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The USMC carries 2x the weight and their rifle weighs the exact same. Is the US army just filled of a bunch of bitch niggas
The M27 is also too heavy, but at least the ammo weighs half as much.
Try carrying a .308 rifle with 120 rounds, im addition to a 80lb to 120lb ruck and body armor.
You're carrying at that point between 120lbs to 150lbs or 180lbs of weight. It doesn't surprise me that after 4 years of infantry you have knee problems or back problems
slowpoke >>2525498
Also the transition to using .277 fury is stupid for long range engagements. Most engagements in the desert were between 0 to 200 yards or 600 to 800 yards.

A long range bullet is useless because of how difficult it is too see a target out to 800 yards that is moving constantly.

This is why soldiers were missing up to 90% of their shots at 600 to 800 yards, if you can't see what you are shooting at no special ammo will help you.

Instead of .277 fury they should have tried giving them a 1x to 40x lpvo. Try shooting a moving target at 800 yards that is well camouflage because its more difficult than shooting at a pure white plate that stands still and never shoots back at you, with a 4x optic.

With a 40x lpvo you can see a man sized target or a prone target easily at 600 to 800 yards that is camouflaged or on the move or shooting behind a rock or tree.

They need to instead make a 1x to 40x lpvo. Target sight acquisition is better than a long range bullet that has a range of 1000 yards since 556 can still kill at 600 to 800 yards, you just need to see clearly what you are shooting at.
Your assessment was pretty accurate until your sperged out about a 1-40 LPVO like that's a physically possible optical device. It's not.
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Nothing scares a us soldier more than this
The solution to 800yd engagements is to move closer, but they can't move closer because they're carrying 150 lbs of bullshit so they need to add another 20 lbs of rifle and ammo to plink at hadjis from across the desert.
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You could make one, it would just be enormous and useless at every range due to the dimness, chromatic aberration, and 0.001mm eyebox.
>physically possible optical device. It's not.
People use to say a 40x scope was impossible due to size and careful construction, it's possible.
People used to say a LPVO was impossible, its possible.

It's all realistically constructable, you just need time and money.
And they'll still miss 90% of their shots at that range.
>You can't make an airplane out of metal, only wood, its impossible.
see the part where the total allied casualties is higher than the taliban?
do you see the part where the US isn't the ANA?
40x would be retarded even if it was possible. Even with a stable shooting position and bipod your reticle is going to be all over the place at magnification that high
I'm sure the colonel will get used to carrying it from the table to the firing line.
should have gone for the polymer cased ammo.
It is constructable, but not usable. Look up exit pupil, zoom range and come back you fucking hack, no usable scope has a zoom range over 12. You're asking for a zoom range of 40 you ignorant cunt.

>In 2000 we'll have flying cars !
>green force
Pick one.
doesn't matter
lmao, you lost the argument
sore loser
I love the fact that whenever people try to bitch about the rifle now they just fold like an omelet as soon as they receive pushback and resort to spamming buzzwords and blatant seething.
I guess they're rearming for future engagements with peer to peer in mind
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America has no peers
90% is being incredibly generous, I'm guessing fewer than 10% of shots fired are hits at 150yd.
>40x lpvo
Do you even know what the LP in LPVO stands for?
bro a cessna 152 is a flying car
>giving them a 1x to 40x lpvo
Surely you meant to type 4x
>People use to say a 40x scope was impossible due to size and careful construction, it's possible.
Oh you did mean to type 40x. Huh.
What feasible advantage would a 40x have that a 8x or 10x wouldn't? You're not trying to shoot wings off flies here.
the chart proves the taliban killed more than they were killed .u.s troops had every right to be afraid and they were. marcus luttrell ran like a coward from the enemy.
>he said while pretending that any mention of weight, reduced combat loadout, less-than-impressive bullet performance doesn't make Siggers turn into a sobbing heap that sputters out one nullified project goal after the next
The rifle and ammunition are heavy
>L-lift more
They'll be carrying 140 rounds total which is laughable, especially when it's supposed to be apparently taking pot-shots at enemies at 500m and beyond
>Magic scope...
>the us gov't actually believes this shit
This post convinced me the Marines are the best military force in the world.
>convince sand niggers to kill other sand niggers
>"you lost some pawns so we win :)"
nu army is full of 5 feet tall, nerdy guatemalan zoomettes. The strategy is shifting, to keep up with china, we need to match their numbers.

