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Supply chain attacks are a powerful weapon. Israel compromised batches of Motorola pagers, smuggled them into Hezbollah's comms supplies, and then remotely detonated them to wound hundreds.

They're claiming it was hacked batteries to spread FUD but its explosives.
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This is why you vet your gear retards.
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This is what happens when a modern opponent graphs an insurgency's social network.
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Hawk tuah mossad 9/11 mind control niggalink mind control technology
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kek, turdies rekt
>6 threads
kek can't make this shit up
either that or its possible to remotely detonate everyones phone remotely
If they had that level of cognitive ability they wouldn’t be in this situation at all. Consanguine marriage is a bitch.
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[This users laptop has been detonated]
I guess everything going into Gaza will have tiny bombs inside it from now on.
>from now on
Impossible, don't bother worrying about it ever again.
I'm more confused why the hell they're still using these things.
it feels good being jewish
they are popular among shady people because of a belief that they cannot be hacked/tracked because they're so much simpler than a smartphone. A pager can only receive, not transmit, so it won't give away your location.
I guess that's reasonable to an extent, but it still has to connect and identify itself to a cellular network to take messages.
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They look kinda butthurt :D

This. Looks like there will be a lot of kebab removing :D
There are different modalities of supply chain attacks. The Marshall Plan's Jeans and Jeeps was a smart way to dislodge Europe's economical hegemony. This one is just a kneejerk though.
2024 is where the Ghost In The Shell Standalone Complex timeline begins (first Laughing Man incident). They have remote ignition as part of their network attack kits, I guess we really are in that timeline.
Doctors still carry them in many countries. They are reliable and can be always on hand, not having the phone on you is no issue.
I don't know what's more funny, this loony toon plan working so well, or the fact that the sand people were using fucking pagers to begin with
They have better coverage than cellphones generally as well. Most paging systems put out of several hundred watts EIRP.
>but it still has to connect and identify itself to a cellular network to take messages.
Some do that, but many lack any sort of transmitting capability at all, they operate via analog radio, not a digital handshake with a cell network. Of course fancier pagers that can send messages do transmit.
That's rather interesting, I might have to look into how these things work a bit more, seems they're a bit different from what I'd assumed.
>or the fact that the sand people were using fucking pagers to begin with
Why is it surprising that an insurgency would use one-way communications devices to avoid being tracked?
It feels good having a foreskin, but you do you.
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Would mossad be devilish enough to coat the explosive with a bit of botulin toxin too?
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>Consanguine marriage is a bitch
>In a pro-jew thread
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nobody's buying it Mohammed
Jews can kill as many arabs as they want because then when they are gone we can eradicate the jews. Even Jesus said they must be destroyed before man can live in peace.
You realize israel is in there, right? Abraham and Sarah were siblings and even Einstein almost disinherited his son for marrying a nonjew and "diluting the blood."
Israel is 25% arab. Jews don’t have a remarkable consanguinity issue in israel
Pretty sure a lot of doctors still use em because it's a simple and to-the-point way of communicating. Also most of them are too used to it to change.
Well, a lot of shit happens to work wonders if you don't care about collateral civilian damage, especially because you can victim-blame the issue away. After all, if the woman drowns it's proof it's a which.
cute reply
Either it's always (You), in which case I admire the autiatic dedication, or you're replying off a handbook and there are multiple of (((You))), in which case I admire the efficacy of the technique. Either way I despise your malignant intentions, the internet is a shittier place because of you.
God damn the Israelis never cease to amaze
I just can't take this shit seriously after /pol/estinians were jerking off over pictures of raped dead teenagers from a music festival, random migrant workers from Thailand getting beheaded, and le baZed Houthis indiscriminately lobbing missiles at civilian shipping. This is 100% pure thirdie fuck around and find out.
>moralfagging on the weapons board
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>muh collateral damage
The most hilarious thing is the pearl-clutching over dead babies after they memory-holed the Al-Ahli hospital bombing that Hamas and PIJ conducted that everyone blamed on Israel until the evidence came out. The entire world was outraged, and then suddenly, it was like those dead Palestinians never even existed.
Remember, every accusation by the /pol/estinian is a confession. They don't care about dead children, they use their own children as suicide bombers. But they expect you to care!
If you had a nasrallahphone you were by definition a combatant. .
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That's just copypasted off the other thread.
Nah man, I'm not the guy you talking to, just read your comment and admired its sheer ignorance in it. It IS cute for me, to see someone delusional like that, wanna pat you in the head
Why would he bother to type out the truth twice?
And hes still right
Being dismissive doesn't make a point moot, a counterargument does.
Whataboutism won't make the issue at hand magically disappear. Great distraction and derailment tactic tho.
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Tay sachs? Never heard of her.
>don't you feel bad about the poor Arabs?
No not really.
It's 100% possible, and pretty soon you'll be able to hack and fry people's neurolinks, we cyberpunk now
I literally dont give a shit about the thing other than the funny factor it has.
I want to fuck you though, full homo. I have the hots for guys who are the typical /pol/ retard. Chubby and soft, raging incompetently about unimportant things, ugh
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>That's just copypasted off the other thread.
Engage with the point or fuck off back to your safe space /pol/turd.
Oh come on, don't leave sweety. Go yell about the jews! Gimme some cute conspiracies
Dehumanizing enemies is old as man, but won't make it better. Humanity has been there multiple times, and there was one recent instance where there was a big fuss about not doing it ever again. Then again, there's no need to get emotional, or caring about others really, just realizing that by an unfortunate turn of circumstances you could be on the other side should be enough.
>reports that over 500 people suffered eye injuries
Terrorists are active combatants, not civilians, simple as.
>yo you got a new message go check it out
> haha got your eye :P
non nuclear ww3 when??
It's happening right now it's just really boring and slow moving.
Muslim radicals aren't humans, they're not even animals. They barely rate as cancer.
Injuring people with planted remote detonated bombs out of the blue while they conduct their everyday civilian lives is usually seen as a terrorist attack, yes.
that would be true if they were civilians

