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Sweet & Spicy Sriracha edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik
Caught AIDS and died: >>62519945
Redpill me on the Arex Delta M
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A dude spent months shilling the Arex delta then he got one finally and it crapped out on him
Opinions on ankle leather?
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Sigger is our word, but you can say sigga.
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Thank you for advice on wrist locking. What’s the best queue you have for support hand grip? I don’t understand what’s meant when people say “crush the frame” with it.
There is a lot of bad advice out there for shooting
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Sorry, I meant cue, not a line.
The guy with the splotchy table here spent months shilling it because he was told by various jewtubers that it was "better than a Glock", and then when he finally got his, the barrel peened after being dryfired and he had to send it back to Arex.
top laff
Again though, despite his shilling, he's to be commended for actually telling us that it was a piece of shit, instead of lying about how great it is.
For Anon interested in Stoeger’s dry fire books, quite a few people have said that his class videos uploaded to YT are as, if not more, helpful.
I've not heard that but I interpret that to mean squishing the frame laterally by pushing your palms toward one another
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I need to redo these photos with better light on the slide.
My Rock Island MAPP will outlive it. Italian Filipino dominance will reign supreme.
I have Practical Pistol: Reloaded, does he present any extra information in the dry fire books?
I gleaned a lot of information about basics of pistol marksmanship from it.
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He’s said his older dry fire books covered skill level based par times for drills. Stoeger said he doesn’t like that philosophy anymore.
A Ben Stoeger dry fire exercise just flew over my apartment!
Evens I go the range, odds I dont.
I see a glock and I wonder how foolish I was for spending 1600+ for a 9mm. Glockbros seem so happy with it.
Ignorance is bliss.
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Glock is the best pistol 19x is the best Glock
lol. I spent 3700
>discovering p365 rust issues 6 months into owning it
>failures to eject
>slide releases after dropping mag
Can we win for once, sig sisters? Im going to rent a slimline glock this weekend and I'll end up selling my sig at the first hint of rust on anything in the FCU.
Same as firing hand, but with a higher ceiling for when it starts being "too much" since your support hand doesn't need to retain the same level of dexterity as the hand with your trigger finger on it. If you feel like you're seriously exerting yourself, you're probably squeezing too hard.
What is the best out-of-the-box Glock 19 clone?
What did you get? There are better guns than Glocks, but they are basically the turning point on diminishing returns.
>Can we win for once, sig sisters?
We were winning fir decades and then they decided to make plastic striker slop.
Whether a more expensive gun is worth $X more than a Glock in the same caliber and size format is subjective. Does your $1600 9mm spark $1000 worth of joy? It's definitely not $1000 more functional.
p30l, with ltt cut, holosun and a surefire light on there
Shooting stuff.
MR920, I guess, but why not just get a real one?
You might have been happy with a Glock before, but you can't go back.
Alright guys. Decide my next gun
>HK P30
>Beretta PX4 Compact
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P30 easy
>We wuz 226s n shiet
P30, no brainer.

