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>what kind of kommando are you?
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Slavshit enthusiast
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pedo dropper
act of terror stopper
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Mein neger
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has guns
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HK autist
the has-guns kind
damn, beat me to it
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The most dangerous kind.
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The /his/ kind
the fuck ya
mudda kind
the kind thats been here too long.
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The "I buy whatever I'm hyperfixated on at the time" kind
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Cowboah larper
I'm like a solid airport novel where a buncha bad guys take over an office complex. The only hitch? Some stockbroker who spent his 20s doing wet work in MACVSOG. And he's a bit miffed.
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>spend way too much money with too little research then have to fix it myself
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a real one
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this kind
Tranny addicted to pain pills?
They would fit very well in /hg/!
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>what kind of kommando are you?
(Image Related)
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>not sure whether this is my main hobby

based. I do this but with industrial machinery
based consoomer
nice gun. I'll find a nice shrouded hammer snubby one day.
more real than 50% of posters
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possibly alcoholic racist addicted to caffeine, so pretty close all things considered
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See, and raise.
it was 30 years ago
it's time to move on
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what the fuck who would buy a white Xbox 360
>zoomers don't remember when that was the only option
I knew a guy that went through 2 red rings before getting a black model. Yes it was shitty and retarded and even more retarded micropenis knew it was a problem and instead of fixing it just gave you red rings. Still had more games than PS3
Watched this shit last night because the gf wanted to. It sucked. Not quite as bad as expected but still shit.
Eat shit and die, bootlicker.
I've never owned a console but all my friends who had an Xbox 360 had the black one. Even the big fat version.
You weren't even alive when it happened.
god I miss 2010s /k/
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>it was 30 years ago
Yes. Yes it was.
>it's time to move on
No, It's not, you filthy fucking fed faggot.
I was, keep being a presumptuous bitch though. Bet you're fucking fat too.
You see the deagle in nickel so often that I forgot how fucking cool it looks in black.
I'm not obligated to divulge that information at this time.
It was fine. It just wasn't the movie everyone made it out to be. I would have liked it more if it was a miniseries instead.
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Milsurp-collecting, mildly weeby, nogunz larper.

Generalist in multiple /k/-friendly military fields, expert in none, prone to asserting opinions with enough authority to seem correct even if poorly informed.
I live in Vero beach and I'll fuck up anyone. This girl Maria stalks me.
Definitely a commando alpha male.
up yours, nigger
Post proof.
Night /k/ hasn't been real for years at this point btw
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The kind that's made peace and allies with nature so that I may call upon them to crush my foes
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I keep seeing this opinion.
I have never once been in handgun general. Is it truly as bad as you say?
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Proud American, hasguns, goth girl fucker, meatloaf and gravy lover
Nowadays, yes
A simple man, with simple tastes. I approve.
>t. Janet Reno's ghost
Must be a pain these days with these prices
I'm choosy. Most Cold War-era Euro milsurp you can still get for $40-$50, which isn't much more expensive than typical fashion items, and American milsurp of the old pre-UCP, pre-Multicam variety was still stupid cheap last I walked into an actual store.
itt 3rd trump admirer
The kind that got into guns when Trump was elected and ended up with a collection that's too expensive to shoot nowadays
War tourist.
Used to hang out here ages ago when things like AK vs AR hadn't yet been completely beaten to death. It doesn't help that barely anything changed over the last few decades to shake things up. Every discussion around guns or ammo has been settled and agreed upon. So now I stick to current day happenings and conflicts.
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mainly because that's when the third world is awake
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So you're the kind of faggot spamming and lurking Ukraine war threads
Protip: You don't appear as knowledgeable as you claim to, it's just that everybody who doesn't immediately see through you and ignore you are people equally ignorant
>>what kind of kommando are you?
Just like you guys- CBK. I`m gonna bake this time.
I just come here to masturbate to the tank pictures, I don't even own a gun.
I hate the third world
Poorfag, battle rifle and revolver lover, mid level degenerate.
Nice tegu.
I’ve been here too long, went through the whole slavshit, milsurp, ar tactical shit phases. Now I’m just trying to decide if I should get an a300 patrol. or if I’d be better served with a 1301 because semi auto shotguns and my p10c have been the most fun things to shoot lately. My k-31 still holds a special place in my heart but ammo is getting too expensive for it
>looks dead into your eyes
The not autistic kind, cheese dick.
>greentext RPing
You sure about that chief?
>looks you dead in the crotch
I'm sure.
>>what kind of kommando are you?
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Havnt been there in a minute did something happen or arw you just mad at beretta superiority?
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There are legit expats from /lgbt/ and the police positive anon's discord group that have been shitting up every thread the past year
nogunz europoor redditor war tourist

