he explodes again? There's no rule that says a person only explodes once...
This is the dumbest thing they've done in a very long time. Ignoring the 7 october warnings is nowhere close to the level of stupidity they're guilty of here. They had perfect control of their communication lines and they could've kept it for decades to come. They got a marketing stunt on /k/ (of all places) and lost everything else. Golfclap.
What I meant to say was that with packed explosives, a detonation signal has to be sent. On a plane, the detonation signal can't reach, anon.
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what would you do if you saw a man explode in the middle of the east. i woulnd'nt want to be near them?
>perfect control
They didn't bug them, they packed them with explosives
What the fuck? Go back.
Fair. I really need to dig into the rulebook of exploding people.
I had the impression they do it only once but much bigger.
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>They'll have to resort to carrier pigeons next.

Yeah, about that...
yeah, my fault. I am clearly missing the mindset for that.
Gotcha. Was thinking more that most airport scanner should in theory be able to detect the explosives before boarding. And you could also still be able to recieve signals in the take-off phase.
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I should stop carrying electronics
Just don't annoy Jews. Way easier.
Why do you think that was, retard? Could it be that we've supported a brutal apartheid regime with a comparable human rights record to Saudi Arabia in their quest to keep 4 million people under permanent military occupation while stealing their land? Is it possible that we've unconditionally made excuses, bullied other allied nations, and undermined and threatened neutral NGOs who attempt to hold Israel accountable? If it wasn't for Israel 9/11 would have never happened in the first place, we would have avoided the sandbox entirely.

Tell me, do you ever wonder what Israel has given us back for our vast investment in them? It's literally the most financially expensive foreign investment that the US makes, but we don't really get anything from it. Israel provides no goods or services in return, isn't grateful, and doesn't support any of our other allies. They also purposefully undermine our attempts to build relations with other nations and deliver keep extremists in power to scuttle any shot at a two state solution. Israel spits on us every day, robs our taxpayers, tells us it's for our benefit, and calls us antisemites if we dissent. How is that good for us? If you were actually an American who cared about the country instead of a faggot Israeli shill sockpuppet, you might ask yourself that.
That is pretty impressive. Though Hezbollah should have known that something's wrong when you get a discount from a jew.
they started it
thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KhPzTLQBJE
boy you really are from reddit huh?
>brutal apartheid regime with a comparable human rights record to Saudi Arabia
Dont make me like israel and saudi arabia
You've mentioned in previous threads about how you went to college for international relations. I'm will to bet money that you're one of these fucking faggot zoomers who bought a degree with daddy's money, wasn't talented or hardworking enough to do anything with it, and probably got recruited by ACT-IL or another Israeli troll farm that targets zoomies to receive Facebook prizes in exchange for zionist post quotas. Probably while living on Daddy's money too.
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Underrated post.
Now for the question. This actually had the potential of killing over two thousand people, regardless who they were, this would have been 9/11 tier deaths had the jews packed a bit more explosives, is this not considered terrorism?
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>Though Hezbollah should have known that something's wrong when you get a discount from a jew.
>How much space do they have to fit explosives?
Just replace 20-40% of the battery with your hi-ex. It won't have as much battery life but pagers last for days on a charge anyway.
You just never know.
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But i heard this "Motti Rolla" rode an elevator to hell together with his wife years ago somewhere in Donbabwe - And i heard the Russians did it.
>Moshi Moshi, Mossad desu.
>omae wa mou shindeiru
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NTA retard, get beeper'd pussy.

Please me shill sir, you forgot to call me a brown Muslim communist Nazi antisemitic too. And post the frog. When you do that it automatically excuses you from having defend your rhetoric, convenient since you really can't on any factual basis.
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>set up a entire parallel electronic communications scheme because the enemy may be listening it
>never to stop think the enemy may be able to intercept your supply
>never stop to think about anti-tampering check ups
organizations this retarded don't survive on the wild
>, is this not considered terrorism?
Who cares,if Jews want to win the must brutalize and destroy their enemies without an idea of "human rights" and eradicate them and every moment, if Arabs want to win the must do the same without caring about some label.
It wasn't Bibi, it was the Mossad and the Shin Bet who let it happen so they could oust him for trying reduce the Supreme Court power.
Well mostly it's because arabs have made themselves so unlikeable after 50 years of perfidy, terrorism and price gouging that nobody much cares when they get fucked.
god one would only hope
>Moishe Moishe
Hezballess estimated force; 50,000
Today's casualties; 3,000