Like HK triggers are crap
literally lol'd
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I have both. Neither but Px4 if you must.
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If YOU don't support SIG, you are HAMAS.
PX4 Compact, in .40 S&W, and then post pics regularly but never mention how you feel about it so that one guy who keeps asking is blueballed forever.
I second this guy as in same gun ownership and opinion.
I mean, basically. Yeah.
>polymer mag
>polymer button mag release
Other than poor training is this combination why glocks have problems on bodycams?
Is the Blackhawk the best option if I want a SAA anachronism in stainless with nicer sights? Im gonna shoot handload .38 plinking loads through it mostly.
I don't lile or own any Glocks but cops are
>why glocks have problems on bodycams?
Why would that matter?
It sure don't suck.
Why don't Navy SEALs have problems with their Glocks? Or Delta? Or SAS?
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HK triggers are fine. You likely lack hand strength.
Why neither?
Went shooting for the first time in a while and my first attempt at amateur gunsmithing, polishing the plunger on my Glock, seems to have fucked up. I either polished too much or put it back wrong because I was getting 10 jams a mag and the only thing I could think of was the plunger or extractor.
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HK P30. Best ergos on a semi auto I've ever felt. The trigger is not so great but fixable for anywhere between $10-$110 and less than an hour of your time. Also vastly prefer the paddle mag release to the button but I may be in the minority there
P30 is meh, and has a meh trigger. PX4 is meh but has a good trigger and pins can get rusty. Looking at your collection it getting another HK or Beretta doesn't make much sense anyways.
Why is my inox beretta the only gun that rusts
what phase of the cycle was it jamming. exactly what was happening.
Stainless steel can rust but the pins aren't likely stainless steel.
Polish the feed ramp and get Wilson Combat magazines.
>Messing with perfection
Paid the price
It would fire and then I'd get a failure to feed or double feed
How did you polish it? If you used Flitz polish on a Q-tip (or equivalent) like a normal person and didn't break you the Dremel it's hard to imagine you having gone too far. Disassemble the slide again, post pics of the plunger, and then reassemble while watching a tutorial video to make sure you don't fuck it up.
Paddle mag releases are great. I wish more guns had them.
Well, sounds like a mag issue out of the gate. What pars of the bullet were touching what parts of the gun.
The German flappy paddle mag release seems to be one of those things that everyone who understands it really likes, but not enough people understand to drive it to market relevance. Like bullpups.
Not many other manufacturers that I like
I could get a Miroku if one pops up to complete the Axis trifecta, but it'd likely be more than what I'd like to spend on a revolver
I used a dremel. I'm just going to take everything apart, clean it, then put it back together to see if I just didn't seat it properly. If not I'll buy another plunger.
It might be a mag issue. I couldn't get through 1 mag and just gave up. I'll just try again tomorrow and see if it's that or my own fuck up.
You probably put it back together wrong. The extractor plunger and spring are held in tension by the plunger, so I'd guess you put the system back incorrectly. Take it all apart and put it back together again.
This reminds me of my friend who bought a near-perfect 1911 and proceeded to fuck it up by hastily swapping out random parts for shit he heard about on some boomer forum. It shot perfectly as it came from the factory, and by the time he was through fucking with it, it was jamming every other magazine. Then he says to me:
>I think I better get some wilson combat magazines
>I used a dremel.
oh no
I haven't had a lot of luck with 1911s so I typically avoided the, but I want a blued Colt brand Colt.
>post my comfy miroku snub in /hg/ once or twice
>see anon start to want one in later threads
Do it anon, be a cool guy like me
Let's see it
maybe you hes some dried sweat on there during storage
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First of all, the chamber is unsupported. It’s going to have burst casing problems. The slide’s been replaced with a chamfered version, and it meshes perfectly with Safariland duty holsters. The frame itself is polymer-molded for maximum weight savings and durability. The front strap part of the frame has had the finger grooves omitted. This kills the handlet. The sight system’s unoriginal too. It’s a ball in bucket type. It’s got a threaded front sight, giving it ease of replacement out of the box. The regular barrel’s been replaced with a Glock Marksman Barrel™. That enhances lead fouling and increases precision[citation needed]. They also reworked the mooncut on the front of the magwell. It looks like they eliminated altogether. This is a tool for chads. The thumb safety doesn’t exist. The trigger guard hasn’t been fucked with. The trigger pull is about 5.5 pounds. This is fine. The magazine well has been widened to make it easier to put in a new magazine. The magazine catch button has been enlarged so nervous cops can hit it by mistake. The rear of the grip accommodates modular backstraps for fat people. On top of that, they added cocking serrations to the front part of the slide. That lets you press check faster like a faggot. Whoever did this is based, no question. This thing could ventilate a nigger at 3 yards for failing to identify xerself.
What isnthe best coating to protect against sweat? I fucked up a tenifer gun and now I have to constantly check it.
This one gets shared frequently, too.
Nickel plating is more corrosion resistant than stainless steel. cerakote is cheap and works too.
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Wright Armory NT7+