(I mean, I've been on 4chan since the cockmongler and meximoot days but mostly on /co, only started to come here to get my regular TZD updates)
Getting my suit next year.
Gay bottom?
Do my eyes deceive me or do you have a rack of mosins in the back? How’s the MPL?
Based! I saw a BRDM-2 for sale when I was living in the Nevada desert and seriously considered buying it. But I wqas getting sick of my job and applying to other places and ended up moving to the midwest. But I still thinjk it would've been cool to get a detail shop to put like a big American flag and eagle on it and drove around Reno. If I'd stayed a few more years maybe even have gotten a Ukrainian flag on it.
I remember Marisa Karisane

I remember Hotaru Maniac

I remember Bat Guano
What optic is on that FAL on the right?
furry artist
Looks like a SUIT
S. in TN? is that you...? how's the hand?
30+ guns. Only 1 optic. I never shoot the gun that has said optic.
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The pre-2016 electionfag infestation kind.
Tripfagging for 20 years kind
Very good
What's the rifle in the middle? I swear I've seen it somewhere but for the life of me I can't remember what it's called.
fellow HK autist
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Forgot to attach image
fellow brg enjoyer
HG has moved on to wheelguns and 1911s. And choking on trans cock
looks like zk420
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Noice :3
I just made my own partial...


L1A1 SLR with L2A2 SUIT
A poor and dumb one.

>Taurus pistol
>Remshit shotgun with fucked finish
>Ace Link pl8s

At least I have good TD.
Forgot to mention a mask from Mira
the "stopped shooting and slowly working on my own retard cartridge design but keep running into technical problems because I'm trying to make standardised bubba's pissin' hot extra special magnum rounds" kind
How do you people cope with not having to chick lean to hold up heavy ass battle rifles like actual women do?
Asking out of genuine curiosity
Eh, you're less cool now. I hate typical ugly femboy furry types.

Wish I could just meet dudes who like anthro animals and don't have otherwise melted brains.
The "go inna woods and play with my knives" type
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Wtf is wrong with his hands.

>the rodents for pets kind
Nibble nibble.
rocking some Savotta/WAS gear and a speedo plus 12g, you cannot go wrong with that. Plus MILFs at bars just keep throwing themselves at me.
I'm just a dude that likes anthro animals, however suiting is definitely melted brain territory on par with being an uwu femboid so if you're the guy who mentioned getting one soon you're not in the best position to talk down to that other Anon.
Actually I am, suiting can just be cosplay, it doesn't ACTUALLY have to be UwU fuck me tier. You can have fun and throw back a few beers acting silly doing a suit and shoot without desperately trying to end up with 10 cocks inside of you.
You spent as much as a used car to look like your OC furry character Anon. Enjoy what you want but please God do not tell me I am about to have someone claim that uwu shit is too far but literal, actual, honest-to-God unironic fursuiting isn't in the same league, sex related or not. I'm getting art of a region accurate slavic wolf girl in period and role specific Yugoslavian camo to put on my M53's top cover and I'd consider even that nearing brain melted territory, bringing furry IRL in any fashion is autistic Anon, we are all autists, but especially fursuiters.
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The kind who fantasizes about being a total badass when the world ends but gets nervous if he has to talk to a stranger over the phone.
Bruh anybody who sees you in your fursuit will immediately (justifiably) assume you are a massive cock loving homoboy and pervert (because the distinction does in fact need to be stressed here)
then on my halo 3 edition my brother took pity on me and repaired it, and it still runs an old ass version of plex at my sisters house. my nephews grew up on that motherfucker.
You've been on the internet too long. A boy with shaved legs wearing stocking is not the same thing as a fursuit lol, you just think it is because you were raised by the internet.


Simple as, your rage doesn't mean anything, fursuiting isn't the same as being a fuckboy, sorry.
If it makes him happy, who gives a shit.
Consenting adults and so forth
>Ah yes, what a completely normal looking grown man in a very expensive and detailed looking mascot outfit at starbucks
>Must just be a hobby, and definitely not a fetish
My guy literally everybody knows what furries are lmao.
Also extremely ironic that you accused that other guy of being a troon considering furfags fulfilled the role trannies took over of "extremely obnoxious pervert who feels a religious zeal to shove his perverse lifestyle in everybody's faces" back in the late 00's/early 10's
You two are both sides of the same annoying sex pest faggot coin
Nannystaters gonna nanny, anon.
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Anon where the fuck did you even get the idea I'm a tranny from my post? You're not helping the image of being just as autistic as that girly Anon you shat on before by pulling ghosts from your ass. Fursuiting is fucking weird no matter what, have fun but don't be insecure and pretend it's less strange than the other guy.
I'm not shitting on him for it, I'm saying he has no room to call the "femboy" (who still has hairy thighs) a spazz then go on to defend fursuiting like it isn't just as autistic. He's the one shitting on another Anon for being autistic in exactly the same way but slightly faggier.
Nobody is telling anybody not to wear his smelly bullshit you massive prima donna. He's being made fun of for pretending that being a furfag is any better than being a tranny.
It's like a downey making fun of a low functioning autist, complete nonsense.
>My guy
You have to be 18 or older to post.

