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What would happen if such big ammo depo would be blown up?
it would be a big explosion
It's hard to say. Perhaps red squares would develop in the area.
it would be extremely painful
The slowest "raid" in 4chan history.
I don't know but I'd very much like to see it happen
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Don't mind me, just posting ball tearing badgers.
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All would be fire
For you.
looks like it's spreading outside the base, I hope it reaches the city proper
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doctor what does this mean
is this normal
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It would be noted
I can say with certainty that a red line would be crossed
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It's a fake ammunition depot. Jake “Cuckold” Sullivan told us this month that strikes inside the russia don't help or do anything, it means russia wins in this situation.
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Holy shit it registered as a quake.
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shut it down blyat!
So how bad will the rationing/shortages get?
if this was indeed nork stuff the quantity will go down but the overall effectiveness might increase
it was probably only "vengeance" (for resisting) weapons. save some life but little operational impact
>we didn't NEED that ammo
Enough to hurt, not enough to effect material change on its own. Ukraine's still hurting for offensive capability, but it might make the wait more bearable.
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>xaxaxa we didn't need tens of thousands of tons of ammo anyway
That's a decoy ammo depot. It's filled with decoy ordinance that explode as if they were real just to trick you.
Once you've fallen bait, hook and sinker, we will use superior GLONAS secret satellite to get the launch location with pin and cushion accuracy and strike back with mighty bear paw.
something like that?
Hoist with their own petard, methinks
See for yourself.
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Aurora borealis.
its a shame copelord didn't stay awake to deny this
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Yes Mr.Smith, plz tell mr putzin
What is the meaning of this tail-havibg wife?
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Ehh... another red line crossed.
If only the tsar knew. The damned boyars keep lying to him.
I don't think tzar monke will be bothered by random grass fire
>tver governor said they took down all UAV and there is some minor fires from the fallen debris
sore ga kiring baitsu da
very nice boom maybe the best yet this war
It is going to be another red line isn't it.
The construction of the arsenal for the complex storage of missiles, ammunition and explosives in the Tver region that was attacked by the UAV was supervised by the former Deputy Minister of Defense, General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov. On July 26, 2024, he was arrested on charges of fraud on an especially large scale. Another person responsible for the construction was the commander of the troops of the Western Military District, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, who is now a State Duma deputy and one of the "talking heads" regarding the military actions in Ukraine. It was assumed that the arsenal "will ensure the protection of the stored items from missile, air strikes and a nuclear explosion."
Someone should ask Russia to put turrets on top of their ammo bunkers.
In the short term, nothing changes for a month or two. We will see the effects in around late november early december. If a few more of these happens, russia might actually croak under the pressure, but right now id say this will just make them dig in even harder and mine every single square feet of ukraine they conquered so far

It would be as if "the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky" and that would be like "the splendor of the Mighty One". And the Ukies would have become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds.

It would be a glorious sight. The kind you watch over and over again in social media.
Is it possible that he actually felt the earthshakes?
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Nothing ever happens.
Looks like a completely normal russian shed.
>very nice boom maybe the best yet this war
If we're going by size it's BY FAR the biggest. I don't think people appreciate what it takes to register 3.3 on the richter scale; that's on par with Beirut and Beirut was estimated at 1.1kt. This is on the short list of the largest non-nuclear explosions ever.
its the inside view of that new cope cage with bunk beds they showed off recently
You're going to witness more and much bigger explosions very soon...
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looks like the ziggers are spanning again, I guess they're still upset
1.They installed window with spray foam and nothing else, lmao! Which probably saved it from glass shattering, though.

