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What the hell happened? It seemed for a while it was starting to be accepted, and was becoming more mainstream as our gun rights expanded, even under Obama for a while there.
>open carry meetups at Starbucks in the late 2000s to early 2010s
>open carry forums existed with carry reports
>very few incorrect open carry arrests, even in liberal states
It seems it all went down the shitter leading up to the 2016 election, and you then had GunTube celebs actively discouraging it, when for a while they said to do it and normalize it.]

What happened bros?
What happened? It was always stupid in an urban environment. Doubt most people have safari holsters with multiple points of retention to break and it just says, "Hey look at me, take my gun or shoot me first," or "Look at this clown."

If you're coming in from hiking or hunting or whatever, sure. Who cares? But you just closed off your avenue of acting at the mercy of someone mugging you and then shooting if it ever came down to it.
Pic related is probably a big part of it.
Why open carry when you can conceal
Because most people aren't charismatic enough for open carry.
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>even under Obama for a while there.
That's what happened. Attention-loving chuds were doing it as a way to troll and bait the libs. After Obama left office and Trump took over, they felt like they've won and finally realized that OC makes you look like a fucking retard and is more trouble than it's worth since everybody was staring at you and most government buildings and private business don't let you anyway. Soon enough the MAGA hats were available and became a much easier way to IRL shitpost.
Constitutional carry being passed in several states I imagine
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>really, anon?
>you're opening carrying on our date to Applebee's?
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>gets the ick but he has a gun
She wouldnt say no, because of the implication
As a political/rights statement, it made some sense to do and got people interested in the concept. Now, it seems like people are also more worried about crazies shooting people, and open carry makes you a target. The Karen epidemic means you're gonna get the cops called on you a whole lot more. The IWB holster industry has come up with some actual good and comfy designs. It's just become too impractical. I like open carry in some instances still. When I'm heading to the gun club, I always have a gun on my hip so I have it on me, and because I'll be practicing drawing from my OWB paddle holster for competition. I'll stop in somewhere on my way there if I'm hungry or need gas, and it's not a problem and nicer in the summer months.
Cops started seeing people open carrying and then arresting them for "resisting arrest."
Attention whoring spergs with ARs on their backs in a Subway
>>62529809 (OP)
>It seemed for a while it was starting to be accepted
>and was becoming more mainstream
>our gun rights expanded, even under Obama
>for a while there.
Bush and Trump were the worst presidents in this century for gun rights
>it all went down the shitter leading up to the 2016 election
oh fuck sorry didn't know you were a russian shitposter, my bad
>open carry meetups at Starbucks in the late 2000s to early 2010s
That's the gayest fucking shit.
>people start open carrying for the sole purpose of pissing people off
>people get pissed off
>nobody wants to associate themselves with them anymore
wow! how the FUCK did that happen??? act low trust and you get low trust
I wish open carry was common and people weren't so autistic about what kind of gun you use for self defense.
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Just my experience living in a lib hellhole, but open carry was never popular here since we're notorious for having Karens and narcs. Open carry isn't even legal here anymore because our legislative insectoids threw a shit fit right after bruen. Even when it was legal, nobody wanted to be inconvenienced by fags calling the cops.
>It seemed for a while it was starting to be accepted

in all my life i have seen maybe TWO people open carry outside of swap meets and gun shows.
Too many redguards now
Autistic open carry activists on youtube made it uncool. It's the same reason people are embarrassed to identify as atheists now.
and you probably thought both of them were permascared retards.
Funny how open carry threads get flooded with anti 2nd amendment rhetoric.
I don't see a well regulated militia anywhere.
Everyone calling you morons has nothing to do with being antigun
Howabout the people whos right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?
>open carry meetups at Starbucks in the late 2000s to early 2010s
Uh, that. That's what happened. A bunch of basement dwelling retards decided the best way to promote their cause was to annoy one of the few companies that didn't already ban open carry into doing so.