>All the rest of your post
I think you're misunderstanding me, I agree that furfags being hyper sexual is annoying, the guy I called out is a furry, he's also the worst kind of furry. I'm sick of that aspect, I just want chill anthro bros that don't need to do that shit to have fun.

Bro imagine white knighting for a tranny lol. All the rest of your blah blah has no basis in reality, just because you were raised by the internet doesn't mean people think walking around in stalkings is the same as fursuiting. Fursuiting is weird, yes, no argument there. Innately sexual? No, it's just not.
Unironically a fudd after going all the way down the tactitard rabbihole. Came to my senses when every video had constant shills for NVGs of all things.
Who gives a fuck if it's sexual, it's still brain melted shit all the same. You are bringing furshit into REAL LIFE Anon, it doesn't matter if you're part of the 3% of the fandom that says they don't jack off to anthro shit, cosplaying as an anthropomorphic animal for fun is on the EXACT same level of head slime as wearing stockings and girly shit. It's all performative dressup for weird hobbies. You really need to get trannies out of your head dude holy shit brother.
>fursuiting isn't the same as being a fuckboy
It 100% is you, lying faggot.
>Men who want to fuck dogs getting upset at men that want to dress in drag
You're all a bunch of degenerates no one likes, you only dont see as much vitriol here these days because jannies are comped.
>I just want chill anthro bros that don't need to do that shit to have fun.
Does not exist to the point you need to take an HIV test to hang out at Furry events
You seem VERY agitated, you won't ever be a woman.

Addressing your point, again, you're out of the loop, total misunderstanding, you aren't aware of what I'm talking about, you just jumped into this discussion because you got wounded, I'm fine with fursuiters, I don't want fursuiters that have a broken brain requiring them to give and recieve as much HIV as possible before they finally die. It's my choice whether or not I associate with him, or whether or not I even want to associate with him, and I do not lol. I just want people who have one level of melty, fursuit level, I don't want fursuit AND troony.

I know, it fucking sucks man.
I know, I am a man, with a fairly large cock and I intend to keep it that way.
I jumped in because you, a fursuiter, said you wanted someone who liked anthro shit but no broken brain which is an oxymoron. You already have a broken brain if you're insane enough to commission a fursuit let alone wear it in public, let alone go to actual fucking events with it and as such are setting a hilarious double standard by going 'ew femboy, god why aren't there any NORMAL fursuiters like me'
By the way you've been Reddit spacing in nearly all of your posts.
the literal grey man, dressed in all grey hiking around the Burgerstan 'burbs in body armor, avoiding the choke points where there is too much cover.
Okay then would it help you if I said I want one level of abstraction from normality? I want a normal human that just likes fursuiting, not one that needs an additional layer of diapers, troonyshit, hypnosis, whatever.

I know you're gonna say it doesn't exist but meh, what do you know lol.
Liking guns as a hobby is already one level of abstraction from normality in modern society, Fursuiting is like 10 levels right off the bat, being gay or a femboy is seem as leagues more normal than fursuiting. By the merit of fursuiting in and of itself you are in the same category as those you despise, what you want is a statistical anomaly small enough to fit within the margin of error. It is absurd and goofy beyond measure to turn on the Anon before when the only thing stopping him from being perceived as more normal than you is that he also fursuits. I don't know how new to the internet you are Anon, or how new to being a furry but we are widely seen as near-bottom-of-the-barrel and have been for decades on here, imagine what people in real life think when they see you in your $3,000 animal suit. Just trying to say maybe don't cast stones because sex grosses you out when you're not only part of a sex-dominated subculture but a sex-dominated subculture that is less widely accepted than the one you're claiming you're better than.
Just get into model wargaming like the rest of us adults who dont want to be around incel gays with stds.
All furfags are mentally ill homos. No questions, evidence in this thread
Anon you're not as normal as you think. Why do you want to dress up in an expensive and stuffy mascot costume?
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I find it hilarious how furniggers and trannies enter a completely innocuous thread relating to board culture and see it as an excuse to turn it into an /lgbt/ colony and opportunity to attentionwhore.
Then they'll turn around and say "we're being fursecuted, nobody understands us!"
Proving, once more, they deserve every bit of it.
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Case in point if you want anthro shit Im working on a Redwallesque Russian Civil War campaign. If its about funny animal fellas you dont have to hang out with literal sodomite dogfucjers
>liking guns is already
It isn't you're just trying to find anything to help your case lol. Half the US are gun owners, there's more guns than people, stop pretending it's some fringe thing

All the rest of your post is just opinion based. No source or relevant data to back up your "10 times vs way more normal" nonsense lol.

