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Is hunting whitetail under 100 yards with an 18” barrel and 70gr tsx a bad idea?

I know 223 isn’t a great choice but it’s what I have.
It's perfectly fine. I've taken 2 deer with 55grain American Eagle without issue. A nice heavy bullet is on the safe side.
you can hunt whitetail with 9mm, i have a feeling a rifle cartridge will do just fine
I like to go lighter with monometal bullets to get a better blood trail, but it should be fine.
>70gr tsx
That's not a bad choice at all, those have great weight retention.
>, i have a feeling a rifle cartridge will do just fine
OP is asking about bullet choice, not the cartridge. Bullet construction matters for hunting. Some bullets expand extremely quickly, like those used for varmint hunting. They are poor choices for hunting large game like a deer because they don't penetrate deep enough to reliably hit vitals. On the other end of the spectrum you have things like "solids" for dangerous game hunting or military AP bullets. Those don't expand at all, they penetrate deeply but make a small icepick hole. Those make sense for some specialized applications but they'd also be a poor choice for hunting deer. For deer hunting the bullet should have controlled expansion and that's exactly what the TSX will do.
>large game
>not a solid
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i see no difference between this & a moose
You can call it medium game if that triggers your autism less, I don't mind one bit.
In dangerous game hunting jargon "solid" means a non-expanding bullet, it does not refer to its construction. Some solids are monometallic, some are FMJs, the now-discontinued Speer African Grand Slam had a tungsten core.
>doesnt mean a solid copper bullet
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Yes, that's correct.
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Another example.
>im not being autistic pointing out the one company which mis-used a term
>deer are large creatures
It's not "one company" anon, it's standard jargon for dangerous game hunting.
Now I do agree with you that the term is misleading, but it's not like I'm the one who came up with this, it's been in use for over a century. When to use "softs" vs "solids" is the great debate in dangerous game hunting. Google it, you'll find tons of sources.
let me ask you anon, why were solids called solids? Was it perhaps because they were made from solid copper/brass/hardcast lead, rather than a jacketed bullet? Just like the TSX is?
it should be 100% fine if you can shoot.
Copper and brass bullets are a fairly new thing. Even back when the .375 H&H came out in 1912 Kynoch referred to the 300gr bullet as a solid.
>i'm going to ignore hardcast lead
>because that i would have to admit i'm retarded yet again
>deer is large game guise
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>why were solids called solids?
I don't know.

> Was it perhaps because they were made from solid copper/brass/hardcast lead
Probably not, as many of the early designs were steel jacketed. It also doesn't really matter where the term came from, what matters is how it is used.

Anyway, you learned something new today. It confused you at first, but that's OK.
>>i'm going to ignore hardcast lead
Nobody would call hardcast lead a "solid" even though it is monometallic and harder than pure lead.

I'm not sure why you keep going on about the deer thing, anon already sorted you out above. >>62525633 Right now it sounds like a desperate attempt for you to deflect from the fact you were totally ignorant of the term "solid" in a hunting context.
>Probably not, as many of the early designs were steel jacketed. It also doesn't really matter where the term came from, what matters is how it is used.
you do realize this link says fuck all about you point, and in fact contradicts it when it says things like
>And of course there are no offerings of solids in smaller calibers – unless you count the military calibers of 223 (5.56 x 45)
which sure as shit isnt a dangerous game cartridge
"solid" means it's designed to resist deformation for maximum penetration, not that it's monometal.

People started saying "solid" to describe monometal expanders about 5 years ago, they should stop.
Yes, it's perfectly fine.
>non-mercuric caps
Holy shit lmao. And I thought the lead in caps was bad.
"Solid" in this context means "non expanding". when he's talking about military calibers he's referring to AP bullets.