I wish the industry would have gotten behind paddle magazine releases, but that ship has sailed. We could have gotten the simplest universal improvement to handguns since replaceable sights, but it was trashed in favor of obsessing over 3 extra rounds in a magazine, optics cuts, and meme "modularity" that still isn't as good as replaceable grip panels.
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How much did that Miroku cost you?
Should I pull the trigger on remanned ammo or should I just shell out for new?
100% go new
for reman, the juice isn't worth the squeeze
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Hey guys, this is Stainless PPK bro, not PPanon. Does anyone know where I could find pic related in PDF or EPUB.
Plead don't male me download a virus. I got him to agree to stop posting furfag stuff last night.
Hold on frien, I’ll upload mine
I’ll send soon
I’m going to pet sit my sister’s cat in Virginia, the same county where they’re carjacking old ladies and running them over. I have a license VA has reciprocity with. How do I legally carry in NVA if they don’t want me to even if I’m allowed to.
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also forgot pic.
Thanks, man. Please don't meme me.
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Here you go https://files.catbox.moe/qsb7ai.pdf
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Any glockbros swapped out their guide rods? I have a coupon for glockstore that's gonna expire and their tungsten guide rod is the only thing that really piques my interest. Seems like a meme though, so I figured I'd ask you guys first.
Thanks for asking us first anon. You do not have our permission to make that purchase. Just let the coupon expire.
It was something like 900 but that's probably not what you should expect to pay when you do find one. I definitely overpaid, historically they go for half that or less. But then again, those prices I found were from a decade ago and this one was in the best condition I had seen. Also I might have been finishing a bottle of Uncle Nearest when I sent that final bid. I may be a clown, but I am a happy clown.
>the same county where they’re carjacking old ladies and running them over.
no, stay away.
Just buy some extra magazines or something, the 17 extra grams from a depleted uranium memerod is not going to make you suck any less.
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any particular reason you don't recommend it, or it's just generally shit and pointless?
The prospect of a depleted uranium dildo is appealing, thank you.
>How do I legally carry in NVA if they don’t want me to even if I’m allowed to.
Concealed means concealed. Smaller gun, more aggressive cover garment. Maybe a ligma
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I have a dinner date with this rotund boy so sneed
I’m his armed escort
hello, retard question here. will a stupid CA compliant handgun take the normal full capacity mags without modification?
Yeah it's pretty pointless. Lots of glocks have a multi spring system so you're messing with that just to get more weight there.
Really didn't know how good a pistol other than a glock could be until trying a friend's p226 ;-)
I think I’ll take the LCP instead of my PPK since I won’t miss it and it’s slightly more hideable
Except for edge cases like rifle-caliber "pistols" that may have a smaller magwell for a single-stack 10rd mag, yes. The magazines are modified for compliance, not the host weapon.
let me find out youre lacking cuh
ok, thanks. i've been wanting to get a cz p-01, but the 10 round CA one is cheaper and i have 3 mecgar 15 round mags for it.
>Tfw have to be in DC for 3 days
Yeah except I can't FUCKING FIND ANY
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It’s here in case you missed https://files.catbox.moe/qsb7ai.pdf
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Based, thanks. If you don't have one of these you should get one. It allows you to see burs and surface finishes and other features that are difficult to see. Especially if you're an oldfag.
Watch out we got a drug dealer posting
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Look man, I don't really like Glocks because I feel like they leave a lot on the table for the price point, but the metal guide rode is a nice little perk if you're really into your gun.
If you haven't upgraded your trigger connector or sights do those first in that order.
>Just buy some extra magazines
That's a good option, too.
If you have all that shit, the guide rod will be fun.
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I got one but lost it while moving
Did jewelry in the past
He’s on his last life so I gave him super strong catnip
He’s now going to bed with catnip smeared all over his mouth
You mean the Cat Police https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jAXioRNYy4s
Damn that's sexy. Bet it's quiet af
>have a license VA has reciprocity with. How do I legally carry in NVA if they don’t want me to even if I’m allowed to.
Drive through TN. We DGAF. We have permitless carry for residents.
Do. Nit. Carry. In. D.C.
They will burry you if you get caught and there are a little of metal detectors.
Im beyond cucked I cant even take pepper spray in checked baggage since of course I have the cheapest JetBlue flight possible.
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>>62523089 #
Old solution. RMR plate with 509T adaptor plate. Luckily they make direct 509t mounts for the VP9 now. This is a fairly old photo and that optics still on the VP9
>>62523391 #
I’ll have to look at that again. I’ve never noticed. I’ll compare mine tonight and see if I can tell a difference
you know your ears are in for a good time when the can is bigger than the gun it's attached to
Its gonna kick like a .40 though
>he says that like he has womanly wrists
What's wrong with .40?
.40 is, how do I say it, annoying.
I will. I’m also separately visiting TN. I’d feel safe taking the PPK to TN.
Talk me out a Kel-Tec P15