The plan is to do it by sending hordes of third-world youth armed with thin crappy tupper ware shitsticks to battle.
That's why they push hyperviolent rap music and sexuality in social media. It's basic cybernetics, TPPB are utilizing a feedback loop to create a mutt fighting force for a war with china ~2030-2040
Talikeks were too busy raising BBC spawn to kill more than they killed
never served detected.
brown bot detected
this. We do have flying cars, they're called airplanes. Poeple are dumb as fuck and can barely handle x and y, they don't need or deserve the z.
>outlasted by taliban
>kicked in the teeth before running away
>puppet government folded like laundry
>thousands of casualties, record high soldier suicides
>all for nothing
>"w-we didn't lose s-sandnigger!"
The mutt mindset is truly a fascinating thing.
That's like saying troops are only carrying 210 rounds with an M4.

Weird, because I remember carrying literal assault packs full of magazines in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Because armyfags actually plan for a life post-service where a jarhead is happy to have destroyed his knees for the frat.
>SVD 1000m while M14 only 800m
>PKP 1500m while M240 only 1100m
What did they mean by this?
IIRC the numbers obtained were from hypothetical/actual engagements where the enemy had the high ground and US forces were forced to occupy or maneuver through low ground (like in Afghanistan) hence why the assault rifle ranges are equal instead of advantaged and the MG/DMR ranges are disadvantaged instead of equal.
Of course, that's not to say that this is at all a fair or logical way to compare weapon systems, let alone specifically for a conventional war battlefield.
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US military rely solely on their air component.
Their """""infantry""""" can barely walk 10 meters.
USMC needs 7 hours to clear a 45 minute Foreign Legion obstacle course in French Guyana.
Anon can you try and rub a few braincells together and deduce what carrying hundreds of rounds of 6.8 is going to do to you? Are you absolutely sure you served and were deployed?
Yeah bro, carrying hundreds of rounds of 6.8 is impossible. Not like literally every single fucking 249 gunner or 240 gunner for the last 20 years carried more weight in ammunition alone.
Well 6.8 weighs more than 7.62 and certainly more than 5.56, but thanks for confirming you're a posing faggot who thinks "just carry more weight bro" is an instawin solution to a reduced combat loadoat with a heavier weapon and accompanying round. Shame.
>every rifleman just needs to carry the weight of a 240 Bravo gunner's worth of ammo
>Here's your 14lbs rifle bro
>Btw be sure to somehow find a way to shove like...ten extra of what are essentially BAR mags in both size and weight on you somehow bro. On top of the 6+1 you already have bro.
>No big deal right bro?
The posers who have never even done a ruck pack always out themselves.
>the transition to using .277 fury

This is like referring to 5.56 as .223 and expecting to be taken seriously.
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>loses to a handful of mexican marines and us army shaniquas in 2 months
Lol lmao.
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tbf if archaic shit like mag bandoliers come back because of this ass backwards rifle that would be appropriate
>What is air and artillery support
>69k ANA killed
>Taliban achieved a +1.47 KD/R
Yeah retard Afghans feared the Taliban not Americans.
So based and trad.
>should have gone for the polymer cased ammo
That's the best solution for next-gen ammo, but Army needed a SAW yesterday, and we all know what happened because of that. Sad!

Why did Army never buy replacement 249s, anyway?

>captcha SAW4M
It's easy to not be scared when you have CAS, heavy artillery, and drones. Taliban suffered the vast majority of it's casualties from airstrikes.

