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Common sense and reasonable discourse edition.

Old: >>62517469
>Common sense and reasonable discourse
Shark humor always gets me.
Oh nice another tripfag thread fuck off.
68 dollars is justified.
Tasteful paintjob shork
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You should paint the green one just to piss off the redditors
>i leave signal again
>Xtremely Cringe Reddit rifle
You are a redditor though
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coffee time for talk
By the way, that poorfag posting was the tripfag shitposting so he can make this thread.
You're beyond retarded LOL
Just awful.
What rifle should I get to go with my sp5 and staccato P?
>poorfag posting
>tripfag shitposting
The sum total of /arg/.
You know that /pfg/ exists right?
Anon broke you.
something not drop safe and overpriced for no reason, so KAC I guess
Did you notice that the tripfag came out of literally nowhere to suddenly announce the new thread? Pepperidge farm noticed.
this is it
a tripfag just flew over my house... out of nowhere!
which one? SAAR-15?
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>everyone is either engaged in my personal arguments or not in the thread at all
you legitimately need help anon
Says the guy that has meltdowns over reaction images. Redditor.
Wow, what a weird cohencidence that the tripfag just so happened to be making the thread at the exact moment that the thread was being shit up by 50 posts of some retard crying because he got called out for claiming to be a richfag. Trip on shark.
If you bought the slade riser but dont have
>60k m855a1
>pallet of 40mm HE
>pallet of LAWs
>50 acre solar farm for recharging e-bikes
>100 acre larp woods w/shoot house
>air strip w/ hangar and attached aircraft mechanics
>warehouse for armored vehicle spares
>warm water port
>fresh water well and processing plant
>modest 300 ME SMR
you really seriously need to consider a different hobby
trip on rAsh
This nigga is mindbroken
This guy>>62524150 buck broke this guy>>62524088 with dog drawings and it will never not be funny.
I am officially buck broken
Implying that piece of trash that fits in with you faggots can go a single post without blogposting about something he just bought and needs to sell.
Missing the 500 tillable acres with farmers, 200 head of cattle, patrol boat (riverine)s, rotor and fixed wing assets, drone thermal coverage and attack, surgical team and trauma ward, and messenger pigeon commo backup bro. NGMI.
Maybe I shouldn't get the Tikka T3. Idk bros
how do I filter your annoying ass?
bolt actions are pretty fucking useless in 2024 desu.
just get a .22lr bolt action. A savage mkII is like 230 bucks after shipping and shit.
What is the answer to the single purpose container exception to the 4th amendment question?
Not how I get my kicks, but please feel free to expand upon this conspiracy.
sell your firearms
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And a horse.
A lot of people like them, so it's not cool to like them anymore.
>optic on a shotgun
feels wrong...
but awesome collection there!
what did you have for breakfast?
what about lunch?
what are your dinner plans?
if you do not eat big you will not get big you silly skelly
Nogunz retard
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Hunting with semi autos isn't allowed here
Ew no
calm down schizo I said I like your collection
you should have been more aggressive
Spare bcg for your ar10 and remove the gas key, straight pull manual allowed by PGC. Look up kali key.
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I just woke up and had an egg sandwich with 3 eggs. I'm going to poop and then work out and drink a calorie shake for 1300 calories.
I'm eating 20 chicken wings in the evening, then steak and spaghetti around 11pm when my gf comes home, and then another shake before bed.
A pack of cigarettes and 6 energy drinks will also be consumed throughout the day.
I think it's called suicide.
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>dirty bulk
Useless water weight
keep up the bulk your apatite will adapt over time if you are consistent, monitor you weight weekly and assess the trend over a month
and also workout so you dont just bloat up
This nigga is gonna pull a legit Karen Carpenter and gain weight too fast and fuck up his already damaged heart
Ruger american
Tikka t3x lite
Benelli lupo, weatherby 307/mark v
>your ar10
What AR10?
>Ruger american
I have considered one
They’re fine rifles but not ‘nice’. They’ll put a deer down just the same though
>Hunting with semi autos isn't allowed here
why are cuck state "people" posting here?
freedom of speech, commiekike
Is PA considered cucked?
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We're contested territory. Don't ever let our guard down. Don't let NY refugees think they have it good here.
You're literally not allowed to stop somewhere on your way to the "range" with your gun like new jersey.
makes sense to me
Enjoy shitting your pants in your car I guess instead of stopping by a restroom on the way back home from the "range".

lefty pol communist retards are now in arg great.
imagine not being able to have a gun in your vehicle just because you want to lmao
SO easy
Can someone with Strelok or Chairgun tell me if the purple inked OTM rounds that Winchester made for DHS are in the database? I've still got some but I can't find details on the BC or anything anywhere.
Felt more wrong over the couple years it took me to commit to optics on a handgun.
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Dump pouches and their contents rattling around will get you killed in the stairwell.
Could not be me. Nothing beats a lemonade cream cooler from sonic on the way home from a hot day at the range
optics just get in the way on shotguns imo. Makes more sense with handguns since the sight radius is so short
If your belt doesn’t have gaymer tilted mags you’re already ded in the skreetz, gotta soft step on opps wit da vans bruh
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Are you sure about that?
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>thinking you're making it past the ieds filled with broken endmills on the first floor
>optics get in the way for a shotgun!
>put a massive eotech
Here’s your (You) tardo
Just make sure you're curling some fucking dumbbells doing rows for your back and shit for your shoulders that'll keep you from looking just fat and soft. I hope you finally make it.
No brother don't you get it it's just not worth it we had vans full of magazines it's chump change like the 70 dollar riser
100% sure dog boy broke you with some furry drawings
I want to die on a daily basis
>call furfag a retard
Yep guess I'm "broken"

>that music
You’re certainly as retarded as him
Enjoy being skinny fat
OK, nigger
You are welcome to stop shitting up the thread any time
Cope, dog boy left you seething hard over his pictures LMAO
>starting a band to play someone else's songs
But you don't even leave your vehicle at Sonic?
Very strange headcanon
Stepping on all the broken glass, drywall, needles and dragon dildos will give away your position first.