Thread theme
It's what you would call a counter terrorist operation, since those targeted were terrorists, arab simp-chan.
are you sure it was Israel and not iran asking for a fren
That would be true if all the thousands who got injured weren't, but selling booby-trapped devices and waiting them to spread around can't insure that. Calling everyone who got tagged a terrorist BECAUSE it got tagged is what civilized societies call "victim blaming".
>waaaa we called time out and went home! Waaaaaaaa!
Hopefully we'll get a webm of the Israelis blowing up your butthurt brown ass too :)
Everyone who had a beeper was a hezballahhhh. No one else was significantly hirt. This is as targeted as it gets. It’s unprecedentedly precise
Most victims are partly responsible for the crimes they suffer, specially adult people who get raped and those that get mugged.
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They didn’t “sell” booby trapped devices. Those devices were especially ordered by and delivered to Hezbollah from iran on nasrallah’s orders
Are you a woman?
Can you prove you're not a hezbollah terrorist? Thought so, enjoy your phone blowing up your hands.
after the insufferable paraglider spam last year i dont care how many threads about jews killing muslims are made
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I fucking kneel
Belgorod has always been Ukrainian, thus a valid target for strategic bombing by the VVS.
-RT News
lol they really got you scared this time huh mohammed? Must suck to be a helpless little turdie bitch that's too scared to call its mommy :)
It’s quoting a Hezbollah official you dumb cunt
Anon, this wasnt a store getting a box or two of the stuff. This was specifically ordered as a communication device for hezbollah. Why do you think all the videos show combat aged men?
>Those devices were especially ordered by and delivered to Hezbollah from iran on nasrallah’s orders
Its a brownoid clutching at pearls and playing fake devils advocate to deflect from the fact that thousands of palicucks just got their butthurt little asses blown off.
Here it is from yahoo:

It was also on Al mayadeen and Al Jazeera fwiw. It was reported several months ago too
I dont know what pearl clutching pearls is, but im getting bombarded with it today, seen it at least 5 times. Please stop dude and use normal language
>I don't know what pearl clutching means
Yeah you're definitely a thirdie.
More like a twodie, but I did not ever heard of this before today, but today, I seen it in so many threads. Which means its been all you saying it. Its a weird slang
>Weird slang
Hardly, it's a very common idiom.

Oh no that would be so terrible lol
>oy vey, the goyim know that we've compromised their mobile devices! Quick, shut it down!
Eat shit, schlomo. The truth is out now, and no amount of your kvetching can cover it up.
Kill yourself brownie
Damn the cousin fucker straight up admitted it lol. For real dude, i hope we get a video of your little shit colored brown ass getting blown off by jews. You are literal subhuman trash that doesn't belong on this earth.
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it might be slightly out of fashion but it fits the incessant whining of entitled leftists/arabs who come up with elaborate justifications to claim they are the victim regardless.
So for example: killing people instead of using non lethal disabling is warcrimes. But then: blowing off everyones trigger finger is maiming and unnecessary suffering! thats warcrimes! A child could have been hurt!

You see the left/arabs dont actually have any moral justification. They simply want their side to win, and will make up on the fly exasperated morale rationales to explain how their enemy is evil. They do not care if they directly contradict themselves or have just invented an entire new line of thinking that absolutely nobody with a level head would agree with. They will simply assert is it correct and, in fact, common knowledge, and that people are being hurt unfairly because the big bullies are violating the rules.
To them their arguments are a tool to convey their incense and the fact that clearly they are good and everyone else is bad.
Muslims believe they are entitled to the entire planet, and so anything that stands in their way is actually a hurtful personal attack against them and very unfair. After all they are just trying to be natural and proper as they are supposed to, and so anyone trying to stop them must be a big bully!
That is pretty neat. I demand more footage.
I see your point but yeah, no, kill em all, lol.
Point is it was pagers not phones. Nobody but criminals use pagers now. Seriously all normal people use smartphones.