An airplane needs to displace a mass of air with equivalent moment in order to maintain its momentum in the sky. Displacing air makes noise. People can't use flying cars because it would be too fucking loud.

An optic needs to collect light from the far field and bend it until it's appropriate to enter your eye and make an image. The problem with collecting light from really fuckin far away is the inverse square law. The factor between the amount of light reaching you from an image 1000m away versus the amount of light reaching you from 500m away isn't 2, it's 4. So to make a bright, high magnification image you need to square the size of the front lens to collect more light to make an equivalent image. So in order to make a useable-sized optic, you would have a tiny fuggin back lens. That's a simplification but I hope you can understand better now. Retard. Open a fuckin science book sometime.

To make a flying car we'd need to discover new physics. To make a uber-awesome optic we'd need to discover new physics.
wait until you start talking about the vietnam war
>To make a flying car we'd need to discover new physics
Off topic but I disagree. To make a flying car we'd have to automate general aviation to the point non-pilots could "fly" VTOL/STOL aircraft.
Would you trust your average Altima driving nigger with a light helicopter?
>kicked in the teeth before running away

>Taliban suffered the vast majority of it's casualties from airstrikes.

what, do those kills not count for some reason?
Disagree with the laws of physics all you want. You'd have to make the HOA okay with people VTOLing out of the driveway every morning and evening..
Not even tangentially what was said
Yeah bro, rucking around Sand Hill is SO hard, NOBODY else on 4channel has ever done it.
Not what was said, but I understand how you could get turned around with an IQ below 80.

I directly addressed the notion that troops are only carrying 140 rounds, with my own actual experience that troops never JUST carry the "standard combat load". Then I addressed "deduce what carrying hundreds of rounds of 6.8 is going to do to you?" by pointing out that men have carried a hell of a lot more than that, and still do to this day.

I never ever, even once, said "every rifleman just needs to carry the weight of a 240 Bravo gunner's worth of ammo".

The crybaby responses REEK of insecure 11 series fags who've never actually deployed. Let me know when you spend a single night outside the wire, lol.
>Not what I said
Typical womanly Sigger evasion, why is it always impossible to get a genuine dialogue going with them...
>rucking around Sand Hill is SO hard, NOBODY else on 4channel has ever done it.
>completely misses weight and space concerns of large, heavy mags in a ruck
Anyone who has actually deployed is going to see why adding an extra ten pounds of mags and ammunition to even match the round count of the M4 load out isn't optimal when we were already overloaded as it was. Yeah, we all shoved extra mags where we could but what you are stubbornly failing to see for some reason is that the XM7 magazines are
A) much bigger
B) much heavier
C) have 66% of the capacity
compared to an M4 mag, so just pocketing more isn't going to be nearly as easy or even as efficient. And that's not even going into the rifle itself. "Just take more ammo" isn't the simple solution you're making it out to be.
Maybe they should do what the Marines do and make those fuckers hit the gym.
Marines are badass while the army are DEI woketards
The Infantry needs to return to FLC's with rifles. Maneuverability is greater than 200lbs of gear for a little added protection. Especially in drone warfare.
wearing fragment protection is way more important now that it has ever been , ballistic plates probably less important

it is possible to fight, and travel light, but it would require a total rethink of how light infantry platoons currently operate and sustain themselves in the field.

the absolute minimum water, ammunition, and equipment load already reaches above 60lbs, and then you add mission equipment and you're fucked
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>4 years of training as a soldier results in a cripple that can no longer be a solddier
this is powerful stuff
>make big optic with 0 eyebox but it doesn't matter because it's displaying onto a fixed sensor
>digitally enhance the image and then display it to the shooter on an HMD or just a screen on the back of a scope
There are ways to overcome the problems of high-magnification optics, but you still have problems with mirage, and the pain in the ass of dealing with a scope that will let you zoom in on a mosquito's ass at 600 yards. Imagine having your rifle clamped on a sled and you still can't line up your shot because someone is walking by and the tiny amount of vibration is turning your sight image into a blurry mess.
I'd rather carry 7.62 with half the ammunition than 5.56 as a rifleman. Sucks to be a machinegunner.
>Anyone who has actually deployed is going to see why adding an extra ten pounds of mags and ammunition to even match the round count of the M4 load out isn't optimal when we were already overloaded as it was
I agree with you. More mags for less ammo sucks. I'm simply saying it's possible and has been done plenty of times.

