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We now live in a world where any networked device with a lithium ion battery can be hacked and made to undergo thermal run away.
>t. retard
anon thats been a thing for decades get a fucking life
Don't be retarded and a threat at the same time, it shouldn't be hard.
t. retard who has never seen a battery thermal runaway⅞
It wasn't hacked you dumb retard
Shhh, maybe they'll get off the net if we let them think the corpos can remotely fry their jacks.
Yes yes well done /k/ well done /k/ we can all agree OP is retard
I would say the attacks would have been far more effective if the kikes HAD figured out a way to trigger thermal runaway, having a chemical fire suddenly start in your pocket is going to cause catastrophic injuries whereas many of the bomb blast victims look like they've got recoverable injuries (sans scars of course)
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Another WAEPA thread.

>/pol/tards and other assorted turd-worlders start believing da jooz can hack and explode all their electronics at a moment's notice
>they gradually stop using the internet altogether
A man can dream
they hid explosives in the devices. But nothing would stop the chinks or mossad from using a backdoor in the software of your roomba to make it go under your bed (thanks true mapping) and have the battery burn down your bed with you in it and your house. Thanks Internet of Things
stop being a fucking retard around me.
it was clearly a small explosive charge.
>No Jews couldnt sneak boobytrapped pagers in to my high iq brave Mujahideen it must be their Jewish magic hacking of lithium batteries
Sorry Mohammed, Shlomo pulled a fast one on you.
Grim, feel better soon anon
We don't know what it was yet. Reports are the Israelis used the petn in phones

It's already in pager battery seals. I asked another anon if they thought it was petn after he was screaming about explosives in phones. You use it as the ignition by sending a message which sets off the lithium.
I went over this yesterday. If it's petn, that's what they did.
This is a 2 decades old trick
>having a chemical fire suddenly start in your pocket is going to cause catastrophic injuries
Not with a battery that small. Plenty of retards have had their vape rigs explode on them and all it does is cause minor burns, and those use larger batteries than a pager.

I never thought I'd get a chance to repost this ancient meme
If petn was the ignition
This is what happened
>We now live in a world where any networked device with a lithium ion battery can be hacked and made to undergo thermal run away.

The pagers where not "hacked", it was just a supply chain infiltration where they put PETN in the batteries.

Hsu Ching-Kuang, the founder of Taiwanese company Gold Apollo, told reporters that they did not manufacture the pagers in the territory of Republic of China, but were produced by a company in Hungary under license.

He believes the explosives were planted in Hungary by the Mossad.

Gold Apollo plans to file a $1 billion lawsuit against the Israeli government.
>We don't know what it was yet.
I watched the fucking videos, it was an explosive charge. PETN isn't a primary explosive, not that your oatmeal-brain has ever heard of those. Having the explosive in such close proximity to the target means that just about any primary explosive would have worked, though the more sensitive ones were probably skipped over for handling reasons. using a primary explosive means you can skip having an explosive train like you would for a secondary explosive, like PETN. then you just need a simple bridge wire heater to set off the charge with very little risk of misfire. the whole thing was probably about 1cc and would have generated the wounds we've seen.
so shut up, retard.
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>Gold Apollo plans to file a $1 billion lawsuit against the Israeli government.
and the americans are gonna pay. Win-win for all parties involved
>and the americans are gonna pay
No. No we are not.
Chang can get fucked.
As can the muz and small hat crowd
Does he think the world is America where you can sue over everything? Historical cases of sabotaging supplies exists and I can only imagine he can only really file suit in Israel to even try to get any cash.
>Gold Apollo plans to file a $1 billion lawsuit against the Israeli government.
He might want to stay away from all electronic devices for the rest of forever. Don't fuck with a jooz shekels.
i'm more of a rock/metal guy but recently started to find some good electronic and youtube music started recommending me lots of it, and every single time i had an urge to skip the track it turned out to be ost from this piece of shit game. what an awful ost jesus christ.
Supplying terrorists is not ok.
It's actually highly illegal.
i love how the retard's first explanation for this is somehow that the devices were all somehow hacked and suddenly made to explode, and not that they were fitted with c4 inside them from someone on the inside.
You guys have no idea what the zero day exploits they allow in hardware lets them do. Phones, security systems, solar panels, etc.
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>He believes the explosives were planted in Hungary by the Mossad.
Reporters now say BAC Consulting in Hungary was a shell company for IDF intelligence all along, and had manufactered legit pagers as part of it's cover operations. The radios were also suspected to have been built by Israeli intelligence, because Hezbollah didn't want to pay real ICOM prices and bought counterfit models.
Bubba thinking he can do electrical installation work ain't quite a zero day exploit.
>Gold Apollo plans to file a $1 billion lawsuit against the Israeli government.
>you sabotaged the pagers we sold to terrorists
I'm not entirely sure how that would work out, but it would be fun.
Israel exploded all the electronics their fronts were selling to Hesbollah.
NTA. Bubba Was a non-issue. No longer.
Built-in exploits by manufacturers like Google, Apple and Microsoft have always been an issue, hence the gigantic fines they're facing today.
0 day exploits have been an issue since forever too. Software, AI included, is inherently vulnerable to intrusion (search for Gödel's theorema), no matter how safe, sane or secure it looks on paper. Someone (definitely not anyone) can ALWAYS find a vulnerability and turn it into a weapon of some kind.
Yes. Believe it and throw away all your electronic devices.
>would have been far more effective if the kikes HAD figured out a way to trigger thermal runaway
Sure, as long as we're talking about pulling that off on a wide swath of different devices. But that's an issue of breadth of attack rather than individual depth.

Otherwise, if you're putting a gun to my head and making me pick, I'd rather hold onto a 18650 on fire than 2oz of RDX or PETN going off. You're making me pick between a hand with 3rd degree burns vs no hand at all.
>just a supply chain infiltration where they put PETN in the batteries.
We don't need those batteries anyway. Trashing my flagship phn now.
>Birdman Weapon Systems
Holy shit, I had forgotten about those. Years ago some California politician saw picrel, thought it was real, and actually tried to get them banned.
That's just a 90° canted sight, ahead of its time really.
>Does he think the world is America where you can sue over everything?
That shell company did cause a lot of damage to his reputation by misusing the brand. He does have a case though I don't like his odds.
A supply chain attack is a kind of hack. So from a very pedantic point of view, it was a hack. Just like calling someone up and saying you're the county password inspector to get their password is technically hacking.
It's a zero day exploit until it's been published. So it's technically a zero day.
0 day exploits are every exploit that isn't a published exploit that literally everyone knows about. They aren't magic.
Kill yourself.
no we don't.
Terrorist is a buzzword.
Governments by their very existance are the very definition of terrorists.
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This discussion has been on the level of CSI/NCIS technobabble about hacking. I am sorry for raining on your parade.
Cheese is just nummy plastic
bumping CP promotion thread

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