I have 40 degree angled Esstac Glock mag pouches on my belt. I am protected.
It's fucking retarded that the Ruger has a threaded barrel but a T3 doesn't until you spend over $1k
Probably costs like $100 for your lgs to have it done on whatever rifle you want
$150, but the Lite barrel is too thin for a 5/8 thread so I've gotta buy an adapter
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I'm going for a space marine physique. That's my end goal.
Youre going to be 8 ft tall and over 400lbs? Better jump on that tren now dog
based. When I first got into lifting after highschool my bro asked me what my fitness goal was, I just said Master Chief
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>/arg/ is finally getting juicy
>DYEL tier natties think they're going to dirty bulk their way to a "space marine fizeek"
keep us posted
Even the gun owners in this general are underageb& brain.
Proud of you bro.
I would dump out my hotwheels collection. Try kick flipping over that I dare you.
Its a bog standard 69gr winchester OTM
No bro it's purp, these purple ones they paralyze you anywhere they hit, it's speshul
They're 62gr. They have an odd opening, too. None of the other OTMs I've bought had an opening in the tip that looks like these do. Pic related. If anyone's seen any other OTMs like this, let me know. These things are gnarly in gel.

One hit anywhere is all it takes.
Just realized Hop pinned my comment in one of his videos. Holy shit
>always thought I had a g43 magnifier
>heard how shit it was constantly
>order a g33 magnifier
>look back at my purchase history
>I had a g33 all along
>now I have 2
>I don't use either one
How do you fuck this up? The G43 is short. Anyway, how much do you want for a G33?
I’m a little retarded.
And I’m prob just going to keep them both
What if you got an mpvo and piggybacked a red dot on the front ring then a magnifier on the rear ring?
*obviously you would have a cheek riser on the stock.
Big brain
>somewhere across the pacific ocean, a clapped out cnc machine can be heard spinning up as ling ling blows off the remains left by his now deceased coworkers
ok, but how about this: 1 regular red dot and 2 magnifiers. You'd get full LPVO range and a true 1x.
Ugh, time to find the comment.
The goose is loose
So is the caboose
Anon, please deliver...
a 1-9x
I can't.
I ordered one of them with no mount so all I have is an eotech standard FTC and a unity. They are 2 different heights.
it's gonna be m67 tomorrow boys.
feels like time for a bit of Eastern culture
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>fucked up writing
Why does everyone insist on carrying a pistol + pistol mags on full battle rattle kit?
Pistols are not standard infantry equipment but every LARPer swears you have to have one and a lot of courses make externally holstered pistols with level 1 retention mandatory or at least strongly encouraged.
Seems like space you could just use for carrying water or smoke grenades or just ditching completely to save a bit of weight and improve mobility.
A 2:35 this guy talks about how he brought a pistol to TUSC and wouldn't do it again and is re-considering carrying one in his kit at all.
I think having a pistol in an IWB holster in your pack makes sense incase you needed to go into a town or something and you're obviously not going to do that in full battle rattle but you still might want to have something just incase. Just don't do it with a sig or staccato since they're not drop safe ;)
armed civilians are not standard infantry and never will be, assuming they need to operate around the same parameters is very close minded and short sighted of you.
Do you have a logistics train supplying you? Do you have air dominance and on call artillery? Do you have casevac? Do you even have a squad? No? Then you're not in the fucking Infantry.
Cops and spec ops use handguns for hands on people moving, ladders and vehicles, and as a backup. Spooks use them as primary.
Somewhere in the middle of all that you is the lone retard. Use whatever you like for your completely imaginary larp scenario. No one cares.
I suck with a pistol and I'm gonna just not carry one either. I'd rather have more rifle mags
for a civilian militia force having a pistol wouldn't be a bad idea
first off, one of the big uses of pistols for infantry is in mounted operations. If you're in your car having a pistol may be more expedient than a rifle, especially if you're trying to discretely move through check points or something. I'd expect an American militiaman in a guerrilla war would be doing more car related stuff than the average conventional infantryman.
second off, pistols are much more concealable and easier to dispose of if you're operating in a covert manner or using it merely for personal defense while doing information or logistical operations.
finally, the reason some weapons are or are not issued to infantry does not always have to do with it's usefulness, but the cost to benefit ratio. The bean counters who decide how many pistols are going to be bought are NOT the guys who would or would not be rocking them. Similar to how there are better 5.56 rifles that the milspec m4. Military grade will often times simply mean cheap.