See above. Get back to me when you learn to read anon
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you accidentally left out the top part of that picture
I guess technically it wasn't the talibans doing, but isis-k bombed the airport the Americans used to leave. 182 people killed, including 13 US soldiers.
Imagine being anything other than a POG.
At least 88Ms get to drive before getting blown the fuck up lmao
The only MOS more cringe than infantry are retarded cav scouts
>inb4 hurr ur a POG
>I'm simply saying it's possible and has been done plenty of times.
And, as I said, it's not an optimal or even easy solution given the nature of the equipment being discussed. Shoving a STANAG into a pocket is going to be a sight easier than a XM7 mag. I know, because I've tried this with SCAR magazines, and those are smaller and have a lighter loaded weight than the XM7's. You would be amazed at how much the extra size and weight makes it all so much more inconvenient. So to say that infantry can just plop on extra mags and everything is hunky dory is just not the case. We'll be more overloaded, we'll have space taken up by bulky, heavy mags that could have been used for other implements, and then we will *still* not have as much ammunition as we did. All while lugging around a rifle that, once kitted out, weighs more than an M-14. This is hosing infantry, as it is exacerbating a problem that is already pervasive and is the reason my knees and spine will never, *ever* be what they were prior to 2014. There is no getting around this. It is physics. Your solution, frankly, blows.
Americans just need to man up and hit the gym. The XM7 is only heavy if you've only handled chinese plastic guns before.

t. been slugging one of these 11lbs bastards around for 2 years without issues
>I don't know why they're upset about getting assigned a worse gun, I've been lugging around an even more outdated piece of shit
>gun is worse because its a smidge heavier
Go to the gym faggot. The weight is negligable, you get used to it after carrying it for 2 days. Unironically just lift some weights and it will be like nothing changed. If you wanted to put forward a real critique of it then you would mention the reduced ammo capacity, and how riflemen would have less ammo in total, but you're too retarded for that. Unironically kys.
Because the costs of paying for knee surgery in 20 years time for every single grunt will actually break the VA.
An army needs to not just think about what it costs to fight a war now, but what it costs to look after veterans in the future. This isn't Russia, we're not just dumping fags on the side of the road and then laughing when they can't climb into buses.
Also the overwhelming evidence suggests that lighter and faster troops fight better. There's a reason delta discards everything they can and only uses very light vests.
pounds = pain
>im addition to a 80lb to 120lb ruck

2 kilograms is 162 rounds of 5.56
Do you think 162 shots of 5.56 is negligible?
Because Americans never thought of putting their backpack in the humvee so instead they have to carry it on their back everywhere they go.
He's right, in the grand scheme of things if you 2kg is make or break, then you'd be better off just training around it. But we're talking about totals, that's where the 2kg becomes relevant.

I don't understand how you have that much to carry in a ruck. Are they taking their fine China and personal library too?
Post a gun you own and a ruck pack.
Americans carry like three sets of all clothes from underwear to uniform, including boots so they can change into new clothes every day of the op
I hate that the Vietnam era ‘we just got tired and left, they didn’t win’ cope is going to last another generation
>the key to lightning the load is to stop wearing synthetshit
good to know
Are you so much of a bitch that carrying those 2 extra kg will cause you to fall over and die? And you wouldn't even carry those 162 extra bullets even if they were offered to you, you're just complaining about a few extra kg because you're too lazy to exercise.
I didn't say it was a good solution. Your panties are twisted over a straw man in your own mind.
>So to say that infantry can just plop on extra mags and everything is hunky dory
I didn't say this. See above.
>we'll have space taken up by bulky, heavy mags that could have been used for other implements
Yep, I agree. See above.
>Your solution, frankly, blows
See above.

