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Is the colt python a good zombie survival weapon?
its not even a good weapon
its still cool as fuck though
>"did he fire six shots or five?"
Suppressed 10/22
Glock 17
No, unless you're running into one or two super strong walking corpses at most, it's kinda useless.
pike and shot formations
>Is the colt python a good zombie survival weapon?
Against the slow walking zombies from TWD? Yes.

Against the running, jumping, using weapons, opening doors zombies from 28 days later or resident evil? Hell no.
The best revolver for an apocalypse scenario is probably a manuhrin mr73.
For mere mortals, probably a stainless gp100.
What's the quote? Something like "ten thousand years from now, an irradiated, intelligent, upright cockroach will dig up a Ruger gp100 in stainless and use it to do in another cockroach that has done him wrong."
Resident evil- yes
28 days later and TWD- no

RE zombies were bullet sponges, magnum revolver with video game rules works really well

TWD and 28dl you are going to get swarmed if you use a loud ass 6 shot
Probably not, you'd be attracting everything in a mile radius with a smaller cap than an M1911
Wouldn't you need more stopping power to kill a zombie than a human? They don't feel pain and have superhuman endurance so the only way you can stop them is by mechanically limiting their movement with heavy calibers than can knock them down and destroy their ability to move
Be ideal for the 28 days /weeks later type of infected as its less about headshots and more about damage to vitals. Those guns are Easy to use and have ample knock down power. Also if you cant run/sprint/climb then your fucked.
Aim for the shoulders and hips if brain shots dont do anything. Although the arms might keep crawling after you
28 days / weeks later guns worked like they do on normal people ie hit a vital organ you die. They are infected tho not zombies
Movie/TV Zombies shuffle or scamper and any kind of damage to the brain kills them regardless of the location that is hit.
A loud, heavy ass revolver with 6 shots is terrible.
You would be better off with some kind of .22 rifle or pistol and a brick of ammo.
Hell, a gun isnt even needed
You could pull one of those thin metal fence posts out of the ground and make one end pointy
Then climb up on something or find a chain link fence and casually poke all the zombies in the head until the area is clear enough to go search for cans of beans
>video game rules
Nobody was talking about video games rules/logic. OP asked if it was a good zombie defense weapon so assume its for a hypothetical zombie scenario in real life.
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speaking of zombies, daryl dixon season 2 comes out in 2 weeks, the first season was kinda good except when they went to paris, the use of antique weapons and muskets was good.

inb4 amc shill
Taurus Judge unironically filled with bird shot and a suppressed 10/22
In real life zombies are stupid because you just need to dig a hole and wait a few days for them to all die of dehydration like in minecraft
posting a few stills
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>3 million years from now, an intelligent upright descendant of the modern cockroach will be able to dig up a stainless GP100, put new springs in it, roll up some ammo and blow away another intelligent upright cockroach that "did him wrong".
last photo, good show. Overall a 7/10 but the paris parts suck
I mean come on, am I right?
the first couple seasons of TWD is amazing
only the first season
honestly it could have ended there with how shit the rest of it was by comparison
I should have dropped it after they decided to split season 2 in half and have 2 premieres and 2 finales
1-5 was the best, they should have been in the city for more of it
it immediately goes to shit after season 1 and Im glad I dropped it instead of getting invested into watching that slop for a decade
I've never watched the Daryl spinoff (I eventually stopped watching TWD when it became clear that the series was moving more toward human on human conflict, with entire episodes going by without any zombies actually making any significant appearance)

But I gotta admit, fighting zombies with a blunderbuss sounds kino as hell. And I'm digging the outfit of that black guy on the left.

What's the guy on the right rocking in that bandolier? Homemade incendiaries?
Agreed. You could have made an entire season dealing with what it would take to actually escape from a place like Atlanta. Hundreds of thousands of zombies, all the roads choked with abandoned cars, the lack of food and water. It would take careful scouting and planning, resource management, maybe a few tense scenes navigating the sewers underground, or traversing rooftops in one of Atlanta's more densely packed neighborhoods.