Empty threats from a diseased Russian nobody. My god you people live like disgusting pigs with your shitty wooden houses and your fat old women
Why do Russians live like Africans?
What the fuck is that on the ceiling I can't even tell? Glass?
that's a stretch ceiling - basically a plastic membrane, for some reason they were/are popular in eastern europe
I've never even heard of it. Seems something indigenous to ziggeria, like carpets on walls and the like
t. eastern yuro
>How to fill your house with mold in one easy step
I'm also from eastern europe and those ceilings were a cornerstone of 'euro-renovations' (eвpopeмoнт) in 2000s but why would you put one in a rotten soviet era human hive I have no idea
>The construction of the arsenal for the complex storage of missiles, ammunition and explosives in the Tver region that was attacked by the UAV was supervised by the former Deputy Minister of Defense, General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov. On July 26, 2024, he was arrested on charges of fraud on an especially large scale.
It would be funny if that's what drew the Ukies' attention to the site.
You'd assume the bunkers are designed to prevent a runaway explosion, but if it was built badly...
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I don't speak vodkarunes so I googled it and every page it was found on ends in .ru (there was one .kz on second page)
sure seems like russian stuff, and maybe belarus too, but it doesn't seem to have been common in EE as a whole
>put turrets on top of their ammo bunkers.
kontakt-1 boxes
Is this why the spammers are going into overload trying to gridlock the frontpage?
Holy shit, turdie spam is in overdrive.
Every time
> for some reason
fast, cheap, cnd clean. Can be installed after everything else is ready.
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>surely bragging about murdering prisoners will make them give up
>fast, cheap, cnd clean
...as opposed to just painting your fucking ceiling?
fast cheap and clean, not smart
2.7 Richter. Not good, not terrible.
some soviet commieblocks have uneven ceilings, so the stretch plastic thing kinda makes sense if you need to make it look "ok" for cheap
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those are pretty neat, it make room feel bigger.
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>popular in eastern europe
No.What is popular is aluminium frame with glass fiber isnulation and plasterboard.
one spot scaled 3.3 actually, probably the epicenter
>probably the epicenter
moscow was 3.2
sadly not the epicenter yet, please look forward to 2025
lmao I still hold out hope Putin tries a desperation move and nukes himself for pitty points to cry about the west
I have an interesting theory about it : it’s as if other EE countries don’t use cyrillic script !
the concrete is rough, and often there are cables running on the ceiling. So for a smooth ceiling it's plaster+sheetrock+painting and even this is often not enough as there could be moving joints of concrete slabs, so it's either membrane or drywall.
Membrane is the cleaner and much cheaper. Then only thing which can be installed after everything is done. The only drawback it is somewhat less durable than alternatives, and membrenes with matte finish are more expensive than glossy.
it's insane how transparent it is. Like it's not even just disagreeing with someone and calling them a russian bot. Every time shit blows up there is just lower and lower quality spam everywhere for an hour or so. I wonder if this tactic is even effective in any way
Its cause all building ceilings are fucking crooked so you need something to cover this shit.
t russian
Effective as an indicator that something really bad happened to the russia
that looks fucking awful
Just woke up what happen TL;DR?
it works better on facebook and other places where you have an infinite amount of sockpuppet accounts. Also boomers are very gullible
The posts here are probably made by 1-2 bots max using a captcha solver and chatgpt scraped API keys from github or other repos. I saw russians selling such keys on /g/ too kek
maybe 15-20 years ago, now its just pathetic cope
NTA but why the fuck is it reflective? Is it just because it's cheaper than matte or what?
an absolutely gorgeous blastwave

Moderately /k/ and sexual, incredibly violent manga called "killing bites". It's about living weapons fighting in a series of underground tournaments sponsored by various oligarchs and zaibatsu. Also, about the authors completely insane misunderstanding (and fetishization) of biological science.
That particular character is a honey badger and one of the main characters in the first big story arc.
Huge weapons' cache was destroyed, HUGE, as in, 3.2 on the earthquake scale huge
Ammo depot blew up so hard it set off seismic sensors in Moscow.
I was smoking in the wrong place, sorry bros.
Cause some tasteless retards think it's look cooler i guess?
Most russians have nigger tier taste anyway, some make it piss yellow
Kontakt Ionosphere you mean
Smoking accident, there is no panic.
god i can see why someone might think it was a nuke, those were perfect mushroom clouds.
Ziggers mad x24
it can be matte or reflective
Is he trying to do the Hollywood grenade pin teeth pull?
It's more expensive than statndard glossy finish so it's just the owner's personal choice.