Do you get it yet, or do you want to write more? It's okay, I'm here for you..
It sounds like you want to argue just to argue.
it's funny because in this thread the NGSWfags have offered the most dogshit, bad faith counterarguments imaginable
That shit makes me incandescent wrt Vietnam. The North absolutely fucking won. Not just won; it was a coup of a win.
Someone weighing 165 + 150 can walk around for decades without dying so why can't a soldier who's job is to keep themselves in prime physical condition not do that for four years?
I spent a total of 22 years as an 11 series in the United States Army and literally never ever, even fucking once packed like this. What the fuck are you talking about?
fuck off vaush
fat people can barely even stand on their feet for an hour.
i hate that little faggot
Thanks for proving once again grunts are dipshits. If you carried hundreds and hundreds of rounds of 5.56, what do you think it would be like with 6.8?

140 rounds of 6.8 is 2.8lbs heavier than 210 rounds of 5.56. Since you aren’t that bright, 420 rounds of 5.56 in mags is about 14lbs. 420 rounds of 6.8 in mags in 29.4lbs. Or at the same weight of 14lbs you only get 200 rounds of 6.8.
Post body. You are fat.

Alternative, what would you feel like if you didn’t eat breakfast this morning?
You are just as retarded as all the people in the posts above that you didn't read.

>what do you think it would be like with 6.8?
See above.
/k/ is by far the dumbest board on this website.
Post body
>non Americans can’t comprehend the idea of having everything you need and want and your fingertips
Man it must suck to be a thirdie
> Someone weighing 165 + 150 can walk around for decades without dying
>still doesn’t answer the crux of the question

I’ll ask again. What would you feel like if you didn’t eat breakfast this morning?
Ah fuck me im retarded. Meant for this >>62542608
Extra weight sucks. Especially if you're out on hours long foot patrols in shitty environments. More shitty if you gotta start sprinting with all that on you.
"Guys, I just learned about asking people what their hypothetical breakfast or lack thereof was!"

I'm happy for you. You did admit to retardation, and admittance is the first step to whatever coping method you need. It is, after all, incredibly difficult to reply on 4channel to the correct poster.
>this nigger is calling anyone else retarded when he can't even click a fucking post number
>no laser or light
>no magnification
African child soldier tier
It's true.
>60 lb combat load
>it's only 4 more pounds
>it's only 4 more pounds
>120 lb combat load
>it's only 4 more pounds
>(You are here)
>it's only 4 more pounds
>it's only 4 more pounds
>still doesn’t answer either question

At least I said I’m retarded, albeit on a simple mistake. You seem to be stuck on the acceptance stage.
Then you werent actually infantry or at least not doing field work at the time it was happening if packing every god damned contingency just in case and having it verified by squad leader, platton sergeant and the captain on seperate occasions
I’ve never heard or met an Afghan or Iraq vet who didn’t look at these guys with amusement.
>coalition of thousands
>can only kill 13
>this is a great victory for the warriors of Islam
Yes it does.
>VA knee surgery
(X) Doubt

The DoD isn’t planning on anything besides synthetic opioids and self-inflicted gunshot wounds shoring up the VA’s books.

What they do care about is reducing musculoskeletal injuries in the front-hole-having half of the AVF. Reducing the basic fighting load is an increasingly urgent priority to combat discrimination in uniform as Congress loses patience with the Pentagon’s dissembling on gender equality. Lighter equipment benefits everyone and will be vital to accessioning/retaining warfighters who look like America.
Ok then why aren't you carrying those extra four mags? It's just 2kg after all, that's nothing, the tip of my dick can curl that.
opinion discarded

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