Instead, we got "oh, the survivors got stuck on a roof and Merle had to cut his hand off, but they got out. Also Glenn hotwired a sports car and somehow managed to drive it down magically empty roads all the way back to the survivor camp." I think Rick et al managed to get out of Atlanta city limits and to the camp in, what, one episode? Maybe two? The city itself should have been a character. A claustrophobic, oppressive landscape that feels as dangerous as the dead themselves. The fact that the characters can easily come and go as they please (like when they go back for Rick's stash of weapons) was honestly a crime. Escaping Atlanta should have been an overwhelming undertaking.

For context, I live in Greenville SC. About 2 and a half hours of driving away, and I've been through it a couple of times. On a GOOD day, Atlanta's traffic turns crossing the city into an ordeal. Having to do it on foot, with hundreds of thousands of dead, roving gangs of scavengers, and the guy who was fucking your wife while you were in coma all to contend with? Nigh impossible, and it should have been shown as such. Massively missed opportunity.
>1-5 was the best
Nope, the show got bad after the mid-season finale in season 4. Seasons 1-3 were the best.

TWD had a small budget in season 1 because AMC was only experimenting with the "survival" genre. The show had almost no budget in season 2 because AMC blew all their money filming "Mad Men" (mostly buying expensive whiskeys and custom suits for the actors on that show).
>do ya feel lucky? spunk?
I thought it was pretty good. The settlement back in the states where they traded gasoline for captured walkers was interesting
>Hundreds of thousands of zombies, all the roads choked with abandoned cars, the lack of food and water. It would take careful scouting and planning, resource management, maybe a few tense scenes navigating the sewers underground, or traversing rooftops in one of Atlanta's more densely packed neighborhoods.
This is what real life in atlanta is like. I guess there is plenty of food though
>I've never watched the Daryl spinoff
I recomend you give it a chance
>What's the guy on the right rocking in that bandolier? Homemade incendiaries?
Yeah some grenades, they were thugs for some warlord in the north of france who are after daryl because he ambushed a few

mad men was amazing

>The settlement back in the states where they traded gasoline for captured walkers was interesting
I liked that idea too, I wish we saw more settlements and small covens doing their thing in france and the french countryside, the monastery was awesome.
No. Heavy, heavy ammo, low capacity, relatively high recoil, loud report, cylinder gap...
They stand still, stumble along or run right at you. That makes headshots much easier.
.22 can't penetrate a skull though
>we have john marston at home
he is better desu
my ass
my cock
my balls
why would you shoot a pistol with a glock 17?
>Nobody was talking about video games rules/logic.
>assume it is for a hypothetical zombie scenario in real life.
NTA, I just entered the thread to point out that you are contradicting yourself with only two sentences and that you look stupid by doing so.
This guy enjoys having his zombie hole stretched by humans and getting covered in pistol juice
>NTA, I just entered the thread to point out that you are contradicting yourself with only two sentences and that you look stupid by doing so.
If I was prepping to survive on a stranded island, I wouldn't assume to suddenly develop Minecraft superpowers in the process. You're absolutely retarded if you don't get that.
*stovepipes in your path*
max brooks is a faggot.
>probably a manuhrin mr73.
how would you know? you've never even touched one you fucking nerd.
>What's the quote?
god shut up, you're trying so hard to sound wise
It got good again at S4. It had them leaving the prison, and the build up to Terminus. It also had the Claimers who I thought were more effective evil bastards than the Saviors.
Good god all of you zoomer faggots are insufferable.
The saviors were so kino
Wish they just did it in the cities, some of those guns that they are are too unrealistic for americans.
>niggas eating beans
>literally episode 1
>make sure your safety's off!
>he has a fucking glock
>they play a clicking sound as he takes the imaginary safety off
it was always ass
I've always wondered what happened to the guys stationed overseas after the military collapsed? Like those dudes stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq
>Is the colt python a good zombie survival weapon?
Superflous is the wrod i'd use
I’d bring my Glock 20 instead. Glock and AR cause if my shit breaks I can get parts, ammo off a corpse.
just one autist from /k/ could have fixed the whole show
Dirty Harry with an x frame…
“This is a 500 magnum, most powerful production handgun known to man… now I know what your thinking, did he fire 5 shots or 6”. Some random guy “the x frame in 500 is a 5 shot revolver”
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I have one and probably every other week I think about how I'd like a trijicon TA110 way more but I can't sell it, it's a work of art.