worst part is these fuckers are branded, everyone knows they are hezbollah members now
>no u
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I think this is the most descriptive video I saw.
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Nigga I dun told you!!!! 64th and from 65th we not from 63rd!!
>fatboy missing his fingers and face with a huge crater in his gut
LOL! I thought they were starving?
hezbollah too, but only because they can no longer stand up
Actually, at least one kid died.
This is in Lebanon retard.
>Nobody but criminals use pagers now
Doctors do, but from the hospital footage it seems they weren't affected.
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>Using Watts as a measurement for signal strength
>Pagers emit several hundred watts (over an unspecified time frame)
Pagers use the literal exact same technology as cellphones; an emitter, a reciever and a SIM card. The ONLY difference is that pagers can only be used to send and receive text messages.
So why would ye third worlde terrorists prefer pagers over cellphones, if signal strength isn't the issue?
Because you can buy 20 pagers for the price of one phone. It's that simple.
Is it just me, or was the one at the top looking at a lucky non-exploding device in his own pocket at the same time? I thought he was the one about to pop honestly.
Holy shit you mean isreal can just blow up lebanese citizens all day and all night and just get away with it? lol why are browns so cucked?
yeah it looks like they sent out a group text then isreal activated the brown blaster when everyone would be looking at it.
>So why would ye third worlde terrorists prefer pagers over cellphones, if signal strength isn't the issue?
>Because you can buy 20 pagers for the price of one phone. It's that simple.
Read the thread, the real answer is so much better!
It is a mistake to think in such tribalistic terms, it shuts you off from the world and your self.
We aren't in these threads for any other reason than an interest in militaria and a passion for the many ways humans kill each other.
This thread would be the exact same if it were the IDF getting got, except with much hooting and hollering from you and your cohort of proto-hominids.
Lebanon is basically a failed state that has large parts of it controlled by Hezbolla. If they can fire rockets at Israel from South Lebanon without the Lebanese government doing anything about it, they sure aren't going to retaliate much when Hezbolla ops get their shit kicked in
i assume that's how it was triggered
so even if they don't wear it they'll pick it up
would explain head and arm injuries that were commo.
so what you're saying is browns are cucked, we know that.
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so let me get this straight, israel could invade lebanon right now, and almost the entirety of the hezbollah leadership would be incapacitated, while the remainder would be forced to use easily interceptable communications (assuming those communication devices dont explode as well)
Pretty sure the worst part is the missing dicks
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it's worse than than as this syrian jurno puts it
>What happened today to Hezbollah can be classified as the largest pre-emptive strike in modern history, and can be compared to the strike that Israel has previously directed on Egyptian Airways before the 1967 War. Today, Hezbollah has thousands of injured leaders and elements. If he enters a war today, his wounded will not find a single bed in any Lebanese hospital because hospitals are now full of the injured. Moreover, he lost the most important means of security and military communication. checkmate
Government might even round up everyone affected and zero them
ok, SECOND worst part
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Sucks to be a turdie caveman. As cherry on top their low iq makes them pick a fight with the planet's masterrace and god's chosen people. They should just kill themselves, but that'd require a few brain cells.
>Believing the Canadian department of nation defense
They memory holed the murder of one of their own soldiers by Isreal
check the numbers, retard
How tragic. 4000 others were hezbollah

Pagers are surprisingly still used, they reliable and fairly secure. Many hospitals even in non-shithole countries use pagers for nurses.
>Motorola pagers
no, the pagers where made by Gold Apollo Ltd of Taiwan.
>I dont know what pearl clutching pearls is, but im getting bombarded with it today, seen it at least 5 times. Please stop dude and use normal language
In which an assblasted (lmfao) thirdie unwittingly admits his being a thirdie.
kek. glowies will do this to appalachian larpers' baofengs in civil war 2
the idea that glowies are taking notes is mortifying. I'm going to try and stay on the side of God's Chosen People through this.
I made this picrel in 2 mins in paint and I've seen it posted like 4 times already, today.
Shit's funny but surreal.
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this guy is in the vid, can you spot him?
>Exploding what? Sorry, never heard of it, now excuse me i have to send Lerroy.
It's like back when Brazil got bombed 7:1 by Germany. All the decent people are laughing their asses off and the muzzies are in cope overdrive because completely impotent once again. After all, this is likely the best direct action intel operation ever. I don't remember anyone ever get this completely fucked with that much precision and foresight.
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thanks anon, you're doing good work
*beep beep beep beep*
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>be turdie
>try to escape spying by ditching phones, all phones and OSes have glowie backdoors
>give the little money you have as turdie to the richest people on earth to buy hidden trollface bombs
> their escape from spying is a compromised device that can be used to spy on them even more
>nah just blow them up
wasn't this an episode of the wire
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I found Waldollah
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It's time for messenger pigeons to return.
> A pager can only receive, not transmit
Incorrect. There were 2-way pagers that could send replies. Had one back in the mid-90s. Not sure if they're still made though.
Saint Olga of Kiyv 2.0
Today really did have some OG Belgorod helo raid vibes
Cheers, anon.
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>extreme morale damage
>future demographic denial
>discourages recruitment, muslims are excited to be martyrs not eunuchs
>ruins their warrior reputations
Why don't they just aim for the dick all the time?
*smiling friends pain scream* my fucking sides!
>>discourages recruitment, muslims are excited to be martyrs not eunuchs
I hope the isrealis keep up this wounding/maiming thing. People respect martyrs, not cripples.
They'll intercept the fuckers and put bombs inside them.
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Stop, I can only get so hard.
he was the best looking one of the bunch, seems america will benefit from the obestity epidemic after all
Muslims think Israelis use wildlife to spy on them, so that's a nono.
Tolkien's Istari have nothing on the Mossad.
have they been getting onions imports? These dudes looking a little soft in the jaw.
Muzzies never had good jaws, hence the beards.
>selling your enemies the pagers that you rigged with explosives
>convince them they are backdoor proof
>they overpay handily
>blow the tips of their dicks off en masse via a widespread terror attack

Its the most Jewish thing ive ever heard of
I don't think the Mossad were selling. I suspect it was just supply chain interception - they knew what Hezbollah bought, and found a way to get ahold of the pagers before they got to Lebanon.
They probably didn't need long, not more than a few days to booby trap them. If they had innards pre-made, they could swap in hours.
Pigeon is bomb.
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Bet Israel had Taiwan find out about a supplier to Hezbollah (probably via sanctions investigations) and had the pagers intercepted instead of charging the supplier. This is something the U.S. and China have both done with networking/computer equipment, although it's the first time that I'm aware of where the modifications were to make them into a bomb instead of some kind of backdoor.
pssst kid, wanna buy a pager?
It's an old metaphor. Well-off women used to wear pearl necklaces (real or fake), which would eventually work down to the middle-class in the '50s. Grasping and holding on to your necklace was a way to deal with an emotional shock or worry (and was sometimes done as an affectation to pretend to be shocked).

The point of the metaphor is that clutching at one's pearls does absolutely *nothing* to resolve the underlying issue, it's just an emotional response that accomplishes nothing but to display concern (real or fake).
someone didn't get the new script, check your pager mohamed!
how to tell everybody you're a /pol/shit without saying you're a /pol/shit.
It's less about price and more about a fear of smartphones being tracked/hacked/whatever. Pagers are relatively "dumb", leaving fewer avenues for a sophisticated enemy to use them against you.