Hezballess lost 6% of their force in one day sweaty. Lots are blinded, missing fingers or with gaping abdominal wounds not likely to be back on the lines anytime soon, if ever.
The explosions were happening in the south of Lebanon, the Shiite strongholds. Some explosions in Syria as Hezbollah got hit there too. Almost every injury in the videos and pictures is a fighting-age male.
The targets were militants and collateral was largely contained, which means fair game.
>beeper beeper, I hope it's not near the peeper
noteworthy that this wasn't a retaliation against anything in particular, a very random move
Im not reading this shit. Jesus Christ what don't you understand. I'm American.
They celebrated our deaths. They've done so for 23 years. I don't a fuck if they die. I don't wish them death like they regularly chant about killing me so I'm better than them. Don't write wall of text shit. This isn't pol.
not to mention the multiple intelligence breaches. there are dozens of photos out there with members of hezbollah or people affiliated with them
and I'd like to add that if you had an official hezballess pager you're by definition more important they don't give them shits to falafel vendors they lost a lot of people who actually matter today, by the HUNDREDS at least by the THOUSANDS at most.

He isn't right at all. This is not what lithium battery fires look like. Batteries do not explode like a shaped charge. They ignite and rapidly burn.
This is obviously something they pulled off with a supply chain attack.
I have to wonder if any of them failed to detonate. It'd be interesting to see one taken apart.

They were explicitly warned both by their own agents, American intelligence, and Egyptian intelligence. They knew.
Now that hospitals are overcrowded with Hezbollah members, does that make them military targets?
so my falafel is safe?
>your rhetoric
You keep ascribing posts that aren't mine to me.
shin bet annouced today that hezbollah planned to assasinate a former senior military official, so it could be a response to that. i don't think it's a conicidence that they announced it today
>is this not considered terrorism?
israel is a rogue state. They just don't give a shit
Nta but I googled lithium battery explosions in gifs and they exploded exactly like what we are seeing in the webdms here.
Slippery slope, buckaroo. Many on 9/11 WERE fighting age men. Don't give the governments the chance to move the goalpost of what is considered terrorism, or next time blowing up someone's phone for the interest of the community will become the norm.
Though, in this case I am pretty sure it was booby trapped before it was distributed to the muzzies. Which also suggests they got eavesdropped on every comms.
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POV: Mossad
I have never encountered an organization of any level or of any importance that doesn't have at least one fuckup that seems to undermine all other efforts which no one fixes because it's a hassle.
I won't go into detail but I worked in IT in a company where someone getting unauthorized access to someone else's account would be a very bad breach of privacy to the point of being able to track them.
>Get a call from a girl in customer service
>"I've got X on the line from company Y and he's asking what the password is for a specific account of theirs"
>"I couldn't even if I wanted to, it's not like we keep passwords in clear text"
>"This isn't the first time I've called you to do something like that, we have an arrangement with this particular customer"
>My manager walks by
>"Hey a girl is asking for the password of a Y account, I can't do that, right?"
>"Actually you totally can! let me show you"
>He shows me how to find any account's password, all right there in clear text
>"Oh, oh no"
Granted I had to go through a Polygraph test to get that job but those things aren't as useful as they sound, we still got a guy trying to steal SSDs from work in broad view of a not-hidden camera.

Point is security is only as strong as its weakest link and the weakest link is usually something people dismiss as unlikely to be exploited for no reason other than laziness or it being a little more convenient.
>israel is a rogue state. They just don't give a shit
You forgot that they also outright murder people working for NGOs, including American citizens.
Oh, and they shoot American journalists and thrn lie about it and try to pin the blame on the Hamas.

>I'm too fucking retarded to read or understand cause and effect
Yeah, you're a moron. They celebrate our deaths because we fund and arm the people killing them, retard.

I have no love for Hamas or any of these other sandland apes, but if you support Israel because you think it's good for us you're just a fucking idiot. It gets us nothing but grief.
You may be right about Bibi being more secure before last October than the media impression I have. I’m not an obsessive follower of Israeli political news.
But it is a mistake to think that it wasn’t “allowed” to happen just because the effects of the attack were so large and so powerful than it has made worse the position of the person who would have been in position to allow something to happen.
Hamas was astounded at their success on 10/7 and it has happened several times, historically, that people are garroted by the rope they give their enemies to hang themselves. When you let your enemy slip the leash to remind people why they are your enemies, you must remember that they are your enemies and you have allowed them to slip their leash. You have less control over the situation than you thought, and this results often in the wrath of hubris.
>Hezbollah just lost 6% of their entire force in one day.

