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>Wild Berry
Cherrychads, where we at?
Don't eat too many of these. Extremely unhealthy for you.
Honor him by getting your own thing. He liked pop tarts, dont get pop tarts because he liked them get your own thing you like and toast it to paul
>you be the judge
Plus they apparently give you cancer.
I liked pop tarts before it was cool
Then I dropped them because I was 12
they have a fair amount of sugar and little bit of acrylamide

like cigs, a few packs a year are very unlikely to kill you, but a daily habit probably will eventually.
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For me, it was the Toaster Scrambles for my childhood sloppa breakfast.
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this was mine. he was always shooting his M9 obnoxiously well, so I figured I'll see what it was all about.
>wild berry
paul was a strawberry or brown sugar cinnamon guy
For me, it’s S’mores.
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how can i have some more when i havent had anything yet?
strawberry good (or as good as pop tarts get, which is always worse than I remember, it depends on how the icing machine was working that day)
gonna hard disagree with Paul on cinnamon. I like cinnamon stuff, but those pop tarts were the driest of all.
Does your frame match your slide ok? I was looking at them and some of them look like their frames are almost purple.
>it depends on how the icing machine was working that day
poptart icing sucks. the por move is to get the unfrosted ones, toast them and then spread some salted butter on top of them.
These, then slather them in PB and make a samwhich
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microwave or no microwave
>By my deeds, I honor him
Honestly, these things probably helped at harming his pancreas.
>muh cancer
Correlation doesn’t equal to causation. The amount you have to consume on a daily basis would be insane for you to have a visit from the big C
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they go in the toaster you fucking cretin
its sad how fuckin low poptarts have fallen; last time i got some there was like 50% bare tart, no frosting. very unreasonable
my pop toasts them then he puts butter on them. a healthy breakfast.
>toaster shaped
>toaster pastry
I want you in office. We have to declare war on China.
he made a no bake cheesecake with blueberry pop tart crust for one of his thanksgiving specials
your pops is based
I haven't eaten a whole bunch of these but one would assume that these are supposed to be cooked in a toaster. One time I watched my sister cook one in the microwave, I've only ever ate them "raw" but I bet they taste a whole lot better when heated up. Can't really try that out now though because I'm trying to watch what I eat.
>these are supposed to be cooked in a toaster.
thats the idea.
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This guy knows what's up.
Paul got it, you can too.
I would always toast one of these with a Toaster Strudel, which came with frosting, and I would frequently forget which was which, so I would accidentally put frosting on the Toaster Scramble and it would taste disgusting
Post lungs.
>putting the frosting on the strudel
it's supposed to be a little snack while you're waiting for the strudel to toast
I enjoyed his videos on the utility of bolt action rifles. Thus I will go to the range in a couple of days and practice my rifle skills. In my gay gun hating country
There are no known causes for pancreatic cancer. The known risk factors are pancreatitis and alcoholism. Along with cleaning chemicals.
I had no risks for testicle cancer and even with very low metastase rate I still progressed to stage 4. Pancreatic cancer scares me as it has very few symptoms.
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>brown sugar cinnamon guy
mine was refinished and looks great. I don't know if they were generally parts-binned, but my serials match too.
how do these things taste? I assume just generic strawberry slop?
>I've never had one and most likely never will
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Cancer tumors have a messed up metabolic pathway where they cannot process ketones, they can only process glucose. It’s called the Warburg effect and we use it in radiological imaging to find tumors.
>fast patient
>feed them radioactive glucose
>healthy cell chads are chilling, eating large on ketones while tumors hoover up glucose because they are starving
>centers of concentrated radioactive glucose are found and therefore tumors
So what would happen if you don’t eat glucose? Well, the tumor would die. It can’t metabolize energy. It starves. Seems like an easy way to fight cancer, no? But it can’t be. Not eating glucose is free, but months of chemotherapy would make hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit off of you, so obviously the chemotherapy is the better cure even though it itself will almost kill you.
>Our guy died eating Pop-Tarts.
He truly was an All-American man.
>cannot process ketones
The whole ketones=no cancer/tumor shit only works against very specific cancers. While yes, cancer relies on energy sources to grow, so does your body when fighting cancer. This is a half truth that’s spread by retards that couldn’t bother reading the study where it says that it’s a mix bag when it comes to killing cancer. Because cancer will utilize anything to grow such as proteins and other nutrients. If you cut the glucose/carbs, your body will basically breakdown because it doesn’t have the energy to fight cancer and the ketones will also make you sick in the long term. It’s not a viable solution and only works in a control environment for very specific cancers. Each cancer requires specialized treatments due to its weird nature of adapting and growing.
>profit off of you
This is a myth because chemo is basically free in my area. And this is in America. Stop believing in gurus who don’t have any idea to how cancer works and thinks that fasting will somehow kill the cancer when cancer will utilize all sources of energy to grow, including calories and fats/muscles. If it doesn’t find sugar to grow, it will utilize the fats/muscles in the body. Your body requires glucose to work and ketones are essentially just emergency supplies of energy that will only be viable for the short term. Fasting can also be dangerous because it can risk of low blood sugar, not enough nutrients and damaging organs in the body. The same study you’re talking about also says that it didn’t work against other cancers. Chemo is good because it’s not for specific cancers and is a more generalized treatment that works.
Older aluminum finishes can change color with time. Its a feature not a bug. I have an old aluminum framed Beretta 1951 and the frame has turned a golden bronze. Its beautiful. Purple is common for dark finishes. You see old ARs do that sometimes too.
>how do these things taste? I assume just generic strawberry slop?
>Frosted Wild Berry Poptarts
The filling tastes like a mixture of strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, and sugar.
The frosting is pretty much your average colored sugary frosting.
The pastry is relatively hard and mostly solid, no layers, a tiny bit crumbly, basically a slightly stale and/or bad tart crust. Exactly what you'd expect from a tart crust that is shelf stable for a handful of years.
The ratio of filling to pastry is lower than what you might expect. The ratio is fine for center bites, but any bite that includes the edges will feel lacking, and the corner bites are even worse. The frosting to pastry distribution is the same.
The tart edges (no filling, no frosting) are typically between 1 and 2 centimeters. As a kid/teen, I would sometimes break off one of the long edges.
That picture on the box isn't a cross section; They've cut away a short edge, and then removed like a centimeter more of the top pastry layer to create the illusion that there's more filling than there is.
They're marginally better after you've heated them up by toasting them. But any poptart not good enough to eat cold isn't going to become good while toasty hot.

