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Are they the final boss in a defensive warfare?
Hard mode: they get help from neighboring states you are not attacking from.
No, the US is. Mountains are cool and all, but you just bomb everything.
couldn't you just rinse their fields with napalm or some shit and watch them starve to death in the mountains?
this. every route into the US would be fucking agonizing unless you could get the canucks to side with you.
no it is small so they don't get the logistic depth bonus to attrition
even then, your logistical "safe area" would be subject to a horrific winter every year.
It's the US, oceans on either side, mountains everywhere, isolated from everyone who isn't Canada and Mexico, and it's the size of Australia
Honourable mention to Iran as well
>burgermutts still think they'd just Red Dawn everyone
loving every laugh
swisscucks don't get attacked because nobody really cares about their existence
for actual defensive warfare you'd probably want a semi-primitive fundamentalist country with a matryr complex and very mountainous terrain - i think Iran would probably be the best example
>couldn't you just rinse their fields with napalm
that didn't work out in the jungles.
what makes you think it will in the mountains, where there is less oxygen and plants to burn?
Either Finland or Australia, Switzerland can be easily blockaded
>this. every route into the US would be fucking agonizing unless you could get the canucks to side with you.
What if you get Mexico to help?
no, the vast majority of Switzerland is plains, the mountains are useless because they dont protect any city
God it would be soooo satisfying to see them get invaded and every country around them declare neutrality while bankrolling their invaders for profit.
Nigga in the mountains there's only pastures for cows, they cant feed themselves on milk alone
what did the watch Jews ever do to you
>Hard mode: they get help from neighboring states you are not attacking from.
ever heard the story about the last time Liechtenstein went to war?
I didn't say napalm their mountains, there would be no fucking point in doing that, just capture the lowlands or burn them to a crisp then watch the war dodgers starve to death because they can't fucking grow anything up in the mountains.
New Mexico and Arizona have the highest percent of land being used as military installations, Texas is Texas, the most luck you'd have would be invading Socal, but even then, you'd probably hit a fucking wall once you reach L.A.
Nah it's probably Finland. No roads, fucking forests, lakes and swamps everywhere. Entire country has been designed as a killbox. Small population, but extremely motivated to fight for their independence. In Switzerland I think you could just convince the people not to fight, most of them are very lazy and not very nationalistic.
>unless you could get the canucks to side with you
Oh yeah, good luck running supply trains the the frozen tundra, the swamps with mosquitos so thick you breathe them in, and pine forests so dense they block out the sun; all while the US is dropping JDAMs and there are 100,000 Midwest redneck hunters who migrated North just to sit in the woods with a rifle and snipe at whomever the invader is. Also mountains