A lot less people have issue with open carry than they do with the kinds of people who open carry.
Open carry doesn't make sense unless you're a cop, in security, or out in the wilderness
that's good, because the well regulated militia doesn't have the right to keep and bear arms, the people do.
>open carry was never popular here since we're notorious for having Karens and narcs
>Open carry isn't even legal here anymore because our legislative insectoids threw a shit fit right after bruen
Let me guess... Connecticut
>thinks the 2nd was about militias and wasn't using them as an example
lol it's an illiterate retard!
Shit like your picture. Complete repellent neckbeard cringe. No one wants to be associated with that.
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Essentially, it's unpopular because it freaks out women and normie men. There's already a ton of baseline countersignaling against guns and gun owners to begin with, and it really doesn't help that a sizable chunk of gun guys are insufferable fags. In that sense, it's really not entirely the normies' fault. I'm not sure it will ever be popular. That's probably for the best given people's behavior, but it really would be so much more comfortable to carry whatever I want without having to worry about concealment.
Maryland actually. Not too far off the mark though.
It's possible but as someone who grew up there concealed carry was a thing forever. My father, uncle and grandfather have had then since at least the early 90s. Its also shall issue with limited discretion. So unless you want to drag an AR-15 to McDicks to show how cool you are there isn't a real point to also having open carry.
That was going to be my next guess!

CT always struck me as the best of the worst states in terms of concealed carry. A distinct position, but not a great one.
>Its also shall issue with limited discretion.
Yeah, I really appreciated this because I went for my permit well before Bruen. It was surprisingly ok, the only real fucked up part was having to apply through your town first and then the state. They still haven't done away with that part of the process. Funny enough, I do know one guy who open carried (before they banned it recently, that is). He ended up getting arrested and going to court because a butthurt cop harassed him to show his permit and he refused lol
Open carried winter hiking on a first date. She is now my wife and is helping to raise my son. Anecdotal evidence that open carrying works.
Armed angler does it on youtube in Florida where you can only do it under a few circumstances as activism. Seems like a huge hassle and he constantly has to go to court. Or you can just conceal carry with no permit and few restrictions
>right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
"bearing arms" specifically means to carry a weapon openly in service of your state or country, aka while on duty. It was put in the 2A to prevent soldiers and constabulary from malicious prosecution. SCOTUS has found that actually being part of a "well-regulated militia" isn't necessary to own or use firearms.
According to the Constitution, your rights are as follows:
>to own firearms, specifically handguns, and keep them at your house in a ready state (or any state you choose)
>use your firearms in self defense, in your house
>carry your firearms for the purpose of self-defense as appropriate according to local regulations that do not conflict with the 2A
this does not include unlicensed open carry, unlicensed concealed carry, transportation or storage of firearms outside the home
genuine KEK
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damn imagine writing all that and you're still just an illiterate retard coming up with fanfic.
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>been ocing for 20 years
>zero retention holster

I don't have to hide shit. Post more stealth anti-2a threads and have a cry about it.
>anti 2nd amendment rhetoric.

no one ever says open carry should be illegal, what they DO say is that its unnecessarily provocative and has fewer benefits than CCing.

all of the people who promote open carrying are people who live out in the middle of nowhere.
I still OC when hiking or camping, but there's not much reason to do it in an urban setting. Not to say that you shouldn't legally be allowed to, I just don't like being accosted when I do my groccery runs.
open carry of long guns, has never, ever been popular or common outside of emergencies which entailed rounding up a posse or activating the militia. and open carrying of a pistol has never been a thing in urban environments for anyone but cops. it is retarded. I'll oc innawoods and sometimes I'll see someone oc-ing in my small town, but doing so at starbucks in a city was always retarded terminally online behavior. a gun is not a toy or a fashion accessory
>a gun is not a toy or a fashion accessory
Yet when you see one that seems to be exactly what you think. The propaganda is working.
It's like being gay. Ammosexuals came out of the closet and wanted to strut but they realized it's really expensive to live the "lifestyle" 24/7 and the novelty starts to wear off and then it gets tired so you stay at home watching Star Trek with the bf instead. But I want everyone to know that I'm proud of you.
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imagine being so low info you can't even go read Bruen and Heller for yourself
I saw a group of athletic looking guys on sport bikes with OC pistols on their hips in downtown Dallas not too long ago. A mix of white and black guys on bikes. They looked like characters from a cyberpunk novel. (They might have been cops for all I know.)
That was part of it for me. I open carried when I was 18-19 because it was the only way for me to legally carry a gun when I still cared about that shit.
That's the other part of it. Autists ruined open carry, and the only time I do it now is when I'm hiking or coming back into town from hiking. When I'm just going to the store or out to eat, I have no reason not to conceal it.