It is cheaper but it is not that cheap. It's cheaper mostly because it can be installed in one day.
Drone strike set off an ammo bunker in Toropets ammo depot. It's been outright deleted. Primary explosion seems to have been several thousand tons equivalent at a minimum, and was so massive it set off other bunkers in the complex. Shitload of Nork ammo and missiles gone along with at least two small towns upwind, fires are spreading towards Toropets itself, Russkies are panic-evacuating and spamming like motherfuckers.
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>and was so massive it set off other bunkers in the complex
nice ammo bunker you got there, friends
I mean, if I was going to baleet myself with a grenade that's how I'd pull the pin.
>as opposed to just painting your fucking ceiling?
This >>62531010 , and all of this "euro-renovation" mindset - painting is too similar to whitewashing(which was traditionally done to ceilings), and that's old, outdated and backwards. People fucking went a little crazy for all new construction materials entering the market in 90-00s - wallpapers that can be washed! factory made wallpaper glue, you don't have to cook it yourself out of flour! plastic windows and doors! plastic baseboards! plastic paneling everywhere ! polystyrene ceiling decorations! laminate! spray foam and silicone! woah so modern, cool and european!
Almost as nice as the dacha its budget went into, probably.
So has this finally outdone Halifax?
this whole scene is insane but that fucking hanging light on the right has broken me
this can't be real
>At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country localised entirely in your bedroom?
Nah. If this is in the neighborhood of Beirut like the seismic data suggests then it's ~1kt while Halifax was pushing ~3kt.
Smoke gonna rise for days to some probably. We'll not get a clean satellite image anytime soon
Fuck me, judging by the video anon posted above I still can't imagine what Halifax must have looked like.
warehouse full of pagers
Yeah, the Halifax explosion razed like 60% of the entire city IIRC despite happening in the port.
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"The air defense system worked, the UAVs were shot down, and a fire broke out when they fell , " Tver Governor Igor Rudenya, amid the sounds of ammunition detonation, spoke about the alleged consequences of the "fall of debris" from UAVs in Toropets
That one would be fun to run through a simulator. Beirut had a lot of buildings channeling and absorbing the blast. You can literally see the pressure wave kink when it hits the first builting. Toropets looks like the main cookoff actually did happen in the open -- the secondaries are all clearly bunkers cooking off, and the blasts are a hell of a lot more contained than the main one. The real question is if you could get a good, clean picture of the Halifax explosion without going over the horizon or the pressure wave killing you anyway.
Also, the O.G. Pensacola cookoff must have been absolutely incredible, I've seen Hatcher's photographs and that place was fucking GONE. When I went to the NTC out there they still had a memorial up.
>dig in even harder and mine every single square feet of ukraine they conquered so far
aren't they already doing this?
Yes, that anons retarded
I cant even tell what the fuck that is, but you might be right, god knows these poor fucks might not have a kitchen and cook in their rooms
Looks like cloth to me.
> This is fine.jpg
please continue to disbelieve your lying eyes, all is fine
probably, maybe underwear or a ratty t-shirt
>oxygen concentrator on the nightstand
>tubes of lipstick and tchotchkes on the dresser and bookcased
>dowdy clothing
I'm pretty sure that's just a tan headscarf or shawl, Anon, that's a grandma room if I ever saw it. Smells like cats, existential horror, and artificial roses.
Image unrelated but funny.
>that fucking hanging light on the right has broken me
>this can't be real
it's very common among the proles in the ex-USSR, I've seen it in many commieblock apartments. we never had things like that in my family because we're detached-house-dwelling native middle class (Latvian) but the homo sovieticus goblins love shit like that.
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>small explosion are now so common an ammo depo exploding in Mariupol last week wasn't even registered
It's not going to be Moscow in that case. Money on Belgorod
>head doesnt even seem to react, just casually fly upwards
I question the scientific value of this test.
they'd want to make a show of it for the press, but not want it to be somewhere really important, unironically somewhere in kursk might do.
russia really kills the mood with how often they getting dunked on
i remember at the start of the war, seeing one tank exploding was a treat. Now we are at 2k+ destroyed ones
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>The commander is unconscious
>Temporary wound cavity approximately 1.48 meters, average.
>Permanent wound cavity highly variable, defined by location of head, belt buckle, and phalanges of left and right feet.
and the way the retards here seem to revel in being call stupid while they spam the obard every time Russia fails just kinda makes the whole situation seem pathetic, like kicking an angry retarded toddler
Kek bunkertroons are fucking seething over this.
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holy kino
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>last night, pulled a too
>in the back, of my Ute
>I was cautious, double wrapped
>but I still, got the clap
Imagine living in that shitbox of a house
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I deserve this.
Jesus fucking christ are those secondaries from the heat? They are too far for something else? Or was it a fire or multiple drones?
I feel like the tzar knows about this one
>our house is intact. So everything if ok, Oleg, the house is intact, I see it.
secondary as far as I can tell, which is wild.
I love seeing a zigger ammo depot going nova for the camera.
Military Summary said this was the largest ammo depot in Russia. Cap?
Look how much ground those fires are covering.
If someone labeled this as a test of a tactical nuclear weapon, I would believe it. Absolutely spectacular
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> the secondaries are all clearly bunkers cooking off
> bunkers
Yeah, about bunkers...
yeah all those little villages are all fucking dead, fuck me lmao
The obvious question is: What the fuck were they thinking doing that?
Why worry about drones hitting Tver? It's too far away
>O.G. Pensacola cookoff
Looking at maps, that depot looked so inconvenient. There's one rail that runs near it, but not major rail depot. Also no air strip. What a pain in the ass to move weapons in and out of here.
Puccians have a problem with laziness. Anyone actually doing hard work is considered a bitch by others.
>What the fuck were they thinking doing that?
You're still asking that after the the 50th time we saw a Ivan ammo depot looking like a fire hazard waiting to happen?
yeah, thats because all the good ones are fuckign on fire as well, now we're hitting the huge storage ones that supply the better ones
Street view of the town, the town actually looks super comfy.
>500km from ukrianian border
Why worry?
The country produces so many shells the storages have been literally overflown. Gayrapean brain just won't understand tat.
>"not my problem"
>"why worry about something that's not going to happen?"
Russian mindset is magical.
>vatnigger meltie has engulfed the whole board
Holy seething.
You can tell how significant vatnigger's loss was today.
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caring about safety is gay
looked comfy
gotta let the ammo breathe fresh air, you know?
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not a nuke
even clean tactical paylaod would affect the guys standing there and recording like, nearly instantly after detonation
it's just popculture that always associates big explosion shrooms with nukes
MMM roast rusniggies)))
>it feels shame
that one might be salvageable
>how significant vatnigger's loss was
Imagine how many bombs, missiles, and shells were stored here.
>these niggers are still posting on fsb curated 2ch
>in this current year and in these circumstances
>this will just make them dig in even harder and mine every single square feet of ukraine they conquered so far
Just use forced prisoner labor to clear the mines. EZPZ.
they dont know or care anon, its like the retards who post on /pol/, its just an echo chamber to feel good
>the town actually looks super comfy.
Wtf are you talking about, it looked like a trashpit of AIDS, alcoholism and incest.
I'm not sure. He doesn't feel shame about the garbage dump, he feels shame that the Americans know about it.
Checked their telegram, news telegrams like Baza can't even report about explosion, merely "fire started after UAV was downed, 7500 people evacuate, fire is being dealt with"
Believe me, Global Shitsk...er, Southerner, when we nuke someone, you'll know.
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Being mad won't bring back their ammo dump or put out those fires
>we wuh dinduneedit anyway
Today was a good day, russia on fire and exploding like this really does the heart good knowing they got fucked super hard
Does this bad for Mr. Putin????
> What the fuck were they thinking doing that?
That it can withstand nuclear attack.

