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Another titan of the community bites the dust.
Wow, no love for Ed. Nu-/k/ really is a shithole...
Shit. RIP to one of the pioneers of the modern custom handgun.
Feel free to leave at any time
You first. You're probably some newfag zoomie Glocksucker.
Natural selection, cope and seethe.
Dilate, troon.
I'm whatever boogeyman(s) you want me to be
Die of aids, fag.
We all mourn in our own ways, brother.
>waaaa no one cares about my dead boomer waaaaaaaaaaaaa!
kill yourself and your slide thread faggot
You silly young faggot. Go suck start a shotgun, if you even own one.
Truth hurt, ma'am?
Mad much, nigger boy?
/k/ - Noguns Zoomer Faggots
>Wooow you don't know *random person*? You fucking fucks need to fuck off of my board, fuck...
If this were a youtuber you would have gotten a bunch of people telling you to buy an ad. Really don't know why you're sperging out so hard here.
>noguns cries about a dead boomer instead of posting guns
Unless you're a 1911 autist or are into custom pistols there's little reason to care about knowing him
fuck ya
yes, complain the whole thread, instead of letting a man be remembered for what he did, overshadow his death with bitching
huh, i wonder why nobody gives a shit about 1911's anymore? surely its not that the community is a decrepit aged-out cesspit, thats highly insultive & blaming to anyone younger? naw, that can't be it...
Frigging American Master Gunsmith and shooter. RIP Ed
RIP, legend. He was one of the few gunsmiths who could make a 1911 that works (unlike
the people Kimber hired).
Shame it wasn't Bill Wilson
>slide thread
Stupid fucking newfag doesn't even know that that means.
Maybe. But if you are any type of /k/ommando you should immediately recognize the name.
>Shame it wasn't Bill Wilson
Look, I know that the old fudds can be cringeworthy, but we need more people who understand how guns work, not less.
RIP, although I don't like 1911s.
RIP, though I'm a Clark guy myself.
Remember when that Weapons Education guy got butthurt over Ed Brown ignoring him and made a video about it? Maybe that's why EB guns aren't as popular as other high-end 1911s.
>Remember when that Weapons Education guy got butthurt over Ed Brown ignoring him and made a video about it?
No, I'll look it up.
>Maybe that's why EB guns aren't as popular as other high-end 1911s.
Doubt it, I've heard his name plenty and I don't even loo up custom gun makers. He was one of the first to make a high-end 1911.
For me, it is Les Baer.
Still, F for Ed. Anyone who has an actual passion for firearms and makes quality guns earns my respect.
>For me, it is Les Baer.
I hear bad things about Les Baer's customer service.
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Fugg, wrong pic
Honestly I just like some of his aesthetic choices and the name.
>I hear bad things about Les Baer's customer service.
All the small shops have bad customer service. Its what happens when demand exceeds supply.
I think he makes some cool looking guns like that one monolith 1911 that just looks like a giant fucking stainless steel slab.
Is that based on the forum post of the guy complaining about malfunctions and failures to lock back when he's holding down the slide release
Yeah but there are also some other stories.
>semi custom 1911 maker
>titan of the community
Fuck off dude. RIP to the man himself and respect to his family, but don't expect anyone here to care about this. Does anyone on this board even own an Ed Brown? I doubt it.
Go back to arfcom old man.
Is it wrong to respect a great man? I will never play soccer like Pele but I was a bit saddened when he died because he represented the highest level that a man can operate on in some field. It's the same principle here.
>ed brown
so, will their pistols cost even more now or what?
Hey, I'm the guy from >>62529145. Apparently Ed retired from his company less than a year after Weapon Education's video was made so I think he was just sick and tired of interacting with people in general. Maybe you're right and this video helped knock his company's reputation down a bit while companies like Nighthawk and STI/Staccato were growing.
It was 15 minutes.
Fuck off autismo
I remember not giving a shit because he also shilled Kimbers at the height of Cerberus' QC shenanigans
Immediately thought of this. If you are a premier shop do you hire more workers without proper vetting, time to learn? Expand beyond comfort? Prioritize existing customers? (How many will buy a second?) Or let them use a local Ssmith and focus on new pistols?
Not really a clear win in my book.
>Stay small and great or grow and lose the earned prestige?
>sick and tired of interacting with people
Based autist. He did not see what he wanted on the market, forged a small company to make his ideal product for himself and known associates, then had to deal with the business headaches because people wanted what he sold until he realized he wasn't in it for profit, he started for passion.
Never cared for his handiwork but I'd be lying if I said he wasn't good at what he did, RIP
I miss the titans of competitive sport shooting and the gunsmithing that surrounded it.
Lots IHMSA guys passed a long time ago and the stories they had are gone too.
It's a shame how there's not many millennials or zoomers stepping in to fill the void of guys like him or LeMag. Best I can think of is gaunt and kjaskaar
This post sponsored by the Sonoran Desert Institute
Those fucks can barely teach you to build an AR. No I'm talking about going out and talking to and working with the old timers to learn actual gunsmithing
You can step in, faggot.
I don't even know how you'd get started as a gunsmith going to places like Heffron Precision, Bowen, or JRH.
Do you just have to be a machinist first and then evolve?
something something scotsman.
You could probably become a gunsmith at this point by just watching YouTube videos for 6 months replicating whatever happens in them
You could say that with pretty much all education and a textbook. It takes the autistic drive to actually do it, especially if there are tools involved which a school would have.
>noguns shill cries likes bitch after his slide thread gets called out
If you had posted guns you might have an argument. Currently there isn't a single time stamped gun in the thread so yeah, it's a slide thread.
>iconic gunsmith dies
>"RIP legendary 1911 oldhead"
Just go crawl somewhere and die, faggot
>still no guns from the noguns
lol sorry your slide thread got the hate it deserved. Btw Ed brown was a bitch and you have no guns :)

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