Look back at the original claim in >>62525500
Anon is saying that Military AP bullets are similar to Dangerous game "solids" because both of them are designed not to expand. Larry Potterfield just said the same thing.
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hmmmmm rely maks u thing
Everything looks like small game when you're made of 400lbs of retard lard. If in order to get a clean kill you need to hit it in the vitals with the same or similar cartridges that one would deem effective against humans, it's large game. Adult white tails range from 140 to 300lbs, just like 99% of adult humans. From that, you can harvest atleast 50lbs of meat on the lower end. Plus they're able to seriously injure or kill you if you get too close, just like all other large game. I don't see how you could categorize them as anything else, none of the above puts them in the same sphere as a raccoon or coyote or whatever else you'd consider "small" or "medium game." What would you consider an adult male boar to be, at roughly 200lbs? They're far removed from the rimfire-caliber game, with most people not even wanting to use less than a .308 to ensure one-hit vital shot kills.
>I know 223 isn’t a great choice but it’s what I have.
check the legality of hunting deer with 223 in your state. it's illegal in mine. if legal, 70gr tsx is good enough
I don't know what to tell you dude, that's how it is for dangerous game bullets, and it makes sense too, the bullets are solid, there are no holes in them.
70gr TSX is adequate for whitetail with proper placement. Should be fine. Personally I'm a bigger fan of the bonded lead designs, tend to penetrate a bit less but make slightly larger wound cavities. Of course 77gr TMKs blow both out of the water if you don't need high weight retention and aren't doing something silly like going for Texas heart shots.
I use 53gr VMax on whitetail& I've never had one run farther than 20yd after taking a hit behind the shoulder with it
Stop doubling down retard, whitetail are medium sized game, thin skinned medium sized game if you want to get specific. They are not large game.
it's big game whether you like it or not. all of the relevant regulatory agencies in america consider deer to be big game. no amount of whining will change that. sorry.
no hunting jurisdiction i know of has a "medium game" classification
it's always small game (birds) or large game (ungulates et. al)
Extremely unethical.



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Sorry retard, they're big game by every metric you could throw at them. Unless you only shoot fawns, making you the school shooter of the hunting world, but in that case you could shoot 20lb black bear cubs and be openly retarded and womanlike about that too. Ask your local game warden what they think, or just keep pretending that God spoke truth into your ear and that everyone else is just wrong
Why does Squidward have a over under .45 and .32 1911?
Post your ethical deer kills
I wouldn't consider it unethical if you are a good shot. One benefit of using your AR is that you should be extremely familiar with it and know your hold-overs well.
>what if Hitler was Jewish
Anything with soft lead cannot be a solid.
I also count HPs as not solid.
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>Is hunting whitetail under 100 yards with an 18” barrel and 70gr tsx a bad idea?
It's "acceptable", I'd say, depending on the size of the deer. For the antlered rats they have in the south I'd have no hesitation using the same combo myself in a pinch but for longer shots and/or bigger deer up north I would feel much more comfortable with at least a .243.

>One benefit of using your AR is that you should be extremely familiar with it and know your hold-overs well.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not; if a deer's vitals are the size of a pie plate, with a 200yd zero and holding in the center then you're looking at ~250 yards before you get away from point-and-click shooting with 70gr factory ammo and I would say that that's unethical with .223 regardless and especially so with an 18" barrel.
I killed a big 8 with a 62gr tsx out of a 14.5". The 62gr is great, the heavier bullet is not as good in testing IIRC. You'll be fine.
Deers aren't ethical to kill at all.
"8" better refer to number of convictions.
>I would say that that's unethical
Mind your business.
>9mm ethical
>.223 unethical???
Gtfo retard
>can't shoot whitetail with .223 b/c "ethics"
You have to be 18 to post here
Can you shoot a dime at 100 yards 9 times out of ten? And the number 10 shot would hit within the same quarter or so as the others? Then, Yes.