> The construction of the arsenal for the complex storage of missiles, ammunition and explosives in the Tver region that was attacked by the UAV was supervised by the former Deputy Minister of Defense, General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov. On July 26, 2024, he was arrested on charges of fraud on an especially large scale. Another person responsible for the construction was the commander of the troops of the Western Military District, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, who is now a State Duma deputy and one of the "talking heads" regarding the military actions in Ukraine. It was assumed that the arsenal "will ensure the protection of the stored items from missile, air strikes and a nuclear explosion."
Not if they never report it to him))))
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He wasn't much of a looker to begin with
Squat, short, ill favoured
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Err, these villages look rather close.
Why would you have a village less than 500 meters from a giant ammo dump?
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And some news from somewhere from 2012 to 2015:
> In the city of Toropets (Tver Region), the construction of an arsenal for missiles and other ammunition is nearing completion, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports, citing the press service of Spetsstroy RF.
> “The foundations, columns and walls have been erected, the installation of the floors, roof and backfilling of the structure is underway. The arsenal will have cold and heated rooms, electrical substations, treatment facilities, water and fuel storage tanks, and more than a hundred fire reservoirs,” the press release says.
> It is noted that “only high-quality domestically produced materials are being used in the construction.” About 200 people and 35 units of equipment are involved in the construction. The cost of the facility is 3.6 billion rubles.
> Earlier, Sergei Shoigu reported: “In 2015, 454 storage facilities will be built, thereby completing the arrangement of 13 modern arsenals and bringing the missile and ammunition storage system into compliance with established requirements.”
> The program to improve the ammunition storage system was launched by the military in 2012 and is designed to "eliminate the storage of ammunition in the open air." In total, the department will spend 90 billion rubles on modernizing the arsenals.

> is designed to "eliminate the storage of ammunition in the open air."
> eliminate the storage of ammunition in the open air

Open air storage eliminated indeed.
Short commute, nice lakeside position.
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What villages?
There was never any villages there, just open ground and burnt trees since anyone can remember, those are not exploding missile parts on the land
You're actually insane if you think that's raw chicken.
>If we're going by size it's BY FAR the biggest. I don't think people appreciate what it takes to register 3.3 on the richter scale; that's on par with Beirut and Beirut was estimated at 1.1kt. This is on the short list of the largest non-nuclear explosions ever.

Yeah, this is the biggest single explosion of the war by far and the biggest ammo dump explosion. It's... something else and even more remarkable that Ukraine did this without proper cruise or ballistic missiles but home made UAV bombers.
Well anon.
Do you see any munitions stored in the open right now?
it's uneven and rough, to paint it you'd need to do a ton of plastering work.
for example you add some plaster, then sand it down, then add again, then sand it down, and repeat until it's smooth and more or less flatit could take like a week to do one ceiling, no I'm not joking.
the cost becomes way too big for poorfags and cheapskates, and yes this is required if you want to either paint or use wallpaper on the ceiling and for it to not look like ass due to unevenness.
and there's also an issue that crap might leak in from the top and discolor your shit, no I'm not joking.
there's also a middle ground: instead of trying to plaster the ceiling itself to be straight, you install drywall and cover the actual ceiling with it, this takes less time to achieve a flat surface, but still takes quite a bit of time, compared to those membrane/film ceilings
The elimination problem has been rectified comrade
Russia can't defend active airfields from Ukrainian drones, it was just matter of time before arsenal of such size gets removed from existence
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> will withstand air attacks, missiles, and nukes

Here is how things work here
>govt pays x rubles for x
>local government uses a chunk of x for meeting fees, land purchases from friends/relatives at a premium and hands it over to contractors
>contractors get a lump sum and cut corners by carting in cheap labor like Tajiks and such before handing it to subcontractors
>subcontractors buy materials and rent equipment from the contractors at a premium while pocketing a chunk of the money
>the project moves on and is in a half assed state for years before things are actually finished if they dont add conscripts (free labor) to the mix
At every step of the way there is someone skimming something off the top and whatever spending there is only 20-40% of the initial funding gets actually spent on the end result that often is unfinished but "serviceable"
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>building missile stores out of concrete was big enough news to be talked about
>woah so modern, cool and european!
more like "holy shit, usable stuff which doesn't look like soviet ass"
not building missile stores out of concrete*
So you're telling me they used something stronger than nukes? Scary
It's surreal how we got used to regular explosions happening on territory of Russia.
3 years ago I'd think even minor version of this would be in every newspaper of the world with the bunch of angry videos of Russian armies activating everywhere around the world, threats of the world war etc.
But nowadays it's just an eye feast for people who are into it and jokes about monke and banan.
One of the biggest ammo depots nearby Moscow just blew the full up in what looked like mini nuke and it's just "lmao umb vatniggers".
oooo you're right, I mean shame in general is a good thing but you have a point that its not pointed at the right thing
Yes, much stronger: russian corruption and vranyo
Nukes 2.
they used to store the artifacts there anon, nukes are like flowers compared to those tools
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funny how things turn out eh?
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Holy hand grenade of Kyiv
Villages were there before ammo depot, monke generals just didn't care about them, kek.
How are chuggers coping?
>One of the biggest ammo depots nearby Moscow
Largest ammo depo in Russia*
as usual, either it didn't happen, it wasnt important, or just spamming /k/ and jacking off to trannies
fuuuuck they're memory holing it already under a double layer of cope and threats
>my fucking sides just went Toropets
They made gains in some village
Look at the catalogue
> building missile stores out of concrete was big enough news to be talked about
And a tv report too!
(ai translated)
Were they even relevant in this war, at all?
At least people here paid the ukies to write stupid shit on the arty ammo
Well, they were pretty high for a few seconds last night.
No, as usual /pol/ is as worthless as they act
>Were they even relevant in this war, at all?
Russia pays them money to shitpost
We've come a long way from day one. I hope it gets funnier.
Aurora tremens.
> sauna and cafe for the resident staff.