Unless, of course, said enemy gets into your procurement and logistics network and uses it to sabotage your order of pagers with "special" models.
They were. They even hit their own ships because target distinction is something no khat addled inbred is ever going to master.
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>I doubt they were doing it indiscriminantly you disingenuous kike jew rat ukie tranny fuck
Some of these guys im the pics and webms look like they're in their late 20s to mid 30s. Image choosing terrorism and dying to your compromised pager (lol) instead of living peacefully long enough to see the end of One Piece.
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>living long enough to see the end of One Piece.
Wait did someone solve immortality?
How the fuck would you have the innards made for thousands of bombs prior to knowing the existence of a shipment? Then what, sit there for days rigging thousands of bombs in a storage crate?

It makes more sense that they did something this.
>feed info to Hezbollah regarding communication security via secret operatives
>this is arguably the most important part of the plan
>how do you get them to change to what YOU know you want then to have
>have operatives inside the organization convince them to “get more secure”
>somehow connect them with phony, paid off terrorist/islamist sigint “experts”
>set up multiple channels through which you intend to distribute the already rigged equipment
>get the bombs in their hands and pockets
>wait until after just Muhammads birthday to blow them up
Occams razor dictates this was a kike operation from the get-go. I know Israel gets a free pass when it comes to terror attacks but even this one is pretty next level.
>living peacefully long enough to see the end of One Piece
That shit ain't Ending. Not even if Oda dies. Shounen Jump will practice necromancy if that happens. Also better that they die now instead of living to see a shit ending
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>Also better that they die now instead of living to see a shit ending
goddamn bro why you gotta' make me cry like this
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*explodes in your pocket*
>They're claiming it was hacked batteries to spread FUD but its explosives.
Yeah there is no way it was a stuxnet situation. I have uhh...experimented with Lithium explosions, even with way bigger batteries like from tablets etc. and the explosion is not that violent, plus you usually get ample warning time through the thick yellow smoke that builds up. This was 100% them planting rigged explosives somewhere in the manufacturing or logistics process
I don't think these were remotely detonated, that would take more effort (changing firmware etc) than just pack them with explosives, these were most likely on timer to detonate at a certain date and time.
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nice but it doesn't prove anything in this context, its way easier to just set up the battery with explosives and an RTC.
>try to escape spying by ditching phones, all phones and OSes have glowie backdoors
Idk man I would trust the security and privacy autists like Calyx, Lineage, Graphene OS more than 40 year old pager technology from some shady company in Taiwan
still sleeping
the mossad used to run in africa a sea resort as a cover
a resort that was actually profitable
>you've got mail
>whos ted kaczynski
I dont think they are that smart, I will stand my ground.
>179,95 $ USD

How? I thought these would cost just 20 buckeroones nowdays.
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did it start beeping before it blew up or something? that's pretty ingenious if you want them to bring it close to their face
but it potentially made those that didn't wear it to pick it up
Yeah, they probably want that shit to ring just before detonation so they could make sure it was on the target's body at least.
So how many of these people were hamas?
Example of how the propaganda is enforced by the jannies of Western media.

This thread is considered based. However. Post a thread about how hang gliders are a powerful weapon and that shit will be deleted ASAP. Ask me how I know.
Every single one? Probably not.
Over 90%? Yeah.
Jesus christ. This shit doesn't belong on a blue board
>can't even escape Glowie
Dovebros, our time has come
Probably overwhelmingly Hamas. All military age males
This is Lebanon. It's Hezbollah.
Maybe a handful of higher-ups hiding out at most. You mean Hezbollah, of which almost all will be technically members but with a surprising amount of overlap with non-military branches because that's how these groups work and they also form a fairly major political party. Which is not to say that makes them illegitimate targets just that both hamas pre-October 7th and Hezbollah now are pretty integrated into local politics, police, business and whatever which is why nations like Jordan had such a hard time removing them.

Overall the more intelligent/less disposable the person the less likely they are to be the mental image you've got of the inbred arab with an AK and a headband and the more likely they are to have needed a pager: that means this likely hit them hard in their logistics and in their equivalent of NCOs and officers which makes it more likely to be a prelude to an attack as otherwise why show their hand now? Unless they thought the operation was compromised as the BBC and a few other sources are claiming this all traces back to a single batch of pagers that was recently imported, perhaps putting a time limit on it being detected. Entirely possible that the pagers were also used with GPS or simple triangulation (something you can do with mobile towers as well) to map out major hotspots too.
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I saw a kid in that video, its not impossible he's an unrelated casualty but chances are he probably isn't and you have to wonder if it's just pure misfortune, or if he was caught in the blast next to his Hamas member father. Terrible stuff really.
All the pagers went off at once, so you imagine some members left them in their homes, and the kid walks over and picks it up when it rings. Tragic, but if you imagine long term they'd likely go into the family business of Hezbollah membership, so if you have a Utilitarian view of Good it's not so bad.
You are retarded.
It's only possible if they add explosives.
>>62526665. Neuralink is not attached in any way to the internet, so you would need to physically attack the link, at least as of now anyway. Even in the future the connection is likely protected by a physical voltage limiter that can't be reprogrammed because it's just a basic circuit relaying a signal under 00.5millivolts or whatever.
The bullshit in cyberpunk 2077 about peoples brains and robo eyes being burn out of their heads always annoyed the fuck out of me because they should always have had basic voltage surge protection.

