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Post weapons and vehicles from best Korea.
the Type 73 is really cool
Does anyone here on /k/ have one of their helical magazines?
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>125mm gun
>dual manpads
>ATGM launcher
>dual HMG
>all built on an T-62 copy
Been gun??
if i remember correctly, its basically a bren gun in the body of a pkm, with both a top mag feed & belt feed at the same time (instead of an interchangeable cover)
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fuck off norksimp we don't any need more faggots simping for shitty turdie regimes on this board
You're right, we only have room for Ukraine simps
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>shitty turdie regimes
take that back, capitalist pigdog
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Personally I simp for Kyrgyzstan, fuck you Tajikistan you inbred Persian goat fuckers leave Kyrgyz water alone!
n-n-n-nani?! he's behind us?!
Fuck off retard, nork threads are fun and no one is being transformed into Kim Il-sung readers by them. Stop thinking like you're a soldier in some gay internet battle for truth it's retarded
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Nork weapons are so powerful, they show up on the richter scale
wonder how much of a sadistic monster she'll grow up to be
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I love this thing like you would not believe. They turned a APC into a light tank then turned the design back into a APC/IFV.

It is strange that they have no real IFV, they can obviously make one but they be like 'naw, everyone has a 14.5mm we cool'

Is there point of KPV proliferation that makes IFVs redundant?
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>Is there point of KPV proliferation that makes IFVs redundant?
When you're unable to build STANAG level 4 armour on an IFV like Western nations can.
For one I was not expecting norks to be carrying russian war effort on their shoulders.
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Sitting while shooting. He's now gotten fat enough to enter his steven seagal arc
I can fix her
They will soon receive a lot of gold from "unknown sources"
Worst Korean Capitalist slave detected. Glory to the people's revolution and long live dear leader!
Sometimes I see pics like these and wonder if Kim actually enjoys being supreme leader or not.
Two stage tossing turret to give the gunner the best shot while flying over enemy positions!

That would've been a good opportunity to actually use his sunglasses lol.

She is under aged you fuck tard
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I've had the tremendous opportunity to track a couple NK subs. The Yugo was terribly loud, considering it was 60 years old, and the Sang-O was still fairly loud, as expected. They're currently building a new class, Sinpo. As an admirer of subs from around the world, I commend them for actually being able to successfully build their own subs. Though, I do Iook forward for the day when I can maybe put one out of commission
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He's more of a rocket man, and the joy he gets from that is palpable.
Small arms probably barely give him half a chub by now, small fry for a supreme leader.
Just a number buddy
There was a Russian guy who got his hands on one a few years ago apparently it was decently made but he was a no gunz so it’s still a mystery how well it works.
Do Nork subs leave DPRK waters on the regular? Or are the USN just tracking them on a parallel course as they go up and down the DPRK coast?
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>based sub listener
Can you really hear whales fucking? Not "talking" to each other but the actual sounds of unmistakable whale coitus taking place?
asking for a friend
this picture has never, ever failed to make me at least smile, on the verge of laughing.
And I have seen it hundreds of times.
she's kinda fat
Wish I could do it again
are you a navyfag or just some random autist tracking subs? how do you do it?
They rarely do, because if they do, that risks increasing tensions with their neighbours, as well as making it easier for someone like me to nab their data as they truck along.
I'd like to joke about this, but the reality is during the time of the year when they tend to mate (often colder months) I do hear louder whale calls much more often than normal. So there you go.
Air force
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Another, presumably taken on the same day.
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To be fair there is not a single thing ever created by human hands that can withstand sustained 14.5mm fire assuming that the 14.5mm rounds were fired in sufficent quantity.

There is a rabbit hole you can follow where you try to count how many 14.5mm guns the DPRK has using APCs, tanks, AA, ships ect that use them and it works out to roughly 1.5-2 million KPVs or other 14.5mm guns.