>Reliable enough
>4" barrel despite being smol enough to carry
>Oddly aesthetic
>Priced competitively
>Very accurate for a handgun

What's there not to like?
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>Did jewelry in the past
Base AF. Can you cut or set gem stones? Have you done lost wax casting? I haven't actually done any jewelry stuff but I learnd a bit about it. I hafe taken apart a couple watches. I like small bits of metal.
>He’s on his last life so I gave him super strong catnip
Cool old man cat. Give him the best shit. He looks super cool.
It's literally got more volume that the entire pistol.
Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge? You should hit up Buds Gunshop and Smokey Mountain Knife Works. They are right next to each other. It's not exactly the kind of stuff you like, but it's like a Walmart for guns and Knives respectively. They are pretty close to I-40
It's just better 9mm—same size gun, better terminal ballistics, similar mag capacity, bigger cartridges that are easier to manipulate, tolerable recoil...it's nice.
No way. A .32 that weighs 3 lbs? It's gonna shoot softer than a BB gun.
which Sig 365 is about the same size as a Glock 19
Get it. Run a bunch of different ammo. Let us know how it goes. Maybe you're on to something.
XL? Is this bait? it's a pretty significantly smaller gun, even in it's larger incarnations.
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Pretty nice gun
Too bad it's so expensive
It's not that much more expensive...
I engraved metal and some soft gem stones but not really. I’ve done wax casting in the past but it’s equipment intensive.
I think I might try to make PPK grips with Shakudo tho. It has an almost gun blue hue. I’ll try to post my example from a Japanese sword when I return home
9mm is 22-25 cpr for normal range stuff
.40 S&W is 30-35 cpr, sometimes below 30 but rarely.

That adds up. This is with free shipping or shipping included.
The 32 PPK recoil ranges from light to moderate with +p. Suppressors are supposed to dampen recoil further so it’ll feel like shooting a 22
drop it
It adds up, but if you're shooting enough volume for it to add up you're probably in an income bracket where it doesn't matter.
Anon suppressors dont mitigate recoil it makes recoil worse.
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I found one for $500 from an Illinois dealer
Got a pic of it sent to me. What do you think?
No? A shit ton of weight on the front lessens recoil.
Not in blowback and it doubles weight
Am I taking crazy pills? What the fuck is this nonsense.
My Walther ppk in 22lr kicked harder with a can you fucking nocans.
my NAA revolver in 22 short kicked way harder with a suppressor. checkmate recoil deniers
It so totally does.
Does anyone here have a P2000sk and what do they think of it?
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Sup delicately upon my anus.
Anon cans increase backpressure, thats what others were trying to hint at.
>Sigger doesnt understand physics and has zero feeling in his arms
Checks out
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Massive weight on the front end reduces muzzle flip
Yes, I know and they blow gas and unburned powder in your face and kinda suck, but ultimately they are way easier to manage if you can work through that.
Sup delicately upon my anus.
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>Spaghetti arm bitch boy pussy notices minute difference in 9mm recoil.
Sigger and Wop don't understand physics
Bitch Boy: Chapter 2
Post cans fagotts
Maybe, just maybe, the increase in back pressure does not literally outweigh the massive weight on the barrel. Think of it as a lever.
Mayne just maybe you didn't put a $2 spring I'm your gun, retard.
>>Very accurate for a handgun
Doubt, but as long as it's not the metal one it seems like a reasonable choice in the space, given the only alternatives at that price are even sketchier

