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http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki redirects to Fandom which reports it's closed. Is there a new place?
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There was a wiki?
Also, just in case, obligatory mention of the depot. Sorry, OP, you picked a really shitty time to be making threads.
and nothing of value was lost
I never even knew a wiki existed. æ is still up
Unfortunately the wiki hasn't been maintained in years. Fandom is also ultra jewish and cucked and they are currently deleting anything connected to 4chan because we're apparently the hangout spot for evil racist chuds or some shit.
The wiki was long dead anyway, hadn't been updated since like 2015. It held about as much relevance to modern /k/ as the do/k/ument and ar/k/. Just a bunch of old shit.
There's nothing to replace it though. Zoomers use discord for literally everything, even stuff that traditional websites would do better, and it requires an invite on top of it.
probably for the best, that host is pretty fucking gay
>noooo you HAVE to link to other relevant wikis
>you WILL put the big tiddy mobile game ads on the side
>we're using your uploaded content for our own financial gain, because anything you upload here is considered ours now
>you linked to a wiki that isn't run on our site? have fun being banned loser
>we didn't like what you said, so we changed it, don't change it back or you're done here
fucking newfag
>disrespects preservation of history
the wayback machine is right there. you can make a new wiki if you're so torn up about it. maybe put it on a host that isn't a flaming garbage heap this time. faggot.
jesus christ
now I'm sad. All those memories of our autistic worldbuilding and writefagging just flooded back. And now its all gone.

The Unnaground, Yellowstone Ashlands, Fan/k/asia..
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Also waffegeist waifufagging; upotte-esque gungirls before girls frontline even came outl
>wayback machine is right there
Man, I've got some bad news for you about its future.
>Zoomers use discord for literally everything, even stuff that traditional websites would do better, and it requires an invite on top of it.
Teach instead of lecture then, maybe zoomies don't want to be endlessly lambasted about how their generation is culturally inferior (in a lot of ways it is true but that's not the point) by some old hag Millennial faggot.

How's someone supposed to learn how to navigate the old web if no one will show them how? Same shit as Boomers (not all but a good chunk of them) complaining about how Millennials don't know how to change a tire when their fat dead beat ass was to busy being glued to the couch to watch shitty re-runs and or state sponsored propaganda like Fox or MSNBC, like how woulda though not teaching your kids shit and relying entirely on the '''Education system/schooling''' to do all their parenting for them would have negative consequences for society as a whole? The West needs correcting, be the change you wanna see in the world anon.

A society that loses interest in teaching the next generation is one that deserves to die off, shrimple as that.
Go teach your siblings or cousins or any future kids of your own down the line how to use IRC chats or whatever and teach them how to use Loonix because Bill Gates is the Anti Christ.

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
>How's someone supposed to learn how to navigate the old web if no one will show them how?
I navigated the old web. There was nobody to teach me. Had to learn on my own.
This isn't to say we should refuse to help when asked, but that the old internet isn't a cryptic place.
Changing tires is something my father taught me. But he couldn't teach me how to use the internet back when broadband became available. It didn't exist when he was a kid.
The issue here is that kids could learn how to use IRC if they wanted to, but they won't because none of their friends are using it.

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