I can't help that I enjoy anthro animal stuff any more than they can help being troons, but I wouldn't want to force you to hang out with me any more than I want to be forced to hang out with them.

Again, I just want the anthro stuff, not the fuckboy stuff.
Big dick, smol balls. Eat ass, won't sniff pussy.
>Opinion based, literally evidence in this thread
All you homos want attention because you're too mentally ill and your family hates you. All of you seek validation and it fills you with joy being a nuisance to normal people because it's a coping mechanism, since your perception of what's normal has been deleted by your mentally ill delusions. This is the last 'you' you'll get from me. Either you keep it thread related or fuck off
Pretty cool anon
The unfortunate reality is that cool anthro characters like this are largely outnumbered by fetish shit, and even worse, anything that does become popular has all of its online fan content flooded with faggots like those ITT.
Yes, half of the U.S. does own guns, but try talking about them in public. You are batshit insane if you don't think gun owners have a stigma in the current United States climate, there's a reason we're fighting so much legislation, you're also genuinely fucking BRAND new to being into anthro shit if you don't see just how reviled furries are, it's been one of the biggest punching bags online, in the news, and in person since it stopped being extremely obscure CSI made a goddamn episode about it for fuck sake.
Jesus lol, no one wants attention, I'm with you, I just want furshit, not fagshit.

Where do you live that it's that difficult, I have no issue talking about out guns in public.

I never argued whether furs are loved are hated, like, it wasn't even a topic on the conversation.
You argued that you could be normal and a fursuiter, and that being a faggoty femboy is worse, when in terms of public perception it most certainly is not. My entire argument here is that you are hilariously hypocritical for sperging out on sockfag Anon when you, yourself are literally seen as the same as him by the vast majority of people.
Uh huh, do you have any definitive data or source on the topic of how society views furries vs femboys? Or are you ready to just admit it's your opinion?
You could lurk for longer than since the ukraine war started, for one
NTA but proof is right here, >>62542759 + >>62542788 will always lump SFWsuit anon in with socksfag anon, while socksfag & company are friendly until they realize SFWsuiter isn't keen on sharing+spreading their brainmelt, at which point most of them sperg out because he's WrongThinking (not accusing socksfag of this, anons are typically the chill, "whatever makes you happy dude" variety). Point is, people tend to react (positive OR negative) to both the same way, especially with how polarized society is these days.
>"whatever makes you happy dude"
Which isn't the case here, because these people aren't "keeping it in the bedroom" which is the cope that goes along with the aforementioned.
So, no you don't actually have any data.

2 people is not a good sample size of any "proof"

Not sure what you're even getting at with the rest of the post, but it sounds more to me like you think everyone just gets lumped in together, which isn't indicative one considered is 10 TIMES MORE ABSTRACT than another lol.
>"Erm, do you have the internet census that indicates furfag:tranny animosity?"
Lol shut the fuck up you massive loser
As I said, NTA. And what I misread as a request for conversational proof was instead a literal one for proof via scientific evidence. Can't help you there.
Lol sure showed me with all that logic and reason. Next time don't speak your opinion as if it's anything but.
Gotcha, no worries, at least you admit it. Not even sure we're disagreeing to be honest lol.
I'm not even that Anon you faggot, I'm not going to find you 10 different obscure studies you're going to ignore, if you've somehow been so completely oblivious to furries being more ostracized than gays since they left purely underground scenes then you are beyond help.
Naw, I'd legitimately read them lol, but the problem is they don't exist. It's legitimately his (your) opinion and has nothing to do with reality. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong to have, it feels outdated, kinda 2006 mentality. I mean at least I can point back to 06 and see ANY and ALL instance of anthro animals, and now all things nerd have millions and millions of views and love and everyone loved Zootopia and every little furry animation on youtube and yadda yadda. Searches in furry have been steadily going up, yiff in hell steadily down, etc etc.