I hate my metal one but plastic seems like the ticket
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>TFW noguns tell you how your gear runs.
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It’s so over Wilson bros. Brand new Magwell is rusting
Wilson is like Arsenal
Their finish may as well be Krylon high heat grill paint
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>Ain't no oil on it.
Good choice. The new ones often have blems and aren't perfectly fit, but they run like clockwork.
>If I pretend backpressure doesnt exist I can make retarded claims
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Based PPanon delivers.
Does anyone else have sick gun books they want to share?
Sorry that PPK armorers video is too big for catbox.
>If I make up shit on the internet under an anonymous name I can make up whatever I want.
Look your are a retarded nocans so whatever.
You HAVE to go back.
Are broke motherfuckers buying steel toob silencers or are their estrogen filled arms really feeling the extra few ounces
You are too defensive, ever take that can out and shoot? Backpressure seemed to be a novel concept to you.n
My estrogen filled arms have no issues with the added weight of a can. In fact, I shoot a lot more accurately when shooting suppressed. Must be a skill issue.
Sounds like a dumbfuck coping but sure
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You should all try being nice.
Wow Billy, TWO jamomatics??
Wait are these idiots comparing subsonic from a can with regulars without? All things similar a can adds more recoil.
According to the noguns idiot retards at Brownell's
>I saw somebody post "if you use a suppressor that's going to increase recoil because of all the extra trapped gas and I thought to myself that's ridiculous we need to do a video on it.
Then they did and they you sat down you fucking idiot retarded faggot cunt. Kill your self with your generic Roland Special.
In English?
Why would back pressure increase recoil on a handgun? Or affect it at all?
Are you pretending to know what backpressure is? Backpressure describes gas being forced back through the bore (or gas system) from the remaining pressure in the can. On a handgun this would definitely mitigate the negligible force from gas exiting the nuzzle when firing. Almost all the recoil is from the projectile/slide. A suppressor would reduce felt flop and recoil mainly because of the added weight.
This man clearly doesn't have any cans.
>the amount of recoil being reduced at the muzzle is still going to be morr than the increased recoil due to the bolt velocity coming back faster so you're still going to even have a reduction of recoil then in pretty much any caliber.
Please go expose the fact that you know nothing somewhere else.
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>not getting the rainbow slide and safety
kilt innastreets
They are just going on what "makes sense" without empirical evidence which is the classic fudd/gunstore methodology. They NEED to go back, but they CAN'T because they talked the same retarded bullshit with people who knew better and got banned for being retarded there, so they come shit up this place instead. Literal femboys and homosexuals know more about guns than these idiots and it has completly broken their brains.
>I think its kinda funny
>I think its kinda sad
>That the people who talk the most shit
>Are the real fucking fags
Every discussion is somehow tangentially about homosexuality now
>Backpressure describes gas being forced back through the bore (or gas system) from the remaining pressure in the can.
Which, on a straight blowback gun, is extra pressure driving the slide back harder into the frame, and the frame back into your hand, so...
A giant can as shown in >>62526852 is probably heavy enough that the added backpressure wouldn't make enough difference to make a difference, but with something appropriate for the gun it's attached to it's not unreasonable that it'd produce more felt recoil.
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>ever take that can out and shoot?
Yeah, it's got some miles on it.
Now, post you shit.
You won't.
>A giant can as shown in
I prefer a VP9 but the G19 just werks
>You should all try being nice.
I am being nice in trying to educate the redditbridge with practical experience.
That looks great. It's in about the same condition mine was in! I would ask to see the bore just to double check, but realistically it'll be fine given the external condition. I see that it has the little screw on the front of the grip - it's probably older than mine. Nice find.
>In English?
You do not understand what you are talking about.
Man, the meets are thick at theirs tonight. hers another 3/5 of a cent.
I will end this year with the purchase of a 629 and a Five-seveN (Old model)