Don't get too attached to what the military does or does not do, use it for a frame of reference for you to make your own decisions. Remember that doing your own thing is fine, unit wide SOPs are often determined by one dudes opinion.
>t. 11b in a unit where every MG and AG had to have the exact same pouch layout in case someone went down and someone else had to grab ammo
>I've got the /gq/ recommendations
You guys have any range day packs that you recommend. I decommissioned mine and gave to goodwill
oh hi!
>Pistols are not standard infantry equipment
Damn, it's almost like I'm just a normal guy living in a big town setting up my kit for general home/community defense, and not some zogbot being dropped in some desert shithole to kill dunecoons.
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Surplus USGI MOLLE II assault pack in UCP in excellent conditions for like $50. Dye or spray paint it if UCP bothers you that much.
what aimpoint do i want
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>guy does urban sustainment course on the side of a theoretical militiaman
>concluded pistol is a bad idea
>4chan explains why you do need it citing the dumbest possible reasons like climbing a ladder
Yeah no shit but you haven’t explained why this equates to needing a pistol
>you don’t have CAS so you need a pistol
>cops have pistols therefore you need them too
Ok bro
>pistols are more concealable
What does that have to do with overt kit?
I already mentioned putting one in an IWB holster in your pack
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Sucking with a pistol just means you suck at shooting.
My 5'1" gf can hit plates at 400 yards with a sighted rifle. I get more lead on target with a rifle than I get piss in the toilet bowl, it's easier than pissing straight.
The only good aimpoint is the T2
Get your cheap LEO trade in Aimpoint PROs before the Redditors do

>I have a pistol for more covert missions
>I also have a set up so if I'm not doing something covert I can bring my pistol as a backup weapon
makes sense to me
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No one cares about your goblina girlfriend hitting 36” plates from a bench rest
With my P320 I'm ok. With my Glock 17 I'm absolute dogshit. I don't want to carry either. No idea why you mention shooting plates with a rifle?
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You don't have logistics or a team in any sense, so having a pistol makes sense in case there is an issue with your rifle, so you are never completely defenseless.
Also cars, ladders, maybe even viet kong style rat holes if you're fighting cartel, etc.
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I guess maybe it’s better to start with a pistol and then at some point down the road if you link up with boogalooshiesty and sneedemfeedem for the DWOT in Fortnite you can reconfigure your kit accordingly
ok thanks, I'll look into this option.
For me it’s the USMC FILBE 3 day
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couldn't tell you if it was true
>With my Glock 17 I'm absolute dogshit.
Is it the grip angle? It's the grip angle, isn't it?

It's kind of funny. I started shooting pistols with a Glock 19 and got so used to the grip angle that when I shoot a pistol with a more neutral grip angle, my presentation is off because I'm so used to shooting Glocks, lol.

They're all over eBay, bro.

FILBE is good too.
thanks anon
do you have a mount you like
Most people like the 1.93 or 2.26
If you have no intention of using the unity FTC that will require a unity mount (2.26) and don’t plan on using nods for passive aiming the 1.93 is a pretty good spot for most people.to start.
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Larue Tactical LT799 is best mount
>Larue Tactical LT799
Oof. LT660*
Im fucking retarded. Meant for >>62528012
LaRue LT660 for lower 1/3.

If you want something higher like 1.93", get the Reptilia or Scalarworks mount. The Reptilia is cheaper.
Actually what I said here is wrong.
Either 1.93 or 2.26 will work with night vision but I believe you need unitys 2.26 height to work with their FTC magnifier.
1.6 is lower 1/3rd cowitness and probably fine for most applications.
Really depends on how heads up you want to be
thanks anons
i'm a drooling neanderthal retard and while i do understand the differences in heights and cowitness and what not, i have very little understanding and zero practical experience of why i would want one of these over the others
i just put together my first ar and i'm not even sure if i did it right and whether it will blow up in my face
Lower 1/3 refers to the fact that your backup iron sights will be visible in the lower third of the optic window.

Irons don't work with optic mount heights like 1,93" and higher, but people like them because they enable a more heads-up shooting experience.

The measurements refer to the centerline height of the optic above the upper receiver.

Also, I remember after building my first AR. It was really just a PSA upper and parts kit that I used to put together a stripped Anderson lower. It was a good feeling when I shot it and it didn't blow up or whatever.
GBRS fucking suck.
To make it as simple as possible
>1/3 for general use
>anything higher for nvg use
Having a taller mount makes it easier to passively aim using nightvision, personally i quite like 1/3rd for every day non nvg use.
you can still use 1/3rd mounts with nods, although it is a bit harder. But with something like an eotech it is much easier while still being 1/3rd height because of the much larger window
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Based ODG and shotgun enjoyer.

That’s how I feel. I have tritium ghost rings on all my shotguns and feel they are just fine.

Ngl I would like to throw a Steiner MRS on a shotgun.
It’s literally just your head position.
When I got my exps3 it was a lower 1/3rd height so that would be equivelant to your t2 on a LaRue mount with that height.
It was fine and I didn’t have any issues using it.
I eventually put it on a unity riser (2.26) which is more heads up and better for night vision use.
I haven’t used a 1.93 but I’d imagine it’s somewhere in between those two.
It won’t really matter all that much which direction you go as long as you understand you will need to make sure whatever magnifier you get lines up with that height.
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Hmmm tough one
EOTech EXPS3 actually has a 1.70" centerline height, which is a cunthair higher than most lower 1/3 mounts. Lower 1/3 mounts vary from about 1.59" to 1.64" since there's no standard for lower 1/3.
Huh. Interesting, didn't know that. Thanks anon
As much as people like to shit on these guys he’s right about everything he said in that video
>optics just get in the way on shotguns imo
What the fuck does that even mean?
I shit on them but yeah, he's right, especially about higher mounts being better for peripheral vision situational awareness.
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Well in any case it was fine but I do like the 2.26 height more.
Only thing I don’t like is that with tall HOB you have more muzzle awareness to be concerned with and you get a weird battle zero. Granted it’s a red dot so it’s not really meant to be shot far or precise anyway but it’s worth noting.
One of the good things about a piggyback set up is that you get a really tall heads up style optic (arguably too tall) and a low HOB optic for actually shooting 100+ yards.
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Its the build everyone thinks is a good build but actually what they wanted to build was this
I bet my left testicle that rifle in the picture weighs more than 10 lbs.
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HRT is the only company that makes a placard with the pouches in the style I want and in multicam tropic, but they’re Chinese.
I could pair a Shaw concepts placard with an unobtanium gear Stuf pouch to achieve something similar with an extra mag, but the placard has 6 molle rows and the pouch will only take up 6 and be uneven.
Wat do?
*will only take up 5 I’m retarded
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Post what pouch style you’re going for. Anything that is in multicam uses real multicam fabric if that’s your concern.
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Something like this. I really like having shit available like this after running a Mayflower hybrid 5.56 chest rig. It works great for hiking and hunting but for tactical shit I’d like to be able to have retention like the velcro/elastic provides inside the pouch.
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it's just taking up real estate for no reason blocks a bit of peripheral vision. Around the house distances are basically point and shoot
i might be banned
Yeah, the tall mounts create create a weird arc over distance. You either need to figure out a good maximum point blank range zero, or just zero at your preferred zero distance and use a ballistic calculator to get an idea of how high or low you'll be out to like 400 yards or whatever distance you feel capable shooting out to with a magnifier if you have one.