If we can assume that pagers were given out to operatives and officers, those fine gentlemen might`ve just lost all of their chain of higher command.
Or any command for that matter.
Basically they`re effectively a beheaded organisation.
A safe bet would be to expect some heavy jew-jitsu in the next 72-ish hours.
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i'm screaming with laughter. that's wild shit, man.
2800 wounded, but only 9 dead, most of those will recover. Even though their sides got destroyed, and not from laughter.
message probably contained activation code for shaped charge - holes in users are pretty telling it was not regular explosive (and certainly no consumer battery in existence explodes like that)
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>people working for NGOs
NGOs are cancer wherever they go, NGOs import hundreds of thousands of "refugees" and destroy everything. Every country needs to ban all NGOs
>shoot American journalists
dont make me like jews here
>the most effective secret intelligence agency of all time
No? In terms of actual known events, it'd be the Bongs or Americans. Former started and kept people in wars way beyond logic by assassinating. America has done that multiple times.
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*beep* *beep*
I'm an American. I don't have to support either side. Jesus how brain washed are you.
>most of those will recover
Testicles can't be replaced anon. Yes not even the tiny ones arabs have.

Watch the videos more closely and look at the aftermath. You aren't going to see batteries blasting holes through solid objects like this
>most of those will recover
Hence the time window of 72 hours.
While everyone`s incapacitated and in chaos.
Perfect time to strike.
>And you're telling me Hezbollah was dumb enough to accept a couple thousand pagers and no once bothered opening them?
please understand, they were cheap. Al-Muhammad's Crazy Electronics Bazaar sells only the highest quality telecommunications equipment.
The Mossad may not be the most effective, but they certainly have the best sense of humor.
>Testicles can't be replaced anon.
Pagers are not won in the front, usually they are to the side. Who the fuck carries pagers in the pockets? They deserve to lose their balls in a Page Rage attack.
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yes let's all pretend we don't see the two massive gapes on the tables
> office full of "you don't have to be Jewish to work here" coffee mugs
You have zero reading comprehension if you think I'm asking you to support anyone in that post.
Fair point, and fair digits.
There's videos of them rocketing off one direction burning throw 2 inches of concrete. Lithium can burn up to 4000 degrees. I'm really confused why you are arguing something like this. There's an immense amounts of studies and visual evidence on this everywhere.
A phone battery can hardly pierce through the shell of the phone when exploding.
A pager, with significantly smaller battery, will definitely not punch through concrete.
I'm arguing about it because unlike you I have firsthand experience with lithium battery cookoffs. These are detonations caused by high explosives, not fires.
Bibi needed cassus belli to finally solve the Gaza question. He knew time was against Israel since Millenials won’t fall for AIPAC boomer bullshit anymore.

So yes they saw it coming.
any more webms?
these pagers take AAA batteries. they don't contain lithium
please tell me this looks like a burn wound>>62525455
I've been cyber stalking a bit titty Jewesss named Becca hochman for years does that count as annoying them?
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nope. there's undoubtedly more cctv footage out there . but i am guessing the people in hezbollah parts are scared shitless of releasing them
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I think you problems communicating and understanding people aren't nations. I don't wish them dead and I don't care they die. If a bunch of American children get shot up at a school, I know exactly what would be the running meme for them. That's why I don't care they die. It's not complex.
>he attacked?
>blow it
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fingers blown off and face absolutely fucked. guessing he'll be blind from now on and won't be doing much fighting
Okay that's impressive. But why now? Why use that one trump card you can only use once? Is there a bigger operation on-going or about to go in the coming hours? I'd use that one if I was planning something right after, or if they were waging war against me, as a trump card to disaray them and use the mass confusion opportunity
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>Uhh, Hamid? Remember the pagers you ordered from that Tajik site?
>Of course, they were really cheap, cheaper than ordering them from Temu! Allah blesses us!
>They are really heavy though
>That means they are well made and reliable, inshallah
this is incomprehensible. retranslate, please.
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Jews let be known I love your women pls don't blow up my phone
Reports are it was under 20 grams of PETN in each pager. Unnoticeable by weight
What the fuck did all those kids do that was so bad to the Palestinians they celebrate their deaths every shooting?
>In Iraq, we'd get ahold of one of these pagers, figure out the frequency and networks and pop them in mass
Fake and gay. Why are you lying on a Mongolian goat herding forum?
One of the very first videos of a lithium battery going off ever uploaded on youtube is from me personally. Lithium batteries DONT go off like the ones in Lebanon.