Do you understand that you street shitting know nothing noguns?
You cow piss drinking shit eaters are worse than the fags and femboys.
Reddit spacing AND more ESL babble
They're really not sending their best
Why not the MRD? Being cyberpunk is the whole point of the Five-seveN.
Ugly compared to gen2
that dude really did a fucking number on your stupid ass if you're bringing him up out of nowhere.
I like the old model because CSGO
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Also because Canaan
an anime girl with a cute hat once told me that 5.7x28 is the best handgun round ever devised
Crush is like squeezing a lemon with two hands, your palms pushing inwards. Helps some people understand how you should put the pressure with your support hand
wouldn't be so ugly if they slanted all the serrations forward and made the railed section of the frame look beefier.
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Yeah it's not a gun I'm going to shoot or carry often but I've always had an interest in it and the round is very interesting
Also I like the idea of a handgun round that can penetrate a good chunk of body armor
OK, LTT Beretta, that's the new boring meme gunreddit is tricking everyone onto getting
why is beretta making a linus tech tips edition gun?
Please tell me again how IDK what I'm talking about.
You delusional schizo
Who cares
I like my M9A1 and eventually I'd like an Inox, regular M9, and an M9A4
Especially the A4 to finally have that one gun to be my suppressor host and RDO handgun (despite already having an OR VP9)
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Because they are the Funkopop of hand guns.
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Because they needed to compete with the hard R lineup.
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an h9 in stainless and black two tone would go hard as fuck
Who should I send a stainless barrel to get DLC coated? I see Vulcan Machine Werks will do it but does anyone else offer it?
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Who got the faggot so riled up he’s making up boogiemen?
You mean the one that STILL hasn't sold out yet despite there only being 100? https://langdontactical.com/10th-anniversary-92-elite-ltt-with-rdo/
To me, being able to pen soft armor is a secondary benefit and the real draw is how flat it shoots, so you can use it to zap a threat in the face at 100 yards and not be worried about their armor situation—basically an outside-the-box answer to the civilian PDW question—so you can see how a red dot would be desirable toward that end
>Yeah it's not a gun I'm going to [...]carry often
Holster availability aside, it is very lightweight and holds a lot of ammo that's arguably adequate for defensive use
I'm a lazy bastard, I like a gun that I can stuff in my pocket and more importantly can not have to worry about exposing it when I have to inevitably use the public restroom
I think the real difference is people with tilting/reciprocating barrels have different experience than people with fixed barrel pistols. If you put a suppressor on a blow back and don’t have an increased power recoil spring like you’re supposed to, you’re probably going to get frame battering. Especially if you use a suppressor with a booster when you don’t need a booster.
Anyone who wants a 92 has one and anyone who has an LTT one either has it or the trigger job because they can't afford the regular LTT one.
This is basically for Ernest Langdon superfans.
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Real Ernest Langdon Superfans went full in on the PX4.
Why aren't you buying Ernie's special 92?
Don't you love him?
and beta tested their shitty comp
I already have the Beretta 92 Brigadier Elite which was the first gun Langdon "worked on" as he was on Team Beretta and had inputs from him on the gun. His LTT Elite is basically this gun but not a Brigadier.
B-b-but... only 100! 10th anniversary celebration!
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Gotta catch em all
okay ppkfaggot
The super limited LTT makes me nervous because it comes with a 13 pound hammer spring. I bought that same hammer spring and it made my 92 unable to ignite 90% of primers except Federal ones so I couldn't even train.
They all do, they've been reliable for me. What ammo?
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Important question: I want to buy a PP barrel for my PPK and have a gun smith modify and thread and then set up one of https://jkarmament.com/products/jk-105-ccxtm-9mm/
On my PPK
If it increases the blowback strength do I risk damaging my toy?
Should I use lower pressure American 32 like bronze to spare it? Would it make buffalo bore unsafe? It’s already low supersonic so maybe not good?
Magtech 124 and CCI 115
so get a 14# hammer spring with it that'll reliably ignite normal primers, then
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13 pound hammer springs have worked for me, 12 even (from 92X Performance),