I love when people put their gun stickers on their back windshield. Lets me know who has reliable guns and who doesn't. Glock? How sad. Sig? Pathetic. Walther? Could be dangerous. Hi-Point? You already drive an Altima, no need to make it worse
I OC'd back in 2010-2014 in Portland Oregon when it was still chill. People were usually favorable of me carrying. I was always really nice and friendly with everyone.
Because it's cringe as fuck you loser
No one cares about the trailer trash whore you got pregnant
My faggot brother started CCing yet refuses to practice. I hate him so much.
If people dressed a lot nicer while open carrying, it wouldn't be seen as cringey.
Take your own advice there anon. Both cases directly contradict your claims which were all pulled from the first paragraphs of the wikipedia articles on them (lol).
damn, you couldn't even get your AI post to not contradict itself.
>illiterate retard can't make a rebuttal without contradicting itself

Challenge him to a duel, loser buys dinner
God I can't wait for federal red flag laws specifically to laugh at you people getting your shit took. I hope there are mandatory IQ tests.
anyway here I picked the kindergartener's summary for you so it doesn't hurt your brains
>The ban on registering handguns and the requirement to keep guns in the home disassembled or nonfunctional with a trigger lock mechanism violate the Second Amendment.
>the text of the Amendment should be read in the manner that gives greatest effect to the plain meaning it would have had at the time it was written, the operative clause should be read to “guarantee an individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”
>New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment by preventing law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in public for self-defense.
>Justice Brett Kavanaugh authored a concurring opinion, in which Chief Justice John Roberts joined, noting that many state restrictions requiring background checks, firearms training, a check of mental health records, and fingerprinting, are still permissible because they are objective, in contrast to the discretionary nature of New York’s law.
all of which means >>62535860 is perfectly correct
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didn't read, but I'm sure your AI botted post is equally full of nonsense as it was the first time
Lmao you typed that all out and no one cares noguns fag go home.
>you typed that all out
>you typed that all
>you typed
holy shit
do you even know the internet exists?
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thanks for admitting you didn't type anything and just used a chatbot
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Just make it legal in all 50 states.
I dont fucking care if you think it is dumb it is a fucking God-given right
I swear you anti-OC niggers think it's better for gays to be out in the open
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>Just make it legal in all 50 states.
>I swear you anti-OC niggers think it's better for gays to be out in the open
Is there a difference? Either way it's just fags in public
>Is there a difference?
Actual men exercising their right to bear arms responsibly vs "men" spreading disease and degeneracy
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>Actual men exercising their right to bear arms responsibly vs "men" spreading disease and degeneracy
uh which is which? Oh wait I know, the OCfags are fat but the gay sex fags aren't, right? Did I get it?
Seethe homo
I see plenty of open carry and I know a lot of people that conceal carry.
We're back?
>I see plenty of open carry
I've never seen anyone open carry in my 31 years of life.

Though it's been almost 100% illegal in my state most of my entire life, and only recently became KINDA legal, but considering how liberal my local area is, if you tried to open carry around here you'd have the cops called on you ALL the time, so I guess it's understandable why I've never seen it.
>t. fellow Floridian
It would be nice to do it in the fucking woods at least
Whatever woods we have anyway
I understand that OC would be nearly impossible in places like Miami thanks to retard foreign spics but I like being able to OC in a small town or something like that
it's just not worth the headache in my local area, it would freak people out, people would think you're a crazy moron, and you'd have the cops called for you grocery shopping or doing anything else around town.

Just not worth it.
Here's an idea
Petition for stronger laws against calls that waste the police's time.
Would never work in my area, the local PD is very liberal as well and would 100% hassle you for open carrying even though it's technically legal here.
Sue them
Sorry, i'm not a trust fund baby that can afford a multi-year lawsuit in my early 30s.
Get the GOA involved man, anything
We need to fucking band together
This fucking rocks
I actually saw a well dressed guy at a Chick Fil A last week open carrying. He could probably have slipped on a sports coat and 90% of people wouldn't have known the difference. It's the South, so nobody cared. The whole reason I remember it is because I see almost see more people open carry than I see dressed that nicely. I guess it depends on the places you visit.
2A guys open-carried for the same reasons middle schoolers wore those yellow live-strong bracelets. Once the novelty wore off, they had no incentive to do it. Turns out, in most scenarios, open-carry is not that practicable.
>Trump and Bush worst president's for gun rights
>appointed all the judges and justices protecting 2A
We didn't even have a 2A applied to the states until 2010.
I'm sorry but your wide jawed musicthots opinion does not interest me in the slightest.
>"bearing arms" specifically means to carry a weapon openly in service of your state or country, aka while on duty. It was put in the 2A to prevent soldiers and constabulary from malicious prosecution.
This is not true at all. The Bill of Rights was written to protect citizen's rights, not the rights of soldiers. You're retarded.