I love shooting it I just rarely get a good deal on .357 and shooting .38s is boring
Beautiful gun you got there. I just picked up my Colt Kodiak 44 today and cannot wait to shoot it tomorrow God willing that I get off work in time.
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>tfw no zombie-slaying hoplite nun gf
Hope you reload and take advantage of that really, really long cylinder.
Gotta hand it to them, they have better trigger discipline post-apocalypse than most street nigras do today.
Also, shoutout to the guy on the left with the JNCO jeans and a random piece of pipe.
I always just headcannon'd that it was one of those aftermarket manual safety add-ons.

also the other guy says to make sure a round is chambered and they make sure to show him partially racking the slide so you can see the chamber is empty and he doesn't chamber a round FUCK. It's been well over a decade but I can still exactly remember the scene. Dropped the show right there.
Anon, your autism is preventing you from enjoying life. I don't know what else to say.
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No, my autism is preventing me from enjoying slop television shows. I am ok with that.
>I-I didn't miss out! That show was shit anyways!
How are the grapes anon?
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Yes anon, the show was shit. You even know it. Don't know why you're offended by me saying something you already know.
>How are the grapes anon?
>midwit who gets offended over slop being called bad doesn't understand a parable for children
What a shocker, and here I thought people who enjoyed dogshit television like that were stupid, but not so stupid they can't even understand stories for children.

Since it's vastly better written, let's talk about the fox and the grapes anon. The fox calls the grapes bitter because he cannot reach them. It is a coping mechanism used by bitter and stupid people. The meaning is entirely changed if the fox can reach the grapes, tastes them, and spits them out for being rancid.
>using "slop" unironically ever
Anon, surely you can do better.
>my opinions are reality, because...uh...BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE OK?!
I'll admit that the show went off the rails in the later seasons, but the first four seasons were kino and I will die on that hill.
As for the grapes, anon the only logical reason that I can imagine you'd be making such a fuss over ONE SCENE at the beginning of the first episode is either 1) you didn't watch the show when it was airing and feel left out, and therefore feel the need to shit on it to feel better, or 2) your are literally such a sperg that you cannot mentally get past a laughably minor gun-related detail that doesn't affect the plot and is never mentioned again.
I can't wait to hear how you react to that scene of the Governor firing an AR with no rear sight. Shit was hilarious.
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>nooo you can't call slop slop
It's slop.
>but the first four seasons were kino and I will die on that hill.
I'm not stopping you, go ahead
>you didn't watch the show when it was airing
The fact that they felt the need to draw attention to their own lack of detail told me all I needed to know.
>feel left out
Left out of what? Low tier zombie drama?
>that doesn't affect the plot and is never mentioned again.
If it doesn't affect the plot why did they draw attention to taking a safety off on a gun that doesn't have a safety?
>uh because the writers have no idea what they're doing
yeah that's what I thought
>I can't wait to hear how you react to that scene of the Governor firing an AR with no rear sight
Seen it. Everyone has. It was spammed here nonstop. Same with the retard holding an aug like he has twelve fingers on one hand. I'm guessing you weren't posting here back then.