Yeah they got steamed alright
I still remember the drone
Well, the standard weight of 152mm shell that the Russians use is 44 kg. Supposedly this site stored 30 000 tons of ammunition. Not all of this is just shells of course but if it was you'd be looking at 618.818 shells. Supposedly, they produce something like 250k a month in addition to whatever they get from abroad. It's a big boom but there's a lot more left. Really puts the sheer size of this war in perspective.
News report from the site. "All drones shot down, debris fell down and started a fire":
(ai translated)
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This could be you anon
Why is ukraine even build drones? They should be manufacture debris only, it seems a lot more effective. Every single thing that exploded in russia was caused by them
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2 minutes of shit exploding including a very nice rocketfuel kaboom FULL AUDIO
>that dragon dildo
I see where the window installation money went
okay for real are these people gonna be okay or are we gonna see like 250 dead? I hate dead civvies in any conflict. Everyone who dies should have a nice military uniform on, and ideally be an ugly male aged 40 or over with an alcoholism problem.
>staring at myself as I lay in bed masturbating
Allegedly this site stored iskanders and nork ballistic missiles.
So not only was it not nukeproof, it's not "falling debris" -proof.
Unironically, with no exaggeration, they are all probably dead or at least horrifically injured
Russia doesn't have any civilians, just logistics troops.
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The forest is in the forest
>where did all this sadness come from
I thank god every day that at least I'm not Russian stupid
Probably going to be the best explosion of this whole war unless that tanker actually explodes somehow
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>that tanker
that'll just fucking end the war if it does, no way anyone just sits around after a NATO aligned country has a town destroyed by an obvious Russian cargo ship
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>glass fiber isnulation
Current meta in Lithuania is moving towards foam insulation instead of glass fiber for better longevity.

These ceilings are very useful in commieblock bathrooms since it helps isolate the all the mold thats set deep in the shitty concrete and cannot be fully removed.

Pic rel - some very amateurish work I did for myself some years ago.
fwiw I don't think it's going to, I think it's just plain old incompetence rather than active malice
Its a reference to a song by "Kino"/V.Tsoi.
"The house stands, the lights are on(the same word as "burning")
You can see far away from the window
So where did the sadness come from?"
It would be extremely painful
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NOTHING TO SEE HERE, russians said they took down all UAVs.
You need to fool the anti air defenses to shoot, they will not do it for just debris.
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>The residential sector is designed for 200 people

Uh... this might be why they're spazzing out as much as the rockets themselves. If this is only half staffed then 100 military personel in a single attack went up in smoke. The nearby villages might have been taken out as well.
What happened to ziggers in that bunker?
Somehow that debris is always effective in causing explosions and fire. Looks like Russia has to invest in some kind anti-debris protection not just AD to blow up drones.
doesnt change anything, just makes it even stupider on Russias part
That's straight up monkey model tile work holy shit. You couldn't even try to line up the corners? I've seen Mexicans do better, you couldn't even wash the grout right lol.
either vaporized, crushed, or slowly dying of oxygen starvation
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> "debris"
> "fire"
> "partial evacuation"
If russians knew this would happen would they still invaded Ukraine?
>What happened to ziggers in that bunker?

Emergency crews are fighting the fire to save their lies. ie they're all dead.
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Why would they care about 200 soldiers?
yeah anon, parts of the civilians evacuated the radius of the explosion!
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>there is no need to reflect
I think I just came a little
>to save their lies
Not sure if a typo or it was intended.
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Official website of Toropetsky municipal district
>If russians knew this would happen would they still invaded Ukraine?

You know how to this day the Russians still talk down to Ukrainians even after all this? They still don't take them seriously, still see them as confused wayward retarded children whom their guardian has to rangle back to mother Russia? That's why. Their minds are not physically capable of seeing Ukrainains as a fully fledged people capable of their own interests, and especially not able to resist Russia.

If you were to show Putin and his inner staff this kind of footage he would say you're lying. Or that this was avoidable and he'd do it anyways to just spite you and prove you wrong. Or the Americans or Brits intervened and such.

