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/k/ - Weapons

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Why are destroyers so different now, both in construction and usage, to what they used to be? Modern destroyers are virtually indistinguishable from a frigate, being both essentially missile warships.
come on anon give the boat autists an hour to wake up before working them up
Torpedoes got outmoded by missiles
Guns got outmoded by missiles
AA guns got outmoded by missiles
Depth charges got outmoded by torpedoes dropped by missiles
You meant modern destroyers are virtually indistinguishable from old-time cruisers.
God modern war is so fucking gay
>Why are destroyers so different now, both in construction and usage, to what they used to be? Modern destroyers are virtually indistinguishable from a frigate, being both essentially missile warships.
I mean first off a Frigate used to be a sailing ship that was completed deleted from fleets and more or less replaced in role by the Cruiser. In WW2 it became an anti-submarine ship specifically for convoy escorts because it was too slow to keep up with any real fleet. The Frigate at that time was basically a Destroyer with low power engines and the torpedoes removed, it's sole reason for existing was basically to free up real destroyers from babysitting cargo ships.
Now that the modern warship are basically missile carriers with a helipad on the back the difference is basically how big it is. A Destroyer is bigger than a Frigate which is bigger than a Corvette. Except every time they find more crap to stuff on they make the ships bigger. So if the new Destroyer is bigger than the last, than the next Frigate will probably be bigger too. Since every country uses this vague X is bigger than Y system but build ships at different rates and times it becomes confusing when country A's new Frigate is bigger than country B's current Destroyer.
Basically ship classes are really fluid and change with what the designers need them to be and right now they only need it to differentiate the big ships from the slightly smaller ships even though they follow the same design philosophy with the big difference being how many missiles they can stuff them with.
>Torpedoes got outmoded by missiles
Will thing change when supercavitating torpedo become practical?
Bro did the drone spam not teach you that? We could have Gundams marching down Russia firing beam rifles, but instead we have Children's toys with firecrackers attached to them
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>15 torpedoes
It won't because there's no valid means of guidance for them. Too loud, too blind from air bubbles, in the water for radar, too fast for wire guidance.

Supercavitating bullets are the only use for this tech
Both the prototype German supercav torp (that got cancelled in the '90s), and the later Shkval versions are guided. The real issue is utterly dogshit maneuvrability. You can only change the heading by a few (<5) degrees, otherwise the supercav bubble collapses, with immediately self-destructive consequences.
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It's very simple destroyers started their carrier defending capital ships against torpedo boats and subs, then the threats to capital ships changed to air planes and missiles so they added capabilities to defend from those threats which needs big missiles and radars, hence the increase in tonnage.
>destroyer, cruiser, battlecruiser

All arbitrary denominations unless you're playing EVE.
get out, /k/ is Amarr turf
>Shield modules
Oh yeah, it's Myrmidon time!

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