>nooo you can't dislike a thing I watched as a kid!
can, did, will continue doing so
>but the first four seasons were kino
The second half of season 4 was when it all turned to shit, Scott M. Gimple ruined seasons 4-8; by the time Angela Kang fixed seasons 9-11, the fans were already gone.
>I like the zoom-zoom buzzwords! I like the zoom-zoom buzzwords!
>The fact that they felt the need to draw attention to their own lack of detail told me all I needed to know.
>Haha yeah I caught your little cinematic boo-boo there, yeah sorry bucko guess I'm just too gun-smart for you losers haha, my big brain won't let me enjoy your show woopsie damn guys hehe yeah
This is what you sound like.
>why did they draw attention to taking a safety off on a gun that doesn't have a safety?
You still didn't say how it affected the plot even 5 minutes afterword. It literally doesn't matter. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
>n-newfag! NEWFAG!
Twinkie house. How am I to know that you're readily acquainted with the memes of a show that you apparently despise and have been going on about how you haven't seen it past episode 1.
Bingo. The fall of the prison is when OG Walking Dead fell apart.
>This is what you sound like.
>You still didn't say how it affected the plot even 5 minutes afterword.
Obviously I don't know how it affected the plot-I didn't watch it. You said it didn't, so the question comes up. Why does the scene exist?
>so the writer could show they know guns have safeties but they chose to do that on guns that don't have safeties because uh...it's very well written!
Yes, you're a newfag.
Post 'em if you've got 'em.
>Why does the scene exist?
Because Hollywood is generally retarded when it comes to the specifics of firearms. That doesn't mean you have to fixate on every little error. For me, it's just something to chuckle at.
>still with the namecalling.
You called me a newfag when you hadst no cause, but since I am a newfag, beware my shitposts.
>That doesn't mean you have to fixate on every little error.
True, I do it because I want to
>Why does the scene exist?
The point of the scene was to show that the cop who forgot to "remove his safety" was careless, inexperienced, or incompetent, and further in the same scene, the officer would fail to react fast enough to save Rick and Rick ends up getting shot by the criminal, which caused Rick to go into a coma.

Should they have given that officer a 1911 or Beretta 92 for realism? Sure, but keep in mind that the first two seasons were filmed with a tiny budget.
>The point of the scene was to show that the cop who forgot to "remove his safety" was careless, inexperienced, or incompetent
But instead it makes the person giving the command to check his safety look like a complete and total retard.
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>it makes the person giving the command to check his safety look like a complete and total retard.
Not if he was right, we heard the safety being removed because there was a safety. It was actually one of those Glocks with safeties that Glock made for the (MHS) competition. You know those Glocks, the ones that got dumped in Taiwan after the US chose the SIG P320 instead.
>Not if he was right
He wasn't.
> because there was a safety.
You can clearly see there was not, because they show the entire side of the gun. Instead he thumbs the slide release lightly up.

Not only is it the wrong direction to disengage a safety, it's also not a safety.
You just couldn't see it because you aren't /k/ enough. Realism is for noobs, chads want the full-auto revolver 12-gauge that Mouse made custom for himself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo3paWY6O98

RIP Mouse
I wasn’t aware zombies were only in tune to loud gun fire, did you go to zombie school sir? In any case I don’t think I’d intentionally tree myself. Especially not with a pack like swarming enemy
>Is the colt python a good zombie survival weapon?
Yes. It is also extremely classy. In a magic world if there has to be a wand gun it should be a revolver.
your sense of hearing is pretty important when every subtle sound can be a zombie inching its way towards biting your ass
22 firearms aren't as loud and can be suppressed more easily
a loud ass gun will draw the attention of other survivors that will seek you out to steal your cans of beans
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great answer
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Anyone play project zomboid in here?
no, but I kinda want too
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The show became a huge phenomenon around that time too, everyone and their neighbours were watching it, and the fuckin aftershow.
I, along with most people i knew, quit around the time that Glen&Abraham died. (so season 6/7)
Show had become really repetitive and manipulative by that point, and only got worse, seeing dreadlock man with a cgi tiger in promos convinced me i had made the right choice.
I had planned to quit watching sooner though, things that kinda ruined it for me were; Ricks romance with Michone, and the death of Beth.
Have been watching people play it on jewtube, and am very interested; but alas, i dont buy digital games, so unless it gets a physical or free release, or i can find a rip i trust, then i will just have to wait.
Shit, my first (You) was meant for >>62534235
Skill issue. Mine runs flawlessly
A tome of Turn Undead and an anointed mace is a better choice.
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This isn't fake and gay? Just gay?

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