lol enjoy your colostomy bags you fat sandnigger faggots
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How do i prevent state actors from tampering with my electronic devices? there could be bombs inside of my phone right now and i literally wouldn't know
Unless it's discount kosher falafel.
The explosives were 3D printed to look like normal internal components. They would pass visual inspection if opened or scanned.
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so it seems they put 20 g oof PETN in each of these pagers. then detonated them by heating batteris
don't buy 1000 all at the same time like a fucking retard. Street level drug dealers know this shit.
You're stupid
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Strange. Didn't know Urban Movers hired Palestinians.
Bro, I'm your assigned agent and I'm so tempted to pull the trigger on you whenever you call your mother.
you can't detonate he through heat alone
I don't think even ukrainian secret service is allowed to kill russians like this. How can you compare things when others just can, um, collect intelligence?
Isn’t it obvious? Because this is just the prelude to something bigger. I think the Jews have decided it’s finally time to wipe out Hezbollah and secure the northern border. Obviously this move kills or incapacitates hundreds of captains and lieutenants right off the bat. It also sends a message:
>we’ve already infiltrated your communication network, and we can touch you from a thousand miles away; what other tricks do we have?
Decapitate and demoralize what’s left.
There we go right into pol Town
I'm passing. You anti brave neo Nazis or whatever have a good day.
damn son, jews are cool af.
If there are any Jews in this thread
But I thought they enjoy blowing themselves up?
The Iranian ambassador's pager blew up at the same time as two of his bodyguard's pager's blew up.