Since they seem to be able to make them in large numbers i can't blame them for doing so, i highly doubt anyone ever lost a war because they had too many KPVs or complained 'we lost because my 14.5mm automatic gun to population ratio was 1-12'
>Top folding stocks are gone
Even Best Korea is becoming soulless....
>You made fun of his dick that one time in high school and twenty years later he shows up at the class reunion.....
>To be fair there is not a single thing ever created by human hands that can withstand sustained 14.5mm fire assuming that the 14.5mm rounds were fired in sufficent quantity.
Anon, it's not a videogame where each non-penetrative round chips 1hp off the unit regardless
a battleship is going to resist that barrage of 14.5 long enough to wipe out the battery

leaving that extreme example aside, the fact is that the Norks probably aren't able to match Western IFV armour technology, so there's no reason for them to spend extra resources designing a cannon that excessively overmatches the armour technology that they do expect to face, get what I mean?

there IS in fact such a thing as overkill: when you needlessly expend resources that could be used on something else.
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They have plenty, click the camera icon on the upper right of this article and there are shitloads of pics of them being used by DPRK SF plus images of Kim's bodybuards new Storm Ninja outfits, note the Storm Ninjas are using side folders:


Oh i understand what you are saying, my point is they obviously can make a IFV with a 23mm, 30mm or even 57mm autocannon as well as armor equal or a bit better than a BMP but are deliberatly chosing not to do so. They are clearly heavily invested in their 10K VTT-323 variants and a absurd amount of 14.5mm so they are sticking with it because they work and they spent the resources to make them.

It is just strange to see a nation that could easily chose to make a decent IFV deliberatly chose not to do so, if nothing else they could make a huge number of things like the BMPT-62 that Algeria uses using their T-55s and first generation T-62s.

>Anon, it's not a videogame where each non-penetrative round chips 1hp off the unit regardlessa battleship is going to resist that barrage of 14.5 long enough to wipe out the battery

Assuming the battleship was parked a mile or so off the DPRK's coast they would have more than enough KPVs and ZU-2/4's to defeat it. It would be a fun 'defend the castle' game, Yamoto/Bismark/Iowa vs half a million KPVs.

>First wave is 100 KPVs
>Second wave is 200 + 100 ZU-2s
>Third wave 500 KPVs + 100 ZU-4s
>4th, 5th, 6th waves have frogmen and rowboats
>Tenth wave has a dozen coastal patrol boats with two rotary 14.5mm guns
>Twenty they are boarding the ship and setting up KPVs on the deck
>Twenty five they are using them to blow open deck hatches and firing inside the ship
>Fifty: It sounds like 500 hammers are hitting the block house door
>Final battle: Mini game where the Capitan goes hand to hand with the Norks knee deep in a two foot deep carpet of glowing red hot spent 14.5mm AP-I rounds and shell casings.
Nice custom checkering on the lower front grip of that gun, it is probably his personal AK. The Kims have a family history of being good shots and competent marksmen, the defector that used to be a bodyguard remarked that they often trained with them and that they were good shots. He said that Un fires a Tok by cupping it and holding it 12-18 inches from his eye and that he was really accurate.
> note the Storm Ninjas are using side folders


Those are top folders, you can see the pivot in the back, the butt is like a MP40 and they don't have optics where they fold up. You can see it on the Ninja to his left.
It's called a childbearing physique, young buck. You'll learn to love it
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Kyrgyzstan has the best flag in the world.
North Korea's government are a bunch of trolls and this girl has been groomed from birth to lead them. Her grandfather nearly baited Clinton into giving him a nuclear reactor, and her great grandfather trolled the Soviets into giving him an entire country. She will be the greatest troll to have ever lived, North Korea will be a never ending source of lulz.
Having Kim Jong Un flag you during a range day is like coming back from the bathroom and finding that Hitler took your spot at the table for Christmas dinner.

>If you only knew how Juche things really are

Kim seems like a pretty cool dad taking her to work and getting her involved, however you have to wonder what it's like being a 11-12 year old girl and having dad explain how your ICBMs, uranium enrichment facilities, sattilite assembly plant and 100k+ special forces troops work.

>But Dad, i just want to watch Totally Spies and Squirrel and Hedgehog!
>No dear, we have to inspect the factory that makes the electric motors for the VTT-323 turrets today.
>But daddy!!
>No dear, you will understand when you are older
>Can we at least get ice cream after we inspect the machines that do the final polishing on the lenses for the missile optics?
>Of course dear, as long as you stop teasing General Kosun for having weird hair
>Oh fine, i'll try

>Having Kim Jong Un flag you during a range day is like coming back from the bathroom and finding that Hitler took your spot at the table for Christmas dinner.