You might have fun with fucking around with signals to cause seizures maybe, but that's well beyond the scope, and would require several 0 days just for one attack, as well as knowledge of an individuals brain vulnerabilities.
Fortunately the child didn't appear to be splattered in blood or have his face or appendages harmed, which is what makes me wonder if he is just an unrelated entity: People go to the emergency room all the time for random emergences, even when orchestrated mass attacks are occurring. I also wouldn't judge a child for what you anticipate they may grow into, but instead for the innocence of their present self, and that judgement is not guilty.
They can’t get hard at all anymore kek
>Even in the future the connection is likely protected by a physical voltage limiter that can't be reprogrammed because it's just a basic circuit relaying a signal under 00.5millivolts or whatever.
The bullshit in cyberpunk 2077 about peoples brains and robo eyes being burn out of their heads always annoyed the fuck out of me because they should always have had basic voltage surge protection.
NTA but supply chain attacks are not limited by this sort of thing because the concept is you intercept it and fuck around with it at a hardware level. So you just remove the voltage limiter if it's a problem for you or fuck around with the circuitry to make it disableable. There are so few ways to deal with this short of opening up every device and (as in this example) even looking inside the battery which is why paranoid shit like the Huawei ban is actually pretty justified.
>Everyone who had a beeper was a hezballah
I've met 3 people from Lebanon in my life, all of them were massive hipsters. I would not be surprised if Lebanon turns out to just be full of hipsters and Israel just blew up a bunch of dudes with fanny packs and stupid looking glasses.
No it's bullshit.
There's several different fucking brands and every single fucking one explodes from the exact same bullshit quickhack, even expensive highly paid employees of a company like arasaka are apparently not invulnerable to these magical flaws that come from the factory. I can disable a borg like smasher that has millions of dollars worth of internal firewalls (and a physical voltage limiter), just by overclocking my shit and bursting him with quickhacks. There is far too much competition from local and foreign manufacturers to have such glaring widespread weaknesses when shit like vulnerability exploiting AIs are sitting there right in the net as a risk to all human life. It's pure fictional retardation.
It's utter bullshit for gameplay reasons and you know it.
I was talking more about real life idea of a supply chain attack than about a shittily made slavjank game, obviously in a realistic future you couldn't retroactively compromise hardware that's already implanted in someone. I'm just saying that the real version of this sort of thing we have right now isn't held back by hardware limits because it's based on compromising the hardware itself.

>There is far too much competition from local and foreign manufacturers to have such glaring widespread weaknesses when shit like vulnerability exploiting AIs are sitting there right in the net as a risk to all human life.
Looking at how common vulnerabilities are right now it's not that unrealistic, the vast majority of software vulnerabilities are unintentional though. And yes embedded systems are affected quite often too.
Israel's neighbors have repeatedly tried to work together to try and force Israel to stop acting like a bunch of psychopaths. The last time they tried Israel threatened to nuke the shit out of Egypt and Syria unless the US gave them an absolute fuckload of military aid. Basically every time Israel can't just do whatever they want and bully their neighbors, they threaten to NOOK like Russia does, and then America gives them enough weapons for free that they can do it conventionally.
or he was a hezbollah courier with a pager
From the look of his injury (eyes and chest) he was trying to read off the pager. The Hezbollah pager. Its the old child combatant problem.
you must be looking at a different kid
Not so smug now eh? Remember, we saved your reactions :>
No reciprocity no rights.
This would be a far better argument if we haven't seen child soldiers or underage people commiting violent acts. But I suppose this work for powerless normies.
This whole thing is even more well played than you may at first think, by maiming BUT NOT killing most of them they are ensuring additional presure over the entire organization, like any good arab organization infighting is rife, even more as mistrust is the norm within terrorist organizations, so now you have hundreds of underlings wondering if they shouldn't make a power grab against all these stupid weak cripples who let themselves get fooled by the jews.

Also it's funny to see lefties and browns trying the civilian dindu angle, they have gotten so used to win discussions they cannot longer find any argument for a masterlly executed counterterrorist operation or for that matter recognize that, yeah, Hez-beep-ack fucked it up, then again, I don't expect introspection from lefties and browns.
I'm anti-Israel but this is hilarious
I'd assume there'd be some innocent casualties in there but I imagine Hezbollah would want its members to hold these at all times and not let their family touch them so 99.9% of casualties are likely Hezbollah
Good job Mossad
>I'd assume there'd be some innocent casualties in there but I imagine Hezbollah would want its members to hold these at all times and not let their family touch them so 99.9% of casualties are likely Hezbollah
The major risk with something like this is that healthcare is the only other large scale user of pagers though that's been on its way out. Presumably they targeted a big one-off batch of suspicious pager orders that came in after October 2023 to avoid that problem and then followed a few around as confirmation. The obsolete nature of the technology makes it beautifully self-targeting. You've got to wonder if this just started as someone throwing the idea around the office as a shitpost after the Hezbollah announcement that pagers were preferred over phones and then a little basic research to prove it possible.
This makes way too much sense for the jews to not keep repeating this tactic.
So many buzzwords in one post Ahmed, need some butthurt cream?
Terrorists should be dealt with by any necessary means, it's not Mossad's fault their enemies are retarded dumbfucks playing with fire. But that's something mudslime fanatics have never really understood, the finding out part after fucking around that is
damn i gotta watch this again to commemorate the occasion.
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Hezbollah is an unbelievably paranoid organization, more typical thuggish Arab police state (within a state) mafia organization than Al Qaeda. At the end of the day, Hezbollah has a choice, they can continue eating shit like this, or they can make Israel actually pay, but their attitude has been "oh we can't because of America" (because they're also afraid of Americans) and so this is the natural result of them refusing to meet Israel's challenge, and now look, they lost maybe hundreds of their fighters in one fell swoop.
Well IIRC the 2077 thing was a gameplay concession to give you "spells". In Tabletop 2020 I think I remember you needed a cybermodem to intrude through and a LOT of the high end NPCs either didn't have one or had one so good you'd need to be Bartmoss himself to have a chance.