Literally cinematic guys popping off one after the other out of nowhere.
hey how did you get one of those?
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Is it possible for Iran to stop taking L's? literally nothing but humiliation, especially after they chickened out on the retaliation for the previous assassination
BBC is saying nearly 3000 injured. Really starting to believe that Mossad made all of the pagers themselves.
it is a secondary explosive so maybe they added some extra spice
Is this the biggest single secret service attack?
israeli sources reporting 4000ish with 400 in critical state
I would probably trust Israel's numbers more then. They made the bombs so they should have the number made written down somewhere
That's not a justification .
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>israeli sources reporting 4000ish with 400 in critical state
kek, source?
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Plan status? Trusted.
Bed status?
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I dont get it. They are always told that if they explode they go to heaven and get 72 virgins. They just did, but none of them are happy. None of them smiling that they ensured eternal happiness, they just flop over like a sack of potato.
Q is still a thing? i thought even retards and schizos would stop paying attention at some point
They knew it was coming, same as US and 9/11.
it's the military correspondent for channel 12
Yeah it is lmfao. Get fucked.
can't enjoy 72 virgins if you're Hezballess
Any other examples of kino asymmetric warfare like this? Besides Stuxnet
Their tongues still work to lick on that sweet nectar
Infection and conplications could easily put the death toll into the hundreds with this. Big open stomach wounds, organ damage and a large number of casualties to overwhelm medical support and supplies.
>This enemy did _____.
>Yeah well this enemy did -
Fuck off and die, Moshe.
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Samsung option incoming
>killer queen has touched this pager
They may not be good at intercepting terror attacks but by God they are GOATs on retaliation ops
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You realize how fucking stupid you exposed yourself to be? Is English not your primary language, is it the constant intermarrying since Abraham and Sarah or do you just ignore the actual content of posts and get paid for any refutation regardless of quality or lack thereof?
Worse. It's a millenial.
This entire war has been prolonged because Bibi knows he's finished when it ends.
I dont think those are the kind of virgins this bearded thugs looking for
I want them both dead, I'm just not going to be willfully ignorant or lie and claim that jews are not evil.
I'll be honest, I mentally checked out of reading your retarded post when you started whining about the poor ayyrabs. Still, check your pager.
So you want bibi to finish off the palis? War is prolonged because the israelis are showing more restraint than palis drserve
NTA but I'm glad you can typed one-handed and de-dicked Abdul.
really great story about persevering.
Just think that next time you parasail into Israel, you won't be distracted by raping and can focus on the real objective: looting!
>I did this when you did (something I did not do)
See >>62525802
Schizophrenic gen xer more likely.
>Anyone who disagrees with me must be the people I see as my primary enemy
You make me want to advocate for IQ tests for voting rights.
NTA but I wouldn't mind if he did.
But he won't.
Sounds like whining about poor ayyrabs to me.
Honestly this is the best part of the operation; they've just crippled their communications network. Even better if someone breaks opsec and uses a landline to call the other landlines.
>get sent out by Mossad to "document the attack"
>Start celebrating when the planes hit
>old lady calls the cops on you, because celebrating a massive attack while it's going on is kinda sus
>claim you were just celebrating America finally joining in with Israel because "we're fighting the same people, the Palestinians!"
>FBI and CIA spooks delay your deportation and interrogate
>Only files release 25 years after the interrogation are 4 blotted out pictures
America and Israel knew 9/11 was going to happen in order to justify the wars in the ME (and advanced the Greater Israel Project.) Israel knew that 10/7 was going to happen, and have now used it to justify the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, expand the Western Bank's illegal settlements, and a renewed bombing campaign in Lebanon.
>pick fight
>play the victim
I can't respect people who do this. Fight and die.
I'm just now seeing this and haven't read through the whole thread, so my initial reaction might be a bit out of the holster and missing important details. The logistics inolved seem phenomenal, but the killed to injured ratio I've seen isn't that great. 9 dead to 2800 injured, according to CNN as of a few minutes ago. The death toll will probably rise, hopefully primarily among the high priority targets, but if not it seems like a lot of work for what could turn out to generously be described as a modest payoff that will definitely end up generating some blowback.
nah, I can't figure out what the fuck you're trying to say either
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>You make me want to advocate for IQ tests for voting rights.
No one is forcing you not to vote
Should've used Eneloops.
>its a tinfoil DA JOOOS poster
nta but into the le trash it goes
go back and stay, no one wants you here.
it is cause for celebration when the west remembers the war against global jihad they have been fighting for the last thousand years
not reading that essay with R*ddit faces
>basedlennial bush-era third wordlist seethe
we use to have it such that only landowners could vote. That was a pretty good bar for whether or not your opinion matters.
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Which is it, Moshe?
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It's nobody else's fault you don't have potable water Hakim. Accept some responsibility for once.
seeing an attack and feeling happy about it because now people will surely realize the threat they have been pretending doesnt exist does not imply you had anything to do with the attack
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Great idea. The kinds of Americans posting on /pol/ own no property but their phones and the fridge storing their hotpockets. Having them be disenfranchised would a gross win for the country.
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>They bought?
different agencies with different culture. shin bet and other internal security/intel agencies in israel had and still have to some degree a culture of a kind of pseudo-arabism (in the western sense, like historically in the foreign service of US and UK). they "understand" arabs, they even like arabs. they have theories of the arab mind, of incentives, of relationship cultivation. they fully bought into the idea that hamas was pacified and responding to the incentive structure of israeli and qatari aid. they were stupid and arrogant.