I though of the Hitler/Christmas image the instant i saw that he is flagging that guys balls, like what the hell are you going to do about it? You can tell everyone around him notices it but it isn't like they can do anything about it. What are you going to do, start lecturing him about range safety? Normally i'd say go for it and try to be cheerful and polite, he'd probably respect that if he was in a good mood but he looks cranky about something so it's probably isn't a good time to risk it.
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>Kim seems like a pretty cool dad taking her to work and getting her involved
Yeah there are a surprising amount of photos oh him 'out on the town' with her, showing her off, or 'daddy daughter dates' showing her his works.
Kinda cute. Proud pappa, good pappa.
How is that scope mounted? I can't help noticing that the scopes eye relief and the trigger are almost perfectly aligned but the way that scope is mounted intrests me. The stock and lower grip are clearely custom made but it looks like the scope mount is some sort of see through mount, like he can still use the iron sights.

You have to wonder how his personal custom AK is set up, he basically has unlimited resources for how he wants it to be.
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You can tell she is probably a bit bratty because of how she carries herself and just looks at the camera sometimes however one does not 'correct' a nuclear armed brat.
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>Tfw dad starts talking about how many millions will die if Barron doesn't show up to take you to junior prom in the next 30 seconds
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>See, all you have to do is mention 4 round clips, unstablized guns or call the aluminium box a 'Gavin' and the entire thread is ruined
>you have to wonder what it's like being a 11-12 year old girl and being groomed to be a real life evil totalitarian dictator
OP and no, I really don't, memes aside
Ah, a fellow Genshin player!
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Anon do you really want to harm your families Songbun by saying such disrespectful comments about Respected Daughter Kim Ju-ae? You and your family have such a great future open to you but your anti social words undermine not only your own efforts but that of your parents, grand parents, children and grand children. Why not rethink what you have said, embrace the Cholima spirt and join with everyone else in sprinting forwards to a better future?
>It is just strange to see a nation that could easily chose to make a decent IFV deliberatly chose not to do so
Country that uses knockoff chink car ball bearings can make decent IFV? What makes you think so?
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North and South Korea are both Korea, Lord willing the war actually ends and Korea is unified one day. The war never technically ended, talks broke down in Geneva. It was also a "police action" by the United Nations as the United States did not formally declare war on Korea.

North Korea has an oppressive state that has imprisoned tens of thousands of North Korean Christians for their faith. No doubt many worship underground in hiding, persecuted like the CCP.

I would not call it "best Korea" and South Korea has its own problems. Families are divided as well. However, that does not mean I feel any malice to the people of North Korea who suffer oppression.

One vehicle I think is very interesting is their wood gasifier trucks, a simple device you can build cheaply that allows you to run an engine that can generate electricity or power a truck.

These are actually used in the USA by rednecks to generate power and to run pickup trucks on fresh split wood, no oil or gasoline needed. FEMA has published a guide for building one as oil crises can cause mass starvation due to the mechanization of agriculture. It is one of those weird low tech things like Saudi Arabia taking after circular irrigation in Colorado.
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Low tech is very cool stuff as it is easily accessible and fundamental, a basic shotgun or revolver is a pretty simple and old mechanism.

Grenades are ancient, cannons and artillery. The IRA recoilless AT launcher was just a black powder charge that launched a homemade shaped projectile of PE. Clever yet simple and easy to build cheaply and clandestinely from common materials, and low cost means high quantities are more affordable.
>What makes you think so?
The fact that they make tens of thousands of armored vehicles and massive numbers of light and medium automatic cannons. A IFV by current standards is a autocannon armed box that is tougher than a armored car.

I am incorrect in saying they have nothing that is a IFV, this thing >>62533066 is a IFV or should at least be treated as one. It's based on a amphibious light tank hull so it is at least as well protected as a BMP (or M113) or better. While 14.5mm isn't quite a autocannon two of them should be treated as such by anyone who is getting shot at by them if they don't want to die.


Thanks for your opinion AI bot, i really noticed how you got dubs and trips one after another. Care to comment on how you did it?
NTA but even putting a 57mm autocannon on say a Pokpungho chassis plus room for a squad of grunts would make a solid IFV by turdie standards, and they can do that

it just would be pretty expensive

Here's the FEMA doc for cheaply building a wood gasifier for all your petroleum emergencies, tractors or otherwise. The device basically burns fresh, renewable wood into a producer gas called wood gas that is combustible, like natural gas.