You think they're making it up when they say there's NATO mercs? No, they believe it. They think the Americans and Brits are behind everything.

So the short version: they are not capable of thinking this outcome could happen, so they would always invade.
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Putin was and remains a strategic genius

This >>62530401 explosion stronk much burning too.
Has to be photoshopped.
nope lol, just screenshotted it
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Ukrochads.... I kneel
So, what happens to Russian governors who prattle blatant falsehoods after catastrophes of this scale?
China has the decency to jail them, at least.
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Funny thing is that house is old, rickety and tired but its looked after.Like its not the abject degeneracy of some places as its still sort of vaguely in distance of Moscow to the point its just old crap.
Now... lets see how the other 90% of the country lives!
Even fucking Mordor looks nice this time of the year
Remember the first big depot they hit in Donetsk with himars? the ones filmed by the guys unloading trucks, they had to go and look for shelter on some shed with everything exploding left and right... those were times.
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>Why would they care about 200 soldiers?

1. Losing the ammo.
2. Losing the nice shiny new state of the art bunker complex.
3. Losing all the soldiers and support staff. These aren't just braindead mobiks or convicts, but actual important staff and officers running this facility.
4. Fire/depris spreading to nearby villages (minimum) to them outright being wiped off the map (maximum)
5. Gigantic fireball that's seen for miles and miles, and very hard to deny or spin.

It's the combo of all this that elevates this into an extreme embarrassment. They can't save face which is what they care more about than an actually functioning military or society.
Translation? Love me some Ukro bantz
>Translation? Love me some Ukro bantz

I checked and the text is sadly not changed only the images. This could just as easily be random Ukrainians fucking around after hearing this news. Random civic websites don't have proper security half the time.
Even one of the spam threads currently thrown up by them on /k/ tries to dismiss the idea of Ukrainians as a people
>something being nuked (probably russian) in the background
>stern serious look from a russian chud
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>you couldn't even wash the grout right lol

In my defense the walls and floors were so uneven I had to use centimeters worth if filler to even them out SOMEWHAT. This was taking way too long and after weeks of work was way too tired and impatient to do it properly.

Also the grout I blame that on the shitty Polish stuff that I bought to save money on - cant be applied properly and then way too hard to fix up
>foam insulation
Like fibran? Oh we have that, but we use it for cladding the outside of the house. Fibran, plastic net, marmadon and on top of that we lay decorative plastic mix. On my bathroom ceiling I used plaster that I have painted with this type of latex paint the sell for hospitals - it supposed to prevent molding.
I got 503 error. Did they shut it down already?
fug fug fug it just 503 error'd, meaning Russians likely saw it as well and yanked the site. I didn't get a chance to send it to the web.archive to perserve it forever! It may be lost forever... sad.
yep :(
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>They can't save face
This is the chef's kiss, the little cherry on top of the steaming, on fire piece of shit that is Russia. They just aren't nearly as fucking cool or good as they think they have every right to be and now they just have to eat that ox cart full of shit one spoonful at a time because its the only thing on the menu.
The vatnik will eat the shit
He will say its good
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They are also attempting an outright (manual lmao)wipe.
Haven't seen that before.
What if the server was hosted there and it actually blew up?
Just the main site. The images are still there.
>it's real
that's a lot of red, jesus
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>Why do Russians live like Africans?
Because they are brothers
You are asking this about "people" who open a mortar shell by hitting the pointy end with a hammer. Not even joking.
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Some Puccians are actually aware of that, as well
>30,000 tons
>30,000 * 2200 = 66,000,000 pounds of munitions
>a 152 shell weighs about 100 pounds, if you include propellant and shit. 660,000 shell equivalents lost in a single strike.
Give that poor cunt two bottles of vodka, he's become self aware for too long!
Was it normal sanded or a poly mix? Or god forbid epoxy? With epoxy you need hot ass water and alcohol in a spray bottle for clean up. Also always use sponges for any grout wash, never a towel. You gotta scrub in the direction of the joint then wipe diagonally across the whole tile, cleaning the sponge every couple wipes (you'll need a gorillion buckets of clean water). Hope you enjoyed my ted talk
Kudino, when the forest burned
>but actual important staff and officers running this facility.
those guys don't even live there. thay have dachas some kilometers away. if anything the conscripts got conCRISPED
>According to an RIA state news agency report from 2018, Russia was building an arsenal for the storage of missiles, ammunition and explosives in Toropets, a 1,000-year-old town, which has a population of just over 11,000.
>Dmitry Bulgakov, then a deputy defence minister, told RIA in 2018 that the facility could defend weapons from missiles and even a small nuclear attack. Bulgakov was arrested earlier this year on corruption charges. He denies the charges.
>"It (the concrete facilities) ensures their reliable and safe storage, protects them from air and missile strikes and even from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion," RIA quoted Bulgakov as saying at the time.
It's possible some bunkers survived, it's designed to withstand nuclear attacks after all!
Hah, who am I kidding. The guy responsible for building the base got arrested for fraud this year.
if properly designed and managed the ammo piles won't chain-react and at most each pile would explode individually.
Our Ukie debris have proven themselves over and over again as superior alternatives to small nuclear weapons. There's very little room to escalate above the Ukie debris. Just proper 7 stage hydrogen bombs and rods from God.
Verification not required.
>Head of the Toropetsky Municipal District of the Tver Region
>be Mbebe Mbombo
>expect to face single shot rifles and entire villages full of white women to rape
>hear a buzz above
>Why is ukraine even build drones? They should be manufacture debris only,
The drones are filled with debris
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>Bulgakov was arrested earlier this year on corruption charges. He denies the charges.
>The top fell off
Insensitive munitions are for the homosexual bourgeois in HATO
Lel wtf
Russian ammo has a weak spot in the rear.
A new weapon has been secretly developed and used against Russia:
Z.D.D.S. – Zigger Debris Delivery System
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...Russians live like this?
>Russian ammo has a weak spot in the rear.
Put Kontakt-1 ERA on the back of shells to compensate.
Jesus fucking christ each of those secondaries is as big as a normal ammo depo
No wonder they want to go die in Ukraine.
How did you think they live like? Provide an example. I've been to Russia, and I can guarantee, the pic is not cherrypicked, this is really the absolute state of Russia.
thats nice by russian standard
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Science isn't about why, anon, it's about why not!
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AI generated song based on this happening and this screenshot in the beginning of the vid.
Really funny, too bad it would be too much work to translate it. Here have translation of that screenshot at least.
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Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.
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and sisters
> Err, these villages look rather close.
> okay for real are these people gonna be okay or are we gonna see like 250 dead?
According to >>62532138, there were seven people(with one oar) in tsikarevo awaiting help.
>7 men 1 oar
A very russian-sounding flick
ziggers are going to bomb Ukrainian cities and civilians in retaliation as they always do.
They do it regardless.
I remember they always chimout a few days after a big Ukie hit.
Bruh, every single night from 3 to 6 am we have alarms.
Organic free pasture ammo, lovely.
Other oar was broken by Boris Iron-ass. Please understand.
HBO was so ahead of their time with this series... Or maybe vatniks just never change
It has been like that for centuries in the russia.
What's wrong with the pic? I mean why would anyone worry about something that's not going to happen?
Privet, anon, kak dela?
True, we all had breakfast !
onions onions onions basedboy
It seems the bombs went up in big badaboom saaar
>True, we all had breakfast !
Oh god...