Never ran a game with netrunners though because I ran a game with 4 binders of houserules and never really wanted to deal with the datafortress mini-game so ask /cpg/ on /tg/

This whole attack does get the noggin joggin on possible Arisaka x Militech fighting though.

Even captcha thinks we should.ask /tg/
>detonate his air fryer to double tap him
Pagers and other alternatives to phones are very popular in big hospitals because hospitals are so big that all the concrete and steel often makes cell coverage really unreliable inside.
Hospital staff need some way to contact individuals regardless of where they are and paging someone is less disruptive than yelling at them over the intercom.
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why does this guy have one?
>Neuralink is not attached in any way to the internet, so you would need to physically attack the link

Fairly certain Elon and others will sell people out and have backdoor shit to fuck with peoples brains and it'll be in the hands of every western intelligence agency.
>stop acting like psychopaths
>keep launching rockets at Jews
>keep training for mass-death attacks
>fellows execute mass-death attacks
>you cheer them on

Honestly, even if this was like China or Russia coming and fucking them up, they still deserve it. You spend several decades meeting violence with violence and then you're shocked when the Jews blow off 2000+ dicks. Like bro, this is a dude in a bar that got laid the fuck out because he kept antagonizing the guy that cucked him. This is the eighth time he got his ass kicked, but he keeps showing up and throwing punches and then bitching to anyone that listens that he got punched back.

It's business. Only people that sympathize with this 60 IQ play are spineless leftists and people that would hate kikes anyways.
>buy fleshlight
>put penis inside
>feel sharp pain
>pull out
>be circumcised

How do I stop mossad from doing this?
Nah keep fighting them, but don't be a fucking bitch when you do it. "Oh boo hoo he fucking hit me because he punched me back, he's in the wrong."

This is the shit that disgusts me about this stupid cause. They use leftist thinking and crying to try to justify anything. Oh, they weren't justified in attacking me. Nigger, you've given them enough justification to genocide you just as they did for you. Quit being a little weasel bitch and own up to you being in a fight instead of some helpless nerd getting shoved in lockers. It's fucking pathetic.
all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
There is literally nothing stopping China or etc. from doing this in the US to bring down airliners or cause general chaos. US is totally unprepared for it. Israel is always ahead of the curve when it comes to next-level disruption tactics. They were doing hacking and viruses when it was a novel concept and coming out with loitering munitions when UK had a higher GDP than China/India/SK combined. The lack of competency from the US administration to deal with these new developments is very annoying.

CIA should be prepping for this stuff or helping proxies do their own versions abroad rather than pursuing DEI and chasing phantom white supremacists
Why do we have a tourist spamming random gore?
Americans did the same, pacified the natives because they lost that fight. Nobody gives a shit about your right or wrong in all actuality. That's there to make you sleep a little better at night. They're in a fight, they're using violence to meet violence. You either play ball or you get fucking played.
still crazy how israel admitted to waging a massive terrorism campaign like this and nobody really gives a shit.
This board has featured literally hundreds of drone attack videos.
Looks like a buttmad brownie or brownie-simp that sees this as some sort of rallying cry for a cause that's had thousands of these come and go already.
>targeting known active militants is terrorism
You keep using that word...
>it's terrorism when you kill enemy personnel

All the coping ITT is pretty funny. This is hilarious and hugely embarrassing for the muzzies. If the shoe was on the other foot and it was muzzies blowing the dicks off jews with sabotaged phones you'd all be celebrating in the streets
It's not, though; the definition of terrorism specifically excludes anything done by a state.
When a state attacks people, it can be legitimate warfare, it can be an atrocity, it can be all sorts of things, but the one thing it isn't is terrorism.
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But it makes you think, on the one hand you got Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Oman, Kazakhstan and so on, on the other hand you have Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, etc. Both sides are a mixture of arab and non-arab muslims with different and not necessarily democratic systems yet you could see for all their failing the former group more or less can behave and get over their vendettas and attempt to build a future other than unending war while the later group is stuck on a hell of their own creation, they will keep ranting no end about the jews, US, and so on enslaved by their past, blind to the future, too hateful to learn, too spiteful to prosper, always demanding more blood, not caring from whence it flows.
>If the shoe was on the other foot and it was muzzies blowing the dicks off jews with sabotaged phones you'd all be celebrating in the streets
My favorite cope from elsewhere was that this shows Israel is weak because as a nuclear power they shouldn't have to resort to pager bombs. What people don't get is that Israel also wages asymmetric warfare. When the Houthis were fighting Saudi Arabia, they'd launch rockets at oil infrastructure. But when they killed a guy in Tel Aviv with a drone, Israel blew up their port. Israel "pulled a Houthi." They can target your economy too. Maybe we (i.e. U.S.) pull tricks too but I think our own conception of ourselves is that we're the big superpower so we're not supposed to do that, because those are tactics of the weak. Our enemies try to exploit that. The conception among Israel's enemies is that Israel is strong so they "shouldn't do that," but because they do that makes them "evil." But it's like within the Israeli mindset they're still the scrappy underdog in a bad neighborhood.
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When I was a bomb tech I took a class about Ted, pretty smart fella. How about that time the Postal Inspectors did a mock of the Unabomber’s packages and then accidentally mailed them with regular mail after the entire USPS was told to be on the lookout. Oops!
>The majority of those injured/killed seem to be military age males
Say what you want, but the operation was a great success in any case
Weird how all of the victims are military aged males. Statistically, we should be seeing quite a few blown up housewives and teenaged girls. Why do you suppose we haven’t?
You already know the answer to this question, anon.
nta and I actually agree with you however, I don't think a society that treats it's women the way they do would even let a woman have a pager. Something about it being potentially used to be a whore or something
is he ok?
This makes it all the more funny, since now they'll be treating all of their equipment with suspicion if the jews were able to get THAT fucking deep into their supply process.
Doing that took balls.
I mean, have you ever checked MENA map? Kikes have shown to be incredibly skillful and brave but their enemies have done most of the job self-destructing themselves.
>inb4 muh US is the one protecting them
Yes, exactly, war is a holistic art, kikes having their azkenazim cousins advocate for them within deep state is yet another weapon, one far more effective than placing rocket launchers within hospitals and hoping enough losers start braying about muh civilian casualties.
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No, he is either cripple or dead.
So... why is Israel not bombing and invading Lebanon right now?
hesbowler sister... how can this happen to us.
because they can't look like the aggressor right now. they'll wait for something that'll push hezbollah to the edge
>So... why is Israel not bombing and invading Lebanon right now?
Because the tampered pagers had been discovered and they needed to either blow them or sit on their asses as Hezbollah threw out their current pagers and got new ones. Presumably the intent was to detonate them during the opening stages of a Third Lebanon War, but as far as we know, they simply didn't have the time to mobilize the troops to begin invading.
Imagine being some random terrorist shopping for tomatoes and your nuts suddenly get blown up by the Jews.
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Do you still believe kikes care about ragheads think?
>Weird how all of the victims are military aged males. Statistically, we should be seeing quite a few blown up housewives and teenaged girls. Why do you suppose we haven’t?
There was one confirmed girl who got killed by her Hezbollah father's pager, and wounded minors have appeared in some of the emergency room videos circulating online.