>The ban on registering handguns and the requirement to keep guns in the home disassembled or nonfunctional with a trigger lock mechanism violate the Second Amendment.

>the text of the Amendment should be read in the manner that gives greatest effect to the plain meaning it would have had at the time it was written, the operative clause should be read to “guarantee an individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”
Are you illiterate? What you posted in >>62536473 proves that what was in >>62535860 is wrong. In your first retarded comment you claimed that the 2A was for people in service to their state or country and in your second comment, you affirmed an individual's rights. No wonder everyone thinks you are using a chatbot you retard.
Open carry is pretty chill in Las Vegas. I openly carried with a couple of friends a few times at restaurants and shops and no one said shit besides a couple of guys who gave words of support and a woman handing out samples at the local Smith's who made fun of my friend for carrying Colt SAA clone in .22LR.
>citizen's rights, not the rights of soldiers
soldiers are citizens, windowlicker. In fact its practically the original definition of citizen.
>you claimed that the 2A was for people in service to their state or country
no i didn't, chucklefuck. i said, which is true, that "bearing arms" means that exact thing. The SCOTUS agrees with me, however they also think that the militia clause does not apply to the "plain reading" of the text because of grammar, now PLEASE go to bed, kiddo, you have to get up for the school bus tomorrow
>soldiers are citizens, windowlicker. In fact its practically the original definition of citizen.
Im losing IQ reading this garbage.
Actual schizo
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Realistically, your odds of getting capped by your local LEO go up like 1,000%.

>the only safe thing to open carry is body armor, with some form of sporting or transportation equipment for social camouflage.
I'm a new anon to this argument, but the confusion arise because in Heller, Scalia--as an originalist--acknowledged that the founders wrote the 2A to assuage states worried the federal government would disarm their militias. The founders wanted to demarcate federal vs. state power. The Bill of Rights did not apply to the states at the time. The liberal minority seized on this to argue the right to bear arms only applied collectively. Scalia countered that although the founders' wanted to protect state militias, they did this by codifying an individual right to bear arms. The definition of "bear arms" in 1787 thus became important to understand the scope of that right. Scalia noted that "bear arms" typically had a connotation of military service, but that also meant individuals had to be able to carry and use their weapons. Thus, D.C.s storage requirements and handgun ban was unconstitutional. Two years after Heller, in McDonald v. Chicago, the Court used the doctrine of incorporation to extend this right to the states.
Only way to be safe is mount a 50 BMG on your vehicle and disable potential manslaughter threats at 500 meters before they can see your carry
>mount a 50 BMG on your vehicle
pretty sure the DMV would have some words to say about that
Its medicinal
I really cant imagine being so cucked that i wouldnt OC.
I OC pretty much every day. But unlike many of you, im handsome and personable, thus to this day, after 4 years of (legally) carrying, ive yet to have one negative interaction.
Aside from 99% of people being so unaware that they just dont notice the gun on your hip, the remaining 1% dont seem to care. They probably correctly assume that, if im openly displaying my gun, that probably means im not trying to hurt anyone. As someone who intents to rob/hurt people will keep his gun concealed until the actual robbery takes place.
And before you blebbitors belch out some tacticool bullshit about “LE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE!!!” or getting “YOUR HECCIN GUN STOLENERINO!!” I will tell you:
1: not scared, i pay attention to my surroundings. Especially niggers
2: i WANT to be the object of attention to a would-be attacker

Think about it. Lets say youre in Wal-Mart and some mass shooters walks in.
If nobody is visibly armed, he’s just gonna start shooting at whoever. Could be a 5 year old little Suzy, or some old grandma. Someone who stands ZERO chance against a mass shooter.
But what if they see me instead? And decide to aim for me first? Well as an able bodied and well trained man, i at least have a CHANCE of fighting back, meanwhile grandma and little Suzy can run away to safety.
If you think this is “stupid” or “tactically disadvantageous” or that i have a “hero complex”, youre simply a pussy and dont deserve to own, let alone carry guns.