now all Ed Browns will shoot up in price.
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I carried one for a backup. We had to kneel draw, fire 2 (3) round volleys in like 6 seconds. Super easy. I found it to be very accessible when driving and wearing winter jacket etc, which was good since I worked in the carjacking capital of the U.S.
I already have all the stuff though, why do I need another 92? That costs $2500?
All I know is that it didn't work until I swapped the spring back to the factory one and now it does.
Time to trash the handgun.
How do his 1911s stack up to the other premium brand ones? I feel like I don't hear about them as much as Nighthawks or Wilson Combats.
>I already have all the stuff though, why do I need another 92?
idk, as a backup?
that's how I justify my hoard of G19s
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Anon. You don't want to support a starving US Veteran? Ernest Langdon served our country in the USMC, and practically dedicated his life to the mastery of the pistol, he has over 25 years of training civilians and law enforcement in pistol shooting. He worked tirelessly to self teach himself solidworks and design the optimized trigger bar, the low RDO system, to improve YOUR shooting.

You can't spare 2400 dollars? Well that's good because LTT takes Sezzle where you can finance it over 4 interest free payments!
>I already have all the stuff though, why do I need another 92? That costs $2500?
are you suggesting that 10,000 rounds of practice ammo might benefit you more than a new gun
Odd how these threads are perfectly tolerable until that 1903fag shows up
I like it because of CSS. Se are not the same.
The added backpressure makes the slide reciprocate faster but that doesn't undo the static inertia of 1 extra pound hanging off the end of the barrel. All in all it's tamer with the weight of a silencer, but you get more stuff in your face and there is more weight jerking around in different directions than without a silencer.

So while nocans are ruining this thread, each "side" is ignoring facts to make dishonest arguments.
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The LTT 92 Anniversary Edition was the best gun I have ever bought. It completely turned my life around. I was putting entire magazines into the A zone at full throttle at 10 yards thanks to LTT's proprietary jet nozzle port job. The stylish limited edition medallion grips breaks necks at the range, one RSO even died! Don't forget about the cool black nitrite finish, only premium 1911 makers like Nighthawk Custom use Black Nitrite finishes, paired with the premium bronze cerakote that the ladies love. Well worth the 2399.99 dollars.

I think it was >>62528672


I showed my dad pictures of your blue Sigs today.
>you get more stuff in your face and there is more weight jerking around in different directions
I'm nocans but this is still relatable
I hate this

I haven't owned any and of the three I've only ever handled an Ed Brown. My impression is that they're all interchangeable at that level

Is your dad a blueboy too?
I showed him the P229 I got working this weekend and he thought it was cool. I redpilled him on blue guns and sent him some pics of your yours and he thought they were neat. He told me I should join the Colt Forum and the Gun Board. I told him Burt is my friend from 4chan and he was really proud of me for not being a loser [:
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Oh jeez man thanks
>That will accelerate the slide off the frame into you face!!!!!
>Because like, um, back pressure and stuff.
>Trust me, bro. I'm a redditengineer.
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lul relax man, I was just joshin about that last sentence.
Embarrasing dude, you already got outed hours ago.
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>why do I need another 92? That costs $2500?
Imagine the fallout ITT if langdon tech tips passed away.