>The fact that they make tens of thousands of armored vehicles and massive numbers of light and medium automatic cannons
Just because you can make armored car, doesn't mean you can make "decent IFV", just because you can make 14.5mm doesn't mean you can make good 30mm

I'm not a bot, and I'm stating facts and original insights in a clear way. It's important to be clear in your communication, especially if it can cost someone's life, or if it is on a subject like the Korean War where 2.5 million people have died.
They can make tanks and AA guns, a IFV isn't that hard. Something like the BMPT-62 would not be that hard for them, as >>62539033 pointed out if you can make 57mm AA guns then you have the ability to make a autocannon armed IFV.

The question isn't if they can make a IFV, it is why don't they? For some reason their doctrine just doesn't use them or even consider them, i'm wondering why they don't. They aren't stupid, so there must be some reason they don't make them. My working theory is that it is something like why they don't really try to have a modern airforce, they know they can't win that fight so they decided than instead of making airplanes they would compensate by making huge numbers of misiles.

Yes you are a bot or at least someone using chatGPT or impersonating a bot. It's ok, i'm not racist against AIs. Are you racist agaist humans?
>Something like the BMPT-62 would not be that hard for them
Ah yes, extremely heavy IFV that would cost several times more than normal ifv, guzzle several times more fuel and had harder maintenance. I wonder why none in their minds makes tank-IFVs, especially Norks
>They can make tanks and AA guns
They had transfer of technology of tanks and AA guns, they had no transfer of Bmp technology
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It is quite nice, and it’s a lot more nicer than every single one of their neighbours flags bar Kazakhstan.
On an unrelated note Kyrgyz women have massive Mongol tits.

>however one does not 'correct' a nuclear armed brat
>cost several times more than normal ifv, guzzle several times more fuel and had harder maintenance
NAYRT and that's why I pointed out it's an IFV "by turdie standards"
but it would be pretty subpar, slapdash, downright primitive really by modern NATO standards which are chockful of electronics
Besides the gun a modern VTT-323 is decades better than a BMP:
>Armor roughly as good as a basic BMP
>Floats without preperation
>Water jets!
>Dozen variants including the direct fire grad turret pic related
>Dual 14.5mms

VTT-323s are borderline IFVs as it is, while 14.5mm is not technically a autocannon they have two of them in a elecrically driven turret that was based on a AA mount with a very high elevation.While they might be thin skinned by western standards armor add ons and spall liners could easily improve them dramatically if the norks aren't already doing it. The guns are basically a ZU-2 adapted to a turret, if they really wanted it to have a autocannon a ZU-23-1 should be easy to adapt.

You mean something that would require less fuel and upkeep than their current armored force which consists of over half the functioning T-62s on the planet and that they are the only nation capable of providing significsant quantities of new parts for? The DPRK owns the T-62 market right now and will do so going forwards until the last T-62 stops moving which will be at least a hundred years from now. BMPT-62 type IFVs would not be a issue for them, if anything converting their older T-62s (and T-55s) would be a great way to leverage their current Golden Age into modernizing their old stock as their trasition to a more 'modern' force structure.

Also the DPRK would probably make new turrets for them instead of the Algerian mismatch where they have a BMP-2 turret on a reinforced ring but just the origional BMP turrets armor. They have the BMPs turret with it's cardboard thin armor on a T-62 with new engines, transmissions and damage control systems but it is still a BMP turret, They really need to add armor the that turret, they might be old but a T-62 hull is a order of magnitude tougher than that turret and the mismatch is a major falw.

Kim Ju-ae is not for sexual you fucking perv, you need immdiate correction yourself!
That's not the South Korean flag.
They aren't carrying anything. Half their shells blow up in the barrel or don't fire at all.
But yet the North Korean shells and rockets that Ukraine is using somehow work just fine.

Have you considered that Russins might just not maintain their equipment as well as they should and that if you need to hammer a rocket into a Grad launcher with a log that they should probably clean it before firing it? Have you considered that everything you think you know and those shells comes from twitter? Have you though about the fact that Kim is robbing Russia blind by selling shit they condemned decades ago?

I saw a picture of a 122mm round that was marked as having been made in 1964, this is 60 year old garbage that even Norks don't want like how they are selling Putin old D-30s that they don't even want for the Red Guard.

Somehow however, Ukraine gets Nork shells that work just fine.
>Kim Ju-ae is not for sexual you fucking perv, you need immdiate correction yourself!
I know that, it’s Servaty that you have to worry about.

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