Well, you're posting, so...
Literally just buy a haley micro chest rig. They have them in stock on the Haley website in MCT. It’s a placard so you can stick it right on and run it as a micro rig if you want to. It’s cheaper than piecing that together too.
With the 2.26 IIRC you’re still pretty much within 6” out to like 250/275.
Whatever it was it was fine for red dot and red dot magnifier applications.
why put a red dot on top of a spectre? i thought those were 1-6x
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Why is thumb over bore so important to these guys?
Same argument can be made for any firearm. Optics are useful for the exact same reasons they are on rifles and handguns. Are we pretending we live in a world where shotguns are only useful at hallway distances? Are we going to pretend that shot placement is unimportant even at that distance because it's 12ga? Haven't heard the peripheral vision argument since dudes were arguing that red dots and holographics are unnecessary on the AR15. If you don't like them more power to you. There's no reason t make objective statements that belong in the dumpster though.
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Why? Did you say nigger or something?
Ah fuck this is another good option
>Why? Did you say nigger or something?
i referenced sonoran desert institute in another thread.
Shot placement isn't unimportant, that's why optics on rifles & pistols are such a great feature. Nothing wrong with optics on shotguns if you are shooting out to further distances but some would say you would be better served with a rifle in the first place. So talking from a perspective of around the house/yard distances red dots don't add a lot at best. I agree with other shotgun anon that tritium irons are the best option
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>passive aiming
>replaces lack of back up irons
>gives an alternate and potentially quicker method of aiming in awkward positions
Really it all comes down to having options.
Need a riser for dot and magnifier. No unity mounts. Just a picatinny platform. YHM was a wobbly failure
>posts pic with no thumb over bore
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I thought you broke up with your latinx gf
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hell yea borther
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based fucking OP mein nigger

IN4 the greatest battle implement ever devised
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>that scope
It means he doesn't know how to aim. Ben Stoeger was right, you can instantly tell whether someone is competent by the things they say.
>you can tell someone is retarded if they say retarded shit
woah no way
>not needing an optic to aim means you're bad at aiming
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one of the funniest things I've read on here. Idk why that fucked me up so bad lol
How is the B5 CAR15 grip?
>300 ME SMR
What's that?
sorry typo, 300 MW* SMR
No it's the way he described how he uses the optic that shows he is ignorant/incompetent
That it's easier to point shoot a shotgun more effectively than a handgun?
which handguard is that? been going back and forth between a jp, midwest sp and a ras long for some sort of bastard mk12
None of you understand what he's asking.
He's saying that LARPtubers urge civilians to carry a handgun WITH their kit. Obviously a pistol is great for a civilian because you can conceal it but this is with an overt setup
>carry a handgun in your pack where it's unreachable and off body so you can instead put a water bottle at 3 o'clock
We all understood his retard logic. If some larptuber wants to plan his kit for his extremely specific field exercise, then by all means, but otherwise this entire point is asinine
I think it's more:
>put it in your pack so you can get it if you need to go covert and still be armed
Be a pro
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Aside from what everyone else flamed you for, pistols are actually becoming very prevalent in the (light) infantry. Every 240 gunner, team/squad leader, and AG gets one nowadays
Granted we almost never get rounds for them during FTX/LFX but on deployment if you were MTOEd one you carried it.

>source: squad leader in an admittedly well equipped light infantry unit
Should I trade an almost new MRAD NX8 2.5-20 for a slightly salty MOA ATAC-R 4-16?
For a regular everyday citizen, I don't see why you wouldn't want a secondary weapon on your defense setup. Don't want one? Don't put it on your belt.