If everyone OC’d, any kind of would-be shooter or robber or whatever would think twice about hurting people. He’d look around and see that he’d get ventilated from 10 different angles. But because people like you, (yes, YOU reading this) are too pussy to OC, criminals will continue to feel bold, preying on easy targets.

Anyways, dont OC if youre ugly or awkward or brown. If youre gonna OC, you need be polite, and handsome. Dont make us look bad
Ive never understood the arguments against it.
It more likely tells whoever wants to cause trouble to fuck off.
Its not 1910, good, reliable and easy to use retention holsters are common, affordable, and there are even some quite nice looking ones. Also use your eyes and look at something besides your phone.

Literally just don't be a spurg like in OP's pic about it and nobody will care. Carry one gun in a nice holster, don't dress like a slob and most people will utterly ignore you or think you're a detective or something. Well if your state isn't a shithole like IL that doesn't allow OC that is.
soldiers quite literally aren't citizens in the same way someone not under UCMJ are. We literally don't have the same rights.
Who is Bullyinc and why should he be beaten?
I don't carry weapons around, not concealed either. Don't need to. When I need to carry a weapon let alone a gun it is always for a very specific reason.
Am also not trying to make people nervous in spaces that don't often have guns. Am not a cop or a security guard, seems polite. Even when hunting, rifles are usually packed for transport or taken down and reassembled.
gay eurofag bullshit
Being a confrontational retard is a main trait of being a nigger.
>it is a confrontation to just carry a gun while hunting like a normal person
As I said, gay eurofag shit.
Being illiterate is ALSO a nigger trait.
blow it out your ass communist
Shouldn't you be in bed? It's a schoolday tomorrow.
>Shouldn't you be in bed?
Of course, it's past midnight here in freetopia. But instead I'm drinking whiskey, masturbating to doll rape hentai, and posting here.
Wow, you sure are some real badass. You really impressed me. Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.
Yeah I'm not falling for your gay communist sex trap faggot. I'll just fuck my own sister.
>It seems it all went down the shitter leading up to the 2016 election, and you then had GunTube celebs actively discouraging it
I've said this before and I'll say it again
Republicans always end up being more anti-gun than Democrats (Trump going after bump stocks.etc) because Republicans are always under more pressure to appeal to moderate voters. Democrats will just say constantly that they want to ban guns (even though most of them have admitted to being gun owners themselves like Kamala and Obama) and just never end up doing it, or they'll introduce some token bill in Congress that is unenforceable in the real world at best. I think after 2016 a lot of people in the firearms community just wanted to "lay low" so-to-speak for that very reason. They felt the tension in the air and wanted to avoid some "incident" that the media would surely have milked for mass hysteria like they always do.
Holy fucking shit somebody posted something correct
I feel like I'm in the presence of Jesus and the lamb
Agree with everything you said. Sucks that I'm in canada so I gotta conceal antiques made before 1898
we are so back
OC is more comfortable and convenient than sticking a gun in my waistband. The amount of vitriol from the 2A crowd over this is confusing.
Edit this to make all the people brown and it's completely accurate.
The safer communities act was a very effective gun control bill, you just don't notice the ways it fucks you because it's more covert and insidious than an outright ban on something.
>In fact its practically the original definition of citizen
yeah that's why the BoR specifically protects "The People" and not "Citizens" in the 2A
Citizens are mentioned separately in the BoR actually
the DMV are an obvious threat and should be disabled with a burst at 500m
ugly black women look at me like I'm the devil himself but otherwise I'm in the same boat as you lol
I open carry a lot but mostly at restaurants and short outings, rarely anywhere else. It's more comfortable. I always conceal otherwise.
Time to vote for Kamala, I guess.
Bruen took NY in the ass awhile ago, they became Shall Issue in 2022
Really interested in your take on the AWB and the fact that Democrats at the state level are more ban-happy.
Read nigger, read.
Survivorship bias: the post
Can you carry anything at all in Canuckistan?
Fuck what an old nigger bitch things lmao