>shot placement
>t.no guns.
>needing sub moa for durr hunting
Guess how I know you don't hunt/shoot.
>use less than a .308
I'm real comfy with .38 Spl (+P in 158 or 165 gr). Or similar in .357. I'm also comfy with .22 mag, for whitetail. I've never taken a shot unless I'm certain, so I don't have any FAILs to storytime about. I'm comfy keeping it that way.
Venison is pretty good and it prevents at least one little fucker from smashing someone's windshield.
I'm honestly at a loss on why medium game like deer need to be "ethically," killed when .22 kills a rabbit and it's open season on coyotes. Just shoot 'em and try not to miss. Yes it's a living being, but you are deliberately taking its life..
Noooo yttail durr are the hardest animals to kill in the world. You will never kill one unless you use a .30-06 or better. My grandpappy taught me that and i dun lived by it erry day of me life. And we all know .308 is better than .30-06 so i told grandpappy to go fuck himself and bought a dang 'ol durr rifle. But really them ruskies got .30 cal figured out so i got me uh chink akm. It kinda sucks but it kills durr better than muh .30-06 i reckon
Technically the 30-06 could be loaded with much more powder, but I don't feel bad about a Norinco using basically a 30-30. You could fuss with the bullet and load, but meh, fuck those bitchtail niggers.
7n6 fucks in unarmored flesh.
Come to MI and walk a scrapyard. Those fawn nogs are suicide bombers on roads.
You don't use 36 yard zero?
Killing someone attacking you for money patriotism or religion is one thing, going into a deer's home and shooting to eat them implies you should be as ethical as possible.
This is my home. I do not recognize its right to exist. Ethnically cleanse all bovines, and parade their heads on plaques on your walls.
They were put on this earth to be used by us, we have full dominion over them.
You say this, but you are trolling or do not hunt.
Dominion implies stewardship. You think Gid made the miracle of Life and then was like "Fuck it, degrade and torture them?"
We don't fight dogs and we don't cut animals alive like chunks.
We ate the Apple, that means we know better and have responsibilities.
Killing wild hogs, a problem we invented recently? Rats that feed on agriculture, feral cats?
Our invention, our problem. But you still owe them the most humane death possible. Cost vs benefit. Destroying deer's natural ecological balance? Arguably our invention, but still. You want to eat a product of immorality?
You do you. But If I stock my freezer I kill ethically for Karma and am grateful to God/Mother Nature (they are one in the same) that I eat well while millions of shitskins who do not care about the environment stave or suffer from parasites.
>Dominion implies stewardship
It does not. Shooting a Deer with 556 is a wild thing to whine about its a prey animal I assure you eating 556 is a honor death for these things. Most predators eat their prey alive I dont think any 556 hunter is doing that. Also fuck deer.
>varmint round
it's incredible that redditors can't get a joke without it being explained. I'd say you're both nogunz retards, but I'm holding out hope you just have lead poisoning.
deer are literally varmint, the only thing stopping them from being classified as such is that people regularly eat them.
>straight from the Georgia DNR
Ta-ta there, retard
>no natural predators aside from humans
GA is forgetting about the wildcats
both bobcats and mountain lions (WHICH TOTALLY EXIST TRUST ME BRO) eat deer
>bobcats and mountain lions
Bobcats for sure, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the re-introduced Florida panthers have wandered up to GA as well; young males roam crazy long distances. State DNR agencies in general are always very unwilling to acknowledge the presence of mountain lions until they're basically forced to. Something about predators large enough to kill golden retrievers freaks out the suburbanitesd, and farmers immediately start screaming for tags& culls
Woody with lots of brush or open field?
Aim for the head or neck.
In all fairness I would be surprised if the amount of healthy and fully grown deer killed by bobcats in a given year was more than the number killed by feral dogs. They certainly like to munch on fawns but bobcats in the southern ass end of appalachia tend to be tiny compared to bobcats further west and/or north.
You are not allowed to run over deer.

>Venison is pretty good

Permit granted. :)

>kills a rabbit


>open season on coyotes

I lived in MI for the last two years (moved back to my home state this summer) and the amount of deer was both awesome and a bit alarming. I kind of wish I was still there, just for deer season at least.
Fuck deer. These assholes don't know how to stay out of fenced areas and eat everything that grows. There's a new buck on my land that keeps eating the leaves on our oak seedlings and when I hit him in the heart with a 77gr I'll parade his corpse through town
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Yeah I'd be really curious to how often bobcats are preying on adult deer. Our deer are pretty damn small down here so it might even out
I think a bobcat could easily take out a smaller doe or juvenile deer.
Yeah for sure, i just don't know how often they do it

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