I do think a pistol is less useful for guys in rural areas who have to patrol around large plots of land. I don't blame them for ditching the pistol.
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>a space marine physique.
I'm 9
I feel like it’s the same person bringing this up every time.
It is and he's being doing it for years at this point
PRO do be looking kinda sick on the Unity mount.
Okay so you know exactly who I'm talking about.
Dunno, got a killer price on the NX8 and someone offered, I'm quite happy with it but I'll probably move it to my DD5V4 and get a 1-8 maybe.
If you're going to aim with irons, you may as well aim with a red dot
Obsolete setup
No for chairgun. Only 62gr Winchester is .223 FMJ and M855. Not results either by federal or searching for mk318/SOST
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PRO with SKD riser
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Based knower
Only trade for mil. There are better deals to be had out there. Still possible to get one in great condition and desired reticle for less than $2k.
I got my mil-xt atacr 4-16 for $1850.
My answer would be yes. Here are my reasons. Having a gun strapped to your body at a consistent location brings an added layer of security. If your primary fails, you can quickly switch and still be in the fight. You could very easily be caught off guard with your rifle slung or off your body if you’re cooking or taking a nap or some shit. Having that pistol in the same location wherever you go will give you more piece of mind.
It’s the same rationale for backup sights on your primary. We build contingency solutions into our system because things inevitably fail.
It only makes sense as a micro if you're clearing rooms. Otherwise it's retarded
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Or shooting bears in the face when they come in on my meat
you get a lot of bears coming on your meat?
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Nice illegal kill. I hope you get arrested for this.
What makes it illegal?
Why is your gun blurred?
Are you a retard
Limit was 5 at the time
by statue you cannot, but a cop is not going to tally ur stops you'll generally be fine, plus if you have a concealed carry permit none of that shit matters
he has tranime stickers on it
Nah bro hold on let me dig in my pack first, but in the meantime are you thirsty? Need a buzz? I've got a zyn tin pouch and a Stanley full of coffee. Haha why I have them on my belt you may ask? Well haha let's just say... I'm from /arg/
>commute long enough not to just go at the range or home
What flavor zyn? Actually, nvm. I have Rogue pouches. They taste better and last longer too. Yes, I am superior to you.
I bet I can get to mine faster than you since I don't have a stupid pistol on my belt.
Not a chance. I open the whole tin and put every pouch in my mouth upon purchase.
I think today might be the day for my yearly can of dip.
For me it's an hour drive
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Nordic Components, but I'm pretty sure it's discontinued. Also the pic sections are lower than spec so I had to shave my vfg to fit.
>plus if you have a concealed carry permit none of that shit matters
for whatever reason /k/ is full of people without a ccw permit and it makes zero sense given you get reciprocity with other states, get to skip background checks when making purchases, and generally get to do whatever the fuck you want when it comes to transporting loaded guns. sorry, I just remembered /k/ is predominantly noguns. they don't understand having a 9mm pointed at your dick at all times
it's so easy to get one too....
I remember a2 was very dismissive of handgun training and for some reason that seems to be predominant sentiment on arg
We have constitutional carry here.
I don’t give a shit what you think
As do we, but do you also have constitutional reciprocity with other states? Do you have constitutional background check skips?
No and you're right I'm just saying why I don't. I don't travel like at all except to see my dad and he lives in one of the more cucked parts of the country so I can't even bring a gun there much less carry.
enjoy that barrel obstruction mid firefight
sounds like a shit life
lol nice try but I'm not getting into an internet fight today.
Neither am I but there's no reason to filter my thoughts here, I would not want to switch lives with you. That's that
Yeah cause my glock 19 is going to save me against multiple threats with rifles 100 yards away
good point, you should just die
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That's understandable. I first got mine after a bg check took too long when I was in my early 20's. It had me spooked and wondering if I had done something wrong and was unaware of it. It wasn't a denial, it just never came back. No issues since.
Or I could just clear the malfunction because there's likely no reason I'm getting into gun fights with my rifle and full kit if I'm doing it by myself
Never heard of a license to carry superseding a background check especially since you can have a physical license and still have warrants etc but good for you if that's the case.
I can understand the mindset of not running one with full kit for whatever reason, depending on the individual, but I carry everywhere and try to train with live ammo at least once a week on top of dry fire. 9mm is fairly cheap and handguns are fun anyway.
You ever had a delay? It's not a denial either but they basically just say "we're going to need to look into this some more." It shouldn't matter but I have the same name as a guy who killed some people and that's the only reason I can think of to delay me. If they don't come up with a reason to deny you within three days then the gun store can release the gun to you. The manager was so pissed when it happened he was cussing and ranting about the government it was pretty funny.
I don't recall a2 ever being dismissive of handgun training and it almost never came up here because this is ARG not HG.
I train about every other week pretty consistently which includes handgun.
I also carry everywhere.
The reason I am at least partially dismissive of handguns as part of full kit is because
>basic infantry doesn't use them
>they don't use them at TUSC which is currently the premier training course for urban sustainment and gorilla warfare
At the end of the day as I've already mentioned, mission dictates kit and if it's you by yourself in some kind of escalated civil unrest situation then sure keep a pistol but if you're part of some larger group then it would make more sense to be working to get your rifle back in the fight instead of relying on a handgun to do anything.
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post pic of clearing rod on your rifle or just shut the fuck up nigger
>I don't recall a2 ever being dismissive of handgun training
Because he wasn't, he's a big draw and dryfire guy. Plus he's even acknowledged that you're going to be more likely to use your concealed carry at 2am at the wawas over your ar.
>do you also have constitutional reciprocity with other states?
Yes, that is how constitutional carry works.
>background check skips
oh wowee zowee you mean the thing that takes 5 seconds to do? You still have to do a form 4473, it would be a lot cooler if a CC license would let you ship guns directly to your house
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A lot of shooting comps use both pistol and rifle. Idn that in a combat setting you’d need one but that’s what the QLS is for.
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How tf do retards like this get a gf but not me
>on my rifle
>the thing that takes 5 seconds to do?
Yes, exactly, because eliminating potential variables that can cause delays is worth it to me. Myself and another anon have already mentioned experiencing delays that were not in our control.
Have you asked bunni on twitter?
>that's how constitutional carry works
Women are retarded and so are you
He dates a spic
Imagine not being buds with the store owner who just lets you take your gun home anyway. Delays are 99.9% nonsense mixups
Reciprocity with other constitutional carry states is what I meant. God forbid having to ever set foot in a non CC shithole
99% of the time it's your personality and social skills (or lack thereof). He unironically is probably great in social settings due to working in the service industry.
brace's give girls the ick, DMT has to hide his whenever his BBLGF comes over
I don't have one and don't carry
Kitchen staff works back of house specifically because they have no social skills, don't speak english, or are gross.
Front of house makes like 3x as much there's no one who would voluntarily choose back of house over front of house in a restaurant.
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He likely does well in his job because of social skills, unlikely he developed social skills at a service job.
Are you being weird or offputting when you stare at women
shit I forgot, you have no rifle
About to order one, what height is yours, I m thinking the 2.03”’ since I’m hasnods
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I don't think I'm doing anything weird.
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For me it's being socially retarded, having zero ambition, and not wanting to deal with them at all
Some men are destined to be 2D enjoyers. You are one of them.
>drive to range - 1 hour
>spend hours at range
>if night shoot leave at 11 - 12
>get home at 12 - 1 even if I'm driving like a bat out of hell (bad idea)
My friend went to take a shit at the range and someone stole his lmt.
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Then I would recommend being louder and more direct, that will probably bridge the gap and get you 3d pussy
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what size do I need for a vortex viper 1-6x (gen2)??
This is definitely the guy you should be taking advice from
The same size as the tube and the mount you got for it.
I promise you dont need a bubble level for a 1-6
No this is the real tragedy >>62532414
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Women can smell desperation. The best way to get on their radar is acting like they're not on yours.
>respond to anon
>another anon gets triggered
lol. My bad, I'll include some pronouns in there next time for you.
Let me look into my crystal ball and see this anon's future
>oh thank God that ugly creep stopped messaging me
>hopefully I never have to see him again
Bunni posted her face on Twitter.
I just wanted to post that image I'm not even the anon that asked.
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>I will not fall for the Arken propaganda
>I will not fall for the Arken propaganda
>I will not fall for the Arken propaganda
Have you seen what Tacticoolgf posted on her alt account?
idk, have you shot past 600y with 5.56 out of a 16"?
>shooting past 600yd
why 5.56? why 16"? and why a 1-6? If that is the case
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oh shit is that the fuddbusters guy?
Anyone wanna simuljack? 2300 CST
Woah bunni is so cute.
No one is obsessed with you.
If you take my advice you will have one wife a year, I have 3 wives
thats a man with a wig lmao
Always trouble when the thread gets close to bump limit.
Cool, that's what LGBTQIA folx say too when I call them a faggot
it really shows them when you yell at clouds
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The larue mbt is frickin sweet, super happy with it