Never happen. It's deep within Russia territory and protected by the world's strongest air defenses.
Ignore that guy, anon, you did a better job than me. I gave up tiling my bathroom halfwat through and now half of it is a mess of bare wall.
I try not to look at it every time I go in.

Anon guess where the landmines were stored.
why would land mines be stored so far?
One of the videos made during the attack had distinct rocket engine sound. Looks like not only drones took part in this attack
they have jet engine drones
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>"Nyet everything is fine"
>Explosions in the background
I refuse to believe Russia is real. It is a parody.
It is better understood as a self-launched cruise missile. I think we should make a new class of cruise missile to avoid confusion.

>jet engine drones
So cruise missiles
You're rationalizing things, 9 times out of 10 those aren't any sort of "revenge strikes". Most operations done by russias take way too much preparation and planning and are prepared weeks before it's actually done.
>drones = missiles with propellers
I dont know, sounds pretty retarded if you ask me
Is this you?
Anon do you really not know who that is?
>russian chud
That's Obama
The lucky ones, yes
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Da comrade. Weeks of planning to try and hit same nazi neighbourhood as last seven attempts. Also don't forget time it takes for priest to bless the missiles.
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>Countertop in the bottom-right

Dude sleeping in the kitchen lmao
it's like listening to rainfall and distant thunder strikes
I wish there was a 2 hour long version of this
It's more a thing to prepare routes for cruise missiles and drones, then have each one manually programmed in one by one, then have them delivered to pidors actually launching them and so on.
a lot of that can be done in advance, especially if your targets aren't dynamic (energy and logistics infrastructure)
so they can spend weeks/months preparing an attrack, and tyhen wait for something to happen before hitting the big red button, hence "revenge strikes"
>I don't want to set the world on fire...

... (yes I do)
>100 military personel in a single attack went up in smoke
They lose way more every day on the front according to ukraine. Why would they care?
>Fallout show
>trailer remix
You had one job.
>that fucking hanging light on the right has broken me
I had one in a rented house in Australia from the '50s. I mean I thought it was weird but I have seen them in the west.
>Why would they care?
Those would be 18yo conscripts serving there, not mobiks/contractniks/convicts.
all the worthless people have probably already been sent to Ukraine
Is this really that much more embarassing than moscow being hit last week or the fucking kremlin being droned?
That's damn impressive to take out the balloon with a shockwave. It's like they made the 50 cal meme true.
>an absolutely gorgeous blastwave
I still maintain that pic related is the purrtiest explosion of the war, but yea, it has nothing on the shear mass of this one.
>Imagine living in that shitbox of a house
At least he has a yard, but he really is going out of his way to represent the vatnik dacha meme.
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>Not establishing dominance over your mirror-self