There's also reports of medics getting blown up by tampered pagers, but it's presently unclear whether or not they were affiliated with Hezbollah's social service wing or not.
no but they neeed something that resembles western support. they won't really get much if they're seen as the aggressor
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looking at these explosions, seems like you need contact to be affected. it's likely the poor kids picked the pagers up when they rang
Bull. It's just Bibi wanting a grand gesture. The more he escalates, the longer he stays out of jail.
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>Tonight you will get your dick blown off
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Motherfucker you beat me to it
>Well that doesn't sound right does it?
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we all have that one friend
>My Sides!
How many people do you know that own a pager?
>There is literally nothing stopping China or etc. from doing this in the US to bring down airliners or cause general chaos
After 911 and boot bomb story everything is goes through x-ray scanners before flying. Explosives are detected by them.
Well he is not drug dealer or Hezbollah terrorist, why does he need pager? How can you watch tiktok with a pager?
This is why I still come here.
i was being sarcastic anon
An operation like this also has a long lead time. There probably was no commitment to launch a military incursion when the pager tampering operation went ahead. The pagers would have been an option should the need arise.
The west isnt safe for you. Whites and muslims are waking up.
Buy a made in Japan product instead.
>we should be seeing quite a few blown up housewives and teenaged girls.
We are.
>Motorola pagers
Like even /pol/ is now more factual place than /k/
There's no way a commercial pager can explode the way those pagers did.
It was clearly a small shaped charge directed towards the rear of the pager that was meant to detonate when it recieved a specific signal.
Any other take is pure bullshit or pager explosions would be common place.
Jews are the highest level of inbreds behind Pakis and Indians.
>muslims are waking up
By their pager?
Link? I wanna see them, the blown up brown kid from the earlier webm made me smile :)
Seek help
Already been posted in other threads, dude.

>We are.
Only seen one kid (i'd assume a runner or son of a hezbollah member?).
So no link? Just you talking out your ass?
its ok just smash a chicken to the wall :)
It's refreshing how Israelis are giving up any pretense of being evil. Abhorrent, but still refreshing.
Still no link or proof? Just more brown tears? I thought y'all loved to parade your dead children through the streets
Still, you're fighting the jews and then order comms from globohomo? How stupid are those people.
>It's refreshing how Israelis are giving up any pretense of being evil. Abhorrent, but still refreshing.
I bet you also support Ukraine.
I wish roaches squealed like you do when they get stomped lol
So where are the dead brown girls you promised?
And I have long held that those also do not belong on a blue board. Take that shit to /gif/ and the war tourists would stop flooding /k/
/pol/-tier arguments in this thread
>no kids are dead
>yes there are
>that's not nice
Damn so you lied about the brown girls? Wtf?
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>wants to be engaged on the same level
sorry no
seething about jews? check
supporting russia? check
you are 100% brown
>An extremely precise glow-op that wounded terrorists at a 95% ratio shouldn't be celebrated because a few kids got hurt
You need to think about large systems, not this small scale shit. More kids were going to die with ANY other attack vector because Muslims use them as human shields.

>Israel cripples/kills thousands of terrorists with one dead kid as unintentional collateral


Yeah, I always support the civilised country over retarded savages.

>Falange>"NO PASERINO"
>European settlers in America>"HEYAH HOYAH"