All jokes aside good women are out there, but you have to approach at least 10 a week to filter and find a good one. Start at a local church or community center where the group activity centers around family. Or if you want to find a whore, go to a college part of town on a Friday night
>the tranime poster in the background
Hi bunni
>The AR15 on the bed
Aren't you alone?
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That's big butt girlfriend guy.
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>self BTFO
I am buying another an 20” now. These “people” react to an M16 like a vampire does to a Crucifix.
get a 20" hellion
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Hilarious side effect of black dad's leaving their families early is their sons now become self centered attention seeking faggots that wear wigs

Posting your face online and derailing /arg/ won't make your dad love you
can you call it a m16 when it's only semi auto?
Downright hysterical. Positively rolling on the floor laughing (rofl) and figuratively laughing my ass off (lmao)
Not whoever you thought it was.
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where did you get that gif of me firing my sig p250 in 22lr
If you don't recognize him from what I said then it's not going to matter. He posts his girlfriend's big butt sometimes that's all there is to it.
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I want to see it. Now. Go get it
They are all whores
I... I'm having more fun with my savage mkii than with any of my ARs....
Relax liberals it's called a joke
I mean yeah, .22 is fun and cheap and bolts are a treat to shoot. I go through phases where I only care about guns, then I'll start surf or fly fishing for a few months, then I'm back to playing guitar everyday. Rinse repeat. It's nice to switch things up every now and then.
I'm not really sure how to react to anon's posting me on here. In many ways I find it amusing but it's a little bit of shame though as I don't really have the energy to post on here myself (captcha too hard lol TwT) but if you're ever interested in reaching out my name on discord is the same as my X handle :>
no one fucking asked
Hi Bunni
This isn't bunni BTW just a faggot wannabe
we are all bunni.
Someone tell shark to bake so anon can make up another conspiracy and we all get a clean slate
Let me take a shit and then when I get back I'll make one.
no, where is cumshorts? i desire a cumshorts thread
Does anyone have that newfag rifle build guide? I used to see it posted in the OP, neglected to save it.
more like cumshots
It's bad, just buy a Geissele upper on sale
How bout the lower
Why the fuck are you asking /arg/ about rifles? haven't you yet realized that this is a thread not about guns? (still not sure why /arg/ isn't banned)
Containment. If you ban it then we flood into the other threads.
Stealth PSA or Anderson with no logo. Or whatever you like the roll mark on
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Depends what youre doing
>Pistol on belt kit/splitrig/similar patrolling setup
Probably not unless you have an inorganic weapons system (beltfed, sass, etc). These systems are likely going to be dogshit for structures to the point of being a liability and should probably be slung up. If you are rolling around in normal passenger vehicles those weapons might also be separated from you due to space restrictions so having a handgun an excellent idea.

If you are a rifleman the pistol is going to be so extremely secondary that having 2-3 extra mags, a thermal imager or some other piece of secondary equipment is going to be probably more advantageous. Your motley crew of discontents and zealots should probably have a pistol or two between you for very specialized situations but as a whole its probably not the play for each rifleman.
>Pistol on direct action kit
Absolutely 100% will be coming along. There are many places where you are by yourself and fixing a rifle is an unacceptable wait. So you better be confident with that pistol inside/around structures.
>Picrel, dumping rifle for pistol while driving a deep corner.