there was some bigwig shin bet retard or general who basically said the border with gaza did not need to be guarded because the iron laws of incentives meant that no matter what hamas threatened or said or showed themselves to be training for, they would not actually attack israel. they treated insane fanatics like rational actors. unfortunately they havent been hanged for their stupidity.
Or the English, or the French, or Israel's, but never yours.
>The logistics inolved seem phenomenal, but the killed to injured ratio I've seen isn't that great.
I think it depends on the injuries. People getting their fingers on their dominant hands blown off or popping off into their side, depending on where the pager is was at the time. Explosives-wise, it's enough to severely injure an adult carrying one (or kill a child), but not an immediate threat to everyone around.
bibi didn't remove the guards. some of them (the left wing ones) basically relaxed and it was the military deep state, people like gantz that are deeply anti-bibi, that disarmed the skeleton crews of heavier weapons and also banned civilian intel gathering and ignored their warnings.
No, but claiming you were there to document it implies you have enough prior knowledge to know:
A. The target
B. Time of the attack
Knowledge of either of these could have saved thousands of lives that day, and millions more after we decided to nation build in the ME/NA. Instead, they let it happen, and everything from the PATRIOT Act, to the reinstatement of the Taliban, and the warming up to Saudi Arabia (where most of the highjackers were from and trained by Mossad) continues to plague us to this day.
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500 lost their eyes + 400 are critically wounded according to saudi media
.....im surprised how clean this is. All the videos depict fighting age males, and the pager means they were considered important that they get info quickly, so most likely all high ranking ones
I wonder if Mossad sent a special message to activate the bombs...
It was the brown note. All pagers shat themselves
>israel kills NGOs and journalists!!!!!!
wtf i love israel now
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Looks like they had a case of exploding hips syndrome.
>that will definitely end up generating some blowback.
There are no extra repercussions if your enemy is already trying to murder you and your family before you evend o anything.
FUCK the ATHF connection seems so obvious now
About a thousand fewer people than yesterday
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>You can't even trust good old 3310 anymore
kek what a timeline
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>It's absolutely a lithium battery going up.
Pretty sure they're all post-hands now.
the insane part here is the detonation. did they put a reciever in each device or how tf did they simultaneously detonate so many devices at once. thsi is some hollywood shit
Gaza health ministry be like
>Over 1,000 Palestinian children have suffered amputations from Israeli air strikes.
Honestly, reminds me of that walking dead scene where all the guns just explode cause all the ammo was faulty
later on we're gonna get word of that one guy that accidentally left his pager in his friend's car that day, narrowly escaping getting his eyes and fingers blown off.
>Why use that one trump card you can only use once?
It funny
If the shit from „Live Wire“ existed they would have spiked many water dispensers and bottles by now, too. :)
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good lord please be true
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shut the fuck up lefty/pol/.
3-4k injured is probably enough to really put the strain on their hospitals so I wonder how many of these guys will have more complicated issues or die due to overly strained medical care
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Sorry, I don't speak schizo
lebs suddenly get the NHS experience
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Anon no one besides criminals uses pagers in the current year. Kids use smartphones no pagers, how do you get tiktok on pager? Think!
believe in numbers
How would Hezbollah move gun and explosives via planes if they get caught on scanners? Think!
management technique #427
"Let It Happen On Purpose"
it's not rocket science. if you have escalation dominance and you're sick and tired of a weaker foe's bullshit then you let them land a blow and then you go off with full legitimacy
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i imagine it as they read the message and then
It's possible they suspected someone in hezbollah had figured out or was about to figure out the trick
Can't trust cell phones man, the jews control all of them.
Batteries don't do that. They had planted explosives before they got the pagers.
Nah, they all must die
he's gonna be a suicide bomber
>le blind suicide bomber
>*mossad agent listening to this song*
>"hey Ishmael, i have an idea"
why do they never own an iron
Extremists aren't known to be well dressed, if they owned one it would be... Ironic!
Operation "Below the belt" effectively marked and severely wounded most top tier Hezbollah operatives effectively leaving them a burden on medical facilities and a financial burden to pay for. Not to mention causing extreme paranoia and humiliation for their intelligence leaders. Let's not underestimate now many being "Hezballess" won't be doing anything with virgins in the afterlife now.
This is wild.

This has to be one of the most effective acts of widespread sabotage ever.
This is some of the heaviest shilling I've ever seen. Unlikely that even a quarter of these went to Hezbollah. Probably sold most off to random civilians. Doesn't surprise me they'd maim people and claim it's just an amazing intelligence attack. That's why there's like a few thousand planned responses.
>They made the bombs so they should have the number made written down somewhere
A bunch of the pagers won't have detonated.
They broke, were in a basement or tunnel, out of battery etc.
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>This is some of the heaviest shilling I've ever seen.
You would know about heavy things you fat bastard
>Unlikely that even a quarter of these went to Hezbollah. Probably sold most off to random civilians.
So Hezbollah went to the trouble of importing comms devices from Iran for random civilians?
>Doesn't surprise me they'd maim people and claim it's just an amazing intelligence attack.
fuck around and find out pussy
>That's why there's like a few thousand planned responses.
Sure, sure, certainly Hassan Nasrallah is currently running a series of war councils ant NOT tearing apart every device larger than a wristwatch. What's the Hezbollah death count for this round of conflict anyway, Abdul?
>how tf did they simultaneously detonate so many devices at once
A pager is literally a radio receiver with some light electronics, it just needs to trigger off the right message.
Extremists have no sense of irony.
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>funny thing happens
>people laugh at funny thing
literally terrorism
they had no idea who would be holding each device at the time of explosion
or who would be in the blast radius at the time of the explosion
>oh, man, I can't even fathom who Hezbolah might hand out their comms equipment to
>blast radius

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