This is why flow through cans are so good.
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What will be the next hot meme gun?
If I gunsoom do I therefore am?
Whatever the PX4 guy buys in bulk.
>you get more stuff in your face
>each "side" is ignoring facts to make dishonest arguments
Not really...
>Guy so desperate to prove his can slows down the slide on its own he keeps going evenn after moving the goalpost past springs and boosters
Its okay buddy
How, exactly?
what are you talking about
>what are you talking about
He absolutely has no idea and he isn't capable of understanding that.
>Cans will batter frames if not tuned and also reduce recoil at the same time
look up what happens to a USP if you don't use the approved KAC can
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That is ignoring the additional click-clack of the silencer violently sliding up and down the piston as well as the added sharpness of the slide bottoming out harder on the frame, both of which you feel. I would not call it "way easier to manage," everything on balance it's roughly the same recoil or energy delivered to your hand but less muzzle rise because of the weight and with more jiggling due to quick shifting of weight

But I'm not going to add another 20 replies to this retarded conversation. Silencers are cool and fun das it and das all mane
>sharty images
Yep, the third world has awoken
But muh recoil reduction from da can
NTA, to my knowledge they boost the speed of slides, bolts etc. I've especially heard this for direct blowback.
silencers were invented by the son of the the guy who invented the machine gun

gonna do a ruger mk iv as my first silenced pistol
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what about this

Apparently can owners here dont understand the importance of velocoty despite knowing faster bullets hit harder
i really want one of the integral silencer uppers from pac-lite but they're never in stock
It will ruin it in 3 mags, lol.
TBA Sicarios are, to my knowledge, built on-demand.
That appears to be cope
With marginal difference in pistol calibers
is the rest of that sentence.
Topic started with felt or percieved recoil so pay attention.
only $100 more than a pac-lite. Im going to bookmark it and mull it over during the holidays
if you do not use a booster, the extra weight on the barrel will prevent the pistol from cycling due to not having enough energy
>Comps totally help
>Suppressors make recoil worse
What the fuck are you on about?
why are they floating?
You going to quote Reddit next? What part of increased slide velocity is flabbergasting you?
They are literally retarded, you can't get through to them.
>Topic about felt or percieved snappiness of guns with cans from the slide going a bit faster turning into Destiny fanboy googling
It's balanced by the mass and spring in the booster.
Stop eating paste.
Stop googling shit and quoting reddit you fucking tard.
poor training and an unintuitive design that encourages improper grip. if you rest your thumb on the retard trap (the indentation near the top of the grip), it's not only gonna compromise your trigger control but make it way too easy to slip and hit the mag release
Why not gungoon with the guns you currently have, anon?
I'm speaking from experience. Get some and come back.
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new thread please
An experience of googling reddit results?
I like Ernest Langdon but I'm poor
So poor I'm considering selling some guns
Does gunsooming make you a last man?
literally no. I haven't looked up shit besides that brownell's video.
I think (YOU) are accusing me of that because that is what (YOU) found when (YOU) did a Google search for shid you know nothing about.
My umarex .22lr ppk kicks like a mule with a can on it
Don't. The recoil from the can will break your frame.
I gungoon quite a bit but I need more and more risque content to get off it seems
Seriously though, what's the deal with that gun? I mean the APX, not your specific gun.Why is it so uncommon in relativity to other guns in its class and other Berettas?
I’m serious though. The fate of a pre ban 7.65 PPK which is rare because the fucking ban rests on this. Buffalo and SB are already probably near the upper safe limit. Should I just run it with a can on wimpy American ammo so the blowback isn’t strong enough to threaten the slide and frame?
>So poor I'm considering selling some guns
Fug, brother. Stay strong and sell plasma or something. You will miss it less. Go luck and God speed.
No, but it won't fill the emptiness inside.

The next thread is here:
You want to run it on sub sonic with a suppressor anyway because the supersonic crack is annoyingly loud. Or am I wrong about that, too?
Suppressors actually make guns louder. You watched too many videos games and movies if you think they make bullets quieter.
This. The harmonic resonance of the suppressor baffles is insane.
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Glocks are nice but I switched to HK and thought it was worth it for me. I just like DA/SA systems more than the striker, I’m sure I would be happy with Beretta too. Don’t get worried you made the wrong decision, you can always get a Glock for fun or rent one at a range to know if you’re truly missing out.
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>burt snuggle

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