Now the real magic is scaling between systems appropriately.
Literally anything that's in spec. MBT2S for the trigger, milspec everything else.
Hi A2 :>
Here you go https://rentry.org/sa6c4m

Whoa, look who else decided to return

Good wall, but longer reset
You think you can just walk back into my life like this?
Well well well look who came crawling back
A2 back and trAsh hasn't posted in a week, life is good.
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I love my MBT. Actually really happy with it. Bought a spare when they were on sale.
Ashley's queen /pfg/ now
Hey how’s it going? This is me>>62532320 you interested? You’re cute.
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Just submitted my form 4 at 1000 on 9-18 the wait begins
poor opsec
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You ever do ELR? Trying to decide if a 300/338 bolt gun is logical after building out my AR food groups. The farthest an AR10 gonna reach is like 1200y whereas a relatively cheap bolt gun can reach a mile+.
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good try hiding that dissy you fucking faggot
>erm ackshwallly
i own an M16
>The latest submission's from a 4channer
>Have his application rejected
But that's not yours
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Let's be better than this.
Depends what youre doing with these platforms. If just target shooting its a lot of fun to lob 308/6.5 to 1200yd.
In a tactical/hunting sense, If youre going beyond 600ish you should probably upcal from 6.5/308. 300wm is cool if trying to get to that 800ish threshold but real magnum rounds are needed beyond that for reliable consistent performance desu. You can bump up that reliable consistent range with better long range enablers (better optics, better LRFs, solvers, etc) but ultimately you run out of energy.
>Cheap bolt gun
Most of the time these are going to be short action cals or large action cals. Magnums are going to be a bit pricey. Honestly the ruger precision rifle magnum is probably the low end choice id go with. The savage 110 is cheaper than the RPR-M but is kinda a piece of shit.
Remember: the cutest AR15s have a 20" barrel.
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i only post the guns that i own
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love you a2
ur right i don’t own nitride barrels but the m203 looks cool
>hiding that dissy you fucking faggot
Erm no, she is a fellow 20sister
Why are you doing this, I mean what is the point?
Hahahah trannies are pretty stupid if they are taking obvious b8 like that.
Nice trans16
I got my other shit squared away other than a thermal (and barret mrad but i dont even have a good range to shoot elr), can you help me decide between a 1301 or a300 patrol or something else and shill me a handheld thermal while your here?
(S)he is just a nogunz with shit bait posting rifles s(he) doesn’t own.
I disagree, it's at least 2 people trying to derail /arg/
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>semi auto shotgun
Benelli M4 > A300/1301 recoil impulse imho
Lack of real stock options on 1300 are killing the platform imho
But really it comes down to; Why are you buying a giant semi auto shotgun?
>Handheld thermal
Ideally id like to see you get into a 640 unit, something with a 25-35mm objective and replaceable battery. If you are more budget constrained a 384 is going to be decent for most handheld usage.
In the 640 range id look at: AGM sidewinder 640, RH25, armasight sidekick 640 or a used skeet 640
In the 384 range id look at: RL25, AGM sidewinder 384, maybe a good deal on a used bae or FLIR unit
>dad came back from the milk run
>used skeet 640
how much will this cost me?
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You just have to shake coconut trees until someone misprices a 640 as a 320 on tacswap/ee/fb.
There is a fairly decent BAE UTM 640 on tacswap right now with the wilcox mounts for $3900 which is pretty good. Priced competitively to the RH25 and is a bit larger than an RH25 but is a vastly less headache of a unit to actually use.
Been so excessively busy you dont even know man.
>BAE UTM 640
only 30 fps, why are you shilling that?
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Its a handheld anon, you arent HMTing it which is the only consideration where >30hz actually matters
HMT itself sort of a huge meme but thats beside the point.
UTM, SKEET and similar exmil thermals have absolutely the best user interfaces of any thermal because chinese "people" are allergic to making anything usable.
>Oh where did my RH25 menu go
>Oh wait you rolled it
>Button press was too long!
>Button press was too short!
By contrast the exmil thermals have the menu interface of the television you owned in 2005 without 30 tap codes and buried menus that are only accessible within specific modes. Armasight menus do away with a little bit of this but its still nowhere near the real units.
Any auto recoil impulse beats slamfiring my ithaca 37 featherlight. I am buying a giant semi auto shotgun for fun. The most fun shooting I've had lately is shooting my brothers 1301 and he's not always able to go shooting when i am and vice versa so I would like my own. AGM seekers no go?
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Fun isn't a2 approved.
ok maybe i get lucky and swap a couple fpvs with it on the side
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Do SCARs take standard AR grips?
That’s a 4-16 too right?
Work made me do it, so now it's just part of the kit lol. Wear a battle belt with suspenders so you can throw more shit on your waist if you want to strike a balance between the two paradigms.
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>>Oh where did my RH25 menu go
>>Oh wait you rolled it
>>Button press was too long!
>>Button press was too short!
this has been my experience so far
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Honestly get a gigantic AK pattern mag fed thing instead. Wuggy has been loving his chynx 12 vepresque thing and I dont blame him.
>AGM Seeker
AGM seeker has a proprietary battery pack which is a nogo imo
ATN makes a really cheap $1600 640 unit buit built in battery kills it as well.
Nice loadout
>Standard grips
Yes unless its something with a wacky beavertail in the rear. It fits a standard A2 grip easily and most other grips with none to minimal modification
Yeah, good optic but I do wish I had more these days. Really hard to not just nx8 2.5-20 SPR and SASS
>Sorry dude its rotated like 5 degrees im going to change modes
So funny!
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Same. I still haven’t zeroed mine yet. Just seems like such a pain in until ass


>Yeah, good optic but I do wish I had more these days. Really hard to not just nx8 2.5-20 SPR and SASS

I’m glad you said that. I was torn between going higher mag and getting another 4-16 because I like it but higher mag it is.
Well now you have, it's the norm
I saw a ton of people be delayed for days during the toilet paper wars during the lockdowns. It was hilarious seeing the amount of seethe and lines out the door of gunshops
Who makes a good CAR-15 stock that isn’t janky as fuck?
These say 1850s? or are they the wrong unit?

