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Does J-10C really blow the Falcon?

>Does J-10C really blow the Falcon?
Like ya muddah
I mean f-16 is such a shitty plane it lost air superiority to soviets jets in Ukraine
great b8
they arent even properly supported
bur yeah, the f16 radar is shit
For a weapons board, you guys are so stupid when it comes to planes. Fighters are just launch platforms, nothing more nothing less. If a pilot finds himself in a dogfight these days, something has gone wrong royally, either in planning or its execution. The side whose combined package provides overmatch is the better one. This includes everything from AWACS and ECM to missiles, etc. What a single plane type comes equipped with only matters in how it fits with the entire package. A PLAAF J10C in a Chinese operation would theoretically be much more capable than an F16 in service with Iraq.
I kneel.
For a retard you are truly complete and accomplished and I wouldn't be surprised if you had documents and accolades supporting this.

It's entirely possible and reasonable to compare fighters based on their features, especially if their initial design included dogfighting as a major and expected part of their doctrinal use.
As per paki pilot input, J-10C is a match (even more so) to F-16blk52 in term of avionics but everything else (maneuverability, weapons selection) F-16 is superior

they buy J-10C as possible replacement for Mirage III/Mirage 5 in strike role as the chinese is willing to integrate non chinese acivionics and munitions to J-10C (paki cruise missile, turk PGM, south african BVR, Brazilian anti radiatiok missile) while F-16 will still be the frontline fighter jets against india's Su-30/Rafale
So you're saying that the F-16 is a flat top AR-15 with a US/EU made optic and a modular rail and the J-10 is a type 95 with that dogshit trigger a vortex strike eagle mounted on a retrofit picrail with no LAM real estate
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Only one way to find out...
>J-10C is a match (even more so) to F-16blk52 in term of avionics
maybe in terms of export avionics, wherein the export version barely has any avionics.
>Does J-10C really blow the Falcon?
What exactly are you trying to say? Is the J-10C worse than the F-16 or does the J-10C blow away the F-16?
If you are going to write out J-10C then don't say Falcon, say F-16. Be consistent.
Stop using the passive voice in writing. Adults write using the active voice.
>the J-10C looks exactly like a F-16
someone post the image or pasta about J-10s blacking out sensors on Malaysian Su-30s
is this most blatant Chinkoid copy? Holy fuck those animals don't have single imagination bone in their insectoid bodies
heh heh heh.
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>Does J-10C really blow the Falcon?
So just like rafales were deemed low quality 10 years ago?
nah, when third world shitholes say it's low quality then you know it's really low quality.
The complaints about the rafale were that the export versions are incredibly gimped like the one serbia is getting where it even has a system like the f35 that needs a daily code given by the frogs to turn on the plane.
jesus that looks like a chink eurofighter knockoff. Did the chinese ever manage to develop a single aircraft that wasn't a blatant knockoff of a western design?
They were begging for any buyers and couldn’t afford to downgrade them
Serbia is only cut down when it comes to the main missile
Specs are not affected
>begging for any buyers
>main missile
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>haha I showed you video of f35 accident! that means plane is shit! NONO don't think about why first world countries are buying it en masse!
So chang, how many FC-31 have you guys sold and have used in combat?
>discussion about chinese planes being shit
>brings out the rafale
>can't come up with argument
>brings out the f35
I love how western supremacy always makes you little third worlder seethe with such passive aggressive anger. Keep living in our shadow.
You are fucking retarded and brown.
Source ? I've never read this and I'm French I believe we will give them a 4.1 version (very modern) with some AI tools removed and no missiles cause they are too brown to thrust. We'll probably help them retrofit their USSR stockpiles tho
NO ONE and I mean NO ONE buys non-Western planes unless they have no choice. If one day, the US suddenly says it is selling F-4 Phantoms to China, you can bet your ass that China will buy it up.
Vietnam recently decided against getting F-16

Also expect KF-21 and even Kaan to dent both Rafale and EF2000 sales as well
Egypt was offered F-16 Viper and pitched it for op
>one entered production in 2002
>the other entered production in 1973
It should be a shitload better based on advances in computing, materials science and manufacturing. If it's not then China is fucked.
>Also expect KF-21 and even Kaan
when r these planned&expected to start deliveries?
China literally helped iran with maintaining their F-4 including installing new radar and integrating chinese missiles on them
Pakistan is technically an American ally and yet they buy Chinese, not American.
>AIshit thumbnail shows the J-10C as an F-16
OP is a retarded niggerfaggot as usual.
lol 'he doesnt know"^
>China literally helped iran with maintaining their F-4 including installing new radar and integrating chinese missiles on them
that sounds illegal and highly antisemtic^
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I unironically like the J-10.
It seems to be a decent option for when you're hated by the west but want something that actually can do stuff that western planes do like SEAD and lob fucklong range missiles at targets.
Don't they use their own homemade missiles?
It's the least chinese aircraft you could buy from China
>Don't they use their own homemade missiles?
yah, but they dont need jets for those anymore
I meant like IR and BVR missiles, i know they copied the Phoenix at some point.
Cool, maybe they'll add it to War Thunder for advertising and make it insanely overpowered
Did they leave the parking brake on?
It got added in the latest patch, it's alright, nowhere near as OP as the F-15's.
Nah, that was the J-10A.
Yea. I feel top tier now will have another downhill like it was when SARH missiles were added. Only the US planes will have a clear advantage over everyone else, except this time people might never catch up.
>exceed 40 degrees nose up with engines at less than 80%
>compressor stall
AI slop video that's not even good, but anyway, yeah the J10C is better than early versions of the F16.
It’s better than block 70/72 too or else they would have chosen them
>Does J-10C really blow the Falcon?
Well, it's Chinese, so it wouldn't surprise me if it's a cocksucker.
>muh support

Even s-200 can shoot down f-16i
>western planes

Only USA can SEAD. UK, France and others don’t have the ability.
It says in the very video you posted how Egyptian F-16s are nerfed and the US won't sell them improved versions

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