I mean look, part of my lack of interest in this discussion is the fact that, at the end of the day it's not even my point. Even if I agree with you, that every single furry is just awful and hated and worse than gays / trannies, it STILL wouldn't change the fact that I want to find people who are otherwise normal, and just like furshit, and not people who like furshit and are ALSO fuckboys.
Some do exist, the ones I know of off the top of my head are on furscience where they mention furries and bronies were consistently rated as the least tolerable fandoms, finding one that compares furries and gays would be a bit harder but it is plainly obvious the general populace is less bothered by gays than furries.
I'm not claiming that you need to change what you're looking for, I'm telling you that you're a fucking goober for attacking a fuckboy from the position you're in.
lol, look I empathize. For what it's worth, I rolled "(outwardly) well-adjusted", "straight fur", and
>an additional layer of diapers
and still somehow connected with another mutually cursed /k/ommando, so what you're after surely exists too. Just ah, don't bite the range traps it's not their fault we're all oddities.
>it is plainly obvious the general populace is less bothered by gays than furries
Goalposts moved, honestly this entire conversation is goalposts moved actually, but you moved em again, I was talkin bout fuckboys specifically, not just people who are quietly gay and keep to themselves.

Also, if it's so plainly obvious you should be able to provide evidence.

>you're a fucking goober for attacking a fuckboy
Imagine white knighting for boipussy lol

See, that's just my thing, it can never be the furry fandom it has to be "I'm a furry and I like to shit myself and wear diapers, I'm a furry and I want people to pos my neg hole, I'm a furry and I want to cut my cock off and become a woman." I hate that it can never be "I'm just a furry, I'm into anthro animals, I don't need anything else."
Better be careful then anon, many unwittingly become part of that same pattern.
>those fucking socks are contagious :3
Yeah I know, every uwu fuckboy is convinced everyone else is an uwu fuckboy even if it's not true lol.
Goalposts haven't moved at all, I told you that you have no room to be assmad and insecure about fuckboys because you are literally on the same level as them, which you are. To the average person a fursuiter is just as bad, if not worse, than the average annoying loud faggot. You just saying I've moved goalposts does not make them moved, you are just as mentally deranged as, if not more than, the Anon you originally called a fuckboy. That is all I am saying, you are casting stones from a glass house.
Heres the thing, the gays that just suck off dildos or whatever and dont tell anyone? They usually dont wear "I SUCK OFF BIG PENISES" Clothing and want to hsng out with other people wearing such clothing. Being into anthro stuff is fine as most furry porn consumers dont even interact with actual furries but if you want to dress up in a fursuit and meet with out people in fursuits you're stepping beyond so many red lines you entered the sex weirdo zone.
>Goalposts haven't moved at all, I told you that you have no room to be assmad and insecure about fuckboys because you are literally on the same level as them
Opinion, disregarded, irrelevant to conversation

>To the average person a fursuiter is just as bad
No evidence to back up claim, disregarded

Big yawn energy.

>They usually dont wear "I SUCK OFF BIG PENISES" Clothing
>literally what started this was "I SUCK OFF BIG PENISES" clothing

>you entered the sex weirdo zone.
Raised by the internet tier. Any evidence fursuits are all sexual by nature?
This shit is literally 'Pride parades aren't sexual' tier Anon. You are a sped and I am extricating myself from this as you cannot teach common sense and social awareness to someone born without them, you might genuinely be more autistic than the socks Anon, like actually hyper-focused, socially retarded, literal sped autistic. If you cannot see why and how you are seen as just as bad as fuckboys and sometimes worse for wearing fursuits you are genuinely hopeless.
Wow anon somehow you managed to be fursecuted by normies AND furries more open about the perversions than you. Total felting.
>Pride parades aren't sexual
The difference is one is SPECIFICALLY about sexuality, one is about dressing up in a fursuit lol. If you honestly think everyone is fucking in a fursuit you have no idea how much they cost.

So...no evidence? Next time you should come prepared instead of just trying to pass off your opinion as fact, goes for both of you, or just YOU more likely.
Can you take your off topic mental illness to trash? We don't give a fuck about your retarded and furfaggotry. Nobody needs a scientific study to know that trannies, homos and furfags are cringe.
You need one if you're going to talk as if it's a fact and not your opinion.

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Yeah… pretty sure this is about where I’m at, although with a bit of an obsession with bigger kabooms..
Dat big iron with muzzle brake
It must feel like the power of God at your fingertips
>I need you to back my mental illness with scientific data, and why x is a mental illness
Hence, why you're a delusional and mentally ill. I really hope you stay the fuck away from kids
>getting this mad and being mentally incapable of admitting your argument is purely based on your limited opinion and nothing else
Yeah, im the delusional one kek.

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