It's a great system and always brings humanity forward no matter how much the browns want to keep it in the swamp.
Ah, moving the goalposts. Your compatriots already admitted that killing kids is based and worth celebrating.
So where are the dead brown girls you promised? Some pics would be nice to substantiate your seething turdie fanfic
>thinks he's talking to one person
The vaunted Jewish IQ at work.
this but unironically. nobody else pulls the crazy shameless off the wall shit that mossad does.
>fanfic didn't work, time for deflection
Damn i guess turdies lied again, will y'all ever catch a W?
they planted explosives in these. if you want to prevent this specific threat vector check your phone for explosives. batteries don't explode like that
the only dead kid i am seeing is a 10 year old that picked up her father's pager
>according to habibi reporter with no picture
So it is bullshit, damn
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also iranian ambassador lost his right eye and another is fucked up. imagine having to live with the fact that the jews fucked up your eyes sight
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picture of what-the 10 year old girl?
No the dead kid, not last years yearbook photo of you
that's the dead kid
Not dead, not proof. Try again
i guess you know better than lebense media my bad
>i guess you know better than a literal failed state full of lying 60iq cousin fucking retards
Yes i do actually, lol. You still can't show any proof even after we got the pearl clutch parade of burnt up turdies earlier
Unless he was giving a blow job he shouldn't have been that close to one if it didn't belong to him.
You'd think that the Iranians would give the secure communication devices to Hezbollah to keep in contact with their ambassador, not the other way around. But who knows maybe the sourcing was directed by an Iranian.
Seriously, this is among the by far biggest intelligence coups since the dawn of time.
Nothing but utmost respect for whoever managed to pull this off. That's just fucking plain awesome as fuck.
>An entire shipment of no less than 5,000 pagers successfully spiked, delivered and detonated.
>Nobody got wind of it before
>About 3k people got hurt like a motherfucker, some are even dead.
>Tons of Hezbollah members uncovered
>Distrust sown
>Entire Hezbollah C3 fucked up for at least weeks
>No Hezbollah member will ever trust any personal electronic device again, means their general ability to C3 will be hampered for years, even decades.
If 4chan's resident Mossad agent reads this: Bravo! Seriously Bravissimo! You guys sure deserve every party and medal that's awaiting you for that job.
the mossad killed haniyeh in the capital of tehran in an irgc guarded compound. they are all retarded/ the true extent of how much israeli has penetred them will never be known but it seems to be significant
oops in the capital of iran*
I think it's surreal how large the scope of this is. If it was just one rigged pager that killed a top Hezbollah militant, I don't think it would be very impressive. But the fact that they all triggered at the same time and have been sitting dormant for ages is incredible.
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And yet they were surprised by thousands of goatfuckers paragliding into a crowded festival
They figured out not long ago that the Israelis were tracking literally everything going through their phones, so they swapped to pagers.
Turns out that placing a bulk order for specialist electronics that barely anyone uses any more is a good way for glowies to figure out exactly what they need to tamper with.
Jesus Christ, Pakistan.
>Only report is a 10 year old girl
>Yeah, here's a picture of them
>No! I Want a picture of their dead body!
Nigger are you fucking stupid or something?
My point is more that it's relatively easy to create a communication brain mesh which is little more than connectors and a seperate signaller controlled by several on sequence failsafe solonoid voltage limiters. The very ports themselves designed to trip using small well before brain damage voltages.
The connection part is relatively simple (I mean in terms of chip complexity, the implemention is still unfathomable) and can easily be made "safe" due to being inherently low voltage required for brain interfacing.

Yes, there could well be far more integrated brain modifications, but the brain is slow in comparison to a computer chip and signal wires, it's unlikely they need to directly interface with the brain to require internal interfacing beyond a simple integrated and safer mesh because it's so slow.

The biggest risk to cyberpunk mesh users would likely be specific EM waves that just so happen to dump energy into the wire sizes inside your head, or perhaps temporary connection overload causing brain shock, rather than hacking vulnerabilities upping the voltage to burn people's brains and eyes out of their heads.
>I think it's surreal how large the scope of this is
Yeah thats what I meant. It's a gigantic operation a scale that's seldomly - if at hall - been pulled off in the history of intelligence stinger operations.
cope. jews constructively contribute to the world per capita more than any group of people. while arabs are fucking goats and their first cousins, the jews are working on advancing their space program and medical science research.
>while arabs are fucking goats and their first cousins
To be fair, Jews and Arabs are as bad as each other when it comes to incest. There's a reason why they have such bad rates of thalessemia, Gaucher's disease, Tay-Sachs disease, Niemann-Pick disease, spinal muscular dystrophy, etc.

sandies:mass rape as many people they can find, man women children doesnt matter... whoever survives gets taken hostage to torture

mossad : uses a weapon on a combatant


i mean, hezbollah lost the right to complain about the laws forever, go watch the videos. Literal cavemen with guns
I am convinced this was some level of a wakeup call with the more real-nigger-hours Israeli Intelligence overriding the nerds who were increasingly relying on America-style high-tech. This is the sort of really clever bullshit you saw the Jews do back in the day, not the conceited sitting on their laurels "We have tanks they have a little brat with a stone lol". As much as it pisses the South Koreans and whatever European company if not a shell corp that made these (Hungarians, apparently), at least this time it is worth the bad-PR as compared to other times they false-flagged using allied countries passports for some pittance like the Dubai assassination.

Like had this been kept in the bag until a major war it would be heralded as one of the greatest counter-intelligence/communication achievements in human history. Not just jam enemy communications but literally make them afraid of doing so because it'll blow up. Not that you'll target their signals, that their own material is sabotaged.

Honestly I just see it as brown zealous savages vs brown zealous savages. Israel complains about judging them by an unfair standard compared to their neighbors (It's one of the ways anti-semitism is defined now), when we were just holding them up by civilized Western standards. By those they are savages, but by the standards of their neighbors they are civilized.

That's just it too, it may have been some 4-5d chess planning this from the get go. I expect it was, else they'd have to plan how to access the pagers very quickly rather than
>Let's make em afraid to use phones
>Let's make em find a good pager deal
>Let's spike the pagers with explosives
May we see them?
>come to a foreign land you have no claim to
>have a different foreign occupier of that land hand it to you through violent suppression of the locals
>steal the land and property of the locals
>systematically and brutally subjugate the locals for decades
>pretend you're innocent victims when the people you are living in the land of and stealing the property of try and reclaim it.
I genuinely have no idea how you fuckers never have a "are we the baddies" moment.
sounds very problematic, xenophobic and ethnonationalist to me. do better.

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