>What if you get Mexico to help?
That'd be welcome excuse for us to finally take them out& annex the whole country. Mexico is just arid mountains and harsh desert with mostly third world infrastructure. Not to mention there are numerous cartel armies who'd have an interest in protecting their northern customers
>Small population, but extremely motivated to fight for their independence
Duting their mandatory 1 year of conscription, Finnish conscripts are only paid the equivalent of $40USD. That's about 4% of the national average. How would that motivate you?
You can do 6 months or 12 months. If you do 6 months you get about 6 bucks per day. If you do the year its like 10 bucks per day. The motivation is that Finland is a sweet place to live, and the Finns love their way of life. Conscription is kind of like a rite of passage for men in Finland, it's a 6-12 month field trip where you go innawoods and shoot guns while hanging out with your friends. Finnish Conscription is a /k/ wet dream.
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Northern Mexico has the Sierra Madre. So pick west coast which is the sonora desert or pick the narrow strip on the east near the Gulf naval bases.
How do you "just" capture the low lands?
>get the canucks to side with you.
That just means the Americans use nuclear weapons on your forces.
Nuke them, then fly airborne units in to mop up anyone who didn't die or run.
Belgium, invading them causes a world war
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>supply trains
pic related
>frozen tundra
oh yeah montana, minnesota and north dakota are famed for their frozen wastelands
surely that would go both ways, like they wouldn't be able to move troops either
>pine forests
Napalm :DD
>100,000 midwest redneck hunters
muh red dawn
fair enough, moving troops through the rockies would be hell.
>Mountains to the west and the south east
>Desert shithole in the south west
>Alaska may be the only viable land grab target but good luck holding that shit as an invader
>Midwest ranges from swamp ass to Siberian tier snow shithole
>The majority of midwesterners, southerners, and even east and west coasters in the countryside have guns and the ability to make pipe bombs
>the center of the US is HEAVILY militarized, complete with shit like NORAD
>Multiple large river systems that can have their bridges bombed out or removed
>Mississippi can even have fucking large ship traffic to transport military hardware from the north central portion of the US to the gulf
Yeah, good fucking luck
again the only viable target would either be Hawaii or Alaska, but even then
>Hawaii is a tiny fucking chain of islands that have no material or strategic value
>Alaska is Siberia-tier in its terrain and weather.
How the fuck can you even hold onto Alaska as an invading country without relying solely on naval logistics? and then sustain that invasion through tundra shit land?
Why do /k/ucks suddenly think Americans wouldn't shoot at some invading army on their soil? You just demoralized or something?
>pic related
Well over 1,000 miles long, a nightmare purely for that fact; let alone when bombing, IED's, roadside ambushes, and a retard with a 30-06 is sat behind a a tree every half mile of road
>oh yeah montana, minnesota and north dakota are famed for their frozen wastelands
For half the year, yes. We're talking about Leafland being used by a third party invader to get to the US though, numbnuts. Read the thread
>surely that would go both ways
Francis Marion chortles from Valhalla
Yup, wouldn't be great for an invader
>muh red dawn
Yes. What do you think Afghanistan and Vietnam were from the defeners' perspective?
>moving troops through the rockies would be hell
It would be literally impossible - and so would moving troops through the Appalachians
>and there's a whole lot of grass motherfucker
they stopped manufacturing the Stgw 57. This is a crime against humanity and must be punished severely
>muh Afghanistan
1922 deaths due to hostile action. In uhhh....20 years. Yeah it's gonna take a lot more than that to Red Dawn anybody. I've seen more Russians die in a single 30 second clip of some Ukrainian footage than the US lost in entire years in Afghanistan.
Because they're Europeans who are here to cope about dumb shit. More importantly nobody on earth would ever have a chance of even reaching America, so the whole thing is fantasy anyway.
>Why do /k/ucks suddenly think Americans wouldn't shoot at some invading army on their soil?
I'd be doing a lot worse to invaders than just shooting them, lol.

There are quite complex bunker networks built over the last 150 years in the swiss mountains. There is even one mountain with a nuclear reaction it.
Besides the countless natural caves of course.
Assuming that the swiss have the will to fight the place would be quite a pain in the ass to deal with.

Also about food Switzerland makes a surprisingly high amount. Besides the obvious cows there are quite a lot of heavily cultivated valleys and lots of fruit trees farms planted alongside mountains, apples and grapes are popular. And even the Houtis that have a desert and where starved for years by the Saudis still managed to smuggle in enough food to survive.

You would need a lot of manpower and most of Switzerland wealth is related to its banking sector and banks just don't do well during wars.
>checked and agreed

In absolute terms I would say the hardest country to invade is china.
(Big military, big place, all sorts of terrains, big military industry, massive population, dignified food supply and reserves, lot's of people loyal and willing to fight)

US second, similar to china just smaller, less industry but more and better weapons.

Indonesia 3rd. (300+ million people like the US, Muslims, thousands of annoying islands to deal with, potential to be Iwo Jima times 5000)

Than India or Pakistan but both have large percentages of the population that would likely fight alongside any powerful invader.
this is hilarious
This post is so retarded it doesn’t even dignify a response, but I can’t help myself. China is not food and resource self sufficient, it has multiple neighbors that hate its guts, and while it has a fuckoff huge population and size it’s population and important infrastructure is concentrated along the east. Compared that to the United States that has insane strategic depth not only for all the reasons already listed in this thread, but because it has population and resources everywhere. Conquering America would require fighting across and occupying an entire continent.
Yea, but this time you are fighting against the US army and airforce AND rednecks with guns.
I don't think its going to work out.
Obviously. I'm just tired of the
>muh afghanistan oh my god afghanistan was so unbelievably brutal waaah
nonsense that morons keep spouting. Because again, if you've been here more than a day you've seen single 30 second videos with more Russian dead than the US lost in an entire year in Afghanistan. Hell, that one video from Mali had more dead Russians than we lost in the final FIVE years in Afghanistan.
China has literally lost every war against a foreign invader
>not in EU or NATO
Cheeky cunts. We should tell the russkies and chinks that they're fair game and we'll even open a land corridor if they ever want to try invading them. See how they fare on their own.
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Just a reminder that Switzerland exists just because of the grace of Napoleon and was taken by France for a long time
>but you just bomb everything
On "accident"

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