And that was how they were between 10 and 20 years ago. If they didn't make them worse by 2020, I can't imagine they've resisted making them worse sometime during the past 5 years.
wow I can't believe they do it for free!
safeway taxin niggas fr
I always had a toaster strudel and had ice cold frosting smothered on the top
not eating enough pomegranates
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Just came back from DG
Be there for the watch parties every Friday and you can experience it together with autistic strangers.
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Paul's favorite was:
Unfrosted Strawberry
Brown sugar cinnamon
Wild berry

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Hell yeah, can't wait. 6pm EST
>Unfrosted Strawberry
That's why i believe him when he said he's killed people
Some places in the us offer treatments for free depending on the local county health care system
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>Unfrosted Strawberry
the best flavor if you toast it and then spread butter on top. hard to actually find them in stores
Unfrosted for the win strawberry and blueberry toast them with peanut butter on them.
Am I the only person who sticks em in the freezer? They get kinda chewy.
That sounds terrible and you should feel terrible
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Glad to see someone else noticed
Your body literally produces sugar by itself retard. It has reserves because the body cannot sustain itself without it. Also, once those reserves dry up, your muscles start to get weaker(glycogen storages depleted) and your liver will get scarred too.
So how retarded are you?
Get the fudge ones they taste good even cold.
I ate them anyways, is cheap and quick. You can put a bit of butter on them like toast after toasting that's the shit.
>they are designed to profit off of you
>even though some places offer it for free for people
For something that is designed to be for profit, it sure is philanthropic.
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toasted poptarts taste like shit, deny it all you want but it is true.
The butter is unironically the healthiest part.
Yeah that cinnamon brown sugar one is straight up nasty.
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Just here to pay respects to Paul.
Oh my god those fuckers were so good.

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