Its because most gun owners are pussies. Too cowardly to ever step up to defend anyone but themselves, and too awkward to ask for ketchup at McDonalds, let alone hold their own in an argument against an old woman who finds his OCing “offensive” or some shit.
So they cope with CC, because its more “tactical” or some other bullshit
Yea, knives in a certain length, and antiques as stated previously. Lots of nice revolvers from that era, though I'm gonna be honest I don't know how it'll go if you're caught or whatever. There is literally no precedent in court for this, and the people carrying antiques never get caught I guess lmao
these stupid pos happened and everyone started recording everything. especially the stupid shit soveriegn citizens and other retards did.
Constitutional Carry passed in a ton of states and all the OC guys realized they had been huffing copium for years then quietly took the CCW pill and never looked back.
absolutely gay behavior

when i go hunting or travel to the range i just shove my rifles in the front seat, this isn't bongistan
I'm sorry the out of the closet in your face gun owners so disturbed you, you commie faggot.
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Why do I OC a .45 Uzi? Because they don’t make a .46.
you should upgrade your springs and shoot .45 super
I mean, it's cool and all, but what's the point of raising my perceived threat level to potential attackers and law enforcements?
Have you tried pocket carry? It’s game changing levels of comfort.
Holy based!
commies raped you
>I should buy a micro Uzi cat.jpg

R8 my CCW rig
This is a huge part of it.
>chefs kiss
Personally I open carried cause I could and at a time i had homeless retards living near me and shitting on the street, ive since moved and dont worry about such things as i can open carry a rifle now and have nobody bat an eye.
>PA staying blue while everyone else turns green
Could we just fucking get unlicensed CC already? Really retarded that I have a hunting license and can walk around the woods with my silenced 22 or my AR A-OK but I can't get into my fucking car with a revolver in a holster on my hip on the way there or 3 minute drives between hunting spots unless I have an additional license.
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amerinigs dont even have a bus gun
because only poor people who can't afford guns take the bus in this country
based old meme
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she is not aging well
>Demonstrates Value by protecting her in dangerous winter woods
>Engages Physically and eventually even marries her
>Nurtures Dependence by starting a life with her and having her bond with your son
>Neglects Emotionally by posting on /k/ in bait threads instead of attending to husbandly duties
>Inspires Hope by assuring her that he's not too obsessed with debates over and caliber and what kind of Slav is best, and in fact he is committed to her and son
>Separates Entirely by ditching her with the brat, off to start a new life in a new city

I know your game, anon
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Women age like milk. The wall is real
It's a really risky move around nignogs, they are always looking for guns to steal.
As a good rule of thumb, anyone poor enough to be on a bus in US should not own guns.
You literally need to be pants on head retarded not to be able to own a decent car.
Open carry is legal in my state but it's so deeply liberal and anti-gun that no one does it because you are just asking to get some annoying cunt/faggot coming up about how your weapon of murder is scaring them, their children, and so on. It just isn't worth the hassle most of the time.
If she doesnt have a kid soon shes gonna be a perma spinster shill for dems.
>shoot me first
Have you ever actually considered what the perpetrator would be perceiving in such a situation? Those guys aren't taking notes for fifteen minutes beforehand, they're popping in the door and seeing silhouettes.
You have not been keeping up with the current state of the law. Biden has issued an executive order building on the poor wording of the bipartisan safer communites act in concert with the atf to try to stop privately manufactured arms, expand background checks and maintain records so that the gun grabbers can expand their illegal registry. The atf at his behest riffing on the bpsca has redefined what it means to be ,in the business of" making private sales legal at their murky discretion. Tightening up the anonymous availability of arms and further developing federally illegal records collection should be the most concerning thing going on in gun rights now. The same people giving Joe this plan are going to be coaching Kamal, if they can stand talking to her worse comes to worse.
I think the real issue is that modern fashion is extremely minimalist, and open carry is inherently maximalist. Leading to a lack of drip. You can even see it in picture. He's wearing low profile, simplified shoes, mixed material clothes with plain silhouette. It makes the guns look retarded.

Imagine instead he was wearing cargo pants with more belts on them than a JRPG protagonist and combat boots. Suddenly the guns don't look so retarded on his leg.

A lack of drip is the main issue with open carriers.
>Fedora, check, trench coat, check, nunchucks, check. Time to go to the hot dog stand.

Back in the day, open carry was for natural disasters and "unrest" to put looters and troublemakers on notice not to start anything.
Pills, Alice
>bearing arms" specifically means to carry a weapon openly in service of your state or country, aka while on duty. It was put in the 2A to prevent soldiers and constabulary from malicious prosecution.
Are you perhaps unaware that uniformed servicemen literally do not have the same code of laws (and constitutional protections) as civilians?
Pro tip, if you can be put to death for failure to follow an order or lightly striking your manager, the constitutional doesn't apply to you and wasn't written for you

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