do you think that makes any difference? like for real? do you actually think they give a shit?
all russian lives are worthless. that's what they themselves think, aside for their own that is
I'm probably stupid but what dildo? Couldn't find anything when I looked and now I'm curious
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How will he respond?
Idk, raise an eyebrow? Maybe bomb another pediatric cancer ward?
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>...Russians live like this?
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Is he okay
>do you think that makes any difference? like for real? do you actually think they give a shit
A little bit.
Nobody gives a shit about other categories because they are there because of their own conscious decision.
Conscripts on the other hand are not, and are in general very young, and that's why at least their immediate family cares a bit.
Afghanistan and chehcnya1 were extremely traumatic and unpopular exactly for a reason of conscripts being sent to die.
you must at least accept that the civilians in the surrounding vilages are innocent victims in all this
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>He doesn't feel shame about the garbage dump, he feels shame that the Americans know about it.
Baby steps, anon.
Shame that someone knows is a precursor to shame that it exists, which is like the first step in solving a problem.
So there's hope for this one, let's just not be too optimistic.
maybe by some definition they are
but I just can't be arsed to give the slightest amount of fucks, or to feel the smallest amount of sympathy for them, because where was their sympathy when the shoe was on the other foot?
I don't feel bad for them at all, fuck em
>despite its proximity to the border
Its further away from the border than moscow, wtf.
Unfortunately poor comrade Tsar has been deceived by those nasty boyars again and thinks it was merely a grass fire resulting from debris of shot down drones.
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the border with NAFO

it's not like Ukies are doing it on their own
Poor dindus
>Google censored my ability to find кyдинo on Maps
>Had to use bing
>Kike ruschweine founder protects his golem
I think it's just too small.
The Google Founders have been gone from that company for a long, long time. And if they were still there then Google would probably not be censoring anything for anyone.

You can search for the slightly larger town to the right, цикapeвo.
why is the ceiling made of glass?
live... is an interesting word to use.
you just can't get ahead as you average russian
It's stretched plastic film. Cheap and easy way to make your ceiling look good.
Usually it's matte though.
>dragon dildo
Are you OK anon?
I don't think Russian babushkas use dragon dildos or even know they exist.
Maybe an empty wine bottle.
>are these people gonna be okay or are we gonna see like 250 dead?
They probably need to evacuate and fires could reach the town, but they're probably fine.
The actual blast isn't going to level the town, they're just in danger from flaming debris landing in the town and starting fires.
the bug tape thing is nasty
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everything is gravy
>What if the server was hosted there and it actually blew up?
A 503 is a server overloaded error, it's usually caused by high traffic on a shit server. I think it's just that too many people are accessing the page because someone shared it on Telegram.
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stay safe russianbros
Most of them got girls but look how happy that guy in the front is with the little red-headed boy.
>Translation? Love me some Ukro bantz
The text hasn't been touched, I'm almost certain this was an attack that exploited poor file upload permissions. Possibly something is trivial as a put request instead of a get request.
This would let some Ukrainian upload a file with the same file name as an existing file and overwrite it.
full vid:
Can any military anons tell me whether this looks like a typical entrance to a military base?

maps.app.goo gl/vPsP2rP2FZCQdmhe9
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>Science isn't about why, anon, it's about why not!
Science is about asking with you can, not whether you should.
does anyone know what did hit it? was that the new missile-drone thingy for a $1mill that ukraine was showing not a long ago?
>Dude sleeping in the kitchen lmao
It's a studio flat. Similar to what students sometimes live in, though this is probably a babushka.
Drone debris.
>it's like listening to rainfall and distant thunder strikes
I'm pretty sure this is what is meant by "quietly exploding".
>I still maintain that pic related is the purrtiest explosion of the war
I'm partial to the tracked cope shed in the swamp where the shockwave ripples the water.
I like how your one has the secondaries hunting right through the commieblocs though.
>a studio flat
No such thing in commblock buildings. That is likely just grandma's room based on the oxygen compressor and everything else. The oldest communalkas which started to fall down in the 70s were basically barracks (shared toilet, kitchen) But everything after that had separate bathrooms and kitchens even though there was often not enough room to fart in them. The anon saying "dude, countertop lmao" has never seen a drawer, apparently.
You're probably right, though my experience in Hong Kong apartments tells me that some of those commiebloc apartments will be illegally subdivided into studio apartments.
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>9 years ago
the base was built in 2018, retard
The thing that stuns me tbf is how tiny commieblock apartments are. A family of three had two room flat that was something like 200sq ft TOTAL.
Dude, I will destroy you with my 2400 baud modem. Eventually.
The isotope ratios in nuclear weapons can be traced back to where they were created. No mystery nukes.
The initial explosion probably tossed a few burning rockets/shells into other storage areas.
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Not our problem
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I could've saved him.
The electricity going bzzzt bzzzt before going down is pure kino
Is this a love hotel
That was /k/ 10 hours ago. It was morning in Russia. They got up and spammed every American website with their bullshit.
Mobilized reservists are still drafted not volunteers...
What is that translation software you're using in first clip?
There is a watermark on it.
ah thanks
>There is no fire in Toropets
>Posting photographs or videos of these non-existent fires will be prosecuted as treason and subversion against glorious Russian people.
>Please do not post!
>I kill you
>Please no post
No I don't, nigger.
It's russia anon they would actually do this.
>all of these Xitter posts in spanish claiming it was a nuclear HATO weapon
Did the indians increase their rates?
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