I have way too many ak's already (wasr A2 clone, SA M-7, saiga 9), your really against the beretta shotgun huh?
Just say you're broke
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>get Athlon 2-12 Zero’d
>get home set the zero stop
>must’ve done something wrong, try it again
>loosen screws
>rotate the dial clockwise til it contacts the stop
>apply downward and clockwise pressure
>tighten screws
>put dial back on with “0” aligned
>tighten it down with cap
>rotate the dial
>rotate it back
>blows right past 0 with no audible click
Well it used to work because I tested it before so not sure if I’m doing something wrong or I broke it,
Getting real sick of this hobby the more I do it
but I spent more than $1000 on mine!
>cheap scope fails
>everybody betray me, I'm FED up with this wurl
i'm getting a trigger and scope mount from larue
is there anything else i should be getting from larue to save on shipping?
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Over how many years?
I spent that much in a day, for the gun, scope, new chassis, bipod, cssspec mags, etc
I hate to sound like a snob but thats why I only trust nf, SAI, and I guess id be open to trying leopold. Sure a holosun dot is fine, acogs and elcans aree nice prisms but i couldnt waste my time with scopes like swfa, athlon, or other chinese fragile shit
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Not really.
Unless you plan on mounting a red dot to it and getting one of his rds scope ring mounts. But then you could get a better all-in-one solution with badger or reptilia. His qd scout light mounts are neat but are added weight and not necessary.
Nice, you did it right.
Yeah I’m not sure if it’s the scope or me yet. I’m pretty retarded, unironically
are BCM BFH uppers gtg?
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Lower mag of the 2.5-20 also much nicer for working thermals
>These say 1850s? or are they the wrong unit?
Nope, youre right. Im entirely wrong. Had it confused with their other proprietary unit.
>Enough AKs
Yeah but no AK shotgun
> your really against the beretta shotgun huh?
Its just so middle of the road. Not the most fun nor the most practical. While also being just expensive enough for me to not be super excited about it.
They're A2 approved (yes)
There are seekers with built in batteries. New ones dont.

which of those seem better?
I dont need another ak in my life. I also dont see a lynx in stock anywhere.I guess I should get the a300 patrol if your not overly impressed with either. I dont see what the 1301 offers over the a300 except slightly faster cycling, slightly higher tolerance to low powered shells, a longer forcing cone, and chrome lined barrel and internals which matter to me on a rifle, not so much a smoothbore. Is that line of thinking dumb?
great to see you back bro
whats your go to rifle/set up these days?
>tourist, pop into /arg/
>full of tripfags, trannies and furries
Embarrassing. Police yourselves for fuck sake.
scar 16 w/ elcan + aimpoint t2
I'm trying but newfags cannot be bullied to 41% any more they just post fag shit like >>62534836
ID on those pants in picrel?
Tourist opinions are meaningless. Here’s your one and only (You) I’m gonna hand out. Also go check your pager.
hell yeah! you tell em jewbro!
can’t believe monkeys have evolved this much
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Oh. Post rifle maybe to show them
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>New ones dont
Well there you have it
>15mm vs 19mm
Not only is the 19mm going to produce a better image but the objective is actually able to be manually focused so you will get an image thats way superior to the 15mm in all conditions.
See if you can bump it up to the RL25 off arms unlimited though.
Got you bro
>I dont see what the 1301 offers.
Its an actual ruggedized military shotgun vs a civilian hunting gun with tactical features.
Tbh Get a supernova tactical and roll the rest into your thermal budget
SR15 is falling apart so ive got to roll the scar back into service
No idea, not my pants.
>still hating jews
nobody has ever been ran out of here from bullying
your sick bants dont affect people at all
the most you can do is bully them into buying a better rifle
>bully furries
>they don’t leave
>bully tranime child lovers
>they don’t leave
>bully troons
>they don’t leave
taking L after L
>the faggot with the smega pattern rifle with no name just a trip code
That’s all I can think of for now
You're buying them on sale from Primary Arms, right anon?
i could get the rl-25 and a 1301. why rl-25 instead of the 19-384?
Will the rl suck infront of an elcan or atacr?
at least trAsh left.
kek I forgot about both of them.
It’s impossible to drive him away he will be back
It's impossible to move him at all.
LRF recommendation? I tried a few mid range Vortex at Cabelas and my impression is they're fucking garbage.
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Finna sell my first AR15 converted back to stock to a nogunz I work with for $350
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>RL25 and 1301
How about RH25 and no silly shotgun?
>Why RL25?
RL25 more compact and has a greater objective lens
>Suck infront of Elcan or ATACR
Weapon mounted small objective low res thermals universally suck infront of optics.
My terrapin has done everything asked of it
Below that id say give the new leupold RX-5000 a shot, its a pretty damn good pricepoint for a 5k yard (so like 1700-2500 yards)
Above that id say twiddle your thumbs for the vector X
keeping the ras?
>How about RH25 and no silly shotgun?
I could do both desu but then my upper would look the same as that furry fuck's.
I'd get alot more actual use out of the shotgun than the thermal, larping 4x a year with friends and camping a few more times vs shooting the shootgun a minimum of twice a month
>converted back to stock
Yeah. I'm gonna give him an H2 buffer I guess
Man I just finished my shit and was going to start a new thread.
shut up retard.
no u

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